Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, September 01, 1893, Image 1

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NO. 17.
Your Liver?
It tho Oriental salutation,
knowing that good health
cannot exist without a
heal thy Liver. "When tho
Liver is torpid tho Dow
els arc sluftgiah and con
stipated, tho food lies
in tho Btoinncli uuJi-
Eosted, poisouing tho
lood; frcaucnt heudaeho
ensues; a feeling of lassi
. tudo, despondency and
nervousness indicuto how
tho wholo system is do
ranged. Simmons Liver
Regulator lias been tho
means of restoring more
pnoplo to health and
happiness by giving them
a healthy Liver than any
Agency Known on earth.
It. acts with extraor
dinary power and efficacy.
An a ronfral family remedy for itrsnopala.
Torpid Liver, Couttlpatlun, etc., I hardly ever
uso anything elan, and have novor been dis
appointed In tlie effect produced; It .eemi to
bo aluiuat a pvrrect cure for all dUesaea of the
Stomach and Howell.
W. i. McElhot, Macon, (la.
Oregon Takes the Bun in Her
Forestry Exhibit.
Prosecution of Work on the Santa
Margarita Extension on the
Southern Pacific.
Spokune, Wash., claims a population
of 30,484.
The State Blind Institute at Salem
opens September 11.
Building at Los Angeles Is reported
active, with an Improving real-estate
The miners on the Comstock refuse to
accept the proposed reduction of 25 per
cent in wages.
Alfred II. Nelson, a former manager
ot 1110 ugden (Utah) ttuiluing anil Sav
ings Association, is short $13,000 in his
. accounts.
The Virginia and Trucked Railroad
Company has reduced tho pay of all its
employes, except locomotive engineers,
20 per cent.
It is claimed that extensive frauds
were perpetrated in connection with the
attempt to raiBe the San 1'edro in vie
toria harbor.
1 he depositors of the suspended eav
nigs bank at Portland want the stock
holders to guarantee that the bank will
pay all depositors in lull
Eastern Washington's grain harvest
this season promises to be the best ever
kuown. The average yield irom .British
Columbia to the Oregon line will be
thirty bushels to the acre.
Scott Morris of Evans Creek, Jackson
conntv. Or., who has been collecting and
shipping East the bulbs and seeds of the
wild flowers ot southern uregon, has
built up quite a business in that line
This summer, it is said, will see the
last of the famous Harney Valley (Or.)
crickets. They aro dying by millions
from some disease, and have not yet de-
posited their eggs. Those who have ob
served their habits say the disease which
has caused their destruction in other
places is the same to all appearances
that which is killing them there. They
have been in the valley in numbers ever
since it was first visited by the whites,
In the forestry building at trie World's
Fair Oregon takes a back seat for no
State or nation, her forestry exhibit be
, ing a revelation even to Oregonians who
have spent their lives in the forests. She
shows the largest block of wood in the
building. This is a cross section from
the trunk of a tide-land spruce, and is
ten feet in diameter. This section was
cut twenty feet above the butt, which
was sixteen feet in diameter. The tree
of which it was a part was quite a sprout
when (Jolumbus started on his hrst vov
age, and before it was felled its topmost
branches towered more than 300 feet
above terra flrma, or high enough to af
ford ample shade for the monster Ferris
wheel s cars on the upper level, uregon
shows also a beautiful house constructed
wholly of Oregon woods. It is ten feet
square, nineteen feet high, and is sur
mounted by an open cupola. The build'
alfhighlv polished, elegantly carved and
arranged in the most attractive fashion
possible to show the native woods of the
State. The roof is supported by four
nicely carved Doric columns of maple,
while a like number of similar columns
of oak support the roof of the cupola.
Just now the newspapers of Oregon
are having a great deal to say about Or
egon fruit being shipped East, where it
is sold as a California product. There is
too much truth in the statement to make
the thing funny. But a few days ago at
Chicago some Orgonians, desirous of
learning whether or not there was any
sale for Oregon fruits, took occasion to
give the matter a fair test, and at the
same time "evened up" on California for
having so long sailed under false colors
by palming off as her own Oregon choicest
fruits. Just outside the World's Fair
grounds some boys were selling Califor
nia (genuine, not" Oregon-grown) pears,
peaches, apricots and cherries, and the
little fellows were loudly crying their
wares "Fresh California fruit !" "Cal
ifornia peaches:" "California pears!"
The Oregonians approached the boys,
examined their fruits, and told the boys
that it was not California fruit they were
selling, and apsured them it was grown
in Oregon. The boys said it might be
Oree.m for a'll they knew they
said it wa from California because that ;
made it sell better, then the wise men
from Oregon dug down in their jeans
and brought up some shining two-bit
pieces, which they gave to the boys with
the understanding that they were to
shout " Oregon fruit," " Oregon pears,"
etc.. during the remainder of that day.
General Fits John Porter has been ap'
pointed cashier of the New York post-
ornce at a salary oi fz.uoo a year.
Governor Russell of Massachusetts
has long been noted as an equestrian,
and now he is gaming renown as an ex
pert bicycle rider.
Bishop Joseph Rademachor has been
transferred by the Pope from Nashville,
Tonn., to Fort Wayne, Ind., which is
considered a more important position.
Having completed his " Prince of In
dia," General Wallace has plans for an'
other story already taking shape, but it
will probably take him several years to
oompicie n.
Ho valuable are her Jewels that Mrs
Potter Palmer never attends a ball or
party of any kind to which she wears
them without a private detective to form
a pari oi ner escort.
The monument erected ovor the grave
of the poet, James Gates Percival, at
Hazel Green. Wis., throueh the efforts
of the faculty of Yale College and a few
Diners win soon be unveiled.
General Menottl Garibaldi, son of the
Italian patriot, and his wife celebrated
their silver wedding a few days ago in
Koni6. Thov received congratulations
from friends of the family iu all parts of
Mrs. Cleveland's tastes in iewelrv are
very simple. Although she owns a num
ber of rings, she rarely wears any except
ber wedding ring. A favorite ornament
on dress occasions is a boautiful diamond
star, which was one of her wedding gifts.
Ladv Wlmbourne. the brightest and
cleverest of all the Bisters of Lord Ran
dolph Churchill, is considered the source
from which the erratic politician derives
his inspiration, as he is not credited
with a great amount of brains of his
The most active member of the Beecher
family now livini is Rev. Thomas K.
Beecher, pastor of the Park Church in
blunra. ile is a tall, broad-shouldered
man, 09 years old, with a plentiful brown
beard, now tinged with white, and is
fond of billiards, bowling and tricycling.
Senator Joe Blackburn of Kentucky
appeared at the opening of the session
in a shirt of pinkish hue, tie of a deli
cate mauve, and the coat, trousers and
vest were ot a beautitul ice-cream color
that shone amid the black-coated South'
erners about him like a single star pinned
upon me bosom oi ine night.
Mary W. Lee. who was known throueli
out the Second Corps of the Army of the
Potomac as " Mother Lee," died in Phil
adelphia recently. During the war of
the Rebellion she was a volunteer field
nurso, serving at the front without nav.
and it was there that she was affection
ately nicknamed by the soldiers "Mother
Mrs. Pierce, the sister of the boet
Longfellow, has presented to the Maine
Historical society the house in which
her brother lived during his vouth. It
is the oldest brick structure in Portland
The property is valued at 125,000, and
Airs. 1'ierce requires that the rooms Bbali
be lorover Kept as " Jjonglullow's .Memo
rial itooms."
-Barnes Greeley, the only surviving
brother of Horace Greelej , lives at the
age of 70 years on the old Ureeley home
stead at Chappaqua. He is described
by a recent lady visitor as tall, looBely
jointed, shambling of gait, with snowy
iimr aim uearu, iutiu uiue eyes, peaceiui
visage and a tongue that is the nearest
approach to perpetual motion yet diS'
Miss Lizzie Green of Detroit seems to
be the sensational beauty of the Conti
nent just now. The story goes that at
the wedding festivities the Queen of It
aly had her nephew sent away on mili
tary service to keep him out of the wav
oi tne pretty American, The Roman
shopkeepers display photographs of Miss
Green standing oeside the young Count
oi. Turin.
air. biaustone is to make a progress
in Scotland during the autumn, and he
will be the guest of Lord Breadalbaneat
lay mouth Castle, of Lord Kosebery at
Dalmeny and of Sir Charles Tennant at
the Glen. The longest visit is to be paid
to George Armistead. Mr. Gladstone
will also be the guest of his nephew, Sir
jonn u man tone, at raw tie House, run
cardtneshire, lor a few days stay.
Anthrax Attacks Also Human
Beings in Illinois.
EASTERN MELANGE. FE0 Washington city.
There is much hostility In the Senate
to the bill to increase the circulation of
the national banks to the par value of
the bonds deposited. It Is not thought
it will ever roach a vote.
In vlow of the present peaceful condi
tion of affairs in Samoa Secretary Her
bert has decided not to send a naval ves-
TI1K COTTON CRISIS IN TEXAS, sol to Apia, at least for some timo to
como, to represont the Interests o" the
united states In the Samoa protectorate.
T II Ijitl,.. tA Sanaln. VnA.ltana fii,.H
Chicago Bankers Import Gold Direct Ing the pending bill to extend tlie time
The Immense Sentence of
Dishonest City Official.
From Europe Typhoid Fe
ver In St. Louis.
Tlie Bank of Commerce at Havana
has failed.
Georgia's cotton crop will probably be
the largest in her history.
A (12,000,000 drop in Georgia's valua
lion win cripple the state schools.
The Minneapolis and Diiluth stock of
wheat amounts to 12,542,506 bushels.
The new government lands alwut ready
lor statement comprise 14,380,000 acres,
Notable colored men at Philadelphia
liaua nrivatilfrjul an antl.lt.m.lilni litui. na
.6.....- . v e 1 i ,:ij . .;i,i ,
f!ttla ami ul.onr, W.lor. ara flM!n " "'
...... .p, ..-....,. "b"""b go o at f 1.26 an acre, and that a I per
-or the possession of ranges In Colo- L,. j" LtlLl
during which whisky mav lie in bond
rniioro penalties accrue, secretary uar
lisle declares it would alford no relief to
owners, and says the amount of penal
ties accrued and to accrue are not suffi
cient to justify special legislation.
Representative Gearv. author of the
Chinese exclusion aot, called on Secre
tary Gresham the other day, and urged
him to enforce the law with the small
amount of monev on hand for that our
pose. It is understood Geary received
vory little satisfaction, as Secretary
Gresham adhered in his views to the
present policy of the administration in
the matter.
Son a tor Carey has Introduced a bill
providing that all desert lands, whether
In or outs;
aontu Africa Developing a Fruit
Industry -The Itallau Silk
Crop-A New Cable.
The world's supply of diamonds Is
twenty timeB greater than it was thirty
years ago.
It is estimated that this country pro
duces over 2,200 pounds of grain to each
The public debt of France is In excess
of 36,000,000,000 francs (in United States
money 17,200,000,000).
Twelve years ago one sailor in every
106 who went to sea lost his life. Now
only one in 236 is lost.
Bohemia has nearly 140,000 separate
manutactures, more than there are in
any other province in Austria.
In 1845 the United States produced
50,000 in silver; in 1801, 167,630,000, or
more than a thousand times as much.
Germany has one postoffice to everv
1,774 inhabitants. In proportion to the
population the United states has twice
as many.
The Navy Department is experiment
ing for an American bituminous coal
that is free-burning, non-coking and
A Western geologist bbvb that Kansas
can raise wheat for another 1,000 years
before exhausting the necessary proper
ties ui uie sun.
Mexico senos ine umteu states everv
roar tin 000 000 Trnrtl, nf h.ninn.n
J - - ' - - - - ....... .J ....
rope, the cordage, out of which ham
mocks are made.
An aoole tree which ia claimed to hava
borne fruit for the last century and a
quarter is still in bloom in an orchard
near Lenoir, . U.
The largest poultry farm in the United
States is located on Long Island. It con
sists of 1,300 acres ,of land, with five
miles of water front.
It is asserted that the best, strongest
and most fibrous material in the sliane
of wood now used as pulp for paper is
maue irom spruce logs.
The annnal manufacture in Europe at
the present time according to the last
statistics is something like 1,860,000
square yards of looking glass.
In New York city there are so many
railway lines steam, elevated, cable
and horse cars that one may ride for
six hours at a total cost of 50 cents.
Americans are, constantly gaining in
Mexican trade, and at present dominate
in both imports and exports, being the
largest buyers of Mexican products.
Europe's purchases of American wheat
these days are great bargains, and she is
The bovs tried their lungs on the new showing an intelligent appreciation of
proposition, and the results were aston- this fact by making the purchases ex-
sons who have paid more than that for
land shall have the amount reimbursed
to them from tho Treasury Departmont
He also has a bill granting 6 per cont of
the net proceeds of the sale of public
lanos in an states to be paid lor common
Senator Mitchell of Oregon has been
early in pressing a bill to reduce letter
postage to 1 cent per ounce, and has in
troduced a bill for that purpose. The
trouble in securing legislation of this
kind heretofore has always been the op-
osition trom the rostomce Department,
realise there was not sufficient revenue
from the postal system to carry on the
postal business of the countrv and Con
gress refused to appropriate larger sums.
There has been considerable corre
spondence concerning the forcible ox-
Senator Stewart predicts the silver RulB'on "a lan m'ner8 irom Cripple
question will be under discussion months kreeK wi-i Between secretary tjresiiatn,
and months. uoyernor wane ana isaron iava, out it
The MassachtiBetts Agricultural Soci- 1V& Sf " n"" ,Sa "r
etv emnlovs 100 men in rjahtinir the ii-
tf. ernor aue win do saiisiactory ro me
gjpsymoin. Italian eovernment. and that the inci-
Governor Tillman will protect South Mont, will h tclinvl nimpH. Altar ti,o
uirouna cocktails by securing a trade- correspondence with Governor Waite
The use of certified checks instead of
cash is being tried with success at Little
A steady increase in through and ex
port freight is noticeable on Eastern
Dick Roche, the noted gold-brick swin
dler, is jailed at Omaha for bis usual
St. Paul and Minneapolis publishers
are talking oi reduced prices lor type
The agitation for the removal of the
capital of Kansas from Topeka has been
The anthrax is attacking not only all
1..' 1 i i: . .1. .... i i.'
KiuuB ui live Bujcit, uub uuinau ueuigs,
in Illinois.
mark on them.
The army worm has appeared In the
cotton fields of the Arkansas and Mis
sissippi river bottoms.
The wholesale grocers at Memphis
have issued notice that they will sell hog
product for cash only hereafter.
The losses incurred by insurance com
panies in Tennessee during the year 18H2
amounted to try per cent ot the premi
Thore is much agitation in Southwest
ern Kansas over a proposed irrigation
ditch, which would drain the Arkansas
A negro murderer, pardoned recently
by Governor Altgeld of Illinois, has just
been arrested at Kushvuie lor highway
A crisis exists in Texas in regard to
the movement of the cotton crop. None
of the banks will advance money to move
tne staple.
Secretary Gresham wrote Baron Fava
that the attack was not due to race prej
udice but the feeling against cheaD la
bor. When the Americans found them
selves underbid by the Italians, they took
i . : 1. 1 . ii.. i
luruiuiu uiuasuruB ui securing me enua
they desired, but did so with no feel in a
against the unpopular workmen as Ital
ians. Gresham expressed regret for the
occurrence, and hoped it would not dis
turb the friendly relations between the
two countries.
In response to a resolution of lnmilrv
on the subject of silver purchases under
vue ui oi iou oecroiary uarnsiu Belli 10
the House of Representatives a letter
setting forth the following facts : From
August 13, 1800, to August 10, 1803, the
department purchased 161,521,000 fine
ounces, costing $150,660,459. The high
est price paid was (1.29 '- an ounce, Au
gust 20, 1800; the lowest 69 cents an
), July a, 1803. Treasury notes to
the amount of $150,115,085 have been is-
The Stato Railroad Commissioners of sued in payment of the silver bullion, of
Kansas have taken hold of the seed'
wheat problem to handle it in a uon
partisan way.
A iioston Judge has decided that a
newsoaner mar nub ish a bioirraoh cal
sketch oi a man, bul not his portrait,
against hia will
The resumption of operations in the
iron and steel plant in the Pittsburg
district has returned to work between
12,000 and 15,000 men.
The Government Industrial School at
Santa Fe, N. M., is to be changed into a
training school to orenare Indians to Be
come teachers of their own people,
George A. Dalv. the American loco'
motive who was imprisoned at the City
of Mexico for having run over and killed
a man fourteen months ago, lias been re'
A vein of coal has been discovered
near the mouth of Whisky creek, one
mile south of Atkinson, Kan. It is
which $714,636 lias boon redeemed in
standard silver dollars and retired since
August 31, 1800. Up to August 1, 1803.
$49,184,l(i0 in Treasury notes has been
redeemed in gold: 36.087.185 standard
dollars have been coined from bullion
purchased undor the act of of 1800. On
the 14th instant the government owned
ot silver purchased under the act of 1800
133,161,375 ounces, costing $121,217,6;
Secretary Hoke Smith has heard the
argument of counsel uoon the annlica
tion of the uilson Asphaltum Company
lor the restoration ot the two most east
erly tiers of townships now included in
the Uncompahgre Indian reservation in
Utah. It was the contention of counsel
that these Indians hold the lands thev
occupy by BUtferance only, and therefore
neither thev nor the secretary of the in
terior have any right to lease any part
f . i. i . . i -
ui buvui lur uiiuiug ur any uiuur pur
pose, ihev argued that the onlv wav in
which the asphalt deposits in the reser-
New Zealand has refused to join the
The Italian silk crop this year is about
ici rem aouve tne average
Great Britain has about 100,000 abso
lutely homeless wanderers."
Spain will order that the payment of
an in lumuins uuues be mado in gold.
A statue to Queen Christina, mothor
ui vim yx-wueen isaocna, is to be orected
at Madrid.
Every regiment of the British army In
India has been rearmed with the new
magazine rifles.
Last season the Carl Rosa Opera Com
pany made a profit of about $10,000, the
first in several years.
RusBia is feeling the pinch of the tariff
war wiui uermany. The prices for all
grains are rapidly falling.
The Queen of Italy has founded a so
ciety for the reform of street children by
teaching them some useful occupation.
A physician and sanitarv corps will
scour every railway train between Na
ples and Rome as a precaution against
Sibyl Sanderson, who as " Phrrna" in
Saint Saens' new opera of that name, is
variously praised for her nh minim anil
l - - .
uer vuice.
In England this summer six nomnna
have been sentenced to terms of hard
labor as punishment for attemnt ino tn
commit suicide.
Don Joee Galindo. Mavnr of Yl
Spain, has been sentenced to fourteen
years each on 217 indictments for falsify
ing public documents, or 8,038 years in
There was a net decrease In thn Brit,
ish revenue receipts durintr th fl
quarter of the present financial year of
781,258 as compared with the same pe
riod last year.
Mrs. Langtry was one of the conspic
uous figures at the Brighton racing meet
ing, where she appeared attired one day
in yellow and the next in black and
white striped silk.
Paderewski has gone to his home in
Poland for rest and recreation. He will
remain in retirement until October,
when he is expected to make his reap
pearance in Paris.
Tha sutemeiii Is ihaaTTiTParls Iua
" French agriculture has lost as much
money this year because of the drought
as the Germans received by way of war
inuemniiy aitor 18u.
Whiat - Valley, 0697c: Walla
n ana, (too per cental,
flour, mo, rro.
Fiona-Standard, $3.40; Walla Walla,
$3.40; graham, $3.00 j superfine, $2.50
per barrel.
Oath Old white, 40c per bushel ; old
gray, 36c; now white, Sic; new gray, 33
&s.'15c; rolled, in bags, $6.26(36.50; bar
rels, .ou(i(o.o; rases, $3.70.
MnxsTcrrs Bran. $18.00: sliorta
$21.00; ground barloy, $2223; chop
feed, $18 per ton : whole Iced, barley, 80
86o per cental; middlings, $23(i28
per ton; chickon wheat, $1.22(31.25
pur cental.
Hay Good, $1013 per ton.
BiTtaa Oregon fancv craamnrr.
326cj fancy dairy, 2022c; fair to
good, 18(d.litfc; common, 14(3 15c per
uuuuu , vaiuuruia, ooyi'Hc per roll,
CiiKst Oregon, 12,4,cj California,
ll13l,cj Young America, 1510c per
Eoos 1516c per dozen.
Poultry Chickens, old, $4.00;
broilers, $2.00(23.00; ducks. $4.0005.00:
geese, $8.00 per dozen ; turkeys, live, 14c
per pound ; uresseu, none in the market.
Db:d Fruits Petite prunes. lOrailc:
silver, ll12c; Italian, i3jsc; German,
10llc; plums, 8(3 9c; evaporated ap
ples, lO&Hc; evaporated apricots, 12(4
15c; peaches, 10(3l2,'vc; pears, 7Uc
per pound.
Hony Choice comb. 18c per Bound :
new Oregon. 1620c; extract, 910c.
Salt Liverpool, 100s, $16.00; 60s,
$16,50; stock, $8.50(5.9.60.
Corral- Costa Rica, 22c; Rio, 21c;
Salvador, 21!4c ; Mocha. 20 (330c : Java.
24)3Gc; Arbuckle's and Lyon, 100-
pound cases, 23.85c per pound ; Colum
bia, same, 23.85c.
Rici l8land.$4.7535.00:Jaoan. :
New Orleans, $4.60 per cental,
Bians Small whites, 8c; pinks,
3c; bayos, 3,c; butter, 4c; lima, 3,e
per pound.
Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 4055c;
In lialf.Kai.rala AOt K7n . 1., Manm QfLtTk
sue per gallon ; $.zo per keg; California,
in barrels, 2040c per gallon; $1.75 per
Suoab D.6c; Golden C, 6?t'c; extra
C, 6c ; confectioners' A, 64c ; dry gran
ulated, 6c; cube, crushed and pow
dered, 7Jc per pound ; Jo per pound
discount on all grades for prompt cash;
maple sugar, 15 16c per pound.
Canned Goods Table fruits, assorted,
$1.752.O0; peaches, $1.852.10; Bart
lett pears, $1.752.00; plums, $1.S7$
1.50; strawberries, $2.262.45; cherries,
$2.262.40; blackberries, il.85rtt2.00;
raspberries, $2.40; pineapples, $2.25(3
2.80; apricots, $1.65(32.00. Pie fruits,
assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums,
1.00(31.20; blackberries, $1.261.40 per
dozen. Pie fruits, gallons, assorted,
$3.153.50; peaches, $3.504.0O; apri
cots, $3.60(34.00; plums, $2.75(3.3.00;
blackberries, $4.254.50.
Meats Corned beef, Is, $1.60 J 2s,
$2.40; chipped, $2.654.00; lunch
tonguQ, Is, U; 2av $0.76P.dvUjd 'luui,
$1.76(2.16 per dozen. -
Fish Sardines, Js, 75c$2.25; is,
$2.15(34.60; lobsters. $2.3033.60: sal-
Km i-iu buna, i.Ajv2f A.w , imva,
$1.75;2-lbs, $2.25(32.60; -barrel, $6.50.
Vboktadles Cabbage, lc ptir pound ;
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Characteristic Traits of a Good
and Profitable Hen.
Soino Valuable Information Culled
In the Interest of the Intel
ligent Agriculturist.
How manv Oonltrvmen en nick nnt. a
good laying hen from a strange flock? Not
many can do it ; yet it can easily be done
after a short study of make-up and char
actoristics.says a writer in Northwest
farmer. There goes a hen with a thick
neck, large head, ill-shaped, walks list
lessly about, seemingly with no inten
tion or purpose in view. She does not
care to scratch ; she hangs around the
nennouse, evidently waiting for her next
feed. She gets up late in the morning,
and goes to bed early in the evening.
That hen may be put down as a very
poor layer. The eggs of some of tl.n
other hens go to help nav her keep.
Here comes another. She walks briskly,
and there ia an elasticity in her move
ments which shows she has something
in view. She is neat and natty in ap
pearance, small head, with a slim neck,
nicely arched or curved. She forages or
scratches all day long, and may be too
busy to come for her evening meal. She
is at the door in the morning waiting to
be let out. She snatches a few niouth
fuls of feed, and Is off to the meadow,
looking for insects. Before she gets out
in-the morning she generally deposits
her daily egg in the nest, or returns
after a short forage. She is neat, clean
and tidy, with a brightness and a fresh
ness pleasant to the eye. That 1b the
hen that pays for her feed and gives a
good profit all the year round. The wri
ter has noticed these traits since boy
hood, and knows that they are infallible.
By studying these traits any man may
in a few years have a fine flock of bens.
Ailw the hotiPTls taken' frori'i tfieblve,
says tne Kansas rariner, great many
people would permit it to spoil, because
thev do not know how to care for It.
Many think it should be kept cool, and
so put it in the cellar. This is the worst
thiug that could be done with it. If
there is any dampness around, honey is
"Hut our cellar is
South Africa is developing a fruit In.
dustry. Within a collide of vears the
Cane ColonV has becrun to nllin nuaclmi tvl.twi Oramn 7K mar aalr . nun, SUre tO absorb it.
and other fruits to London, getting them ions, ljc per pound ; cucumbers, Ore- vcr.y ary,i and is the only place we have
there in twenty-one days. gon, 810o per dozen ; string beans. 6($ t0 KeeP ''" has been the remark of more
Reports from Lancashire announce 7 per pound ; tomatoes, $2.00 per boii ian onf the writer when lie told
ilmf Kinth Ai..a.!..an ( I oTwn mm. wo 1 2U iw. ilnn.n . owuot . 1 them not to put honev in the cellar. It
- ......... .......I .v..... uiitcia iwi utun, n --. - i , ......... . , - .
classes of goods have increased in manv potatoes, 2W3c per pound ; egg plant, mBV be well to say once for all that there
quarters, the Argentine trade especially fl-M W box. " not a ce lar In the United States dry
twenty-four inches thick and of good ration ran be rendered acceHsiblu is hv
quality. , restoring the lands to public domain, and
There is said to be less than half as the power to restore lands by executive
proclamation is beyond question. At
the conclusion of the argument the Sec
retary announced that he had serious
doubts as to his authority, and in any
event he would not do so. lie thought
it probable he would send a communica
tion to Congress on the question of open
ing the reservation or part of it to Bet
Renrnnentftt.ivn Hermann brvh hn has
capital at Washington that the present some doubt as to what is necessary for
extraordinary session of Congress may the improvement at The Dalles, but is
. .1 1 i iL. .1 1 I Ci I . ., 1 . . .. . . .. ..'
come kj an enu auoui ine miuuie oi oep- oi tne opinion that If the delegation
lemuer. should united v support the proposition
The silver delegates from the Chicago for a canal not so large as that at the
Convention sav that thev will probablv Cascades, but sufficient for all vessels
open headouarters in New York, which that can navigate the upper Columbia,
win be tne central point oi an tneircam- lavoraoie action may resun in tne iu-
many icebergs in the Atlantic Ocean
this year as there were last year. This
is supposed to indicate a severe winter in
The latest proposed Bhip canal is to
run from Toledo to Cincinnati, making
Cincinnati a rival to Chicago for lake
traffic. The government is to be asked
to assist.
The Impression is growing about the
paigning in the East.
The epidemic of typhoid fever in St.
Louis has reached alarming proportions,
and is not accounted for by the health
authorities, who report the city in a
good, clean condition.
Several arrests have been made at In-
ture. Meanwhile he is of the opinion
that it would be a good thing to have a
portage road built to accommodate the
traffic of the river. From his Intimate
knowledge of the men who will compose
the River and Harbor Committee he is
convinced that they will nevor agree to
a boat railway. They have argued the
dianapohs of leading business men, who question manv times with him, and say
are charged with embezzlement and mis- that they do riot propose to commit the
appropriation of the funds of a bank of government to a railway project of any
which they bad control. kind, and especially to one which must
The New York Herald has boldlv be'ar8e v experimental and wi 1 cost
moved un to Thirtv-third street and minions oeiore 11 is completed and $80,-
Broadway, leaving Newspaper Row far " a year to operate. Representative
behind. The new building is two stories Hermann is of the opinion that in time
ich r.f nlil munnrr and iron through- ""'' V" ""'" " same rea
" " J D anna ' hinK -a x ,.a. a .1 V " 1 .1
OUU ; . u,.a : l .. . .1 .
ma 1 t 1 . .1.1 "K mnt 1 an nay, wtiiiuiiuiitt um frov-
ine aeieeaiea ana Bpeaicers 10 ioeurnmunt Knii;n
Farmers; Alliance and Populist State again the idea of extracting i port
fVn ventinn at Hrl van Reach. . Y.. have i i .1 . 8
; . - - . bkc ruau oy ine government.
issued an appeal to the farmers of the
West, asking them to send supplies for
the starving poor oi -ew iora.
The New Yok S. P. C. A. haa warned
Frederick Weyner, the professional ver-
The statement was recently given nnt
for publication by Pension Commissioner
Lochren in respect to the pending Van
ieoven investigation, jt gays in part
fj,in.r. People who had visited the fair ; tensive,
and seen Oregon's peerless horticultural
diplav opened their eyes. " What," said
thev,'"Oregon fruit 1 Well, we must try
some of it it looked so beautiful at the
fair." And thev did try it. So many
-iA It that tho Vmva Soon sold out their
stocks and had to return to headquar-1 Miss Osgood of Brooklyn is the only
ters again and again for more, and np to American woman who has been admits
last accounts these self-same bovs were ted to work in the Sevres factory at Ver
crring. " Bight this way for youOregon sailles. She worked there for a year,
pers:" ' and now reproduces the same work.
There are about $560,000,000 in all of held for extradition,
the 4 per cent bonds outstanding, or
$400,000,000 in excess of those owned by
the banks. These bonds do not mature
nntil 1907.
i . -.'tu Lam ,iDirM "Van Leuren has for many vears done
to rid Central Park from cats, dogs, mice '"Kepension business, having his of
and sparrows, that he must be more nee at Lime Springs, Ia. His clientage
merciful in his methods or go to jail. WM drawn ,ro.ra s" over Iowa and Mm-
countrv. In June last as a result nf
imported nearly $6,000,000 in gold direct I preliminary investigation he was aim.
from Europe, and now the bankers think pended bv the Secretary of the Interior
that in the future a great deal of busi- from practice before the' department. It
ness will be done with European centers was clearly shown that for years he sup-
which have heretofore paid tribute to portal claims which he proecnted by a
New York brokers. highly developed and successful vstein
By means of forged bills of lading ?' dbonest , practicei i, the purchase of
Leon M. Carrier of Quebec converted m?ny- "le'uduieni preparation oi
seventy-five carloads of flour to hie own "Ti""' u,e Dr,?,n J0,1 "wolm1 ",e'?"
use, and fled the country. Altogether the government and the wholesale de
he is supposed to have obtained $200,000. "P1100 .of. 1PP1,,canU f?r jP"!1.0"',. by
He has teen captuied in Denver, and is of ?.h'c.J U!eT were lDaix tolBb,ow
...l.. Biniivuiio viio , lllil. VI IP
beyond the amounts allowed by law. It
J?auiTs Sicily lemons. $0.00(36.50 ner ?"ouK'' to Keop noney in. rat your
box; California new crop, $5.50M6.00 uom7 ,n 1,10 onesi ana warmest room
it there is
as honey
II lrceza in
per bushel; Oregon, 6075c: peaches, winter. Dry and warm is the rule for
Oregon, 60(g66c per box; freestone, 85 honey, II yon want to retain its flavor
ra Bluaina. K.iilt In Q.nt. I
for the Durnose. taken to Per
r,nrta, n k t.tai I oraiafrefla sjo.uu per Dox pnieapplcs. cO.UU I . . . " " fcU0 ueiier,
i ur fifizvn : ir nrnin am pa. m.znrti i n i i di.vuiu "Vf" wv ici. niicrij al w
90c per box: clinestone. 7ftfa80c ner afd richness. Honey, properly keot,
la i" ' . v . . - I iL . " ' 1 .1 ' 1 .
nox uregon poaon plums, iuwhoc per r,n. "i'rovo wiui age, ana tne oiaer it
box; Bradshaw plums, 60C475C per s tne belter It will be. But, if kept in
K-v- Pneflafr naoiu t1 Kn .... . I R Mflmn TaloPO If. Will ci lion. H itiutna-o
blackberries, 4(5)5o per pound; water- J10".'08 thin and watery and soon lose
melons, $2.003,00 per dozen; canta- 'ts rich flavor. As Boon as it is exposed
loumts, $1.501.75 per dozen; nutmeg
to cold when In this condition. It will
huckleberries, granulate in the cells, and then it is al
to the bees In the sprinff. The
above Instructions are for comb honey.
extracted honev should be krnt in
dry, warm place. To keep the moth
worm out of the comb honev it is well
to fumigate it occasionally bv burnin?
sulphur in the room where it is stored.
being much more satisfactory.
Quite a Ian,
land especially
nlunaa anrl Irani'
... '- ...I..', VJ 1V1U, UI
been rebuilt and launched on Lake Titi
caca, which is 12,600 feet above sea level
There Is a leaning tower at Caernhill v.
Glamorganshire, England, which stands
n leei in neignt and is no less than 11
feet out of the perpendicular. The well
known Tower of Tisa leans 15 feet in 180
The border line between Franoe and
Germany is to be remarked to avoid un
pleasant incidents. Large boundary 15c per pound . grapeB (Mascat and Rose '"ost worthless except to melt up and
uwdid niv w wo dck uu. auu llCUtltt WlVClfl nf I'nci. CI IU1 r,x- Kn- Tnbnt! al Kfi
ara in a mark ml nut In Ua fn I ' ' . . 1 . J ' T I U .
mV w w iu.cni, o- per j nectarines, fi.zo per box.
I DDnviulnwu
ifinizuiu, tne son and neir of (Jeta- v...... s u T .n
wayo, the Zulu King, and Undabuke, Hams, medium, uncovered. 1516c per
brother of the same monarch, are Napo- poUnd; covered, 14!16c; breakfast
leon's successors in exile at St. He ena. fan m,! ii7. ...... o..i iri
ineynave oeeu tnere since the British (aiOc: short clear sides. 13(414c: dry wbttino and cookino meai,
conquered ululand. nll g je9. iiU(ai2Wc: lard, compound. . A swine feeder says: " I find that, if
a special committee recently appointed In tins. 10c per pound: pure, in tins. 13 (axe ten misneis oi meal and wet it in
by the Glasgow corporation to consider 14cj Oregon lard, 1112(C. co'd water and feed twenty-five hogs
tne matter or municipal telephony has nors, wooo ajd hipks. i u, mey eat it wen; out, It 1 tako
unanimously decided to recommend the Hops '02s. lOffllOc per pound, accord- the same quantity and cook it. it doub-
Town Council to apply to the PoBtmas- ing to quality ; new crop, '93s, 16(6 17c. les the bulk and will take the same nnm-
ter-uenerai lor a telephone license. Wool Umpoua valley. 14ai5c; fall "er oi nogs twice as long to eat it, and 1
South Australia's revenue receinta for clip, 1314c; Willamette valley, 10 mum mey union twice as last In the
the past twelve months were 2,450,000, liJc according to quality; Eastern Ore
a decrease of $280,000 as comnared with gun, 6(814c per pound, according to
witli the previous ypar. Victoria' r. condition.
ceipts were f 6,963,000, a decrease of h'dbb ury niues, selected prime,
766,000 as compared with last year. 6.Sc Peen2 8electetl. over 65 pounds,
im, 00(4 80c;
1020c: tal
Bbkf Prime steers, 12.60(42.76; fair
to good steers, $2.002.50; good to choice
of Knain. fail to nrviv th. ri.n,,i. -wta.w, ureusou ueei, ao.outg
operation which now constitutes the ' Md-to,, choice mutton 12 75-
?it.:i:i"irJ.XJ WW; shearlings, 2o, live
.no x i iiia .oaijviia, n I'tvn UI kUD UUUUt 1 weight
Girgcnti. iLnLrun ,. k ons an.
The new company that Proposes to lav Hinm. 4,MiRm- riJi.t '.ml MUn
a came ueiweeii Ausirana ana amornia t4.ft05.00; dressed, $7.00,
win uinmii b suuaiuy irora me uerman VIA! 4.OOMd.0O,
nn.'a.n man t trr tli.aa n f . I. 1 : . I
P"' "Uiiu ui uio line BAGS AMD BAOOIHO.
oeiween ine nil ana ramoan islands I tj a ail: u ... u
, U . ... . . , . I J i I XUlllpo, g-VUIIVQ, -SV-1J11.1I, UVtt
BI1U ucinccu Vila nUUlOttU JBJttnUS ana A. l.nrlana lOlnr, JO.innr. na
cash, 7c; burlaps, HH'-ounce, 46-inch,
7ic; burlaps, 16-ounce, 60-inch, 11c;
burlaps, Ill-ounce, 76-inch, 14c; wheat
the American Creamery: We know of
no way to entirely remove this taint,
though it can be so modified that the
average consumer will not detect it.
Twice aerating will help it wonderfully.
When you churn the cream from such
milk always granulate to somewhere
near the size of No. 8 shot. Draw oft
the bnttermilk, and cover the butter
with ice-cold water. Let it stand ten or
fifteen minutes, and draw off; then re
peat. This will free it from the taint as
much as you can by mechanical means.
For a long time we have wanted to try
to neutralize this taint, and wish that
some of our readers who are troubled in
this way would put about an ounce of
rose water to sixty gallons of cream be
fore churning and report their experi
ence with it. We believe it would work,
but the lack of garlicky cream prevents
our making the experiment at some fu
ture time.
It is not possible to foretell what the
weather will be at any particnlar time
during the harvest, but hay should be
stacked as soon as possible after it is
Some who have tried ensilage as win
ter feed for hogs have not been success
ful with it, and bo condemn it in round
terms. The trouble doubtless was that
it was not well matured and so had in
sufficient feeding value. If the ensilage
Is sweet and well eared, hogs can be win
tered on it without trouble.
Kinff Humhert rprontlv hart anM at I
public auction in one of tfie court yards 3",! ffiS'
,.f th Unirinal .11 tho m fnft.. ong, 90c$1.25 ; shearlings,
porceain glass, etc.. that had gone out ,ow' to cho,ce' 3(36c
of fashion since Victor Emmanuel's day.
uu maue it a veritable ciearing-out sale.
Should Christina, the Queen Regent
The announcement that Prince Max
of Saxony, nephew of the King, has
quitted the army to become a priest is
true according to the German papers,
The young man was born in 1870, and
recently servea as a Lieutenant in a reg
Intent of Uhlans.
China has "kindly consented" to hold
abeyance all retaliatory
suggested by the enforcement in thii
country of the Geary act until the teaa-
lar meeting of Congress, when it is sup
posed the bill so obnoxious to the heath.
ens win be repealed.
same length of time." Prof. Stewart in
commenting on this says he took two
lots of three pigs each from the same
litter, weighing 225 pounds each lot. Lot
i nau cornmcal soaked twelve hours in
cold water. Lot 2 had cornmeal cooked.
Each had all they would eat, and each
had a cook of early rut clover every day.
Lot 1 consumed 2.111 nonnds of meal.
and gained 620 pounds, or 140 pounds
each. Lot 2 gained 600 pounds, or 200
pounds each. Or, figuring it another
way, he got eleven pounds of pork for a
Dusnei oi meal soaked in ro d water.
and 16.47 pounds for a bushel when
cooked, a gain of nearly & pounds to
the bushel, getting half as much again
for his corn by cooking it. Prof. Stew
art further says that " by good manage
ment the general feeder mav reach with
raw corn eight pounds, with raw meal
ten pounds, and with boiled corn twelve
pounds, and with boiled meal fifteen
pounds of live pork per bushel."
The writer has had no exDerienntwith
garlicky milk. I do not have garlic in
the pasture, but there are many who are
Warrants for the arrest of the Presi
dent and cashier of the Kansas City
Safe Deposit and Savings Bank have
been issued. The men are charged with
receiving deposits four days before the
bank's failnre, knowing the condition of
the institution wae weak. A law in Mis
souri makes the receiving of a deposit
under such eirctuaitanees a felony.
is apparent that all claims allowed upon
ex-parte evidence furnished by Van
Influenza is believed to be dvinir nut
in London after being more or less prev
alent since the first outbreak nvor fl.a
world several years ago. For a consider- tar, Stockholm, $13 ; Carolina. $9 per bar
alii ft time th ntiinlipr nt loath a I 1 . aw ' : . . .
. V . . - "VI.HIP uvui VI JC
malady nave been about twenty a week
During the second week of June only
his eurn ueaiua uccurreu.
Madame Melba, the Australian singer.
who is coming to America in the au
tumn, is having great success in Paris.
At the age of 4, it is said, she was an in
fant prodigy; at 10 she had mastered j
the violin, the piano and the organ. Six
years ago she made her debut as a singer
the next morning she awoke famous.
Apropos to the Leslie-Wiide divonw.
! there is no more interesting personality
' ! T A .1 f J nTMj. 7
bags, Calcutta, 23x36, spot, 7c; I ff ,oa y inconvenienced 07 it, and for
Z-buaiiei oat bags, 7W, o. 1 second-1 """" u"11 ",D wwiug is laaeo. irom
hand bags, 7c; Calcutta bop cloth, 24-
ounce, 10c
Tim I. C. charcoal. 14x20, prime Qual
ity. $8.50(39.00 per box : for crosses. 2 I
extra per box ; 1. V. coke plates, 14x20.
prim? quality, a j'jn.w per dox; terne
plate, 1. v., prime quality, jo.&037.imj.
Nails Base quotations: Iron. $2.25:
steei, ti.w ; wire, iz.ou per aeg.
dtbii rer pound, ioc.
Lbad Per pound. 4Kc: bar. 6Wc
Naval Stobks Oakum. $4.6035.00 per I
bale; resin, $4.80(36.00 per 480 pounds;
rel ; pitch, $0 per barrel; turpentine, 65c
per gallon in car lots.
Iaow Bar. 2Jc per pound : pig-iron.
izjiszo per ion.
T Band Plowara by Telegraph.
Half a dozen florists met at the Sher
man house recently and tackled the task
ef circling the earth with flowers. That
is, they planned a scheme which pro
vides for a chain of correspondents
throughout the world to act together a
one concern for tho purpose of executing
ordora given in any part of the globe for
anything in floral arrangement from a
tiny buttonhole bouquet to an elaborate
bank of rosea In order to effect this
purpose srn organization known as the
Florists' International Telegraph Deliv
ery association was started in Canada
last August.
A majority of the board of direoton
do business in the United States. The
gathering was attended by H. S. Lie
brecht, of New York; C. B. Whirnall, of
Milwaukee, and Frank . Huntsman, ot
Wnctnnatt, all "three members of the
board of directors. O. L. Grant and
Joseph Curran represented the Chicago
florists, "Our purpose is," said Mr. Lie
brecht, "to make it easy for a man la
Chicago, New York or Timbnctoo to
convey a bouquet to a lady in any part
of the world, with lightning speed, with
out starting it from the point where he
himself may be,
"For instance, take a person here in
Chicago having a friend arriving or leav
ing on an ocean steamer in New York,
e simply has to walk into the store of
our agent here and give his order. Tha
order is at once telegraphed to another
agent of the association in the place
where the flowers are to be delivered,
and there yon are. We havo come tA
Chicago to perfect onr rules and appoint
an agent." Chicago Herald.
Bow to Select Good Help.
One of the most astuto business men
in New York city, who has through his
own efforts built up an enormous estab
lishment, and who gives employment to
hundreds of men, some of them at very
large salaries, told me he had very little
difficulty in finding the right kind of
men for any department of his work. I
was surprised to learn this and asked
him what was the secret of bis success.
He said:
"I have men to whom I par as much
as $8,000 a year. I have sometimes been
disappointed in my selection of helpers,
but as a rule I never fail to get the kind
of a man I want My first rule is to se
lect for experienced help only the men
who have succeeded in what they have
"No matter how prepossessing a man
may be, how taking in appearance or in
apparent qualifications, I never engage
him," he added, "if I find that he has
made a failure in anything. On the oth
er hand, no matter how plain and un
prepossessing a man maybe, if I learn
from his story that be has been promoted
step by step; that he has always re
mained in a place nntil be was advanced,
and that every chango he made was a
change for the better, I engage him at
once. Such men never dissappoint me."
Hatte Things Hot.
Yuan Met lays grunt stress on haln
dishes served direct from the fire, without
any Interval, which, be says, "leaves the
same flavor with food that mildew leaves
behind in clothes." He points out that
many cook throw away, in Ignorance.
sometimes the beat portions: e. v.. tha
npper tlesh of the terrapin, using only tha
lower part all round, which he calla "tha
skirt." Also, the hack of the aamlie, using
only the belly. Ia like manner, he observes
that, although the yolk is the best part of
an egg, no on who understands the art of
eating ever thinks of separation it from
sue waits. icmpie ttu.
Leuven must be investigated. Doubt- in London than Lady Wilde. She wears
leas there are some cases in which the much fine old lace and some rare jewels,
temporary loss of a pension will work ' and always receives in a darkened room!
hardship to worthy men, but no pains The warmth of her welcome is enhanced
win do spared to ascertain such cases by the power to greet each guest
and make the period of suspension as ' French, Spanish, Italian, Russian or
brief as possible." German in ber own language.
Are Varaae Iaeaadeeawat leaam
Some interesting tests bay. been re
cently made to decide the relative illu
minating power of the are and the in
candescent lamp. One company which
baa 3 incandescent lamps from 8 can
dle power to 500 candle power and six
are lamps of 2,000 nominal candle power
on its extensive premises finds that each
are lamp teste! illuminates an area of
1,000 square yards and absorbs one horse
power, and that each 800 candle power
incandescent lamp illnminates an area
of 200 yards and absorbs one horsepower.
01. muu uiobe-UGmocrata
Experience and Science Concur.
Almost Everybody knows that
Dr. Price's
Cream Bakinir Powder
Is the Purest and Best
of all the Baking Powders
And Everybody ihonld know that 99 per cent of th Baking
Powderi contain Ammonia, Alum, Lime or other hurtful
What a revelation to the good houscwif when tho met
her first can of Dr. Price', and remarks the beautiful work
it does, so immeasurahlj superior to that of any other.