... ' . J ( CITY AND COUNTRY, OKK09N CITY, At fillXT IH, ID' A. Tarm. of MubririiiioM, S lisl. Copy, on year, In advance, 'I (H Nluajl. Copy, ! minimi, In advanc. I IK) Local iiollmia lummts iwr Una liirrtrH:". ronlt Purlin tor ninth aiiliaa-iiiiitiil Inaertioii Address, I.-OUIIIKU. Oregon Illy. Oregon, EVENTS OF THE WEEK Judys Clerk nf Courts, .... ,, Nli.rllT, U dOltl,, Trwwuit r, Awafliir, rVliu.,1 Niip'rllitiunlHlt, Hurvsyor, Iliiruiisr, ftiirfillllasiiiiiars , i. W. l -lil i iimi Um, V. Iliilliliiii . (I W 1 ii hi. mm. J. (). WriliorH , J. C. Ill mlli.; n. n Hit . Killing Hiuylli II I, lloltnsii I lllt-l.anl 1H11I Ccirli.lll Hair UIIKIioN CITV OVVWV.M. Mayor, , , , . Il.-a.iniiir, . . . , t'lllrf uf Pidlos, AMMMir, . . , Tnawurnr C'lly Altoruay, . Htr. I 'uailulaalilir, Mup't of Water Wurka, 4 ity KiiiiiiMr, ... wdiior Smyth uiiviiiiirn ii, i. niMnKiii, jr.. ii. n. nniy, u. n Urmiimaii, W. A. Whit, i. J. ('..ike, J. W. O'l'on. null, J. U. Piirlsr ali.l T. V. lUmlall. Council niMU II ml Wnlusaday uf sacli month. T. W. Sullivan I.. I,, purler J. H. I'nrtliirn J K. ItlllHIll ...K.J. Umla .. II. K. Croaa ....I'. HiiIhtk W II. Unwell CHUHCItlCS. Kind Congmgailunal Church-llnv. M. Uuiighrrty Paatur. Services II a. ui. arid mill p. ni. Sunday Hehiiul aftr tuurnlug service. Prayer Meeting every WedunwUy evening at M:IHl p. rti. Prayer Meellnavif Y. I'. S. C. K. awry Hunilay evening at tlifitl prompt. Viral Dapllal Church Rev. Oilman Parker I'aaliir' Muruliig Henri III Hunilay Srluail U:Vi; kvenliif Hervlc. US): llegular Prayer Meeting Wednesday tvenlng. Montlily f'uvenanl Heeling every Weduv. day .veullig precvVdllig Ural Sunday III llieinulilh. Ml. Juhn'a Church, flalliollc-ll.v. A. Illllaliraiitt, Pastor. (In Hunday, Mnas at a and 10:10 a ni. Kvcnr Stimuiy Ueriuan Hrmun after H o'olnck Mass. At all utlier Maaeea Kugllah Hennone. Hunday School :au p m. Viaus-rs, Alugetlcal Subjects aud lien dlclinn at 7:3n p. ni. HailnidUt Kiacopnl Cliurrh Iter a. Bikes, I'nator. Horning Service at II; Sunday School at'U:l; levell ing Hervios at M -.IN). Kpwurttl League Meeting Hun . day .veiling at 0H)s I'niyer Mwllng Tliumda avmi-InjalKOU. Viral I'maliyterlnn Cliuroh, .' PaUr. Kervlcaa 11 Molmol Ida. in. eaenlnit at 6::u. : H:i. rkau frva. Rev. O. W. GIlHiner. and a Ml D. in. Bnlilulli Y. V. 8. 0. K. n la every Miimlay I'myer lleeilriKWedniwIay evening kvangellcal llnmli, Oernian A. Kriml, Paatnr. Preai'liing Harvioea every alternate Huiiilay 11 a. In. and 7 i p. ni. f ahballl 8( h.il every etiilliluy 10 a. III. (J. llarrlalxrger, Hupt.) Weekly Prayer Meeting very Weduivlay vvenlug, United Hri'lhren Cliurch.-Rev. P. B. Wllllaina. Jaatur. Hiirvleea flrat and third tfiinilay iiiurlilnira and Ilia preoeeding Hatlirday night In earli munlli at uregun i ny il a. in. ami 7 u. in , i lav afteruunn ofeaeh mimlh at Kail) View. , and Ilia flrat Hun- J I'-I'aa. Mllliiill I'llllllly lll I'fllHI'rH tya Hit Uiti mmui, aiTin lit ntVr II" four n( lin liruHiHl n-ri ri'luxinn hIIhu of in in Lti t'cniH. Al h.ntfi'iic 117 lull Imve bri.iiunt I.')ii iih. 'J liu Mi-i'kt'rat'HtiiiiHtp H'iibIiiiiuI.,ii'h Iiiiii i n i Hi ,'HI IKW Imlon hihI Oii'gHU'x hi ;ii,ihi. .luiiii'H f' in t. iiiii-hiiy 1. 1 I lie Kinu (ii iniy, Wunll , Hillilil'iiM'frx' .Wxin'lllllOI .HIllll'H limn mi uvt rniiii uf not limit) tliiiu (XK) IhiiiihIh .i i Hi'it1 i iiii Im' f Xii Clou cii iIii "I I'M. Jlil i HIIIIIHII'N lIllll Hill iT.il li( llm l.'nlli'il Hutii'M iliini nr imiv i.iii..iimI lu :0,(o0 biilt-g na uifiiim t '.I'M tK)0 bnlva IiihI yenr. 1 Im KiiuiihIi ti()i im txp cli-il lu lull hliiiri i, hi;- lui.uuil t'wt . nml tin flop in (iiTimiiiy ia hi no lii'tli-r leiliilivt) I'noililiiiii. In .'h Yule, l,uytrii uiu iryliiu i,i i-tjiii nii-t ui l'ii I'lMiik l.Hi ili.il tew w liriH ni Unit nruf. In WiiHlilnif It'll II.UIiV 01 I llll UlilWl M III!) rOlllrilCtlllt III ) rfiiin, nllliinigli lliu Imiiilit mlo to now lurk in i.nly ' itihh .ur ioiiii(l. Uiulur lliu riiciinwliuiiva. Mr. Unit liti lii'Vi-H iliut U Hit) moH'fciM ni lliu I'uuillu cottht were uh llioroiiijlily orumtizi'tt hh iiioeu ni isuw Voik llicy voulil tt-ailily ci.ntract nt 18 teiitH. The umbucIuiIum uf which lie in aecri'tury, Iiuh received Hern of 18 cent fur linim for which U eenlH wna (lie bunt oiler hIx weeks aao. few wiles of bong have been ruuuried at Sn Im Kuhh, CiiI., at priceit raiigiiiK Irum 18 to 23 eentB Htr iuilliil. A KKLATIVR OK WANHINtiTON IN OllK- noN. It In not a multer of uiicdniinon iiilerunt tlmt Kbenczer liuriteBi) Hull, (ho nuareHt living relulivo of I'reaident lieorue WaHliiiitfton, In an Oregon pio neer. When drcHHeil in tliu iiiiifurm of tliu WHnliinulon CiinliiiuntiilH. lliu aluttily obi cuntluniaii liearn a Mlrikinir reauoiblannu t the ' hatlier of lliu Country." Mr. Hall wait bum in Vir trinia and liia Kruniliiiother wan Francis WaMliliiKlon, a daughter of (Jul. t buries WaHbiiiaTlon, tliu onlv full brutlior of (ieorg-e W'acliinnlon. Ilia Kriiiiilfalht-r on the palurnul skio whm L-o. UuruuaH Bull, HrHt coiihiii of Mary Kali, moitiur of WuHliinirtun. Tim privilege winch lie enjoya of huIIIiik cixnra, Btutionury and other Hinall articleH in tliu pennion ollice at WaHliiiiL'too wn Rttcnreil of linn under I'rcMiilont Cleveland's firat ail inlniHtratioii by CoiiureHHiiuin Uenii inn of Oregon, in whose district he lived for many years. J Ins privilei;.) allortU him a living. IlKN'a Opinions. Oiii fnrnmr ininuina live fellow clilzen. lien Newimin, h one of lint HHHI Idle men of I'oilliind. (In Tnemliiv llui.n he ant on tin plux I I'hil furiii and ck liiin l his u'uiinr view or knot nf HkiIchn Halm fa. Mi)'tiirp auo. he ays, he la-nun livhu Mwitrnlny totioi a tireei'iits in. act I'Tlh III Hie JlH'li and IiH-n't hi t ii viclt a day elmv mnt nut taken a h.t of medicine, lien iniieii In ndd Hint Ida tun r child died ni" hla ulleiiilil lo retnie hel Willi leeliel intii iealion. lie i liol liellevu Hint Mrs U'llliama shows lo e! seine in try inu lo drive a leilin of ilevils mil id Hie cryinu child hi in licr imiiciiI. A bait uf pea n ii ; a would he ihemnel i llli'iiciiniH. a C T. WiNKKKTTis II Practical innlm taker He Is now inakintr II a special bilsint'ss. lie Is alao a iirnellcsl em biilim r as nil ho have had hia Kervices can Icitiiy. He keeps the tno'i exien sive stock of fiixkel. canes and cnlline aouili of Portland, and aUi ii very line (jrade of eh it h covered ami metallic work. The cnnkels and Collins are ready trimmed so that perming (ruin a distance can.hu Immediately hcc'iiiiiiio dateil. Trices to suit these hard, dull times, for I will not be undersold. Come and see fur youi selves when oc casion recpiires. tSaine old place, next door to Itoako's machine shop. C. 1. WlNESKTT. t'lirlatlaii Clinrch llev. P. T. Stanley, Patnr. rMrvloea every Silmlay 11 a. ni. at slilvely'i Hall Preaahliig aeound and funrtb Sunday In each uiuutli, HI. Paul'a Churrll, Kplnr.il-llev. J. A. Eckalnnn, paalur, Henicea atery Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7 ill) p. ui., and rrlilay avening at 7i p. in. SOCIKTIK9. Falla City IikIki. el A. U. It. W.-Mita every onil and fuuith Krldny evening of earli month In Oild Kellowa' building. All adjourning brethren cnnlialiy luvitod loattenil. D. I'Hurlold. II. W. Ueo. Calllf, lieu. Pig Irou Loilge, Nn. X, A. 0. U. W.-Jleeto every j nunaiay evening at unn reuow a mill, oaweiro. Vlaltlng brelhren alwnya welcome. J. U, CiimpUdl, n . w. n. mrauaa, nee. Hulalla Loilgo, No. 40, A. 0. V. W. Meeta flrat and nam suiumuya in eacn uioutii at school iioiiae, Vlalllug niembera made welcome. T. 8. Sllpp, Bl. W. J. V. lliumaa, nec. Oavel Ixidge, No. M, A. 0. tt. W. Meet! aecoud ami third Saturday avenlngi at Knlglit'a Hall, Caiiliy. Vlaltlng lirolliera made welcome. O. h. Uarlow, M. W. W. 8. Urllible, Km. Clackiunaa Ixnlgu, No. 57, A. O. V. W.-Meela flrat , anil third Mondnya in each monlh, at Slrite'a Hall. Vlaltlng lirelhreu welcome. S. Ilolcomli, M. W. C. K. 1'eaae, Ueo. Sunrlae Loilge. No. 4.1, A. 0. It. W.BIeeta every aecond and fourtli Satunlay of each month at Wlf. itonville. Oregon. Max Scholpiua, II. W. C. T. Tooe, H"e , Or! m l.ialge, No. .1, I 0. O. F MicU every Thuraday ....ningat 1:'M o'clock p.m. In the Odd Pel Iowa Hull, llalll atreet. MemlH-ra of the Order re invited lo attend. Ueorge U. Kly, N. 0, Tlioa. Kau, 8eo. Fall! Encampmenl, No I, I. 0. O. F. Meeta find. an4 tblnl Xaaadaya of each month at Odd Kellowa' Hall. Mtfmbetaaud vlaiting patrlarcha cordially In vited to attend V. II. Howell, Chief Palrlnrch J. A. Stewaat, Scribe. f .w.vc U. ik. No. Kl, I. 0.0. F. Meeta at Oclrl Fel. low a Hail, oawegj, every Satunlay evening. Vlaltlng hieOiren nnule weicoma. ti. W. Pruaser, N. 0. J. F. UMeJ, Sec. Multnomah lai (e, No. 1, A. F. A. M.-Holila Its rniiulu- c .inTiiuiiii'atlona on flrat mid third Haturdaya or each timnlti .l '10 p. m. Brethren In good aland log are luvlt.J tj attend, I.. L. Porter, W. M. T. If. Hyaii, Sec. Waiicl.eno L. No. 13, I. 0. K. M.-Meeta Wed nesday .,'euinir at rruory Hall. Vlaltlng lueltlbera oo.uully ln.iid. A. J. lluxard, C. of K. C'harlea Kelly, Sachem. Meade Poat, No. !, 0. A. R , Department nf Oregon. Meeta flrat Monday of each month at K. ol P. Hall, Oregon i'lty. Vlaltlng comrades niaile welcome. David McArthllr, Com. J. P. Sliaw, Adj. uen, urooa i oai, no. -a. u. a. n., if,pannieui oi i Oregon. Meets lu achool nouae at Needy on flrat Sat .urdaylueach month al 2 o'clock p. m. All coin- radea made welcome. Jacob Hpogle, Com, J. Kur , atader, Adj. Meada Relief Corps, No. 18, Department of Ore t gull. Meela on flrat and third Frliiaye of each month ,inK. of P. Hall. Membera of corpa from abroad .ourdlally weicoineil, lira, II. M. Charninll,. Prea. . Mra. K, L. Cochran, Treaa. Mra. J. B. Harding, Sec. Horn of Veterana, K. D. Baker Camp. No. 18-Meela tfirat and third Thuraday eveniuga ol each month. K. .S. Cull IT, t'apt. B. S. Bellomy, let Lieut. U. O. Wood, -!A Lieut. Achillea Lodge, No. 3, K.of P. Meeta every Frl Jtay night at the K. of P. hull. Viailiiig klllghta ilnvited. I'haa. Albright, Jr., C.C J. K. Ilhodea, K. HUB. C.inhy Ialge, No 8114, t. O. 0. T.-Meeta Oral and third Sutunlay oveninga at Knight'a Hull, Cauby. Vlaltlng mcmbera alwuya made welcome. H. C. Ollliuore, W. C, T. Millard Lee, Sec. F Comiauiy, Flrat Ref ., 0. N. O. Armory, Third and Main, liegular drill night, Monday. Itegular tatsinoHR meeting, flrat Monday of each mouth. J. W. Uanong, t'apt. F. 8. Kelley, Flrat Lieut. L. L. PiCiena, Second Lieut. New Era W. C. T V. Meela Unit Saturday In each month at their hall In New Km. Krlemla of the cauae ( invited to he preaeut. Mra Carey Johnaon, Mra. Kaatman, Prea. 8t. John's Branch, No. 617, C. K. of A Meeta , every Tuewluy evening at their ball, comer Main and Tenlh Mrecta, Oregon City. T. W. Sullivan, Prea. jMhII. Juatlu, Sec. Oregon City Boanl of TnuleMeeta at Court llouat ein aecond Moaduy In each month. Vlaitora w. Icume, iiw 0. Urownell, Prea, F. K. Donaldaon, Sec. Canhy Boanl of Trade Meeta at Knlght'i Hall, flanhy, on flrat and third Fridaya of each month. Vlaitora walcomo. Wro. Knight, Prea. 8. J. Uarri. on, tUtt. , Molalla flranga. Ko. 40, P. of II.-Moets at their hall at Wrlglit'a Brldga ou Ihe aecond Saturday of ach month at 1U a, Dl, rellow membera made grelcome. J. F. Nelaon, Maater. E. H. Cooper, Sec. Tltlatln Giange, No. Ill, P. of H,-Meeta laat Satur day of each month at their hall In Wllaonville. R. B. Unry, Maater. Miaa Beda Sharp, Sen. Warner urange. No. 117, P. of II. Meat fourth Saturday of each month at their hall In New Kra, C. C. Williaua, Master. Mia, Maggie Brown. Sen. Butte Creek Orange, No. 82, P. of II. Meeta at their hall in ManUam aecond Saturday in each month at IUa.m. Viailing meiuiiera alwaya welcome. J. K. White, Master. J. E. Jack, Sec. Columbia Hook and Ijidder Co, Meets rat Fri day of each mouth at Fountain Kngine Uouae. W. T. W hillock, Prea. Kd L. bhaw. Foreman. A.W. Milln, Fountain Hoae Co., No. 1 Meets aecond Wednesday in each month at Engine House, east aide Main street, between Seventh and Eighth. Hiram Straight, Prea. M. P. tjuinn, Foreman. J. W. Slewarl, Sec. Cataract II. -se Co. No. 2. Meeta aecoi d Tuesday of , each month at Cataract Engine House. Sidney Smith, ,Pree. Bart Ureenman, Foreman. Herb bestow. Sec. Oregon City Hoae Co., No. 30 W. Church, Pres. W. W. Marrs, Foreman. H. S. Strange, Sec Russian Jew Immiohants. The litis stun Jews have acquired a lare body of land in tbia county and will buy oiore. They own a half section of I lie Win. Fnttcr claim ; a half section of the J. If. Muore claim; about 200 acres of the Wm. Fordyce claim; the Orin Cutting place of a half section, and south of the Fordyce claim a half section. Most of this land has been cut up into small hi Minus on which Jewish families are located. A millionaire named iSchioriiia Krity.ewsky is expected to brinifubontAX) families of his co-reliKionista from Kus slato thia county, with the object of per manent settlement. They are not pau pers but of the middle class, being thrifty and having- some nutans. Those already located intend to build a syna-gog-iie next suifimer, in which they will no doubt be financially assi.-ted by their i'ortlanu iriunus. Loos for Papku. In 181)1 Ihe Wil lamette Pulp A Paper Co. entered into contract with Charles K. Spalding tn furnish balm ami cnttoiiwuod Ions for i ts mills. This contract has been in force ever since. Thia yeur (1,000,000 feet of loirs have been taken to Oregon City and next season 7,000,000 feet will be Ifolten out. The entire amount of hist year'a conlnct of O.OOO.lHH) feet Is now close to Newberif, where the loirs will be arraiiL'ed in rafts and then toned to Oreifon City bv steamer. About ti e 1st of September nearly .'100 men will irn to work (retting- out next season's lot of 7,000,000 Iwl.Salrm Utaletmun. Tim Arena. The Arena is (lie fore most reform mairnziue nf the country. Its face is turned toward the rising sun of progress. Jt is an "arena" f ir the promulgation nf the newest and freehest thought in politics' e -onnmy, sociology, theology or any other phase of human investigation that may interest I hone who love the truth fur its own sake and want the whole of it. Kvery progressive thinker should read it. llnv a copy at the bookstore. There is no American periodical that equals it. Remain," 8uy IIknhv Hudson, of the James (Smith Woolen Aluchliiery Co,, l'liiliidclplilu, l'u., who certi lies oa follows: " Among tho many testhnonU ui which I aeo In regurd to cer tain medicine performing oures, cloaaalng the blood, etc., none Imprest me more than my own 'one, Twenty yoara ago, at the age of 18 years, I had vrd'hii come on my I e g s ; which broke iimi be came ru if Inlng sore. A Our finally phy-' aioian could do inn no good, and it was foarod that the hones would bo afflicted. At last, my g' ii id old Mother Urged Me to try Ayer's Sarsaparllla. I took three bottles, tho surra healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the tears remain, and tho memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayor'i Sarsuparllltt has done me,,. I now weigh two hundred and twenty '' pounds, and am in the best of health. I have been on tho road for the past twelve years, havo noticed Ayer's Sur saparillu advertised In all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what good it did for ma." Ayer's Sarsaparllla r-r iir.- l hy T)r. J. C.Ayor Co., Lowell, Mass. Curesothers.willcureyou m 1 Lfiwi'r, i sT am i - s II .-fl X L 1 ira(DJU(ji( OREGOIT, am BABLOW, Has tlic Lai'gest and Most Complete Stock of General Merchandise B n Clackamas County. DEALERS IN HOP CLOTH, KILN CLOTH, SULPHUR AND EVERY THING PERTAINING TO THE HOP INDUSTRY. Goods Sold on a STRICTlY CASH Basis Only. Highest Price Paid for Country Produce. , w Grand Picnic, Sept. 8, AT SANMY. 1 I IN" F. A.. MEHSTin-'S T A TPFT PROGRAMME: i3 1 KUMK.N I AL MUSIC Metronolitnn Hand ORATION Geo. C. Hrmvnrdl of fWrrnn Pifv Dancing on Platform in Afternoon. Grand Hall in Hall at Nicht. KcTrashincnts of all kinds convenient. Circle swinginc day and nicht 1 1. 1J. LIIASE, Prcstdt'nt of the Day, J. C. Bkadi.ky, Grand Marshal. ICKETS, for Dancing on Platform, 50 cents; for Ball in Hall, in eluding Supper, $1.25. F. A. ME1NIG & SONS, Proprietors. rof. U. L. EASTIIA.M. of 388 Kast Morriann fit.. Piirtlnnil Or U'lll Iia iirnuitnl nun o prepareu 10 make piiotO:aplis of all kinds. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. A roiNrwi to Taxi'avkiis. I'liose in this coiintv whnse taxes are delinntinnt art) interested in tho. fact that the light over the t e innilent taxes ol 181)1 in Clatsop county has hem decided hv the supreme court, which upheld Judge M llride s tlecision that the tax was col leclahle notwithstanding the irregular! ties in the assessments. (JlatsnpcHiuty has now $34,000 eollectnhlH delinipient taxes, almost haliiiicing its $.7,00'J of detit. 1 WO GlAXT liKEVtS OS KxililllTIOV. In a tent to the rear of Alhriglit Ac War ner')' biitcherahop is on exhibition the largest team nf steers that wore ever seen in the United States. They are twin thoroughbred Durham cattle of the original Palestine stock. 18 hands high, Vi feet u inches long, 15 feet girth and weigh 8040 pounds. Their names are Cleveland and Harrison. They were raised in Spring Iiiver valley. Jasper county, in southwest Missouri, by J. 8. Walker & Co. In October they will bo at the World's Fair in Chicago to com pete for the $20,000 prize. They re ceived the gold medal at the Centennial in 187(1. These great bovines will re main in the city for a few days and can be seen tor 10 cents. Every one should take n look at them. Fifth Street Bids. Onlv one entire bid for the improvement of Fifth street, that of Uan Lyons, was received and opened by the city council on Wednes uuy evening. It is as follows : Per cubic yard for grading earth 17 cents; loose rock 35 cents; solid rock $1. Gravel, per cubic yard, laid and rolled, 1 .30. Six-inch tile, 27 cents per foot; three inch lile, 18 cents; new sidewalk, in cluding curb, 33 cents per.foot ; relaying present sidewalk, including new curb. 20 cents per foot; gutters, per lines foot, 12 cents; per fool for six-foot cross walks, .10 cents; four-foot crosswalks, 2.) cents. Mr. Broughton a bid for new sidewalkb is 29 cents; for relaying old sidewaUs with cuib 10 cents; six foot crosswalks 24 cents; four-foot cross walks 18 cents. Of IXTEItEST TO SPOMTSMRX. W. H llurlbnrt, A. U. 1'. A union racillc. System. Portland, Or., has 1ii"t received a siipplv of books called "(inn Club Utiles and Revised Laws." This pnbl cation contains a digest of tho laws re luting to game in the Western slates and territories. Mr. llurlbnrt will be glad to mail yon one of the books upon re ccipt of two at lining to coyer postage V. II. llrill.Ill'HT, A. u. r. A. Aiimohy Hall Em.arukd With tho 24-foot addition to the Armory hall, it contains in addition to a clear space nf 100x42 feet for drill room, at the front a dressimr room with a separate closet for the kit of each soldier. This is flanked on one Mile by a separate gents' dress ina room and on the other by ladies' apartments. The hall is better finished and more convenient than it was here lofore. it As lev Topic As W. If. Harris, J B. David and a prominent lawyer vho constitute the principal ice making com punv of Portland have a capital of over a million, they will certainly not be outdone by the Oregon City ice com puny in giving the perspiring public cheap frozen water. A mint julep pleace . A ual.v Day at Sandy. there is no doubt of it whatever that F. A. Meinig & Sons are overexerting themselves to make their Harvest ricnic, to be held at their beautilul picnic grounds at Sandy on September 8ih, next, one of the most popular ones ever given in that place Time and expense will not be spared to make it pleasant lo an wno may at lend The Meiropjlitian Band of Portland has been engaged to furnish the music for the occasion. Eminent speakers from aurnud have been secured. The amusements during the day will be sing ing, dancing, wheelbarrow and sack races, and in the eeniug a grand ball will be held in their spacious hall, thereby giving everyone a chance to en joy himself hugely. LETTER LIST. The following is a list of letters re maining in the postoffice at Oregon City, Aug. 17, 1893: Anderson, W L Bane, Wm Baker, J Caraon, Geo Carlson, Miss Selmat'arson. Miss Lottie t'arg, II A I'ason, Mrs Alice Davis, Tandy Haynes, Libe Handy. Geo Malt, Christian McCall, Dave McMurr, Henry Maywald, K H Mays, S J Pnywr. J W Schwandt, Mrs Alice Scbolzen, Peter Thuyer, Jamea Thomas, C B Vanghan, David V Ward, Mra T bite, Ooi tam .Section 4 When calling for the letter please ay "advertised." E. M. Kasds, P. M. A Birthday Dinner. At Ahlerlea (on Clear creek), the summer resort if Misdumea G. A. Harding and F. It iiiarman, u utrumay uinnur was guen on fcunilav, in honor of 31 r. Harding, that will long be remembered by those who partook of the excellent repast. The long table was spread lu a bower of evergreens under a canvas roof. The best appetizers in the world, merriment and fresh air, produced havoc among the creature comforts. There were present: Mr. and Mrs Piilsbury, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Charinau, Mr. and Mrs O. A. Harding, Mrs. C. O. Al bright. Mr. Aldredge, James Barlow and his mother, Mrs. Barlow, Miss K. Hedges, Miss Nan Cochran, and others. Certificates Granted. The follow ing were granted certidcates at tho teach ers' examination : Norma Fox, L. T. Anderson. Sara'! U. Downs, Jessie Waldron. Ora F.Nelson, Ednetta Chase, Mrs. Mattie Campbell, Zetia Ediiiiston, Sidna Hill, Clara Brown, Mrs.Loesa M. Hedge, Maggie L. Hampton, Annie J. Young, A. B. Hibbard, I,. J. Brooks, J. S. Welch, David Warner, Mrs. E. M. Downs, W. W. Austin, Gertrude Forbes, Souri Mityfield, Mamie Aldrich, Genie Nefzger, Olive A. dwelling, Mary E. 'f albert, Hattie L. Sweet, Ida M. Voder, (harles Klieiy, Alice Atkerman, Chas. M. Ciiltemlf n, Lett is phomas, Alma Gnrdntr, Ada Kandail and Klnnra Jewell. A Rcduotion Preferable to a Shut-Down. I he manager of the Willamette Pulp & Paper Company s business having been interrogated by the editor in regard to the resumption ol work in the mills on Monday last, and the reduction in eacli employe's wages of 25 coins per dav, he has lu response, kindly fur nished the following explanatory state ment : Editor Courier: Regarding the re duction in wages made in our mills, and concerning which you inquired, have only to sav that tiie same became neces sary in order to opeiate our mills during the present dull tunes. It was a qnes tion of remaining down, or a reduction of the running expenses, and our men prefer to work rather than remain idle. It has always been our policy to pay good rales o wages, but during tunes of business depression, like the present, when it is impossible to place our pro- duct, it is but jusc that our employes should render what assistance is within their power. We shall run our plant as steadily as possible, and while it will be necesearv to somewhat curtail the production, we believe it better for the city and for our employes, who will have constant work during a limo when thousand of laborers in every city of the United States are out of employ ment. ' Yours truly, Willamette Pulp A Paper Co. By L. G . Gurxett, Asst. Gen'l. Mgr. The Crown mill also resumed on Monday with a wage reduction ol so cents a day . HOOD VIEW. Business at Oswego is as flat as a lonjf sermon In hoi weather. Jacob Ruber's bakery delivery wagon is the nobbiest in the city. Mr. ('spies is building a tesidence on his five acres in Ml. Pleasant. Hon. II. K. Cross' buggy horse is advertised to be sold by the sheriff for taxes on the 24. Ii, On Thursday evening of this week the Salvation Army gives nn ice cream socialiht, beginning at 0 p. m II. B. Luce (the governor's appointee) now remilarly draws Ins salary as state loon ami dairy commissioner. The father of W. W. II. Samson is at a hospital in Portland alllicted with senile gangrene. JIisagoiu78 Herman Anthony is now the owner of the dance hull at New Era which he bought from the Spiritualist society When in want ot tea, try a package of the "l'ride of Japan ' al il. Straight s vou mil never want to use any otht kind The worth of your in mev is what you want, and that is what you gel at the Willamette 1 railing Co s. establishment at Barlow The number of tents at the Gladston encampment is 2(10, which could acuom module 800 men. Over 400 militia are at the camp. On Saturday Elmer Dixon had tl misfortune to badly injure ne of his hands on his steam woodsaw while was running. About September 1st tilckiiiir will he gin in tho Butteville mid Pleasant Hill hop yards. The growers there wan 1000 white pickers. Henry Grav, heretofore candidate for collector of customs in Alaska, has set his cap for the receivership at the Ore gon uuy land oiuce. Bttlfe Johnson came down from Th Dalles on edtiesday, accompanied bv his brother Nello, and will spend his summer vacation in tins city. Some active lobbying may be antic pated al the next legislature with the object of selling to the Mate a militia camping ground at Gladstone . It must interest the readers of Ihe Telegram to know that the salary of its editor, Capt n (inore H . Moflett, has been cut down f 10 per week Jake Charles has taken charge of the linistiin ' department of the woolen mill during the absence of Thed Clark nt Goos hay, where t red raimer is located. It is announced that Col. Robert A. Miller, the new register of the Oregon City land ollice, is soon to lead t) the altar Mrs Grubbe, a well-known school teacher of Salem. Daily D'wpatch. A voting man named Wilkinson, a son of Kobert Wilkinson, is building a good - sized greenhouse at Gladstone on the motor line near tho Clackamas. He will use 1800 feut of glass in the roof. Prof. II. A. Shorey will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church ou Sunday morning. In the evening a missionary meeting will be conducted by the Y. P. S. C. E. All cordially in vited lo both services. The. Willamette Iron Works have filed an attachment against M. K. Shipley and J. 11. Kruse, and rainier & Key against C. C. Ross, of tho defunct Her aid; II. E. Cross lias filed acunplaiui against C. W. Gaining. Commencing Wednesday, August Kith, 1 803, tho Albany passenger traniB Nos. 19 and 20, running between Portland and Albany, will be discontinued. The California express trains Nos 15 and 10 A Life or James G. Blaine. Gail Hamilton has been before the country as a writer for many years. Her ability is undisputed. As this brilliant woman, without a pesr, for a long time formed a member of the late James G. Blaine's family circle, we will not be dissapoir.ted if we anticipate that his "Bingraph) "from her pen will do justice to the memory of mis great political leader. The Henry till Pub. Co. of Norwich, Cunn., will issue the work. Born, to the wife of James Smock, of will slop at all stations between Portland and Aluany. The Spiritualists of Canhy and vicin ity will hold a two-days meeting in Lee's grove, near Canhy, beginning Saturday, August 19th, 2 o'clock p in., Mrs. Dr. Wilder, of Portland, manager. An interesting time is expected. An in vitation is extended to all. The other night, after a y iiin man who had been attending a Spiritualists' circle had locked the door of his room and crawled into bed, the door was opened by unseen hands and the carpet ilted up. not the present of a gold watch and a watermelon can g;t him into anothor circle- Friday last, Mr. Gill placed hisuttach- ment on the Herald, people a party paper, for wages due as editor, and then took the steamer for Oswego. It appears that the paper collapsed so early be cause the money broker who backed U. C. Ross, the nominal owner, suddenly got sick and died. Ross owned nothing. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. II. Dunn will be gin a six months' school at the village ot Antelope, Wasco county, on the 24th. Charles Draper will again teach the Cauby graded school, assisted by Misses Railing and .Nelson; S. A. V Uurley Sixpay Work. The stand most Dat- ronized on Sumlav at Gladstone was that inside the Soldiers' picket line owned by a good church member and presided over by a preacher s son in-law. ' His fine cigars and tee-cold lemonade I wete strictly orthodox. The editor nf Mandolins, guitars and banjos of the the Cocbieb is not averse to seeing the : celebrated Washburn make at Bur-' brethren turn an honest penny on the I Have your watches, clocks and jew jneister A Andresen. "day of re st." as he is often obliged by elry rei aired by the established and re- i strew of circumstances lo do a little li.ble firm of Burmeister & Andresen. Sherwood, a son Died, at the home of her parents. August Glh, at Wilson vi He, Miss Bertha Shhver, aged 1U years, months and 10 days, of quinsy. Ihe interment took place at Pleasant Hill cemetary, August 8lh, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Barber and Mrs. H. Goulding olhciating. (juite a crowd was in attendance and tier last resting place was made beautiful by a profusion of ihoice flowers. Dearest Bertha, gone before us To tho heavenly hosts above. And we know that peace is with thee, In our Saviour's precious love. Mrs. Spencer has been ailing for the pant week, and Mrs. Dora Barber and Mrs. Hill are also on the list of patients Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Seely and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Brown are camping at Nestucca for three weeks. Ray Short is visiting at M. C. Young's. Married, at the residence of Rev. Mr. Barber, July 31st, Miss Elva Coppock and Jet. George, both of Newberg, Yam hill county. Mrs. Romniger, of Portland, is ihe guest of our pastor and hia wife. Joel P. Geer has lately returned from England, the happy possessor of another wife. mattimonial successes. Everyone is away for the wild seaside. A party of 14 intend to leave Sherwood next Tuesday for Nestucca; among them are the Misses lisih-v, Messrs. Camel and Nee ton, Mr. and Mrs. Duke and George Duke. Mrs. L. A. Young, Miss Ethel Short and Willie Graham intend to spend a week or so at Big Nestucca. Mr. nnd Mrs S. Galbreath are visit ing among relatives in England, whom they have never seen before. Ax.ia. LOCAL SUMMARY. Proscriptions carefully compounded ct G. A. Harding's drug store. L. P. Fisher, Newspaper Advertising Agent 21 Merchants' Exchange, San Francisco is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in his ollice. For job printing go to the C'oi'R eu ollice. Lawyers' Briefs and Folders printed at the Courier ollice. Wood taken on sub-cription at Corn Kit ollice. Bring it in summer lime. ;. The Mulino roller mill is now in first class order for the accommodation of customers. Fiist-class work guaranteed', i If you ore in want nf a piano, call on Btniiivister & Audresoii before buying mid examine the uelciirated Washburn an instrument firmly built, rich in tone, ol light action and highly finished. Twenty pounds of wool are sufficient to make a good nuiltress. Anybody having that ninotiut to spare ought to izivo llellomv & Busch the order of mak iug a good wool mattress. Charges fur tick and labor surprisingly low. STAFFORD. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS- Robert Schuebul lo lied wick Giienth er, w H of nw Aj of sec 1, t 4 s, r 2 e, 80 as; f5U0. Herman Anthony to August Fisher, bt . blk it. New Era: 122. Adolnh Matthies et al to Thomas Dutrv. -Jili.: as in t 2 s. r 2 o: $1 Thomas Dully to Fred Matthias, 21.10 as, t 3 s, r 4 e; t. . Henry Githens to Ida Armstrong, n yt of se y ot sec 1U, l o a, r t e, in 1 ..... T Augustia Melclierio nenry i. aieicnur u i. of Htv V. nf sw M of sec 29, W )i o nw of nw M of sec 32, e ot se M of se Wuf sec 30 and c 36 of no M of lie of sec 31, t 2 s, r 1 e, 8d as ; f im). b rank Jiiuirar to Minnie A Jaggar, lots 7. 8 and 9 in blk I .'I, Pleasant Hill add toOC;i)00. Dmiel nnd Lewis hd wards 10 J Leavitt. ouitclaim to pt of sees 17 and "t t 5 s. r '2 e. L'5h as: CI. Harvey L Waybill to manna w neeier 20 as In sees M'J and 3U, t i 8, r e ; i. U S to Wbalen C Gruff, no of sec lliram Kate A 10, t 2 s, r 0 e, 100 as; patent Grolf (heir of W C Grou) to Kimrsburv. same tract; $1. U S to Hiram Urolt, se li ol sec 4, t z r 0 e. 100 as : patent. Ii i ram Groll to lvate A KiiiL'sburv. same; tl K P Elliot to V ti h-raelt, nw ol be iy..r...., n.i a u.... iu t -I u il lie y& ol nw ;a niu, nn net mu, w 3 o. 107.00 as; siz.ouu. F T Barlow to F. Parker, quitclaim to ot 1, blk 7, and lots 7 and 8, hi I: 21, Windsor: tl. Pacific Improvement Uo to U V it ll Co, release of judgments against run and & Willamette K it amounting to .2:1.000 in favor of dillerent parlies; II O t C R It to Pacific Improvement Co, satisfaction and releaso of abjvo; 1 O W Gaming, slierili, to' R V Short, so Va ol ne Va o sec j. I .i s, r I , -in us. property of John W Ladd;i!l. H L L Clark to James Shaw, 14 ns of W Moss claim, except 4 lots in Moss add to O C ; fSOOO. Do to do, quilclaim to lots 32, 33, 34 and fr lot, Moss add; ? Peter Wilson to Frank P WiUon. unit- aim to T.l6 as of N P Mack claim, t 2 r3 e: $1000. Aniust Koch to Eliza Koch, nw li of I sec ii and s of ne l4 of sec 27, t 2 s, r 5 e, 280 us $8000. Jo in Barnerover to Geo Sauni, nil timber south and north of Hanoi's mill iirnd in sees 19 and 30. t 2 s, r 1 e ; f 100. M F Moore et al to II Anthony, lot J, blk 0, New Era; f244. CANBY ITEMS. 8. A ill teach a school near Canhy; he is We congratulate liiin on his preparing to enter the legal profession I ...lil f.. l.:..l. klu .V.llitiua ft f Ll.n I IUI itiiiin hid gTTiic ni auiiiucn A commencement has been made on the Main street pavement work. Il will go through without a doubt. Shortly the assessment on each Main street property holder will be published in these columns. As, regardless of hard The city council has ordered all the streets opened by December 1st, with be except on ot two streets near . Matthews' peach and prtiun orchard. J. Kinzins lias boughf 10 acres of land n the city limits from A. Lee for U00. Mrs. Hodges nnd three other families ave gone lo So-ia springs lor a lew weeks' rest. Quite a number of the town's peoplo are nut in the foothills ter berries. The Cliistain chinch is holding pro truded ineetinirs here Ibis week under le guidance of Rev. MeKeefen, of Port- and. Two members j lined this week. The M. E. church has also been in- reased by two. All four were baptized Sunday. The M. K. church holds veiling meetings this week. J. Stogdel has gone hack East to re main about two months. II. Gilman and family have gone East to be absent three weeks. J. A. Cox starls his steam thrasher this week with the expectation of a good run. J. C. Wolgatnot is thrashing his 15 acres of rye with the flail. He has sold the straw to a Portland firm for stulling collars, for !" per ton. George Hayet is erecting a residence on his. proeriy. J. Hart has been sold ont by the sher iff and his mill has stopped. J. Deval has hU fine new house fin- up The harvest is hero and seems lo be a good crop this year. Evuiylliliig looks nourishing. Not many lice on hops and tue Honeysuckles which were so badly aliened last year are tree from the ver min, causing those who cut down their Honeysuckles lust year to fee! sorry Mrs Fredricks, a very estimable ladv, died very suddenly lust Saturduy night, moi.rned by her friends and family. Irank Kruse is again alllicted. He sullered of another slight stroke of pa ralysis a few .'ays ago, this time affect ing his throat. A young nephew of Mrs I. P. Gage arrived from Colorado lust Sunday, lie has been connected with the silver mines at Aspen but Ihe mines are now shutdown. J. Q Gago fell ou the binder and badly bruised his shins. Tho thrashing machines started the first of tho week in this vicinity. P. F. Larson had his thumb badly b ruised last week. Ma. Shnlzo's house shows up in grand stylo. The north wind that has prevailed for the lust tlireo days has dried up the water supply ami left the funnels in close struits. Mrs. Bebile is worse again. Fred Rich ley, soil of Rev. T. Riehley, is vibiting friends and relatives In Staf ford this week. A. H. and J. Q Gage returned from their trip to the co.ist last week. There are between 100 and 200 camps on the beach at Siab creek. Most all of the campers go ou the Little Nestucca road, as there are better accommodations for man and beast on that route. Oregon City Market Report. Whiat PerDu.,'4 , bulk without acU Oat-4)o bushel, with sacks. Fi.our - Holler fa CO per bid, net Euas 20c Bun-KB-sOiia roll, Vsal 5o itrossej Ciiickens-$j4 a doion Bkef On foot :i:i;a'c i dressed 8c Mutton t!3 SiiiNOLsi 12 25 JS thousand. Lad 12XeH pound. Hides Oreen, lie; d'jr ikij.oVIt); ine-tlilrrl off oroulled. Sheep pelts, tMHOe Hay Timothy, 14 baled; clover ill. DaiKD Kkuits Prunes 10c; apples 8(4 luo MUX Fkkd Hliorts 11 lit), ilran I.X; Chop 1U; itjt cud wheal, 60 cents (1 bti foKK Bides lie, shoulders tic, hams l(lc on foot ; drtssed 7c. Potatoes 7.13 i bu new; onions sack Our Boots and Shoes, in All Styles, ' Cannot be sur asscd in quality or price. Try us and be convinced Call and examine our fine and varied stock of Straw Hats anp Modish Spring and Summer Clothing. We have an excellent supply of WALL PAPER, rich in delicate tints . . Thos. Charman & Son. Lounges iMattresses BEjLILOMY & Are manufacturing them and keep a full stock on hand. Our couches cannot be excelled in elegance, durability and low .rices. Our mat tresses are well made up and are exactly as represented. Country dealers will do well to get our wholesale prices. '.' THE RED FRONT. BrTsfklr m l a fit fa a t A Tl M MA m 25tC Soda or Rice; 6 Pounds Beans or Rolled Oats; 7 Spools Thread; 8 Pounds Cat Steel 8 Penny Nails. X. Dress Braid; Boys' Straw Hats; 12 Lead Pencils; Ink; aiuivivivat u layua a tun, l uiaiiyca. Culloo 18 Ynrtla for frl.OO. BATBBNS, Arrived-Pure Ground Spices, Half Price. TBADK FOR PRODUCE. lamilton & Allen, Oregon City. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW OFFICE, REAR OF COMMKKCUL BANK. Oregon City, Oregon. flipai'.a Taliiilcs assist digestion. DR. GUNN'S IMPBOVXD LIVER PILLS ONLY 0 HE FOR A DOSE RESULTS ARE WHAT TELL Gko.C. Urownell. A. 8. Dukssbr. Brownell & Dresser, Attorneys at Lav, Office One Door North . Caupld it mil- ley's D i(ni", OREGON CITY, - OREGON The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL (100,000. Transacts a General Banking Buslneie. Loan, maite. Bills discounted. Make, col lections. Buys sad sells exchange on all points In the United Stales .nil Knrope and on Hon Kong. Deposits received sirbfect to check. In terest at usuiil latcs allowed or lime deposits. Hankopon trim 9 A.M. to 4 P. M.; Saturday evenings from 6 llll 7 P.M. uru., D. C. LATOURETTE, F. E. DONALDSON, President. Cashier W. Cahv Johnson. C.M.lH.tsus Johnson & Idicnmii, LAWYERS. CORNER FOURTH AND MAIN STREETS, Oregon City, Oregon. Roal Estate To Soil uini Money To Lend L. It. JANAEY, Lawyer and Notary Public Okfii'k Nkxt Dook to Hl'nti.ev'h DiiucsToim, OREGON CITY, OREGON We puftrrntre itnt one of thrte pllli at a doir. MO'Uico better remilti tn the ours of Hrad toetivf ncuf, ( ov.r ttomnt'h, Bud Urt-lh and I'lui- nca'i.'li.in ihrrolo live cf any other make, and do It Wl'lio'il flrr.iJii.iZ find wtckrhtrff. Their 'onrirftil a"tio i mirfT you fi-s'l lii:r a rw bc'iiir. fro. n boj. LiruDtf mis ur nitil. iioatioltg Mtd. Cu., rbila., Fa. Charm uu & Co, Druggisti DR. GUNN'S ONION SYRUP l FOR COUCHS, COLDS AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. In ratlin a frmllv nf nln nhlM?. mnnlv cdy for Cong hi, Coldi and Croup waa onion nyi ui , i.ju-i ntn-;oiivf)io.n(iv ni ii waa tony ycara Mi. Now inv (rrrtnrlchilrlrcn tnica Dr. Gunn'a Onion Syrup wht"h ta alrrmdy prepnred and tnori fcluaaant to tho tauto. Sold at 00 oeuua botUa, Charman A Co, IrugfIats ' Eipans Tahute rare headache. . work himself on that day. Ail work warranted. times, landlords have not reduced rents 1 jHiie(j and John Rice hits liii in advsn:ed on stores, they have no doubt llie casn. ; gtate nf coiiiple'inn. ' " - I The Canhy aclionl i!l re i!n about The Chinese pay tlieir ductor only so ! September l.'ilh. long as he keeps them in health. Theyi believe in preventing rather than curing , Burm(,iHter A An,lre awav, ke(.p disease. This is soind sense and one on ,ind , vgrjeJ ock of vi,n))-iM WeM ol me stronuesi recoraiiiciniaiiun. ui tA.'. U.ra.nsrilla si mft iinn hirtl diseases tint prevents as viilin extras. not only r-ares I them liipans Tabules: best liver tunic. HAVE YOU GOT PILES ITCKIK J FILES kr. hr nolttur ii i.-. .rr4pir.tcit, oaiisw luutwo lUthiug .1' '.Vino. Tl.U f;rm aud BLIND, 1,-Ji.a or I'&OTUUDltfO sVlsUCB TlVI.DATO.Hi KTO Dl. B0 SAN-K0 8 PILE REMEDY, Wii.-ri directly on part affected, bwrb-i t a mora, allay itohlnff,effrtln Ap'rmtnnritcurt, PrlrerVko. Dnisglnta Of wail. Dr. Boaaoko, Fntlatlalplila, Charman Co. Dnigglutt Oregon City Transportation Co's STEAMERS Altona and Ramona, TIMK T A It IK OIIKOO CITY ItOATS. Leave Leave PuktlAkd OkiookCitt Pont Ts j lor IH. KoH ath St. 7:"0 a.m. 7:00a.m. 9 :'I0 a.m. !:.' A.M. 12:00 M . 12:00 M. 2 :.'!0 p. m 2 :.'t0 p. m. 4 ::!0 p. M . 4 :.'!0 p. M. U:(J P. M. 6:0 p. M. IMAV TIME. ft:00 A. M. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 A.M. 2:ll0p.M. 3 :30 P. M. 5 :00 P. No way landings. In effect April 21th, Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the uepot. Double and slna-lc rtirs and ssiMIe lioraes ai ways on liatid at llie lowest rules, am! a corrai alao coiinerteri with llie ua.rn lor loose stock Any InformHtlon rcKanliiiff any kind of stock pinnipti)' attemiea to by letter or person. IIOK8KS BOIIOIIT Oil SOLD H. B. MAY, Ciiriicntcr and JiulMcr. STORKS AND OFFICES FITTED UP. Stair Building and Jobbing. Repairing a Hpeidalty. Kstiiiiulca Made. Box 317, OREGON CITY, OREGON L.M. ANDREWS, M. D. DRALKR IN Drags, Notions, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, itc. Prescriptions CarJully Compounded Shively' Illook, Cor. of 7tb A Madison St., Oregon City. OREGON CITY JOBBING SHOP. ALL KINDS OF TINNING, PLUMBING, And General Jobbing to oHer. Sewer and Water Connections Matte at the Most Keasonsble Rates. Al' Work Is 'lone with a view to laat suit aatiyfy al, concerned, rlhop on Till Street, near Depot, A. W. 8CHWAN, PROP. GEO. A. IIAUDLXG. PKAl.cn 5 DRUGS 1Rj Standard Pat. Medicines. Paints, Oils anil Wln'low olass. PrtKTiptiat Jcturattlt Compounded IIARIIIXO'S BLOCK. T FRANK NELDON, Gun and Locksmith. Adjoining the Noblitt StVe, OREGON CITY, OREGON. All klndi of Firearms roailml rlaansd. All kiwi, of sniall machines rvpalrrd. 1 'iiu a'f Itsvs lliaile for all k hula of or. Uuuaa',1.1 Pistols bought anil ki1. BICrCLJS REPAIRED. M. Prier' PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. If yon want a FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPH call on him at hia Old fliind, opposite Farr'i the butcher's. Nothing but FIRST-CLASS WORK Dont and Promptly Delivered. Bank of Oregon City. OLDK8T RANKING IIOU8K IK THB CITV Puitl Up (npilal, $50,000. President. Vice President. Cashier, Manager, Thomas Charmam Oio. A. I1abdi.no K. O. CaUNit.D ClIARLlS H. Oaufikld K General Ranking Business Transacted. Deposits Received Subject lo Check. Approved Hills and Notes Discounted. Countv and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Security. Exchange Bought and Mold. Collections Made Promptly. ' Drafts Hold AvMllHhln In Anv P.t nf Ih. World. Telegraphic Kxchange Sold on Portland, San Francisco, t hicugo and New York. interest paid on Time Deposits. US AGENTS Or THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK. FINNICAN'S Disease Preventative or Itlood Purifier. The follow ina are a few of the manv testimonials vouching for the efficacy of this (treat remedy: Oheoon Citv, April 6, 1893. A. II. Finniqan. Dear Sir: I have used your Lieae Preventative or Champion Blood Purifier and given It a tl.oroUL'h trial and deem it all that it la represented to be. I used it specially for treating some skin eruption or little waterv lumps that snoeared on a horse's neck and shoulders. After uning about half a package of your powder the lumps completely disappeared and left hia skin as clear and smooth as velvet As a blood purifier 1 have never yet met ita equal, therefore I take great pleasure in recommending it to all borne owners. lours respectfully, V. ti.ic. OKaoos City, April 26 1893. A. II. Finniqan. Dear bir: I hare) used your Disease Preventative or Champion Blood Purifier on a mare suf fering from some skin disease and urin ary trouble. Less than one nackaze cured her completely, in fact, made new mare of her. As a blood pander. I have never used its equal, and beinst guaranteed free from arsenic, enpperaa, etc., I consider itdoubtv valuable and would atrongly recommend ita nse by il norneowners ana Dreedere. Yours very truly, Faco Pai.xtsb. Prepared only by H. Finnigan, Crimea Cfy. IV. Far Sals hy A. N. Viasay at lit fffet to Ptrtlaatl Natal. 1