Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, August 18, 1893, Image 4

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None but Royal
Baking Powder is absolutely pure. No other
equals it, or approaches it in leavening
strength, purity, or wholcsomcncss. (See
U. S. Gov't Reports.) No other is made
from cream of tartar specially refined for it
and chemically pure. No other makes such
light, sweet, finely-flavored, and wholesome
food. No other will maintain its strength
without loss until used, or will make bread
or cake that will keep fresh so long, or that
can be eaten hot with impunity, even by
dyspeptics. No other is so economical.
If you want the Best Food,
Royal Baking Powder
is indispensable.
When tho Itnfliilo lLaiicared
In 1878 Fort Bunion nlono scut 80.000
buffalo bide to ninrkct. In 1883 two
carloads wero shipped from Dickinson,
North Dakota. In 1884 Fort Benton
cent none at all. In 1870 a little band
of tho animals were known to bo cna
inn; near Fort Totten, on Devil Lake,
North Dakota, and it is believed that
those animals furnished tho two carload
of robes which ram eastward to St.
Paul from Dickinson in 181. This was
the last year of the buffalo 18S3. A
herd, numbering perhaps 80,000, crossed
the Yollowstono river in that year and
went north toward the British line.
"They never camo back," is tho pitiful
refrain which one hears from the In.
dians along the border from Winnipeg
lb Manitoba to St. Alary s Lakes in Al
bert. Ino, they never came back wbilo rid
ing with tho oflicers of the Nanadian
mounted police through Albertn, they
told mo the story of this last year of the
buffalo, but it woo never told twice ulike
by any two men, fur a strange mystery
Beans to hung over tho closing scene of
the Treat criino which annihilated the
mighty herds. Hamlin Russell in Ilur
pcr's. Tho Wnlter'e .IXiatake.
Eo had utadu a hearty meal at a res
taurant, and getting up he said to the
waiter, "I declare if 1 huvvn't forgotten
Diy purse!" Tho waiter lired np and
burled biij words at him fur fully three
minutes before pausing fur breath. When
a chauco camo tho stranger continued,
"But I havo a i'.i uoto here in my waist
coat pockut!" The waiter could not smile
to save his life. Loudon Tit-Bits.
Is a tiAnMT.KSB preparation in tablet
form for preHerving ix kindb of
rntirr without cookino. One pack
ago preserves fifty pints of fruit or
a barrel of cider, and only costs 60
cents. Fruits preserved with Anti
fermentine retain their natural
taste and appearance. Ask your
druggist or grocer for Anti-fermen-tine.
"I'm going Wetl," mid Illoirgi," with nn In.
Teuton thut will make tny mime familiar In
,verv " "W"thve you Invented?" "A
new quarrel for Kanwu."
Three things which all
workingmen know give
the most trouble in their
hard-strain work nre :
Sprains, Druiscs and
Three supreme afilic
iC"" tions, which all the world
T-L knows ifflict mankind the
al most with Aches and
J Pains arc : Rheumatism,
Neuralgia and Lumbago.
to do are simply these
W V Buy it,
"Vtry it
O 1 and be
ly and perma
nently cured by
the use of
I simply state thatil am Drtipgist
tnd Postmaster here and am there
fore in a position to iudcrc. I have
tried many Cough Syrups but for
ten years past have found nothing
equal to Boschee's German Syrup.
I have given it to my baby for Croup
with the most satisfactory results
Every mother should have it. J. II.
Hotrns, Druggist and I'ostmaster,
Moffat, Texas. We present facts,
living facts, of to-day Bosrbee's
German Syrup gives strength to the
body. Take no substitute.
Irooklyn Hotel
101-21! Bosh St., San Francisco.
Thti lavortte hole) li under the management
of CHAKLES MONTGOMERY, and li aa good II
not ibe twrt Family and Hualneaa Nen'a iloiel
In San Fraaclaco.
Rome Comforts! Cuisine Unexcelled I
Plrit-claaa eerTtee end the hfgheit atandard ol
rwiieeiabllliT guaranteed, our mmt ennnnt Ix
nryaurd tor ratnin at rtmort. Board and
room per day, I1.2S, 11.40, 11.76 and .00; board
and room per week, 7 toll;; tingle roonu.Wc
to n. free coach to and Irom hotel.
rw winrcinwc soothing
miiiv, MlllULUII O bTRUP
mlm kr all UndCu. UmutMSi,
r neo-a
Kmer he Catarrh ta the
fcUfrfa to the r-i
3I1mI J
'ma fa U
'Mm m r. and rneenm.
draniM or MM ferjr
Experience of a Drummer With a Woman
Who Wii Ml.UUeu For a Freak.
"Huvo you over had a nightmare In
which Boino fuirful danger threatened
you and yon couldn't move or get out of
tho way?" asked Hermann Solomon of a
crowd of j)eripatetic story tellers at the
Richelieu hotol.
"fjevcral years aio I had several of the
nocturnal visitors every night for a week
and grew very weary of thorn, for In
mi to of my determination not to let them
oully me ont of my equanimity I would
Uearly expire every night and awake with
cold perspiration breaking out all over
mo. Toward tho last of that interesting
week 1 stopped with a landlord 111 north
ern Arkansas and resolved as I went to
sleep thut come what would I would
positively rcfuuo to give in in the least to
my iinp'fination.
"Some time past midnight tho usual
care came. This timo it was a tan and
angular woman in white, with a long
butchorknifo. Mentally, I was congratu
lating myself that at last I waB learning
to overcome tho foolish fears of night
mares and wondering how it would pass
oil. I saw tho demoniac grin as she
flourished tho knifo in front of my face
almost without a tremor, and when alio
laughed a wild, unearthly laugh I gave
a start and found it all real and that 1
was actually awake.
'Scared? That word can t express It
I droptied on the other side of the bed as
she made a slash nt uie, and as she ran
around tho bed I crawled under, reached
the door and went down the steps about
three at a timo ahead of her. By tho
timo we reached 'tho big road' I think I
had gained several feet, as she bad more
clothing to interfere with her progress
than I had just then. I had imagined
that a man really scared couldn't move.
Well. I will give any odds desired on
tho proposition that I moved down that
road, and I don't think I would need any
corroborative testimony to convince any
one who saw mo that I was scared.
"About a niile down the road 1 ran
Into the onus of her husband and sons,
who were out looking for her. She was
a little 'outen her head' at times, they
said, and she had evidently entered the
open door at my landlord's and reached
my room without any one knowing it.
As her relatives took her home I sadly
retraced my steps and found the whole
family aroused. The explanation wns
satisfactory, and the adventure cured
me of nightiuarcB." Syracuse Herald.
Literary III under.
We all make and we all meet with
many amusing literary blunders. The
worst of it is that wo readily forgot thorn.
Every one should keep a book of these
delightful things, which please us with a
sudden sense of superiority. Among
misprints is anises. "Some swing on
hooks, some run knlses through thoir
hands," said an article in The Edinburgh
Eeview. Here every ono would emend
by knives or krisscs knives was tho real
reading. In "The Monastery Scott
wrote about "nursing evil passions.
This was printed "morsing," and the
verb "to morse" was defonded by writ
ers in Notes and Queries.
It bus lately beeu pointed out that in
the "Surgeon's Daughter" Scott is made
to say thut tho "nuutch girls perfume
their voluptuous eastern domes," where
as the real reading must be "perform
their voluptuous eastern dances." But
we are not aware that tho cotjuillo has
been corrected. In "Pendeunis" a boy
Is said to excel in "running aud pump
ing." Tliis must mean "jumping,"
though the actual competition would
have its merits. There are no ridings in
Yorkshire, tridlng is the right word, but
there is a "World Riding" iu Mr. Morris'
"Heimskringla." London Saturday Ro
rlew. The Itlglit Hiul Loft.
The buttons on coats, etc., aro placed
on the right side anil the shed of the
hair in boys to tho left, evidently to suit
manipulation by tho right hand. The
great philosopher Newton records that
at first he coufined his astronomical ob
servations to his right eye, but after
ward ho managed to train his left. But
thcro are persons who could not do this,
owing to tho unequal strength of their
eyes. Strango to say, tho Chinese assign
the place of honor to tho left.
At Kunycnye, in Africa. Cameron re
lates being introduced to the heir pre
sumptive to the throne, the nails of
whoso left hand had been allowed to
grow to an enormous length us a sign of
high rank, proving that ho was never re
quired to perform manual labor, and
also providing him with tho means of
tearing the moat which formed his usual
diet Chambers Journal.
New Turk Ornli.ta Receive Large Feea.
Oculists in New York perform the
most delicate surgical operations. There
are two or three in the city whose in
comes from their profession range above
$200,000 a year and who treat thousands
of patients every year. They conduct
thair work with the most absolute dis
regard of the worldly inwition of their
patients. From many of their patients
they receive no fee for their services.
Should miy man in this profession rcftw
advice on the ground that a patient was
unable to pay a fee. he would be ruined
If the fact were to become known. Cor
St Louis Post-Dispatch.
Bspnotl.m In New Light.
Hypnotism is apparently distinct
Portland fad. A nervous young lady in
that city, who was to read a paper before
a literary society, got a doctor to hypno
tise her to that she shouldn't become rat
tled, and l';e result was perfect compos
ure during the ordeal. The literary es
say quite often succeeds in hypnotizing
the audience into a deliciooxly devital
ized condition, but the idea of putting
the reader to sleep U brand new,-
y& . of u nil. JTh.
gueaktnu nt ulrtriuin-tHiitiiil evidence, tny
dear follow, lei me tell you a curium little
luetance in my own lit. It bexuia niili
my weddluu day, which wit on May
IShS, you rviiirinlK-r, ami it emla jual a year
ggo toululit, Let me poirr you nut a drop
more otthla claret cup. Nof Very well,
tu n, at leant take a frexh cliinr. I will
put on on more lump of Liverpool and
then to my atory.
You know t hit I .ninrrled Julio Trowe,
of Conine, the nweeteat, prvtlieat, brlithteat
little woman who ever breathed, and that
aha made the loveliest hrlde the ami ever
shone upon; her troiianvau well, upon my
soul, I am not much even now on a worn
an'a garment but alia bad the preltleot
lot of "tbliiKH," 1 believe they eall them,
that were ever inwle, ami uinoim them waa
a certain yellow ball uown. uu remem
ber ht Is it pOHslhler A filmy, sheeny
sort of an affair, over satin, with great
truilliiK wreatlm of uolden rod trimming
iau't that what they call it t trlminln tho
corsuKe and the train, nud doing duty for
shoulder atrana or aleevea, or whatever
they are,
I tall you, old fellow, when Julie came
down one night utter we got horns irom
our weddlnu tour into this very little cozy
library of oura at No. avenue, with
that gown on, ready to go to one of tho
Assembly Italia, I fairly Jumped to my feet
with aatoniahmeiit ut her beauty.
1 cungbt sight of ber flrat in the mirror
yonder a perfect vUlou, a kind of golilua
glory of womuubood, with her amber liuir
ull piled up on top of her stately little
bead; those topazes 1 had given her you
were with me when I bought them, weren't
you, during the drat week of our engage
nieiitf and her bands aud arms encircled
lu loose, wrinkled gloves of a fainter hue
than the uown. My dear sir, she wus not,
as those artist fellows aay, "a symphony
in yellow," but a perfect Gloria lu koIiII
1 knew that my bride waa a lovely girl
hut 1 bad not thought sha could beao
strikingly queenly und so originally
unique, without the least touch of ques
tionable dash In her appearance.
"Julie," I said, putting my arms around
her, "you look like soma ungel come float
ing down from Furadlseon a yellow nun
set cloud. Where did you get the Idea of
this gownf It is a darling thing a yellow
haired air I dune up to match."
She laughed and put ber two soft arms
about my throat In a quaint little fushiou
of her own.
"Whv. Tom. you stupid fellow," alia
cried: "where did 1 ot the Idea fromf In
deed, from myself, to be aural 1 thought
if a vellow uirl had Men so fortunate,"
and here the witch made a most sarcastic
little urlmace, " to capture the Hon,
Tom Marlle, memlier of congre's, perhaps
a continuation aud expansion of the yel
low theory might not prove unsuccessful."
Julia latiKbed her own musical, ringing
laugh as 1 pressed her still more closely to
me in my assurance that 1 had not lu my
life seen a woman so ueautuoi, so en-
traticiug, so captivating as my own little
woinuu lu ber yellow ball uown.
We presently left for the assembly, aDd
you perhaps recall the sensation she made.
Ahl true, I remember, you were east, but
you beard of it when you got back. Of
course you did.
1 shall never forget the Impression she
created as she entered thut big, brilliant
room, leaniux a little lunguldlyus to The
touch of her arm on mine, but with her
bead so proudly, royally posed.
Kvery oue foil down before her. Even
old General Ueutty, who growls at the
mention of a woman's name, actually
asked my darlitiK to dance a quadrille
with him fact. And she did it, too, smil
ing up nt old seventy as if, 'pon my bouorl
It had been myself.
As we drove home I tried to tell ber bow
valu mid proud I had been of her, and all
she did was ta bury ber head on my shoul
der and whisper, with a little amused
Oh, Tom I It was nothing nothing in
this world but my yellow ball gown. If 1
had worn blue or pink or green no one
would have taken the slightest notice of
Mrs. Torn Marllo, but because Bbe had the
aplomb to imitate nature in the color of
her hair, and get on n gown to mntch In
stvud of to contrast with it, she bus made
what society calls a sensation.
"1 should think she had, by Jovel" I re
plied. Well, aa the season wore on It wns curi
ous, but whenever the girl wore that gown
sbe made the most stirring success not
that, she wasu't admired iu blues" ml greens
and reds, you uud'.-r.itaud, but, somehow or
other, whenever ti nt yellow gown was on
she simply created wild bavoo, und it got
to lie so thut whenever 1 was anxious to
have her make herself specially ugreeable
to any public ninu of my acquaintance of
my own party or tbe other side, either I
used to beg her to wear it.
It was a thorough mascot.and graduully
Julie got to believe lu it us much us .
Why, my dear boy, do you know that
Senator Mauley would never have cast his
vote for thut iron tariff bill had it uut becu
(or that yellow bull gown? Never! That
lettletl the question, sir. Julie bad it on
When she asked him to vote for it
I suppose you think 1 urn a fool.
Julie used to cull me a dear stupid goose
Whenever 1 begged her to wear it, uud often
Well, 1 must suy, Mr. Tom Maiiie, you
are auythlnu but complimentary to your
wife's fascinations if you think a wreiuhcd
yellow dress can overtop them."
And I answered:
"Hut it is only because my wife wears it
that It is so powerful."
Anil she would Inugh and let me kiss her
bunds she has such pretty little bauds,
you know.
I'lnally, when tho season was pretty
well over, and we wore thinking of getting
ready to go to Cressnn, I came home oue
day and found Mrs. Tom Marlle "putting
up ber winter things," as she expressed it,
with the ssslstance of her maid. 1 espied
my mascot tliuiK carelessly upon the floor
nmonx a pile of other rumpled articles.
"Julie," I said under my breath, "I want
you lo promise me something. Will you
"What is It?" she answered roguishly,
leadliix me Into the adjoining room.
rronilse me," I said, with a feeling of
almost unconscious solemnity, which for
tbe life of me I could not have helped,
"that you will never give away or destroy
or part with that yellow ball gown of
yours. ill you, dear one?"
h irt she lauxbeil as she linked her arms
thrnuuh mine, ami then a sweet, tender
look crept into her eyes.
" ery well, Tom," she said; "1 promise.
And v. hen wp Hre old, when you get to I
i cabinet minister or embassador to the
Court of St. James, or some other mighty
thlnu, I'll lead you up to a wunlrolie aud
show you tbe dear old yellow failed Ixill
gown hangiiiK u its peg. Yes; I prom
ise." And I knew she would keep it.
Time went on. We went to I'resson for
the months of July and August. I forget
now when- we spent Septemlier, but, isy.-iu
know, ill tile early autumn I ws obliged
to uoto New York, and you may tie sure I
never bad a thought of spending a wiuter
iu tbe big city without Julie.
I took a little box of a house on Cast
Forty-fifth street, furnished complete, and
in we moved Oct. I.
I cau see Julie now, a few days after we
were once safely ensconced; she was lying
on a lounge in tbe buck drawing room,
when suddenly a gle'tm of sunshine on her
fallen hair she was tired from unpacking,
poor child made me think of my mascot.
"Julie!" I cried, in n curious ort of np
prehension that actually made melauh
at myself, "you haven't left the yellow ball
gowu at home, have you, or"
"Oh. you dear oM coose of a boy no, of
course I hsren't. Didn't I promise you,"
the added reproachfully, "never to lie
parted from itt 1 told Saunders to see it
anfely packed and to bang it In the guest
room closet. She Is to be trusted Implicit
ly. You see," cried my little wife, "the
f.rtnneaof the house of Marlle are aliit
Vnconaclonsly I let fall a aih of relief.
I knew Saunders of old; she had ieei
Julie's mild since her childhood, und w.-i.
reliable, if ul times self opinionated, aaold
aerr.mts nre apt to tie.
Well, old fellow, the election was com
ing on and I waa dashing bock and forth
between my couatr seal, Xew York, and
.j fakcliiathv
d not accompany me
always, ullhuuuh I Insisted upon hurluu
her lbs most of the lime. I couldu'l do
without her.
Once,, how over, I was obliged to go to
lliirrlkliurg, and the child protested that
aim could not no with me; that she had too
much spring work und spring shopping tu
mi tend to. I gave In, promising myself
thut I would finish in) business summarily
and lie back with her by Mny May surely
"You won't fall, Timif" she suid.us she
stood In the hull while the cub waited ut
the door,
"Nothing shall keep me, Julie," I replied
ua I broke from her slid started ou my
dreary Journey
Hut I hiul counted, so it seemed, without
my host, ami not only did everything go
wrong, but presently I hud to write my
little uirl that I would not lie with her ut
the (-remised time.
All my allairs were at sixes and sevetis.
I whs nearly lieaide myself, feeling sure
that the hills III which I was so dec-ply In
teresied would uot pass, and that much of
the future I had planned would, lu conse
quence, go to pieces.
When, loaiid lathuld! und how I blessed
thut yellow ball uow n, for I had w ritten to
Julie to go up stilus und take a peep at it
tbihx turned around as squarely a pos
sible and I started for New York, being
due nt the fool of Dc-sbrosses street ut u
qmirter before 10 on the night of April
10, Ib-stf
The train was on time, nud 1 Jumped
into a cub, bidding the driver go like
thunder ami esrn a double tip.
lie did.
Ami all the while we rattled up Broad
way 1 wus thinking over and planning the
Joy, the surprise of seelug me unexpectedly
would give her. No; 1 bad not hud time
to write, und bad refrained from telegraph
ing on purpose to have 1 am u selllsb
brute, you know the bliss of wutchlug
the new born gladness waken lu my uiir
IIuk's eyes when she should behold me.
Suddenly the cub, lu the very midst of
its maddest plunge around a comer, came
to a dead standstill. I glauced hastily out
of the window to find myself I u voiced iu a
perfect labyrinth of vehicles of ull kinds,
amid which several policemen were ou
deuvoriiiK to create something like tbe or
der of precedence aud procession,
"What the devil!" 1 exclaimed, pushing
open the window and so discovering mine
one of a hundred carriages in Fifteenth
street, all slowly but surely lending to
and struggling toward the Academy of
"What In tbutider!" 1 cried, touching my
Jehu's arm 1 fear anything but gently,
"are you dolug here, may 1 uskp"
"Siire'u didn't yer honor teH me to drive
yes to 1011 Last Fifteenth streetf"
"No, 1 didn't!" I respouded emphatically
"1 told you 10V Kast Forty-llfth street.
You ure an Infernal idiot! I'd like to know
bow soon 1 cau get nut of this."
"Keep cool, sir, keep cool!" urged a po
liceman. "Plenty of time for young fel
lers to bewaltzlu between now and morula.
You'll get there soon, sir, all In your turn."
I looked out once more in despair. It
was worse than impossible to attempt to
uliuut and get another cab. There was no
way of forcing my vehicle out of this pro
cession. Clearly there was but oue tblug
to do, ami that was 10 sit still.
My dear fellow, I si:, but 1 did not sit
still. 1 twitched anil turned this way uud
thut; 1 used bad words; 1 panted uud
fumed, nud ut last, as the horses began to
stamp a bit uud the wheels liegau to move
at u snail's pace, 1 glanced out to sea what
the prospect of releue mlxht lie.
As I put my face to the wiudow pane I
saw In a Hush that another coach was
drawn up close to mine. Within it sat a
woman dressed oh, eld fellow! my very
heart stood still within me, my breath
tame and went gasping like a dying man's
he wus dressed iutbe mascot the yel
low ball gowti.
It was Julie.
I tried to see her fncii, but it was hidden
by the folds of u bl,v:k mantle or shawl, or
"What,'1 cried I to myself, "can she be
doing hero, nud uloue, and evidently bcut
on entering this public ballroom!"'
1 he wheels turned faster now, aud my
cab was soon separated from uud behind
hers. My distracted eyes caught sight,
preseutly, of the flaming red und blue
posters before the Academy doors, announc
ing that this was the ulght of oue of the
famous inasitierailu lull is that ure uunually
giveu there.
I sat stunned, dazed! I could uot move,
or even think connectedly. 1 had but oue
impulse; it wus to follow-, to keep near, to
protect her to win her back to her home,
if 1 could, without arousing a disturbance
or a commotion. i
Her carriage drew np before the' curb,
the door was opened and she sprang light
ly out, the train of her gown with Its gar
lands of golduurod tossed up over her bare,
white arm; the lace shawl fell buck from
her face It was masked and she passed
in iimoug the throng alone.
I sprang from the cub, paid the man I
know not what nor he either, I faucy, iu
his ustoui.shineuC ut my change oT base
uud made for tbe ticket olllue, bought tt
ticket and old toy, money'll do most any
thing of course I wasu't in evening dress
or unyliilng like it, bat u five dollar bill to
the doorkeeper gained. uie uu instant ad
mission. How 1 rushed up those stairs, left my
overcoat and bat and satchel iu tbe coat-
room and then took up my stutiou iu the
corridor uud kept my eyes llxed upon the
entrances of the ladies' dressing room.
1 bud uot long to wait.
Not teu minutes aftur I took up my posi
tion she came out nud appureutly was
looking for some oue who wus uot up to
time or, the thought came to me could
it lie tbe man she awaited, kuowing me ut
least by si:,dit, aud seeing me there unex
pectedly, feared to shew himsclfr
I kept out of her way.
Because I loved her, and I had the most
infinite compassion for ber; und oven lu
my agony of shame and pain 1 wanted to
spare her any outburst or humiliation lu
such a place as that.
But I kept her In sight, although I never
let her see me.
She descended the stairs alone. I fol
lowed her at a little distance, and us she
swept ilou u befure uie I hud lime to note
my mascot the fatal yellow ball gowu.
Julie had freshened the frills nud flounces
of the skirt, and the greut trails of goldeu
rod looked as natural as ever. A spray of
the flowers, too, she bail fastened iu her
bonny hair, und tbe contrast of all this
vivid, sunny color Willi tho black satiu of
her mask marked bur at once as conspicu
ousin fact, that gowu could never go un
remarked anywhere.
I recall that I m melt-da little iu a dazed
way that she should have chosen lo near
that dress, but iu u moment more I had
other thoughts than tiiis.
She passed Into the gulf of the ballroom.
1 followed nioi-e nearly now, for the press
anil surye of the throng whs deue with
the conliiies of the glittering, gaudy scene.
I raised tnyejcsfir au iust tnt to survey
the great circle, and my ga.e fell upon the
word alsive the proscenium arch it wus
written in electric light, "Welcome!"
Justheaven'a"welcome" here now; the
clock intcd to teo minutes to X I
shudJered. 1 staggered and cuught my
self in time to lean against one of the
fluted coin in us twined with roses as I
wutched a man approach my darling.
It wus no one whom I hail ever seen not
bail looking fellow aa to getup and gen
a sinister face, and the complacent air j
with which ka threw his arm about my
wife's waist and drew her into the whirl of
th, .lanron the fl.sir maddened me.
Old fellow, I lielieve 1 knew wbut thetot-
Hires Ol umin nnt uunug iuo uc uuu
hour, and heaven alone can tell thetuiuult
of impulses and pasaious which swayed my
soul iu I stood there a lookeron in this
horrible ticheuna. At one moment my
miud waa made up to rush out aud seUe
her In my arms aud carry her away bodily;
at another, to strike to eartb the man in
whose embrace she leaned so confidingly
and then, tbauk heaven! a caimer mood
succeeded, uud I determined to bide my
It was not long by clocks and watches, pi0 wme nnj, tue soinnaicbuUstic con
altbough to me it seemed an eternity. ! m nnmeroru i curly writings on
.""' .'TV , "B "' "". the aubject. while tbe more modern re
hia tall, d.irk head bent low above ber, out , J . , . ,,,. ,
Into the kibbiea. I followed; . mora anl- I P0" deduction, rather than reLv
nutcU cooveraation ensued; ah La tubed tion. of actual occurrence.
.-lis rang sweetly
,g church tower, and
u . , ..liiaud said, "It a mid
night, ilc'ur."
Then slut laughed again, nud 1 drew
nearer, spellbound as I heard her whisper:
"What will mother say r I must hurry;
she would never forgive me. She thinks 1
am at Cousin - 'a" and here 1 lost the
thread, as I wus compelled by the crowd to
make way.
In a few brief momenta they both ran
hastily up the broad staircase, I followed
at it safe distance, and In a short time each
merged from the cloakroom with their
wraps ou.
1 stood aside with bated breath to let
them pass, and then with a spring I rushed
down after them out Into the night.
Sho entered the llrst carriage In Hue, aud
stooping to press a kiss upon her gloved
baud, he shut the door wit h a snap, and
the horses ut tho actum started off quick
ly, leaving us both standing ou theslda-
lie turned buck to the hall with a sigh.
I Jumped Into the next coach, and giving
the man the address, bade him drive for
dear life.
She bad a good ten minutes' start of me,
but the man drove like tba wind, and in
what seemed no lime at all I was at my
own doorstep.
There was not a light Inaslngle window.
I put my ulght key In the latch aud then
withdrew it. Should I give her warning
and rlugtbebcllr No: I uulockel the door,
went tu, stumbled up the stairs lu tbi
darkness, and presently stood ut the door
of ber room. I listened; there was uot a
sound. I tuplHiJ; silence wus the only re
sponse. Could she not have returnedf Tha
mad thought wus uo sooner on Ure in my
brain than I knocked loudly aud tried the
knob. It wus locked, but sha j&woinl
tho spot In a terrified rcioe:
"Who is Itf What is the mutterf Who
i theref"
"1, Tom," 1 replied, my voice shaking
with a hundred emotions.
"Obi" I heard the Joy In her voice aa ilia
sprang up, struck a match aud cams and
unbolted tba door.
"Tom, my owu boy!" she cried, twining
her arms Aliout my neck, what a surprise,
but you kuow you nearly frightened tha
life quite out of iner '
1 caught up u sbuivl and threw It nbout
ber as I glanced eagerly around the room
for signs of tbe jellow ball gown. She had
been cui1"'";' f' "'.' thought of ber
aervantt' oV ' . ;.-ii.v. Nat a trace
of her laic cicc.;;i.V lay anywhere lu sight.
"What U the matter?" she exclaimed as
I passed roughly by her and fell Into a sent
punting and livid.
"The mutterf" I repeated, my voice
husky with the strain upon me. "Where
la tbut dumuuble yellow ball gown of
"Oh, Tomr Julie sank upon her knees
beside me us she spoke.
"Oh, Tom! forgive me, it was not my
fault; indeed, Indeed it wus not Do be
lieve me; wou't youf"
"Believe you!" 1 cried flinging ber from
me impetuously, "I'd rutber believe my
own eyes. Where Is It, I sayf"
"I dou't know iudeed I dou't, Toml"
"You dou't know!" 1 sueered in my fury,
catching her by tbe wrists uud holding ber
as If iu a vice. "Isn't it right here some
whereIn this room hidden nwuyt"
"No, uol" she cried iu a territled tone;
"it Is not. I only wish it were. Tom,
what is the matter with your Let go of
me you hurt me: you are rude aud uu
klutll" She wrested herself from my
grasp as she spoke, and stood in the full
flare of tbe chunuelier, a llusu of amaze
ment and fright upon her face.
"I want to see that mascot of mine," 1
exclaimed hotly, uud with no abatement
of my satirical emphasis, as I beguu to
open the closet doors aud to peer Into tue
"Toml" my little wife spoke with dig
nity as she looked at me.
"What is Itf" I asked in a dogged way.
"I want to tell you all ubout it, if you'll
listen quietly to me."
"On on," I responded brutally, standing
still witli my hand ou u door knob.
"1 never knew anything about it until
today; 1 never dreamed of such a thing."
"Indeed!" and my Hp curled incredu
lously. "The mystery to me is how you knew it
you must liave felt it thut bull gowu
wus a witch, I do believe." ,
"A witch wore it," 1 said cruelly.
"But, Tom, I'll bear all vour unklndncsa
because I kuow you'll forgive me in the
"Don't be too sure of that"
"And I know you did think so much of
it I did myself und when that stupid
woman Saunders confessed to me today
that she had sold it to the old clothes wom
an with the rest of my discarded things,
I really believe 1 could have murdered her
ob, Tom, what is tbe matter uowP"
I dashed across the room and caught her
to my heart. 1 laughed wildly, the tours
came Into my eyes, old feilow; yes, they
did, us 1 ruined tbe eager kisses dowu upon
her sweet, innocent lips.
"I kucw you'd forgive me, dear," sbo
whispered; "aud reully you must forgive
poor Suuudors, too sbo misunderstood me
about it; uud, after all, 1 dure say it may
have uiuilo some poor thing preseutuble at
oue of those public bulls, or something,
where tbe shop girls go In hired dresses
and secondhand liuery."
"Very likely," I uuswored with a terrible
sigh of repressed coutrition.
She kissed my forehead..
"Look," she said, pointing to the win
dows where the first fuint gleams of day
light were creeping in "look, it's our Muy
morning, isn't lit"
"Yes, my durling girl; heaven knows
you have given mo the huppiueas ot my
lifuou this first aunlversury of our wed
ding." "And you do forgive me, and you don't
feel too badly about the loss of the yellow
bull gownf"
Her eyes were lifted in loving appeal.
"Forgive you! There Is nothing to for
give. I'll buy you another yellow ball
gown before you are a week older; but,
Julie it never can be the muscot to me
tbut tho old oue wns!"
"I suppose uot," she said, a little rut
Did I ever tell hcrf Well, not yot-stny.
I feur 1 have, too; for there comes the little
woman tiow, from her hiding behind those
curtalnsl She must huve heard It ull
yes, we are going to the Atlalrs' dance;
and, by tbe way, how do you like Mrs.
Marlle In ber second edition of "the yellow
bull gownf" Frank Leslie's Illustrated
A Mistake Few Wires Make.
There Is a young married woman of my
acquaintance whose first wifely experience
with the needle resulted in a capital Joke
on her. Sbo found what npiieared to be
I tten Immense rios on the inside of the tails
of her husband's frock coat, and while he
was down tuwu she carefully sewed tbem
up. When tbe young man came borne to
lunch his wife met bim, coat iu baud.
"I've just mended it, she suid; "there
1 were two awful rips in the tails of It."
I "It me see," said the husband of the In
dustrious young woman. "I didu't know
there was a tear In It."
"Yes, there was; right there."
"But those are tbe"
Tbe young man caught the look of inno
cent doubt on his wife's face and stopped.
"Yes, those were fearful rips. Things
were getting in tbem all tbe time."
And tbe young man went down to his
office and picked out the threads In order
to get at his bank book and a few letters
that be bad In those tail pocketa. Kansas
City Times.
natn Elisabeth's Cold Coerd Bona,
fMh,on uf Mpensive bindings pre
tailttUor iOU!f ,ime, and great skill w.u
. ... ."i:,, m,.m.ntl l.r .m
broidery and various atyles of needlework,
rs well aa in bindings studded with pre
cious stones. Queen Elizabeth used to
carry ubout with ber, suspended by a irold
en chain, a book called "The Golden Man
ual of Prayer," bound In solid goid. On
one side was a rvpreser.vation of "the Judir
nient of Solomon," on tne other tbe brsxen
serpent with tbe wouuded Israelites look
Ing at it. St. Nicholas.
Instances recitiuz the actions of peo-
Wild Mono by the stormy aea
Hluomcd aa frush und fair,
Thut the wonder esma tu me
Khe nits ftnmlng there
Far from horns on grassy lea,
Ou a risk by wind inavul eon,
Uluomlng bright ar.it aweut waa she,
In her beauty rare.
Wild Hons, any, bow can It be
Tliuu dust blisim an fair,
Dy I bo cold and cruel sea.
Without fenroroaref
Sweet thy home on fragrant lea.
Whore auft aklea aro nursing thee,
Uut tn brave the angry aea.
Wild itose, canst thou darof
Kay, wild Wild ItnSe, I must be
Always frosh and fair.
And wherever thou Itudnat mo,
God has placed me I hero:
Anil I bloom by rock bound sua
Li unt a uu thu flowery loa.
And my aweota I give ai free
To tho briny alrl
-Zltella Coeko in Youth's Companion.
Illatorleul title on llorae Bacea,
It Is quite probable tbut there are Just
now no men who gamble quite so heavily,
except lu stocks, as did the "plungers" in
the early part of this century. There were
iu England u dozen mcu who made f2S0,-
000 "books" on the Derby alone, and as lata
as 1830 a bookmaker bet fjOO.OUO to (5,000
against each of threo horses in one race.
In lt!3 the owner of the Derby favorite
backed him publicly to win 1750,000, besides
the amount of bis privute bets. - The riog
of bookmakers paid to one circle of bettors
61,000,000 when lecturer won the Cesa re
witch. The owunr of more than oue Derby
wiener collected fcTOO.OOO on the next set
tling day, uud lu several other yeurs would
have pocketed a million if their colts had
been "first past the post."
Most men who now bar tbe money and
thu "norve" to make such enormous bets
huvo giveu up horse racing In favor of a
game which iiai still higher possibilities,
and Instead of wugerlng KoO.OOO on a
horse uud calling It gambliug they deposit
tho same amount as "margin" in a stock
speculation und call It business. Although
Individuals do not lay such heavy wage
us wero sometimes made by the "plungers"
of old, much more money Is wagered now
than wus risked Ufty yeurs ago. The dif
ference is that, while then oue man bet
1 100,000, now teu men cuch bet 20,000, and
the totul umonut wugered is doubled. H.
B. Curtis iu Forum.
Deeclier's First Sermon.
I was with uuuiiut in N'orthbrldge, Mass.,
resting ufter a long session of teaching, aud
Mr. Deecher came there during this visit
to touch fur the first time through a vaca
tion. And here, where he tuugbt bis Oral
school, he also preached bis llrst seruiou.
Evening service wus being held lu tbe Ut
ile, old school bouse where he taught, and
tbe villagers had requested Mr. Beecher to
take charge of It for tbut evening. At urst
be wus surprised, but he quickly collected
himself and consented to preach. -
How well I remember tho look of aur
prise, almost scorn, ou some faces when he
this lad of seventeen rose to address
them. Some thought It a farce uutil he
began to speak. Then attention came lev.
eled at hliu.aud for nearly an hour scarcely
oue lu that audience moved lu his seat.
The serruou was un earnest one simple,
yet eloquent. Not once did he hesltute fur
a slnglo word. Sentence followed sentence
as smoothly as if they were uitered by a
minister of long experience. Never did he
iu Plymouth pulpit or ou any other plat
form hold uu audience more fully under
his control, so thoroughly spellbound,
tlinu In this his first effort. Mrs. Beecber
iu Ladies' Home Journal.
tVbcll lo Use the Dllpplnga.
It Is not customary to serve beef, muiton
or lamb with u brown gruvy made from
the dripping In the pan. for there is always
little dripplag in the pan even witu toe
best roasting. But a brown gravy shouiu
always be prepared from theso drippings
in order to utilize them, aou this may oe
used for a meat pie or a Btow or la various
ways when the meat Is served up a second
tima. Isow lorn inuuno.
No other plaster has been produced which
gains so many testimonials of blgb value
as those continuously accorded to all
cock's PoR'ice Plaster, and the only mi
tlve for theie exceptional commendations
is the fact that it is a medicinal and phar
maceutical pieparation or superior value,
tlewate of Imitations. Auk forandinsiBt
upon A i.i c ick'h.
Bkandketii's Pills are a good corrective.
' They call love the lender passion," sld the
vouns man who naa just arquirea auoiner ais
ti r, " but I strikes me that It Is about ai tough
aa possibl e. '
of woman's troubles is
with Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Prescription.
Safely and certainly, ev
ery delicate weakness,
derangement, nud dis
ease peculiar to the sex
is permanently eureci.
Out of all the medi
cines for women, the
Favorite Prescription "
Is the only one that's
guaranteed to do what is
cliutnea lor it. in an
"female complaints"
and Irregulnritle, peri
odical pains, displace
ments, internnl iuflntn-
r.mflon or ulceration, bearing -dowu
sensations and kindred ailments, If it
evor fulls to benefit or cure, you have
your niouey back.
o certain to aire trerfi case of Catarrh Is
Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy that its proprie
tors make you this offer : " If you can't be
cuivd, permanently, we'll pay you $300 cash.11
Purity and
Leav eninrt, Povvfer
To Introdnce onr Powder, we have d
termlned todlstrlbuto among tbe conanm
era a number or Capii PHIZES. To
tiie person orclnb returning nsthelargeal
number of certlUcatceon or before June L
IBS, we wl I give a cash prize of S100, and
to In next largest, nameroua otherprlzee
ranging from S3 lo7S IN CASU.
Cnolie Rice, 5c t: large Kaulns, be: dne Tea,
,c; Kes syrup, Jl; Arbuekle Coffee, 2oc; Nigo,
Sc; Tapioca, 5c; ifl Pg King a Huckwbeat,
10c; Dried reaches, lie; ':g-, 4c; Prunes. 12c;
Apptta, evaporated, lie. SEND FOR THE 16.
FLOTATIONS. Mention this paper. Address
Jones' Cash Store,
130 Front Si reel, Portland, Or.
EK, Leading Jew
eler el the PacHf
Northwest, keeps a
lane itnrk of all
BaDuE? on band
Beat goods at low
eat flgnrve. Badgei
Ki&dc to order.
X. P. N. V. No. 6t6 -ti. f. S. V. So. 683
p ii iimnaa:
1U3 Bfl
The thread that lilndi ua to lite la moat fre
quently severed ere the meridian ol life la
readied In the rase of imtmiik who neilftcl ou
vlima meant to renew falliuf atrengtti. Visor,
nn lew the touree ol hanplnesi than ilia rendi
tion ol him Uie, can be created and n-risiliiatel
where It ilm-a mil cil.l l liiiunands who have
ra lrieacel or are ensntaaat Ini'ludliig many
iihysleliiniiil eminence ol the elteeia of Una
(etler'aHioniseh lliimra bear testimony lo Ua
woiidriius eltlracyaa a crealur ul aireiiKth In
leelileeiiusliiuiiuiii and debilitated and shat
tered yiteini, A ateady ierliirmauee of Ibe
buddy fuiioiinna, r.newed apKllle, Heah and
nlxhtly repose aliend the use id thia tlinroiish
ami tandarii rennraut. I'M not ral lonle rep
resented to lie akin lo or resemble li la elteeia
in Its place, demand the eeiiiilne, which la an
aetnowleilKeil remedy lur luillvesllon. uaiaria,
nervousness, eiinstlsiliiin, liver and kidney
ouuiiiiiiuisaua rnciiuiaiiiin.
Inf hlcaitnihey keeiia man In prison a month
(or euilwiilins a pleklisl plii't Iihii and sinlou
uie aiiHreniit. who stieinpieu lo uiow up crea-
llou wun uyuaiiiiie iHimoa.
100 KKWAItl), 100.
The reader! of 111 la paper will lie pleased to
learn thai there Is at feast oue dreaded dl-emie
that arleuee haa been aide to cure lu all Its
staves, and thut li catarrh. Hall's ( atnrrn cure
Is ttm onlv tKHiiilvu cure now known to the med
ical fraternity. Catarrh, belus a constitutional
disease, reqiilrea a cousiliutlonal treatment.
Hull'. Catarrh ure la isken Internally, aellm
directly iiihiii the blood snd mursius surfaces n
the system, thereby desiroylna the Inundation
of the disease and Klvlns the patient sireiutlh
by liulldlnit np the constitution and asslstine
nature lu doliia
a Us work, 1 lie proprietors nave
an much faith in lis eutatlre powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case that It
falls locure. Send tor Hat oi testimonials. Ad
F. J.C1IKNEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold by DrugKlala; 76eeuu.
t'ae Euameltue Stove follah ; no dual, no smell,
Tar Girmia for breakfast.
1 Vote for Hood's
For I am tatiiflol It li
an exrcllcut rcma ty. I
have boeu a nilulstor ol
the M. E. church li
yean, and have utluicd
of lute yea swlih rhu-
mutism aud dyspep
sia. fclc.ee hiking lout
bottlci if Ilood'i tU
rliemntl.nl li eutlre'y
cured, o v a HKtllo li
rood, food d gcsti welf.
aud I haro gained several pound." Rev. V.
r, rut rta, K'ctifora, vu r.ooa a uurco
Hood's PIII3 curoblllouiacn. S'c a box.
toots., and
11.00 per Bottle?
One cent a dose.
Trng Oriat Cotton Cons promptly mm
where all other falL Coughs, Croup, lor
Throat, Hoaraenaaa, whooping Cough and
Asthma. For Cooaumptlcn It oas DO rival:
taken In time. Bold by Druggist on a guar
antee. For a Lame Back or Cb-su use
liave you L'utarrh
vim l'utarrh 1 This remedy la iruaren.
teed to cure you. I'rloe.&OeU. Injector fro.
A troublesome skin disease
causod nio to scratch for ten
mouths, and lias been
by a fow days' use of
M. II. Wolff, Upper Marlboro, Md
I was cored soverol years ago of white swelling
In my lex by using W W W f and have had so
symptoms ot re VM turn of the du.
o. Many prouuimut physicians attcnuea me
and all (ailed, but S. B. 8. did the work.
Taul V. Eicstaikics, Johasoa City, Tenn.
Treatise on E'.cod and Skin Dis-1
ease mailed free.
Swift Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
Saddles, Collars,
Wtlps and Leather. WHOLESALE.
IT urn "(in, per not, (7.00, fm.00. 12 00, f tVO ; Elegant
tvle. 820 0O. Ou. tiaddlfft rawhl'iv covered tr en.
H.oo, Ku ,i2oo. ft -.iw $o , root .'tu.oo, noon.
Plu lInrilvM, i 15.00 to $2.1.00. 'IVttlll Hurtle!. f'.'O,
125.00, J0 00, all with the celebrated no wad Uooq
o intra j lit Jim i or ov it nn nuni-M, pnr
112.00 Ht Brewi C-olltir.i it a "knock out." tirl
diet), Hihen, Blafk., Jlm, ef.
CflD DIP VAlllCQ iu tills line imMpiftled s r
rUll Dill InLUtw A check or mvnvy ord
Itb order t
MANUFACTURERS, 410 Market Atreet,
Ban FraociaTO, C litorola.
order your HUMMER
KULLEKH. You waul
the best; that's the
otily kind we deal In
Then tend your ordei
Portland, Oa.
... Ullfi-I AIUI Ul IIIU.P glieKHHIK
(KM) ncarext the number of Visitor! at
vW Ih. U'nrM'a Kilr. PurtiiMilim
nd our treatise on Prevention
ndCure ol private Mule indhHrr
Female dlst'iiw all aent'
Agents wanted. Standnrd Remedy Co., buttle.
LA'S POI80N-IVY PlLLS A sure cnrefoi
Dotftonine from Ivy-vine or Oak. If not im
proved in 2 DAY, return the bottle and gel
your money, hold ty all Druggists.
XTCH1NO FILES kinoira fcr oolstaft
line pcr3pir:i';, oauno l&toiao itciiiaf
wben vinn. Tliti Urm acrt BLIND.
iiuiiULN j or pooiitUBura vm
which acts di recti on part anected
absorbs tumore, alia r itching, )rTotttu
mi m
rJLkwQ ormaJ. Ox. gdaanao.rtilladelphia,ye
a permanent cur. Frio 60a DruirBlit
180 I'lilnn
-i riftf
yTwr puh try
Moore's Revealed Remedy.
wan. Oueoit. Jannarr 10. I eaa eute altb a'eaaare that br the a of
MOORI 9 REVEALED KEMKDT Bjbnabasd waa rellered Imm an o it cane ol
BHKIX ATWM and my roonfeat dot enrrdenanir of INFLAMMATORY RHtD
MAT1AM wImo ta beat ooctof 1 oouXd (ea did aia no fond. Yo-ira In rratltud,
Printing Material ani Winery
For aale at lewaat prleua and moat sdvantagtous
terms at
Palmer & ReyType Foundry,
Cor. Front and Alder Streets,
Write for prl as aud larnn be 'ore burlng el.
a here
Bladder, I'rlnary and L ver DUeaica, Dropty,
Orarel and Dlabctoa aro cured by
Cures Bright' DlHcase, Retention or Non-retention
ol t'rlne, I'alui In the Hack, Loins or
ljuint liilciiiii)iaiii-n,Nuiriiui Hhcnirv Perioral
Debility, Female Weukueti and txceuc-a.
Cures Billnumeaa, Ilendache, Jnundlce. Sour
Stoinacb, Uytpepnlu, Conaiipuiiou uud I'llvs.
CV AT OM'tfon tho Kill nr vs. I Ivi r
and ClnwelN, restoring them to a lieidlhy ac
tion, and I I III when all oilier medicines
fall. Hundreds have been saved who have beuu
giveu up to die by friend, aud physiclaiii.
Stsnord Files, per doi 0.5S
uregon Trout r ilea, per doj ua
Bcnn'a Kilos, wr doi 1.60
Split Bamboo Kodi, ouch 2.W
eni oy mull on receipt ol price.
Portland, Oregon.
Catalogue on application.
Hercules Gas Engine
NUaW for Powr or Pumping Purpok
Tha OheapMt Reliable Oaa ICafta
oa the Marti.
Out or Inoini ans
Par implloltr It Beat the World.
It oil ltaetr from a UeiorvoLr, ,
2fo Carburetor to got out of order.
Xo Batterle orEleotrlo Spark.
fl rasa wtta a Cheaper Grade of Oaootlna than an
ether fiugln.
bd roa cATAioeua to
PALMER & REY, ManufaotuusA,
411 liiinn Strut, tat Fraottea. U.
A movement of tbe bowali each day la neoeiMry fat
Detain, 'l oete piue supply wnai ino ;yicm ibckb to
matte It regular. They oure Headache, brig u tea tba
Bye and olear the Com
omplextoQ bitter
mettoa. Tber act mfldly. neither rrlpe nor aickco aa
other pi lie do. To oonvinee 70a of their merit
will mall aamplM frxofcr a full box for 26 oenra. HoiA
tvarrwboio. LoaasJto Mod. Co, rhiladeaplUa, S
let tha GenuinelliKrilhr
.old Everywhere! 1 1 !- U I-
rBANK WOOL8BT. Aaent, Portland. Or.
Fishing Tackle
Z7t-E. y
is sold by D0LE-PEARS0X HARNESS CO.,
at prices that will astonish you. Only the best
Oak-Tanned Leather need, and all work ptiaran
teed. Send for fine Illustrated Catalogue fres.
Avenue (Rast KiuV). Portland, Or.
aaa . v. aiaaxa.