Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, February 28, 1890, Image 2

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Oroson Illy, Feb. SS, 1890.
Next work, very nilmlily, tho comity
court will luke lliuil iicllon in rc'Kiirtl o
the friuielilsii nskcil by Mosul's. 0. Hur
luw niid Di'aku fur liiiililinir a motor line
over tlicM-omiiy riunU nml liriilyin. It l
meet, tlii'rcfori-. llmt tli pel I mm In be
nrownii'il mrniinl mii'l frswhlse b a
niiin(Tiiily ni.nneil in po-llilo, in order
Unit UiuiMMiiitv court may Know, It. per
diuwo, it grant cuiil fnincliUo, Hint
It il'ies ho auint tho will of the
miioritv Our iwoplo tiro In no liu-
nijr t'i i?ivc mi cvltIuiIIiik right of wny
to s private company over the nmd mid
bridge on which they luive iipent ten
of tlioii-iincU f dnllurii. It may lie do
sir.iblo to havn it nntor ineandurinif
tlironirli the L'hi'lcn mid meadow mid
craw I in'' over tlio liilK tinder condition
that Hiiid motor ruin nn a track of Hit own
The f ranch iu inked for rcn on it vl.
ciiiiH principle, that of taking pulillc
properly for pri villi: 11-1 If tho county
court ir rnnls iid finnchino, other simlliir
franclil-(M will lio asked and iihould
lie grunted, 111 a county court, if it be
just to tlio puliliu, is rigidly impartial.
Furtlicniioro, tliu grunting of tlio Iran
cliint will forever estop all private dona
tions for public roiidii or bridges; to the
contrary, public improvements will be
discouraged, the feeling will 1m that
If any ro:il or bridge is made exception
ally i i id Moiiie one will want it for a
mot ir track. 1, -t cueli tuli stand on Its
o vn b ittoin. It C.iis U.irlow want a
track for his in t ir lot him buv it: i( he
want)) n lriilh'. let linn build it the
rivurn ii ii I creeks aro loiiif. C'lacksinns
county greatly needs better ronds. but
the way not to imiirovo tiiem is to ob
struct! tlii'in with n railway track Ob
jections w iild lie Ichs valid if tbernwere
no room (or n track but the county road ;
no one pretoii'u tliat there la not many
gipiare milcHof mom oil' tliu county road.
l'lii.iricAi. reforuiH depend on the
average voter, who always forms the
lurgo majority. The farmer, as a class,
is the representative average voter. He
in coiiserv.it ive in hia political opinions,
clinging lo his party w ith great tenacity,
oven if Ids political loyalty bo used by
the b n-sos of his party to rob him, as ft
often is. No political reform can be ac
complished until the fanners have
adopted it. When the farmers have
well burned the lesson th.it the repub
lican party is dominated by their natu
ral enemies, the plutocrats and monop
olists, they will kill it, and unless the
democratic party is a zealous exponent
of ballot reform, lurid' reform, civil ser
vice reform, and whatever other reform
is needed to j;ivo tho musses nn equal
chunci! A'ith the cIiishch, it too will per
ish, mid oii'bt to. No patriot can main
tain that parly loyalty is nhovo loyalty
to count i y anil humanity. Anv politi
cal parly that riot with corrnptionisls
as tliu republican party does now, will
surely wreck the country if it continues
in power.
Tim n cent action ool the police judges
of Sun Francisco reveals tho astonishing
depth of mistiness and dishonor to
which many of the fast white men of
that fair city have descended. They
huve adopted ii ruin which requires all
visitors to Chinese houses of ill fume to
deposit for their release I0U in cush or
to give bonds for li'iO. This secures tlio
payment of a lino of ut least $100. Here
tofore the cuhIi bail demanded lifts been
only $-", which has been found not to
he u Hiillicient penalty to prevent de
praved while men from contaminating
themselves with Chinese vice. Four
Years ut. solitary, Imril moor would
be hardly udeipiuto penally for Can
cusiuns so brutalized.
Til K New York Sun notes the fuel that
the number of insane persons who re
ceivo public nid in MiiHsiu'liusetts has
Increased l.'i i per cent, since 1870, while
the population of the state has only in
creased tin Per cent., and asks. "Why
is Massachusetts going crazy?'1 For
unswer it oilers a variety of questions.
"Is it crunkisin, new-fiingled religion,
philosophy, theosopliy. u monotony of
cheap culture, the decline of marriage,
or tlie inheritance ol it morbid and de
cnyeil l'untatiism? Or is It only an ad
ditional symptom of the dcleiioration of
a race?"
Tim prose iitnccnputinn of the Western
farmers' evenings is said to ho reading
the inorti;a4e on his (arm by tho light of
his corn tire Corn now fetches about
1:1 cents ii bushel out in Kansas, and
that menus $: J.7U u ton. Hu must haul
it several miles to market, however, and
there lie linils coal sidling from $4 to $5
a ton, Corn ut $:,70 a ton is cheaper
mid better fuel than coal ut $5 a ton.
Consequently, the furiner keeps warm
by n com tire, and saves money by the
operation, too.
A I'oMMi'NU'vnoN in the Woodbtirn
Ititkli'iitlriit calls attention to the (act
that tl o s vamp land ni t of I870,by which
hundreds of thousiiiiils of acres ol
valuable laud were stolen from the
slide, was drawn by u farmer niid
was passed by (armors' votes. The
honest craiig'-r knows not how
often the I os .es use him to get the
chestnuts out of the lire. Lut them re
member I L u. i'i June they must again
elect legislators to play chess with Joe
Simon next w inter.
Tiik bill iutroihiced in congress by
Senator Dolph lust winter, for the for
fei'ure of the lauds of Tliu Dalles mili
tary w agon roads, w hich became U law,
bus culminated a- the w ily senator an
ticipated. 1- inler that net Justice Saw
yer bus deliveied u decision continuing
the rights of the purchasers of suit)
lands. Whatever frauds were connect
ed with this grant me now relegated to
tlio region of shades.
A I'hiison w rites from Forest (irovo to
the Of','of'ui that tuberculosis has
broken out unions cattle in (list locality.
Kvidently, the iillected herds, such as
1idd'sunil Apperson's, have pretty el
fectiially scattered cow consumption
throughout the Willamette valley.
Tin: rapid increase in tho wealth of
the I'nited States the past ten years is
usb.mi'liii'.r. According to the published
11,'iires the total wealth of the country is
now tiil,4.ll.tiM),(!lH), equal to noarly
$1000 per capita. This is an increase in
ten years of $IS,')DO,OiH),000, or 42 per
Tiik l'iiiladelphiu Daily Tttryniph,
reliable republican paper, says: "The
worst mistake that tlie majority of con
gress could make would be thatofneg
lertini! to revise the present unpopular
tar ill 'a v." isinoreihan likely that the
present fomrrcHn will make that mistake.
Tun Armours, in Chicago, did a bnsl-
nessolSiVt.isHl.tl-iO last year, .(.OOO.OOO ,
in t-xccs f lKss. Six thousand men
were eint 1 .ved, and pa;d .'!, 000,000.
The firm kil'-d I 'Jis),0isj hogs, 000,000
cattle, and 2-Vl 0 Ht sheep.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
J, the Mol.dla bulclicr,
hat loft fur parts unknown. Heveral of
Molalls's p mx I cltiieiis aro weopintf for
lie Is a dulaulter to the amount of about
700. Hut tmvertheloss, it is a Icuson to
the whole country. The next time limn
comes along with an ax to (rind, people
will not be so eager to turn tho grind
stone. There waa play party at YY. I).
Adams' hall. Everybody enjoyed him
self. J. 8. Dngiin, tliu Molallu painter, went
to Jefferson laxt Thursday, where he
will remain fur the summer.
O. P. Miller and Sain Knglo went to
Wnodhurn lust Wednesday and c.tuie
back Thursday.
J. II. Zwelfel a id J. V. Ilarless wont
to Ilublinnl lust Thursday.
The party at J It. Shaver' last Friday
night waa largely attended. Win De
haven furnished the music. The party
lasted until 1 o'clock.
A. L. Cornwall will be our next post
master. The band boys will give un entertain
ment soon.
The next term of school will com
mence tho second Monday in March.
Tha Key. Mr. Urine preaclicil two ser
mons In the Sanders church last Holi
Don't forget the free trade meeting tho
1st and 3d Satin davs of each month.
Miss K1U Wrlslit whs buried In tho
Molulht cemetery on Friday, February
The sick in this neighborhood are ull
I in proving.
W. II. Seltzer is able to walk around
bis room again after a very severe spell
of rheumatism.
There waa n verv nhcisant dunce at
.lai.tr Ifmitta' tn Vil Vulitiitiltu'll tliirllt. I
There wore over 20 couples present. All
enjoyed themselves, snd, when morning
' . ... i ,i. .i- i -.i
u m . a y ........ llKlri1)lm abolitionist, who has long
thoroughly tired. b,.,. in wool business, del.vercd an
The Muliiio scl I will closo on Fn- 'address before the llurvurd College Free
day evening. March 14th, with a free ex- w.m.I Club ut Cambridge, in which he
hibitton, alter which there will be a bull :
ami supper. Hoys, get your best girls , -!,, 1807, when high duties were put
and come. There will be good music and upon wool and wuulviia, both indus
a good supper. i wj,,H Wt.re Ml, vatublinhed in Iowa, hi
A great many farmers are complain' Unit yur hogs were assessed ut $1,48.1.
Ing that their horse have the staggers. iM.j lor the whole state, and sheep at $2,-
J. P. Logan has left the Million mill. 184,478. Twenty years later tho asfesscd
Mr. Logsn was elected school director value of sheep wuh $J77,4SO, and of
recently, nn.l it is said that the mill and '10KH $-',8ji,o.iO. , 1 ho protected sheep
the school clashed. Ho is a good miller '"" llltl "rl1' "u Per tollt- '"'"
Hiid oinht lo b ralained iii Ilia i-ooiitv.
The sick in this vicinity nro all Im
proving. Mesduines Hodges and Holmes went
to Oregon City, Thursday. They spoke
well ol the town and loumi it wide
awake in every respect.
One of our old It's out on Willamette
avenue is furnishing his house. When
wo saw the furniture at the depot we
promised not to irive it nwuy, so we will
call no names.
Resolutions by Tualllan Grange,
Wii.sonvii.i.k, Or., Feb. 24, '00.
At the last renular nioetinir of the
Tualitan Orange the following resolu
tions were iinuniinmislv adopted, and
also that a copy be sunt to tho county
papers lor publication :
Jlenuliirtl, That we are in fuvor of pro
cinct organization for tho election of
precinct assessor and road supervisor.
nenilrnl. Unit wo nre in lavor of
state hoard of equalization, consisting of
one member from each judicial dis
H. tolml, Thnt we demand the repeal
ol tlie act to create a Slate Hoard of llor
licullurc, and the transfer of their du
ties to the state Agricultural Collcuo. in
eluding the salary of said Horticultural
Rmilred, Thut we oppose the nppro
priiition of any of the slate public fund
tor locating or improving county roads,
A. 0. Kiiiihe, Sec,
Tho following is a list of letters re'
imiining in tho postollice at Oregon City,
fell. 28, 1HSHJ:
Adams, A J Itev Abbott. 8 K
Belles, F A Mrs Hiirglield, Jto J
Dniiovnn, Dan Frazicr, Daniel
Fisher, Herman Orifiln, Juliotis
Olllett, John (iruce, Ueori;o
(Irsce, James T lletitou, Josuph
llimler, III 2 llulenlon, Mrs.
Hunter, Tlicodoro llciiton, A. Mrs.
Jackson, John Ii Jsrnhson, Hurry
Jnnsou, I' O Kellogg, J 11
McLoiighlin & Island f louring Mills
Miller, Kiniiia Mrs Nuckolv A M
Olivet, II D I'owell, J Newton
I'fcilschifters, O IViircc, E Ann Mrs
liasmiissen, 8 Mrs Stalks, E
Slomer, Mr
Stork, Murv Miss
Vesler, Fred
When called
Wooilsrd, Allie 2
for tileuse say when
J. M. U.icoN. I. M.
A Goon Entuut.unmknt. Our best
neal talent w ill take part in the enter.
tiiiniiH'til lo he given st I'ope's hall by
f toiniiaiiv ou Saturday evininir.
Mr. MeUittrick, who traveled as a his
trionic artist with Mr. Barrett, the great
tragedian, for more than a year, will pre.
sem several novelties en costume. Other
ladies and gentlemen have generously
voluiitettred to give their assistance.
Charnian & C.o's drug store occupies
comfortable uud roomy quarters on the
second floor of Chariuuti Bros.' new
brick building, where they will be
glad to receive their customers. Pro
scriptions s specialty. In the early part
of March the firm will wove into their
new store.
Trier's l'lnlii itili Oitllnry Viws of Ilia
Unill KIimhI.
Views of the flood will be ready on
Sutiirduy. On and after Monday, Feb
ruary 2o, I shall Isko cabinet photo
graphs at my gallery st two dollars a
dozen, until further notice.
K. 1'itiKK, Main street, Oregon City.
Itwssjutan ordinary scrap of wrap
ping paper, hut it saved her life. She
wss in the last stages of consumption.
told by physician that she was incurable
snd could live only a short time; she
weighed less than seventy pounds. On
s piece of wrapping paper she read of
Dr. King's New Discovery, and mil a
ample Isiltlc; It helped her, alio bought
s large bottle, it Ik-Ih-iI her more, bought
another snd grew- better fust, continued
its use anil is now strong, healthy, rosy,
plump, weighing 140 pounds For fuller
particulars send stamp to W II Cole,
Druggist, ort Smith Trial bottles of
wonderful Discovery free at O A
Harding's Drugstore.
My money lending business will be
carried on st usual. Tarties desirous of
being accommodated will please call at
n ..in..- I I...... (ion non n..n;ii.i..
W. C. JollNSOS. '
Tin Song of Mr. Casey.
Kince l. Mcdinly la ut "the bottom ov
tho aay" to stay, u political song has
been Nlurted to supercede- Dan, In which
Mr. Casey sings :
A crowd of politicians, by promise of
high positions,
Enticed me In Iodine with them, ex
penses they'd defray ;
Oh, I nearly lost my head, when I lirst
beheld the spread,
I thought from life that I bad passed
On the table them waa sherry mid a
bowl of Tom and Jerry,
All delicacies in their seasons, and
others that were iil ;
McCiilligaii had tlio cull, and u-rolling
sent Hie bull.
Ho introduced mo to them, and they
all begun to shout:
Are you with in, (Jinny, aro you with
Are you with ns, nro you ready for the
If you're with us we can trust you,
If against us we will hunt you,
If you're with us wu are sure to win the
Echoes from Missionary Schools.
a ooy in one oi uie nriiiimeiic ciusses
wss given an example which begun
with tho statement Ihut u mun deposited
certain sum ol money ill a bank. He!
was IISKCd II ne Knew wiiat n IIIIIIK was.
Ho replied: "Yes; it is a place where
you dig coal."
" hut is the shape of tho earth?
1 tm earl h is square. L'uii says so,
ami lies.ivstlie IlooK says so, too. Ho
says il mere warin'l four t-ornera Ims
;t.0, ,, fiir angels stand on 'em."
"1 hour you'lius have taken your chil
dren out of school. What did you do
'that for?" "I'll tell ye. 1 viiiu't goin'
In send my child to any such fool teacher
us that ur. Why, hu tolo 'em that tliu
I world was roiin', un' any fool knows
better." American Mitniuniirij.
Ruin to Shee ? and Woolen Milts.
William Lloyd Garrison, von of the
than tho unprotected hogs in 1SU7 hud
- dwindled to one-leiilh the value of the
'hogs in 1887. Andiortho factories whul?
j The drviim of tho protectionist has ul
I ways been to bring the farm niid the
factory together, tliu operatives furnish
ing u market for tlie fit i in products uud
the hirmers a inurlv lor tliu goods
Iowa in 187U, they employed 11188 hands
uud there were K-i factories at work. In
1.SS0 there were only 410 bunds and ,'14
factories. With ull their turill protec
tion tho woolen mills couldn't bu hired
by the most liberal bonuses to remain
in the ueigliborhood ol u farm.
"Why is it, with 20yunrs of disastrous
experiment, tlio victims of protection
still clamor (or its continuance and ex
tensions, ure blind to argument or item
oustriitton when the question becomes
mixed up with rty ami with politics?
io evil w as more apparent than sluverv,
and yet we saw gieut Massachusetts
senators defending, as we see the ablest
of men to-day upholding (he iniquitous
turill' system, itsulf the natural ollspriug
of American slavery and civil war. 1
know of no oilier subject upon which
men who have never studied it deeply
assume to teach with authority. I blush
with the mortification of a constituent
when ceuutor Hoar utters economic
heresies tout discredit tlio intelligence
of the state. "
Ladies will rind relief from their Cos
liveuess, Swimming in tho Head, Colic,
Sour Stomach, Headache, Kidney
troubles, etc,, by taking a dose of Sim
mons Liver Itegiilutor after dinner or
supper, so us to movu tlio bowels once a
day. Mothers will have better health
uud the bullies will grow more robust by
using the Itegiilutor. If an infant shows
signs of Colic limbing like a few drops
in water for relief.
This is what you ought to huve, In fact
you must have it, to fully enjoy life
Thousands are searching for it daily, and
mourning because they Hull it not
Thousands upon thousands of dollars arc
spent tin ii ut 1 1 v by our people in the hope
tuat they may utiaiii this boon And yet
il may be had by all We guaruiilee t ft it I
Electric Bitters, if tisetl according to di
rections and the iisc persisted in, will
bring vou Good Digestion and ou-t the
demon Dypeisla mid install Eupepsy.
Wo recommend Electric Hitters tor Dys
pepsin uud all tlisca-es of Liver. Stomach.
uud Kidneys Sold at fide and l 00 tier
bottle by U A Harding, DniL'gist
Tho stock ami tlx I ores of II. U.- Mc-
Carver nre foo sale ut a low figure.
which i i a good chance for any man that
wants to go into business. Canned coin I
and groceries retailed at Portland whole
sale prices ut II. Ii. McCurver's old
stand. W. W. Mvicus, Assignee.
ltuplcl llealluK or tlie Ill-art.
Whenever you feel un uneasiness in
the region of tlie heart, a slight pain in
the shoulder, arm, or under the shoiil-
ler blade, or when you timl yourself
short of breath w hen exercising, or your
Heart lias periods ol heating fast, you
huve heart disease, and should take Du
Flint's Hkmkiiy. Descriptive treatise
with each bottle; or, address Mack Driu
Co., N. Y.
Join L. '. Iti'lKli Ii Ikou's M'ulrbClub.
A S70 wutcli for ti0 on piivments of
$1 per week. These watches are not es
pecially made for club purposes but are
from our own stock. We positively
guarantee them tirst eluss in every par
ticular. Fonts & Fiu-hs agents for Ore
gon City of L. 0. lleiiilriclison. l l'J First
Slieet, Portland.
Mas. WiKsLow'sSnoTiiixaBYSvr, tor childreu
teetliitig. Is tae pri'scriptteu of one of the best
female nurses tti'l ptiyKli'tuns In tlie I'nlleJ
Mates suit hs been tmsl for forty ycurt with
sever fitllliiK Jiici'i'M by millions of mother tor
heir children. Paring ttte process of teething
it mine Is iiK'slcitlntile. 11 relieves the child
from pain, cum dysentery aiM dinrrhtet.Kripliif
in the bowels, unit wtinl culu-. lly glvtns health
to the child II rests tlie mother. Price SSe.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure.
Tllill I hcvimd .ili.lii.il tl, mnat
e-.tnt l'oti;h t,i,.tii, we ha vo ever until : t lew
doses iiivsriitlily cure the wnrt casrs nf Cnttsh.
Croup and llrnni hills. w hilt- II wonderful me
efssln the rare ol Cinun nipt ion it without a
parallel In Hie history ol medicine. Ninre III
llrl discovery il ha btvn o! ! ...1 a gnaranlee
a test which n.iolh.T medlelne can aland. If
you have a roinjli wiearnellr ask von lo irv U.
Price III cents, .SI certs, and il o. if voiir I mm
arrsore. rbesl or lines hone. ns slnl.ilit fa
rous piaster. Sold by r U rauHt-ld at (V.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria. ,
Electrio Motor Lines
III tliu Omioiiittn of February HHIi un
pears an arllclu by William Harlow,
which la Htibsliinliiilly roprintuil boluw:
"What is going lo be the result of the
Introduction o( the electric motor la the
rural ilistriets is what wo want to think
about. Two weeks ago, 1 had never
given tlio mutter a second thought, but
tho (ini'stloii cuuie up In our county
court about the right-of-way oyer our
public liiglmnvs. and it was like throw
jug a bomb. shell into a powder house,
in and around Oregon City, lint I really
can't see anything for tliu public to be
aiurmuu ubout. oi course me electric
inotois uio aouiethiiig now lo moat of us,
and tho ideu of iiemitriiiing tlio country
with lliein la loinething now.
"Now tlio ipiestion is as to allowing
the use of the public highways, such us
streets a id county romis, to electric
motor lines. Kvery old man can re
member whut.a kick whs made as 1 1 over
Kuropu and America when streetcars
were lulkeU of. It wuh aula mat city
councils that would grant such rights
ought tu bo tarred anil leathered, etc.
lint tlio expeiimciit wua llnally tried,
and tho result was, properly wont up
all alomr the street cur lines, ami rosi
dent Iioiihcs could not be leased unlesa
ill mis iit-nr a llioior. ion uuw
.aiki now (louuie
, .......
triii'lc iiiittoi-M nf umiii. kiinls run thriillifh
c.urly nil the iinportuiit streets in our
Urgu cities. Ilesidcs these lines run
,,vur ull the briilyes. culverts, and in
Koine eases, mi the. wharves, and tbev
Im not con , unv bsirucl .hi In
the public, travcl.either'bv ilruys, trucks
or liulit vehicles. And whv? Becauso
, .ir rails, ties and gmdo are made to
'..,.,,(,,,,,,.,, i. ur,.,!,, ,,r (,H streets and
roa.ls over wlW'lithVy ruo.uiid all kinds
j(,f vehlclerf'iisu their trucks tho same as
any o.ht-r part of the street, besides
thev are taxed for every rail, tie and cur,
and in some cases, a bonus beside. And
whv cannot the county grant the same
privileges and resiiiclions as the cities,
and iheri-by derive a handsome revenue
from taxation T
"While I am perfectly satisfied that
the county commissioners have a perfect
rigid to uruiit the sumo privileges that
a corporate city lias on its public high
way, ami I am also satisfied that it
would lie a great adviinlage, so fur as
00 foot roads are concerned, to have s
motor lino on every road in the county,
ut tlie same time, ufler reflection, know,
ing the county roads of Clackamas as
well as I tin, I think it would hu the
dearest Mud bud a company could build
on, except in places w here it could not
well he avoided. It would iniiko the
road a third longer to any given point.
They would have to keep up both their
own and tlie county road, and keep it
wide enough for teams lo pass in all
places; widen and grade down hills and
make wide crosswuys; whereas a motor
could bo leveled up by narrow and high
tresllu work, mid tto straight to its des
tination, and the clamor among farm
ers would be thnt each one would wnnt
it to come right bv his (arm, for a road
of this kind has u continual depot ; pas'
sciiifers can jump on and oil anywhere
Itesiih s they can run over grades four
or live hundred feet to tho mile, with ns
much ease as a sleiiin engine can go up
an KO-foot gruile. Thev might uso tho
county bridges to some advantage wlmre
they would coino on llieir line, as they
would not be half so hard on n bridge ns
u wagon, mid then, besides, they would
huve to contribute to the keeping up of
such bridges.
"In conclusion allow me to say that I
hiivo no interest in any corpora
tion ami never expeca to have,
hut I do believe that electric mo
tors in the near future will almost do
away with wagon mads, except, in side
lilies. Yet I would give quite a subsidy
for a motor from Harlow's station to tits
.Soda spring:, Vnd I "believe lialf the
money in hind subsidies could be raised
aloin: the line to build nnil equip the
road. Now this is only my opinion, and
if some other mini of lawful age ami sup
posed to be of sound mind, will venture
ids opinion, we may get ut practical
Soutliet:. and Northern War Prisons.
In un article published in Delfurd'i
Maiinzine for January from the pen of
Jelferson Davis on "Audersonville and
Other Wur Prisons," he refutes the be
lief so ciiiiiiuoij in the .North thnt tho
confederates, were painstaking in re
lentless cruelty to federal prisoners, but
that, on tho coiitrurv, neither the Buffer
ings nor tlie nmrlulity Htnong the fed
eral captured soldiers in confederate
piisous, were so great as the sufferings
uud mortality Htnong tho confodeiute
prisoners in federal prisons. The article
It must bu conceded that tho North
ern stales uru inoio generally healthy
than tliu Southern. Then, with equal
melius mitl cure iu providing for tho
prisoners, it follows l lint the rate of
mortality should huvu been us the sal
ubrity ol the coiiutiy. It may be pre
sumed tout ull weru 'on duty' when cap
tured, and the average of the wounded
uiuong the prismieis about tliu same;
therefore that all weiu iu u cmidiliou to
he benelitcd by rest and proper treat
ment iu u favorable locality. What was
tho result? According to tlio reports id
thd I'nited States wur department the
relative numbers of prisoners uud deaths
weru in round numbers:
United States prisoners belli by
the confederacy 270,000
Confederate prisoners held by
the United Stales 220,000
United States prisoners died in
confederate hands 22,000
Confcrute states piisotiers died
in United States bunds 20,000
"From this it appears that the con
federates, with mi excess of 60,000 pris
oners, hud 4000 fewer deoths. This
should not huvu been the case if tho
means of providing for Ihetu had been
equal ; but ill every material rwspect
lit food, in clothing, in shelter, tu medi
cine, in surgical instruments, uud nil
which free commerce contributes the
North had greutly tho advantage. Only
one element remains to account lor the
dillereuce care for the ilefeuseluss ; and
this, in (lie dc tits of our destitution,
never ceased, us the world will appre
ciate whenever impartial history skull
render the justice which contemporary
prejudice and passion have denied."
Mr. Davis briefly reviews tho differ
ent and earnest elforts be made to ex
change prisoners, anil even to permit
the medicines needed to treat federal
prisoners to he introduced, solely for
their use and in charge of federal audits
who should distribute them; and ht
tells how every otrer was rejected even
the petition of a committee of Anderson,
ville prisoners who were paroled to go
to Washington to present their com
plaints, at the reutiest of tbe prisoners
The Itcsl In the Country.
Dr. E. 9. Hidden: The Ethereal Cough
Syrup cannot he excelled in the market
(or the euro of cotmhs. colds and bron
chial nllcctions. W. .M. IUkius, Nspa.
Large size 1 on, .nmll to cents. For sale
by Ceo. ii. A Harding, Druggist.
I have this day admitted my nephew
Isaac Ackeruiaii. a a partner. The lii:s i
iness mill be curried on under the twine
of Meyer and Aeki rman.
Ai.K.v. .M wki:. Ihe lireitt Kitsteni Store.
Oregon I'ity. Feb. I, ISU0.
She Sleeps the Sleep of the Just, and her
Spirit It with Cod.
The following discourse was delivered
by lie v.J. .U. DjiiuLIsoii at tho hpisco
pal church on Saturday morning last,
tho occasion being tho lunural of .Miss
Ueiie 1'oUer:
I desire tu say a few words us a tribute
of respect to this solemn occasion, and to
those who aro tlie most deeply Interested
in it.
Wo are met together in the boiisu of
Ood, for tho purpose of expressing our
sympathy with a sadly bereaved lumlly,
and taking part in (lie last religious ritet
over the earthly remains of an esteemed
member of our church, whom It has
pleased (iod, iu his all-wise but hi
scrutuhle providence, to tuke out of this
sinful, stillering world to Wis eternal
The solemnity of tho occasion Is such
as all must feel, and it is right wu should
feel it, and also gather from it a lesson
us to the uncertainty to ull, of this mor
tal Hie, and tho wisdom of eiulcavorinii
so to live daily, us we shall certainly
w ish we had uono when our lust (lay
"When the solemn death bell tolls
"For our departing souls."
It is as nutural lo die as to bo born,
and tlie one event necessarily involves
the other. Hut how different tlie feelings
which accompany these events ; tliu one
culling forth our highest joy, the other
our deepest sorrow !
Ami yet death is but tho birth of the
soul, and llm continuance of the life be
gun hero, in such condition ami rdmim
stances us this Ijfo has ipiulified it for.
The birth of the child, winch calls
forth our tendcrest love and joy, is
something wo can see ami know and un-
lorstund ; tint the second birth winch
wo call death is verv dilfurcut, mid here
wo must walk by fnith and not bv sighi.
To those wuo nre destitute of faith in
the future world, a revealed in holy
scripture, by lino who "brought life
ami immortality to light," death must
indeed ever be tlie king of terrors, and
the grave tho end of all hope. For such,
alas I thero is no comfort either in this
life or in tlie next, and the gloom of
fruitless despair is nil thut remains.
liut for those who can ut such a time
lean upon the blessed teaching of Him
who spake a never man spake, who
an believe that Uod is love and wis-
loni, that lie can do nothing unkind or
wrong; who can trust his all-wise provi
dence, ami believe thut all is ordered
lor the es(. to such death has Instils
sting and tho grave its cloom.
The heart will still mourn, the bo-
reitvod will still weep over their loved
and lost ones, for that is natural, but
they will sorrow, not ns those who have
no hope, but as thus who know and be
lieve the meaning of the trite but beau
tiful saying, "Not lost, but gone be
fore." Who would not wish at such a
1 1 mo as this, whstcrur, in different cir
cumstances, ho may have thought or
said to the contrary who would not, at
such a time as this, desire above all
things a fir ib hold of the Chrithn faith,
in regard both t tho departed and the
bereaved? Surely, without such faith
as this, life were iinwottliyof man's in
herent greatness and more than earthly
intelligence, and would be even at the
host hardly worth living and a doubtful
boon. But God. our heavenly Father,
lias completed His design in regard to
tlie crown and glory nf His creation, by
revealing lo us a future wotth striving
for, worth Imping for, wjrth dying for.
In that future life and immortality, made
known to us and Required for us by our
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, both
(iod and man, all our highest aspira
tions lind place nndsatishiction, ami the
nloryofJ.be future life sheds to tho be
liever iflinlo upon this.
Ami in regard lo those dear to us
whom God has called lo himself, how
pleasant it is to think of those points of
character, uud indications of goodness,
and virtue, ami piety, which rendered
the person lovable here ami fitted for a
place in tlie kingdom of heaven I In tlie
light of religion, still more than in tiie
light of natural affection, such qualities
are cherished and remembered.
Such it is and such it will he, in the
ease of our departed sister. To bu aide
to say ol such, that she was a good
daughter, s loving sister, a true friend,
a devout Christian, is the highest praise
that can be bestowed upon any human
be,iug. You, my friends, who best knew
the deceased, will, I believe, he the llrst
to bestow such a high tribute of praise
upon her memory. And withsuv.li kindlv,
loving thoughts, we resign her soul to
Ood, whilst we do all we can to honor
tlie visible but perishable part, which
still remnius with us.
Ami surely there is a voice which
speaks to us all at this solemn moment,
ami what the Voice says is this: "All
flesh is us grass ami ull the goodliiiess
thereof us tho flower of the Held ; the
grass witlierutM, i lie nower iinietii, nut
tint word ol Hie Lord eiiilureth lor ever.
Should not this thought of life's feeble.-
liens and death's iinuertuititv inspire in!
every Heart the prayer ol tlie I salmist.
"So teach us to nuujoer our days that
we may apply our hearts to wisdom?"
And thus living, and looking for our
own coming chanve, e shall possess our
souls iu Pt'uco, ami be aide with the
quiet contldeuce of the Psaltuist to say :
"though 1 pass through tlie valley
of the shadow of death I will feur no
evil, for Thou art w ith me." Yea, per
chance, we may be able to strike u
higher note, eveu a nolo of triumph, uud
say in the uoble language of the apostle,
whose words you bave just heard lead.
and wbo for himself counted death mil
gain: "Ob death, where is thy sting?
Oh grave, where is thy victory ? Thiinks
bo unto Ood who givuth the victory,
through our Lord Jesus Christ."
Tho Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt kheuiii.
Fever Sores, Tetter, ('hupped Hands,
hllhlslns. Corus, and all Skin Krtipiions. and
positively cures Piles, or no pay reiplired. II in
KtiaraiiU-ed lo give perfect natitdactiou, r
mouey refunded. Price i'i cents per box. For
ale by O. A. Harding.
I have received my new stuck of
French kid ladies' shoes, and all other
kinds of shoes of the best make. I keep
no goods with pasteboard stiffening or
paper insoles. If you want tbe best
shoes, go to Frank Miller'.
Builder, Contractor, Millwright
Building nil Kinds nf Mills of Brick,
Stone or Wood, and in Erecting
all Kinds of Machinery.
Best of References.
Plans and Specifications on the Shortest
C. K. II It OWN.
Itnx Orcein City. Or
For Neat, Accurate Job Work
Go to tta3 C0UFJER OFFICE,
at the depat, Oregon City.
A 7 r-i V M
for Infants
"t.'wtorln.aaowellaJaptedtoeklldmthsl I
fcwwa twine." 1LA. AKCnca, M.D., I
Ut So. Oxford 8k, Drooklyu, M. T,
InlimltJatlnj th Negroae.
Ht Louis Kenublle.
thutZ Hi :tt!!Z
the while people of the Southern status
are unable to uml.irstund why the while
people whose iic'ueneti with tliewt I
great iu everything but politics should
not be nine to divide their vote. No Ml
tie light is thrown on this point by the
testimony that was taken in a local
contest in Little Kock (the Joiies-Ulid
well case). It fully up pears in the testi
niony that tlio republic uis resort to tin
uioml shumuhiM biilhfoxftt"; nnrl borcot
ting to prevent any division of the.ti.'Kro
vote. Ppics are set ut the po'K and if
n negro does not openly v ile ti.o reoub
llcan ticket his iuiiij is set down and
the republicans wli i are imiinging the
race vote threaten openly thai I hey will
remcniner nun.
One form of "remembrance;" is the
boycott by other negroes. Il the n.-gro
votes a secret ballot, it is assumed thut
he is a democrat ; he is turned out of tliu
Society of tho Sons of nam." or Iks
colored Masons; his wife Is bovcctml
by her fellow uiomh'.-rs of the "Dsuidt
ters of h trail and Itehekah even hr
members of the church, (ieorge Jack
son, a democratic negro who lesiih'ed
after having been expelled from a re
publican ti. A. It. post for votins the
democratic ticket, told how tlis iieirro
church inlluence was used to pcrp"lu:ii,
Alncun solidarity on tho theory that
"no negro could hit tl denvicrtt and
Christian." James Wyatt, colored, had
tins to say ot republican met hods in
Eastman township:
Q. : Were you in that township dur
ing the time, before the election?
A.: Yes.
Q : Do you know of any bulblo.iii,'
talk toward colored niitn that werx go
ina to vote tlie democratic ticket?
A.: Yes, I hoard them talking about
democratic mtigcrs.
Q. : What did you hear lhni say in
regard to democratic niggers?
A. : They said they ought to bs culled
out snd whipped.
Q.: Who did this talking?
A. : Tlie colored men.
It.: Wore they supporting the repub
lican ticket?
A.: Yes.
(J. : Wind ditl they any?
A. : Thev said that tho cnlored man
that voted the democratic ticket ought
lo be killed or shot or whipped.
Q. : Was there much of that talk
through tlie country there?
A. : Yes, every whore tliore was plenty
of it.
Q. ? Did you hear of it often during the
A.: Yes, often.
When the ropiihlicuns Use the Igno
rance and prejudice of their party in
tho South, exerted II iniitih boycot
ting ami bulldozing, to bold the negro
vote solid, they are tloing the negro the
greatest barm thut could he done him
iu pushing him forward toward an issue
that ought not to exist at all. If the ne
irro cannot he emancipated from this
servitude ami allowed to vote as a citi
zen, he has no future of usefulness and
comfort in the South or anywhere else
in this country. U.ice solidarity long
continued moans a slruggle for race su
premacy, ami wherever that comes tlie
negro gups to the wall.
A thousand convicts aro now in the
penitentiary iu Washington and morn
on the road
Absolutely Pure
Tli In powder uever varies. A Diurrel tl pur
fty, Htreniiin nnd u'tmlesnnieiieHK. More eeeunm
leal iltuii tlie nrdltiHry klmtH. snd esnnot
snld in coiniH-tith n with the miillli- deof low.
test, gliorl-weiuhl itlnni nr iihomihute powdt-rg,
ild only in run. KnvAi. Baking l'uwiiae Co.,
luti ittii sireei, M'W lorn.
The abore bripht and benorolant fae, la Dr.
A. W. Acker, of England, discoverer of tha
celebrated Ackra EnKh Remedy for Con
sumption and other popular preparatlona. Dr.
Acker practised in his younjfiT days amoaf the
middle clashes of London, and waa tbe meene of
doing ureat rood, but his health failed and he
found himself in the Kra.p of connumption, vith
a wife and child defending upon him for support.
While io this conditio( he diworered she eele
braOd EnjINh R-m-1r. mr hi own life and
haii mm- airtJ nve live of ih-xiHjMhls ho wrre
no tite mire ra.i to lat!i. Aut man or womwi
who feels a tieklinc Hi l'ie thnwt. who emucha,
e-peei.iHr in tlie morniii. who niiies or han a
tt?ht fftin-.r a'Tw t'- vht. whi ha eharw
4(Hxtinf pniii rh- i -i tt lunen or dinVultr ia
tireathtn;. th-.il I m!iz- th it the ur (V.jfrsl
fmiiMHi n m Hf.ii which, if aerVetwil.
mre sane 1 1 rtitt f.U illf . Ir. A'-kr's Enffliafc
hVtne Iv h i r-ir.il in -n tian ot itwiMikil pr
4r wh . th-twtallT kid e-RiniptMSi Mid
wh wrr Kivm up iv thhr fri-nla. It snefis
fKrilar:v and M bj refttjiiIf tnnnhta
t rrt -iir a 1 1 t'w in Amerkaa, lo ma'f
f fV trttiomtit
Fer Sale b L. i kbficld A Cm4I.
1 0
nei Children.
Maria eures Colic, Coniitlnttllnn.
" Stomacu, iiarrhiea, Eniiuiiien
Worms, lives sluep, and pruuiute dl--atlon.
oul injurious medication.
Tua Cweriua Cuseaiiv, T7 Murray Street, N.
Tho Dana IMford
As they will produce with F.nsc, Neatness
and Dispatch, every knitted article-required
by the household, and of
just the Quality, Texture
and Weight desired.
Mend fur Catalogue of Frleea to
Mt Dana Bickford Knitting Machine Co.
795 Broadway, New York Cit
An Extraordinary Razor
;nr.: s i.'.v:; t o. ut rut-iuud. The edge
1 ..it.- to I'l : . . ii I !,...'!., AS , I'.VEIl
i I ili.-o t. . 1 .. . . ! ,, i .1 1 ..n.ly ever wl-
.1 'X. Il V id smer! 11 I. lee I l.etl ',i eel.l M Ivt't
'iili't'arMi.iWiii.uii 'it In... ty II Is i r- ntius
.'il'.Af l-. trh.Mi.M'Ill I lilicen ete.-lllei'X.
who luoniiiitiee It I'l.ld I.I "I II iN. t-'.nu la
'iniiilo h.nndlc: fr'-MMi In ivoiy. Kvery rnzur. lobs
L-enttiae, must itcnrnli tbe relcisc side (lie Inline
f NATHAN JOSIOPII, till luy M , hmm
KraneUro, the only p'ncie iu (lie t iiin.il Mulct
ithere thev are ol.lnliu d. 1 rude aupplUd ; kvlit
ay mail inc. extra, or ('. 0. 1).
The tlneen'a Om-n Company, hnslni; en
forced their tiietorv, nre now niuldiiu I'bAKI. and
IVtlltY ( AltVlNll KMVI'S. 'I AIH.i; mid I'tll'K.
f the Kami- itialily us their inurvulotily u under
fill Hanor.
Tho Best Machine Ever Produced,
N 1 , -
Nu.2, -
- 75c.
- $1.15.
Tliee iriietiltten can bs
tu .1 l..r i. i.i l.o.K t.lneii,
1 1 1 . - ,f r tl l hi y uvut
(!. t r li:.ltt curd eint
be p; illicit Willi Ilium.
'J he" Inlo'is are no
liim.lici;, la i i. nby piiiu
l.nil Miiclili.en, unit will
iln whul uo cluini lor
st Yondcr of ihe Aire II
I t-l t hcllir.ll sl M'i o li: Ul l le eever
1 "nil lo H o pub in. SCENTS
I .V Mltm :t,ill Nt.l.p.O i-itit u.uks
BIG PAY. Yntir naeiit n Itulibor
Rtairvi with any oj m-1 :i do i "ins.
Excelsior Stencil and Stamp Vcrks.
43, 51, 53, 5) S, 6iv E'.a I y) Z. Li ml-a-d J ..
u-acd 10 Ota for Ills, trn'.c.l CitaV-to. Ix.o T. . r.
for tha
Active.honest pprsnnsall over th
-y, wiui or witbout team.
JTIH U. EVAIfl.STo'Tl liu, Ml)., wnin:
lb si Wulwr niN more hr I la r n I luom
tftf IU tpsi md Mott thit ryrr i lul "i n
Mrtsln raltitation. Iffutl will -t uii air in'
Und up "vt ifhrtt
in lur.f i.sii il) (
firm tilth it" tisn HO
i imeti t Hint will uks sj
til labor ffonnsn U thli n nhi r lakes oil the wuaitn. and Mif sinsirb
iiejult W an 1 oul m n I n sill inr sitter hur, iftht
ki M Itk the feMher from cider Ih.-lr if d ' l 'rs to )t for IL
JOHN II. D'tlNlP., JR.. je-r. Vjhju. III.!': Vo.i wkhal
liklnkoftht Wsshet I Niurh; U tsimm r. 1 It is ih- l-.t inathin
m.itfBtd by lass. SI. W-).rr juu n r--l dinirrt i Muit ia al
n any ihr -Uf. H. ir.ti y.t , -l,irt ,H.t I i.t .. .m fr fMn.
I will sill pi Mplf tu llni-cilT-lr:ii on rrf m tsi-k't
ItUIm llhrrsl trrnt. A Hniti an ' n i- run I hp l--l tttibcr
k tb rlr for Mtltit Inli -r. rln 'rv tin.! -of(i. r,iaH)ia
kU wifHt blif Ihoii'V. V.rilo Lit- p trtlrtiliif.
J. WOK TH. 171" Vftn !. i i t vi- l.oiiU. Mo.
Ho To 'iljfc
IN. W. cor. Socond und Sal in mi St.
Friucipal, Hucreturft
Ths C. C. C. Jnurnnl (new edit inn), giving fuil
Information, sent Pituc Address,
r. 0. Box 5M. Portlaud, Oregoa.
How a Dying Child
Vas Scusd I
Cicaao. Ramiltos Co., Ikd., Sept, 19, 1S97.
Tha following i. a truo account vt whnt your
I. 8, S. haadon f.r our little draightcr. llozcl,
low four ycari old. Whra l'J cio:it: sold a
lump appeared on lie heel, which sluwly jrevr
larger. Tbe fa:ulij jj.-yslciar tb .acht It w;it
eauMl by a ptuce of brokuii glats or n.clo,
hut (ailed to bring anything to lljif. T!.o
child bcoamo fooblcr all tbe time, ucmini to
lose the uso of her lop, and Anally q:itt w.ilk
lag entirely. Tlie middle flavor ami thumb
ef either band becami- enlarge 1, thy (le. h bo
eominy bard. The Joint- b 'ca.no in voir,
ad, so that when seventeen m nilts ol I she
eould not stojtl, having lost the um n,' log
and arm. Partial curvature or the fp!:ie nlw
followed. Tho nervous Kvstera wtw wrevcd.
Muscles contracted, and tJure was gutL-ral
wasting of ttah aud muclo. At c!;;iitccn
months cf age she was placi-d utiilcr the
treatment of a prominent physlclnu at Bos
ton, Mass., but at the end of ten montlm she
had declined to such adrrc thutehe wan la
a dying condition. Tills ws lu A;irll,
We took the child away not knowing what
to do. In this dreadful dilemma we were
ever-persuaded by fricals to try "one bot
tle of Swot's Specific, which we did. and
before It had all been takes we saw a clian-a
for the better In her symptoms. We kc;t It
op. and hare done so to this day, and will
keep It up. If the Lord wills, for many days
to eome, for It has br night our dying H icel
te life, torlgor, to strength and health avails,
The ashen hue of her cheeks has char, go J to
aresy tint. Shu Is able to walk anywhere,
her languor aad melancholy havs pawed
ewsj, and she Is aow a blithe, cheerful, hap
py romping child. Should you wUq u tu
crease four testimonials of proof of the
virtue of S. S, Sv, oar names and what w
havs aald Is but a portion of what w owe to
yon, should yoa wlh to use then.
Kindle yours.
Bun. 7. Swrrr.
Gebtbcdk E. Swtrt
F. a Box A
Treatise on Dood and Skl.t IHseasea mstled
Tag a w irr Sraarjc Co., D ra er Ui u&a u,Ga