Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, February 28, 1890, Image 1

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NO. 42.
II, peculiar efTleacy I, (lilt
as min-ii in me inM-. huh
NOTHING ,1(111 In compounding aa to
ii,. it the ingredient, tlieinxdve.
him ii TaUxU In Unix, II cheeks
diseases IiiIIih outset, or If
thajr b advanced will provoa polcnlcura.
No Hoi shoull lie f itkont It
It UkM the place of a
inrtur and costly pro. mu
erliitloua. All who feud Kn WHOtl
edentury lives will llnd BINIflT
11 lll IM-.l ir"i fllll n !
An' Epitome of the Happenings
, of Two Hemispheres.
What Is Transpiring In Congress
Condensed In a Nutshell Other
Interesting Items.
and cure lor liidlu-eatliiii.
('nnatlpalion, Headache,
I'll,, and Menial Depression. No loa.
r time, no Interferciiee with hushieei
wliil. iiiklinf. tor children II la moat in
auceul and nannies, No dungcr froin
xMxmru wicr taking. fares folle. DI
arrham, llowel Cotniiliiliila, FeverUli-
ami Feverish Ci-liln. Invalids mid
d.llcnle persons will llnd It lliu mildest
. a II ....... A IIIIIa
AlH-neill llllfl J onit- mr; " "
taken at night Insure, rcfnlilliK sleep
and a natural rvHi'iiiilliiu (it I lie iMiweii
A little lukt'ii In the luiirnliiK shurpoiu
the Hiietlli, cleanses Hie stomach and
waetuti, the breath.
"I hav, bean practicing medicine for
twenty yean and have never been alii, te
I Mil ,p a vegetable comNiund lhal would,
ilea Simmons Ijver KeKiilator. promptly
and .fTectively nwv. ibe Liver to action,
and ,l th. .am. time aid limaead of weak
ning) tb. diKctlive and Miimilalive
powen of lh system."
L. M. Hikton, MO., Wanhington, Ark.
Mark, of flenultienesai lsik furthered
Trade-Murk on front of Wrapper, npd Hi,
Seal and Hlgniiture of J. Il.7.cltlu A Co., lu
fad, ou the aid. Takeuuolher.
The steamer
Taylor Street Dock, Portland.
Eighth Street Dock, Oregon City.
Oregon City 7:30 a. in. and 1 p. id
Portland, 10 a. in. and 3:30 p. ni.
The Celebrated French Gure,
Warranted A PU PfiniTIN C' r mone;
toi-ma inmiiuiiu ru
Is hOM t)N A
lo cure any
form or nei vouu
iliaofiw, or Any
"""Noil vi tt.ij w irrT'
BtfORC Kfiivmiivo or- AFTER
guns ol either wx whether mining from Hi.
xcessive tine of Sllmiilniita, TobaiTO or Opium
or through youthful indiscretion, over iiidulf-
nee, Ac, mu ll as Loss ol lliniii Toner, Wakeful
ness, lleni lug down 1'iiiua in the Hack, Seminal
W trusties, Hysteria Nervous rrntrntinn Nocturn
al Emission, U-ucorrliu-a, liluiiiess, Weak Mem.
ry, taol l'onor and Impolcncy, which if
fleeted often lend to piciiialiiieol.liineninl in. nu
ll)-. I'rlco 11.00 n box, C boxen for 10.00 Scut by
mail on rcceipt of price.
A Vi It ITT KN (i IT A It ANTIC K forever)'
order, to refund the money if a J'uriiuitiettt
lira Is not effected. Thousand! of lesliinnnlnll
from old and young, of both sexes, pcruuiuontly
nred by AriiKortiTiNR. Uircular free. Address
Hold by 0nn i Ixxiln. driiKK'xta, sole nenl
Oregon I lly, or
Dealer in
GUhhh, Putty, Stv.
Prescriptions carefully Compounded.
A 8 Dheshbh. T A McUrids
M( i;i!II)i: DiiKSSKIt,
Attorneys at Law,
Farmers' Land Company,
Office at Noblilt's Stable, near Railroad
Depot, Oregon City, Or.
Buying and Selling Farm Lands
In f'luekitiiot I'ouuty a ftpeelnlty.
Corre8poudciiee Solicited.
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable
On the Street between the Bridge and the
Iloiible and simile rbrs and saddle horses al
ways on hand at (he loweht rsles, and A corral
alio conneeled with the ham for looep stock.
Any information reimling any kind of stock
piomptlv intended lo hv letter or person
hoiisks KOLiiirr ok soi.o.
F. 0. McCOWX,
Attorney at Law,
Oee.iln S.'rjst, Oregon City, Oregon.
LiiiiiI Mailers a Sppi'lnKy.
The Kiiinlileri of Spokane were rnulixl
by tlie law and order leatfue. The door,
were broken In with axes, and every
plityer a well aa dealer waa arrested.
Mire HuHKtina Warlield, the oldest In
habitant of Carroll county, hoe jnat died
in h- r imth year. Tlie itrand inaugural
nierch rendep-d at the inautinratioo of
l'r.a)doat William, Henry llarriaou.Iortyi
eight yean agn, waa i'oinioitd by her.
llizi nah, tbo pnifiliat who kMlcd Tom
Jiinn a in a rpairniK innteli, lias been dia
ehargid on tlie ifronnd that there ia no
law to itidi' t for killing another in a li
vened exhibition. TIh other member,
of the paity, including Kilrain, were re
leased. (iiintartin A Boyle, woolan merchants,
14 and 'lM Lispdturd street, Now York,
havo made an acRignmeiit. The firm
told largely to pcddlerp, and was known
all over llie united ntaiea wncrever peu-
Hers w nt. Nominal assets, slM5,009;
liabilities, f'.hO.OOO.
(irant Israeli an old-time Comatoek op
erator and resident of Sun Francisco,
ditd suddenly at that place ol heart dis
ease. He was once in me stage Dusiness
at Maryeville, and in 1874 kept a saloon
ia Viruinia Citv. Nev. tie cleared (II) ,-
000 on the Sierra Nevada deal.
At Newark. N. J.. Manager Doane, who
whs recently given tlie title of Protonary
AiKMitoliG hv the Pope, notified his par
ishioners ot St. Patrick's church that
thev must take their cb'ldren from the
public tchools and nut them in parochial
schools under penalty of excommunica
tion and denial of absolutism.
Inspector A. F. Learned is taking the
enstih of the Chiueso population in Port
Townsend for tne purpose of aiding the
Customs Department in watching Tbr the
contraband coolies. Mr. Learned has so
far counted up 3-0 Chinamen, and thinks
when he has completed the census they
will number 41)0.
The Mi ntatia Supreme Court has de
cided tliut State ollicers may draw their
salaries without the appropriation being
made for that purpose by the Legislature.
The Court held that as the new onutitu
tion fixed the rate of compensation no
special legislation is necessary, there is
4J.0U0 in the State treasury. I
Indian Agent Cransie says the Indians
in Suiilh Dakota are starving to death.
If the
Joseph Hillman of Woodbury. N. J.,
who was bung recently for the murder of
a peddler named Zeidcmann, was Inno
cent, it now transpires, and hi living
wile the guilty one. rinimaii comesseu
the crime to save bis wife. -
Joe King the English pugilist, has
skipped from Boston, taking with him, it
it alleged, a gold watch, ( 00 in money
and several gold medals set with dia
monds, the i ronerty of John Joveo. ex
champion feather weight ot Kngland,
who hat been backing him.
Ileuiy Dozier, colored, while scrubbing
a sidewalk in the streets of St. Louis was
shot and killed by another i olored man,
who has not been captured. The cause
is not known. The nulit before William
Brooks, another colored man, was called
out of a house of prostitution in the same
citv and stabbed tl death.
At Albany George Saltniarsh.' who a
ahort4ima.go initrrir MipsXola Jtiley
of Eugene, shot her aud then himself.
After marriage they lived together but
three weeks and separated, and on the
15th instant made up again. Just liefore
tlie shooting Saltmarsh told his wife he
was going away. She will recover. He
cannot live.
A pretty Germau girl, aged alxrat 24
years, was found unconscious on tlie
street at Newark, N. J. She was taken
to police headquarters, wbere she recov
ered consciousness. She gave the name
Willielma Lettering, and said she came
from Carlstadt to find friends in the city
and had (11,000 in hills. She was hired
by a man into a house, where she was
drugged, assaulted And robbed. She
cou'd give nodescriptioz of her assailant.
The bodies of an old couple named
Jones, six miles west of Omaha, were
discovered hidden behind a barn on iheir
farm, both perforated with bullets. They
had evidently been dead some days.
Frank Ollilt and Jerry Lee. two residents
of South Omaha, have been arrested,
charged with the murder. It was found
that they had sold cattle stolen from the
place to a South Omaha commission
A special from Pickardsville, Mo., rs :
The temperance crusade in this tion
of the State ia spreading. Thursday a
number of women met and decided to
close up certain houses running in de
fiance of the liquor laws. They assem
bled, armed with rocks, etc., and, pro
ceeding to the aa loons, smashed in all
the windows and doors. Then they pro
ceeded to irrigate the street with the con
tents of bottles, kegs and barrels. After
this they demolished the fixtures of the
The fillv Orna. winner of the two-tear-
old stakes at Santa Kiea last fall, died at
San Francisco. Her owner, Captain
Harris, had relueed f lo.niM lor her.
further noti-e. The total amount pur
I chased on this account is a'out (12,000,-
000. of which 17.000.000 was surrendered
under the first call lor reduction of Ibe
fund of ltWO. From sutv-live banks in
eluded In the second call favorable re
sponses are already received, whi- h sur
render over 15,000,000 in government
bonus, thirty-two going outof the system
altogether. ; ,
Major Lowell of the geological survey
haa prepared a bill, which will saon lie
inlroduccd in the House, providing for
preliminary work for irri.-ation of arid
funds of the West. It contemplates a
survey of the arid region mid thedivision
of it into districts oy hydrugraph:c basins,
each basin consisting of the streams and
tributaries which they rtr.un and which
may be made available for wateriug lands
Each basin ia to have a local government
similar to a county government, enabling
tlie settlers in each to control Iheir af
fairs, subject only to the Unit-d States
L-t- a iii"iTiew.wrn-TeiBon A
Miles save: A proposition., attbeen made
to expend (12-i,000,ihio lor dciense ol the
coasts of the United States washed by
the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Accord
ing to the promoters of tlie scheme this
sum of money could be disposed of ad-
vnntageousiy in the course oi lour or nve
years; btu, u the usual coutse is pursued
with appropriations, nearly a generation
will haye passed away before any prac
tical results are accomplished. This is
an important subject, and Congress can
not do a wiser thing than to authorize a
speedy outlay for protection of the large
cities of the L'nited States, now almost
It is generally conceded that the Ore
gon delegation is one ot the hardest
working in Congress. It is certuin that
in the matter of the introduction of bills
the two Senators and one Representative
are far ahead of any three men in the
Fifty-first Congress. Senator Dolph has
introduced thirty-three general bills,
mostly for the Pacific Coast, but some ot
them alfectiug the entire country. He
hag presented eleven memorials and pe
titions and two resolutions and private
claim and relief bills for many persons.
Senator Mitchell has introduced forty
general bills, some affecting the whole
country, but the majority of them local
to Oregon and Washington. He has in
troduced twenty-three memorials and pe
titions and seven resolutions and numer
ous private bills Representative Her
mann has introduced thirty-six gencr.il
bills, five memorials and two resolutions,
besides private bills.
PORTLAND MARKET.! 0F oemmjmimterw.
The local merchandise market report
an Increasing business, although of course
the rush of back orders of tbe previous
week has quieted down. Country stocks
must be light, and aa soon aa the mails are
moving freely a good trade ia anticipated,
th future outlook being attll viewed with
Coffee, all grades, has advanced Kijlc,
and we note a like advance both in New
York and Chicago.
Hice has advanced Jc. t. t
Sugars are in an uncertain state. , ' f
Breaking Plow $8W.W
broadcast Seedera DJrjiUO
Binding Twine lOperctdis 18c
Binding Wire ,f " lstic
Grain Drllla. lKVtyi
Gangriow... KXkniUS
Osborne a Mowers .. ..Super etdl 16
Kcapers " " luu
" CoraMwre&Kpra " " loO
" Droppers. .. " " WO
Steel-frame sell-
blnd'g Harvesters " " 180
Railroad Harrows, Iron whls pdox 48 a M
Railroad Barrows, wocd whls " SO
Road Plow 30Sd
Solid steel scraper, i 12 a 14
Steel disk harrows 60'aUO
Spring wagons 125 170
Sulky Plow 75-iUrj
Walking plows 0fo26
Wagons, all makes HOjplUO
Bnrlaps, 40 in...
Burlaps, 45 in...
burlaps. 00 in...
tinnnies, 18x40.
Potato bain, net cash 5c6i
Wool 34 lb, " 38
Wheat sacks, spot, net e.h 71
Wheat sacks, extra, second hand . . o
Guatemala, K lb.. 222
Java, lb 2o 27
mocna, v to xs (Ml
No. 1 Costa Kica, if lb S2 j) ?3
Rio, V ft 22 W21
Salvador, if lb 21j a,!i
Koaated, la Bag-,,
Arbuckle's Arioaa, tb iCa'M
Closaet&D.'a Columbia 1 tbpra ... 25 (W
Costa Kica 25 (u 28
Roasted Java
Roasted Mocha...
3') (032J
Vegetables (Fresh).
e 3,0UQ recently authorized for their h1ir ,aa wn Qimlr nff t.h rivr Tf pa in
relit f hv thelVpfcitlenk hodt'laytd lonirer - n:D;nn a.;r, k.A u..ua.
there wotuti be lew Indians to receive any Bruno. Sixteen persons on the Coral
1.. ...,llli, i l.iia.,ran 111, nniu liot tin ODO I '
ui nriim ii.ciino. i, .io ""- uueen were drown'd
more help isquickly furnished it is doubt-1
fill whether the 000 Indiana on the reser
vation nil! liva until spring.
Colonel Weidlei's bond in the sum of
(85,0 0 has been approved, and he will
take charge on March 1. His appoint
ments are: Cashier, A. H. Morgan;
deputies for Oregon, N. 8. Pierce, O. N.
'awcett and JN. Langell; deputies lor
Washington,- A. A. Putnam oi Tacoina
aud Joint A. Todd of Srokano Falls;
lerk, F. M. Wadsworth cf Beuton
Thomah f'HAKMAN,
Bank of Oregon City.
Paid up Capital, - - - $50,000.
A getters! baiikin, bii-lness trani-Heted. Iyiana
made on available ieenrHy. All kinds of good
paperrtineoui'led. ("oil. etlnns made.
Interest paid on time deposits.
I'.'alO K 1.. KAM HAM. Managei
A number of men have leased lands
from the Indians on the Umatilla reser-
ation, and have begun preparations to
sow the usual crops.
The steamers Otter and Hasealo col-
iidtd at Seattle. The Otter bad a bole
nocked in htjr side and the Hassalo one
in her upper woidwork.
Wake Pickens was shot and killed by
his brother. Zeb Dickens, at Hurdmau
for taking hie brother's wife to supper
from a ball room. His brother was
The Supervisors of San Francisco have
passed an ordinance that umnutown
must remove to South San tranciBco.
The City Attorney says tlie ordinance
ill hold.
Jndire Wallace of San Francisco has
appointed a receiver for tlie American
suuar refinery, whose franchise was re
cently- forfeited ou account of tbe cotn-
auy's connection with the Btigar trust.
George E rtabel, owner of a butcher
slirp in San Francieco, shot and killed
liiiiipt-lf His wife was suing him for a
divorce, aud tlie caBe was to have been
called that day. Friends say that this
matter preying on his mind was the
cause of the deed.
J. B. McDonald has resigned as Presi
dent of the Seattle and Lake Shore rail
road because the company would not pay
is salary and made mm buy bis private
car himself. J. B. Pace, the millionaire
tobacco manufacturer and largest stock-
older, will succeed linn.
The will of Ernest Ehrich, the great
o'inist, an account of whose death in
San FranciFCO was recently published,
ss been hied lor probate, lhe tot. 1
value ol tbe estate is (11,105, coneistii g
real estate, musical instruments and
other pereonal property and (785 in
Tl.e Umpqua R;vt Ruilroad and Im
provement Company of Rosehurg has
been bonded to the Central Trust and In
vestment Company of New York for (I,
100,000. This is to complete the road,
which will tie fifty-three mill long and
connect with tbe Southern Pacific at
It kill all ipfltuiirusti. n ui trriurioa.aiid ith
nl man dtnij r of Mi )- mad otitcr biu
ymmfrr'f. price. 25 cent Box.
p.5."oV SMITH & WE880M'8
aiunnf(trnurNl mmAmmie&m
I uu vuv ursv i-uoicvtii an j
exiit-ru. la ctntrM
I kt auid 44-HsU. Sliiifle or
I dourde action. Safety Ham-
Bent qafilitr wrottght
al a, I. nu-ffullf lniit-Cti-(l
tut orknimnihfp auJrit'ack. Unrpaledforl
lah. dnrabilliv ! mrcurnrr. Lx
xt'it 1(C '1pi-iI Uy cbii moUrabU. it-im imitation
'. oftiu tol'l for the gritum artk-l!. Thj are unr
j lliule and tlaiiKmnft. Tbe Rmith a Wtmnw Rtv
: Toi.rBMa rr (miu;m1 iipun tli- latm-hi wiiti flrni'i
; aain, aaliln-M aiMldaiwf patfuu. and an giar
t nlrel prffct. Init ui"n haMti thm.ai.l if
your -J-ftir canuot suipl yu, an '-fl'T iit uatf-
tlrhe-low will rrrt-iiriiTipi .itltit)'lL Ixactty
1U caLakAgoc sihI rU nixn aiiritiiion.
- rrUvAel-i. Haaa.
The brig John T. Spreckels and the
barkentine Marion came into collision
outside San Francisco harbor. The brig
was much damaged, but managed to sat
in. Repairs to the Marion w ill cost ( 00.
The steamer Louise of the Jacksonville
and Mayport (Fla ) line ran into an ob
struction near Hunter's null on the bt
Johns river and sunk. One man was
drowned, and the other passengers es
caped with difficulty.
The girls' seminary at S-tn Marcos,
Tex., wag burned. Three l the gtr!
were seriously burned, and thirty others
only escaped de dh by jumping from the
third-story windows to a gallery, Irom
which they escaped by ladders.
It is estimated that the total loss by the
Toronto university me will be ifl.uu i.tioo.
This includes the library, valued at (100,
000. The loss of records, historical doc
uments and many va'uable papers be
longing to 1 resident mi Daniel Wilson
cannot be estimated bt dollars and cents,
for they cannot be replaced.
Tbe steamer Zelandia from Australia
to San Francisco ieports a terrible gale
on January 28, just after leaving Auck
land. Herwheelhouseand the state-room
doors and windows were smashed in, and
her ventilators, sheep pens and sheep
were washed overboard. The sheep were
for Honolulu. The gale lasted tw days.
Jtrry Legrang, an Italian w ho rents n
farm five miles west of Corvallis, went
out in the timber to cut wood. Failing
to return in the evening, search was be
gun, and next morning he was found
dead with a frightful gash in the top ot
his head, from which his brains were
protruding. His ax lay beside him, and
it is supposed that in ch pping it struck
an overhanging limb with the above re
sult. Word comes that Graham, a mining
town in the Silver Mountain district,
where an English company has expended
f)O(),00 in erecting mills and making
developments, has been seriously dam
aired bv a snowslide, which earried awav
a boarding-house and a tramway a mile
in length. The slide split at tbe mouth
of a canyon, passing on both sides of the
residence lormerly occupied by Superin
tendent Parsons. Twenty-three inches
of snow have fallen at Graham.
Daniel Donnelly of the firm of Don
nelly 5t Howard, found'ymen, Sutter
Crei k, while returning from San Fran
cisco, fell or was knocked from the p'a-
form of a train wb'le cropsing the bridge
across Sutter creek. He was not missed
nntil the train arrived at tbe depot. M s.
Donnelly went with the train back to the
bridge, w here die found a memorandum
book and. bis brains s atte-ed over the
bridge. Evidently the body fell into the
creek, and it haa not yet been found.
Senator Mitchell has introduced a bill
authorizing the sale of the vcant lots in
ttie Fort Dalles Indian reservation. It is
represented that these lands have been
depreciating in value since they have
been withheld from market.
The public building fiVht in the State
of Washington has developed into souie-
; thing interesting, and mav result in
J trouble at home for some members of tbe
delegation. The cities of Seattle. Tacoina
and Spokane Fal'f want public buildings.
I lie inns lor each oi meae cities will un
doubtedly pa the Senate.
No more
chased )
The workmen in tbe royal railroad
shops at Bi-eslau have petitioned the Em
peror to give effect to the rescript by in
creasing their wages.
The miners In - Westphalia, in the
Rhine provinces and Saxony are holding
frequent mass meetings, in a'l ot winch
Socialism is the great theme.
The little Duke of Albany is develop
ing a wonderful ufiniiis.'-or innsic Were
be in a different station be would proli
ably be exhibited as another Josef Ilof
man ii.
Brutal floggings are reported from Si
beria uton refined women, who have
b3en banished there for political reasons.
One was whipped to death, and ttiree
took poison.
A Berlin Israelite named Hynan Mar
cus refused in court to swear ou the Sub
bath day. The Judgo fined him 30 marks
and the cists of the trial, upon which
Marcus bolted the oath.
The I'arnellites propose to press the
government for tlie payment of the ex
penses attending their defense In-fore the
commission. Tlie demand will be made
on the gio'ind that the report of the
commission acquitted the accused.
Bismarck's right-hand man, Dr. Nay-
eer, has been appointed vice-Secretary
of the Council of State. This appoint
ment disproves the renewed rumors that
there is increased friction in the relations
between theChancellorand the Emperor
A letter to the St. James Gazette sug
gests a series of foot-ball games between
picked Knglish and American teams.
lhe dashing American style ot play finds
ill be de-
favor with the English, who wi
lighted to welcome a team from the
United States.
It is proposed to have a huge labor
lenionstration in London and at the
same time agitate similar meetings in
New York, rliilodelphia, Ulucago, Ber
lin and Vienna, to begin on May I. The
object of these demonstrations is to en
force an absolute observance ol the eight
hour demand.
Detective Heideliorg of tbe Central
New York detective bureau has arrived
in Berlin to ake charge of Liewenher,
of the New York leather firm of Loewen-
hern & Lnnsburg, who is charged with
is-tiing fraudulent notes to the extent of
(Jl.oi) It appears to be extremely
doubtful whether extradition papers will
be granted. -
The Geman Liboral press complains
bitterly of the secrecy observed bv the
State Council now in session, the com
mittees or sections lieint pledged not to
divulge the contents of tbe bills laid lie-
fore them Attention is called to the ab
sence of Lilierals and workingmen from
a body convened professedly to consider
tbe question oi laoor.
A Cabinet council occupied four hours
in discns3:ng what reply to make to Mr
Parnell. Parneil lias asked what course
the government intends to take. The
meeting was not stormy, but was hope
lessl" divergent in opinion. W. If.
Smith's stbgstion that Parnell be in
formed that tbe government would leave
the Judges' verdict to tbe ratification of
public opinion was finally adopted.
John Burns has received a cable from
the American branch of the International
Labor Association that all will lie ready
in time for tbe workimrtnen's holiday as ;
arranged last June tit the Paris labor con- Clear P. 4S..
ference. Notwithstanding tin. Burn, ' No. 1 floorimr.
admits that Hie organization is progress
ing very slowly and meets with irreat op
position from the hnulisit authorities.
and even from many of its supjiorters.
The Brit-sh Government haa secured
tbe patent for a new artillery weapon It
, claimed that guns constructed on this
tirim-inla are annerior to anv in nreapnl.
use in Europe, having an effective rAnge
of 0 f0 yards and firing three times mire
rapidly than the Armstrong gnn. The
inventers are two othVers of lhe Ameri
can navy mwiicd lnga ami N-hwe-d;
Cabbage, If lb i 1 j
Carrots, persk ' I 25
Oarrota, young, dos 15
Celery, V dos 00(8)1 00
Lettuce, if dos 124
Onions. V 100 lbs 2 00rS2 50
Potatoes, If 100 lbs 1 65(gil 75
Potatoes, sweets, iff ft 24
Radishes, If dos 12
Spinach . '
Turnips, sk ST ; 125
Chickens, large young, f dos. . . 5 500 00
Chickens, broilers
Chickens, old 6 000 50
Ducks. V dos 7 00ra8 50
LGecw, young, K dp..w..l0.U0fflU 00
turkeys, young:, w ip
Grouse and Pheasants 8 00
Apples 1 5KS8 00
Bananas. hunch .'. 8 60S4 00
Lemons, California, V bx 3 75g4 00
Lemons, Sicily, If bx, new 6 50
Limes, If cwt 1 60
Oranges, Riversides 3 00
Oranges, Seedless 4 50&4 75
Barley, whole, V ctl 80 90
Corn, V 100 Its 1 60
Oats, Rood, old. bushel
Oats, new, " 40 ffl 42
live, if 100 lbs, nominal 1 224(0)1 25
Wheat, Valley, If l'Olbs 1 171 20
Wheat, Eastern Oregon 1 121 15
Oregon fancy creamery- 25
Choice dairy 20
Common 8(8124
Pickled, California WS
Eastern fancy creamery 25
Call torn la choice 20322
Oregon full cream 15
Oregon skima ai d old 10
Swias Cheese, domestic 15 16
Young America, Or. 14
Oregon, If -los ; 17 18
Eauujrn, f dos IDA 17
FLO I' It,
Portland patent roller, if bbl 8 76
Salem patent roller 3 75
Diyton patent roller 3 05
Caxcadia parent roller 8 6
Country brands 3 50
McMfnnvllle 75
Superfine 2 50
White Lily 75
Graham 8 25
Kye flour 8 00
Mraaa Meeda,
Timothy 6 0J
Orchard Gran 11 &12
Red Top 7
Blue Grass 12 14
English Kye Grass 1K4
Italian Hve Grass OWll
Australian hye Grass.... 74j 9
Mesouite 7(10
Millet 56
Hungarian Millet. fl (r 8
Mixed Lawn Gross 12fel5
Clover Meeda.
Red Clover, 10 114.
White Clover in win
Alsvke Clover V (ft 17
Alfalfa WJ'.IOJ
Canary 44'i3 8
Flax 4lm 5
Hemp 6fS64
lUpc, California ii
Bran. If ton 17 OtKfSIH 0(1
Hay. ton, baled 15 OO alO 00
Ground Barley. If ton 22 5lK24 00
Mill Chop, If ton 18 0f20IO
Oil Cake Meal, if ton 30 iHXi'.U 50
Shorts, ton 20 00 1 21 00
Rough '.. Per M, (10 00
Edged t 12 00
T. & (i. sheathing 13 00
No. 2 flooring 18 01)
No. 2 celling 18 00
No. 2 malic 18 00
Clear rouKh 20 00
22 80
22 50
No. 1 ceilina 22 50
No. 1 rustic 22 50
Stepping. 25 00
'.ar Plae. -1 -
200-m baa. If ton 17 00
lWtbbaga. If ton V 00
GroundTtock, 50-ft bags, tf ton 12 50
A Hope (Me.) physician has lived
for eighty yoara on a strict bretd-and-milk
diet, never having uucaslon to try
his awn prescriptions.
A farmer of Tonipleton, San Luis
Obispo County, C'al., pulled a beet the
tier day that weighed one hundred
and fifty-tour pounds. It was seven
feet long.
About A. D. 745 books were first
bound up into leaves, and two hundred
years after thny were multiplied by
printing. The Chinese furnish books to
each other for next to nothing.
It Is well-known that whales can
remain a long time under water, but
exact data a to the time have been
rather lacking. In bis northern trav
els Dr. Kuckenthal, of Jona, recently
observed that a harpooned white whale
continued under water forty-five min
L . RAiont obae.rYaUoia ot the waters
of Great huit lake prove conclusively
that the statements made that no form
of animal or plant life exists in the lake
are erroneous. No fish or other large
form of animal llio has been discovered,
but the presence of vegetable organisms
in tbe lake may be considered a fact
from the abundance of animal exist
Tbe testimony of medioal experts
has lately been discredited In England
by reason of the diametrical views taken
by distinguished physicians and sur
geons when testifying in murder trials.
It is said that "one point only is de
termined by this evidence, and that is
that the pliysinlans have no olearly de
fined ami fixed sclentiflo basis on which
to found tholr opinions."
In Bowling Green, Ky., there is a
very sagacious dog. The other morning
horse was left standing bitched to a
buggy, and while Its owner was In an
adjacent place of business tlie animal
took l right and ran away. He was go
ing at a break nook speed, whon the dog
saw him, lumped the fence, headed tbe
horse, grabbed the line In his mouth
and held him fust until tbe owner of
the beast cume up and relieved him.
It Is a little singular, with all our
mutual benefit societies, that a mutual
dowry society was never established.
Imagine the effect upon tbe matrimonial
market ot a thousand young women de
voting ten cents a week, a fixed per
centage to be given to those who are
married within the year. The anxious
and aimless could not then become a
drug in tbe market Something of this
kind Is In vogue In Europe, where it is
stipulated that a beneficiary must have
been a member ot the society for five
years before reuulne a dot
In Algeria every girl born of native
parents ia tattooed on her fore
head between tbe eyebrows and
just at tho root of the nose with a
cross formed of several straight lines
of small stars T running - close- to
gether. These tattoo marks are a dark
blue color. Algoriun women are also
considerably tattooed on tbe backs of
their hands, their forearms and chests,
as well as on their shoulders, tbelr
wrists being especially adorned with
drawings representing bracelets and
flowers strung together. As a rule,
women are the operators, and It Is prln
olpally on children between the ages of
seven and eight that they have to ex
eroise their art They use sometimes a
needle, but more frequently a Barbary
fig-tree thorn, llioy employ kohl as
coloring substance. It is a kind of fine
powder made from sulphur of antimony,
which is also in great request by tbe
Algerian women for tbe purpose of face-
painting. '
tatlatlra llaaed on Jnvoatlsatlan, of th
llrltl.h Medlral AMoelatlnn.
Prof. .Murray Humphrey has just
brought together a remarkable book oo
"Old Age." It is baaed upon the result,
of an inquiry conducted by the collective
Investigation committee of tbe British
.Medical Association.
In a portion of it the analysis of the
returns, respecting 5J centenarian, are
given; of thesiajil were males and Hi) fe
males. Eleven of these were single (10
being females), 5 were married and Htf
were widowed. Out of 50 returns 8 only
were In allliient circumstances, 28 were
comfortable and 10 poor; of these 9 were
fut (8 being females), 20 wore spare and
18 of average condition. Twenty-five
were erect in figure and 25 were bent.
Out of 85 returns 28 used glasses, 7 did
not; but of these 4 were poor, S had used
glasses for 40-50 years, 6 for 80-35, 4 for
lu-'jn. 3 tor 4-0 ynara, & for "many
yoara." lor a tow yoara. . Worn among .
these one hail used apectacles for many
years, but for tho last twelve years had
been able to read without them; another
hud not used them for twelve years; an
other "hot for many years," but one can
not now get them strong enough.
Out ot 47 returns 40 had a good diges
tion. Out of 48, ill) had good appetites, 2 boti
and 10 moderate. Of 40, 25 were moder
ate eaters, I) small and l'J largo. In re
gard to alcohol, 15 took none, 24 a little,
0 were moderates and one was used to a
good deal of Is-er. Of animal food 8 took
none, 10 moderate, 25 little, 3 very little
and one much. Or! aperients 'JJ took
them rarely, 14 never and 5 frequently.
Out of 30, 2d could say that their mem
ory waa good, 0 bud and 7 moderate. Of
45, 7 smoked much (4 being women), f
little (1 a woman), 8 moderately (1 a
Out of 40, 37 did not take snuff. As to
sleep, out of 40 112 were good sleepers, 5
hud and 7 moderate.
From 35 returns tbe average timo ot
going to bed was 9 o'clock; but 1 retires
at l'J und 1 at 11, 5 at 7; 7 are bedridden.
The average time of rising was about 8
o'clock, but tl rose at 0 o'clock, 1 at 5, 9
at 10, 1 at 11 and 1 at 4 p. in.
Out of 42 n'turns-24 hud no tooth, and
from 38 returns but 4 bud artificial
teeth; yet In men about 80 tbe average
number of teeth Is only 0 and in
women 3.
In Vi returns tlie average age when
married among tbe males was 33, and
the females 25; tho average numlier ot
children is, from the returns received,
0-7. Pull .Mull Gazette
I Eastern Oregon.
j According to abriokage . . .
j Valler.
Sprint? clip..
How They Are Ilought and Sold In th
Market at Htamboul.
There are actually at Stamboul about
ninety regular slave brokers who sell
and buy slaves, or who are the medium
of buying or selling. The slaves a-e
lodged In bouses known by the publio,
just as they know tne dealers In any
sort of merchandise. The principal
slave houses are about thirty.
The Abyssinian slaves are rare on ac
count of tlie delicacy ot their health.
An Abyssinian maiden from fourteen to
seventeen is worth from 60 to 120 liras
(a lira is worth about 18 shillings), but
a handsome one Is sure to bring 800
Bros. White slaves (Toherkes) are
more abundant. Muidens from twelve
to fifteen are quoted from 00 to 800
liras, and those from sixteen to twenty
from 00 to 1,000 liras. Tbe price varies
according to beauty, size, complexion
and accomplishments. Singers and
musicians generally bring a good price.
Many people here buy slaves for legal
marriages, preferring them to Turks.
Tbe reason is that a slave has no rela
tions (mother-in-law especially), and,
therefore, no visitors or callers. She
endeavors to please her husband. She
is obedient and economical, and very
affoctlonute even lr pretty well treated.
Many sieves would not leave their
masters lur the world, but many others
would be too glad to obtain their lib
erty. Homo are well looked after, well
cared for, richly dressed and have costly
jewels. They dino with their lady and
are treated as companions and as mem
bers of the family.
Among the possessors of slaves who
were the most noted for their kindness
and benevolence was the late Princess
Zeinoub Hiinoum, tbe daughter of the
first Viceroy ot Egypt, Mehemot Alt.
During ber lifetime she gave monthly
allowances, from two to fifty liras, to
each of ber slaves. She had some
eighty of them married to respectable
gentlemen, and gave to each a dowry of
from ".,000 lo 5,000. Before her death,
throe years ago, she made a will grant
ing freedom to all ber slaves and dis
tributing to them valuable presents and
There are hundreds of young girls
who are sold to persons who sell them
or exchange them for others of greater
beauty, it is revolting to see to what
extent slavery is encouraged here, and
how many ot these poor creatures
would like to fly away from tlie brutal
ity of their masters, and how many
others are exported against their will.
In general, slavery here is tlie curse of
ir4-rent. bonds will I pur- 'The trials have been emimntly success- j Unipqtui 1920 l"" country.- oiut,tiiiopl. Cor. Ln-
-y the Treasury Department until ful. , Umpqua, Umb and faU UK 14 ion N.wa.
A llaiireealile Disease Due to Constitu
tional Debility.
Eczema accent on the first syllable-
is one of the many eruptive diseases ot
the skin. . The blood-vessels of tbe
parts utTeeted are in a state of conges
tion, nccoimmulod bv Itching, smarting
und ex iiilu tion of serum, or wutcry por
tion of tile blood. The disease varies
gt-eutly In severity and extent as well
as In its course and character.
Its simplest form is a mere redness,
perhaps on the eyelids or behind the
ears, or neur tho joints. Some times
there are pimples, either on affected
spots or around them, or more or less
dlirused over the body.
Sometimes vesicles wutor-bluddors
are formed by tho exudation of serum
beneath tho skin, tho special seat being
the buck of tho hand or tbe front and
shies of the tl tigers. In a few days the
serum may be ubsorbed, the swelling
subsides, the cuticle- dries up and comes
olf, and tho skin either returns to its
normal condition or the cuticle Is
thrown olf In si-ales.
In another vurloty there is intenso
rcduoNH, profuse exudation and the
formation of a thick crust through fis
sures In which a mucous pus exudes.
The final period of eczema, when
chronic, may he characterized by a com
ing olf of the cuticle in thin, fine scales,
or by a tendency of the skin to chap and
ciuck; sometimes tbo mere stretching
ot the fingers will cuuse It to break.
In some cases tbe skin becomes as
hard and tough us leather, with an in-
Unatton to itch and throw off dry and
scaly scurf; more rarely It Is rough like
an old wart, in which case the Itching Is
generally vory severe.
As a rule, tho eczema occurs in limited
patches, but occasionally it spreads over
large part ot tbo trunk or limb.
'I'll ere is hardly any part of the body
which It may not attack. It is not contagious.
The disease may result from a condi
tion of the laxly from constitutional
debility, or temporary derangement of
the nervous or digestive organB, or even
from unsuitable or insufficient food or
it may have an external exciting cause
-cold or heat in excess, lnsulllcient
lothing, or garments that irritate the
The treatment must be first directed
aguinst that which causes tho condition
of which the eczema is only a symptom.
At tho same time locul treutment will bo
necessary. Hut no general direction
can bo given suited to so variable a
disease. A skilled physician should
have charge of tho case. Youth's Companion.
Adventure In a Forest.
On Little river, near Osceola, La.,
Robert Warren, a lumberman, lost his
way in the woods. He thought he heard
a buinun voice, and hallooed to attract
attention. Ills shout was answered, and
the cries came nearer and nearer. Then
lie discovered that it was a pan
ther that hud been yelling. Being un
armed he climbed a tree and remained
in it for uti hour. The panther finally
left When be thought the coast was
dear Warren descended and pursued
his way, and when be again hallooed to
t tract attention the panther returned,
this time ui-coiiipaiiicd by his mate. Up
pling he again went armed with a
stout club and determined to sell bis
life as dearly us posnibie. In tbe mean
time the hoys in camp had become
lurmcd at his absence and started out
to search for him. They bud reached a
point within a quarter of a mile of
where he was treed when they caught
the aouiid of bis call for help, and, as an
answering signal, tired olf a gun, which
had tlie clleet of frightening oil tbe
panthers. - I'liie.i-o Herald,