Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, February 28, 1890, Image 4

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Coder Certain Conditions It mil II us
ponded for a Long Tlma.
Familiar Instances uf suspended vital
ity, or rathnr latent vitality, are af
forded by sued, which may bo kept for
yearn without allowing action, but aro
yot capubln of bolnjf recalled to tho ex
orclae of the f unction of I'.fo. Other In
stancoH are alTordod by the lower organ
Ihuih, which will remain dry and Hterllo
for lndotlnito periods, to bo brought Into
full activity at any tlmo by supplying
tho due degree or moisture ana wurinin.
Coming up to higher forma of life, the
name nhenomena are usually manlfeated
In Insects, one of tho normal condition
of wIioho llfo tbo nympha or eiritalii
state is characterized by the exhibition
of tbo external appearance of death.
During this Ktago tho vital processes are
tampered down till only enough are In
Direct tJ maintain a merely vegetative
existence; yot tho tnannt la capable of
Blight motions when suhjecU-d to a shock
or pressure. Tho duration of this ap
parent death varies according to the
species and to cxtcrnul condition.
There aro specie that require two years
of incubation before going through their
metamorphosis. Others pasa to the per
fect state In a few day, lluttorllles de
mand a certain degrco of heat, below
which they wlH not Issue. Tho oponlng
of the chrysalis takes place naturally
when these atmospheric conditions are
realized. If tho season Is late, the
hatching ia also late. Hence we can
prolong the duration of tbo chrysall
stuto Indefinitely by properly adjust
ing tho temperature, delaying to that
extent the metamorphosis of the Im
prisoned mummy Into tho free and
winged Insect. Reaumur, by putting
chrysalides In an ice-box, was able to
keep them alivo and retard their devel
opment severul years, (ioing higher up
in tho anlmul series eggs, which are
analogous to the seeds of plants, present
a romarkablo example of retarded llfo.
(mo- of tho most interesting features
about them Is tho Indopt'ndence of their
vitality, which persists even whon tho
Individual that has producod thorn, and
within whose organism thoy are still
contained, has ceased to live. This fact
has boon recognized in plsclculturo,
whoro artificial fei un latlon has been
successful with eggs taken from dead
fish. Tho persistence of life In frogs is
vory long. Spallanaant preservod some
frogs in a mass of snow for two yoars.
Thoy became dry, stiff, and almost frla
bin, but a gradual heat brought them
back to life. Toads livo been shut up
in blocks of plaster, and then, having
been deprived of all air except what
may penetrato through the material,
and of all sources of food, resuscitated
severul years afterward. This question
presents ono of tho most curious prob
lems that biological Belonce has been
called on tooxpluin. Tho longevity and
vital resistance of toads are surprising.
Besides tho oxporluionta wo havo cited,
mi tu ro Bometlme presents somo nlready
mado, and vastly more astonishing.
Toads aro said to havo been found In
rocks. Such cases are rare, but It
would bo as unroasonablo to doubt
them as to believe in some of tho
miraculous explanations that have been
made of tho matter. The phenomenon
Is marvelous, it Is true, but It Is sup
ported by evidonco that wo arc not able
to contest; and skepticism, which Is in
compatible with scl 'nco, will havo to
disappear If rigorous obBorvatlon shall
confirm It. Tho toad was observed, In
ono caso, in tho atoi Itself, und before
recovering from its longlothargy it had
not made any motion. Ono of these toads
was presented to an academy, with the
Btono which had served it as a collln or
habitation, and It was ascertained that
tho cavity seemed to correspond exactly
with tho dimensions und form of tho an
imal. It Is remarkable that theso toad
stones are vory hard and not at ail por
ous, and show no signs of llsstiro. Tho
mind, completely bullied In tho presence
ol tho fact, 1m equally omburrassed to
expluin how the toad could livo In its
singular prison and how it bocumo shut
up there. M. Charles Kichot had occa
sion to study this question somo months
ago, und euino to the conclusion that tho
fact was real, observing that even if, in
tho actual condition of science, certain
phenomena wero still inexpllcablo, wo
were not warranted In denying tholr ex
istence, for new discoveries might at any
timo furnish un explanation of them.
"The true may sometimes not bo proba
ble." lint sclonco takos accounting of
tho truth, not of the probability.
Tnuislu'ed for Popular Science .Monthly
from I. a Mondo do la Sclonco et do P
Queer Case of NlKhtiiiitre Doveloped In
u WiimIiIiikIoii Hostelry.
"Among tbo many queer experiences
gained in a hotel," wild tho clerk of an
uptown hostuliy, "are those connected
with guests who aro subject to night
mure, which is more common than luuny
people suppose. It Is not uncommon
for a night in a lingo hotel to develop
ovcrul cases of this kind. In tho still
ness of tho early morning hours heavy
groaus or a shriek limy bo heard sound
ing along the corridor. The hull-boy
wakes up, rubs his eyes and awaits to
sen w hut is coming, and if ho is a now
one at the business half expects that a
murder is being committed.
"We hud u case not long ago of a gen
tleman hero who, during the middlo of
the night, begun pounding on his door,
yelling ut the sumo time: 'Let me out!
Let me out! Help! Help!' Tho hull
boy rushed down to the desk, and, with
the night clerk und the porter, hurried
buck to tho room whence came the
sounds of distress. All was quiet. They
waited awhile, then knocked. Tho sub
ject of the nightmare came to the door
feeling very much crestfallen, llo ex
plained that he had eaten a too liberal
supply of deviled crabs during the
previous evening and that ho hud
dreamed that ho wat locked In one of
the ImmoiiM money vaults of tho Treas
ury, which he had seen during his visit
to the city. His own cries fur help hud
Caused him lo wake. Such cases, mere
or less exciting, are of almost nightly
occurrence in a largo hotel, and are
usually greater when tho social season
is at its height The guests who get In
toxicated are not Included in this class
of noise-makers. They form a separate
study alone, and make tho night lively
very oflen." Washington Post
or it Him.
Two acquaintances meet on the side
walk. "Why. holloa, Anderson," says
Jackson, itpia'iiring to he much Bur
prised, "we haven't seen each other for
a long time."
"We have not seen each other,'
Anderson answers, "butyou huveduuht
less seen me."
"Why (again surprised), what do you
"Nothing, only that Ave I letyou have
Some time airo."
Tbev tiaveu'l met again.'
Figures Knowing That til Karlli la Mora
Than a llurlal Ground.
Again and again thl old poetic funcy
of tho earth a ono great cemetery
burled several times deep with dead
men and women and children, ha liccn
refuted by figures. Hut great Is error
and will prevail, unless the truth la
well and steadily upheld. The popula
tion of the earth is now alsiut ,.MMi,(Kbv
000. Nupposo tho human race to have
existed for 8,000 years, and twhave la-en
always as great as now. In O.ihio year
you have 00 centuries. In each century
you may count three generation of
mankind, or ono hundred and eighty
generation in all, each being a gen
eration of 1,500,000,000. Xow lay out a
cemetery forone generation. It will bo
a huge estimato to every man, women
and child a grave flvo feet by two, or
ten squaro foot Vou want for your
graveyard, then, 15, 0(H), 000, ooo square
feet of ground. A square mile
contains something less than '.'n.ihki.ooo
squuro feet Vou want then, a grave
yard not 55 mile long by 10 wide for
your whole generation. Now multiply
i lils by S0 and you have your huriiil
I'roiiud for fl.OOOyoarsof mankind. That
is. a strip of land l.tMMi miles long by '
miles wldo will be ample. In other
words, a cemetery containing I(io,oo(.
squuro mile would lie sufllclent for tho
entire human race to He side by side.
The estlmuto'whlch I have given you of
continuous population is obviously enor
mously largo. Tho estimato of the site
of each grave is very large. A strictly
correct estimate would reduce tho size of
the required cemetery more than one
hulf. ltut enormous us it is, you could
lay out your burial-ground for ull men
who have lived on earth, so that they
could lie side by side, in Arizona or In
California, or you could lay It out in
Texus large enough to accommodate the
race of (1,000 years past, and
also tho ruco for (1,000 years yet
to come, ull sleeping In tho soli of thai
one State of this I'nlon. Hut some one
says tho race of man has la-en on earth
100,000 yours. This Is a pure imagina
tion, and thero is not, so fur us I know,
c fact on which to rest it Hut suppose
ti is true, und suppose tho population al
ways what it now is. You have provided
for (1,000 yeurs of It Vou want neurly
17 times as largo a cemetery for the
generations of a thousand centuries.
That Is, you want 1,700,000 square miles
in it. I.uy it out whenever you please.
1,700 miles long by 1, 000 wldo. It Is but
a part of tho 1'nited States. And so
enormously lurgo huvo la-en th j rough
estimates thus fur used, it is safe tosuy
that if tho human ruco has been in ex
istence 100,000 ycu-s, a separate grave
could bo provided for every Individual
of tho race within u part of tho 1'nited
States east of tho Mississippi river.
The fact is, my friend, you
need but a very small pieco of the
earth's surface to lie down in. And you
occupy but a very smull space while you
live. Stand In a corner, with your buck
to the wall, and your shoulder iigalnsl
the shift wull. Put a hook against the
wull outside your other shoulder, lose
to It. I.et some one hold u stick across
in front of "your body. So you will
measure how much room you occupy
when standing up in a crowded assem
bly. Vou are u large man if you require
two square feet. The average require
.iient of a generation of men, women
anil children is not one squaro fool und
a half. -More than lS.OOO.OOO persons
can stand on u squuro mile of surface.
Now seo how smull a crowd after
all would be an assembly of ull men
out of ullages and kindreds and peo
ples, were they gathered together.
Curry your arithmetic still further. Vou
laid out a cemetery for tho 1,50(1. 000, (Kill
of mankind now living. Huild a city
for them to dwell In. Average families
ut live persons to a family, an. 1 give each
family a house and lot 'JO feet by 100.
Your cemetery gavo livo persons 5(1
squuro feet for graves. Their city lot is
forty times us large. Your city must
therefore be forty times as large as your
cemetery. Add 'JO per cent, for good
streets. I will not save you or your
schiMil-going child the trouble of "do
ing the llgures." Impress the truth oi
your mind by three minutes' work will
pencil and paper, tliut the whole living
human ruco could be gathered In u
city so small in comparison with
what you have imuglned. And now re
member that ull the estimates on which
we have gone are too large. This city
lot might as well be 'JO by 50. People
live in Hats without back yards, und In
stories ono ubovu another. Your city
modeled after the latest fashions in
cities need not be a quarter the size our
estimates havo made It. When you
have built your city, inquire und be sur
prised to lind tho vast space for garden,
ilelds and forests you havo left accessi
ble to it, whence could come all the ne
cessities and luxuriesof civilized life.
W. C. Prime, 1.1,. D., in N. V. Journal of
( Tht, IIIki-IiiIIho of .lllilirilli'llt.
There Is probably no human faculty
that is more in need of faithful and pa
tient cultivation than the judgment, for
I hern is none that has more complica
tions to deal with or more dilllciilties to
overcome. Nevertheless there Is per
haps none which receives less systematic
discipline or upon which people gener
ally are less willing to expend labor
and thought. They train their chil
dren's memory, exorcise their powers ol
expression, school them in habits of
industry, endurance, patience and self
control, but seldom disciplino their
judgment or teach them how to draw
correct conclusions. That, they sup
pose, is something which time und ex
perience will do for them; yet, when
they seo what hasty opinions and ill
advised judgments are continually
tortncil by older people, they might in
ter that some definite, education In this
resncct was necessary for both young
and old. N. Y Ledger.
Tht Time Have Clians-cd.
This story is told by a Cornell student
of President White and the college foot
ball team of '71; A match hud been ur
ranged between tho elevens of Cornell
and Rochester universities, and it was to
take place in (leneva. When the captain
of the Cornell team culled upon Presi
dent White for permission to go tu
(ieneva: "What, go all that distance to
kick a bag of a wind!" President Whito
exclaimed. "Never, gentlemen, with
hit permission. Just think, and you'll
seo that it Is ridiculous to go kicking a '
hag around a ten acre lot. Then to
think of going tlfly miles to do it? The
iranie did not take place Albany (X.
Y.) Journal.
A Hr log was recently taken Into a
Tacoma (Wash.) mill that was 110 feet
long, vj inches in diameter at the butt
and .VI inches ut the small end. It was
rut into ship plunk and contained about
10,000 feet
(treat luirea.a In till- Quantity at th
New York ortlca.
The New York branch of the Dead
Letter Ofllco ha had It business In
creased very rapidly of late. In one
week r ntlyaiid It was not an extra-
ordlnury wee'k-nlnety-llve biindlea,con
lulnlng JS.OOJ piece of all sort, wore
sent rrom here tollie lleud Letter Olllce,
"Most of our Increased work I due lo
foreigners," suld an ofllclal yesterday.
"Newspaper und package are wrapped
In the lllmsiest paper tliut la made
abroad, I guess, and fastened often with
waling wax. The package urn tossed
InUi mull bag on the other aide, and
partly in consequence of friction and
moisture from the air the wax 1 broken
and tho wrapper ore tarn off. On tho
arrival of tho mull bug in the New
York post-olllco, nearly nine-tenths of
the newspaper aro without superscrip
tion. Stronger and thicker piia-r ahould bo
uai-d for wrapper, and muclluge Is a
better gum thun sealing wax. With
Americans thoro Is little fault to find
In this respect. Tho best way, how
w.r. to Insure a ncwsimncr reuchiiiir Its
destination 1 to put tho superscription
on tho newspaper tiseu as wen us on mu
wrapa-r. In fact, this course bus la-on
recommended by the International Post
al Congress, and tho Kngllsh, Scotch and
Irish often comply with tho rule. The
l-'rench, (iermnil und Itussluii mull are
a terror to u.
"A million piece a year havo been
ki.nt. in the Washington Dead Letter Of
llco from the New York ofllco, but this
year there will be 1,500,000 pieces. o
havo about 'Joo inquiries a day for the
whereulHi .ts of letters or puckuges that
havo not been received, und In nlno
cases out of ten it 1 Impossible to makfl
people who complain of tho loss of let
ters believe tliut they huve probably
misdirected them. Somo of tbo most
picturesque language I cvorhounl in my
life bus poured through that llttlo com
plaint window."
"Do people report back to you after
they have found that letters wero re
ceived which wero supposed to bo lost?"
"Itnrely; but wo learn from tho post
musters whero the letters or puckuges
were sent whether they wero received
and called for. With their answers wo
have often to be content."
"Do tho postmasters reply to inquir
ies?" "It is a test of patience to got some of
them to reolv. Wo write to them
airain and again, in many instances, bo-
fore wo get an answer. The system is
not perfected yet, but it Is constantly
Improving." X. Y. Letter.
The Variegated Human I'anorauia Visible
In r1Vr.v Thoroughfare.
In tho variegated crowd filling tho
streets scores of types may bo distln
fritlultf.il Arnlis of Ihn town, druned in
their blankets like lioipans in their
togas, und In tact, the "jaram - is me
direct descendant ui too toga, aim, juug-
Inrr from Its looUs. Reeillfl to hllVO TO-
tuined ull the dirt of those intervening
centuries; otliers, wnoso costume con
ululu uh,ilv f ii flnu-liicr rube, lrf-nerullv
whito, or. to bo precise, which was once
white! SrnVetinios this robe is of silk of
vivid hue, and tbo effect of thnt guy
noto In a bit of street is llko a poppy in
a wheut field. liedouins, whoso limbs,
wiry and strongly muscled, sblno a
a, iiw.i.h ln-.,nvf, ,(ili,r tlirnuirti their H'-lllltv
coverings, elbow Jew In ridiculous cos
tumes, half nativo und half huropean.
Tn n fi-u' nmmntits nnn bus met with an
inflnito vuriety of negroes, from tho
puro type, almost without noso ami
ti.lt, nnnrmiina inu hones ntld llUL'O lins.
to those vyiioso lineaments uro absolute
ly Cuucusiun. Porters, in simple tunics
corded about tho wuist, carry heavy
swinging bales on long poles rest
ing on their shoulders, cheering their
progress the while with nil invocation
to Allah and bis innumerable prophets,
chanted by nn old man and repeated by
the chorus; a true song of savages, burst
ing forth like a funfaro of trumpets.
Veiled women, voluminously wrapped,
puss by like ambling bundles of clothes.
( (Ulcers by Jkcores, those of the now
school, stiff lut t neut. trying to resemble
their (ierniuii confreres, since tho fash
ion in Turkish circles is to Imitate the
linns of the day; the older olllcers kindly
looking enough, but in what miserable
costumes! -Moorish dandies stroll und
pose languidly about, seemingly ab
sorbed in preserving their immaculute
pulenl-leiither slippers from any im
pertinent Hook of dirt. Crafty-featured
(iroeks and Levantines thread their in
sinuating way among tho niotly groups.
At each step it is a new tableau, it ml tho
desire seizes you to stop while the eyes
follow a curious type, und turning from
it with regrej, you see tonus interesting.
Tits Contrast KxlHtlng Hetween tlia Male
anil Female Sexes.
It appears from tliegathered statistics
of the world that women have a greater
tenacity of lifo than men. Nature wor
ships the female in ull its varieties.
Among insects tho male perishes ut a
relatively earlier period. In plants the
seminato blossoms die earliest and uro
produced on tbo weuker limbs. Female
quadrupeds havo more endurance than
mules. In tho human race, despite the
intellectual and physical strength of the
man. tho woman endures longest and
will bear pain to which tho strong man
succumbs. Zymotic diseases aro more
fatal to mules, and more male children
die than females.
Dcverga asserts that the proportion
dying suddenly is ubout one hundred
women to seven hundred and eighty
men; one thousand and eighty men in
the I'liit'-d States in 170 committed
suicide, to two hundred and eighty-five
women. Intemperance, apoplexy, gout
hydrocephalus, affections of the heart
and liver, scrofula and paralysis are far
more fatal to males than females. Pul
monary consumption, on the other hand,
is more deadly to tho latter. Females
in cities are more prono to consumption
than in the country. All old countries
not disturbed by emigration have a great
majority of females in the population.
In rovul families the statistics show
more daughters than sons. Th Hebrew
woman is exceptionally long-lived; the
colored man is exceptionally short
lived. Tho married state is favorable
to prolongation of life among women.
Dr. Hugh proclaims that there are from
ttvotosix per cent, more males born
than females in the living population.
From which statistics wo conclude that
all women ought to marry, and that as
men are likely to become so scarce, they
can not be sutllcientlv prized by the
other sex. X. V. Ledger.
The late Sir Pereey Shelley, son of
the poet was devoted to theatricals and
tricycling. He has placed bis father's
papers at the disposal of the Shellej
Rant uf Hi Plscontant Kilstlug
A mens Them, as a i mm.
To those, who from physical Inability,
or excess of cares, are obliged to keep
help, tho servant-girl question Is a try
ing one. Tim very spirit which our
land Inculcute. freedom and independ
ence, has taken possession of the averuge
American servant girl, and we suffer for
our own doctrines. In Kngland, glrN
aro sent out to service at tbo ago ol
thirteen or fourteen, and generally
begin their apprenticeship as dishwash
ers or scullery maids. When older and
more experienced, they aro promoted to
;ook's helpers, or if tmt and capable,
are made parlor maids, waitresses or
house-maids. They havo to work very
hard and generally do not have but one
Sunday afternoon and evening in tho
month, to spend a they like. Ths
malds-of-all-work do more than two
American servant girl, a they do every
thing, from blacking the master' boots,
to rooking hi dinner. Many Kngllsh
lodging-house servants are reully slaves,
and yet they are content They work
from five o'clock in the morning till
eleven at night They aro often taken
from the workhouse, and tho fear of
being sont back is probably the reason
of their contentment In Germany do
mestic service is honorable, and the
young women of poorer classes are anx
ious to get work in good families. Those
German girls are expected to be good
cook and giaal laundresses when taking
their first place.
Domestic aro better treated In Amor
lcu.lhanfrlscwhero. In many cases this
Is the riait of the discontent. .Many
ladies, If they have an intelligent girl,
are inclined to tell thorn too much of
their own affairs. Such confidence es
tablishes a familiarity which sooner or
later "breeds contempt." Most girls are
pleased to have their mlstross show an
interest in their affairs, and It is a good
plan, if one hus the opportunity without
being obtrusive, to compliment their
dress If It be neat and tasty, to Interest
yourself to a cortaln extant in tholr
pleasures and Inquire occasionally in
regard to their paronts or frlonds, for
love of kin Is a strong element in most
of the working classes. Never scold a
servant, no matter how trying the of
fense. In fact, no one who calls them
self a lady should over scold. If things
go wrong, as thoy often do, speak firmly
and insiston their being donedifforently,
but do not say too much.
Sympathy und affection bring affec
tion; truthfulness causes truth, and kind
dealing mukes honest serving. Home.
Edwin H. F.lliott, for gome time In the
Auditor's ollice of the Oregon Kail way
and Navigation Company and appointed
ticket exchanger of tlie Union Pac'fic in
place of tl-o late Thomas Sebastian, has
disappeared from Portland with $1100 of
the compatn's money and $159 worth of
The number of patients treated at ihe I'ssteur
hiKtltiite ilurliiK the last five months Is and
nut a single death lias oecurreit
I'onr Humanity !
The common lot is one of sorrow say at least
the iR-sMinlat. Ilicjr who look at the worst
aide. Certainly what would otherwise be a
briKlit existence is often shadowed by some
ailment that overhanus It like a pall, obsour
Iiik perpetually Hie radiance that else would
liKlii llie path. Bach an ailment and a very
common one, Is nervousness, or in other wonls,
weakness of the nervous syi-U-m, a condition
only irremediable where lm Hlolent -or Im
proper means are taken to relieve it. The con
current experience of nervous people who have
persistently used llostettcr's Hloniach Hitters
Is. that It conquers uitirely supcinensitlvcness
uf Hie nerves, as well as diseases-so called
which -rr-liivitd and siutalned by their
chronic weakness. As the nerves Kain stamina
from the irrcut lonio the trouble disappears,
fan the llillera for malaria, rheumatism, bil
iousness and kidney troubles.
The strawberry crop in South Carolina has
been seriously injureu Dy ueavy irou.
The ciiiilvalent ill English money of '2,MH
unu nlll'i- littered bv an old lady In London lor
the return uf a fa-orlle cat, which had slraycd
... i..m ai.,i..u p,nnl f-allt-tl her a --crank.
and iierlmiiii she win. II Is unfortunate that one
ol llie K-'iuii-r stx aiiiiiiiii i-T,-i a"-- -"" ."
yet mam do. It Is, however, Ireiiuenlly not
their fault. Often functional derauxeinents will
aimarenlly eliauae a woman' cutlr, nature.
luiri blame such sufferers If they are "cranky,
i... i iu ili..,n t nan Dr. l-leree's Fnvo lie I're
scrlptlon, which Is an Infallible remedy for
" female weaknesses." II will soon restore them
to their normal condition. It is warrnntal to
Klvc saiMii-tinn In every case, or money pam
lor 11 win lie reiurnen.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, the original and only gen
uluel.lltle l.lver l'ills; -6 cents a vial; one i
Bv the bill to Improve principal harbors intro
Iroducedtu the Senate lloatun Is to get :6,(XI0.
Beware of Jmltntloiis "Tniislll's Punch."
A syndicate has purchased another large body
of land uear Salem, Va., for wbk-h they paid
Superior Hollers cast from Kkmahi.e
hikI Casi adk bia da of composition can
ho had at Pai.mkh & Rkv's Bteam roller
The Bell Telephone Company in tbe past year
tins put out a-i.uuu piiones.
When Dobbins' Electric Soap was first
inn e in 1MII4 it POBt SO cenfs a oar. It I
mvcWu ihe sanii' IneTe'MePts and quality
note, ii nil doesn't cott h If. Buy it of your
aroe r and sreseive your clothes, if he
hasn't it, be will get it.
It was one degree warmer at Norfolk on the
Ith Instant than was ever hciore recoraca ia
Feb.uary, the glass hidienliug SJ degrees.
If afflicted with Wore Kyes, ne Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Kye Water. Druggists sell It. -ISx.
It Is estimated that SUD.OOO tons of fee will be
harvested at Bangor, Me., tins winter.
Bare cure for blind, bleeding and itching Piles,
one bos has cured the worst eases of ten years'
Mnniliu?. No one need suflV-r tuu minutes after
using Kirk's Herman File Ointment It absorbs
tumors, allays the Itching, arts as a poultice,
gives relief. lr. Kirk's Herman Pile Oiutment
Is prepared only for Hikes and Itching of the
private tarts, aud nothing else, livery box Is
Sold by Druggists and sent by mall on receipt
of price, 11.00 per box. J. J. Mack A Co.. Whole
sale Agents. Han Francisco.
I'.. Itself In many Important particulars. Hood's
sh iiraril a Is dlffereut from and superior to
m i.tlu-r medicine.
Ivi-iiMnr In combination, proportion and
prep-i timi of Inrrdlcii's, Hood's Saisaparilla
pose)Mn the full i urn ire value of the best
known remedies of t i vegetable kingdom.
Peculiar In lis medicinal merit, Hood's Sar-sai-arlllaaecompllsiies
cures hitherto unknown.
Peculiar lu strength and economy Hood's
Sarsaparilla Is tbe only medicine ol which can
truly Is- 'd, ' 1"0 duses one dollar." Medicines
n larger and smaller bottles require larger dose
and do not produce as good results as Hood's
Puuliar in lis "good name at home" there
Is inure id Hood's ar-n-s-!!'fi -iM in sell,
whrie it Is made, than of all other blood purl
Peculiar In Us phenomenal word of sales
ab.-i-ail. no lather preparation has ever attained
such pcpu'arlty In so short s time. Be sore to
Hood's Sarsaparilla
-lu ny all ilruggisis, si; sia uir r1- rrrparru
only by i'. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell.
IOO Doses One Dollar
I was taken with sharp paint in the lower part
f tnr bowels 111 the region of tho bladder
Winrtly blcx-d appeared mised Willi my urine
and a few weeks later I bad an attack of gravel
1 trlis! a uuaiborof doetora. tine said It was
gravel, mother Inlluiiatlou nf the bladder, and
iiuOicr aliine in kliluevs. for three mouths I
seas tjud'-r tbe eare of au emluent doctor at Al
bany, but oiiislaully growliif worae, want bom
din. At this time I was Induced to try Dr.
I -avid Kennedy's Ifavorito Kerned y, nf Hondont,
. V,, aud mn oaw robust and strung. A remedy
which cau do Ibis for oue ao uear death aa I was
aasiuld lai knowu everywhere. 1 hope this state
swetit will cause others a in Ic tod aa 1 was to uso
tlMi Kerned)'. ;. W. Hrown, Petersburg h, N. Y.
Us. KsSNsnv's Favohits Ksmsix, made at
Handout, N. V.l; forth.
Send for bonk, how to ears Kidney, Uvar aud
Blood disorders
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has decided
tbat all ln-ddliug lu the street It Illegal.
An Elegant Park as" e of Hue Cards,
Including 1 rare novelties, shapes and ar-
rtistlc imported oleoKraiihic nod chromatic
-cards. 1 Ills large aud beautiful collect Ion
sen! bv mail to any one win will do this;
lluy a bos of the genuine Dr. C. McI.aneV
'Celebrated Liver Tills from any drupKlst,
price 2S cents, and mail us the outside
-wrapper with your address, n'aluly writ
ten, and 4 cents in aUsnips. The genuine
Mcl.ane'a l'ills are prepared only by
Fleming Hros., J'lttaliurg, Pa,, and havr
liet-n in constant use for over sixty year.
They are superior to all others lu purllj
and effectiveness. A certain cure for In
digestion and sick headache. Address,
.Fleming Uros., Pittsburg, Pa.
A gas trust with t.w.ouo.cxio capital it forming
among Boston and Loudon capitalists.
1'resM-h Tansy Wafer aie tta Heat.
Dr. Livingston's Tansy Wafers (or the
restoration of suppressed menses nkvkb
fail when the directions upon the bo
are strictly observed.
The Tansy Wafer, cannot be bought a'
drug stores, so don't allow yourself to tie
imposed upon In spurious and weak Imi
tations of I)r. Livingston's French Tansy
Wafers, and remember that the genuine
ran only be obtained from us, so if you do
not want to be disappointed send i In a
registered letter or postolllce order to the
livingston Chemical Company, Portland,
Oregon, and a box will be sent by return
mail securely sealed from the eyes of in
quhjitlve people, to your address.
A hat factory combination Is one of the latest
developments of the tendency to syndicate
Thy Okrhka for breakfast.
It is known as a
painful lnllamma
lion aliening the
muscles aud Joiuta
oi l bo human body,
the symptoms of
whlcharc swelling
of the Inlnts. acute
palnsand sehes. St. JaeobsOil cures promptly
and permanently this encmv w hich Is:
Sandyvllle, Ohio, June 18, 1888.
Was taken with rheumatism In INU; suf
fered at times ever sinco and used crutches.
Hu Jacobs Oil relieved mo nliout two years
ago. GEO. L. NIXON.
At Dhi'uuuts and Dkaubs.
THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Biltlmors. Ma.
Wasting Diseases
Wonderful Flesh Producer.
Bcott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy
Containing the ctimulnting Hrpopbos
phites and Pure Norwegiun Cod Liver Oil,
the pot ncy of both being largely in
creased. It is used by Physicians all over
the world.
Sold by all Drugptttt.
Tlie fmnoim lluvvv Stfil
Store of liyftmi, mill llm cy
Surlier lei of I a in ti lit iitr
Muka.. Imve ivpeu move! to
Flint riifuiiifiui. ran Mimin,
where the biulneu will lie
The Knymond Flower
and Rtuea ior
C. 11. Hovkt, Similiter,
EiiMt Ptimiidenn, 'til
i 8ml forcompletaeattloRue.
innuifl UilUTPr, Onod flfft'iitn.botli mflk'ftiid
ftOLlllj nAfllCile1. feniHle, ran make more
money MH114 our publication's thao hih thiug
etso ou canu. .... fi '
Room 1, First floor, Abinston Mullillug
Arc ii-iidlng tholr rollers, to be cast from " Re
liable," to
Aud are well pleased with the result. We do
not ase "Star " composition any more.
are those put trp by
0 are the largest Seedsmen in the w
D. M Fihry ft Co's
IHiiitr&fni rWrnnriv ami Priced
fr vi 11 be maueU 1-Klvtt to ail ap- i
pi ican w, ana to use season scusiomerm.
It is better m.n crer. r-rnj pm
using uarar, J-uttrr rr 1 it(4
dttiii trioulil send ir it. aiotcm .
S P. N. U. No. .TJ5 S. F. N. U. No. 4
IU mtwrlur ciccilleiire nroren In millions uf homes fur
more Until a quart w or a ovntury. it is iiwi iy im
Unit ml HtiattnOoveiitiiie t. Kn 'orswl liv the lit'bvli ot
the Ureal tuWiTnlln't aa Hi N'mnKt. 1'uivst and
must Healthful Dr. I'ri esOieam Hakim INiwiler tine
nuto-JUtain AmmoriU.lMiiieor Alum. H'l 'milytaeans
OlCllinA!. jt HKA4MI.aah.er. Hoe
tsh Pianoa; BurdettOrvaiiB. Band Instrument,
LaiyctiL Htock of Hheet MiiH.oaiid Hooka. Hand
-tipplied at Kanturn Prices. MATTHIAH
QHAY CO. 206 Host B trout. Ban Kruiioiw o.
An Army Veteran,
who ling probably suffered moro than any
mn u or womiui In Auu riea to-day. Takeu
U'k whilo lu tbo A rm v, ho him endured
untold uuonioshliico. J)lhitIMiik hln rlrnt
aymptomtt ho suld: "My ht-iid urtud and
my niipt'tito wanpHr. 1 felt n fnitilncHHat
tho pit of thoHtnmarh, and bad ttinlo lu my
mouth, whilo my nkiu wan Roim-iinn'H hot
nud HoniL'timeB cold. I next felt pains in
my back and around tho lower portion of
my lx)dy, nod nut I red a peculiar odor and
color In tho water I pusHcd, which wait
eeauty at one tlmo nud free at others. Home
times It pained mo to void It, and iikhIu It
whh mm out Impossible to do no tit all. Fi
nullv 1 beyim to piiiss clear bhnxl iteeoni'
panfed with the urealestrtt ruin audaKouy."
Ho letta than tfk eminent ihyHleiaus at
tended Mr. Furbinth nt various times, hut
not ono of them could help him. Ho wiu
nenrdeath'sdoor. AudyethosiiyH: IT.am
idtvo and well to-day, wholly through tho
wonderful lMiwer of Hunt'H Kemedy which
tMk mo from tho verjreof tho Bravo."
This Great Kemedy abahtlely cures all
Kidney, Liver and Urinary Diseases
For Sale ly nil Denier.
O. N. CltlTTENTON, General Ag-nnt,
115 Fulton HU, N. Y.
Bend for pampMct tg th" Hunt' Remrdy Co., Prri
dttt.v, u. I.
Cnn be madoeasy by
raislni; 'liik'iia. A
liiruo.lli'iKL' lllUBt
ted ('atali'Kite de
scrlbluK llH'ilbators,
Bmoders, HriHMliug
Ilnimt'S, How aud
What to Feed, How
liniK to keep them in
the Brooder, Drinking
ami their Cure, in fael
more information
tliuu is given iu Horny
'leent books. Bent
to niiv address on re
ceipt of 2c. stump.
Wire Netting, Bou
Mills, Bone Meal and
all kinds of I'oultry
Pitaluma Incubator Go. Petaluma. Gal
How often do we hear the above said of
some poor pilgrim o'er life's thorny path,
whose totterijig stf p, pallid face, unnatural
glitter of the eye anil hacking cough, ami
ita accompanying involuntary pressure of
the hand over the luius, the seat of the
dread disease consumption that causes the
remark i Too frequently, alaa ! and in the
interests of such unfortunates this ia pen
ned, to assure them that their stops need
tend no longer towards that narrow recep
tacle that awaits all that ia, until life's
allotted space is covered from any such
cause, for the scientific researches of Dr.
R. V. Pierce, of tbe Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., re
sulting in his " Golden Medical Discovery."
have wrested from Nature a remedy which
never fails to cure this scourge of our race
I which w really nothing more nor lew than
Scrofula of the Lungs), if taken in time and
given a fair trial ,
Fiar Scrofula in all its myriad forms, j
whether affecting the l'ing-tlssii"s or other
organs or parts. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery is a sovereign remedy, and
tbe only one that is sold by drrisreists. i
under positive guarantee from ita inanu- i
(lCfln RIPlfARfl J" "T"rrd by the manufacturers of DR. SAGE'S
V ill II I CATARRH ftEMEOV. for a case of Catarrh in
all J mM U U sjaaaBBBBajfffBfBBBjajaaaij tbe Head which they cannot cure. By Its
fr, mild. Hnthtn". and healing properties. Dr.
8a-e Remedy cures the worst cases, uo matter of how tuna; standing. 5uc, by druggists.
Fabor's Golden Female Pills..
ForPemals Irn-Riilar,
llles; iiollilugllkalliaia
oil the market. Kewr
(all. HiieeaufullyiiBial
y priiinllielil lailli
iiiiinllily, liiiaraiiiet'il
lo rulieva siiiirissal
Don't ha litiintniKKPil,
Have Time, lleallli,
and inouu) itakn uo iitti
cr. Hent to any address,
seeuni by mill I on r
telpt of price, 100.
Western Branch, JJua7, 1'OUILAMU, O'
Hold by Wianim Illicit Co., I'ertlHiid, Or.
If. ITIU' 11 IB CIS! tl. UO Imi It,, UiihjuU.
1 prMrrlb and fully an
dnmH HIr U M th only
pert tic fortticrllDCurt
Of til Id dtfiifUIH.
AiuiUTdHtu, N. V.
We have mid nig Q for
many tmh. and .t bm
ivrn in dui 01 taut
D. it. DYCTTE k CO..
11.00. Jold by iniKflUta,
nxliu'tlve ami vli'M lunrtwl I'mtM,
Ih'aullfuli'ntaUjriio wall ImiU lllimtnitloni
tiiiilliHl lo iuiv atlilntiM uimjh aithllLtiiluii,
4 xi.-ki-U cltoltt 11iwir mmU, lOcn-nta. raibtic.
itaiMtnm, AMtoni, owtmi remt, rinin, i iti-'.Hu:.,
ritrltU aa iiiia, nr. rii iaa.
Luil Ira. '
ak UfUKKll (ur IHamomt lirnd. In
rtilt mitunio boifi, fM-HiMi wiiii Dint
rlh.tn. Takf no olh r. All pliu
Id paaubntnl Uic, pink wrapan, r l
(mil lor I'krtkiilir, ifHtlmoolali an
MKillcrnr LMUica." m iit, oj i
IhlfbwUrtam'l Um I
l iiele Itcmus) on Tolinrro.
You can't fool dis chile id your trash to
back) . I smoke 8kai and don't you forKet It
Koine mnokeiB think that anythinK that
in ikes smoke, ia ffooil enouuh lo ko into a pitai.
'1'liey will llnd by a little txpirienue tlial there
la u van! ditferonee in Smoking Tobtuxos. Juat
try "Ska 1. ok Nuktii 1'Moh.ina,"miii1 you will
see I lie dill'urenee bi twenn it and the imitations.
fio yon want to Sell or lluy a Karm I Write to
us. Owners and Managcra or t'roperly, At
U?nllonl The POItll.ANI) LANIJ CO. ad
Tertlse In W ncnsuiH)ra in the United States,
and are therefore tlie people to handle oily and
addition properly. It will pay you to correav
pond with us. Loans mado ou farm and Cliy
property. '
nso's Kemedy for Catarrh Is the
Bent, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest
Sold by druirirlsts or sent by malL
50c. E.T. Uateltlne, Warren, Fa.
factiirers, that it will benefit or cure, if
taken in time and given a fair trial, or
money paid for it will be refunded. En
larged glands, tumors or "bunches," are
(lissiimted by ita use; old sores or ulcers
healed ; " white swellings," hip-joint disease,
and kindred ailments, pernuuiently cured.
It's a mrttirinr. not a beverage ; a concen
trated vegetable extract, without sugar or
syrup in its nuike-up. Don't beget drunk
ards. As peculiar and marvelous in cura
tive properties as in its comiiosition. It'
mission is to ctiro, not palliate.
"Golden Medical Discovery" invigorates
and strengthens the liver and lungs, sharp
ens tbe amietite. improves digestion, purifies
the blood, cleanses the svstem. and builils up
lioth flesh and strength when reduced bj
" wasting diseases.'1 It leads all other med
icines in amount of sales. There's nothing
like it for the diseases for which it is rec
ommended, so don't befooled into aireptine
any substitute, snid to la? " just as good."
It's an insult to your intelliirem'e when un
principled dealers try to palm off something
else uiion vou. jw.it'to make a little better
profit I An honest dealer supplies what
his customers want, without questioning
their intelligeia-e. World's Dispkxsaht
Medical Aasotunox, Proprietors, Buf
falo, X. Y.
M JQwai4 mot 11
Q Mr4Mlr trOM
V OnoluaU jni
""Jijelbe (
fljhh it ulo jLy&L