, .-. -.i. ) .W Oregon City, August 25, 1603. Tub people ol tlie Wnt do not appre ciate the crippled condition of Industrie! in the Atlantio itatei. In Lawrence, Mam., three woolen mills together em ploying 8000 hands have thut down for an indefinite time, and half of the New England ntillt are closed. Tim 1,073,000 people composing the population of the seven silver slates, Arlxona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah, demand that the country shoulder the free ami unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1 for their special benefit. Shall thftH'ag the don; 1,075,000 people Rotate to 6,O0O,0007 I RLKKPINO, I 1 tan Til a upuinv m uvuimvpl all ATIIKIDI, How sweotly she is sleeping In her bed betiflHth the sod; (th. HRi-nnlil nut u lull t'uakt) tier From her slumber there with Gud filie In i gone to live with Jeus In that land so pure and bright; She is with the happy anH. Hubed forever more in white. She has paused from care and pain And the ills of rarllily life; Nevermore to know of sorrow, Nevermore to know of strife. How sadly wo shall miss her, In the Java so swiftly panning by i Jiut we hope to meet thee, Henrietta, In our home beyond tlie sxy. Iiamascus. E. L. M Extra Session ft Legislature. KTATK OK OlIKIION, ) Haucm.Auk. 15,18i3 ( Hon, Charlti Nickrtl, Juckmmvillr, Or: Dkaii Sin: Having received numer ous cotnuiuiiieations uriting me. in view of the present financial stringency. call an extra sesaion of tlie l.-glalatlve Tnif press of the state is pretty gen erally opposed to the desire expressed MM)mhv for the purpose of passing h r.m, Pnnnnvitr of callins an extra law for the stay of execution, on all session of the legislature for the purposo Judgement for one year, I request thut -i i Inn. If llmm nr " Kinimuru, Ul eilBlllllK a oj - Bood outlook that the legUluture would undo some of its de ilment of the regular session, tlie 23,000 it would cost would no doubt be most wisely ex nondud. A stay law would not make times good nor, it sooins, be of any ben- fit to t!io st ile; to the contrary, injury, Til Illllsboro Democrat says that while in Portland last week Wednesday, "we were In one of the side rooniB of a 'shaving machine,' usually known as a loan broker's office, and a party, want' ing to borrow $130, camo in and Hnkcil the terms for money. 'Five per cent, brokerage and 10 per cent, per month,' was the answer. The security offered for the loan wus valued at f'1000. We also learned of a man who borrowed 1000 and paid 12 per cent, per month on same for one year." AN EVENING WITH A MEDIUM. Henry Allen Gives a Materializing Se- anoe Mysterious Muslo In the Air. At the house of II. A. Lee, in Canhy, a seance was trivet) on ftunilay evening bv Henry Allen, the noted "hoy me- diuin" of Summer Land', Oil., the manifestations at which wore marvelous, Thore was no trickery as there was no opportunity for anv. The medium and 13 other men and women, citizens of this county, sat in a dark room In a cir cle around a table with joined hands. A largo, heavy dulcimer was lying on the tloor behind the medium and n In rite guitar, Ave smull bells and two pencils would express your opinion as to tl advisability of so doing. Very respectfully, bvi.vKNTKii Pennoyhh. Governor, Ukant'r Pass, Or., Aug. 17, 18(13, Hon, Sulvetter Pennouer, Governor of vreyon: Pkau Sih: Your communication regard to calling an extra sesxiou of the h'gudature is nt hand, being sent mo (rum Jacksonville. In reply, would sav Hint I am beaitilv in iHvor ot passing any law that will re liove the financial erlwu that seems upon ua and assist the musses to extricate themselves from the toils ul tneiviless creditors. At tlio same time, I do not wii-li to revolutionize commercial reiru lutions which lire recognized everywhere and by everybody as necessary to our our existence as mini nous people. Hii-pension of execution on indumenta (without Impairing their ellect as liens) that have attached or will attach to real estate, is practicable. However, it would not bo uuHinessIiko or ust to suspend the execution of Judgments against personal property, especially if il la ol a perishable nature, eucli stay would work hardship on the most merciful of creditors and put a premium on fraud oftentimes. Would not the suspension of execution on all iuduments cause both the whole- Rule and retuil merchants to select their customers with the utmost caro, to the detriment of a great many of the verv people whose sufferings we would be called together for the purpose ot alleviating? 1 am, Willi much respect, Yours truly, C'llAS. Nll'KKI.I.. Jacksonville Timet. with a pad of white print paper were on tho table. 1 he circle had not sat long in impatientexpectancy, when the dulei mer began to play softly. Presently there were loud thumps n the table, a pencil could be heard writing on the pad, the page was noisily ripped off and stuffed by a large, rough, cold hand in the side-pocket of the person sitting next to the medium, anil who held his hand on one side, the other hand being firmly held bv the person sitting on the other side. The medium and the person receiving the messnge were thumped on the breast and head, anil fingered by a large bony, mysterious hand, which whacked on tlie table as if it was a sledge hammer. Fourteen in succession sat at the left hand of the medium and received the messages in pencil and the rough caresses of the hand or hands. Wild, weltd, impassioned music enme from the dulcimer, while the Ave bolls rang fiercely in the air in accord ; the music would change to loud drumming of the fingnrs on the side of the dulci mer, and next to scratching on it as if - with a nail. The scratching were sue fowled by the sawing of a slick of wood with a dull saw; the saw struck a sliver and squeaked; the laborer evidently was lazy; the saw produced the dismal noise thut a dull s.uv will when the cut la through, and tho stick fell to the ground with the familiar, "dull thud." Then, seemingly, a hole was being bored in the dulcimer; to the enr an auger gradually penetrated the wood and nt the end its point slipped through the hole. Theso peculiar noises were al most painfully exact to reality, though all knew they were only make-believe, as there was no bucksaw or nugar in the room. The guitar, while accompanying the tune whistled by the medium, repeatedly flew around tho room over the sillers like a great singing bird, so swiftly that it produced a current of air. occasionally striking the ceiling or thumping one or another on the head or on the shoulders; then it would come down on the table witli a thwack . When tlie clock struck nine, tlie strokes were imitated on (lie dulcimer, which was just then at work, In a quaint manner that produced a burst of laughter all around the circle. Faint whisperings from uncanny lips were also heard, anil often u myolerious hand snapped its thumbs and fingers witli a loud report. Tluso manifesta tions continued nearly two hours, from 8 till 10 o'clock . At the end, the lamp being lighted, the dulcimer wus found lying on tlie tnblo on tho top of the bells at its four corners and a chair on the dulcimer. The Spiritualists toll us the spirits, rcting through Henry Alleir, who can't play a tune, did tliche wonderful things He savs the spirit of his fun -lovinu col ored friend Tommy does the playing and cutB up ino capers, and uiiother spirit friend with ,big lists, named (,'olwcll, does the heavy thumping. Hut this is only explaining one riddle by substi tuting another. Haven't tlie spirits any better employment than amusing or entertaining those who "in tlie mind suffer tho slings and arrow ol outruga ous fortune" and seek to turn the light of day on the mysteries of death ? Congress Since 1859. It is commonly said that the demo emtio party is now responsible forlettis lation for the first time since 1801, this lust being the date of the inauguration of the first republican president. But, to be exact, it is necessary to go back two years further. Dnr'ng the llrstlialf of Mr. Buchanan's administration, iliat la to say from March 4, 1857, to .March 4, 18MI, the democrats had control of every depart ment of the government. John C. Hreckmridge, of Kentucky, presided over a democratic senate, and James L. Orr, South Carolina, whs the speaker of a democratic house. The democratic pnrly was then able to perfect legislation, and was responsible lor the laws that were enacted. After March 4, 183!, this condition of things no longer existed. When congress met in December, a long strug. ulu ensued over tlie organization of the houae. which ended on February 1, 18(H), with the election ot William Pen nington, ot New Jersey, a republican. From March 4, 1840, until August 7th, a poilod of more than thirty four years, there has been no strictly democratic legislation, except such as received the assent of a republican president. In 18(11 the republicans inaugurated their first president and controlled both houses ot congress. This control lasted until 1873, when ti.e democrats controlled the honso for tho first time after the war. In 1877 they again had the house, but the republicans had the senate and the president. In Ji!) the democrats find both houses, but tlie republicans hail the president. From 1881 to 1883 the republicans had both houses and the presidency, though they held the .Senate only by a dicker with (Jen. nlaloiie. From 1883 to 188!), the democrats had the house, and from 18S3 to 18811 the president, hut the republicans hud the senute. From 1880 to 1801 the republi cans were again in full control, and did much to create the conditions from w hich the country is now suffering. In 18111 the democrats regained control of the house, and in tlie present year have attain obtained contrul of the presidency and the senate. Tims In thirty-four years tlie demo crats had the presidency six years, the senato lour years and tlie house fourteen years, hut never had all three at one time, the republicans hud the piesi dency twenty-eiitht years, the senato thirty and the house twenty years. Dur ing eigteen years they hud control of Old General Putnm'i Cane. ) The following anecdoto I told of Dim Israel Putnam, the heroic ancestor of our fellow-cltlzen, Israel Putnam, the owner of liock Island : Hoon after the Kngllsh and Spanish troops got through thrashing each other in Cuba in 1702 "Old Put" fuwm up in the island, and while strolling about ofllavunaonu day he saw a Kpanl-h planter "I miming ' a slave with a stout bast Indian bumbo cane. If tin one thing that Hie Mull Yankee haled very much It was any big, high and mighty bully trminiMiii a ili.i..,l..,,i and Putnam s blood boiled at the Cuslil- lan r orutallly. lie was all a one in the streets of a hot. blooded cllv. but the man who Rome years later rode nwuy from the Uritish down the precipitous stone steps at Horsiuieck, Conn., while uuiicih wniKiicd about hi head and one bored a hole tlirouirli hisi-oiiiinmii,,! l,i did not stop to count chances when his gorge w as up. He strode up to the hidalgo ami took away his cane. Then a hornets' nual ganed wide "pen Instantly in the street of fluana. Kve ryono in siuht of tlie street hvolnv. in. eluding the haughty Spaniard' himself, got utter ino presumptuous Yankee, and Putnam, who knew when it was time to run as well as any one legged it back to bia American ship with a mob of Cubans at his heels. Hut instant y a cloud of sailor men swarmed over the vessel s side and received thedoiiuhtv American. Then it was time for the Spaniards to sneer oil, and they did so with prompt and polite discretion. Putnam kept that cane. Worse still, he kept the hauulitv Spaniard's darkv. for the darky ran with Putnam, fell in lovj with him, and ut the wharf of the American ship throw himself ut Put's feet, as ''Friday" did before Itohinson Cru-oe. Having taken a track Israel wasn't the man to go half way. He said to the trembling slave : "Come along, boy ; get aboard t'mt rlilo and all t mi Spuniurd in Cuba can't get you away from it," Toe slave declared ho wanted to he Putnam's ser vant for life, would go anywhere he wished, or do tuivtliuiir lie asked of him. So Pu'naiii and his Friday sailed lo New Kngliilid. Put set a great "tore by the Spanish cane, and even more bv his faithful slave. Putnam dwelt in Muhmi- chussetts at the time, and he took the negro home with him to Old Salem town The black served him affectionately as his body servant until tint patriotic died at Ins home at f'omlret, Conn. I'utnain kept a diary, and therein rcc irded many complimentary and grateful things about tho poor Cuban slave. When the Illustrious general died in MM), at the age of 72 years, the cane, in uccurd with his will, became the properly of the slave, and the white-headed old darky stumped about the little Connecticut country village, leaning proudly on the stall lor many years. If any one asked turn about his walking stick he straight ened his bent form ami witli pride and dignity replied : ".Massa milium s cane b'long to de gineral. Great man, Massa Put; good man." TluU" Ar. Vcr. 8c.ro.. Juines Puyn recently told this anec dote to Illustrate the difficulty of secur ing pooii plots: "Jrollope was at one time almost alone in not seeing the necessity of hav ing any -story in his books. Wilkia Collins once said to him, 'Your fertility. jny dear fellow, amaze uiej whore do joii got they ure not much, but still yon have to find thorn your plots from!" 'Well, my good sir, to tell you the truth, from you. A very littlo bit of ono of lour plots and, you see, you never miss It does for me,' "Tho fact is, a good plot is a difficult tiling to get. A very clever acquaint ance of in I no, a divino who had distin guished himself in literature, onco con troverted this. Ho said ho had himself quite n talent for plots, only, being in tlie theological line, they were of no use to lilm. 'Well,' 1 suid, a littlo irritated, 'yon are always wunting money for your chancel (I hud never heard so, but 1 knew tho cloth, and the shaft went home), mid for every good plot you give lite, if it is only in ten lines, I'll give you ten pounds.' After awhilo not the next day, as ho had led mo to expect lie sent mo a dozen. 'I didn't find it quite so easy as 1 thought,' bo admitted in his 1 letter, 'but here they are.' ".Six were as old as tho hills and the other Ax not worth a furtliing. I have had hundreds of plots or tho hint of them, which is all that is required givun me in tho course of my 'literary career,' but only two good ones, mid one 1 bought. They ore very rare and valu able articles." AN AUTUMN MELODY. Wblt null nf what ilHty ran uniiut from ths fit)'. From mil af I In- il.ist nnil tint din, Win-re iha sun's imIIUI taper is illin IhnniKli tint VKiiiir That alii-oiiila all Hit- siirrnw ami tint Al evi-nlMK I ll-lun -the murky lumps kIUKiii, TIiu ur m- liy twn and by tln-tiuj Tun liursli HuImiI nnlsm replace your nwoot vulcua, lli-ar seal Vet piisl lb f curtain, I know It fur ccrlaln, Tim burn r)f have i-suclil lint last ruy; Tbe mimlm nf tlm Ibrunlilna Is wiflly rniiiunli (im Brown Knlilca witli iIi-IIi-aih gray: Tlie rnl li-nvtw nro fall Inn. I lie pluvrni ar f-alllna, Tim ,- wind is suit o'ur the wold, The bryonies blorkon, I he turn of greea brarkvii Turn gold. ( semis t lull ri-dniiblo whnro nlow tlmnmli tils m ubiilp The plow t'li'iivna a pathway of bopul O wihhU rudlng yellow, and orc-hurdi grown llielluw. And HiH-kson Hie faraway sloped U sen. sunns Ihul iiilnale on bowlder anil shingle. O Hehla Ihul of old 1 1 mo I knewl My heart swell to bursting with Infinite thirsting Knr you. - Jl. C. Ililllngton lu Chambers' Journal. PUNKS! HI.AMvS!! II.AMsS!! For Sale ut liie Coi iiikii i lllce: Mnrlirtitc, l;llm ( oi'-, Hon, I l.irlii-' d. , I'naiii ,ry Nolo, Itcc hit tin- k. . hit oily Pei'-I. ' I . I:, i i, i-,l, ui-l 'Mni'ii il --n' - . , I Tea, ln rs' II, i oil i r . I'tirtl.il I ) i t I. ,i- ,.mi, , , him. i, Micritt I--, ii . Jill) .Minm, ovw, i'- ,y i - ii -in .V I Oi'i-ll II , .Miiv, r Hi i ,,i iili h.'C, Miliioena, Miltuf Altsclumnr, .In t cc 'i b oi-ii n, civil, 1 1 t Ii - Mii',i'i,ii, i iin.li nl Special nr p iv it" blanks pr.nieii mi .ippliciiti- ii rxi-i 'M i iis'y anil cm rn tly NO i 1: V I' 1 1 IS . 1 WWWWMW.V.V.VmVWWJWVW BALD HEADS! What Is tho condition of your? Is your hair dry, j harsh, brittle? Docs it split at the ends? has it a t lifeless appearance ? Docs it fall out when combed or brushed ? Is it full of dandruff ? Does your scalp itch ? , Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of i yoursy mptomsbe warned in time oryou will become bald, jjj SkookumRoot Hair Grower ? liwlmt you nerd. Iti production linola'awldant.biltthnrMiiHofarti-ntino reiearclL Kiinwlisluo of Hie dlu-aiua ot the tialr anil aualD led to the dlieov- ST ery or now to treat tiii-m. "NaonKum-eouiaiin nuiuier mineral! nor on. it anoiaoye, uiitsilellgiitruliy cooling nu reirrmnng Tonic liy ttimuiatina , llio ollitin, il Uupt ulling Auir, cunt iundrujf and orvut AuirvnlulJ . Remit, .. I BTnen Iha icatp claim, healthy, and free from Irritating eruptions, by the ua ut AtoojNm Mia Snap ituulU-uya JxiraiiKe Imceli, ihuh Jtti auii ileitroy the hnlr. If your druiiKlat raannt lunrdr Toe isnd dlreot to at, Snl ws will forward prepaid, on ri'ivlnt ot Jirlcc. Uruw,l.lMsjrbulUot tut bonp.tuu. IHir Jar i Itor SJ.SO, THE SkOOfcTIin DfiftT HAID ffDftUPD m TlttnR MARK .rV.-.VT-" Jm m "jtaniirmi. u Douiai vuin AYSDnv, nsw vorlt n, MVSVWWAWVWi .I.,,, mi 2 CjJX. A MINE THAT SHUTS ITS MOUTH. Plowing Under Crops. Tlie continuous growth of crmu In- tlie use only of artificial fertilizers will certainly result in a serious lo-s of fer tility, unless an ample supply of the needful carlxmaceoiis mutter is triven either in the form of manure or of some lliiitK I hut H ill all'onl tlie same elements plant food . As it is beyond dispute at the whole of nny truiiir must be (treat er than a part of it. and equally I lint when any crop is fed to animals some part of it is appropriated by them, ami thus the manure resulting from this feeding cannot be equal in value to the crop itself, then it must be true that any crop, as of clover, or uny other that may uo plowed under as a siiliNtitute for ma nure, must ue more valuable than the manure that mtttht be made of it bv leeuniL' it. J His is the precise principle upon which tlie use ol y-reen manure is based, unit it is quite clear that this practice is one that deserves tlm atten on of farmers. i.'1'hen it follows that with this supply of oiganio matter to tlie soil, and an ad dition ol fertilizers which contain alt the helements of plant food bWond those ur.imhed by the atmosphere, the land mav be kept fertile and productive without tho use of any animals what' evt r Keiil at a iari(U loss for the sole purpose of (nuking liianu'e. Thus model n exigencies have forced the farmers to abandon this too cost I v tnotlio I of procuring plant food, and it is no longer true as it once was that the feeding ol animals is the moat important pint of aKriciilliiro. We have, in fact L'ot beyond this, which was said bv uicero to De the sine qua nun ot fariiiinu in ins day. .v. 1 . Timet. both houses and the presidency. Louis ville L'ourier-Journtil . . HIGHLAND. Harvesting is in full blast. Grain is cut with the newly improved self binder, the old reaper and even tho old-fas!i. toned cradle Is rocked and is bringing down grain at every stroke. Grain is well headed, but some of it is very thin. Threshing men are repairing their sop aratorsand Highland will soon be flailed out. Potatoes and garden stufTare suffering from the lack of rain. Our esteemed friend, Iave Miller, has located in Highland with his better bull and is playing sad havoc in the Oregon forest on his ranch near by. Miss Tennie Muyfiald, our worthy teacher, has been engaged t teach our school again and will com.nence the 10h of September. Horse traders and horse sellers, or rather pe3ple attempting to sell horses, firA l.ltlla n., . ' - u,cluwa , iiik-nianu at pres e.it, but very few tales are affected. The peddlers through the country are toii,picuouR ,by their absence this sum-nit-r for which the ladies are very thank- Misa Minnie Harrington and her fT.?.rKeiJre In?kinP PrePrtions to attend the Normal school at Mon mouth. af(,f!r.ffrie.n,d-,,-1D VMj,ers ia rusticating al I the foothills n the Newbill mansion, and is enjoying himself nicely at fishing, banting picking berries, milking his cowi and making butter. He baa lost some of his calves. A pert known aa the potato bog baa made ,U appearance in Highland and ?iltly fine tlme, tm It is black in color, shaped like a large black ant but fuller toteaa.Mtlikelhe ( II E VP JOH I'KINTINU! Kemeinlier.wlien the rortlund printing ollice driiiniuer comes around, that the Cot'ltiKU ollice does job priming as cheaply and ns well us any rortlund concern, l'alronizo the home printing ollice. If the hair is falling out ami turning gray, the glands of the skin need stiiuii. luting ami color-food, and the best rem o.ly and stimulant is Hall's Hair lie-newer. WOOL) SAWING. Wood sawing by the Bibcock wood saw quickly and cheaply done. Leave orders at (imut A Confer's real estate ollice or address me at Kly. Kl.MKH Dl.VO.s. For a sluggiab and torpid liver, n 'th ing can surpass Ayer's l'ills. Tliev con tain no calomel, nor any mineial drug, out are composen ol (lie active princi ples uf the best vegetable cathartics, and tl eii use always results in marked benefit to the patient. Mr. Thomas Ilatte, editor of the Graphic, Texarkana, Arkansas, has found what he believes to be the best remedy in existence for the tlux. His experience is well worth remembering. He says: "Last summer I had a very severe attack of Mux. I tried almost every known remedy, none giving re lief. Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diaiihiea Kemedy was recommended to me. I purchased a bottle and received almost immediate relief. I continued to use (lie medicine ami was entirely cured 1 take pleasure in recommend ing this remedy to any person snll'ering with such a disease, as in my opinion ii is the best medicine in existence." 25 and .r0 cent bottles for sale by Geo. A Harding. An Oriental's Weather Report. This is how the Pandit Imlravarma Snra.swatl describes "The Oriental Weather in Lnglnnd in the Year of centuries, l!i.f" (tlm title ol his con tribution to the Asiatic Quarterly AV i iV'ic) : "Tlie colestrial Court of Indril and Saraswali, the Goddess of Learning, wreathed in smiles and decked wild flowers, have transported their abode this year to Kngluud. Dropping her dark rube of rain and stoim, the garb of coiqilOHf, she has been crowned, in peaceful prossession, by Surya, the sun Thus Iiiih the West become a depend ency of the Kast, mid his rays have re vealed, bathed in light, the home of the Kmpire of the World. "In the wake of the Peities whom I invoke have come Indian rnj'ahs and warriors to celebrate the opening of their domicile, the Imperial Institute, which, watered by the liberality of our l'riiicosa, has been endowed with life under tho radiance of the Croat Queen and her illustrious son, on whom our eyes had already rested in India in loyal love. "Oh Indril, Lord of the Hast, of Air, and Climate, visit often Thy new do main, for Kiighitid requires the glow of our hearts aim India tlie clouds that conceal Thee, so as the more to w elcome Thy return, but leave not behind Thy companion (the Goddess of Learning), who, although m t tickle like Liiksmi (tlie Goddess of Fortune), seems to pre fer her present home!" London Pailu AVif. How an Old I'lirue Originated. Tlie phrase "Thut beats bobtuil," Is not uncommon even now in many parts of tlie country, especially in the south. Its origin is traceable to a raco which occurred about 1840 or shortly before that year on the famous Fairfield track on the Mechanicsville turnpike, near Richmond. In those days Bob Poin dexter lived in Richmond. He was a siKirting man, wore lino clothes and owned a number of horses. Among bis animals was one be named Pizarro, a plain bay gelding, with black mane and tail, the latter bobbed short. There was nothing extraordinary about tlie liorso, and nobody looked upon him as a nicer. But Poindexter took a no tion thut ho could run. He used to drive Pizarro about Richmond hitched to a buggy. On the day that he was ad vertised to appear on the track a great crowd was present and excitement ran high, for a good deul of money had been put on the other horses. To the aston ishment of everybody Pizurro beat every horse on the track, and tlie people went fairly wild. Bobtuiled Pizarro hover made much of a record. Ue won two or three races, and then went to pieces. For years afterwurd, when uny thing extraordinary happened in that section it was said of it. "That beuts bobtuil." Baltimore American. She Took Them All Iluck. They hud quarreled, and the high spirited girl said as she handed mm a packugo: "Thero, Mr. Ferguson, are the presents you have given me. Now that nil is over between us, sir, there should be no reminders of the foolish past." Yon nre right, Miss Keezer." he said humbly, "and I suppose 1 must return the gifts you have presented to me." "I never gave you anything, sir, that 1 remember." "Indeed you did." "Sir, I" I "Miss Keezer Kutie!" he exclaimed, with something that sounded like a sob "I value then boyond everything else ia the world! It would break my heart to return them; but thero ia nothing else left ror me to do." t I "Will you kiudly fell me, wbat you are kpaking ofr" "I am Biieakiiifr, Katie, of thd kisses yon havo Kiven rnel Thy are not mine now. It's my duty to restore them. Forgive me, darling, but 1 cannot go away without" "Oh, George!" When the clock Btruck eleven, about three hours lutor, George was still re turning them. London Tit-Bits. A New fleogriiphlrul fault. ' At the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Sci ence, Dr. G. C. Knott guve a report on earthquake phenomena in Japan. Among effects uf the recent severe earth quake were mentioned the depression of a valley by alxuit uineteeu feet for a distance of thirty miles thus forming a great geographical fault together with the destruction of mills, bridges and towns, and the curving of a railway line miming along an embankment and bridge in the path of tlie earthquake. It is stated incidentally that in many earth quakes though not in this one oil ia overturned, and by catching Ure causes more damage than the earthquake itself. Furgnt Ilia Military Duty. Lieuteuunt Colouel Villiers, deputy adjutant general at Winnipeg, has been auspendeU by Major General Herbert for alieeuce from his post without leave. There ia something approaching a grim joke in connection with this suspension. The colonel, who is of rather mature years, recently married a charming vmm., 1... Iv t,n,.h hia iunliir Hn.l tha ' JU"UB '""J ...UH J event appears to have excited him so much thut he went off on his honeymoon without going through the necessary form of obtaining leave of absence. Ot tawa Cur. Montreal Oarette. Church Chlmea Are Common. Within the last sixteen years only two new chimes have been put up in this city those of St. Michael's church and tlioso of St. Andrew's. In 1876 there wore three chimes those of Trinity, Graco church mid St. Thomas. At that time n writer in one of the prominent magazines expressed surprise that there should be "u chime away off in Eureka, Oil., three sets in Troy, N. Y., one in Hartford, om It Birmingham, Conn., mid one in Savannah." There ure many chimes now "away off in California," and all the large cities have them. That there nro only five full chimes in New York is good evi dence that only five churches care for them, for a good set can be bought for less tliiiu $10,000, and dollars are not scarce in the New York churches. New ork Sun. The lloy'a Idea of It. It seemed ns if the visitor never would go away. She had been there a month or more mid gave no signs of departure, One day the small boy of the house was looking at her very intently nt the table. V lint is it, Johnny?" Bhe inquired graciously, as dt those who ure receiv ing undeserved benefactions. Am t no part of your head cone, is there,' lie naked. "Of course not. Why do you usk such B queer question?" " 'Cause 1 heard miiiiumi say you were eatin your head off, and 1 wanted to see if there was any murks of it." Detroit Free Press. Dno uf tho Iot Remarkable Nutural Wonlera of Montana. Refcrenco to tlie natural wonders of Montana, particularly the chickon broth and bichloride springs, brings to light others of equal magnitudo. Colonol John Doyle's wonderful vinegar mine in Beaverhead county passes the domain of doubt into tho sunlight of truth. It in bucked by crisp affidavits, and affi davits cost one dollar each in Montana. The colonel and his partners did not confine themselves to vinegar. They discover- d a mountain of pure alum in tlie Beaverhead rango. The discovery was considered a ton strike and better than a gold miue. "Vy kept the find a secret for several w t-lts. during which a shaft was sunk to the depth of 500 feet. The cut wus ninde all the way through a solid vein of alum, and it wus estimated that the whole mountain wus composed of it. A largo pile of stuff was heaped near the mine ready for shipment, mid the miners had ii scheme to flood the market with their product und r.-ilie in $ 1. 000,000 at one fell swoop. Monday tlie Cvloucl's partner went to town to lay in a stiiiply of grub and the former remained behind to guard tho trensuro. During the morning u heavy rain be gun to fall und continued all day, and in tlie afternoon the colonel had occasion to go down into the mine, miikijy the descent by sliding down the rope, and when once down at the bottom was so taken up with a contemplation of his novel mid wonderful mine that he did not heed the fleeting hours until he hap pened to cast his eyes upward and saw that daylight had faded from the month of the shaft. He started to climb up ward, but had not proceeded nioru than half way when, to his horror, ho discov ered thiit the heavy fall of ruin had so thoroughly saturated the alum sides of the shaft that, us a natural result, they had drawn together until the hole was scarcely large enough foruman tocruwl through. The imprisoned nimi recognized his awful position, ami without losing much time struggled toward the top of the shaft. Every foot he advanced the shaft became smaller, and for the last ten feet he was compelled to dig his way with a pocUctknife, and when he finully reached the surface he was com pletely exhausted, his clothes were torn and bis body badly bruised. Tho r.iin, which was still falling, soon revived the colouel, and ho started toward tho camp to meet his partner, to whom lie related his marvelous experience. or at least tried to, for although they searched for two days they were unable to find any sight of their lute posses sions. The rain had undoubtedly thor oughly and tightly closed np the dis covery shaft ond melted away every sign of the alum piled on the outside, so that to this time it has been impossible to find uny trace of the mine. Omaha Bee. ll Hllli-oMt jr. ,ii iiutliha hikI villi luii'i'Iv ilo y,.ii K'MKl.if yu liiivc a CiiikIi, C-il'l, ,r any Imnhlo Willi TlihMil. ('hrl ur I.iiiium. iir. kiim'ri , w IiImmivitv for ('IIHIII,lll,.l, I'ol.ltlll. Hll.l CillllH U allHIlllltl'Hl 1,1 give relief, or in- iii-.v will lie I'lii'l hiu k. Kuifercra Inilll ,rt 111 l,l,- .-tl"i II JtlHt ,k 1, hihI oniler lu line li.nl a hvi una J,.,I, . rettileiy. 'i'iv a mllllile at our exe-nM- mill ii-jin rr yuiirelf jtint hiiw kinhI h thing It U, TrUI until, I'reu lit lieu. A. llimllntf'a lirutf Hlurc. Ijoe l.c .'inc. anil al.Hl. BUCKLEX'S AKXICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Pnla. .bruises, Si .res, Ulcers, Knit Rheum, I'ever Sores TYtler, Chapped Hands, CalllilaliiH, rnii .mil nil Skin Kriipllinia, and positively i nn,, I'iIm, nr no imj- reicilivil. It is a-iiiirantieil lo kIvi- piTlwt Mitlidm-tlim, n mnncy rcfineliMl l'rh- i,ceiil pur box Kor aalu by ll. A. 1 1 .i r ll n k. A LEADER. Since III, Ami ln!r,ahictl.,ii, Kli-clrlc llllteni Ima (niui-it ntiii.lly In M,piiUr tsvur, until now It In m-ai'ly III Hit- leinl iiiu.iiiif tiiiri, iiieiliriiiiil luuii-a hikI lllenitlvin Cnlltiillllna linlliilii; which s,riulla lla 1M, us a lieveniKc or inliili.-Hlit, ll in tTCoaiiixi-a IM tlie eil hikI pure-l iiii-ilk-iiie lr nil ullliienli, i.r Htiiluiirli. ulver ur lillii.-". It vHI cure tilck IIiiiiIhcIic. in. liKenlioll, Colltlli:ltii!!, Hllil ill'lve Mlllillin (twill the -yHlelll. Siill-rin-llull Klilllltlilel-tl Willi eai'll Unllle III llum-y Hill l,i ri-liin,!, it. I'rlce only j'.U cclita ier U. le. NiUI liy (.in. .. Ilurillliic. Over l-'lfly Yi'tira. As Ol.ll ANil WKIX.Tltmi ItKUKHT. Mm, Will- low ii SnolliiiiK S.yfiii lin. Iiceii iietl fr over lilt) -eiu-i hy mllli.MiM ,,f iikiiIk-ih (or ilu-lr i-hilln-ii wlilh fi-thlng-, with ii-rti i-l oiii-cei.il. It MnitlieM Uii, rlillil, 'it'tell lllf Iflllllrt, ill iiy nil ptlln, ctlri'H Himl Colic, uil in the h,-t reiiteily f,,r iinri-liu,ii. la pleiiMint Ii, Im Iimtu. S.,1,1 hy llrnifllinttf ill every purl uf tin VnrM. Tvienly live ci-lca ii IhiIIIc. Iih mine in In -iilciiliihle. llu siti'o mill auk fur Mm. Wiiiilnw Hilhinit Syi-np, und tnku llu utller kind. Malaria and other atnuvplieric inrlii ences are best counteracted by keeping the blood pure ami vigorous w ith Ayer's Sarsflnaril la. A little t-aulion in this respect may prevent serious illness at ' The pyrometer measnres heat in Ue thia season. Ayer's Samaparilla ia the grees and fractions, and will give ccu best all-the-year-round medicine in ex- rate figure even though the heat runs istence. np to the unthinkable intensity of 7.0U0 Mandolins, guitars and banjos of the. celebrated Vtaabbarn make at llur-1 meister A Andreaen. i Mine. Titlleyriiiul's Keptj to Nupoleon. Wheu Mine, de Talleyrand wns pre sented nt court Napoleon had nothing more gnu-ions to say than, "1 hope that the conduct of Mine. Talleyrand will cause the levities of Mine. Grand to be forgotten," nu insult which drew forth the rejoinder, "1 could not follow a bet ter example than that of Citoyenne Bonaparte. "--San Francisco Argonaut The Sworn! Cane In Fruiice. Loud cries for help were heard pro ceeding from the end of the Rue de In Chapelle on Saturday night, and on hastening to the spot the iolico found three men lying wounded on the pave ment. One of them, named Francois de Geyter, had been run through the body with a sword cane and died shortly afterward. The others were not so severely injured. Louis Dcsiller had received a wound i.i the neck, and the third, a soldier of the Third engineers named Henry Bonfliers. bad bis left hand pierced by a sword thrust. They were taken to a chemist to have their wounds dressed, and were shied make a statement as to the can?e i.f tli affray. Tliey said that they were p::eiu? : along tne Hue de la l hapelle; they mo: ! two men and two women wlm were , singing most discordantly. IVtii yiet , and his ciiiiipauions U-gan to u-;;ialt-I them, and a quarrel, which terminates i n a fight, wax the result. Tlie two mm j seeing they were netting tiie Wo.-sl of il , drew sword canes and indicted j 'UIO I'l'IIIIUMCIIttloll III H MlllllF. How I hat John Philip Sonsu luis lo cated ii: Chicago we think it proper to correct a growing misapprehension as to tlie correct pronunciation of bis name. A certain wealthy and cultured nnd in fluential society faction on the South Side cull him Souse-er. and ut tho Chi cago club it is seriously argued that the eminent tunaicinn was called to this city nut only in recognition of his genius and talents, but also nud especial ly because it was fancied that his name. Identified with music development here, Would stand as an enduring tribute to one of the greatest industries in the packing house quarter of our civiliza tion. About the only joke that Phil Armour ever cracked was when lie put this coiinndi'iiiii to a group of friends the other evening, - Why am I like the leader of our famous band?" Marshall Field (who is a sly wag) Because you blow your own horn ha, ha. ha! Mr. Armour No. George M. Pullman (somewhat of a humorist himself) Because he lives by a baton and yon live by a battoir. Mr. Armour (wearily) No. nol N. K. Fairbank (always snbtle) Be cause be tries hard to please and you try lard to please. Mr. Armour - Yon are all wrong. Oinncs- We give it np, Mr. Armour-Then I will tell yon why I nm like tho leader of our famous b:'.nd. It's because I am a sonser too! Marshall Field - But you ain't: you'ro an Armour. George M. Pullman That's so; Marsh all's right: you're an Armour yon ain't a Sonsu! Mr. Armour-Hut don't yon see? He ia a Soiimh and I am a souser too! I make nonse I'm a sonser -see? So wo are both Kmisus! Marshall Field -Oh, oh. y-a-as; by George, that s a good one! Has Higin- hot hum heard it? In spite of .Mr. Armour's pretty wit and in spite of South Siile usages, Mr. Sonsa'x inline is not correctly pronounced Souse-er: the correct pronunciation of tlie until is as if tlie name were spelled Sons ah. with the accent upo:i tae pe nult. Chicago News-Record. Attempt at Suicide. Might Han Been Prevented. From the Boston Post. Whilo the walks in the Public Garden irere crowded yesterday afternoon about 4.30 o'clock, people near the entrance gates at the corner of Beacon ond Charles streets were horrified to see a man suddenly tihiiiue a knife repeatedly into his thioat and fall to the ground. While waiting for a conveyance an officer questioned the would-be suicide, who was about 50 years of age, as to his name, address, and reason lor wishing to end Ins Jilc, but the man steadfastly refused to give any infur niation regarding himself. He was taken to the Massachusetts General Hospital and surgical attendance given hini. Although weak from loss of blood it is probable he will recover. About V o clock last night a hospital attendant got a little information from him. He said his name wasSamiul D , and that ho came some weeks ago from New Brunswick, i lie last few dayi hit head hat felt queer, and he has been wan dering about the city, not knowing which way to turn. What impelled him to commit his rnsli act he was unable to say. The above is the familiar but terrible story of the results of menial derangeiuei. caused by overstrain of the nervous system People, who have dizziness, l.nuUtche or tad- ache, or who are troubled with nelanchohj er despondent feelings, nro already well on the road which leads to insanity and suicide. "Dr. Miles Medical Co.: I cannot find language in which tp express my npp-ecia lion of the creat benefit 1 liave Vinvcu from the use of your Bestorativo Nervine. lien lite, became a burden 1 would use the Nervine to soothe my weakened nerves, and to calm my exhausted and irritable br.iin." Mits. II. Urown, lioclicstcr, JN. I. Dr. Miles' Hestoratire Nervine lias no equal in curing Nervous Diseases. It contains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold on n positive guarantee hy all druggists and Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lml. SHERIFF'S KAI.U I'XHEIt FOli CI.OSL'KE. Ill the l.'lri'itlt Ourt of the Stnie ol ori'iion fur tttu loamy in i ;Mi-iuiiiiia, Nellie P. Union, I'laliillir, v. II. W. VV, o iiii.l I. M. Paris, iJt-fuillllltllH. Hlatc of OrcKiill, ( County olclitikiiiiias.l Votlce l h-rcliy given Unit hy virion of nil "cxci'iiliiiii nu, I iinli-r of mle isxiieil out ul lh. circuit i iiltrt ol the Mute of Olefin tor Ihei iilllilv of rliii'k.iiiniN, hi-iirltii: ilute (he -.jjii'l ihty ol July, IHiitl. In n suit iilicri-in Nellie I', lui'vvii Is ,l nu ll II, uii. I II. IV WiMi-ii iill'l I,. M. DiivIn tin- lie fi'llilniils. I'lililliliilnlltiK nu-, In the in, t- ( llu- nine in iiri-xiiu. mm inn in inu rinl et,ite hem. Itiiilli-r ih m-illieil, lo rcnlizi) a sum aiiilli li'iil lo Niitixfy the ih itt.lM u( said ilei-ri't1, In tvll: IIIHNl, I, Wilier Hllli Interest nil the hiiiiiu rim e .Miin h no, is-A, hi a iit rei lil per iilliiiini, ami iiIhi the eimls ol mill nlli tt.litiK llils mile mill nil alnu lu-y fee of lii, unit cusl n.iu- iiei-riii-,1 mi .1I in. Mlw. thelelllri.. ill lllH'llh,l.- In m.l ,l..r,.i, I urn. oil liie inn nay of Alluusl. ueiJI. i in v en Muni, ami lull, on Siiliinliiv llu, uih ilm- ,,i September, Hit, iii ( I io hour ol mic o'elo: k p. in ji( suiil iluy, nl the (.nut ilnur o( the eullrl Innlae in a.ilil i-oiiiily. infer (or sale nl pnhlle aili luiii, mill sell In the highest ninl I.cnI hi.lder. fr eu-li In Iniiiil all n( the right. HI II- hii, lntr,-iit the siltll lii-li-llililtlls hull on the Till ilnv ,i( S,',teill her, Isnl, lu ami In I he (nllim-lct; iliwrihui real property. In ivil: The 1", nl m-eliMii III In l,vn ship t Kiiiilh nt ruiigu li cuxi i l ihe illutiie'.le llllTllilllll. Hiin-,1 tills I Uii day o( AiikiisI, A P. I Mil . I'. IV. iMMiNO, Slicrill'm (y'hti knintts I'm,, siale of Or, BONDS FOli SALE. CK.M.HP IltliS WII.I. UK KKCKIVKD IIY TIIE w treusiirer n( l liickniuiis ciiiuly, nt liin nfllre in tho oolll'tlinlMO ill (l-i-!,,ll (,'lty, up In ' o'clock noon. August 'Ji'-th, isntl, for the rule of bonils to liie ulnniitit uf S-J.-.IKI of Mhnnl ilisllict No. 3 of citiekntiiiis ciniuty, oi-i-giin. Sum i,oiiiIh n'-t to bo aolil lielow ,nr. uotltli lo Oenr seven per cent in. terest. Interest ami principal imyiihle at the nflli-e of the cunty treasurer at Oregon city. Oreiriiii Knilnrse envelope. ''I'ropniiiils f,,r tin, Purchase of Siiuiii! ll.,ml. Iliglil reserveil to rejert uny tirall 01, m. P. 1. CALIrr, Oregon City, Aug. 17, 1S. County Treaanrer. f'lTA'HOX TO II EI RS nu hki.ii.aii sAwmxT.w. 11. kumonhs. cok 1 iieiiim I'Mni'iliiN, A. Surgi-nt, .1. Snrtront anil Kntia Sargent, ll,ilr--ill-lnw or.llleoli l. Jliiler, ilereuii d: In the Illillle nf tlie Btilte nf Oregdll, ynu um m-i of . vntl are colnllliinileil iiliil cit il tn npiwir before Ihe'liiiiiiiriihiii couiity judge of I'liickiiiims ciiuntv, ntilteiif dreg-in, ut Ilia "lllce 111 tho coiirlli,,uae at Or egon City, Oregon, no Mnli'lny, October iM, 1H!I.'I, ut 11) o clock a. lu., then mill lliel-e to liuw cutue, If any exist, why un oroVr atnl llceuj.ii nmy nt be grunted the mliultllstnitrix to aell lots 11 nnil4,.( b'(K-k 28 ef Mllwmikle, Oregnn, na prayed for in her petllloii now on nie. Witnesa the H-ui. .1. W. Mclihllin, imlge of aaiil court ttllil my ullicinl leul Ihi Allglui -.'hi, IMCI, OKU. K. UOitlON, County Clerk uinl Clerk uf County Court. ' NOTICE OK AITOIXTMEXT. XOTICK Is lii-ri-liy given In nllnlinin It mav einieeni Ill-it the iiiidi-rsigneil lias iieen hy tiie I'oiinly e urt of ('iiirknintis cotintv, Ori-gnti, iiiiiiidiili-,1 pxeeiiirix of ihe esinte nl A. K. Shipley, liv't-eiiaeil, nail Ihnt all peraolis linviiig cininis Hgulnat H.iiil e.diil,. are hereliy uotilieil lo preseift tlie sntne, witli t tie proper vomdiera, lo Ihe llliili'raigiieil nl the ollii-e nf .Miller .Miller, iitiniiioys. KiT'j First street. Portland, Or., within ai month from Ih! il,il,.. Unteil Hits lllli ilnv nr AniMil. A. M lsn:l. CKI.INliA K. SHII', -:Y, ' Administratrix of llu- I'S HIe nl 1 It. shinier ilueeiiseil. The l-'Mtlirr ol t'hiiritis l:iuglitr. Who was the father of pharaohs daughter? What was his name? The word phnruoh was simply a title, und the phrase "pharaoh's daughter" gives no more information man "tlie kings; daughter" or "the lord's daughter." ; Three phuruohs of the uame of Thut- Dies, three of the name of Amenhotep and two of the name of itaineses li.ive had their names advocated to he the father of t!:e princess wr.i resi-ned the infant '. .sts. There is a controversy going vn .ibout it a controversy revived ; by the R v. Trofessor Heckler ut the congress of orieutalists in Loudou. NjTiCE F0.1 PUBLICAriON. LA Ml Or'r'ICK AT OIIKliON CITY, OHKIIOS, August Jlst. lMIII. Notice Is liei-.-l,y pivell thut the fiillowing'liiittiej s-ttlerhia filed notice of his intention in make finiil proof In mipport of hi, claim, under seen, ,ti i:ni K. S,. unll thai siid pn,f will be lll nle before Ihe li -gisler HU,I liel-eiver V. S l.nml OtlU-e. nt On eon l ilv, llr. g.,,,. on October lf.th, lMiil, vi.: CIIAIII.Is V Mt.UTll. III. K. No C 1)1, for lots n s'i'1 ll of II. Twp. i S. II. K. He names the follow iug wittie.srs to lii nveliis e nli,i. ells re-ill- lie,- upon and cultivation of aaiil Ian I. vir: -Mien iitti. i.tu-ien liavitisoe, Henry Oani and K.'gar iiiuiils,-!,. nil of O.w-tro. tlrenon. UOill ll A. MII.I.K1I, llejister. Ari'i.nvnov koij i.i.-jicxk. NITI-'K is IIK'M-:lY II VKV THAT I SHAM, apply In the eltv eniinell of ilrogoti r ltv. Ore gon, lorn s-il,,i,n ih-etis,. toeoiititiii" mv salomi liM'ated In i.regoii I'ily, said iii-.-nse tmlale from scpteml.i r ifli. IM l. I. A. MIUKI.. AI'1'1 H'ATIiiX FOB LICENSE. viitick is iii-i:i:i.v t.ivKX that I sham. appiv to itie city council ,,r Oregon City. Oregon, f r a wil'-iii Iieen.,-1 fontitme my saloon 1,-catiai in Oregon I ilv, said licena to date fn-m s, pietnhar -'4 l-t". Al.BKIIT si'HKLLINO. SlIEIlll'F S .SALE Mute of Oregon sa Uotiiily of ( l.ii'kauuo.) The Niirlhu-cit K.re niul Marine liiBuram-e Coiiipaiiy, Phtliilill', vs C. II. Iliiwiirlh, Mitrllia S. Iluvvotih ami linrlil I'. Striiltun, llefeliilanls, NOT K!l! H IIKUKIIY (IIVKN THAT 11 Y lll-lln- ol an rxi eiiiltiti niul order of sale issued out of tin- -Irellll court ol the slate of Oregon for the enmity oii'1,1.. kuiiins. hearing dale Ihe I Jlli ol July. ISiit, In it suit wherein I In- NnrlhucM Kirettmt Murine Insurance Company Is plain till', ami C. II. Iliiuonh, Murtl.a s llumirih anil liavhl P. stiiittini were ileii-mluiits, eiiiiiiiiainllug me, 111 Ih" name of lie slate of ori-unu, to levy upon hikI si ll the r.nil estat-hereinafter ileii- eriln-it llll'l the llllerist nf the ilefellilnnls lliereiti liereiiiuiler set Inrlii. In realize a sum itillli-ieiil lo satisfy the neiiunida of said leeree. o ;l eii..' Hi. Ingot her u ll i interest on tile smite s:tu-e a. nil ilecree -.vus i-ntereil nl a uei cent. per tiiiiiuui, nii l nso thcd's'stn ami utii-ml- lligllils sal". 1 1 ii . oil Hi, -J.il 1 1 ho of J , 1 1 v. sin duly levy upon, un I will, on Siiini,'hiy.ihe-.'o I iluv of Seplemher. IMUI, nl Ihe lliniriir2o'elili-k p.m. of attiil day. at the Irolll iloor of l,ie i-ourthnuse ill said i-oiiiiiv. oil..r for snlii ui puliHe an timi. unit s, II to tne login- t ami in-si hidil r, lor cisli in utiliil ll,e Inl -im nig ilesi-rllied rial pinpcrty, to wll: Tne s- ., nt the sinulieiisi iiiarter,' Ihe west li.: II ol lh,- siiiiilienst iiiari"r, ami the norlliiii'l uuoiir nl the sniiiiiMisi iimrier of section '.t!. nil .a loaiislilp iwii(-J) miiiiIi range live (oi e HI n: V,':ll iiiu-ite .Meriiliull, end all Hie estilli-. r.glll. lilt,, llll'l lulerest me ll.'feliilntlls hud or in-l I lh r. In nu the llih iluv ol August, 1NI7, Hie date ol the llinrlgage upon ilci ree of foreclosure i.f ulileli said order of sile wus tssueil and upon nil tlie eslut , right, till,-and inleiesi of s.ii-t il.-f' ml inta since a.-uitireil ur now held il.eo-iii. Ihileil Hits 'J i.h ihiy of August, A. IV im. .'. W. (lANOXd, Sin rillot Clio kannisi omit v. Oregon. Through Tickets to- Salt Lako, Danver. Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis AND ALT. Eastern Cities. 31 I DAYS to 2 CHICAGO U n 1 1 r o ,Iie Quickest to Cht IIUUI o cago and the East. UnnroQulcker to 0maha lIUUlo and Kansas City. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TCURIST SLttl'tRS, FKEE RECLINIKG LHAIR LARS. DINING CARS. I'or rales anil ui-iiciuI infoi minion cull on or tiililrirs, w. ii.iiuiii.iu;itr. Auul IIh,, l..u , -ol Wnaliintiloii St.,eor. lltiiil, I'oHTI.AMt, UHE(.i(N . tAST AND SOUTH V(A . he Shasta route Ol- 11 If. aOtliiiU.A 1'ACifit 10. lixiui-aa Trams U-uvv I'ulllaliil l.n'l. J"ult- . iTJnLT" J.v Inriiiiiiil rtr 7.80'i".," I.v Oregon l.llj i.v Ar kuii i-raiii isei, t,v 7;w, j, Ahiivetiullii,sliip nn.y ,,l inllnii ii, aluliinii iiiiilhnf lioelnirg: i-.iim rorilaiiil,t,i,g,,i, citv oodlilllli, Nilein, All.un-, langetll. Mieild a, lialsey, iliiiulnirg. Jiiiii iniii Cliy.irviiig.i'.tignie U s"Klti' Ii'iT m 1 1. iiaiiTv 7:ou r.M. 7:ol r. M. lu In a. si jli " .i::iiia.i. I.v I-.tIIhu.I Art 4:.ir.K 'J -I A. M. I I.i- uregon Cllv I.v :t:L1iey :iOKM. ,u lloselnirg i.v i.tUa.ii .j'in' iaj illy exeept Siiiiilny. :ihi p. m. i I.v i-orVnri IT. : .',,..' . BlINI I' M. I I.v (Iregnii Clly I.v n-;j . u '.'on r.. Ar All,,,,,!- a it- lilXIMI (alts O.N (loliKN IKHTK. I'il.l.MAX UVFFET Sl.hm-KHS A Nil SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Altiielieil to all Hirot gli Trains. Weal Niilu Division, l( turn-1, I'OKI i.ani, H1 tOIIVALI.1.1. . "AH- ri! AI.N llall.V ( K Xl-Kfl SUN 1, A V . ) I'2:IS l'..M. Ar Cnrvallis I.v I :Ui I'. M . At Alhaii v iiii.l ' l,iei,,il .1 nt- aXI'IIKsa TIUIN IIAII.V (KXI-RfTatlNDAY.I 7.'.'iiP. M. I Ar Mi-Mliinvllle I.v I K:!(i A. M Holden's Ethereal Cough Syrup A Never falling KeuiO'ly, lor alt THROAT AND LUJT0 AFFE0TIII3, Suitable (or Old or Youm. I'RKPARKI) BY THE HOLDER DRUQ Co., Stockton, Oal. soi.i, tiv ai.i. ORunoisTs. Fur Sale byGiio. A. Harding .TRADE MARK. ERADICATES BLOOD POI SON AND BLOODTAINT, Cbvbral bottles of Swift's Specific (S.S.S.) entirely cleansed my system of contagioua blood poison of the very worst tyjie. W'M. S. Loomis, Shreveport, Ll I CURES SCROFULA EVEN I IN ITS WORST FORMS. TlfliOl'fiM Tlf'KRTf) TO All. POINTS IN Til R . EASTKKN HTATKS, CAS'ADA AND KI'KOI'K Can he olitiiliii-d at Hie Imvest tntva from I-. U. MOOIIK, A!Mit,Oi(in C My R. KOKIII.KR. E. I'. RtKIERC 'l 1 ,'t,l. I.I A I lip Portland, Or Oregon Pacific P'road Company E. W. IIADI.KV, IlKeiavsn. 1'IVER DIVISION. Tills Colllainy's sli'.'lllilsillts: Cupl. Heo llanba "'. sr. iioao" "TIIIIUKSIHl'KIIS' Cap'. II. J. Young This Colnpniiy iiw-rves the rlitlil to Varv from till, mini, as i-lieiilii.hinci-s may require, willioiit unties. I.i-nve Porthinil, Suiuliiy II n. in. Leave Ciii-vtillls, Moiiiiuy, 8 a. ni. heave Snh-m, Inn III, Tui-sil d.iy, i) a. in. Wi-ilnisiliiy ami Friday, Wi-iliii-mlny and Friday, Thursday and Satnr- T RAD scrofula In Iffll, and cleansed my 4 system entirely from it by taking seven bottles of S. S. S. I have not had anv avmr torus since. C. W. Wilcox, Spartanburg, S. C. IICKXH STKAMKIl SAILING! S. S. WU,LA.MKTTri VALLEY. "en Franrlsee, July 1 1 ll,, 21st and :llst I Vaillillii, July nth, Mill ami 'JHIIl. For frelirht anil msaeniier rules nnnlv lo an affent or purfer uf tills Coiiiiny, or II. C. Day ,-rn . .., i. .-.oi.,. ,, n,.,. ,!, -,i.,nd, ". 1 . .Ml l.i Ull.n-u'l. Rupt., T. W A lit, I V T. K. I'. A HASCURED HUNDREDS OF CASES OF SKIN CANCER. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, tia. ILiMl We have the Exclusive Control ot o Kijiann Ta'iult cure hoailai-hc. ; woumla slrvailr ilew-rilieil. The -oaml ! el men gave ikcription of tln-ir n.- tuiUutt and active nie.-umrrs are lin j taken to discover tbeia.Ualih'nani Jleo . aenger. A Chicago uewnboy has been fineU for the ! crying sensational "news" that diil not appear in the paper he was selling. p 8 1 Your Stomach DistressesYou of tereatlng a hearty meal, and ths result Is a chronic case of Indiges tion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, or a bilious attack. RIPANS TABULE8 Promote PitrfMlon, Rrtrtilnte the Htoimicb, Liter mud m-fl8, Fnrily the Itlood. nud are a I'ntfitive Cure for Conntiputinn. Mck lleadachet IliU ItiUNiienn uuil all other DleaM-a arlsliitf frum a (ilawnU'red condition of the Liver n1 atomui'h. Tin y act weutly yet protuutly.aaii porfei't il1(rftiin follnwn their ue. Hin.inTalnileri take the plnceof nn Entire Medici uo (.'next, ami Hhulr kept lor UOC 111 VVKrj I Hill 11. Sold by dniffffisti or $cnt by tnaU. Price, Tiro Dollar. THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. IO Bprarc SU, New Vork. j (s'llilcti '';5inrf iiii'tj I is;',' Hiit.ii.iii! nn vnii ciilCcdo wnt .. uu i un out i lii : piaiiiiii luffer- Propli1 AGENTS WANTED on Salary and Com- miss-cn fcr THE ONLY AUTriOniZEO BIOGRARHY OF JWES G.BLAINE. Il- ill. ll.l l.rov. I.f -s Ilinrary exfi-ut r. w itll tin- civ.i' rntiiin of his family, an, I f. r -Mr. Rlniiit-V l iinii.M.-W.Mli-. -1 WKS V I K I K UK iim.ui.. -a,,. .. it,.r i,k.-l'n. I.iri( l, tiM t Miii" ntii- j r -ri'ii'in ! fT tl n ltK r NKi.l.lo !i k in tin- nnr ! k-t. ,. K. I'. Jiiril.iu ..( l,...t k Hi iir-ii-rs tn.in . Iirt Un nll: aertil'i i.mtit .10. Slra. 11,1 , iaril ,, H. I-- k I", or-lH-. i;i -m. , ijn-nia. in 1 ,lv ; I'iimii t." . "in , ,i .-l n-n. 1,-,-a iirirnri, lini,l,ii: l-n-lit f l7 Sr.. J. l-arln-lL- i'f 31,'. j in, k 411 ,,1-,1,-ra lr in A; i-al'-: pr ,til $7.1 5.1. K. ' A. I'alnir-.f -. I'-ik t-H.i, .V! ,.r,l. r tn a ,!n: prolil '.il S". KM !.l lVi: 1 KH!.nn!:l khi-ii. li v,'U w:-li I.. niur I.Aiii.K M,im:V, ' ar.tf iniliii i!iali-l f,ir li-rmn t.i thn lie runr ii.iubU. ami Wii will 01-lnl y,m l-'r,. ot Cliarue a FULL I'oruHK uf apivlaliy iin-pannl ri-mi-ill'-n ln-t aulted to y,,nr iiimi. WK WANT Vol lt HKl'OH MRMlATIU.N. W C P fl ,( 1 1 Q C ""' "UHt "'.HirilrnU d tlitrmrii 111. U H 11 UUilL " li'Hli trtin. Our tn-atiiianta fur all ,li,iii,ia an-i ili-lonniti'-a art, MiNli'in anil s,-,-iitilic, a,-,iiiriil bv tiiany yeaiK expi-rietice, wiiiclt t-uiil,li-a ui to l.iianiiitre a Cure, llu not ,l"Jl:lir. N. 11. MV iiiivi, tli-. only p,itiv enro fur Krn.Ei'aT i KITS) ami (lAT.innH, Ki-rprcncea giv,-n. I'liriiiain-iiliy lncatt-,1. (Olii pulnblilietl.) Br. WILLIAMS' MEDICAL AND SURGI CAL INSTITUTE, 7M lliu-kt-t St , Sun Fmnclaco, Cl. To CONSUMPTIVES TI.p iiultT-incd liHviiiff licen renlored lo hiiiith !iy simple nu'iins, aftrr Mifl't-rfp(r for Mcveriil yi'nr with a neve re In iir otl'tcMnu, anrt Hint 'Ireail lii'iti; ('MiiMiiiiiitiMi, Ih aiiX'OUM lo iiMke Known t' liii Ml w fiiilertr tlie means of cur. To thufe whodcfire it, he will cheer fully nt'iid (free of eharjic) copy uf the re-rlp-tiiui iincil, which ihcy will rind a nure cure or CoiMiiiiifttlon, A tt limn, f'HtHrrli Hronchi tU and all thr uil und Iiiiik Malmlii. tie Impen tell surF'TiTs will try hU remedy, nn il it invrtliiaide. TIMe detir'inir the pret"'riptiort, which will cott them iinihlng. and may prove a hies hit:, will please add re. Rev. Edward A Wilson. Btookiyn.Xew York ; HSY BILL PJ3. C:i , . 0 W! Co-it: il ui.t Talmii-; Uvort -Lie. M44ot tr to ofer frfn to 6om$, for iU Of4 BIST HAD. vr9 Cmm k44 CUE AND OXE HALF POUNDS. i r- Job Priaticg at tlie Courisr Of'lce. Scientific America! Agency for A CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICM PATENTS. COPVBICMTB. ataJ For Infnrmatf rm and fre Handbook writp to MI NN CO- al BKiiauwAT. mw Tori. OI,lel bnrfran f-T et-urinir rafenti in Ameneav K.rery patent taaen out br n. if browbl betor Uu pubnc by a notice given tree ot diaire ia Ui Scientific mcriran Larrst eirm'ttimj of mt veientlflr paper ra tho wond. SniendidiT lUastrsMd. So iDtellirei mu ihouid b wtthoiu it. Week'r, S3.00 ear: fl..itMtii tnontbi AcMrew MLN CO., K BiaUu&iu, Jtol iifOtwwj. w York 4U.