CITY AND COUNTRY, OHKM UN CITV. KEB. 7, liUO. TiruM or MulMtriiiiun, s'lutlo Ct'f, on your, In advance, 11 M l.t (lu Dopy, U iniMilIm, III advanc, 1W U sal notices III cents par linn lur lint; I miiii l Una lur each aiiiinimii iiisoninii. IIOIUlV.II, Urngna City, Orvfun. K L NEWTON, (iIuimw r to 8lrlt(lU A Nuwtmi,) DICALP.H IN Staple and Fancy Groceries, Hay, Grain and Feed. (Jomls Jlitrkeil Down an Low us tho Lowest. CASH HTOKK AT 1'OItTt.AMi rillCKM. DELIVERIES MADE TO CUSTOMERS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITV. Make Your PURCHASES AT The Corner- Grocery, near the Courthouse. A GOOD COUGH SYRUP. Thero U nothln piiruuU ahnuld be Ml eareful about as selecting a cough syrup. UeggV Cherry Couth Syrup costs no more than tlw cheap and Interior uuatruina thrown on the market The bulla nonotiHi kihhI; bo aura ami gelBKUliH' CIIKItllY COUUII BY lit' P. Wo keep It on hunt t at times K. U, Caullchl & Co., Druggists. LOCAL SUMMARY. Pickles, 00 ccntH a keg, at Cireen Urn. Pickles in bulk, at II 11 McCurvoi's Prof. Eastman's Kill lory will be open on Siindnyu. I. UMahii'U, agutit of Pacific Fire In turanuu Company nt Oregon City. The fluuHt line of underclothing in town at Greon Bros. For frcdli groceries go to II. U. McCar er. Cull at It. K. McCarver'a for flue Tea and Colleca. The lurgc stiu'k of groceries at H. K. MeCsrvur's i all fruHh, just tecuived. Six set of llnu glassware have been received at II. It. McCurver'a. It i ele giint ware. They are Helling good blanket at Giei.ii Bros, for 2 a pair. Long-legged rubber hunting boot, at the lowest price iniwn, at Ureeu Bros. Oregon City Soap at iK) cent per box at II. K- McCarver'a I. Hulling cannot be tinderaold in ladies' dress goixl and triniinini! Fur Salt IIrriiitf and Mackeral go to II. It. McCurver. You ciin Hud all kind ol watches and clock at Mrs. liurmeister' jewelry lore. Oh wh il Uuniiful Itrlh, will be the universal renmrk after yon have used Cuullol.l's AnliM-plic Tooih Wash. Goods will ba aald for the next thirty days at oit prtew for Ca' All intSJ' - ,uc,,, liealthv t'liins and pnro liieath by using Wriu'lii's Myrrh Toifli Soup. Sold by II druggists. A largo tock of over.shirts, all prices ad kinds, at Cireen Bros. Log Cabin Maple Syrup at $1.43 pnr gallon at II. It. McCiirvur's. Prescriptions carefully compounded al (. A. Harding's lrug store. The best display of French candieH.and fine mixed, at II. It. McCurver'. Broken suits of men's clothing, way below cost, at (in-en Bro. Wantku Kvery farmer in Clacka mas county to bring your Poultry to the Orouon City market. Sipiare dealing ml cash down. Sulphur, Blue Vitriol, Ground Spices, Bird Seed, etc., nt reduced rates until Feb 15, at Chtiriniin & Co., Clly Drug Wore. Wanted-A girl to take charge of the kitchen in a private family. Middle-aged lady preferred. Best of wages to u com petent person. Inquire ut tho postollice. Prof. Kastmun, the photographer, who I permanently located here, will attract great ileal of attention ns he i one of the best artists in the state. Prof. Hastman is here ready for work, as tliu flood did not w ndi away his place of business. Ho w ill take picture for fe day at L'.5D a dozen ( .r best cub innt sized photographs. Remember that Prof. Eastman will i.Va i,i, nt t ' JiO u ih tin for cabi net size, including stunding figures busts and groups. The cheapest price exei known furg'nl pictures. WrLdil's Condition Powders will keel your stock in flue condition. Cure couuli. colds and all diseases of ioise and cattle. Pure and full weight, by all druggist. Sold The Orientnl ha become a universal fovnriiB with the truvelimr DUblie. be' came this hotel furnishes the best meal in the city for 25 cents. Can yon read this print without trouble? If not go to Jirs. Uurineitter'r jewelry store and get a pair of spectacle- nueu wun me hciuoiiiiu eve itssiur. The county school superintendent Alex. Thomuson. will be in hi otfjcfl at the courthouse, on Monday and Sat urday ol each week. The Commercial Bunk has concluded to ket'D open on Saturday evenings fiom 5 till 7 o'clock, fur the accommodation of those depositors who cannot well rail during business hours. Prof. J'.astman knew what he was doing w!:ui be moved to our growing town. The fact that be ia permanently located here, oroves he believe the future of Oregon City i established aud that he will never regret tne move The Red Cross Cough Cure, made by Charlf Wright & Co.. is especially adapted for deep seated colds, where there is pain In tlie cliest, ami lenneney to pneumonia or pleurisy, ii win mo backing night roiih imniediately Sohl by all druggists. Tlav run Isiil. tiimoles. ervsipela rough skin, blotches on your fkin? Have ..... .n liloihl iioriuriiies. is vour sys tem tainted by any t-yidiiiitic di.rder? If so, take Wright's Compound Kxtracl f Sa'rsaparihla- It will make a finer sa l clearer complexion in a shorter time than all the washes and eosmetiipies in thecounfry. Cheapest, (.trongest, pnreM nd bct in the market. Sold by all v.-gisfs. . 5hiidren Cryfo OREGOlf.CrTY AND SUBURBS. At'i'iUKNT.ti, Dmowkinu. The saddest event we have to narrate hi connection wllli tlit) II.hxJ In lliu accidental drowning- of Oluuy Chase on Friday of last week, by the tipvettiiiK of a akin. Tim deceased iiml Mr. Shaw atiirted out from the factory fur lliu purHe ul securiiiK tlio picker bullae with ropea, which had lodged on some drift u'jout B milu be low town; but when near the BiihiH-n-shm bridue, tho lumt wan engulfed by a whirlpool, ihrowliiK the occupants into the chilly waters. Mr. Shuw wan able lo cling to tliu boat and wan rescued about two milcM from whore the bout, by purlieu who put out from shore. Tim reports an to whether Olnev ever ciiiiie to the surface ufter beiiiK drawn under by tli whirlpool arc con (licling. .Hmnu soy they saw him swim- miiiK in lliu raging water, strumming with the eiirreiit, mid finally succumbed. Other who walcheil tliu uccidout nuy lie never roue, These statements aded but little, however. 01 nuy Chase wan born in Oregon City on October Kith, If (Ml; hi age. was 20 yearn, 3 months and 25 days; he has resided here all his life, intending, our public school in it various departments. Alter llnishiiig bin course here he attended tliu Htutu university at Eugene lor one year and from there went to the Portland high school to fur- l her prosecute bin studies. Alter com- pletinc lu ediiealiuii he entered the inn- I'liinu hop o( tho O. 0, Mf. Co. a an apprentice, where hi father ha long own employed bh machinist. In In duties there hu wan always found faith Ail and lie was held in high esteem by nil Ida aciiiuintaiices. Iiy hi death the the city lone one of it moHt promising yniini; men, and heartfelt svmpalhy In expressed by all for the bereaved (am ily. Thavemno Undeii Difficulties. Meldruin McCown arrived home from Wallu Walla on Thursday afternoon. He started a soon a be received the telegram notifying him of hi father's illness ami had a hard tune gutting here. When be reached The Dalle be found thut there wero so many passenger waiting to come to Portland, that he could not buv a ticket for an earlier passage than Sunday, making bis ar rival three day Inter. He saw a chance to gut nboiir l and secrete himself in a place where ho could stay until after the lioat bad started. This he succeeded in doing, and reached Portland Thursday morning. He did not know until he had reached l ho metropolis what a trip he hud before him in coming to Oregon City ; howover, lie found out soon enough and was a pretty tired and worn out lad when he arrived in his father's house. No one thinks any les of Jink for stowing himself away on the boat in order to that much sooner reach his homo. I.II.KHAIIY Soi-IKTY OltUAXIZKD. The Young Folks Society of the Presbyterian church have organized a literary club. Last Friday evening the first meeting was held al the residence of Mr. Caplea. The question for debate was : Kesolved, That the Mississippi Hiver Flows up Hill. Mr Gihbmiy and Mr. A. J. Adams took the ullirinativu aide and Mr. J. D. Wilkeuson and Mr. K.Andrews the nega tive. It was decided in the negative. Mr. Beattie gave several select readings, mil songs were sung by the choir. A very pleasant lime was had. If more took part in this kind of amusement it would be better for tho young folks of our town, as it ib not only interesting but also instructive. DisousTKii Citizens. The flood in our city has brought to our especial no tice many traits of huiinn ,churac!er, .ind we are glad to note that those of hospitality and good w ill were predomi nant; yet there was one instanco where the opposite cliuruoteristic wasconspicn- ins. While one of our leading hotels was taxed to the uttermost to supply the large crowd, rendered homeless by the Hood, with the necessities of life, one of he neighbors tried to prevent parties from gaining entrance by fencing up the rear door. It was speedily removed, however, by two of our citizens who had the barrier kicked down before the party who hud nailed it was out of hearing listance. A Pto Takbs a Ridk on a Raft. One f the queerest incident that ever hap pened came to the writer b ears lust week. One day when the river was ai its highest, an old pig belonging to Flave Painter chanced to step on a raft as it started to float down the river. It went over the falls and the owner sup- posed the pig was drowned. But lo. and behold ! when lie went out in the yard next day, there was Ins porker, loakine: as smiling as could be, and seemingly feeling nono the worse for the rulu. Tins story seems increu- ble, but it is nevertheless true. Tub County Couut. It is ordered by the Court, the County Judge and Com missioner Bair being present, that, owing to extreme high water, preventing many settlers from attending this term, and also the destruction of valuable property in Oregon City rcquiringtlii! attention of the County Judge, till Court adjourn uniii the next session thereof in March term ul which time all business "ol acted upon ut this term will be heard. Rkpaiiis on the S. P. R. It. The Southern Pacific railroad is working a large force of men in the north part of town repairing the trestle, bridges and roml !eil. damaged by the hiuh water. The repairs are under the direction of Mr. Orundel, bndgo superintenoenr., who is bringing order out of chaos. He Is InriiiK all the men he can get and will goon have the track in a good con dition as before the flood. IT-i EXCELLENT QUALITIES Commend to public approval the Cali fornia liuuid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It Is pleasing to the rye anil to me taste, and by gently acting on the kid neys, liver and bowels, it cleanses the system effectually, thereby promoting the health and comfort ol all who use it. T. M. Sim.i.ivan Serenaded Tuesday evcninit T. M Sullivan, engineer for thn W. F. P. A P. Co., was serenaded by the O C. band at bis residence on the West Side, congratulating him on his ability as an engineer in supervising I lie construction of mills', capable of withstanding the great pressure brought to bear on them dur-ng the recent high waters. We have a p-1y and poltlv Cure for ratarrn. Diphtheria. Cnnk.-r Month, and Hosd-ehn.ln SHILOIIX CATARRH REMEDY. A Nal InJeHnr free with each bottle. I'm- It If yon desire health and swwl breath. Price .sMcents. Sold by K. U. CauHvId 4 Co. 1U Won.n Feed the Cat. When the family of Mr. (ilasi-pool came away from their home at the time of the flood ther left their pet rat behind. Mr. (ilasspool, thinkirg it w- uld starve to death, con clnded t go down in a boat and feed it. When he reached over to give the rsf the food he U-aneil a little too far and consequently got a ducking. He think that hereafter he will let the cat scratch for itself. BE CAREFUL: When you are obliged by sickness to take medicine, that nothing but the purest is used There should bo no doubt in your mind ut p'acc you will And the purust Drugs E. (3. CAUFIELU & CO. make a cpcclult of keeping notbir.g but the purest. : you take. : no chances of getting adulterated or Impure medicines there. WHAT A FORTUNE It a good, healthy, pearly skin. Pew are aware of the ihort lliao It tnkua for a disordered liver to cauae blolehea on the face, and a dark, reiy kin. One botile nt UKUQ8' II I. OO D PURIFIKK and 111,001) M A K ICR will rcatnre this organ to IU natural and healthy ttntn, and clcanae the blood ol all Impurities It la meeting with won derful siieenas. We guarantee every bottle. E. (1. Caulleld & Im Ijni-niMa. Ouk Fihst Mail The first mail re ceived in the city since February 1st was on the Oth. It was brought up from Portland by the steamor Latonu and had been anxiously waited for by our citizens. We hardly realize in these days what a blessing daily delivery of mail is, and after this experience we will better t.,. reciate the postal service of Undo Sam. Another Old Timk Citizen Uonb. Bill Newman, brother of Ben New man and Mrs. Bacon, died on the 8th in Portland. Tho remains wero brought to the residence of J. M. Bacon in this citv, where tho funeral services wero held on Monday at 10 o'clock. Mr. Newman was formerly a resident of this place and had a number of friends who mourn bis loss. Duoi in Real Kstatk. On Monday afternoon a lot belonging to a Mr. Smith on the bank of the Alierncthy, just north of that stream, suddenly "took a tumble to itself," and fell into the stream, cover ing up numerons crawfish thereby. Land of this description is useful in nuy local ity, .nd could t.ow be utilized for raising clams. ... im. Mrs. P. II. Hatch died at her home in Salem on Monday of consumption, at the age of 111. She crossed the plain in 1840 onil has made Oregon her home since that time, residing Hrst in Oregon City for a few years and in Sulcm ever since. An Exoollvnt Kmtiedy. Dr. Holden: I consider your Ethereal Cough Syrup an excellent remedy for all thn diseases for wliicli von recommend It. DAVID RICllART. Modesto. Large size 1.00, small 50 cents. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. COUNCIL MEETING. CALLF.I) SESSION FOR UKNKIIAI. UU8INESS. Petition asking that Second street be opened from top of blulf to city line, re ferrej to committee on streets with power to set. . , Ordinance providing for vacation of al-1 ley runninglliioiigli block iNo. 1, referred to committee on streets. Ordinance, Organizing Fire Du part men!, read second time and passed. The Chief Engineer was authorized to borrow a steam lire engine from Portland, pending repair of the water works. Hie matter ot repairing t nc Aiierncuiy bridge was referred to the committee on streets, with instructions lo cooler with the county judge. - im.i.a audited and paid. Oregon City Enterprise, f2 80, C 0 T Williams. 10 00; C Pillon, 20 00; N 11 Howell, 40 00. Willamette Iron Works, 24 10; John Snyder, 1 50; Charles Welch, 4 50; O C Electric Light Co, !2J 00; John Barrett, 7 20; C Blds, 8 00; Schwab Bros. 15 00; Green Bros, 13 TO; Willum- etlc Falls Excelsior Co, 2 00; Willamette Inm Works ,42 tit); J M Bacon, 1 25; Unit co Hack Co, .75; 0 E Burns, 80 50- BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP Is giving splendid satisfaction to the trade and the sides are positively marvelous, which can be accounted fur In no other way except that it Is without doubt tho best on the market. Ask for and be sure you get the genuine. We keep It. E. CI. Cuutlvld Si Co, Druggists. A Very Necessary Industry. Never until the flood did we know how necessary the Lincoln bakery is to the happiness of the people of Oregon City. Those who have depended upon it for their Dread tor years were at a loss to know what to do when deprived of it. Mr. Harding was not long in beginning operations soon ns tho water went down to allow biin to get into bis store. A large land slide occurred on Monday back of L. T. Burin's residence, caused by the seepage of water through the sand. It curried down with it his car riage house. Another such slide will bring it uncomfortably near his house. Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, to laxative and nuiritious, with the medicinal virtues of planis known to be most beneficial to thr human system, Tormiug the ONLY I'LK FECT REMEDY to act gently ei promptly on the KIDKETS, LIVER AKD EQWELJ AMD TO Cteansetts System EffseiuaSiy. SO THAT PURE BLOOD. REFRESHING SLEr, HEALTH and STRfc.Ni Naturally follow. Err-yonei - r ' and ail are dclirK'"' ;". druggist for SYkl'K OK F.CS. M . . : factured only 1 y the CALIFORNIA. FIG STfF.Iir a Sam FaasKrisco, f .u t LocHviLLa, Kt. J' VvM f LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Miss Bertha Burin was in town this week. Mrs. D, P. Thompson was in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Ward i visituur n.l,.iiv. in tow n. Notice V. C. Johnson' new ad in another column. Miss Lorena Ackerman, who I in rorlland, Is qui to sick. Miss Corrlo McCow II (MlnA lirtiiin liui dey from McMinnville. I.. T. Itnrin was nominated IT a shall lor Oregon on the 0th, The Chinese Gardens bnloiv fnu ,, n. covered by about 3 feut of sand, Alias Hell Potter has, been very sick for past week, but is gutting much bet ter. Mr. J. D. Slover is able to bu about the streets again after a long spoil 0f sicanenn. School closed Wednesday noon on in. ml of the high water, but opened again on mommy. Mrs. Richards (nee Emma Bitznri of Portland spoilt last Sunday with her mother in una cuy. Mr. Calms and hi friend Mr. Walker. oi roriiauu, wero mo guests of Air, Dresser last simony. . Mr. Johnson is improving slowlv. which is encouraging news for his many mends. Mr. McCown'sicondition grows more lir.pelul each day and ins speedy recov ery i anxiously looked for. Hurry McCurver made an assiinimonl on Saturday lor the henellt of hi cred itors to . W. Alyurs. The Lntona is doing a rusliimt busi ness. Every trip she is filled to over flowing with passengers and freight. Special meetings were held nt the Presbyterian church last week. On Sun day lust 19 new members were added to the church. Tne log that floated ut) Main struot and lodged near the pastothce was a regular bonanza for the one who saw it llrst and claimed it. Annie: "Say, Liz, my feller and I had a dandy oyster stew last night." "Oh, where?" Annie: "Why.ut the Vienna Chop House, of course. Mr. Pillsbury has been sick for two w eks, but it is thought that she is iin proving slowlv. Hur little daughter Vera is sick with "la grippe. Evidences of spring are seen every where. The pussy willows are in full bloom unJ all the early flowers are showing their heads above the soil. Mr. Sullivan, engineer of the W. P. & P. Co. will superintend the work of re pairing of the lock aud basin, lie in tend to rush the work through as soon us possible. It always pays a business man to give hi customer the best bargains he can, as thereby he makes now customer. I'hut's why the Vienna Chop House gives the best meal in town. The postollice was opened on Thurs day afternoon which was a great sutis faction to the editors of tliu papers here, ns they had to distribute their papers the best way they could. Sheriff Ilauser of Pendleton passed through here on Sunday on his way to Suleni. He was accompanied by four prisoners from Uuintillu county who ho meant to leave at the statu penitentiary. A cute little girl while walking with her father toward the north part of town, when the tops ot houses were peeking out of tho water, sitid,. '-fapa, look, there is where they keep all t!ie roofs." their law ollice to the Conniifji'ial hank buildimr, and Cowing & Cowing have moved their law ollice t the rooms vacated by the Lntouiettes., A business meeting of the Presbyler n society was held in the church on Tuesday evening with the pastor ns chairman. Committees for the various duties of tho church were appointed. T. F. Rvnn. chief engineer of the fire leoartmont. went lo Portland the iirst of the week to see about getting an en gine to use in case of fire, until our water works can be placed in workinif order. Conductor Wilson on his way to Salem on Friday morning, stopped at the Cour ier oflicu and left the Vregonmn, widen was n grent kindness on his part, as that Dnper was a luxury (or a few days during the flood. Those who did not tnke the oppor tunity of rowing down through (ioose Flat and Green Point while Hint pnrt of the citv wns overflowed. mi3sed a chance Hint they re1"'1!"' "ever have again in a lifetime. On account of the areat strain caused hv the current in the basin, the captain of the Three Sisters was compelled to beach his boat. It is now lying on the road just this side of the trestle. When it will be gotten off is hard to tell. Tho honso of Rinl Roddick and other u-or hroknn Into Willie tne lliminex were absent on account of the flood, and a great deal of fruit was stolen. Any one who could do such a mean trick ns this is getting pretty low. Last Sutiirdnv morning a dog was seen premenadinff up the steps at the depot at the rate ni ten nines an imnr. Some one had tied several tin cans to its tail and it was so frightened Hint it cried as if it heart would brenk. The county waunn bridge across the Clackamas wns erected in 1873 by the Pacific Bridge company, it being the first one built by thnt company In Ore iron. Its cost was 15000. It was a sub stantial structure wnen carried away ny the flood. On Friday two of the Western Union's lines were placed in position. While they were down between here and Portland our citizens felt as though they were on an island, and indeed it could not have been much worse had this been the case. The O. C. Mfg. Co. contemplate the immediate lemovalofall thr buildings now on their property on Main street including the Cliff Saloon, Barlow Honse and annex on this property. They soon intend to erect new structure fur use in their manufacturing business. Ttiose who discarded their Ismps for the electric lights were left in tho lurch last wepk. and rame to the conclusion that kerosene is Pretty reliable after all. The lamps in the Baptist church had to lie brought out ntrain, it these nan noi been kept it would have lieen necessary to close up the church in the evening. The hurling room and machine shop st the factory fell in on Monday morn ing with a terrible crash. The building had Iteen loosened and tipped by the water. It was thought it con Id be braced up and made strong agnin, but it w ill now have to be built op new. thus mak ing an additional expense to the com pany. Services at the Baptist chnrch net Sunday. Preaching at II a. m. and at 7:30 p. m. Forenoon subject, "Man's Ignorance of thr Future," evening sub ject, "A True Friend." Sunday school 12:15 p. m. Young people's meeting 6:.'50p. m. A cordial invitation ia ex tended to all- W. Mkad. John A. Confih. Jams C. Mstnaa, CONFER, MEAD & MEEHAN, Dealer In Timber and Farming Lands, Town and City Property. OltKdON UTV, OHKUIIN, We Iiiivo also cruised and examined choice tracts of aoverniiii'iit lands subject to lioino slead, p o-emptlon and limber entry. In Wis cousin, Minnesota and MIcbiKau we have hud ample experience In locating timber clahua. W. L NUTTING, Attorney nt Law, PORTLAND, OREGON. OFFICE: Rooms II & 12. Union Block, N. W. Comer First and Stark Streets 5t6tic:el TIIK PI KM OP KOIIHISH A- SCOTT, RUT chers nl .Molalln. having dissolved, I will not he responsible for any contracts, Iiercaflcr, brariug tho linn iiuuiu. KCIIIIIN8. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. 11IIK CO-PAHTNKKHMIP IIIIItKTOKOHK KX lslilltf Lltu'n,.t .1 r. Hull ,,ml .1 M llitll mi. di-r tile (Inn inline of Hull b Sou. is this day dissolved, and I shiill collect all bills and nay all debts of the firm, hut will not be rcsponalble for the Individual .tel. is of J. M. Hall. Oregon City, Jan. , lJ. J. C. HAM,. C. E. BROWN, Builder, Contractor, Millwright THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE In Building nil Kinds of Mills of Brick, Stone or Wood, and In Erecting all Kinds of Machinery. Best of References. Plans and Specifications on the Shortest Notice. Address, C, K. IIItOWN, Itox 38, Oregon City, Or. J. W.POWELL, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at Charman & Co.'s Drugstore. Oregon City, Or. T. r. cowino. I. II. COWINO. COWING & COWING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All cases before the United Slates Land Offices a specially. Klulit Years Kxperlenee aa Register in United Slates Land Ollice. OREGON CITY, OREGON. Office two doors north of postollice. J. M. BACON & SON, tiEAIi'ltS IN Books, Stationery, Notions, Choice Cigars ana looacco, Miscellaneous Goods, etc., etc Agent for American Bible Society. PosinfHce. Main street, Oreiton Citv. l!t' 2 Lots near tne Schoolhouse. TWO LOTS FOR SALE, two minute' walk from the Oregon City public schcol Excellent locution for residence. MoCOWX & CO Northwestern Dispensary. DR. J)U Y1XG. No IS. 'I First Stive!, Cor. Yllllllilll, I'ort lllltd, Oregon, Registered Ijiadiinle, Must Successful Specialist nnd Largest Pranlico on the Pari He L'ou-t, All Nervous, Chronic and Snecial Diseases successfully treated. Meuicinu sent anywhere securely, pri vately and promptly. AOVIC'E FREE. Hours 9 to 13, 2 to 0, itnd 7 to 8. Send ten cents for hook, '(ioixl News for tlio ADIIotud." Please mention this paper. FOB SALE. rilllOROtlGIIIIRKn HOlr stclii Kricslan Hull, "llona, No. :tfili, brcil by H. Chapman Jr.. of Onciiia, 111., ilroppcri Feb ruarv l.ri. lssi: sired bv Moute. No. mil; dam, VIku, No. Kccoril of trans fer complete. Tliorouirlilircil Jersey Hull. "Nero." No. 4tffl dropped September an, 1KSI; Hired by Gold liiisl .hi, Nil XW; diim MIIihnh :tl. No Km Recorded in volume II, American Jersey nerd uooit, Worcester. Mass. Hnid Hulls can be scon on dipt. Appcrson's old farm, one mile cast of Oregon clly, and their services eau be had at the barn, upon the pay ment oi sso. i'iir liirtncr iniorniHiion anurcss, COWING & COWINO, Oregon City, Or. REMOVED! The ( hicngo Store lias bcoii re nil. veil to tlio Mw Scliriim Itililililig, Next Door to tho Great Fiistern Store, MAY & COOKE, Prop's A LARGE SUPPLY OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES and CROCK ERY TEAS A SPECIALTY. HAY, OATS, STRAW and MILL FEED Cash paid for Country Produce. tlTAII goods delivered free ot charge in every part of the city. ROOTS AND SHOES. I have received my new stock of French kid Indies shoes, and all other kinds of shoes of the best make. I keep no (foods with pasteboard slitfeniiiii or paper insoles, ll you want the best shoes, tfo to Frank Miller's. For Neat, Accurate Job Work Go to the COURIER OFFICE, at the depot, Oregon City. 1'OLITICAL JIKKTIXO. A mass meeting of the Union Labor forces is hereby railed lo meet nt Pope's Hull on the L"-' I i f February, nt Hie hour of 10 A. M.. for l he purswe of orunniing for the spring ranipaiisn of WM, nnd for the consider.ition of ilie questions that iemi,nd the attention of every voter. Invilulion i- e.iti to the Unions of dillrrent trades, nnd e-pc ially to the farmer, than whom none can be more in-tere-teil or concerned. Our motto K M Eipial Jii-tirc to all, nnd Six-chil Privib-ire- lo none." - W. W. Mveiis, C'h'n of the U. L Com. GREAT KEIdUJCTIION IN ALL LINES OF GOODS AT The Great Eastern Storq. GIGANTIC CLEARANCE SALEI We propose to mnke a sweeping reduction I" SPECIAL WINTER G00D9 in order to rapidly reduce tho quantity of ot.r stock, and to muko nssurnnce ',--'-' suro that nothing will have to bo carried over for another season. We p . PUT DOWN On everything in our stock for THIRTY 25 PER OE1TT. IREDUO'-JIOILSr On any nrliclo purchased, and Unit you get two cuts on prices ot winter goods. All llioso buying now will get the benefit of our reduced prices on special winter stock and our all-round cut. Not prices in both Clothing and Dreea Goods show windows. We offer Extraordinary Inducements for 30 Days. Now is the time to lay In a supply of all classes of goods. No one can afford to miss It. I. SEtULlNft. E. S. WABMEN, UNDERTAKER. FURNITURE, WINDOW SHADES, MATTINGS, &c At very Low Offers, either Cash or on the Installment Plan. LAND OFFICE BUILDING, OREGON CITY. OREGON. Mrs. C. M. L. KEEPS A LARGE STOCK OF ! Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles, ANit roroiMKers Prices Reasonable. OUR MOTTO, "Quick Sales, Small Profits." Gar Mr. McXiitrick lias just returned from the East, where he nas pcrcuasea ma imest 101 oi srnma goons max ever was seen in Oregon City. For STYLE, CUT, FINISH and Price they are unexcelled. He has also purchased goods for present use which will be sold as low as the lowest. COMIC JlIsTJD SEE TJS, Oregon City Shoe Store, msT D00tt NOK"o?ncE. ATTENTION, FARMERS AND STOCKMEN! IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF LATEST Improve 1 11K.II-ARM SINGER Sowing Machine And nils.Needles, Hells, etc . cole stautiy on hand SVi!. Blue Front Store, Oregon City, Uoo,, cuuk' .-w. TIIK WOKK 1 ALL IIOMK-MADE AND GUARANTEED TO THE BUYER. Fine BUGGY HARNESS and HEAVY STOCK SADDLES Made to Order. G-. 33. HETTIES, Attorney at Law Notary Public. Oltii-e opposite CourtliouKe, OIIKIIOX CITV. - OltKGOS. THE GUFF HOUSE, PRINCIPAL HOTEL IN THE CITY, John Bittner, Proprietor. OREGON CITV. OREGON SALE nrrmtirn ucrs vr.ii Oisalw, Kansas City, Chicago,' ST PAUL. ST. LOUIS. AND ALL P0INT9 East, North ti9 South, OREGON CITY. W. K. FflATT, - - Ticket Agent 10 1 MIUM nr ?r&WCi ON rf l WW ) ' ALL PRICES s i DAYS. Thin HUirineistcr, .WtTpTInff E. J.'McKITTRICK, Prop. A HARNESS or SADDLE, COLLARS. WHIPS, BITS, SPURS, CURRY COM US, BRUSH KS. ETO.. ETC. AND 'Sverythiiijf usually Kep in' A First-Class ii(ldlery Store Woodburn Nursery, WOODBURN, OREGON. One and One-Half Mill. COO Bartlctt Pear. 2,000 Beurro 'd Anjou Pea 20,000 Winter Nellis Pear 25,000 Roynl Ann Chen, 10,000 Bluck Turtnriit Clur.,. 25,000 Baldwin Apple. an.OOO Yellow Newton Pippin Apple. 13,000 Northern Spy Apple. .'iO.OOO Esripus Spilzetiherg Apple. A LARt'E STOCK OK OTHER VARIETIES. Apples, Prara. Cherries, Ftntna, Ncet rlnea, AprieotN, I'runea and I'euchrsi Also Nut, Shade, Ornamental and Evergreen Trees. Flowering- Shrubs and Vines. Heud for Catalogue. Address, J. H. SETTLEMIER, Woodburn, Oregon. The Commercial Bank OF OREtiON CITY. CAPITAL f()i,W'l Transacts a General Banking Business. Loans made. Hills discounted. Mnke eol ml J ml h-ii. rxriiMiK "II nil HUIIia in the I'nited Stales and Etine and on lloiif Konir. Iicpoplts received snbj.-ci to check. In terest at usual rales aliened on lime dcMMts. Rank open from HA. M.tot P. M.; Saturday evenings (rem .1011 7 l. V. I. C. LATol KK'ITK, r. fc HON H fisnN, 'resident, ( ashkr. II. E. FKItlllN, 31. 1)., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE vr STAIRS in BANK BLOCK Over Warren's Furniture Store. iMJ