CITY AND COUNTRY. OKKOON CITY, AC (HINT OA. It'. Terms or Kuli4iriillnn, 8!ns,l. Copy, on year, III advanco, t i IH Hliiiilel.'opy, l minima, In advance, I UO Local notices in cents mr II li" lr H tnI ; ft rents p.r lino for each Miitivfiuiil Insertion. Address, (My, Oregon. roiiKTtr orrifKiin, J mill" Clerk of Cull 1 1 Sheriff, lt.-cor.ler, Treasurer, Asacaaur. Kclii.l Superintendent, Surveyor rnnmsr, . . , noinnilsaliinsra .1. W. IM.Iiiihi tleo. K. lli.llil.iii . (t W il..n..i.g M II IUiii.I.j J.O. Wellereli . . J. I'. Illallley . II H . Hl.liny Smyth . li I, ll.'luiali I lllclliiril Mri.ll I Ci.lll.llll" llair OHKIHiN CITV OPFin.llS. Ko.r.lcr, - , . Chief ,.f J'..llce, . Assessor Treasurer CIl)- Alt.irney, Hlrl Cmiiilsaluner, .... Hup'l i.f Water Work!, City Engineer, C,.uiicliiiien-t'. 0. All. Mailt, (ireelllllail, W. A. While, ,f . . T. W. Hlllllvuu , . . h i. Purler J. H. I'onluin . . J K. Klluadee y.i. U II. K Urtm I'. llnberg W. II. ii..wh1 Sidney Smyth Jr., II. I,. Kel'y, 0. N. J. ('mike, J. W. UVou- null. J. II. Furler ami T. r. Ibtniliill. Cuuiicil meets find Wednesday of each iik.iiIIi. C1ILTH CHIOS. First I'.iiigrigsll.uiiil church Rev. M. Dougherty Pastor. Services II ft. 111. hii'1 Hint! i. 111. Hmi.lHy School after im.ruliiK servlco. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening ill H:ll p. in, Prayer Meeting uf Y. I. H. C. E. every Sunday evening At U:M) irumt. first llaptlat Church Rev, Oilman Piirker, Pastor. Morning Service II; Hominy Hcti.Mil W:IA; Evening Hxrvire HKI; llgilliir Prayer Mooting Wflmwluy veiling. Mollllily Covenant Meetlug every Wedllea. day evening precoruing nrst Kiiiiuuy 111 me inunui Ml. Juhn's Church. Calli'ilic Iter. A. Ilillxlirmncl, Pastor, un hominy, sinas ill h ami iuu a in, Kvcrv SillliliiV Herman Hortnnn after Hu' Mnas, At all other Masse Kugllsll Sermons. Sunday Kl'Ii.njI 'i:M p. 111. Vespers, ANl.getlcal Subjects and lion nllclluli at T.;i p, ui. MiiIIiimII"! Elsrop:d Church It'' 0, gykoe, Pastor. Morning service hi 11; nuii'iny wii.h.i 111 ix:io; r.ven linf Service at :INI. K11w.ml1 League meeiingHuii. lay evening at IIMUi I'mycr Milling TliurwlHy even- 111K at First Presbyterian Church. Rev. (I. W. Oilmney, I'aitor. Services II a. 111 ami Hit) p. 111. tiul.lwlh Selesd Ilia. ill. Y. I'. S. V. K. meeta vvniy Htlmlay evulliiiK lit ll::XI. I'mycr Sh.illiiWt-illMMlny welling KMU, 8"UI fr'. KvaiiKellcnl rliim-lt, fJcrinaii A. Krimt, Ptulor. Pniucliliig HrvlcHi every alb'rlmlu Siitnlny II a. m. mi 7::l p. 111. Sal.baili Hi'IkhiI ery Hnn.liiy lUa 111. (J. llarrlHlierger, Hlipt.) Weekly Player Meeting every Weilnewlny uvenllig. IIiiIIhI llri-tlirell Cliilroh. Ite. I'. II. Wllllami. Piulr. Hurvlc Unit hii.1 tlihil Kiui.Uy uiurnliiKa tid the prececulitK nalnnlny niKllt In eacn niunlii at Ore;im t'ily II ft. m. and 7 j). 111 , ami the tint Hun duv ufternuun uf each inuiilli at Kalla View, Chrislluii Church-lteT. t. T. Stanley, Palor. Hervic.f every Hilndiiy II ft. m. at Hhlvelv'e Hull. Preaching eecond and fourth Mundity lu eacli month. HI. Paul'a Cliuri li. Enlanmal llev. J. A Eckelmm. iMilur. Hen Irea every Xulldny ut II a. in. and 7ilu p. ui., and Kri.Uy evening at T M p. in. BOOIKTIKS. FuIIb Clly I-iiIk.. of A. O. I'. W.-MeoU every we. nn.l and fourth Friday evening of ea.-h luimth in U.ld FoIIowh' bull.liiiK. All Mojiitlrninir brethren conliiilly iltvlled toaltelld. 1. CHIItleM, M. W. Ueo. fall If, Kec. PlK Iron I,.nIk, No. 1:11, A. O. V. W. Jleetn every Thurwluy evening at Odd Kell.iW'l Hall, Uatvego. Visiting brellin'ti alwaye welcome. l. U. Campbell, II. W. II.HIrallM, lire. M'dnlla LihIko, No. 40, A. O. V. W. Meet! Unit anil third Ma I llrdnyi ill each luontb lit Hrhool House. Vlaitlug nit'iubeni ninile welcome. T t). Slipp, II. W. J. W.'lb.ilnnl, Itee. Gavel LodR-e, No. o... A. O. U. V. Meeta eecond and third Hnliiidiiy eveuiugri lit Knight's Hall, I'auby. VleltiiiK brolliere made welcome. 0. L. UurloW, H. W. W. 8. Ulllible, Heo. Clackamas Ix.Iko, No. 87, A. O. U. W. Meeta tint and third Mondnyi in each month, at Strite'n Hall, Visiting brethren welcome, 8, Holcumb, M. W. C. E. I'eaao, llec. Sunrise I.o.lre, No. 4:1, A. O. TJ. W.Sleeti every Kecuti.l and fourih Hatunlav of each month at WiU aonvllle, Oregon. Max 8clitilplua, M, W. 0. T. Tooze, Heo. Oregon Lodge, No. 3, I O. O. P. Meeta every Tnunuliiy evening at 7:;H) o'clock p.m. In the Odd Eellowa''llnll, Main street. Meinlars of the Order are Invited to attend. Uiorge U. Ely, N. U. Thua. Kyan, 8111. Falls Encampment, Nc I, f. 0. 0. F. Meets tint, and third I'uo&duys of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall. Members and viKitlng patriarchs cordially in vited t.i attend. W. II. Howell, Chief Patriarch J. A. Hlewaat, Scribe, Oawego uvige, Ho. tn, l.rr.v. T Meeta at fidiTfel low's Hall, Oswugo, every Saturday evening. Visiting brethren made welcome. U. W. Proaaer, N. U. J. P. lti.luy, Sec. BIultnomi.ll liOilgr, No. I, A. P. it A. M. Holds Its regular communications on first and third Saturdays of each month st 7 -HI p. ni. Brethren in good stand ing are Invited to attend. L. 1. Porter, W. M. T. F. Ityan, Sec. Wuticheno Lodge. No. 13, I. O. It. M. Meets Wed nesday evening ut Armory Hall. Visiting members cordially Invited. A. J. Hilllird, C. of It. Charles Kelly, Sachem. Meaile Post, No. 2, 0. A. K Department of Oregon. Meets flrst Monday of ench month at K. of P. Hall, Oregon City. Visiting comrades made welcome. David McArthllr, Com. J. P. 8knw, Adj. General Popo Post, No. M, 0. A. It. Meets first Saturday of each month at Grange hall, Mulino. I'onirudcs cordially invited. J. K. Nelson, Com mander. 11. W. Shaw, Adjutant. Gen. t'ns.k Post, No. 22, G. A." R., Department of Oregon. Meets in school house at Needy on first Sat unlay in each month at 2 o'clock p. in. All juni nules made welcome. Jacob Spogle, Com. J. Kar ahulcr, Adj. lleade Belief Cir, No. IB, Pepartment of Ore goli. Meeta on first and third Fridays of each month in K. of P. Hall. Members of corps from abroad conliiilly welc ed. Mrs. M. M. Cliannan, Pres. Mrs. K. L. Cochran, Treas. Mia. J. 1). Harding, Sec. Sons of Veterans, E. I). Raker Camp, No. 18 Meets first ami third Thursday evenings of each month. K. 8. CaliS, Capt. li. 8. Bellomy, 1st Lieut. 0. 0. Wood, 2d Lieut. Achilles Lodge, No. 38, K.of P. Meets every Fri day night at the K. of 1'. hall. Visiting knights invited. Chua. Albright, Jr, C.C J. K. Khodes, K. of It. & 8. Canhy Lislge, No 6ii4, I. O. O. T. Meets first and third Satunlay evenings at Knight's Hall, Canby. Visiting members always made welcome. H. C. Ollliuore, W. C. T. Millard Lee, Sec P Company, First Ret ., 0. N. G. Armory, Third and Main. Kegttlar drill night, Monday. Regular business meeting, first Monday of each month. J. W. Uanong, Capt. F. 8. Kelley. First Lieut. L. L. Pic-lens, Secote! Unit. Canby fpirltn.INI H and third Sun'lHV. rf ei I dent Miss Haltlr l id New Era W. C T I" month at then ikifr invited, ue-tt,. Tul 1Stuiu. Pres. letr. - .sst-inbles on nrt;. li. A.Lee, Pre a ,s, Hc- .nil tig Secretary. '&aS$ii Safttfd.)- In cxrh - Kra. Ki-ieuila ol Uie ca'istr :rs Carey J.'bn.n, M'S .' 117, ('. K. Of A. -Meets I'ieir hali, ounier Matn and . T. W, Sullivan, Plea. 81. John's Branch, ' every Tuesitay eveiiln,; .. 'I'ettth streets, Oregol ' M itt. Justin, Sec. Oregon City Board of Trade Meets at Court House on second Mo.iday in each month. Vlaitora w. Icome. Geo C. Urownell, Pres. F. K. Donaldson, Sec. Canity Board of Trade Meets at Knight's Hall, Canby, on first and third Fridays of each month. Visitors welcome. Win. Knight, Pres. 8. J. Garri son, See. M.ilalla Grange, No. 40, P. of H. Meets at their hall at Wright's Bridge on Ihe second Saturday of aacb raoolh at 111 ft. m. leliow members made welcome. J. F. Nelson, Master. E. II. Cooper, Sec. Tualatin Qiange, No. Ill, P. of H.-Meets last Satur day of each month at their hall in Wilsonville. B, B. Henry, Master. Miss Beda Sharp, Sec. Warner uTange. No. 117, P. of II. Meet fonrth Satunlryof each month at their hall In New Era. C. J. Williams, Master. Miss Maggie Brown. See. Butte Cn-c-k Grange, No. 82, P. of II. Meets at their hall in Maniunm second Saturday in each month at 10 a. ni. Visiting memlHTS always welcome. J. R. White, Master. J. K. Jack, See. Columbia Hook and Ladder Co. Meets first Fri day of each mouth at Fountain Engine House. W. T. Whillotk, Pres. Ed L. haw, Foreman. A.. Milln, Sec. Ponatain Hose Co., No. 1 Meets second Wednesday I u each month at Engine House, eaat side Main street, between seventh and Eighth. Hiram Straight, Pres. M. P. vjulnil, Foreman. J. W. Stewar-, Sec. Cataract II. -ee (V No. 2. M-ts ttcoi d Tuesday of earh month at Cataract Engine House. Sidney Suith, Prea. Bert Ureenman, Poreluail. Herb bestow, See. Oregon City Hrae Co., So. 3 O W. Church, Pres. W. W . Mrrrs, Porenian. U. S. Strange, Sec "Any Port la Storm." That's a good maxim, but it will nut work as a rnle in the purchase of a Uniiedy for Rheumatism. Any of the cheap nostrums, will not affect a enre in fact none of them will. Don't trifle wi ll life and prolong agony. Get Dr. Drnminond's Lightning Kemedy. and prwedv cure ia cerlaiu One bottle it. w.nth hundred of anything else, and f..r that reawm it in the cheapest when ! a cure i wanted. Of driiuiriata. or sent ' t.i any a.l, Ireaa by express . " Drnmmond j sot-ply uf books called ''Gun Club Medicine On., 48 .50 Maiden Lana. New Kulea and Revised Lawa. Tbia pnbli York. Agents wanted. cation contain a digest of tbe lawa re- lating to game in the Western state and Have your watches, clocks and jew- territories. Mr. Horlbnrt will be giad elry repaired by the established and re- to mail yoo one of the books opm re liable firm of Bartneister A Andresen, ' ceipt of two stamps to coyer postage . All work warranted. i W. II. Hrai.sreT, A. G. P. A. EVENTS OF THE WEEK Main Stiikkt Imcii.ivkmknt Win k on llio liniiriivi'iiii'iit l g il ik mi ru pi. 1 1 v . llui olil iim'U htiH Iihiii inkun H lfit Hlrupt frniii Hut Imp tri ll mill t.i l'nlt)'ll llllll Hlhl la lll'lnif, llllllll'i liu.. III!) irnli'li Hi lilt I !(( I uf I lie Mice! Hltiit e llie llmir mill Mnrrlnxi'i- niinlii liv llit IIihiiI uf IHIXI Tliu cuiit'ri-li if) luir lici'll Hit nil bnlh riiii-H nf llm atlHi (mm 1 1 1 u iiiHT imhI li llm Ciiliimii I'll Iflne liiMinu, Tim Mil 1 it 1 1 mirfm-u ilr.iin lilt) in buinir put llinli-r the cniicri-tr curbing. Tim work mi lliu iru-illf Ht Hit lower 1'inl uf tliu ntruut, U inarlv II 11 ImIh'iI uii uiih gldu uf tliu imrk ami iiuitly IliiUlitnl mi llm uiliur Hiiltt. TImi pliinkinx rnitt un l.euvy liiliiiK. Knuiiifer Smyth Iihh fin Ihlll'll till) llllll l Oil Of lllH gMHrHM ini'iit, whle'i niicur In thia laNiie. TIik (tnm'BUnciil uiiioniilM l uvur I l.'I.OOO, wliicli U un an uvurHKH f IS7 8IJ pir lut fur the i'n-1 U 11ml for till) WI'Ht Hillt'i tliu iliir.Tunco U on HC count uf tliu Htruul milwiiy truck which U mil in tliu center ul the Mlreet but to vinril tku ciiBt aiili1! no the ctmiixny coulil nut In a iluiible track when it vi lulled, ('hkohn's Fihksikn Will Asbkjiiii.k. The cill.t'iiH uf The Dulles are milking big iirc)it iiitiiiiiH fur Hie firemen 'i tuurniimeiit un fii'itt'iiibnr 4tli, The prizes for two rm es will bu $250. There will be, in gdilition, a big purmle, a lt ilinner anil a gruml bull free to firemtn. Transportation rules have been niaile low ntitl hotels at The Dulles will entertain visitors at from $1 to 12 tiny. A (Irons tk'letmtion of firemen will go from here The Oregon Clly hose team that will compete for the prizes consists of the following members: Colo, captain, Keckner, 0. lirown, K. Brown. Taylor, lilioaileM, Kennitnure, II. Trenibath, Mc Causlin, C. Moore. Peterson anil li. (ireentRii. A special excursion will go from rorlluni by boat, starting from I'ortlaml Suntlay morning; fare 1 1. 5') for rounil trip. The faie from here, by ihe O. C. T. (lu's bouts, to Portland is -ll) cents All olil firemen are welcome anil invited to go ulong. Yuu can come hack the sitme tluv or stay during tlie two days uf the meeting. Qi'ahhant Land Cask. The case of the Lulled Mates versus the Uregon & California Railroad Coin puny and the Oregon Cenlial Kullroad Company, tie fundiints, and the Bame coinpanidS, com Dliiinaiils in a cross bill versus the U. M., defendant, wag decided by Judge Itellinuer. in the U. 8. circuit court Monday. This is known as thequadrant land case, and fully 500 peraons are in terested in it. Judge Bellinger decides that the lands in the quadrant are in cluded in llm lands forfeited to tLe gov ernment by the act uf Junuury 31, 1883. The diagram Died in the laud ollice here shows that Irom forest Urove two lines are drawn, one due north, the other due west, both terminating at the L'O nnle limits. The granted lands lying within the quudrant formed by these lines and the 20-mile limits, and also the lieu lands within such lines and the 25 milt) limits, are designated as "fur feitod " Hops. The advice to growers siya the tSttitrtman to delay the picking of their hops until they are thoroughly ripe is already showing good results. It is not thought that picking will be gener ally commenced, except on the higher hinds, until Seot. 10 to 15th. Mr. Ueer, of Salem, has issued a circular in which he says England will need all the hops we can spare as the English crop is 30,- 000 short and Germany's crops is very short. In Polk county the hops are iree from vermin and look promising. Probably the first hups picked this were those from the yard of Win. Miller in Lane county and brought 25 cents a pound . A Salem house is offering nlA cents and an advance of 7 rents fur picking and say they can pay 18 cents for a choice article. Latest advice from N. Y. quotes best Pacific at 21 to 22 cents AafiiniT with A MATTnrir Hunts Dieckmanri was arrested on Friday 0 striking Y. O. Walker, a renter on his claim, at 7:30 p. in with a maltock. No damage was dune to Walaer except a bruise on the arm with which he warded oil the blow uf the mattock directed at his head. According to Walker, Dieck mann got excited because a man in his employ by mistake got potatoes from Dieckniaiin's patch. For this the latter ordered the man off the place. Walker said he shouldn t go. Then Dieckmann, who had been told by Walker to get oui of his house, got his maltock and knocked Walker's door open and as saulted him. Walker deprived the iras cible Dieckmann of the mattock and came to town to nave mm Hrresieu. Diekmann was placed under 400 bonus by Squire Fouls. Milwaukib's New School. The en terprising citizens of Milwaukie will lay the corner stone of their new four- roomed schonlhouse next b rulay after noon at 5 p. in. The building is to have all modern improvements, and will cost 10000. The laying of the cor ner stone will be made the occasion of quite a celebration, as the first scnooi in tins county ami tne nrsi scnooi uis triet ere established in Milwaukie, befre Portland was founded. The first teacher there was Hector Campbell, und Alfred Llewelling. who was one of the pupils and married a daughter oi ms teacher, will give a history of the school, and Pruf. H. 8. Strange uf this city will deliver the address, air. and Mrs. Llewelling are the only pu pils of the school now remaining in AiilwauKie. C P. Winesktt is a practical under taker. He is now making it a special Lumness. He is also a practical em balim r as all who have had bis services can testily. lie keeps the most exten sive stock nf caskets, cases and colfins south ul Portland, and also a very fine grade of cloth covered and metallic work. The caskets and cofflns are ready trimmed so that persons from a distance immediately accommo dated. Prices to suit these hard, dull times, for I will not be undersold. Come ami see for yourselves when oc casion requires. Same old place, next door to Iloake's machine shop. CP. VV INEBETT. School Fund Apportionment. fhe board of school land commissioners for the s ate of Oregon at itsrettular meeting in Salem Tuesday n.a le the annual dis tribution of ti e inli rest a i-ung from Ihe common school fund among the several counties of the state. Clackamas county ranks fourth with an apportionment of 15008, Willi 7240 children; Linn third with .454 40 ;.nd 7?J2 children; Marion second with $04211.70 and 9181 children; Multnomah first with $15,922.1(0 and 22,747 children. Another distribution will be made of the this fund on the second Monday in December. Fifth Stbeet Improvement. Con tractor Lyons baa about 15 teams and 50 men at work at the upper end of the street, where the hill is being removed and the dirt therefrom dumped into the canyon on the north aide of the street. When it ia finished there will be no curve around tne hill as now. Dan Lynns, the contractor, Ih a resident uf Oregon City, and has the only Urge contract let to a citizen for public work in this city thii year, both ihe new s -bool building and the Main street work was let to Portland parties Or IstebbsT to Spurtsmew. W. H, Hnrlbort, A. ti- P. A Lnion Pacific Svstem. Portland, Or,, has ioat received A llm IUii.. WITIIp I A N.l'e whh ill ihe ctniHt liu 11 it I I'M. N"t"ii, 1 'I thin film'H Hturlu'l mil hi nhout ,'l o'clm k one m riilim In vnthur ithIi' ainl h n firy aril veil tm ll.e niiiiiI, fllll y the liilri, tiny I.. innl a liirifii m'li ' nie.l I y river lUheiinun fur 'Him 11. Hlirii'lv MM iinil I' ey went no fnrlli' r. The m i i-niiiiiiiiiil V lii'VH ml. 11 in 2 Ihikh .icea, II Hinrirenii aiul uO ur lOOtnliii. 1'nrl ul liu- fl-h llllll hIii. will llllll I lid li"' Innl 1 ''' thiitiiiu f'r mime lime hikI llnu li ent Helmut. Ciii' to Anim i s - h Ming h was arre-le.l and tried before Ji slice Fouls on WediiHaihiy for cruelly lo animals was turned l-ams by the Jure, TI e evidence nf the abuxu nf the burse Ma uiiiliKpiiieil hut (lie jur., i v' dentlv ihiiimht tliu Chinaman roiild whip bia horse as much as he wanted to, provided he left no anliHiiihlinl bruiies ThH colored geli'l-iildil who acted as compliiining winters was suit to the "jug" for two weeks, "In tiih Kuan iw of a Money Mon archy," is the title nf a pamphlet nf UK) pigesthnt should be in Ihe hands if every one that desires to know all rides of the contror'or-v ia to llm causes of the "hard times.'1 It contain a mini ber of important quotations, fuels and figures bearing on the domicilii It gMit t ntr of the country since the beginning of the civil war. Kvery voter should road it. Sold at 25 cents by W. K. Junes, stationer, 201 Alder street, Port land, Oregon. cJawmill Bi'itNKb, On Monday even ing Ihe sawmill of Charles Sel mid', near Canby, was destroyed by fire be sides a quantity of lumber. Loss shout $4000. Fui innately, nearly 10.000 lies which bud been cut at Ihe mill ha I been hauled to the depot This is the second time in almnt two years that Mr. Schmidt's mill has been burned down; notwithstanding, he intends to rebuild again. Tub Xe o England Miujntine for Au gust comes to the editor's table with an enticing table of contents. The lllus truilniin in this number ate beautifn'. This is s ecially a magazine of New Kiioland a id il seems that eveiy one ol Itaaona n the West would read it an I treasure it is j -y ills letter from his old home . Hkiialu Offics Goes. The print ing outfit of the defunct populist paper, the Herald, will be sold at sheriff sale on Saturday, September 2, to saiWy a judgment for $137.70. in favor of V. A Sefton and against C. C. Ross. COUNTY COURT MINUTES. An adjourned session uf the county court was held on Tuesday, August 22d, and the following biHiness transacted : Report of J W Meldrmn on the cate and keeping ol D B iyer and family, pau pers, approved, and ordered that clerk iHsue a warrent in favor of J W Melilnnn for $92 lo puv for tickets and money fur nished by him for contingent expenses. Bids for bridgo acruss Johnson creek at Milwaukie: C F Royal, deposit $(il. Howe truss $1300, covered at $2 extra per lineal foot, strain beam $1200; Pac ific Bridge Co., deposit $200, combina tion Pratt truss with cylinder piers $1500, with pile piers $1200. Con. tract awarded to Pacific Bridge Co , on their proposition for concrete iron piers; K Scott appointed to super intend said work. Orderetl that a warrant be issued to the sheriff for llie collection ol delinquent taxes on mortgages for the year 1S01 from the person, firm or corporation sg.dnst whom the same were levied according to law. It was further ordered Mint the sheriff prcpnra and certify a list of the (Min quent taxes for 1HU1 unpaid on the hinds and determine as far as possible how much of said tax is a valid levy. The Last Game of the Season On next Sunday afteruoou., there win- bo- a - a;nnie of baseball be tween the )regon City league tea n, and the fire department boys, for the benefit of the Oregon Cily players. The fire department boys are practicing regular every day and with the assistance of Rockner, Fennimore, Rhodes and Davey, a good game may be expected. All the old favorites will he on deck: LEAGUE Wilpon... Clark.... Anderson K1IIKMKN. Davey .Fennimore Nehren . . . Reckner oore Brown ... .Rhodes . . catcher . . , ..pitcher... ....1st b... ... 2db ....3db ....SB Strand . , Harris. . . Babb Hotikini. If.. Cronin n f Oreeman Murphy r f Taylor A prize of 5 will be given for the man making the fastest time; second prize $2.50. Also a prizj of $5 for the longest throw. Turn out and help the boys ; admission 25 cents STATE MILITIA ENCAMPMENT. Camp Compion Is a Thing of the Past and the Boys In Blue are Now Citizens. The last days of Camp Compson were clouded by the unfortunate accident, with a fatal termination, which Deiel Lieutenant Charles E. Nelson, of Co. A. During the sham battle of Saturday afternoon, Nelson, who wag with the force which was attempting to capture a battery, ran in front of his own men as they' were about to fire, and was wounded in the back by a gun wad. He was immediately taken from the field and cared for by the medical corps under Dr. Macrum, nothing very serious was apprehended. On the next day however, he sank rapidly, and as the camp did not ailord the oestot facilities, he was taken on a special car to the Good Samaritan huspital in Portland, where he lingered for an Hour or two and died. The post mortem developed the fact that two of the lower vertiurae were fractured by the force of the blow and recovery would have been almost impossible. Ihe renponmi.iiity win probably never be fixed, although he was somewhat reckless io running in front of the squad while they were in . t a : .. - -ru.. r. 1 ...:,l. tne act Ol liriug. mc luuern., nun military honors, took olaco on Wednes day, the interment being in Line Fir cemetery. Outside ol this, hie at the camp went on as usual. There were the visits from the dignitaries, of Portland, Oregon City and Vancuuver, the diversion nf evading the guard in the small hours of the night, and the customary drills to pass away the time. Many visited the camp in ihe evening and listened with pleas ure to the concerts giveu by the military band, and on Saturday evening the Boyer Glee Club, of Portland, rendered several selections in front of the officers The death of Lieutenant Nelson put a check to the festivities which were to have enlivened the last day or two, and hastened the departure of the regiment. The companies Irom the 2nd regiment left on Sunday and by Monday afternoon Camp Compson was a thing of the past. A Noted Minstrel. M.T. Skiff, formerly business mana ger for W, J. Scanlan, the Irish Come linn, sniftered with rheumatism for years without relief until tie Dougm a uottie of Drommond'i Lightning Remedy. I wo , (enCe, J5 acres m first class cultivation bottle made a well man of him. There j ,nj jjq ,,(.res signed and in clover. All are a thousand remedies for rheuuia eVP dti.l : no rocks; a good well of tism, bnt none have received the un-! jvjn -ier. Wated one-half mile solicited testimonials from prominent ; froro Mulino P. O. A good box house, people as shown by Druminond's Light-; pri,.e fi-j.V) cash. Immediate posses ning Kemedy. Ask yoor driggist for it, gjon can le given. A ply to or send to the Drammond Medicine Co,, (j j. Howard, Mulino, Oregon. UroQ Maiden Lane, e lork. Agen t wanted. . Instruction books for pianos, organs and all string instruments at hurmeia- ter An.Irs-aen. Mrs. J. II. IIoiisNYDEn, 152 Pacific Ave., Suiita Crust, Oil., writes: " When a girl at school, In Reading, Ohio, I had severe attack of brain fever. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, fur a long time, I feared I should be permanently so. Friends urged mo to use Ayer'i Hair Vigor, and, on doing to, my hair Began to Grow, and I now liavo as fine a head of hair as one could wish for, being changed, how ever, from blonde to durk brown." " After a fit of sickness, my hair came out in conibfulls. I used two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard long and very full and heavy, I have recom mended this preparation to others with like good effect." Mrs. Sidney Carr, 14C0 Reglaa St., Ilarrlsbiirg, Pa. "I have used Ayer's Ilalr Vigor for several years and always obtained satis factory results. I know It is the best preparation for the lml r that Is made" C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mess. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Mr. Ferg'.is'ou of N?w Era is building a new burn. Harvest picnic lu Meinig's park, Sandy, September 8th. Miss Corn Harding returned from Colorado lust week. Mrs. Goodfellow is quite sick at her renidence on the west side. Mr. Cooke will build a house and barn for Mr. Root, of Beaver creek. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Slailen moved to their Gladstone residenco on Tuesday. Mrs. Rinohart Braal: and children are visiting at the farm of John Ded uian L. A. Nobel and f;iiuily and the fam ily nf A. VV. Schwau returned from the beach Wednesday. Rev. G. Wm. Giboney has returned fruiu his vacation and will occupy his pulpit next Siiiuluy. Dr. Goucher has sold 80 acres nf hind be owned adjoining Sintoti Payne's for $2250 to Mr. Cooper. The ball game Sunday resulted in a victory for the league- team ; the scoie stood, league 11, firemen li. The woolen mill now pays its hands in time checks title half in 30 and half in 00 days Irom date of issue. The wheat farmer of Clackan as county cannot make anything with the price at 54 cents a bushel. Frank Louis will start for the East next Sunday. IIu will visit li 8 uld home and also taken in tho Chicago fair. J. E. Day, pronr'n tor of the Woidhurn City Fiiday last.' They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Strange. Marriage licensu granted to Neltie Tiionnis and Levy Rigijs o i the 22d; to Albert) nu Huffman and Adalbert Asehenbrenner on the 21st. Squire Fouls united in marriage on .Monday at 8:30, at the residence oloi Crumbley, L. W. Bunner and E. M. Rceder, both of Multnomah county. The newschool house in Osweg'i will be finished by September 1. H. T. Evans, formerally principal of Oswego school, will teach the Beaver Creek ncliool the ensuing term. Prof. II A. Shorey will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church again next Sunday morning. The young people will give ouo of their entertain ing services in the evening. Mm. J. II. Durnall, a pioneer uf 18l!5, died a few days ago at her homo near Mulino, aged 87- She and her husband were the first white couple to be mar ried in Madison county, Kentucky. Will H. Wilton, a young man, who was working un the west side, met wilh quite a serious accident while holding a scraper, on Monday- The scraper struck a root Biid hit him, breaking his collarbone. Mrs. James Athey, of this city, wl.o was very ill from asihinu a short time ago, is now at the home of her daiti-'liter, Mrs. H. B Holland, of Salem. She is rapidly recovering, according to the Stitemw, and is" getting along very well considering her advanced age. A Spiritualist society was formed at Canby on Sunday composed of 21 mem bers, with Ihe following officers: Presi dent, II. A. Lee; vice-president, Vrs C. M . Phillips ; recording secretary. Miss Hat tie Phillips; treasurer, Miss Elvira Lee. The society assembles on the first and third Sundays uf the nioiilh. Hon Geo. C. Brownell returned ftom Washington on Thursday last with a patent from the general land ollice, con vevini; to the Portland General Electric Company the three islands in Ihe Wil lamette river just auoye nie iuiib, a cer tificate for one of which was issued to Aurie W. Draper, wife of John W, Draper, about a year ago. The title to these submerged islands involves the ownership of the water power. F03 SALE. Eiuhtv acres of fine farm land, mostly bottom, on Woodcock cr -ek, Clackamas cutintv. two miles from Meadow Ilrook postotfice. Three acres cleared . 12 acres slashed ; good house 21x30. Price $W)0, uf which $500 must be paid dowi , bal ance two years' liiim. For further par ticulars call at Col'itiKit ollice or address me at Vancouver, Wash. Mitt. Anna TO TAXPAYERS I Purries hnldinir niottuai'es in this! county, who have not yet paid the taxes j till the same, will pieaxe connioer nun notice tlist, unless they come in anu settle at a very early date, 1 shall levy on their property to satisfy the si me. Timely attention to this notice win save you trouble and further co-ts. Don't "jelay. C. W. Gaxuso, Sheriff "f Clackamas county. Or , liy K. C. Hackett, Deputy. Dated August litis. 1. Fine Farm for Sale Cheap Pt.raale. a farm nf (il acres, under I Rnrmw.ter A Andresen always keep; j on hand a varied stock of violins, as well j itlio extias. . 4 , I I Riparw Tabulca cure const ipat ion. BABLOW, - - OBEGOIT, ns the largest and Most Complete Stock of General Merchandise H ii Clackamas County. DEALERS IN HOP CLOTH, KILN CLOTH, SULPHUR AND EVERY THING PERTAINING TO THE HOP INDUSTRY. Goods Scltl on a STRICTLY CASH Basis Only. Highest Price Paid for Country Produce. Grand Picnic, Sept. 8, AT SANDY, 1 IF. A.. MBIITIG'S PARK. PROGRAMME: INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC ORATION Dancing on I'l.'itform in Afternoon. Grand 15all in Hall at Night. Rcfrcsh rents of all kinds convenient. Circle swinging day and night. 1 1. H. CllASE, l'residi nt of the Day, J. C. DltADl.KV, Grand Marshal. TICKETS, for Dancing on l'latform, 50 cen's; for Ball in Wall, in cluding Supper, $1.23. F. A. MEINIG & SONS, Proprietors. Prol. G. 1,. KASTIIAM, of 88 Kast Morrison 8t., Portland, Or., will be present and bu prepared to inako photographs of all kinds. LOCAL SUMMARY. Prescriptions carefully compounded t'.t tt. A. Ilardinif's drill! store. L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising Ajjcnt 21 .Merchants' KxchatiKe, San Francisco is uur authorized attent. This paper is kept on tile in his ollice. For j ib printing to to the Col' 11 ek ollice. LAtrvKits' Bkikks and KuLDEHS printed at the CouitiKii ollice. Wond taken on sub'criplion at Corn mil ollice. Hrini: it in summer lime. The Mulino roller mill Is now in firf.t class order for Ihe accommodation of customers. First-claes work guaranteed. If von iire in want of a piano, call on Buimeister A Andreson before buying and examine the celebrated Watdibiirn, an instrument firmly built, rich in tone, ul ii)(lit action and highly finished. Twenty pounds uf wool are snllicieiit to make a tfootl mattress. Anybody having that amount to spare ought to give liellomy A litisch the order of mak ing a irood wool mattress. Charges fur lick and labor surprisingly low. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS- A R Stephens to Saruli J Stevens, 1)3 as of sec 3, 1 4 . r 2e; 2000. Julia A Minnpowor to Clackamas countv, right nf way for road in t 2 s, r 2e; Mary J Dicken to Clackamas county, rhrlit of wav. t 2 s. r 2 e; 1. J B Labe'r to Thomas J Murphy, 0 as nf llrr.i-lt clililll. EeC 22. t 1 S. r 1 B 1 UXI. Ueo R Detlman to Clara 8 Dedman, quitdlaiin to tract K. UlacKiimus uiver Abraham' liter fo E S'ltailway "Co" right of way through land in sees 1 oi 2, Crow claim, t 2 s, r 1 e; f l. Otegon Crop-Weather Report. The temperature in western Orog n during Ihe past week was about two degrees heluw tho normal. Uloinly weather invaiiahly prevailuii in tho mornings and l he afternoons were clear and warm. The sunsliii.e was below the normal. Nu rain ociirred. hut the cloudy, cool mornings counteracted the effect'of the dry weather of the after noons and proved beneficial lo grass and pastures; at the same time assisting the work of harvesting and threshing. Smoke from forest tires has been no ticuhle in the Willamette valley all the week and at times it was quite dense. Haying is practically over in the coast districts. It is cured well and bus been Loused fur winter use. Harvest ing and threshing is progressing, more advitncod in the coast districts than in other sections. Threshing reveals a yield of r.boiit live bushels per ucre less than was anticipated in southern sec lions, while in no them sections and in the Willamette valley more favorable results ure shown. In the Willamette valley the yield varies fr. in 2:1 to DO bushels per acre us is plmwn from thresher repcrts. Forty bushels per acre is the highest reported. Gals are making a fine growth. Karly spring wheat is being harvested, with nros pects fur a litdit yield. Owing to the'.'1'.ens of thesta-ioii Ihe com crop is in a doubtful condition, continual warm weather is necessary to bting it to nut turily. early frosts would make it a fui' ure. The potato crop has stood tl e dry reason well ; it will be u heavy crop in southern and const sections, while in central counties and northern sections tlryness is compluined uf, which cause tin in to dwarf and in sec tions to spot. Favorable repoils have been received regarding the hop crop in nil stctions uf the stale; thoruuru less insects than in former ve.irs mid the burrs are thickly set. Fruit continues to fall In some sections, owing to the evil effects of the co.llin moth; the damage is irwre noticiihle in southern counties. F ruit is coming into market more plentifully. Apples, which will average Ihree qiiarters nf crop, are ripening rapidly and are being shipped lolCaslern and Southern markets Prunes and plums will mature a full crop Free-tone peaches nr" becoming plenti ful in murkit. Watermelons me ritidy for shipment for neighboring markets LETTKR LIST. The following is a list of letters re maining in the poslnfliceHt Oregon Cily, Aug 24. 18!:t: Baker, Mrs M A ISnrkell, (i Heebe, Hire in liaker, Miss It.-ll Burns, T F 2 liurhart, Miss II Clark, Kason, Ilavi. Miss Sarah E Ford, diss F'eichtiiige. M ith Greene, Geo J Griffin, K Heuitt (iingras, Frank E (ilanvill. Miss Klla Hughes.MiKsWillianHuuhes.Missnauah liurllmrt.Mrsllattie Hide, II Ilir.nernisn. I! Hiiniiihev Alfretl Jarman, Willie Jones, John C Kentner, Mrs E Linn, J W Larson, L J Mnrvey. Mrs Miller, Geo May, James Owens, Mrs C'lius Olson, Amy Rice. Emma Smith, Albert Stevens. I.mnr Slover.J P Torpey, Ixmis Wvman. A J Jones, John & Co Kentner, William Lines. W Lee, J T Mnir, John Miller, William Michal, Lou Owens, Mrs Oliphant, Maggie Roliertson, (ieo Richardson, II J Sulivan, Patrick Smalhcrs, Annie Tracy, James Taylor, Mis Dora WickhiT. J li f-eclion Xo 4 Wilson, Sam Whrn railing for lliwe letters please say "advertised, fc. -!. Kaxds, v. i. - Uipa-is Tabule cure li ver trouble. Metropolitan Hand Geo. C. Hrowncll of Oregon City WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. Your Noliihliors ami Fellow Cllltens Wlio llnvo Tried II. Mr. M. Quinn of Oregon Cily nivs: "I WU8 laid up with n severe attack of inllammatory rheumatism In a most acute form. Three applications of the famous .Seaweed Kemedy entirely cured me." Mrs. Geo. Itetldawy, Monroe street, says: "It is worth its weight in gold for rheiimittim." Mrs. Charles, Seventh street, says: "My boy's right leg was paralyzed from his hip down, so that he was unable to put his foot to the ground for over twelve months. After using three bottles of Mr. Ilargreaves' Seaweed Remedy he can run around without his sticks." Mrs. Watts, Jell'urson struct, says: "1 was nompletel) cured of a severe at tack of muscular rheumatism by three applications of the Seaweed Remedy." Sold by G. 10 Haikiiikavks, S. Madison street, and nt Thayer & Alden's ollice, Main street. The success of Mrs. Annie M. Benin, of McKecport, Pennsylvania, In Ihe treatment ol diurrhtea in her children will undoubtedly bu of interest to many mothers. She says: ''1 spent several weeks in Joustown, Pa , nfter the great Hood, on account of my husband being employed there. Wo hud severul children with us, two of whom took the diarrhtcft very badly. I got some nf Chamberlain's Colic", Cholera and Di arrheal Remedy from Rev. Mr. Chap man. It cured both uf thuni. I knew of Beveral ulher cases where It was equally successful. I think it cannot be excelled and chuerlully recommend it." 23 and fill cent bottles for sale by vieo. a. liuruing. Oregon City Market Report. Whkat Peruu '4 . bulk without sacks Oats -4:ic $ bushel, with sacks. Fi.our - Holler :i CO per bbi, net Kous-'-Oc Buttkb 40ja roll, Vial-Jo dresse.1 CiticKBNs -4 a doson Bkkf On foot:i(iJao; tlrcssctl 6c Mutton I2f(:i SHtNO).ii8-2 ISf thousand. Laid 12)o V pound. IIidks Oreon,3o; dry. OjJ.o V lb; ,ne-thlrd oB oreulled. Sheep pelts, 2Vd30o Hay Timothy, (14 baled; clover SI! Dkied KauiTs Prunes 10c; apples 8luo Mux Kkbd Shorts $!l .TO, llrnii fls.jO; Chop hi; it Jtt tc at wheat, to eeiils $ ba Pork Hides lie, shoulders Uo, hams llio; on foot : dressed 7e. Potatoes 7'u bu new; onions Y 'sck PJpi'.lls Tabtiics cure bill uisness. liipar.s Tubules assist digestion. DR. GUNN'S ONION SYRUP iFOR COUGHS, COLDS AHD CROUP. A REMEDY FOR CHILDREN. When a child at home, mother made me tako a tea- apouiil'ul of on. oi ayriip at night, tho neit mui-muff myt-o.ri.hrin. doriq. For Croup It lind no equal. Id v .tt i ii-r upon having Pr. Uunn'a Onion pVrt, , '( ii i,t.- pv-pfirort, more plcanant nU w.:& j:.. W i- lu-U of tiio ooiooa. Sold at Ado. Chiirinun A Co, PruRt'lsti DR. GUNN'S IMPitOVkLI LIVER PILLS ' ONLY 0 HE FOR A DOSE IS YOUR STOMACH SOUR, Breath bad or Head aching P One of theae pills ra lievea dtatr(aa In the atoniarh and curee headacn. one each night for a week aweetena the stomach ar.d purlflre the breath. They Inaure perfect digf-allon, regulate the bowela and oure eonat'patloii. 7 hey met pi omplly, yet mildly, nnvrr gripe or mcken. 16o Irugglata or mail. Uoianko Mtd. Co., fbiJa., Ta. Charm an k Co, Driigiflsta HAVZ YOU GOT PILES irnrix r;Lr.3 i.t br montur liu)!.!!. tut jiiau itcliltif f.i '.vitrei. Tlim fottfi ui.d BLIND. . .uDVSJ or sVattOX: JDIMii ytl ' LD A TO : t li TO tl. B0 SAN-K0'8 PILE REMEDY, wht-h direotlr on parta affnoted, abvrtf turn ira, ,Uy,thing.eiTiw1lng a p;'lriire. Ptif-t 1VV). Xmigg1t OrioAti, Dr. sUoMQko.I'hiladalphik.fa, Chmrman St Co. Dniggliiti Oregon City Transportation Co's 5TEAMER9 Altona and Ramona, TIME TAItf.K OKKOOX CITV IJOATK. --l J'A i f ir ;r nr - fave Lear POKTI.AXI) OSSWSCITT F'K.t Taylor St. Kout "III SI. 7:.10a.i. 7:00a.m. ::W A. M. Oi.'IOa.m. 12:00 ji. 12:00 m. 2 :W p. ji . 2 :.'Ml p. u. l:fflf.. 4::i0p. n. H:00 p. M. C;.!0 p. V. HIMJAV TIME. 8:00 A.M. OOa.M. ll:fi0A. n. 2:110 p.m. a :30 p. M. 5 :00 P. No way landings. In effect April 2th, 1H!)3. ns y raoDLnii Our Boots and Shoes, in All Styles, Cannot be stir asscd in quality or price. Try us and be convinced Call and examine our fine &nd varied stock of STRAW Hats anrl Modish Spring and Summer Clothing. We have an excellent supply of tints Thos. Charman & Son. Lounges iMattresses KEJLLOMY & BTTJSCIHL Are manufacturing them and keep cannot be excelled in elegance, durability and low rices. Our mat tresses are well made up and are exactly as represented. Country dealers will do well to get our wholesale prices. THE RED 15 OC Soda or Rice; 6 Pounds Beans or Rolled Oats; 7 spools Tnread; 8 Founds cat Steel 8 Fenny Nailr. tt0 Dress Braid; Boys' Straw Hats; 12 Lead Pencils; Ink; 25 Envelopes; 2 Papers Pins; 5 Oranges. Culloo-lS YarilH for 1.00. 8ATKKN8. Arrived Pure Ground Spices, Half Price Tit AD Fl FOR rRODUCK, llamiltou & Allen, - C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW OFFICE, REAR OF COMMERCIAL BANK. Oregon Cily, Oregon. . Geo. C. Bkownell. A. S. Dressir. Brownell & Dresser, Attorneys at Law, Office One Dour North CaufleUI & Hunt- ley'i D (ih OREGON CITY, , OREGON. W. Cahey Joiinbon. I'. M. IDI.EUAN Johnson & Idlcnian, LAWYERS. CORNER FOURTH AND MAIN STREETS, Oregon City, Oregon. Real Estate To Sell and Money To Lend L. It. JANiNEY, Lawyer and Notary Public. OFnfK Next Dooii to Huntley'b DllUCIBTUItK, ORK'JON CITY, OREGON. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the a uepot. Double and simile rlcs sn.l ss.l.lle lmrscs ai wavs on liaud at the lowest rules, anil acorra. also connecleil with Hit bsru lor looso stock Any Information rcKar.lliiK any kind of stock pionintlyalU-ndod lo by letter or person. HOKNK8 ItOUOIIT OH SOLU H. B. MAY, Carpenter and lluilder. STOKES AND OFFICKS FITTED Vr. Slnir Bnildinu and Jobbing. ReairitiK a Sppcialty . Eslimuteii Made. Box 317, OREGON CITY, OREGON. L. M. ANDREWS M. D. IlKAI.r.R IN Drags, Notions, Perfnmerles, Toilut Articles, 'c. Prcicrlpllons Car, fully Compounded. Bhively'sj Ulcck, Cor. of 7th & Muiliumi St., Orrson City. OREGON CITY JOBBING SHOP ALL KINDS OF TINNING, PLUMBING, And General Jobbing to Order. Sewer and Water Connections Made at the Mrat Reasonable Rates. AT Work Is done with a view to lat and satisfy al concerned. Hliop on 7tb btreet, near Depot, A. W. 8CIIWAN, PROP. 1 GEO. A. HARDING, DEALER I IP DBUGS -pi Standard Pat. Medicines. Paints, Oils and Window ilass. PTturripdixu Ammtrlf Campoumdrd IIARDI5n'( BIXICK. o WALL PAPER, rich in delicate a full stock on hand. Our couches) FRONT. .- -. Oregon City. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts a General Banking BusIrssps ttaiia sins uisuouniea. stales cot lections. Buys and sells eiehange on all poln In the United States and Europe and on Uoug wiik. uuiHHuu, receiveu suujeci io cneca, lit terest at usual tales allowed or lime deposits. Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. II.; Haturdaf evenings Irom 6 IIU 7 P.M. D. C. LATOURETTE, F. K. DONALDSON, President, Cashltt FRANK NELD0N, Oun and Locksmith, Adjoining the Noblitt Stable, OREGON CITY, OREGON. All kinds of Firearms repaired .id cleaned. All of small mncliluus rejiaired. Duplicate ksjra made fur all kinds uf lucks, tiunsaml l'htols bought and sold. . BICYCLES REPAIRED. U. Frier's PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. If you want a FIRST-CLASS I'HOTOGRAPH call on him at hia Old Htand, opposite Farr's the butcher's. Nolhlnn but FIRST-CLASS WORK Dona and Promptly Delivered. Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING IIOl'BE IN Till CITV Paid I p Capital, 150,000. President, Vice President, Thomas Charm Geo. A. Hardiko E. O. Caufulo) ClURLEI II.CAUnElB Cashier, Manager, A General Banking Business Transacted. Deposits Received Hubject to Check. Approved Hills and Notes Discounted. Countv and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Security. Exchange Bought and Hold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Hold Available lu Aiit Part ol tha World. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, SOB Francisco, Chicago and New York. interest raid on Time Depoalla. sub aqints or THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. FINNICAN'S Disease l'reventatlve or Blool Purifier. The followins are a few of the manv teRlimonials vouching for the ellicacjr of this vrpAt remedy: Oreoon Otv, April 0, 18tJ. A. II. Finnigun. Dear Sir: I bavsj used your Disease Preventative or Champion Ulood Purifier and given It a thorough trial and deem it all that it I 9 represented lo be. I used it special! for treat inn some skin eruption or li til watery lumps that appeared on a horse 9 neck and shoulders. After nsing abot 4 half a package of yourpowdei tlielumc t cnmpletei disappeared and left )Ji skin as clear and smooth aa velvet. a blood purifier 1 have never yet met ill equal, therefore I take great pleasure ta recommending it t.i all horse owned. Yours respectfully, V. Okeoom City, April 26 180S. A. II. Finmgan. Dear Kir: I haft used vonr Disease Preventative or Champion Blood Purifier on a mare sof lertnie from some skin disease and aria ary trouble. Less than one package cured her completely, in (act. made a) new mare of her. As) a blood purifier, I have never used its equal, and bdloff guaranteed free from arsenic, copperas, etc., I consider il doubly valuable and would strongly recommend its use by all horwowners and breeders. Yours very truly, Fred PM.stES. Prepared only by A. H. Finnigan, Oregon City. Cr. For Sals by A. N. Maatev at hia .lea ta I Pertlaa Httet.