Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, February 14, 1890, Image 4

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Within my home In bed I ly,
I bad been reudlng Thackeray.
Soma pinna I bud boon lookluf o'er(
Ural story, tilo, seoond floor."
And on Hit ninht of which I write,
Whato'er the cause, I iuw light
That never In my life before
I dreamed to we, or dreamed I w.
A rudily dume In costume old,
With luce and rulllo manifold,
Htnod Hxlnii me with milium eye,
Wblle 1 could neither move nor 017.
At'lust sho spokes 'Tv lost my wy
1 mum bo gone before 'tis dujr.
. You uro the master here, I know;
, llelp me. A come I, I would go."
Thoront my courage noon returned,
My KUnst's diloniin thus I learned!
And wuosoo'or this dame might be,
Why hud "lie oome to flurry mef
; Bhe Bald : "I came to ee from far,
Wluityour famed 'Queen Anne Mansion
Lost In this fearful, wondrou house.
What oould I do but you aTouset
" tjnseon by all I thought to be.
Hut thus you could not act me free.
And," added "he, "I am not well;
Ob, load me hence, unloose this spell P
Quick drawing soroen about the bed.
And, huddling on some olotbes, I led
My strunKor guest upstulrs and down
And oould It be I saw ber frownt
My stairs are nlwnys a surprise,
Twenty-Inch "trends," four Inches "rise,"
" Tb'i ty-elght stops we've Journeyed o'er,
I think," she suld, "to reach this floor.
" 'Tls well the stories are not hlghj
" Much onalntor so," 1 did reply!
- MyJnod room Is a little low."
8be gave a quick, assenting bow.
The second stoif's my prides
Roughcast and glided work inside,
Llncrusta tiles arouud the doors,
Urokon greou boUle inlaid floor.
And yet no word she spoke, but trod
As one who's charmed by maglo rod I
And when our "gun log" Are blazed,
And the eloolrio light, she stood amaze.
Then I was sure her speech must oome,
Hut when It did I was struck dumb.
For my uislhetlo house sucb words
Words that might turn sweet milk to curds!
Cried she : "I lout lie holes In a floor,
Whence blasts with demon fury pour!
These pipes and oocks and hidden things.
These blinding lights, kjyose startling rings!
" A shingle palace made for show"
Who told bor so, I'd like to know?
" No harmony, nor plan, nor care,
And every thing I everywhere.
" Oh, for the age of stone and men I
Tho days of stout VanbniBh and Wren
Of common sense and good red brick.
Your gilt and gewguws make me sick."
At this point I could bear no more;
My blood was up, my feelings sore.
Madura, this house to me is dear.
Its architect myself stands hers.
" What can you know of Anno or Wren?"
Bhe turned and shook bar bead, and then
With withering smile: "Thou wretched
Bhe said, "I am myself Queen Anne."
W. Henry Wlnslow, In Youth'sCompanlon.
How Brie Earned Money to Fay
the Hired Help.
Now that Mr needles and hemlock
needles have become recognized articles
of commerce, and every other shop
bonHts Its row of fragrant cushions,
with tholr tnovltablo motto: . "Give Me
of Thy lliilm, 0 Fir Tree," I am re
minded of the first pillow of the sort
that I ever snw, and of what it meant to
ttio girl who made it. I should like to
tell you tho little story, simple as It is.
It belong to the time, eight or nine
years since, before pine pillows became
popular. Perhaps Chateaubriand Dor-""Vr-t
nnj-"; '-- V-.
Lio, u
liuTir sei a laHiuon.
Yes, that was really her namel Iler
mother met with it in a nowspapor, and,
without tho least idea as to whether it
' appertained to man or woman, adopted
' it for her baby. The many syllables
fascinated her, I suppose, and there was,
besides, that odd joy in a piece of ex
travagance which costs nothing which
appeuls to the thrifty Now England
nature, and is one of its wholesome out
lets and indulgences.
80 the Methodist older baptized tho
child "Chateaubriand Arumintha," mak
ing very queer work of the unfamiliar
accents; and then, as far as practical
purposes aro concerned, the name
ceased to be. How can a busy house
hold, with milk to set, milk to skim, and
pans to scald, and buttor to make, and
pigs to feed, find time for a name like
that? "Itsiliy" tho llttlo girl was called
till she was well settled on hor feet and
lhe use of her little tongue. Thon she
became "Ilrlo," and Hrlo Dorset she re
mained to tho end. Few people reool
locted that she possessed any other
name, unless the marriage, birth and
death pages of the family ltiblo happened
to be under discussion.
Tho Dorset's was one of those pictur
esque, lonely outlying farms, past which
people drive in the summer, saying:
"How retired! how peaceful!" but past
which no one drives in the winter. It
stood, with lis environment of red barns
and apple orchards, at tho foot of a low
granitm clilT whose top was crowned
with a fir wood; and two enormous elm
trees met over its roof and made a
ehecker-work of light and shade on its
closely-blinded front No sign of life
appeared to the city peoplo who drew
their horses in to admire the situation,
except, perhaps, a hen scratching In tho
vegetable beds, or a lazy cat basking on
tho door-step; and they would drlvo on,
unconscious that behind the green blinds
r1hvo a pair of eyes watched them go,
and a hungry young hoart contrasted
tholr lot with its own.
Hungry! There never was any thing
like the starvation which goes on some
times in those shut-up farm-houses.
Hoys and girls feel it alike; but the
boys are less to bo pitied, for they can
usually devise means to get awny.
How could Hrie get away? rihe was
tho only child. Her parents bad not
married young, ithen she waa nine
teen they seemed almost elderly peo
ple, so btculy does life on a bleak .Now
England farm deal with human beings.
Iler mother, a frail little woman, grew
year by year less lit for hard labor. The
farm whs not productive. Poverty,
pinch, the inevitable recurrence of the
sine things to be ilono day after day,
month after month, the samo needs fol
lowed by the same fatigues all these
Trie had lo bear; find nil the while the
child hud that love nnd longing for the
beautiful which is part of the artist's
equipment, and the deprivation of
which is keen suffering. Sweet sights,
sounds, smells all these she craved,
and could get only In such measure as
her dally work enabled her to get from
that world ef nature which is the satis
faction of eager hearts to whom all
other pleasures are denied.
The fir wood on the upper hill was
the temple where she worshiped.
There she went with her ltiblo Sunday
afternoons w.th her patching and stock
ing mending on other days. ThPre she
d.-ttxed .r; ;i, earns sal prajed ber
prayer, and while there arte waa con
tent. Hut all too soon would come the
on lid of tho horn blown from below, or
cull from tho house, "Jlrie, Hrie, the
men are coming tosupper; maWebaateP
and she would be forced to hurry back
to the work-a-dar world.
Harder times followed. When he
was Just twenty ber futher fell from his
loaded hay wagon and fractured hi
thigh. There was 110 cure for tho hurt,
and after six monUis of hopeless attend
ance bo died. Hrie and hor mother were
left together on tho lonely farm, with
the added burden of a large bill for doc
toring and medicines, which pressed like
a heavy weight on tholr honorable
Tho hired man, Reuben Hall, was well
disposed and honest, but before .Mr,
Dorset's death ho hud begun to talk of
going West, and Hrie foreboded that bo
might not bo willing to stay with them.
Mrs. Dorset, brokon down by nursing
and sorrow, had become an invalid, un
able to assist, save in tho lightest way.
The burden was sore for one pair of
young shoulders to beur. Hrlo kept up
a bravo face by day, but at night hor
rors of helplessness and apprehension
seized her. Tho heavens seemed as
brass against which hor feeblo prayers
beat in vain: tho future waa barred, a
It woro, with an impassable gate.
What could she do? Sell the farm?
Thut would tako time, for no one in par
ticular wanted to buy it If Reuben
would only stay by them they might bo
able to fight it out for another year, and,
what with butuir and eggs and the corn
crop, make enough for his wages and
bare living. Hut would Reuben stuy?
Our virtues sometimes treat us as in
vestments do, and return a dividend
when wp least expect it. It was at this
hard crisis that certain good deeds of
Brle'a in the past stood her friend. She
ha I always been good to Kcuben, and
her sweet ways and consideration for
bin comfort had gradually won a pass
ago into his rather stolid affections.
Now seeing the emergency sbe was In.
and the courage with which she met It,
ho could not quite And the heart to
"leave the llttlo gal to muko out by hor
Belf." Fully purposing to go, ho stayed,
putting off tho idea of departure from
month to month, tind though true to his
Idea of propercautlon, he kept his good
Intentions to himself, so that tho relief
of having him there was constantly
tempered by tho drend lust ho might go
at any time; still it was a relief.
So April passed, anH May and Juno.
Tho crops were planted, tho vegetables
In. Hrie strained every nervo. She
petted her hens und coaxed every possi
ble egg out of them, she studied tho
tastes of the two cows, she maintained
a bravo show of cheer for ber ailing
mother, but all the time sho was sick at
heart Every thing seemed closing in.
How long could she keep It up?
Tho balsam firs of the hill grove
could have told tales in thoso days.
They woro llrie's solo conlldunts. The
consolation they gave, the counsel they
communicated, were mute indeed, hut
nono tho less real to the anxious girl
who sat beneath them, or laid her chock
on their rough stems. Juno passed, and
with early July cume the answer to
Ilrio's muny prayers. It camo, as an
swers to prayers often do, in a shape of
which sho had never dreamed.
Miss Mary Morgan, teacher in Gram
mar School No. S, Ward Nineteen, of
tho good city of Koston, came, tired out
from iter winter's work, to spend a few
days with Farmer Allen's wife, bor sec
ond cousin, stopped one day at tho Dor
se .'8 door, while driving, to ask for a
.t,b- nt u'ntfir funk a fnncv in Die dill
nninn rt,-,.eunr mine
ovorto pr. pose herself as a boarder for
three months. ,
"1 can only afford to pay seven dollars
a week," sho said, "but on tho other
hand I will try not to make much
trouble, if you will tako mo."
"Seven dollars a week; only think!"
cried Hrie, gleefully, to her mother, after
the bargain was completed and Miss
Morgan gone. "Doesn't it seem liko
a fortune? It'll pay Reuben's wages, and
leave ever so tmiclt over. And she
doesn't eat much meat, sho says, und
sho liki-s baked potatoes and ereura and
sweet baked apples better than any
thing. And there's tho keoplng-rooui
chamber all cleaned and ready. Doesn't
Itspem us If sho was sent to us, mother?"
"Your poor father never felt like
keepin' boarders," said Mrs. Dorset "I
used to kind of liko tho idea of it but
ho wasn't willin'. I thought It would
ho company to havo onu In tho house, If
they was nice folks. It does seem as If
this was the Lord's will for us; her com
ing is so unexpected, and all."
Two days lator Miss Morgan, with a
hammock and a foldingcanvuschalrand
a trunk full of light reading, arrived,
and took possession of hor new quarters.
For the first week or two sho did little
hut rest, sleeping for hours at a tlino in
tho hummock swung beneath the shad
owing elms. Then, as tho color came
hack to her thin face and tho light to
her eyes, she began to walk a little, to
sit with Itrle In tho fir grove, read
aloud to her on tho doorstep whlK she
mended, shelled peas or plnkod over
berries, and all life seemed to grow
easier and pleasanler for tho dwellers
In tho solitary farm-house. Tho guest
gave little trouble, sue paid her weekly
due punctually, and tho steady income,
small as it was, made all the dilleronce
In tho world to Hrlo.
As tho summer went by, and sbe grew
at home witli Iter now friend, alio found
much relief In confiding to her tho per
plexities of her position.
"I see," Miss Morgan said, "it Is the
winter that is the puzzle. I will en
gage to come back next summer as I
havo this, and that will help along; but
the time between now and then is the
"Yes," replied Hrie, "the winter Is
I the puzzle, and Reuben's money. We
have plenty of potatoes and corn and
vegetables to take us through, and
there's tho pig to kill and tho chickens
will lay some; if there was any way In
which I could make enough for Reuben's
wages wo could manage."
"I must think It over," said Miss
Sho pulled a long branch of tho bal
sam fir nearer as she spoke and buried
her nose In It. It was tho first week in
September, and sho and Hrlo were sit
ting in the hill grove.
"I love this smell so." she said. "It
Is delicious. It makes me d ream."
Hrie broke off a bough.
"I shall hang it over your bed." she
ald, "and you will smell It all night."
So tho fir bough hung upon the wall
Until it gradually yellowed and the
needles lxgan to drop.
"Why. they are as sweet as ever
sweeter?' declared Hrie, smelling a
handful which she had swept from the
floor. Then an idea came Into her head.
Sbe gathered a great fagot of the
branch-", and laid them to dry in the
f un oo .oe ""or pf hule-uscd piui.
Wben partly dry she atripped off the
needle, stuffed with them square cot
ton bag, and made for that a cover of
oft aagn-groen silk, with an odd shot
pattern over It It wa a piece of what
had boon her groat grandmother' wed
ding gown.
Yvila! Do you realize the situation,
reader? Hrie had made tho first of all
the many balsam pillows. It was meant
for a good-bye gift to Mis Morgan.
"Your cushion i the Joy of my life,"
wrote that lady to her a month after
she went homo. "Every ono who sec it
falls In love with it Half a dozen peo
ple havo asked mo how they could get
onu liko lu And Hrie, this has given
me an Idea. Why should you not make
them for sale? I will send you somo
pretty silk for the covers, and you might
croKS-stilch a Utile motto If you like. I
copy some for you. Two peoplo have
given me orders already. They will pay
four dollars apiece if you like to try."
This suggestion wa the small wedgo
of the new Industry. Hrie lost no time
In making tho two pillows, grand
mother's gown fortunately holding out
for their covers. Then came some pnt
ty silk from Miss Morgan, with yellow
I..-' for the mottoes, and more orders.
Ilrlo worked busily that winter, for bor
balsam pillows had to bo made In spare
moments when other work permitted.
Tho grove on tho hill was her unfailing
treasure of supply. The thick-set twigs
bent them to her will; the upper
branches seemed to her to rustic as with
satisfaction at tho aid they were giving.
In tho spring tho old trees renewed
their foliage with vigorous will, as if
resolved not to balk her In her purpose.
The fir grovo paid Reuben's wages
that winter. Miss Morgan came buck
the following June, and by that time
balsam pillows were established as
articles of commerce, and Hrie had a
magnillcont offer from a recently estab
lished decorative art society forasupply
of the needles at three dollars per
pound. It was hard, dirty work to pre
pare such a quantity, but she did not
mind that
As I said, this was some yoars since.
Ilrlo no longer lives in her old home.
Iler mother died tho third year after
.Miss Morgan camo to them, the farm is
sold and Hrie is married. She lives
now on a ranch in Colorado, but she has
never forgotten the fir grovo, and the
memory of it is a help often In tho de
spondent moments that oome at times
to ill lives.
"I could not bo worso off than I waa
i.hi.n." she snvs to herself. "There
seemed no help or hopo anywhere. 1
felt as If (Jod diun t care ana uia t near
my prayers, and yet all the timo, there
was dear Miss Morgan coming to help
us, und there were the trees, great beau
tiful things, nodding their heads, and
trying to show mo what could bo made
oiit of them. No, I will never bo faith
less again, nor let myself doubt, how
ever dark things may look, but remem
ber my balsam pillows, und trust in
Uod. Susun Coolidgo, in Young Wom
an's Magazine.
Leather Made from a Muscle on a Horse's
lliml Leg.
Hut very few peoplo who wear Cordo
van shoes have any Idea whero the
leather bearing the name comes from,
henco the question is often asked:
"Whut is Conlovan?"
"Cordovan," the name by which leath
er made from tho hides of horses is now
known, was finished In Hamburg, Gor
many, under the name of Ross leather.
Tho , peculiarity of tho horsehido is
I hoi. w!,.""
foumllmly in the equidal family, con
sisting of the horse, ass, zebra, gnu and
quagga. This shell is a muscle in n flat
sheet spread over tho horse's rump and
between tho hips and tail, extending
down to tho legs, making a piece of oval
form about two feet long and one and a
half feet wide in the widest part. This
inusclo grows firmly to the groin. liolow
it is a llunnel-like tissue.
In combination with it tho bide has
four layers of muscular skins, which,
with Hie "shell," give to the horse the
great and tremendous pulling power
thut makes the animal so serviceable to
nuiikind. This "shell," if properly
11. illicit and shaven clean of its sinewy
matter a most, dillicult task makes
the li.'st-wearlng leather in existence,
and proves the theory of old-time shoe
maker --that only leather of a long
fiber will wear to be a mistaken one.
us tho "shell" has no fiber.
In this It has a decided advantage
over calfskin with its fibers; tho break
ing of any ono throws additional strain
upon tho other and a broak in the
kather soon follows.
Experience has demonstrated thai
the "shell" will wear two or three
times longer than calfskin.
Cordovan possesses another great ad
vantage in being nearest water-proof ol
uny leather made. The firmness of
texture also permits its taking a very
high polish. Springfield Homestead,
Aged l'auper (in New York) "Car
you toll me tho shortest way to tin
almshouse, sir?" Lambkin "Wul'
street!" N. Y. Sun.
Wife "I have hired a music teachei
for our daughter Fannie." Husband
"(rent Scott! is it absolutely necessary
that we should always have a row on
hand with the neighbors?"
l'oet "Havo you read my lutes!
effusion?" Candid Friend "No, I havi
not Wo are friends, and I don't waul
to do any thing that is likely to lowei
my opinion of vou." Hingbumton Her
"What makes the tea so weak, Mrs.
Mi-lverrel?" asked Funnywit, the wag ol
our boarding house, "it's been listen
ing to your jokes about the hash, I
reckon." replied Mrs. McKerrol. Hur
"This seems like a sweet dream." hi
rapturously remarked, as he lingered
with her at the door-step. "It docBn't
seem like a dream to inc." she replied
"for a dream mam vanishes, you know.'
lie vanished. Akron Telegram.
His wish. "Is there any tiling you
wish for, dear?" said the young wife
fondly to her husband at the breakfast
tahlo on the morning after the wedding.
"Yes, I wish somelHidy would give me
10 for that .'.OO0 check your futher put
among the wedding presents. Yankee
Marked 1'rivate. Willis -"I am sor
ry that your wife opened that business
letter I sent you, Harris. You told me
that she never opened your letters."
Harris "She doesn't as a rule, Willis:
but you see you made a mistake to mark
it 'private.' "
Mrs. Watts "Mr. Watts and I make
it a rule never to quarrel before the
children. If we have any argument
with each other we always send them
out of the room." Mrs. Potts "I have
often wondered why your children were
out on the street so much more than
Othei reenls'." f fi Hutf Express
; We ask a special favor to yourselves
for all who happen to glance at the shove
heading not lu fa I reading this notice and
the testimonial below from one of the best
known biialnes women In this country:
December 1, leU.
Sirrra Chrmirul Company
(iKkti.kmkn: N'nibiiig lnit a desire to
benefit the afllkt'd Induces me to glv yon
the following statements of fuels: I havii
been a u Merer with dizziness in mv head,
and mv rnnslliutlun was ueuerally broken
' d..wn. At times my back would ache mi
' that I thought 1 would bate to give up
and my ryiniitoiim were inch thut I be-
cine surf that my kliinot were oiki-bhiu
Ct'HK was re oiniuended to me, and I have
given It a square trial, and ran now say
that It is all and even more than Isrl timed
fur It a womrrW rtmtily. I Intend lo
keep It In mv house at all limes, and will
recommend It 'o all my friends, as I 1111
doing dally. Hellrve nie vi ry thankfully
vours, M-iis. M Mau.ohy.
Sole agent for M ('alio Snnltlve Corset,
tili Mission street, San Fiancisco, Cil.
The man who laid up money for a rainy dy
Jiut struck It this winter
Peter Wine, the lalmr leader, jointly
charged with Powderly with conspiracy
by Cullagban, waa given a hearing at
Ureensliurg. Pa., anil hound over to the
court in the sum of f'lUU.
Thomaa Mulrooney, a recruit in the
depot detachmeut at Columbus, O., com
mitted iiiiclde by ibooting himself. He
is supposed to be the on of a wealthy
Chicago family under an assumed name.
Williams baa Introduced a bill direct
ing the Secretary of the Treasury to pur
chase at the market price $4,000,(100
worth of o-ilver bullion per month nnd
have it coinr d as fait as purchased into
standard dollars.
The Committee on Naval Pensions has
reported back the Senate disability pen
H n bill with a substitute making tl.e
rate of total disability 2 per month and
a partial f'lO per month. The bill as
amended pnsgi d.
Secretary Noble lips accepted the resig
nation of Hiram Smith of Missouri,
lnpii'y Commissioner of Pensions.
Siniih became notorious as ono of Tan
ner's reratfd subordinates from Mil to
$72 per month, with $0,000 arrearages.
The steamer Lake Ontario, arriving at
Boston Irom Live? pool, brought Captain
() Walbre and the crew, ten in number,
of the Norwegian bars Rose dale of
Pbares, bound from Mill River, Jamaica,
to Glasgow. She was abandoned in a
sinking condition.
John McUillignri, a letter carrier, be
came intoxicated at PhiladHlphii. mid in
stead of delivering his pouch full of let
ters took them heme and threw them in
the stove. His landlady ret cued most ef
th 111, but s 111 were destroyed!. He
was committed to jiil in default of bail.
Something of a sensation was caiiFed
in the Capitol at. Washington by the
finding of a small tin box, iu a cuspidor
in H e rotunda, containing a substance
looking like saltpc er and punk. The
CtpiloT police think it a railroad torpedo,
but sent it to a district oliomirt for anal
ysis. A bank at Dallas, Texas, recently
sli pped two packiig , one containing
$! 15,01)0 in gold and the other $35,(XR) in
bills, t the Commercial National bank
of St Louis. The gold was received, but
the bilsw-e not. The bank notified
the express company, and an inveet'gi
tion was nude, which resulted in the
knowledge thtt F. A Walton, ncuiey
clerk in the Dallas Pacific Expressotlic,
bad altr.uttd the money, lie is miss
ing, w ilh a eeW's start of -the officers.
No great cJiJirai-ters are formed In this world
without suffering sucl self -ilenlal. MmUIu w
.Henry. . , . .-'
I9l I AM 0Hr:T.
Mrs. KinellneC. Hnnna. mlmloiisry for First
Paptiit Church, Troy, S. V.. says: "I am only
too Rlsd to add my testimony to the (treat vslne
of Dr. Iiavld KcnuedO Fauirlte Keinrdy, made
at Hondiiilt, N. Y. it has iermHiieu(ly cured
nie of Kidney troubles, Catarrh of the Bladder,
also cnimtlijatloii. 1 would outc thai I used lr.
Kennedy's Vavorlto Kerned) with the fu'l con
scut of my physician."
Dr. David Kcnn.ciy s Favorite ncmeuy is a
povercixn remedy for Nervousness, Rheumatism,
Klitmyaiid l.lver Complaint, and all the ills
iieruliar to women. It drives the poison from
the blond and restores the patient to the bloom
of youth
13k. Kknnkry's Favokitk Kkmf.dk, made at
Koudout, N. V. 1! 6 for fa.
Kend for bm k how to cure Kidney, Liver and
Blood disorders.
The votinir ladv who bss the most beaux Is not
always the one who iccts tied to the best hus
band. Jaint'Btnwu News.
A Woman In the Case.
There nlwnys Is. She Is the power behind the
throne. A woman's Infliieiire over the man who
loves her Is often absolute. To wield so im'Ht a
powertoVulde.slrenslheli aud help Iler husband
a woman's lnlnd should be clear and healthy,
it cannot be it she Is unVrtna from any (line
lloual derangement. How many a home is made
unhappy because she who should he Its life and
light is a w retched, depressed, morbid invalid:
Wives, mothers nnd daughters, why sutler from
"female coinplaliits" which are sapping your
lives awav. wheu Dr. Pierce's Fnvo lte , resorp
tion will renew vour health and gladden those
about you? It has restored happiness to many a
saddened life. Whv endure martyrdom when
release Is so easy? In Its special Held there never
was a restorative like the "Favorite Prescrip
tion." To cleanse the sloma di, liver and system gen
erally, UBe Dr. l'lcrce's Pellets; aft cents.
The Honor w ar in Hangur Is assuming a lively
phase. It Is a kind of lluuKorliia warcfare, so
10 speak. Boston Herald.
If no' above being taught by a man, take
this good advice: Try Dobbim' Klectric
Soup next. Monday It won't cost much,
and you will then know f r yowse'f just
how good it i. He sure to get no iniila
ti in. There are lots of them.
strange, Isn't it. that a stately woman's car
rlaue shows to the best advantage wheu she
walks? Baltimore American.
Havo vou trl d Dr. Svkes' Sure Cure for 0
tuirh? II not, why 1101? Hee advertisement.
You cannot dream nurself Into chart cter;
you must hammer and forse yourself one.
r rollde,
t rench Tans)' Wui'rrei are the Beat.
Dr. Livingston's Tansy Wafers for the
restoration of Hiippre sed menses nkvkh
fail n hen the directions upon the box are
strictly iil-served.
The Tansy Wnfers cannot be bought at
drugstores so don't allow y nil-self to he
impos d upon by spurious Mid weik init
titn.nsef ir. Livingston's French Tansy
Wafers, and reiiiemlier lhat the genuine
Crtn only lie obtained from 11a, so If you do
11 t nut to lie disappointed scud f i in a
Ciisiercil letter i r nostoltlce order to the
! I.' i g-to 1 Chemical Company, Portland,
i i 11, ano a 11, x v. 1 tie sent ny return
nail, -ecurcl) sea ed from the eyes of In
l'tiiiivi. ph,.h i ur address.
A mei. ly fa it-11 u.-m.- . ay rise again, but the
rt-conelUu oue is truly aiiiiisbed bchll!er.
Oldest and b st, "Taw-ill's Punch" Cigar.
Tav Or. for breakfast.
Horse and Cattle Diseases.
For (ienernl I's-
The Arms' Tslsee snd ftK-k f'sr Co..
T"hi?.i, Ohio, June. 1R.
Wp cheerfully recommend St. Jacobs Oil as
the K-l lor gi lli'ral u-e oil st-s-k.
Cold, Swelled l.ltnb. Inflammation
Ncponset, 111 . May :1. I
My maT cantflii c.,.; rcsiil, : swe led
limbs, lun.p heiwei n f rv I-fr an.l infiamraa
Uon. Cured ber wuh btJsisUsitMl.
T f'prrf.r-is isn rr-FSS
Til t'ttr'lT VuUl CO.. H,sisrf. Mi
Poor llaaaanlty I
Thaonmmnn lot Is oue of sorrow flaf at leas'
the MsoMlinisls, Ihey who look at lhe worst sld-,
I'erialnly what would otherwise Is) a bright
eslsiemw I often shadowed by soiuu niliueitl
that overhangs It like a wall, obseu liiur per
petually lhe radiance lhat else would light the
path. Koch an ailment, and a very uoiiunnn
one, la nervousness, or In other words, weak
lies uf the nervous system, a Dominion old)
Irremedlahlo where Inellluient or linpropei
aus are taken to relieve II. The onuourrenl
MMirirnce uf nervous people who have per
Islenlly use I Hosteller's Hlomsch Diners Is.
thai It conquers eoli-ely siipersensltlveuessol
the nerve-, as well asdlsesaea -sooallei1- which
4ie Invited mid suslslneil liv the chronic weak
miss. As Die nerves gnln stamina from the
gioat undo lhe trouble diMtppearo. Use th
inners for malaria, rhoumatiairi, biliousness
sou Kidney irnunics.
A woman's happiness Is In danger wheu she
begins t- coin pan- her husband with other men.
Atchison Gluts.
An Hcgiint I'acknge uf Flue Cards,
ncludii'ii IA rare novelties, slimes and ar
tistic Imported 0 eoKrnphlc and hromatic
cards, mis large and beautiful collection
sent by mail to nny one who will do this:
liny a box of the genuine Dr. C. Mcl.aneV
Celebrated l.lver l'ills from any dropnlst
price 21i cents, and mat us lhe outside
wrapper wlih your address, plainly writ
ten. and 4 rents In stamps The genuine
Mcl.nne's Tills are prepared onlv b)
1'leiiilnir Ilros., Hi tshurK, I'a., and have
been in constant use for over sixty years.
They are superior to all other In ii'irlty
and effectiveness. A certain cure for In
digestion and sick headache. Addres-,
Fleming Hros., I'ltlsburg, I'a.
One-slued Hiiperluteiident-Johiiny. do you
love your tcscln r? Johnny Ves, sir; but she
riure cure for hi nd, bleeding and Itching
plies. One bin has cured lhe worst ease ol ten
) em s' standing. No one need suirVr ten niln
ntea after using Kirk's Herman l'iieOliilnienl.
It absorbs Honors, allays the Itching, acts as
a poultice, gives relief. Dr. Kirk's Ueriuaiil'llc
Ointment is prepared only for Piles and Itching
of lhe private mrlB. and nothing else. Kver)
box Is warranted
Hold by llriwglsls and sent hymsilon receipt
of price, II.IO per nus. J. J. Mack & Co..
Wholesale Agents. Kan Francisco.
Iu niprior eioellenoe proren In million! of bometfot
more tt.it quwtor of ft oratory. It g used bf the
United Bteu UoreniiueDt. Kudor d f toe hedt of
the Qnmi Univerr tlei m the Stronirect, Part, tad zaott
Hfltlthul. Dr. Prtoe'i Oreun Baking Powder doet not
oooUln Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Hold only Id earn.
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
Ho dlnfintoed that tlte most definite ttomach
can take it. Krntnrknlile as a FLESI1
1'MtDVVKK. eroi OAIS rap
idly u'fdfe taking IT.
BCOTTB EMULSION is acknowledged by Phy
ielanato be the FINEST and BEST preparation
ot IU class for the relief of
Wasting Diseases of Children,
Sold bu all Druugief.
The fiimoHi Hover Bwd
-tort'of liosloti, tun) Hnvey
s'urtteriOH of CHmhrMgt,
"las., hHve been moved to
)EttX Pasadena, California,
.vlieretlie bunlufha will be
nnd ett'd aa
C. II. Hovky, Maniwr,
Knwt lH"HteiiAt - Tills
Heml for complete Cataloguo,
. KVkKH' SI . rHIK i, WO her St., (li.lmU,
preferred whocaii ihrnlsh a h nse ami plve the
whole time to the ' iHlness. fcpare ni-'luems may b
prnlllably eJitplnvwl alio. A few vaeiii.rlinlntown
in. Idles Jl. '. JiillN-N t;n., loon Main HI
Bichuionrt. V
N b.- Pleane itale age ! ujrfnfs urf
Never mind about nnaint stamp for reply. B. I
J. A On.
8" "if M
The above tvture uepneena
Caster or ice sisamstiip Kaiawia.
About a rear ago he observe'! a strati
ehantte In his feelings, lie felt tired in
stead ol vifiorous; nervous instead of
strong. His sppetlteboesme poorsnd his
sleep broken, lie tried to overcome these
feelfnes, but th'.'V would not go. Ho then
notleed pains and irritation in the water
channels, and that the fluids paed wera
nlten thii k anil with a seum on top or a
brtek-duet sediment st the bottom. All
these were the snresvnipton,s of that fear
ful disease, t':itarrh of the liladder, bleb,
has ahvavs been rnn.idered incurable, and
they continued until the Captain was in
a terrible condition. Hut he is the pieturo
of kenlth and vk-or to-dsv, and he owe
It entirety to that wonderful medicine.
Hunt's Itomedv. Csr.t. Greenwood says:
"I am so certain of the great value of
Hunt's Remedy, 'hnt I slwsy carry a sup
ply on shipho'ird f,r thenes of aiy men.
sn.l I prcsoril'eit whe never I hey areailinc.
Aftercunnrn"- as It did. and restoring my
wife, (whom the tv-st physicians of Sew
Vork said w,isdUr,R rftunwr,) to perfect
henifh. I swear bv lt.M
This Great Kcmedr uomsiXs; era all
Kiitney, Liver and Urinary Dlieaia.
Q For a.i.e by sill Dealsm.
C. V, CRITTE.VIOjr, GeawrsU Afirt,
115 Fnltosi tU, X. T.
fl r ' sar, 1.1.1s (V frmL
w MOSTr?,,, HnOt.'
Wgorraaat t cents a pound either Nectar
ines, I'liims, Prunes, Itaisius, Apples or I'ears.
W'K orrsa giaid Kiy Ursnes at 'i cents; sml
Piits, fair quality, it cents lu lots of II and
W osrea Nickel-plated Door Bell of Bne
tone at II.
W'K orrKK (Much I'mnlliR Shears for 76 cents;
lhat seems sll rlsht -ehi ali.
W k orrKK Harness Punchers now at 16 Cents.
W k orpKa k"hI It I in Im lis at 'Hi cents.
Wkokckr I'lalforia tk-ales, weigh 1 ol. to 16
lis., for.'.oo.
W k ovrKU Hoys' Moots from sites S to 'i at big
reiluctloiis lo close mil an over stuck.
M koikkk l.siiles' Urawers slid C'heuilseatSA
cents upwards iu miisllii, trimmed.
W'K ovsKn Ladies' Jersey rlblied under vests,
long sleeves, for ' cents, and some worth 00
cents now for a while for A6 cents each.
Wk orrxa Calico for quills at A cents, for
dresses at 0 or 7 cents, extra wide aud strong 10
cents. .
Wk niPKH Canned (lras low as b ci-nts, and
I'Ihiiis at H cents a can.
W k orcKn lilass Pitchers for ift cents.
W k okskk disss Unhlels for fs) cents dot.
Wk oFrKB ii ass Hets of i pieces for 6 cents.
Wk nKf kk Ladles' Hhoe Polish, best at 7 cents,
or 7ft cents dozen. Overstocked.
Wi olKKH nyrup, lu bbls. of 12 gallons, Al cts.
a I.., . ...... ,..nit. i
Underwear, shtetliiKS and shlrtiiiKs, cos linere, Jeans, denim-, white Kmids, catil.nl Uaiinel, wool
flsuiiel, plain or plaid, notions of many kinds, gloves, hosiery, mittens, lo which we call early
Tro-t 8treet 8an Franclaoo. Cel.
Ifued Monthly. Haudnomfly lltuntratrd.
Gkowiku anu Fassjimu,
Tile Jsiiusry tiumlH-r oontsins; A Pen Pletups of the
Han Jett'iiilu Valley, liy Hen. Juiiu P. Irish; How 1
made sIWhI an son, frnm seventeen acres of Table Urap- s.
l,y H. 1 Htepbeus to Hacraiiiauto; Kaisln I'urlns still
i'scklng, by rnif (lustave KImii uf Fresno; Fla Onltare,
liy K. W. Mllu ot nscramriito; Olive Culliii, by
fnif. K. W. Hllsinl of the Ihiltenliy of Calllornla;
Tliv tistews. futility -An Kliaiuunt Atldivss by Htai.
.lulut P. Irish st the Placer Cumity ('lints Fair; llluliei
el llulil-A lX-scrliliu nf iha Nurth in t'llrus Hell ul
L'slltnmla; Mtistrsted V and llttscrlptioii uf Kern
I'uunty; A Mid Wiitei Vail ti the Hotel Del MniiU-:
lllteiNi Ilia M scellany utl Kltral HulilecUt.
StttiKiiptwn trice.tl.6u per tear; Simple Coplf
KVKSV Hl'KseSIHKK will receive SS lH KMIt'M S
Handsome Hook ot SllverU hIUihiiiW atch
Ltlrttrsl Inducements to clubs. Write for pirtiaulsr,
Bihim97, Nkvaua Block Man FaANCisco, L'al.
SlCinnni, MKA!H.Gablar. Roe
ntah Pianos; Burdettorgans. Band Instrument.
Largest stock of Bheet Sluslo aud Books. Bands
uuplled at Kasteni Price. MATTHIAS
OKAY CO. M Pom Street, Ban Fracouco.
Vaele Bcaaue Tobsree.
Ton can't fool ails chile wid your trosht
backy. I smoke Heal, and den't you forget it.
Some smokers think that anything thai
makes smoke. Is good enough to go Into a pipe.
They will Und by a little experience that there
Is avast difference la Smoking Tobaocos. Just
try"8sUL or North Carolina," and yon will
ot tlx difference between it and th Imitation,
who have wed PlfwVi
Oxi ro for OotifompHon
wt; it Ik ItKNT OF ALL.
SolU bvurywajer. o.
llllliKKI. 'ITl.'l'l 1
llojoii HKttoMel or Buy a H' i- i I V'rlto -.
-. iiwni'ta and Managers if Property, Al
i.ntinn! ffhe Pimil.ANI LAND t:0. ad
venise inisl newHpnpers in lite United Htates.
ami aro therefore ti e people In handle city and
addition property. It willpoy you to correa
hi nl with us. Loans made on farm and tilt
N. P. N. U. No. S23 8. F. N. TJ. No. 400
little ld
A jiHL ...... I I-Osssa
ii'v.-: i js
but it will only take a minute In which to state a few facts, that, if heeded,
will prove invaluable to many. It's well-known that the press teems with
advertisements of garsaparillits and other liver, blood and lung remedies, for
which great claims are made. They are generally represented as sure cures.
But there is one medicine, and only one, the claims for which as a cure for all
lingering diseases arising from Torpid Liver or Biliousness, or from impure
blood, are backed up by a positive guarantee I If it don't do just as represented
in every case, the money paid for it is promptly refunded.
This peculiar method of business, it will readily be seen, would bankrupt
the manufacturers of the ordinary medicines in the market Only a marveloiisfy
efficacious medicine, containing the most pmitive curative properties, could
sustain itself under such trying conditions n these.
This peculiar medicine sells beyond all others throughout the civilized
world. And why should it not ? "Talk is cheap," but when It's backed up
by a positive guarantee, by a houe of long established reputation, for hon
esty, integrity and sound financial standing, then words mean business I And
that's just what the World" Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo, X. Y
mean in guaranteeing their Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to do all
that it is recommended to do, or refund- the price paid for it.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery checks the frightful inroads ol
Scrofula, and if taken in time, arrests the march of Con-iunption of the
Lung', which is Lung-scrofula, purities and enriches the blond, tht n-hv ctliinp
all kin and Scalp Diseases, Ulcers. Sores. Swellings, and kindred ailments. Jt
is powerfully tonic as well as alterative, or blood-cleansing, in Its effects hence
it strengthens the system and restores vitality, thereby dispelling all those
"tired feelings'' experienced by the debilitated.' Especially has it manifested
its potency in curing Tetter. Eczema. Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eves.
Goitre, or Thick Xeck, and Enlarged Glands. y
" ' " no mattPT of how long standing-, is s
ptsotoUr tuii br DR. 9,GE I CATARRH REMEDY. W coi, by diufgiiU. '
W omt, cheap, Tobacco of best quality at
10 cents retail, or a cents lu ots ol w ins.
. Wnirm WaslihiK Koilafftril.rotiirinolbs.
Il l orvaa Table Krult, assorted, .' dmen.
Worriia Tshle Fruit, assorted, $l.7fiiloien.
Wk orrsa ThiiiiiIik-s, raw of lidosen, 1.7f.
Wr. orrK.a Tie Krull at VIM l"'r ease.
' vt k nm.u best Cranberries at 60 ceuts a gallon,
to close out.
V, orrsa Axle Urease SI 11. case.
Wt om.K II. & L. Urease st III :tfi a rase.
Waorrs Maple HiiKsr, pure, at f cents.
Wk om Maple Hymn, pure, st tl.Hs a ssllon.
V oirr.K Hoi k Candy Dips, pure, at 74 eelila.
Ileaareof Imitations.
Wk orma Far W est llsklnii Powder t B cents
t pound. Did ynu ever iry HT
Wk orrKii Alfalfa at 10 cents, aud other seeds
t reduced prices. it
U'Rorraa Hlnk.l'caorHiit'rrllcans.SBlbs.fnrll.
W K orr'aa Ilrcakfust Mii.li, U iaHrs for II 76.
All dlh"crcnt klaslsto Iry.
Wk orvKK Heavy himar ciired IIocod as low a
10 ceuls III fsl Ih. lots ami over.
Wkuivkk Hunker Hill I'lekles wholesale or
Mall. They are choice.
W ortKS 1 1 lbs. of Cocoa Khells for II.
W'KoKKKslrlctly lloiieless Kasteru Hams at
Ifieeuls a pound, weluhl 8 loft lbs. each.
W'K (itfKS 10 lbs. W ashlnj l'owder, full weight,
for Ml cents.
mun v line, wli li-h rsiiuot he eiiuinersted here.
1 prwenba and tally so
dorss lllf U as Ih oaly
siisclflc rorthsoeruiacarsi
of this dlseaM.
U.U.lMIHAHAM.af. D.,
AassUrdam, M. T,
Ws have sold Rig Q for
many years, aad tl faa
Ken we pes, in eauo
tlon. Cbleago, ill,
l.M. oMkyDraidMt,
mint inn !- Tuiaiiic. i.uaii'N,
Kk liuit:iil for 'sjonni sVrtiiiJ. lit
nd mriiite uam, with bluf
i, riDisno. nkv no ji nrr, ni lit"
J Id tmaU'bimr.i tnArt, tnk wrapiri, ir
Bansfrraua rsssinit'r (!, rs-un v ,
(Mum') nr vrilcnlHr, tsflmotiUI 1M
l(t'llf fiir Lml !," Im Uittr, (it rvturu
HImII. An imc hiyrr,
iklfhMtrrlnru'l (. JbsM l'klU..r
Mr mr thnM mil 11 0 bv sf
I Who on ths largest Seedsmen in tin world,!
D. M. Kassr tt Lo-
Illustrated, Ueicnpuve ana rncea
, lor lOgO WI" B laiU X-1W iu ... my- ,
pllCHIlll, IHU iU UUI cuubi vunvum, i
III! DClirr limn ejwui, a-; smauaa .
Ottdt ihouiu sena tor il aquicm
Can lie made easy b
riilslui; Chickens. A
in rKOo'J-paitc Illustra
ted Cittiil, ,ino do
serlbliur lueiibntors,
llriaslcrs, HnxMlincr
Houses, How aud
What to Feed, How
Ioiir to keep them In
the ilroodcr, Drinking
Fountains, Disease
and their Cure, lu fui't
more iulnrmatlon
tlinii is given iu many
lift-cent tsaiks. belli
to any address on re
ceipt ol 2c, stamp.
Wire NettliisT, Hone
Mills, Bono Meal and
ali kinds of Poultry
fetaluma Incubator Co, Pelaluma. Cat-
TKt Oldett Mtdicine in Me IVflrldii probably
ThlMtirnolu is ucuntuUy prtumrut, pu (iliUiuri pro
aorlptluD, ami hai been lu eountiuit use for Deuriy a
ceuturv. There ar few (llseaiieH to which nmukliiij
ore lubjoct wore riivtrpgitiiig than soro ?ye and
nuuo, jw rtiupH, Tor which inure reined len liave been
trlil without Biictfrw. Foralltjxternal lutt.ininiutlon
of theeypflltlsoii Infallible nniMly. If the it if-v.
tlonsnre followed it will never fill. Wepnrlluularlr
Invito tlin ntt"nt on of iihvKlclniiR to It" mrltn. For
aHhy alMnirTfiM. Jo),N '. THo.MP uS, RONS
ST 1
r Hslll. .LlIK ksta. a. jN
muKt iiriMluctlvo ami yu-lil liutTtt ii-opi.
rnrr lhHuiirulcumKitnio wiih M UiiiMtrntlonii
inLL iimiled to any mlilntw u)xn ni)ii'uKuii.
A MU'kiM t'hoii-e ItnwtT mmnIh, lUtvnt. 1'aiWfn.
iiuiKaiiiH. Aston, BwtHJi rtMUs.riiiitxi'H.rui'iuc-.tHfl
a tijHi'iaiiy. u mm at uvi jA
Mori l U tad HfKrdlBHI, T. I'lLI't Ml Ml,
r .sissist I
f flTOtDATl.1
I I sssssHrtsSM.
I UriMfAtBWSs.
V VssslJCJ"