Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, August 18, 1893, Image 1

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    -rJ VS.
y . S
NO. 15.
i .
Oregon's Excellent Display at
tie World's Fair.
Model Hydraulic Placer Mine
Attracts the Atteutlou of tbe
ImuieuHe Throng,
The total Columbia river salmon pack
will be nbuiu 276,000 cases, 173,000 short
of lust year.
An International Irrigation convention
ia culled to moot at lA-ming, N. M., on
November 7.
A colony of thlrtv families la rciorted
traveling with ita teams overland from
Nebraska to tho vicinity of Olyuipiu.
Tlio Indians in some parta of Oregon,
notably at Urunt, have noon offering po
nies for sale at from 2.6U to 7 apiece.
A. 1). Children, manager of the clear
ing house at l.os Angeles, has resigned
at the solicitation of the clearing-house
The depositors in the Los Angeles City
Bank, it is said, will not got 25 cent! on
the dollar, owing to the loose methods of
business employed.
The Spokane Bar Association is untiiix
the claims of Montana, Idaho and bast-
(.'reparations for owning the Cherokee
Strip are about completed. It ia the
present expectation of Nonrotary Smith
to have the opening day set between
September 1 and September IS.
Upon Inquiry at tho pension office it
ia learned that up to date there have
been 6,472 pensions suspended, which
were granted under the act of June 27,
1800. averaging 170 daily. A large pro
portion of these cases, it ia said, were
suspended pending a niodical examina
tion, '
II. II. Glifrv of Orenon has not been
displaced In the Senate, aa erroneously
stated. lie is one of the men designed
to remain, lie is a Democrat. It ia
scarcely to be expected that Charles
Newell will remain. Uilfry baa served
during the Republican ascendency in the
Senate with satisfaction.
Secretary Hoke Smith has received
the annual report of Captain George 8.
Anderson of the Sixth Cavalry, acting
superintendent of the Yellowstone Na
tional Park. The report states that the
most disastrous forest fire of many years
occurred during July, when a atrip about
seven miles long and two or more nines
wide was destroyed. Tourist travel for
the year was u"dcr the average. The
game In the park is abundant and in
creasing. It is estimated there are now
In the park 25,000 elk. 400 buffalo, 600
antelope and large numbers of moose,
deer, beaver, bear and other wild game.
Poaching has apparently Increased.
Senators Dolph and Mitchell have In
troduced all their old bills of last session
whic h failed to pass. Senator Dolph'a
bills relate to the increase of appropria
tions for the Portland building and pub
lic buildings at Salem and Baker City,
an assay otlire at Portland, a number of
proposed changes in the land laws and
several pensions and claims bills. Sen
ator Mitchell's bills include The Dalles
boat railway, aeveral proposed changes
in Judiciary laws and a number of pen
sion and claims bills. Senator Squire
Trouble Brewing In Railroad
Circles in Nebraska.
Suspended PetiHloners Given More
Time In Which to Make Proof
of Tuelr Rights.
ei n Washington to a sitting of the
United State-1 n. n.i t'ourt of Appeuls
and the locution ol Spokane as desirable several pensions and claims bills.
lor an conceruea.
Charles JohiiBon, a member of an ex
tensive gang of freight-car thieves work
ing between San Francisco and Sacra
mento, has been arrested at the latter
city. The other thieves will probably be been pending in former Congresses rela
taken in a few days. live to Washington, Including public
The scarcity of salmon in tho Colum-1 building bills for tbe four principal fit
bin this season is more marked than ever . les, right of way and land bills,
before, and has led to the belief in many 8. II. Bovd, the United States Minis'
quarters that the river is filled out, and ter f0 Sinm, has not tendered his resig.
unit u?ii mieci?, bitiijs nii'i Dviiica luum
The wheat crop of Illinois is the small
est ever known.
Chicago's unemployed numtier more
than ever before.
The troops will soon be removed from
the Kast Tennessee coal mines.
The bleitest traa well In America was
struck near Pittsburg lost wed'.
It ia said all the members of the Cab
inet will keep house this winter.
The Mormon Tabernacle choir will go
East to sing at tiio World's Fair.
Work will be begun on a new Federal
building at Burlington, Ia., at once.
Hot weather has given East Tennessee
the best cotton crop In twenty years.
' The Board of Trade of New Orleana Is
working to secure a better mall service.
There was an increase of over $17,000,
000 in the amount of currency during
A plague of grasshoppers la sweeping
down on the farmer in the Tennessee
Aluminium car tickets are In use on
Michigan-street railway, and are quite
The tin-plate factory at Klwood, Ind.,
lias resumed work, giving employment
to 600 men.
Canada supplies nearly all the plum
Dago used by Amrican manuiacturers
lead pencils.
Four hundred and forty persona
this country live on the labor of every
100 workers.
There are seventy-seven tine mines
be abolished in iuture if tho industry ia
to be revived.
William Evans, who was arrested for
the murder of Messenger Tovey, was ar
ruiirued at Jackson, Amador county
Oil., the oilier day. He eays now that
lie knows nothing about the murder
that he could not tell where it occurred
for he was not there, and that he was
led to iiinke the statement implicating
lmiisell by persistent persuasion.
Ling Sing, a Christianized Chinese,
who has been employed on the revenue
cutler Oliver Wolcot't for ten years as
the Captain's private steward, has been
arrested on board that vessel at Port
The United States Watch Company
has introduced all the bills that havo of Waltham has resumed work, but cut
I I ! : t - 1 .
uown pay.
Labor day in St. Louis, it Is predicted.
will lurnish the greatest procession ever
seen tliore.
More hard coal bas been mined so far
rer io oi.Hn, lias noi wnuercu ills resitf-1 tl,is ye8r tmm ev Mon Jna
ii ion 10 me rresiueui as a rraii.toi ine BponAing period
'i'ownsend for smuggling opium Into the
United Stilted from British Columbia.
When the man's apartments were
. searched, eighteen flve-tael cans of pre
pared opium were found concealed be
neath ills bunk.
The people of Yuma and vicinity held
a mass meeting recently, and unani
. moui-ly agreed to request United States
Attorney-General Olney not to appeal to
the United States Supreme Uourt the
Alaodones land-Kraut rase, recently de-
cided in favor of the claimants by the
United States Land Court of Private
Claims. Tho reasons given are that the
settlors on the giant are pertictly satis-
lied with the decision.
A fisherman on the Lower Columbia
had his net in the river, and was mak
ing a drift, when the steamer T. J. Pot
ter passed on her way to Astoria. The
remain did not see the net, and in pass
ing one of the vessel's big wheels picked
it up unit wound 11 arouna me hiihii,
taking the tisherman and part of bis
boat with it. Fortunately lie was so
completely tangled in the net that he
was ncm nrmiy in one piace anu tarrieu
around, and escaped being dashed to
pieces. His outcries for help were beard
f.nd tho steamer was stopped, and he
was released.
In speaking of Oregon being unrepre
sented in the National Board the Chica
go Tribune of a late date remarks: "Or
egon is without representation in the
deliberations of the National Commis
sion, and in this incident there is an
other feature of the old Cleveland-Pen-noyer
feud. One of Oregon's National
Commissioners is ill, and his alternate
resigned. To this resignation the Gov
ernor paid no heed. Oregon's other
Commissioner is not in the city, and the
Governor's refusal to notify the Presi
dent of the vacancy in the commission
leaves Oregon without a spokesman.
Oregonians are fearful that they will
fare ill in the apportionment of jurors
of awards, and have asked the National
Commission to take such action as will
result in Oregon having' a voice in the
body's deliberations."
One of tho most important features
presented to visitors is the magniliccnt
educational exhibit, now fully open and
complete, in the department of liberal
arts. early all of the States and Ter
ritories are creditably represented. Par
ticularly are the most distant (slates wen
represented, from the Atlantic to the
Pacific, and of these no exhibit is more
attractive than that presented by the
State ot Oregon. Its specific character
istics are numerous and many of them
unique, and at once hold the attention
of the passer-by. J n the department of
ornithology there is a magnificent dis
play of oil the game birds of Oregon el
egantly mounted. There are free-hand
and mechanical drawings and photo
graph work illustrating all features of
public-school work through the several
grades. Of the higher institutions of
learning the State University, the State
Agricultural College and the Willamette
University lead in their exhibits. The
entire exhibit is a tribute to the enter
prise, skill and ability of the teacners
and schools of the Web-foot State.
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
One of the most attractive exhibits to
the public in the mines and mining
building is tlie model or miniature hy
draulic placer mine in the Oregon sec
tion, which as a drawing card to the
general public is only surpassed by the
silver statue of "Justice." The placer
mine consists of a bed of gravel about
fifteen feet long and six feet wide, with
sluiceway through the middle. A small
livdrauli'c ram throwa s vigorous stream
of water against the gravel bank, carry
ing the dirt down in the sluice where the
gold is caught by the rifHes placed cross
wise in the box. A number of Oregon
placer-mining properties gave the gravel,
100 sacks of 150 pounds each coming
from the following properties: Ingram
A Baker, Centennial and Willow Springs
in Willow Springs district, Davenport in
the Davenport district; on the opening
day eome gravel from the Basin mine,
the property of Captain Clongh of Port
land, was worked over; a clean-up was
made after each bag was worked, but the
gold was allowed to remain in the boxes
in order to give visitors an insight into
the system of placer-mining. A final
clean-up was made late in the afternoon,
which netted about one ounce of gold
dust and two nuggets weighing about
one-eighth of an ounce each. This spe
cial attraction ism charge ot r. U.Kowe,
Publication of a personal letter which
lie wrote to Mr. Holderman, expressing
views on the Siamese situation in very
undiplomatic language and reflecting
upon Secretary Gresham. While Colonel
Boyd will not be asked to resign, it Is
understood his tenure of office will be
ended by the appointment of a successor.
Mr. Holderman called on Secretary Gres
ham to explain why he made tho Boyd
letter public, but the Secretary declined
to hear him, stating that he was wholly
indifferent on the subject. Mr. Boyd
was appointed Minister to Siam October
1, 18'JO. The salary of the position is
Secretary Gresham of the State De
partment needs $100,000 to pay the ex
penses of his office. A good part of this
deficit is due to the expense incurred in
the entertainment of foreign visitors,
notably the Duke of Veragua. While
the Duke was in Chicago being luxuri
antly provided for, he wrote to the Pres
ident expressing his regret that he would
be delayed in reaching Washington to
pay his respects to the chief executive.
He was informed In reply that the Pres
ident would release him from any obli
gation he might feel in that direction.
He was further advised that arrange
ments had been made for his return to
Spain. Of course the Duke was left to
fix the date himself, but there was no
mistaking the anxiety ot the department
to have his visit come to an earlv end.
The expense of the entertainment of
the Duke will not fall short of 10,000,
not to mention the entertainment by
private persons.
Senator Vest bas Introduced a bill to
fix the number of grains of sold and
silver in gold and silver coins of the
United States, tbe silver dollars to con
tain 454.4 grains of silver or 610 grains
of standard silver. Vest also offered a
joint resolution setting forth that the
American people from tradition and in
terest favor bnnetalism : that it is the
established policy of the United States
to maintain the parity between gold and
silver, and that it is the duty of Con
gress to speedily enact such laws as
will effectually maintain these objects,
the most sign Meant bill Introduced in
the Senate perhaps was one by Senator
Hill of New York. The measure he pre
sented leaves no doubt of his position on
tue nnanciai issue, w nue repealing the
purchasing clause of the Kliennnn act, it
unqualifiedly pledges the country to pi-
metalism. It is "A bill to repeal certain
sections of the act of July 14, 1800, en
titled an act directing the purchase of
silver bullion and the Issue ot Treasury
notes thereon and for other purposes."
This repealing act, however, " is not to
be construed as abandoning bimetalism,
but it is hereby declared that the policy
of using both gold and silver as standard
money of the country shall be estab
lished, and to the accomplishment of
that end the etlorts of the government
shall ne steadily and safely directed."
The Western people are felicitating
themselves on the position assumed by
Senator Hill. They are pleased that he
should have so unqualifiedly pledged
himself to bimetalism as to indicate his
willingness to favor subsequent legisla
tion looking to the restoration of silver
as money metal.
World's Fair Managers are devoting
much attention to schemes to increase
the attendance.
The Duchess of Marlborough expects
to revisit her native land in September,
and will attend the World's Fair.
What is claimed will be tbe largest
flagstaff ever erected is to be dedicated
to the World's Fair by the State of Wash
ington in September.
Governor Lewelling of Kansas will
soon appoint a commission to lay his
gulf transportation scheme before for
eign representatives at the World's Fair.
The British government has sent Ma
jor Cragie to Chicago to report on the
agricultural statistics accumulated by
the various governments at the World's
It is now conceded that the stockhold
ers of the World's Fair will not get any
of their money back. It is also conceded
that in addition to their 15.500,000 the
city of Chicago will not get any of ita
5,000,000 back.
At a meeting of the National Commis
sion Commissioner Goodell of Colorado
precipitated a lengthy and heated de
bate by a resolution reducing the sala
ries of 'Commissioners St. Clair and Mae
sev, members of the Council of Admin
istration, to 2.500 a year. Now they
are getting (500 per month. The matter
was finally referred to a special commit
tee. Some of the officials anl directors of
the exposition have a scheme to charge
25 rents' admission to the fair after 6
o'clock in the evening. The matter has
been under discussion for several days,
it is said, with good prospects of being
carried through. It is believed that bv
Girls mav legally emoke cigarettes on
the streets, bo reads tlie decision ot
Louisville (Ky.) court.
West Virginia has suffered from
long-continued drought, but a recent vi
olent storm has ended it.
In the Brooklyn elevated railroad sv8'
tern steam as a motive power ia to be
superseded by electricity.
Secretary Smith says the Cherokee
Strip will probably be thrown open to
settlement on September 1.
New York ia having no end of trouble
with its cable railroad on Broadway. It
breaks down every day or two.
Ex-Governor Campbell of Ohio an
nounces that under no circumstances
will he be a candidate this fall.
Returns from recent school elections
in Kansas show that women are fond of
exercising the right of suurage. .
Advices from Labrador report the cod'
fishing excellent and salmon-fishing fair.
there are no reports ot distress.
The property In the county of New
T 1. ... l. : .1. ., - n.a;nn
last year amounted to fU04,uoo,ouu.
A Baltimore asphalt company has (lis
charged 1,000 hands because the banks
would not discount its city warrants,
The new postmaster at Dundee, Mich.
among his other qualifications lias
mustache 32 Inches from tip to tip.
There is trouble brewing in railroad
circles of Nebraska over the injunction
proceedings in tne maximum ireigui law,
A company has applied for incorpora
tion winch proposes to construct a snip
canal from Lake St. Clair to Lake Erie.
The Australian ballot was used for the
first time in Florida recently at Jackson'
ville, and gave unqualified satisfaction.
New England farmers are reported to
be unable to harvest crops that are re
markably fine because of insufficient
The railroads centering In Boston suf'
fered a depreciation of more than 110,-
600,000 in stock valuation during the
month of July.
There will be no more deaths from
"heart failure" In Philadelphia, for the
Board of Health bas declared that there
is no such disease.
A colored people's insurance company,
which had no existence, has been vic
timizing the colored people in New Jer
sey out of large sums.
Taunton. Mass.. some years ago deeded
a site to the United States for a Federal
building and, having lost patience wait
ing for the latter, wants the land back
It is rumored in New York that Will
iam B. Hornblower will be selected to
fill the vacancy on the United States
Supreme Bench caused by the death of
Judge Jilatchford.
A plot of orronnd. 76x100 feet, on the
corner of Filth avenue and Eighty-first
street in New York has been sold to Au
gust Belmont for 1286,000, or at tbe rate
ol fda a square loot.
In Milwaukee an old couple took fright
and drew their savings a few thousand
dollars from the bank. Since then one
of them has eat up all of every night
guarding the money.
Judge Lochren, Pension Commissioner,
has extended until October 10 the period
within which pensioners whoso pensions
have been suspended may make proof of
their right to receive them.
A great scheme of changing many of
tbe important surlace railroads in the
section of New York city above Twenty
third street into roads operated by ca
bles instead of by horses is agitated.
Wolves and covotcs are increasing in
numbers on the stock ranges in South
ern Alberta as in the Dakotas and other
Northwestern States, and are causing
serious trouble and loss to the ranchers.
superintendent of the Oregon mining ; doing tbia the increased attendance will
exhibit. New York Engineering ana i be large enough to more tban doable tho
Mining Journal. receipts takes ia after 0 odock.
The lease of the Chesapeake, Ohio and
Southwestern to the Newport News and
Mississippi Valley has been canceled on
account of the law in Kentucky prohib
iting foreign corporations from operating
Secretary Mobler of the Kansas State
Board of Agriculture in his monthly
crop report states tnai ine winter and
spring crop of the State will not be more
than 21,000,000 bushels, as against 70,
000,000 last year. Corn has been badly
The great reservoir of the Portland
(Me.) Water Company on the eastern
romenade burst the other day, letting
ooee ita 20,000,000 gallons of water in a
apace of about fifteen minutes. Two
neighboring houses were crashed like
eggshells, and four persons in them were
President Fisk of the Pan-American
Bimetallic Association has written a let
ter to the Board of Trade and Transpor
tation of New York, in which be aaya:
Unless the East stops its aenselera
clamor to reduce the country to gold
standard, which would mean reducing
tbe people to feudal slavery, a combina
tion would at once be formed with the
West and Sooth to withdraw all business
relations from ths East."
Prussia, which produce oue-hulf the
world's zinc.
It is stated that women hold 160,081
shares in Philadelphia building and loan
The distance from New York to Mel
bourne via San Francisco Is 12,265 miles
to Hongkong, lu.oou miles,
Glass bricks are mode so cheaply that
it seems only a matter of time when
glass houses may come in fashion
During the last three years English
capitalists have invested t2l3.OO0,0O0 in
Mexico and American capitalists Hib,
British uiauu'acturera of agricultural
machinery and hardware acknowledge
that the United 8tatea ia in keen com
Pifty-slx years ago the block 011 which
the Chicago postofflce now stands was
sold at auction for (605. It la now worth
The Amoskeag mills, which has closed
for the month of August according to
vote 01 its directors at Manchester, a,
11., employs 8,000 hands.
The most expensive fur ia the skin
the black fox of Kamtchatka. These an'
luials are scarce and hard to kill, and
single akin sella for about $1,000.
Toboggan expresses have been a feat
ure in the bowlder district of Montana
the past season, and have been very use
ful In conveying freight to points off the
main road.
The smallest horse in the world
named General Tom Thumb. He be
longs to a museum out West. He is
three feet high, and weigha only eighty'
five pounds.
The salaries paid to persona In the
civil service of the United States amount
to i90,000,000 annually. This amount
pava the wagea of 180,000 persons. The
average is f500 a year.
The fast train over the New York Cen'
tral and the Lake Shore between New
York and Chicago must, It Is stated,
carry seventy-five through passengers to
pay the cost of running it,
In round numbers the total amount of
life insurance written by tho different
insurance companies of the world is
12,000,000,000. Of this sum (5,500,000,
ouu are placed in tue united states.
Soil in Egypt Is tilled by exactly the
same kind of plow as that used there
6,000 years ago. The furrows mado are
extremely shallow, and the clods are
further broken up with a big wooden
Notwithstanding the world a ereat me'
chanical progress there arewinedistricts
in r ranee, tnain and Italy where the
grapes are still trodden with bare feet
i .. ..... . ....
under the idea that tue wine is better
when made so.
The British insurance companies dur
ing the year 1802 received in premiums
17,518,067, and paid out in losses 11.-
662,967. The expenses and commissions
paid by forty companies are placed at
over cd,yuu,uuo.
Electric street railways in the United
States have in operation a mileage which
exceeds tne sum of street railways run
by other powers, vis. . - 6,939 miles mn
by electricity. 4.460 bv horses. 646 bv
caoie ana om oy steam.
A writer has figured out that the
United States produces 2,200 pounds of
gram to each inhabitant; Denmark
2,005; Canada, 1,600; Russia, 1,200
Koumama, 1,150; Spain, 1,100: France.
000; Sweden, 980; Argentine Republic,
tcxi: Australia, 7UU; Germany, 700; iiel
tmm, ouo ; Portugal, oau ; Ireland, 600;
scouanu, 4W, England, sou.
Attorney-General Hendricks of Ken
tucky prides himself on tho fact that he
rose from a laborer to his present place
. I J! ... J ,
01 uignny anu nonor.
Charles Foster, ex-Secretary of the
Treasury, is meeting the usual fate of
the unfortunate. Now he is charged
with gross mismanagement, if nothing
worse, 01 tlie nnanciai allairs of those
who had intrusted their interests to bis
A horseback ride to last three years
and to extend from Texas to Patagonia
has been planned by Colonel E. F. John
ston of Philadelphia, Philo Beveridge of
Chicago, jh. v. ricking ot uttumwa, la.,
and R. Edgecomb, nepuewof LordEdue-
Mme. Laboudy, widow of the great
rencn sugar renner, who leit Her a for
tune of 30,000,0. 0, lives in asnmll house
at St. Cloud, and spends about 1,000 a
year, lier son, however, is compensat
ing for this maternal economy bv n ten
dering the fortune with a prodigal hand.
In the marriage of Miss Catherine
Weed Barnes to Henry Snowden Ward.
editor of the English photographie mag
azine, New York loses one of its bright
est women, and the " right little tight
little island" will gain one of the best
women amateur photographers in this
Gabrielle Greeley, daughter of the
founder of the New York Tribune, ia
married to Rev. F. M. Clendinln. pastor
of a fashionable church at Westchester,
.. . She is active In all the charitable
work in the parish, and haa done a great
deal toward building the hospital, which
is now nearly finished.
Baron William von Faber. the only
son of Baron Lothar yon Faber and part
owner of the world-renowned lead pen-
il factory in Nuremberg, died in Her
man v a few dtvs azo. Tlie fainilv Is one
of tlie wealthiest in Germany, and its
members stand high among the patri
cians of old Nuremberg.
Lord Beaumont, who is descended
from the last King ef Jerusalem, suc
ceeded to the title last vear at the death
of his elder brother. He has traveled
extensively in the United States with
the avowed purpose of wedding an heir
ess. Hie name figures honorably on the
service records of the British army.
Robert Buchanan in a communication
to the London Chronicle remarks: " It
is not for my pen to proclaim what the
hand which holds it has done, but I
could stake my oath that I have fed more
months and helped more struggling com
rades than all the societies of authors
pot together. I rare little for fame and
ess for money."
Gertrude Petan, 18 years old. lives in
South Dakota, where she is known as
the " Lady Cowboy." Her father owns
300 head of cattle, of which she has en
tire charge. She does not simply take
the cattle to the range and leave them
there, but remains with them and takes
care of them as well as could any cow
boy. Her duties frequently take her
from thirty to forty miles from borne, as
the rattle must be kept moving in order
to feed them well. She wears a wide
brimmed white felt hat, king-gaantlet
gloves, carries a lariat coiled about tbe
horn of ber saddle, is provided with
branding irons, and rides th wildest
bronco on tht rang. 1
Financial Iteturns of Victoria,
Australia, Unsatisfactory.
Capturing Fur Seals oil Russian Und
Without Special Permission
; Forbidden by Ukase.
Bangkok, 8iam, has a trolley stroet
car line, which pays handsomely.
The Duke and Duchess of York re
ceived over 9,000 wedding presents.
A siastnr chimney sweep ia among the
new members of tho German Reichstag.
New custodians of Shakesnearn's hotwn
in oiruuoru are ootn patient and ohlig'
The Rhine wine production thin vmr
wilt be unusually large If crops do not
The Franco-German frontlar Una la to
be remarked to avoid awkward " Inri.
In Italy, France and Austria onlv from
4 to 6 per cent of the criminals are well
The slave trade la boomlntr In Z&nzlhur
accuruing 10 tue uisnop ot that benight
ed region,
In France It la proposed to arm tha
postmen who have chanre of the delivery
of postal orders.
Quite a colony of Americans haa net
tled In Cowlea. Isle of Wicht. (or tha
yachting season.
Dr. Koch and his once-vaunted enn-
aumption cure have fallen into sad dis
repute in Germany.
It is cited as complimentary that near.
ly all the monarchs of Europe are at
tended by American dentists.
Russia proposes to have an Interna
tional fruit exposition and congress at
St. Petersburg in the fall of 18il4.
Tbe finances of the Leeds corporation
water works fur the past vear show a
clear net balance of profit of 6,351.
It has been found necessary to onen a
home in Sydney for servant girls out of
employment, owing to existing depression.
Aa a result of the recent experience
with France in Siam the English govern
ment manifests a strong disposition to
join the triple alliance.
Russian crop prospects have greatly
Improved. A fairly large vield is now
expected, especially of rye, the chief
breadstuff of the nation.
Princess Marie Bibesco swam the Hel
lespont recently from the European
shore to the Asiatic, recalling the ex
ploits of Leander and Byron.
In Germany quantities of watermel
ons are grown, but the people do not
consider them fit for food. They use the
luscious fruit to feed the pigs.
The Alps this year are in splendid
condition for climbing, and ascents are
being made already, which are not usu
ally undertaken until a month later.
NVrs comes from Paris that Mine.
Rhea, the actress, has married W. F.
fl irt, her leading man, who is 25 years
Id and fully twenty years her junior,
Tt. J 923 vmn tfinpA & lilnw war Htrnclc
in the' House of Commons until the row
of week before lam. That historic blow
cost its author an' imprisonment In tbe
A good deal of high play has been go
ing on just lately in some of the London
clubs. The practice of paying with
paper" haa been very much on the
The State railways of Caoe Colony.
South Africa, yielded last year 4 14s &1
per cent on a capital of 18,600.000,
against 4a 13s 4d per cent on 16,500,-
000 in 1891.
It is reported that Baron do Roths
child and Jacques Laboudy, a million
aire sugar refiner, will start shortly a 1-
cent sporting daily paper named the
Jockey Club.
According to the opinions expressed
by various Berlin journals the intended
Boer "trek" into German Southwest
Africa will not be sanctioned by the im
perial government.
Tho tiraillours of the Russian army
are to be equipped with snowshoes next
winter. 1 lie t'ruslan troops on the
Russian frontier have used snowshoes
with satisfaction for several winters.
WiisAT-Valloy, iLOOiif 1.02S,'; Walla
hiiu, muniu'i; per ceuiui,
Fu0B-eiandard,M.40; Walla Walla,
3.40; graham, $3.00; superfine, 12.50
per Parrel.
Oats White, 4L,(4.1c per bushel ; gray,
nc ; roiled, in bags, to.zoCU.AO; bar
rels, 6.50W0.76 ; cases, M.76.
MiLLHTtirrs Bran, 118.00; shorts,
21.00; ground barley, 12223; chop
feed, IH per ton : whole feed, barley, 80
86c per cental; middlings, 23t28
per ton; chicken wheat, 1.22,V41.25
per cental.
paikv raonuca.
Bottkb Oregon fancy creamery. 22!
825cj fancy dairy, 17.Ni(20c; fair to
eooa, lotsioc ; common, lZ'c per pound ;
California, 35r$44c per roll.
Cusksk Oregon, 12c; California,
ll(jtl3cj Young America, I4)c per
Eoos Oregon and Eastern, 15310c
per dozen.
Poultby Chickens, old, M.OO;
broilers, large, 2.003.00; small, 1.60
(92.00; ducks, old, 3.604.l)0; young,
2.60(33.60; geese, tf.SO per doien ; tur
keys, live, 12S (3 14c per pound; dressed,
none in the market.
Vegetables Cabbago.lcpor pound;
California potatoes, l.OO per sack: Ore
gon, 76c; new onions, lc per pound;
cucumbers, Oregon, 26c per Uoten; Call-
lorma, 11.20 per box; string beans, Z4c
per pound; tomatoes, 80crl.00 per box:
green corn, 10($12Hc per dozen; sweet
potatoes, z.tgac per pound.
Fbuits Sicily lemoua, 0.00(?6.60 per
box: California new crop, 16.60(36,00
per box ; bananas, 1.5033.00 per bunch :
Granges, S.OO per box; pineapples, J0.0I)
per dozen; cnernes, WW 70c per box;
new California apples, 1.26 per bushel ;
peaches, 80cU.OU per box ; Oregon. 60(3
75c per box; Oregon peach plums, 75c0
1.00 per box ; apricots, l.iS per box ;
currants, 45c per pound ; Bartlett pears,
1.26(31.60 per box; raspberries, 037u
per pound; black raspberries, 6c; Cali
fornia figs, 76c1.00 per box; water
melons, .OOiS.OO per dozen; canta
loupes, 1.601.76 per dozen; buckle-
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The Kind of Man Who Succeeds
In Poultry Farming.
Poultry Keeping Pays the Man Who
Pats Brains, Energy, Skill
and Capital Into It.
The Ohio Farmer
letter belore ua
Baron von Bauer. Austrian Minister
of War, said at the sitting of the Budget
Committee of the Austrian delegation
the other day that the present condition
of society did not permit of the abolition
of dueling.
The financial returns of the Australian
colonv of Victoria for the year ending
July 30 are expected to show a deficit of
about 1,008,000 in addition to a debit.
balance of 900,000 brought forward
from last year.
The new tax on Stock Exchange trans
actions, which went Into force in France
tbe 1st of last month, bas well nigh par
alyzed business on the French market
arid almost caused the total abandon
ment of tbe Bourse.
Tbe Indian railways show a net loss of
98 lacs of rupees. This unfavorable re-
ult la attributed to tbe heavy tail in ex
hange. Had silver remained at par,
the guaranteed railways would have
shown a good surplus.
British agricultural statistics show
very unsatisfactory conditions, the
number of failures among farmers in the
British Isles during the first six months
of this year was 40 per cent larger than
those of tbe corresponding tune in 1802.
In South Africa the Kaffir servants
have formed a union to which the mem
bers have to give a " character " for their
mistresses, ho member is allowed to
ter upon a situation unless the regis
tered character of the mistress of the
house is satisfactory.
Tlie thrifty peasants of Poltava. Rus
sia, have shown themselves smart enough
to take advantage even of a pest, re
cently their fields were invaded by
swarms of Spanish Hies, which tliev cap
tured and found a ready market for at
the druggists' for ! a pound.
A modern postal system is soon to be
established in China. The imperial gov
ernment has approved a plan, drawn op
by Hir Robert Hart, under which the
native postal organization will entirely
disappear and will be replaced by an im
perial postofMce, with branches through
out the country, nnder tbe management
of qualified foreigners.
An Imperial nkase issued recentl for.
bids tbe killing or capturing ol fur seals
1 Russian land without special permis
sion from the government. Persons vio
lating this decree or engaged in unlawful
pelagic sealing will render themselves
able to imprisonment from two to six
teen months and forfeiture of ships,
equipments and the sealskins already
taken. All cases of nnlawful poaching
on seal life in Russian territory will be
referred to a district tribunal sitting at
berries, 15c per pound; grapes (Muscat
and Rose of Peru), 1.00 1.25.
Dbied Fbuits Petite prunes. 10(311c:
silver, U12c; Italian, 13.Sc; German,
iuisiic; piums, Bitfwc; evaporated ap
ples, 10(jllc; evaporated apricots, 12c
15c; peaches, 10(120; pears, 7llc
per pound.
Honey Choice comb. 18c per pound:
new Oregon, 10 (a 20c; extract, Dm 10c.
Cl . I! I 1u mr
oalt LiiveriKjui, iwi, fio.uu: OUS,
16.60; ctock, 8.609.50.
Coffee Costa Kica. 22c: Kio. 21c:
Salvador, 21c ; Mocha, 20, 30c ; Java,
24,4(8i30c; Arbuckle'a and Lyon, 100
pound cases, 24.85c per pound; Colum
bia, same, 24.85c.
Kice lBland,4.75(i5.00 : Japan.i4.76 :
New Orleans, H.60 per cental.
BEANS Small whites, 3ci Pinks.
34c; bayos, 3,c; butter, 4c; lima, 4c
per pound.
BYROP eastern, in barrels. 4Udoc:
in half-barrels, 4267c; in rases. 350
80c per gallon; 2.26 per keg; California,
in barrels, 20(j$40c per gallon; 1.75 per
Sooar D,6?c; Golden 0, 6bc; extra
C, 5Jic; confectioners' A, 6,4c ; dry gran
ulated, 6c; cube, crushed and pow
dered, 7,"4c per pound ; o per pound
discount on an grades lor prompt cash
maple sugar, 10(3100 per pound.
OAMNEP 00008.
Canned Goouh Table fruits, assorted,
1.7502.00: beaches, tl.85ftt2.10: Bart'
lett pears, n.75(2.00; plums, 1.37'
l.ou : strawberries, K.'a(sC2An: cherries,
fZ.l'6a.4U; blackberries. tl.85(2.O0
raspberries. 12.40: nineann es. fl'lhril
z.ou; apricots, fi.ooi$z.uo. 1'ie irmts,
assorted, $1.20: peaches, $1.25: plums,
1.00(31.20: blackberries. $1.26(31.40 per
dozen, lie iruiis, gallons, assorted,
$3.15(33.60; peaches, $3.504.00; apri
cots, $3.50(34.00; plums, $2.753.00;
oiacaoerries, H.zoM4.ou.
Meats Corned beef, Is, $1.50; 2s,
$2.40; chipped, $2.5634.00: lunch
tongue, Is, $4; 2s, $6.76; deviled ham,
fi.OMZ.io per dozen.
Fihii Sardines. Ws. 75c(9$2.25: Ks.
z.io(g4.oo: lobsters. K.iUMi.W: sal
mon, tin Mb talis, $l.25$1.60; flats,
fi.7&;z-ibs, 2.zoz.&0;4-barrel, $6.60.
Eastern Smoked Meat and Lard
Hams, medium, uncovered, 15lUv per
pound; covered, H'ijWIOc; breakfast
bacon, uncovered, 10(17c; covered, 164
16cj' short clear sides, 1314c; dry
salt sides, ll12'ic; lard, compound,
in tins, 10c per pound; pure, In tins, 13
14c; Oregon lard, ll12iC.
Hops '92s, J016c per pound, accord
ing to quality; new crop, '93j, 1517c.
Wool Umpqua valley, 1416c; tall
clip, 13(3 14c; Willamette valley, 10
12c, according to quality; Eastern Ore
gon, 614c per pound, according to
Hides Dry hides, selected prime,
6g8c; green, selected, over 65 pounds,
4c; under 56 pounds, 3c; sheep pelts,
short wool, 30(50c; medium, 00(4 80c;
long, 90c$1.25; shearlings, 1020c: tal
low, good to choice, 35c per pound.
Beef Prime steers. 2.502.75; fait
to good steers, 2.00g2.50; good to choice
cows, $1.502.00j dressed beef. $3.50(3
Motton Choice mutton, $2.75;
dressod, ' 6.00; lambs, 2.00(32.50;
dressed, $0.00; shearlings, 2c, live
Hoos Choice heavy, f 6.00(5.50; me
dium, $4.60(45.00; light and feeders,
$4.505.00; dressed, $7.00.
VEAb $4.000.0O.
Burlaps, 8-ounce, 40-inch, net cash,
6c; burlaps, 10)- -ounce, 40-inch, net
cash, 7c; burlaps, 12-ounce, 45-inch,
7c; burlaps, 15-ounce, 00-inch, 12,1c;
burlaps, zo-ounce, 70-irch, 14c; wheat
bairs. Calcutta. 23x30. spot. 6c:
2-bwhel oat bags, 7c
Tm I. C. charcoal. 14x20. prime Qual
ity. $8.60(89.00 per box : for crosses. i2
extra per box; I. C. coke plates, 14x20,
prime quality, S7.oU(a8.00per box ; terne
plate, I. C, prime quality, 0.6087.00.
Nails Base quotations: Iron, 2.25;
steel, $2.36; wire, $2.75 per keg.
Ibon Bar, 2c per pound ; pig-iron,
23(425 per ton.
Kteel fer pound, IU'c.
Lead Per pound, 4c; bar, 6c.
NavalPtobes Oakum, 4.60(a 6.00 per
bale: resin, 4.89(S5.00 per 480 pounds;
tar, Stockholm, IS; Carolina, $9 per bar
rel ; pitch, O per barrel ; turpentine, (Joe
per gallon in car lots.
rilns Machines.
Flying machines of th future will ef
DeoBulty be of a complicated and dellcats
nature, and wllj require tha very big but
onlrr of sclcntlric and mechanical skill to
construct and operate the in. Franca U to
day the only country la tbt world which
ha the plant and lo which it would be
poarlble to manufacture ail tLe materiul
sod to construct a machine such as I am
now experimenting- with. Flying ma
chines will therefore be employed only by
the rich and highly clrlllml nation.
Small natioos and balf-clvUlied tribes will
still bars to oontaut tbenuelres with ttielr
Ceseotmodauf warfare. Hlnun S. Jlaxlia
aaya : We have
from a roumr
man who wants to go Into poultry
farming, and he asks the usual questions,
winding tip with the all-embracing one:
n 111 11 pay r - mar question Is asked
t thousand times a vear. and tlie in
quirers all know that poultry farming,
like any other kind of farming, will pay
if it is managed right. Tlie evidence
that it will pay, that it has paid and
that It is paying now is overwhelming.
It pays the man who knows how and
who has the requisite energy and busi
ness ability, a prominent grocery firm
111 'ins city nas within a few years
worked up a family trade in fresh eggs
of nearly 600,001 dozens annually. It
was done by looking up the men who
Knew now 10 gel eggs in tlie winter sea
son, when fresh eggs are a luxury. A
representative of the firm said to us:
" We care nothing for the man who ran
furnish eggs only when any foot can fur
nish them when uncared-for hens have
a mind to lay them. We are looking for
the man who can send us eggs when all
his neighbors' hens are frozen up. ".They
have found quite a number of these
wide-awake men. and are navimr them
good prices for their eggs. We under
stand that they take the year's supply-
winter and summer simply to hold the
winter product. We referred last winter
to one of these men, who Uvea near Or
ville, O. He haa a few acres of land,
and keeps 300 hens. This grocery firm
sent him 1 09.80 for his February eggs
last winter, and from March 4 to 11, one
week, his fowls shelled out 130 to 158
eggs per day, just when they were bring
ing the tailest prices. Oh, yes; poultry
keeping pays the man who puts brains,
energy, Bk ill and the necessary capital
into it. But it must be made an all-the-vear-round
business. If vim oiva tlm
iene a vacation, let it be In the summer,
when eggs are low and poultry not
wanted. The dairyman who feeds the
heads off a lot of dry cows during tlie
summer and tlie poultrvman who letB his
hens manage the business as they please
will soon require an assignee. The man
who quietly submits to circumstances in
any branch of tlie buine"s is the-man
who gets left. The man who makes cir
cumstances is tlie man who succeeds.
John Gould said recently in Practical
Farmer: That dairying has disaster be
fore it is one of tlie impossibilities, as
eacu year tne intelligence of the indus
try is on the increase, and the irreater
tue amount 01 brains be und an Indus
try the less the liability of misfortune
At a late institute one of the Bneakers
not a dairyman sa d that to-duv hn re.
garded the advanced dairymen of this
country the best informed and not only
wide-awake but alert class, readv to take
advantage of every opportunity that
could be found. They were continually
on the hunt for a better cow and better
stable for her and cheaper and in com
bining foods for her to stimulate produc
tion. No class of feeders could ennal
them. They talked better crops and
better saving all fertility possible, but
were imcr huh cuuioiuationsasweu, anu.
not satisfied with what was once culled
good machinery, were taxing the skill of
tne world to produce better creamers,
etc., so that all the product of the cow
might be utilized and nothing lost. In
deed, it is to-day a search for " frag
ments." Such testimony ia valuable,
and shows the material that ia actuating
tne dairymen 01 this country. The
farmer's dairy Is a creation of his own
conception of "cow keeping," and the
good of the poor dairy is only a practical
example of the brain power of two men
as applied to dairy practice. Where the
dairy has come to a State or locality and
been Intelligently handled it has brought
prosperity with it, for with it routes the
true basis of animal husbandry, a con
stant revenue and source of fertility that,
if saved and used aa it may he, means a
steady augmentation of fertility that has
the power of making the grain fields,
depleted with grain raising, again fruit
ful and a reward for intelligent labor. .
Dry times are good for stopning leaks
n roofs.
How the Caribou Lode Was Located.
The strike of a three inch vein of natlro
silver In the mines at Caribou recalls an
old story of the discovery of the mines, as
told by Sam Cushman, an old time resi
dent of Gilpin comity, and at one time
superintendent of the Caribou property.
Some twenty-five yean ago there lived at
Block Hawk a prospector who never .
seemed capable of getting ahead In the
world. He prospected on "if rub stakes" lo
the summer, sawed wood and did chores la
the winter, but was at all times a happy-
go-lucky sort of a fellow, well liked by all
woo knew blru.
When the Union Paolflo was completed
to Cheyenne he was seized with a desire to
go east and seo ths old folks. By one
means or another bs managed to scrap
money enough together and started for
Cheyenne. Arriving there, bs wandered
down to ths depot, and not baring seen an
engine or a railroad for many years bs was
greatly Inurated In ths movements ot
tnilni lu tbe yard. At last something
particular attracted bis attention. Ha
climbed or tbt car and erltlcally examined
Its contents, putting a specimen or two la
his pocket.
"Stop that," yelled a brakemaa.
" Why, It's not good for much, Is Itf" re
plied the astonished prospector.
"That's Nevada ore, and it's worth $1,000
a ton."
"Well, I know where there are tons of
tt," replied the Coloratloun, as bs Jumped
from ths train and started for ths leading
corral to engage panaage with tbt next OS
train for ths mouutalns. Outfitting him
self be started for the Boulder mountain
and located the Cnribon lode. Tb truth
was he had often walked over tbe Boat
that Indicated the mine, but never sup
posed tbat it was good for anything until
lie learned Its value In the manner related.
The prospector disposed of bis claim for
song, but the late ex-Senator Chaffee sold
It to a Holland syndicate for a round mil
lion dollars. Denver News.
Induced tbe Sultan to Talk Bntlneae,
The late sultan of Turkey, Abdul Axis,
was, If not absolutely mad, sufficiently
eccentrio to cause constant trouble not
only among his own ministers, but also
where the foreign embassadors were con
cerned. One of tbe embassadors, however,
General tifiiiitloff, of Htuwia, was sufficient
ly clever to outwit him and Introduce tha
business of uatlons under the guise of per
sonal pleasure.
Atone time the saltan absolutely refused
10 grant an audience to any member of ths
diplomatic body, and spent tbe greater part
ot bis time In cock fighting, an amusement
which lie greatly relished.
Ignatieff learned that his Imperial majes
ty was in need of fresh birds to supply ths
place of those killed in fight.
Thereupon Ignatlefl procured a fine look
ing white fowl of tbe barnyard species, bad
It trimmed and spurred to resemble a gam
cock, and sent it in a richly decorated caga
to the sultan.
The ruse wns succeuful, but the sultan,
at first delighted with tha gift, soon sent
for the emluwsador to present himself at
the -palace and esplaln. tt he could, why b
bird had no Inclination to fight. Ignatieff
went, examined the bird In the presence ot
the sultan and, with great astonishment
and regret, acknowledged tbat it wasquita
unable to cops with tbe royal game cocks,
which were ot an undoubtedly superior
A conference followed on tbe subject ot
game cocks in general and this one in par
ticular, and when the diplomatist bad suc
ceeded n drawing tbe sultan Intoaconver
satlonnl mood, be adroitly Introduced tb
political matter he hod so long awaited an
opportunity to discuss. After a long con
versation he returned to bis embassy
triumphant over his other oolleasues.
Afjirray's Magazine.
Tbe highest price calls for a first-class
When a sheep dies It leaves enouirh to
pay us debts
Chickens which feather alowivare said
to oe always naroy.
All farms which will grow clover would
prom oy paving a held or two of it,
A field of potatoes usually oavs a fair
. im , : t ' t . ..
pruut 11 sept iree irom weeds and well
Ctrl Phrenologists.
I had my bead examined by a girl phre
nologist," said Harvey Conselyea at tha
Llndell, "and I tell you it was an exceed
ingly pleasant operation. She told me a
great deal about myself tbat was true and
much that agreed with what other phrenol
ogists had told ma Do you know that I
think there Is something to this science ot
Gull and Spurzbeimr And do you know,
too, tbat women are going In for ths study
ot it much tha same as they are for m edi
ct u and the lawr A few years ago phre
nology was looked upon aa a dime museum
take. Now it Is regarded as an exact sci
ence. There is a college of phrenology In
New York city crowded with femals stu
dents. At tbe last graduating day 4B wom
an received diplomas and are now scattered
all over the Union making fellows feel
good by caressing their bumps and giving
them charts tbat show how their brains
bulge with certain Important and well de
veloped faculties." St. Louis Globe-Demo
Will to Men and Negroes at Work.
That tbe negro has a soul for rhythm Is
apparent even in his working hours. White
men do their work independently, each on
his own Individual basis and with supreme
disregard of the rent. In laying ths asphalt
pavement in Forty -eighth street gangs of
negroes and white men are employed in
stumping the top dressing down with
heavy iron disks, betted, and handled by
means of long wooden poles. Ths whit
laborers do their work with a marked and
distinct individuality. The negroes, on
tbe other band, seem to naturally divide
themselves into two companies, and tha
disks full responsively on tbe aspbait aa
tbe two lines of laborers advance and re
treat. It is apparently an unconscious fall
into rhythmic work, but is none the lets
trikinu. New York Sun.
The Quickest, Purest
and the
Best of all the
Baking Powders Is
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
While other brands have
Deteriorated and will not
Raise the old amount of flour
Dr. Price's has been brought steadily up to greater perfec
tion; is richer in Cream of Tartar, and higher in leavening power,
hence does immeasurably better and finer work than any other
Baking Powder known.
The Purity of Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder has
never been questioned. Pure as the di iven snow.
. ...