Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, February 14, 1890, Image 2

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    Orcgoa City, Feb. 13 I890.
Tho paHt week bus ahown what we
have to expect of the very slender to
publican majority in the present Iiouho
r reproHcntutivos; that in, it hut shown
what tlioHo have to expect who have
minds able to lull or conceive wUut will
V. 1... tU nltulvtwititil Ufill nf a
HO UUIIIS " i" HtwunM-v.. -
few republican who have no other law
than their own wih, and their concep
tion of whit leuislutive actH will bent
tend to keep the "pluma" of olllce In
their handa, or on the way to their ca
pacious atomichs. To thoao who have
not recelveJ their political education in
the school of Credit Mohilier and cor-pel-hogUm,
no amount of labor or nat
ural ability can forecast the result.
These lust will have to wait till con-r-?-is
adjourns before they can venture to rink
their mental force by endeavoring, bv
following; any nyntem of law, to com-lu-.it
what the reault will be.
It iu to be expected thn ilie loirty
that was In the majority would not in
the leant conaldur tho vUlit'i- oi the
minority even though th.it i.iuority rep
resented an actual iiu'Jority u the voters
of the nation. If ibey ad connned
tliwtnaclvea to thiJ. ' one who remcin
bora the Star itoiite experienco, or the
' infamy of tie; Punt-Traders' reputation,
need liave beon surprised ; and but few
would have a word of fault to find with
tu -men. however ninth they may have
objected to the measures. But when the
representative of all the people are not
satiHlled with doing acts detrimental to
their own reputations, but must attack
the principles and overthrow the rules
on which the business ol the country is
constitutionally conducted, even their
political enemies must protest.
The very rules that that autocrat,
Speaker lleed, who at present is usinK
his exalted position solely to show his
own littleness, bus overthrown, were es
tablUhed by the party which at present
it is to be hoped he misrepresents.
But whenever the republican purty have
wished to anything, who can remember
when they were trammelled by atty
laws of their own enacting? T'ne ruliogs
of even their own iiifal'.i'u'e Jtlaine w ere
passed by nvihil'-''!,',t''!'',J' were
nvLUheTecoe'i: .-noriiie of the
viouse. Thr.v -o, in eflect, "Gentlemen
of the minority, you have no rights that
we are going to respect. Though balked
by the rules we had made, you did not
resort to unconstitutional mean to ac
complish your ends when you were in
power, yet we do not intend to be ham
pered bv any such thing as parliamen
tary law'." Koally, though, uu one ought
to be surprised that the successors of
those who found excuses and means for
violating the constitution, should not re
spect tho rules of legislative assemblies.
Were it not for tho violation of our
rights as citizens of a republic, we could
get more of sutijfaction than of the op
posite out of the present high handed
nrni'Mndini? iroini! on at Washington.
None but the most hide-bound partisans
will support such measures. And as the
nh.muB of a very fu w votes would have
changed the last two elections, go most
likely will tnuy etiunge me nrai. bo,
while their own acts will be a uullstono
about their necks, yet we no noi toei
disposed to entirely devote ourselves to
rejoicing. II it were Bimply our defeat
they were accomplishing, nobody well
disposed to the public good would ob
ject, any more than just hard enough
to make them keel) on. But when those
in public life do acts that result in more
tht !Oi . -,l ,U.I ll.nn.l.v
should keep it well in ini, tjj i,a
uuxi unit' m (iiuhh ii protest ami trie
oniy one tor wtilcli tliey csre that tho
ballot box may not lie neglected.
The Montana Ballot System.
From tlm National Democrat.
Colonel W. A. Clark, of Butto, Mon
tana, one of the must prominent demo
cratic politicians of the new state, say
mat tliero is no cliunco tlnit the political
Bituallon will be c mnuuri or the dead
lock in the Muntiisn legislature broken
until tne u. . senuto exainines the ere
dontials of the four men who will go to
. waaiiiiurton uml ask to be seated as sen
ators. Colonel Clark does not auren with
Colonel Broadwater, the member of the
democratic national committee from
Montana, that the Australian voting
systeM is till bad. "On the whole it
i an exculleiit law," he said, "but in
many respects it would be better if
changed to suit the country. In tho out
lying district of Montana, a yet but
sparely Bottled, the law imposes a hard
ship upon the voter. Ho is forced to
ride sometimes 100 miles over the prairie
or through the mountains until he
reaches a registration place, where tin
can merely certify that he resides in
the precinct. Wlien the day for voting
comes, ho must take the ride uvui again,
and be prepared to resist a chullenge,
and to provo that he is the reuister
ed voter. Tho feature of the law
which leipiiies registration is all
right in tho cities and the thickly
settled districts, but is all wronu
in the other parts of the state, and
should be done uwuy with."
Nothing heard of now In the woods bid
echoes of the Hood.
The Mnhtlla was the highest ever
Known If) Inches on W. II. Vauglinu i
barn floor, three feet in F. 0. Perry's eel
T. W. Austin died af lung fever Febru
ary 1st, aged 1W year.
The band entertainment was postponed
from January lllsl to February 7th. on
account of the storm, The following was
me progrumme rcnuereu:
Music, Ovcrelta hy J. S. Diuigun, Baud
Farce, rompey's fatleut, Company.
Snug, My Dutch Cul's Maine, F. II
Hecitation, Duchess of Muud Muller,
J. V. llarlcss.
Song, Mary Kelly's Beau, F. II. Dun-
Music, Negro Medley, Band.
Sketch, Wonderful Telephone, Com pa
Farce, Absent Minded, Company.
Then followed songs, gags, and comic
sayinirs, by the Jlolalla Minstrels, which
kept the audience in a roar of laughter
while being remlercil.
The evening's entertainment closed
with the side splitting farce entitled Han
dy Andy, or the Striped Sergeant, per
formed by Win. Msekrell and J. V. liar'
let, old residents of Molalla, and A. L-
Coruwall. thenewdniffirist.
Monday evening party of young folks
gathered at Mi-i Julia .Meody and
pawed a very plea-ant time.
Hid II Fl.YKK.
Wbn Bahy was f k k, we pro bar Outoria,
When the was a Child, sb cried for Cutoria,
When ah became Mm, the clunf to Castoria,
Whrn le had CliiUren, )m gan them Cutorla,
The reiult of the flood throughout tho
Willamette valley has buent'isastruus in
the destruction of property In aoine lo
calities, yet for the height of the water
and the rapidity with which it came,
wn have good reason to congratulate
ourselveion escaping with so small a
The total damago (o properly In Ore
gon City will in the aggregate amount
to about IIL'O.IKH). falling principally on
the large corporations, although some of
the losses fall on those who depend upon
day's labor (or a living anil are ill able
to bear it.
(). C. Mfg. Co
W. T. I'. Co
W. f -k I. Co
W. K velnlnrCo. .
( Kli-lri.-Co...
ii i'upcr Co.
Homing Mills IO ,u",
(.eo. Kriiiigliton -V"'
.'Intriiiun A Co
1 .'It !
f. Selling
O. C. i'uruiture C
The number of small losers would be
too numerous to mention, as all the resi-
dents on water street and linose Flat
have sullered either in loss of furniture
or damage to building. Beside this the
factories will be unable to start up un
til repair aro made, throwing a larire
number of the operatives out of employ
ment . , In this city there has been but
one drowning accident, and fur being so
fortunate in this respect wn should con
sider ourselvj especially favoied.
During the time when llio water was
t t . If.. . . ..II A l i! .. I. I .
n.gliesi, a.mui w ine "'",
...tivitv. and honeful siifn are imlicatod
on every side. All the dillerenl corp.. -
ration and mill h.ive men eiwaired
in clearing out the debris preparatory in
resuming work.
The manager of the VT P. k P. com
pany say they wil'put in a dyumiw of
their own to(vfrnish electric light, and
will wntVni.ilit and duv. They will
li'AS'o' the huge giimlt-rs to work in less
than two Weeks tur.nng out the pulp.
All the merchants have again npenel
their stores, and although with some of
them the loss ha been considerable,
they all consi lor that their have been
lucky, a their damage ha been very
small in proportion to tne amount 01
stock they had on hand.
the business men consiiler tne llooil n
blessing rather than otherwise j coming
i uiu mo resuii iihs uuen ousy 10
1 1, . I ! ! I. - I
oenr. uy tins expuriuncu we iiuvu in-eii
lungnfc iniu nuns or iioiihi-b prupuriy
nun are an e to wi nstami t ne greaiesi
floods ever known here, and in the fu
tore substantial structures will be erect
ed. Already tho W. F. Excelsior company
huve made arrangement to begin re
building, and it will be a better equipped
and larger tactnry man that currieil
away by the flood.
The Crown Paper company will re
sume active building operation a soon
as the water is in its natural channel.
Cieorgu Bro'.ighton, having saved al
most all his logs, by having them secure
ly boomed, will begin at once the erec
tion of a much larger and better sawmill
than the other. The new null will be
located near the mouth of the A bor
ne! hy.
A prominent real estate man of this
city said tn the writer that this washout
would not depreciate tho value of real
estate, and thut he would puy justa
much for property on Main street a be
fore and he wished by had a chancu'to
buy. v JO
Tiu rensii itnd , " gome loeaT
tie in the city has beon washed awnr,
and fever-breeding and pestilential boil-
thoroughly cleansed, i! temporarily
we mourn the los of property, the ren
ovating character of the flood may prove
a mossing in disguise.
Reports from other place in regard to
the Hood show u large amount of prop
erty destroyed. In Portland the indi
vidual losses are very small, al
though the water was higher than ever
before known. The merchants expect-
init it, hud ample time to remove their
good to a higher elevation and a irrenl
part of their loss wag the cost of labor
in removing the goods.
McMinnvillB reports show that a creat
leal ol iliiniML'o hn been done to bridge.
Throughout the whole county a great
many have been morn or less injured ;
but the hridgn over the Yamhill river
at Dayton i the only one totally de
stroyed. County Jndire Lonu'luirv think
U000 will cover the losses in the county.
Wbeatlun 1 hud a hard time, lieports
say that it wuh completely inundated.
the inhabitants moving out and leaving
(heir homes to almost certain destruc
tion. There was one large warehouse
there, suid to contain 2o,000 bushels of
wheat, and this is thought to have been
a total loss.
At Independence matter are not half
so bad as liuvo been leported. MX
thousand will cover all the dumege. The
irincipal loss was the currying uwuy of
"resent t at Veness saw null 1 lie engine
and boiler are all right and imurly nil
the lumber lies high and dry on the low
lands below the town w here it can be
easily reached w ith wagons. Over 200, -0)0
bushels of grain is stored in ware
houses and not a single bushel was dam
aged . The Independence people con
sider their greatest duinage was in being
unable to get their daily mail, hut think
It will not be but a few days before they
will have bridge repaired so thut they
can make connection.
Benton county is a heavy loser. The
bridge over St. Mary's river is a total
wreck. It floated during the flood ami
was tied to each bank, but when the
water subsided it was found thut the
pier hud been washed away, anil the
whole structure sank into the river.
Benton is a very large county and many
streams intersect it, and the loss of
bridge everywhere is almost universal.
A conservative es;imate of the loss to
the county, including the Mnrv'a river
bridge, which will cost ItlOOO to' replace,
is $25,000. Just across the river, in I. Inn
county, the lowlands were flooded about
live miles eastward, but beyond tho
scattering of fences over the fields, and
the destruction of several burns and a
few head of cattle, the damage will be
light, it will cost about $2000 to renair
tho government revetmnent work above
Corvallis, but it ellieacy in keeping the
river in its channel, thouuh severely
tested, has been fully proven. It has
saved many hundred acre from total
ruin. Hie Alsea river overflowed it
banks and the valley had the annear-
ance of a lake. In manv places the
water was ten feet higher than any
high water mark known, the result be
ing much los of stock and property.
Manv miles of fencing in that section
were washed aw uv and the mountain I
side in doien of places washed down
into the canyon. Some of these slide
were 500 feet square ami all an deep that
in manv instance gigantic tree were
carried hundred of vard downward '
and are standing erect in the canyon
below. In other case big tree have
been br. ken like pipestenis and piled
up with dirt 50 feet high, fotmtng im-
.i . : , i. - , : - i
inriiw toiiiii, ( llio uiuuiiwiil 1,1-uiHi- i
and creating aniall lakes. t
I'ulll la In Han Francisco.
Nine Indian of the Siwash tribo were
drowned at Vancouver, B. C, last week.
At llid'i'y, Oregon, It wan resolved to
oiler a cash Union of 4IXK) to any per.
noil who would agiee lo.lmlld the most
complete mill for the sum ollered,
On the 8th tnst. at Kalstna, a drunken
fisherman named Fred Stone a is
itrowneit by fulling oil the lidewnlk into
deep water.
K. II. Bellinger of Kuleiii, a prominent
biiHlness man, was drowned in North
Mill creek near Salem, on Saturday dur
ing the high water of last week.
At Olymtiia lust week Mrs. John
(iiiiun act'identully spilt the contents of
a i in oiiiiiiik ruuuu on ncri uioiiius
old baby, scalding it builly. The child
will die.
Monday morning oulhern CTnl. whs
ulii.lillv uhiilit.il In' mi iiiirllinnulfi. Ii
Hnn fult in I'omnua where several puins
,,( olas were broken, and in Kan hiewi
"''''"'"Ps'ded by a rumbling noise.
,IH ''"ciflc ciiniiiany have
made arrangements with the irovern-
meiit to curry the mail between Portland
and San Francisco for tlM) a round
trip ns long us the blockade continues.
Nine lino seals drifted alinre at Clat.
nop one day during the recent florin nnil
were captured. Three tine kiu were
broiiirht to Anuria on I ho Hth. The
value of the whole cntch is at )--( -JtMf.
...... . ,r
judge miiiiii ina.io a uecrei inmc
If, 8. circuit court lust week, ritrlng
.i. ul.. l... t- r
inr miiu hi in,. n t-K, .iiiiiii mil, 'y ri'iir
pniiy's linos east ami west side harrnw
gauge on foreclosure of niortg fa, pn
yiding that the eerlincate. Issti.
by the
I V"1' !""". a toldwmfi t, of As.
1 ,""1V mu-Me at ll.at p ace on
, shooting himself in the
rilt.ui nun n ii:viier. llic rnusu n
di'spoiideiicy over ill health and the fact
I lint lie was a cripple for lire, fie leaves
two sous and considerable property
Kd. Smith, who fought George La
Blanche or I)enver, Col., has issued a
chullenge offering to fight sny man in
America white or blnck. bv anv rules.
for $10110 to 5000 a Bide in six or eight
! weeks fiom the time of signing the ar-
j'icles, within o(K) miles of Denver.
I The e inncry at S.ilem I n iw xn
assured fact, as all tho stock hm been
taken ami they will he rea ly to g In
work n'n the manager arrives
: from the Fust. Too namu ebnspn tar
; tho new concern is the Salem Canning
i i ninnimv ami w ne Drenureil to can
1 . . . . . " ....
imits ami Ycgetunies ot turn year s
-, , , , - ... hn.a.
on the Central l'acinc anil California and
Oroi'nn lines has continued, the South
ern Pacific official hnve felt hopeful lint
the following ilny would seethe block-
aile raised. Fresh storm have corns.
however, and the tracks have been in
snow almost as soon a cleared. The
rotary plow has done splendid work on
tho west slope of the Sierra mountains,
At Seattle on February Rth Are de
stroyed three canvnsback'stores with all
their contents causing a Ins of $42,000,
The (ire started in W. F. Kellehon'sdrj
goods store, and was caused by a kens
sene lamp exploding, throwing burning
oil in every direction. In a minute thl
whole of the structure wu in flames ami
before tbp fire department could prevnv
it, the adjoining tent occupied bv he
Banner a.iloon and II. Ilursoh herd's
furnishing goods store. The content .f
tho three stores were partially insurt.1.
It is probable Los Aniteles boasts if
tho ynnniN'st grund mother in the United
states, tier name is Mrs. Cordelia
She is only 50 yearn of age. She was
married when she wn only 15 years old.
Her eldest daughter was married at 18.
and Mrs. Cordelia became a irritni -
mother when she was 83. Her eldest
grand.lnutfbter married last April just
afler she hud passed her Kith birthdnv,
and last week there was horn into the
familv a ureal . . irrn,i,l,l,iin.l,t..r Mr.
Cordelia snvs it is not e.vpectinir lno,!,u'l ,liln witl' " I"1'1""' fine boys
iniieii io 1 1 1 1 ii k sue win see tier great
great uranoMuiiL'tiicr ueiore slio dies.
It lb estimated by roadinusters that
it will take 1500 men a month to repait
me raoroiio mien injured uy washout
and slides through the Cow creek can
yon. (inn mile and a half south of tun
iir-l in. a mountain 2800 feet back slid
into the valley, covering the track for
Balance of 800 feet and extendiiiL' buck.
ward toward the mountains 2000 fed
more. I Ins slide completely blocked m
Cow creek the night of rebruary4 anil
heltl tho water back till 5:10 p. ni. tlie
next day. when it Droke tliroiiiili. corrv
ing everything before It. The depth ol
vno wuier iiuovo me railroad track i ti -
sine tins dam was ia leet. Th s miel
have been a repetition of tho Johnstown
oeiiige oiu nir messengers who hail
given timely warning to all through the
vii iii-y iwiuw, so nun. mey cnulil csculw
A large railroad bridge smith () the duin
was ruisuu ion neignt ot 40 feet abovp
the track and left hainriiiL' on tho ,..,..
tain side. There is enough miow in the
iiiouuuuiis io produce another freshet.
The diunuge caused by l. il0,u
last monili in Lot Angeles nnd suburbs ,
iouiid to tic m ur if 750,000. A short ilk
oi.ieu oeiow ine rauioad the channel en
., nnn rilllCII, WHICH Covers
iiiru hi. ICS. near mo center of ihU
u ,.,,,i ii nine covering fifty neres.
ine uver cmemi t Ii is, Kj.readint;
..... ...... ...IllJIUir S,H1 , . .
or mo. t,. i .- r.... 1
in.i I. ." i , over iuu acres.
.). 1... , . .
- nciu ii sn eio iin
i.iMiiuijr, iniiiuiaiing a lur-c
numher of ranches and Ieavii7
J cioercu wun such deep deposiiii
...... ...... woiiipiiruiiveiy worthless.
. v....uKc in oiu L-iiiimiol causes tin
ii.n , uiii ny lino the San Gahrinl
some six miles above where tl. former
.... nun. i ne minis tietween this citv
...... uSun urn hi a nign state of cult:
,. V ihio nn.ite put,
the ihiiniorn ,ii a r ..' v
a . V "'"'-i oi ii nil (in.
It. S. Baker, owner of the Laguna ranch
e.stiinatcs-liis loss ut not less than km
000. Below that uluc 'e varioiM
i f from a
n ... ..
been made, so that the total dsn., i i.
ioiiiiii ami on i,,.
lieved to l,o gocul three-quarters nf
million. Passim: hevond th. i:.. -.
first serious (lannnn. ,
ii,-,..,.,.. I... i....i ?- "l '"c
i , ,. ' . "V.T "unty ranch of Wil
bin Itiissetl IV ,..n il... .! .. " "
bird llassett
its banks iho water began filling up , e
channel between two rows of
This became dammed tip with brush"
but t ill u-re. L.nr I..1.1 . "",
washed nut piled up against the Santa t
railnmd hndge, a short distance
he ram i,, and formed a , Ian, which , b
verted the water from iis regular channel
and lurni-d it through the orchard. Thi
kept i uu ins dec,H.r and w ider. The new
channel took away several acres of B,I
setts runel, for iis l,e,, Mvept away ,
barn snd 100 ,ns r , nPun
'll'cr fu.ming implemen.H, 2ot ora " I
trees, ,! , numla-rnf u ,.l i ... "I
11 V , "'I!' WHICH
fruit tree
. . "lei uiuer
to the value of 0,0tHI.
Shiloh'i Consumption Cure
tr.l whirl! J.h,lZ 'Z """'?.
my fff,
"I""'. IV te
Iwler. Muld bjr E. u CsuHeld Ir,. ,
Thirteen hundred working girl held
a reunion and a bull in New York the
oilier evening. All of them were
dressed ill cheese-cloth of vuriou colors.
There wasn't a man present.
Ferine C. Whitney mid Mis JosO'
phine Ward, the hitter deuf and dumb,
are to be married ill "est llaven,
Colin , ilia few days. The groom is U8
and the bride forly ) ears younger,
The trcuMiry department hn decided
that (inventor's Island, New York, will
bereaftei be Used ns a landing place for
iiiiiiiiuriinlH, and Castle tiardeu will bo
The steamer I. a Plata from Ituenoi
Aver arrived at Antwerp, and specie
and bond lo I lie value of $1 ,2.'l),(KH)
were missing. It is supposed they were
stolen during the voyage.
One day lust week a lab. ring man
wa digging a ditch in i street, Sun Ber
nardino. Cul.. when lie i , .earthed an
oyster can full of money. ' lie kept l is
find secret and left town the next morn
ing. Martin Costin, a v. ell-to-do and high
ly respected farmer near Martinsville,
Intl., is the father of twenty-nno child
ren hy his present wife, although he is
but 50 years of itge. Nearly all the
children nte living.
F.mseca the new president of the Bra
!.lian riipuldic was wuited on by a lame
'crowd, in- front of his residence on the
Stb lust , wlin desired him to ncct'pt the
dictatorship (or five years. He refused
and had the people dispersed by the po
lice. Advices from London indicate that a
-tnke of gigantic proportions is impend
ing among the stevedores mid dock la
borers, which will throw the former
Ijreat strike in the shade. Tho employ
ers as well a employee are bunded to
gether and it means u strtigiilu to the
death for one of tho u lions.
A Texas mule belonging to William
Drew of the 7ih district of Thomti
county, Georgia, full into a well there
thirty' live feet deep one day the latter
purt of lust week. Although he re
mained in the well tnreu hours before
hu wus taken out, lie was found to be
uninjured, and is now at 'urk a usual.
A company lias been formed in Minne
apolis, Minn., to develop iron mines
near the headwaters of the Mississippi.
They were discovered three years ago,
and were thought lobe of litllu value,
lint a more recent investigation show
UU per cent, iron in the ore and that the
mine is worth twenty million.
The funeral of Mrs. and Miss Tracy,
wife and daughter of the Secretary
of the Navy from the White House
last Wednesday was attended by a
largo crowd. Armv and navy ollicer
attended in full uniform, us well a pub
lic official. The pull beurers were mem
bers of the cabinet.
A writer in no i astern journal talking
uboiit church choir suys they have be
come the trainim; scluol or the comic
opera stage. "The good deacons may
nut believe it possible, but a glance ut
the history of the most popular sou
biettes and prima donnas shows that
they uriiduutcd from church choirs."
A Montreal man has been condemned
to puv the sum of $1 us dauiagus for hav
ing called upon a person in a factory
with a view to collecting a debt. The
court held that the domicile of the debt
or is the proper place at which to de
mand money that is owing. It further
lectured that to ask on the street for
nionev thut is due constitutes an assuult.
tDi nneen ofi Greece
a narrow es-
Aipe from u friL'luful
ih lust week.
hen driving ttirongrUT') streets in tin
pen carriage an eieci..,- iiiiiii ire orose
ml u portion of it fell itiion tlm queen
ud tightlv enwrapped her. Within a
niniite after tlm wires Acre removed
, ...." .-"- u. .....
nun her the current wus turned on anil
7 1 "'"""
At mceniies, Intl., the other du
Policeman (ins Robertson's wife pre-
Five years ag i that verv duv Mr. Uob
ertson became the mother of twin gills.
It in a rather remarkable coincidence
that both of these double births should
huvu occurred m the sittne day of differ
ent venrs milking the birthday of four
members of tho same family full on the
same day of the year.
Tho Polish church war at Plymouth
Pa., has been renewed. The Polish
faction led by Martin Wilkes, went to
the cemetery nnd dug no the bodies
of tho Lithuanians which were bur
ied under protection yesterday. The
eollins were broken open and two
bodies drauired nil over the ground nnd
thrown over the fence. The bodies
were horribly lacerated by pick-axes
used in breaking open the coflins.
Three other coflins were taker! nut of the
graves, but tho bodies were not disturb
ed. When armed Litlinnian arrived
on the cene the Poles fled. There is
talk of lynch law. Thousand of poople
were in'the ceinelerv. The Litliuaia is
gathered tip the mutilated bodies and
rebnned them.
An explosion occurred lust week in a
I'ollieiv ut Monmouthshire, Kngliind.
Sixty dead men have been taken out.
it is estimated that the total numlierol
lives lost is ISO; half of these deaths
being caused bv Are. and concussion, and
the other half by stitl.iciitioii. At 0
meeting of the leading coal miners il
was resolved to estaiii-ii a iwieration
including all the unniiv.' districts in the
country. South Wales, iVirtliuiiitierland
and Dtirbum are temporarily excepted.
The object of the federation is to raise a
fund to resist unfair demands oi miners.
and to resist to the utmost any move
ment to establish theeight-hnnr system,
The organization will be perfected in a
few duvs.
An explosion of natural gas took place
in Columbus, Ohio, in a nne-storv
Iwelling. The people crowded by hun
dreds into the narrow alley and pushed
no close to tho lione, from w hich the
crie of injured tieople within could be
plainly heard moans ami snrieK? min
ified with the hoarse call of the firemen,
the clanging of tho alnnin bells on the
engines, and the murmuring oi ine
crowd made the scene a niol heart
rending one. The fire was almost tin
ier control, reople were standing
around talking, when a si-cond explo.
sinn wn heard. A sheet of flame burst
from the building. A great mas of
brick and stone that 30 second la-fore
had been a twn-st .ry brick building
flew with terrible force through the air
Six live were lost ami aboii :I0 people
ninred. The saddet sight of all wa a
tearless mother, with her heart frozen
by fear ami grief, staggered from the
ruins, holding tight to tier nearr. in
seemingly lifeless form of her 3 m nths
old babe.
lnill"penhle lo the Tnllrt.
Carby's Prophylactic Fluid cure
hating, emotion and inflammation of
all kinds; cures inflamed or sore eves;;
relieves pains from bites or stings of in
sect ami sore feet; destroy nil taint of!
tcriiruticn or ofTen-ive smell from the ;
fret or anv p irt ef :h" b sly ; cleanses and
whiten the skin. 1. sed as a ilentilrice
purities the br.ath; preserve the
teeth ami rim toothache, tore gums
anil ranker.
U 8 A to T J Parish, n ,'' of n w
ec 10. 1 4 . r ,'i e. O C 8.1 as ; patent.
Lavina II Beuveitlu W J Weston,
V. of n a W. see 7. I 8 a. r 1 w. HO us
and s of n w of sec 7,t 3 . r 1 w
unit claim 1100.
J M Lawrence to Daniel Williams, lot
1. I.Ik 1'iU. (IrHimn ( tv f.'liO.
O I it S Co to Mrs Catherine Woods,
lot 7 and 8 blk 2), 0 I . S) Co' a. I to
(Jsweiro: tool).
W II Howell toC II Myers, lots 7 and
8, blk 108, Oregon City, bond lor (Iced
Asa Perkiut: to ,luo Campbell. C L
Burch uml J N iMiuao, part of D L C
No 411. t 2 s, r 2 e, l:'l' u i $.)H2).
Tho M Smith lo J M Pittemrer. so cor
of I) L C of '' Alietnu.liy, Cert 210, t
if, r2e;$24(H)
Muriunua Baeehlcr to Kugeno Buech
ler. e 'j! of u u W, sec 2, t 4 , r I e, 80
us: fMot).
Tho Charuuin to Donald B. McBride,
lota 1 ami 2. see 5, 14 s, r 2o, 2d a.
Also part of D S (J of A P Smith, 5 as;
H V Uandiilph In K II Barker, lot 1
and 2, blk 150 in Oregon City; $701).
Jepctha Mnv lo Win 8 May, n e
see .'I. t 4 . r 2 e. 100 as : $2000.
II P Neefu to L I) Leonard, lot 7. blk
IL:t in Oreiron Citv: $:I00.
O AC It K (o .1 II Weaver to J A
Stephenson, n e '4' of n u soc 15, t 2
. r4e.40: $275
Deed of Aasitrnment II It McCarver
to V W Mvers: $1.
OlaSSawteli to Jacob Oswalt 1-7 of
the w e k, sec 21, 1 5 , r 2 e; $271.
Tne notice of a house to rent at (Joose
Flat on C. D. fc D. 0. L.itotirette's Iml
letin board while the house was almost
covered with water, looked a little fun
nv. Of course tho notice was written
bef-ire the flood came.
Messrs. Tho. Conway, P. G. Wun
blud and W. J. Wilson distinguished
themselves ut the time of the highest
water when tbev went in n boat over to
the sulphilu mill ami tied it linn nnd
fast to prevent its flouting uwuy, thus
risking their lives. Mr. Sullivan sny
he will not lake, two dozen men for
Plsturbauce uf the Heart.
Heart disease is like an assassin,
which creeps upon you in the dark, nnd
strike von unaware. Therefore, do not
overlook any uneasiness in the region of
the heart or disturbance in its action,
hut ut once take Hit. Flint's Kbmkdy
Descriptive treatise with each bottle;
or, address Mack Drug Co., N. l .
Assignee's Notice.
" MeOnrviT hns ton to nil usuliriunt'iil lo ine
fur the benefit id his ervilitors.
All iik liMvlnir I'liilnm xirtdnilt SJLid II. It.
MuCarver will present them to me properly verl
tied at the taw ottlce of C. P. St 1. C. I.utmirutte
1 persons indebted In sni.1 II. It. McCarver ure
herebv iintlneil to pm- the same ut oaee.
ouieu ai ureaoii i ifcy, ufuBui.. run.
AsalKiice of II. R. McCarver, Insolvent debtor.
This remedy is becoming so popular as
to need no special mention, ah wno
have used Electric Bitters sing the
same song of praise a purer uieoi
cino does not exist and it is. guaranteed
to do all that is claimed Electric Bitters
will cure all diseases of the Liver and
Kidueys, will remove Pimple, Boils,
Suit ltheum nnd other allcctioiis caused
by impure bloed Will drive Malaria
from tho system and prevent us well u
cure nil Malarial levers i-or cure oi
Headache, Con-tipalioii anil Digestion
try Electric Hitter Jtmiire sjtlstuctlon
guaranteed, 'or moitcv 'refunded--Price
SOets nnd $1 per bottle at O A Harding's
Oil, What a Cough. -,
Wilt vnll heed the warning, 'the Mir-
niil perhaps of the mire approach of that nnire
terrible ilWeiise, I'oiisiimptloii. Ak yourself If
vou esn alt'onl for the aako nf saving Su cents,
io run the rik ami do iiotliiuv for tl We know
from experience dial Slillon s i;ure win cure
your Cough. It never falls. This explains whv
mitr.. thiol A Million Unities were soht the liast
year. It relieves I'ronp anil Whooiiini! l ough at
once. Mothers, do not lie without II. Kor l.iime
Back. bidcorChest, use Shlloh a 1'ormm Plaster.
Sold hy K. 0. Cuuficl.lAO.
Join L. C. II-utlrleliiiii' Waleh Club.
A 70 watch for $liO on payments of
$1 per week. These watch1.- aro not es
pecially made for club purposes but are
from our own stick. Wo positively
guarantee them first-class in every par
ticular. Fonts A Fuchs agents for Ore
gon City of L. C. Ilendrichson. 1-10 First
Stieet, Portland.
Grand Keinovul Sale.
Cbarmaii & Co., City Drug Store, ex
pect to move into the corner store of
Charmun Broa.' new block about Feb
ruary loth, nnd until that time
Drugs, Paints, Oils, Class, Hair
Brushes, Stationery, Money Purses,
Knives, Looking Glasses, Spoons and
Family Kecipes, ut greatly reduced
rule." Call and get our pi ice.
I have tliis day admitted my nephew,
Isaac Ackerman. as a partner, llio hu
iness will be carried on under the name
of Mayer and Ackerman.
Ai.kx. M.iVKit, the Great Kastern Store.
Oregon City, Feb. I, 1S00.
You have heard your neighbir talk
in.r iihout it. Vou may yourself he one
of the iiniiiy who liuow trom n'r onni ex
ner i-uce hist how good a tiling il is. ii
you have ever tried it, you are one of its
staunch friends, because the womlcrtui
thinir about it is. that when once given a
trial. Dr King's New Discovery ever after
nib s a n ana in the house ir you nave
never Used it and should he afflicted with
a cough, colli, or any Throat, Lun or
Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and
givu it a fair trial II is guarant'-eil every
time, or money refund -il Trial Battles
Free at O A Harding's Drugstore
Xellie Ely's wonderful story in the
Family Stokv Papsk i the talk of the
duv. In towns where there are no i.ews
dealer the Family Stoky I'apkii will be
sent t any address four months for osa
noi.i.AK, containing Nelly Biy's Creat
Story. Address
Mi'Mto'a PfRi.isiusii H iI'se.
24 and 20 Vandewater Street,
New Votk, X. Y.
Oregon City Market Report.
Whkat Prim. 6Sr. hulk I without itcksl
Oats :se "f Imtliel. with ck.
Pmh'B - Boiler, retail, fl ; eoontry.
Eniw lor
HcTTHs-eJlm, COc a roll
iisioss le
V4. "r itressnl
1'Hn-aais old M;vnnjl3 a doiea
llEitr i!i (' 2S"
NrTTos $.'
SlII(nLKII t'J V) 1 thouunil.
I, tins-10.' f! noon,!.
Hinr.s itwn. Irr. 410ri: .tae-thirnoa
forrullrd. Shwp Kits. i-yir
H at Tim.Shr. tt rlorer I5
Fitso Bmii. so: shorts. IP SO: rhne II;
Pork Sides Hie. shmil.iers SiSIOr, bun Ual2c
frrh. NeS dress.1
Arri v P. r hoi.
poTATors TVr . 1 vi
I thitfe n l ..nioiis. I Se
Rrr n -lr n I
Psisr Furrrs KTp.4tl apples 7e, plama
"r. primes Altk-. pe.-hr lJe
Turkry l."te a puauit
Ain'iwfAw.iMina-i ..--i-iiiiia-llWiiiln J
for Infants and Children.
'CaaterUlisowellailaptMltohlUrtBUtl BaeteHa wire Polle, Constipation, "
Irmrud,tMU,.nyPn-criPU.a g-J Z "F$m .
kaowDtonie." It i. Aacasa, II. D., I muIm.
Ill So. Oxford St. Brooklyn, K. T. WUbail lajurioua modloatioa.
Tai CasTAva Cuansr, 71 Murray Htmut, N. t.
'! ho fo'lowing i a list of letters re
tunning in the postoflice at Oregon (!ity,
Feb. Ii. 1800:
Aliho.', T K It lltibion, Siiiiim. (in
Back John 2 Kelly, Kb.uhc !i Airs
Hr.ulford Co. Iluise Ki-cr, ,1 im
Ba:-itl, MargareiMrnLii.il, I) M
Bark, Eliza Mn
McComilck, M.iry E
Cotirlog, Clcorgi!
C'np1 Ho, Silmmro
Co.: ice, Surah
('uniuhiin, Lidyn
Dicklem in, .l.ilui
Door, .Inlni
Khhed, llo'vurl
Eriksson, Tilly Mi'
MeCubhlu, T P
Mel on, Pefr
ltms, Frencli
Sliaiock, .Minu'e
Scheur. Ii II
S iyi r, Toni
Trai w, lleary
Tutlle, llUI'itll II
Grande ir, W S t
Hughe, .1 nil-tic Mis Van Lnot.Wm
lllcki nti nlien. Mrs Wright, John F
When cade 1 for plenso ay when
advcriis.ed. J. M. Bac.ix. P. M.
Notit'O lo llio Public
Ail pwii in b'hte-l to the Whltlosk
S'oa i -a r nu istoi ta nay uo.as all bills
will 8J3i je (ilaoe I in the handj of an
attonuv fo: collostlon.
Mas. WiNsiiw's.looriiiNU.SvRCI'. for chihlren
teething, is tne preserlplloii nf one of the best
female, nurses ami physicians In the I' lilted
Slates, ami has been used lor forty yeuni with
Hevcr-fuiltiig success hy millions of mothcrfi for
heir children. During Ilia profess of teething
Its value Is inculeuluhle. It relieves llio child
from pain, cures dysentery anil dlurrliu'ii, griping
tn the bowels, and wind-colic. Hy giving health
to tho child It rests the mother. I'rleo BSo,
My nionev lending business will be
carried on ua usual. Parties desirous of
being accommodated will please call ut
iny ollice. I nave ?IU0,tiUi) available.
W. C. Joiixhon.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts.
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Suit Rheum.
tever sores. Ii-ttfr. (banned Hand
Chilblains, funis and all Skin Krup'.lons, and
positively cures Piles, or no pay mi-iircd. It is
gltiiruntcci! to give uerleet sntisfHrtloll.
money refiiinled. Price i"i cents per box. Kor
sale by (J. A. liar ling.
"Now, girK this won't do!' said
Uiulame Molini, pouncing in upon the
six pale sewing-girls, like a wolf into a
Hock of lambs. " No, it will never do
in the world naBrJilon't pay you ail ex
orbitant wages to sit and fold your
hands, like tine ladies. Miss Sedge
wick, we aro waiting for that lavender
bilk polonaise; Lucy Lisle, why do you
not go on with those buttou-tioles I lisa
Fox, you will be so good as to change
your sent from the window to tho middle
of tho room at onoe I"
"Cut, niadauie, I can't soo there to
lay on these fiuo bias folds I" pleaded
Miss Fox.
"You mean yon can't see tho carts
and carriages in tho street, and the type-1
setters at the windows opposite I" re-
uirtecl JUadama wolini, whoso true
nomouclature was " Miilk-U3r" aud who
Im.I been a milliner's apprentice, in the
g,.()d city of Cork, before she set up on 1
S.xtli avenue as u French modiste. .
Lucy Lisle caught up lier work.
'1 stopped just a minute, madarae.with
that bad pain in my side," the said, ho-
Ijiiiiiiug to stitch away with eager hosto.
"If you're sick," said tnadiime, se-
arely, "you hud better go home uml
... ml for tho doctor. While you are
Hern your time is mine, bought and paid
1 .r !"'
While Miss S"dgewick, in self-defense,
uracil that she hud not enough silk gimp
1, 1 tiiiu tho polonaise aud was waiting
ior inure.
' Not enough," shrilly repeated rund
iiuie "not enough I I measured that
titinming myself, and I know that tliero
i -1 uough. You may just rip it offugum,
.1 1 s-w it on higher up and mnr.i 1
iniicully; and I shall deduct this
. 'Ming's lost tinio from your wages I
hat's that, Flora Fay the mode rob
r. d silk dress f Finished ? And where
i! t he two and a half yards that were
(i V"
' I folded them up with the dress.
uuie, suid iloroiay, an innocent.
l i-l . 11
,)vuuK giH, louuuujr liuui 1110
iisitry, nhoktood, in an unconsciously
. ceful attitude, before tho fat and
. inl uresnuiaker,
' i'hon you were a Roose for your
a, in," shortly retorted Aladaine Molini,
she unfastened the parcel, abstracted
piece of glistening, nncut (ilk, aud
tn-ked it away upon a shelf. "l'0
ins nnd a half lsn t much, but it's Lot
r than nothing."
Flora Fay opened the innocent blue
yes wide.
' What is she going to do with it? "
1 asked Miss Fox in a whisper, as
wUme rn tied off to scold the errand
v for puttiug too much coal ou the
rate tiro.
" i .n't you know, little ailly ?" whig
iTed Mua Fox, laughing. " It's what
ne cabbages 1"
"Cabbage?" repeated Flora, in amaze
ii. nt. " 1 dou't underhtand yon."
'Y 'O wiil, when you see the mwlo
ii made up into a sleeveless basque
-r mndauae," said the other, "trimmed
.itli the gimp that was lift from Mrs.
iiibrey's dinner dress, and the pea-1
lii'Ke from Mrs. 0tt'n white damusse
ball costume."
"i!ut you don't mean," said the
:TC.oh;KS Flora. " tliat madamn fnlru.
ii sdk that is left fr m the customera'
or. ses ?''
' Cloosie r cried Miss Fox, "don't talk
nonsense any loop r. It's what every
fashionable dr,-3sinat.er .o-s and '
'there's the ,, lion room 111"
shnily called mailtmu, "Mas Fav n.
w, r it at once !"
Harry l)ral;e was standing
in the!
nre;:y ri m a.l glistening with satin
.M:T.r, s1nl.1l moiil iiLB :,n.l lm mi..
ior-, "hen x lora earj
lite yotilij; . eii j -r-i i
'h ar?- i o. t H- ."
' iu -Harry Hrake,
1. o tsurde,! at
ii-H-- huase
1 ' :'. i 4rria
-. .::t..f Mrs.
l.trj I'U .Mv.-
at a reax.ii. : .. , .. . .
Dudtla hat. .,. . .
b 2L3 IT
"'ho Beit :itewspaTor on the Puolfle Coait.
The Daily and Tockly Examiner OIEco.
& 0
Or IvToney,
t yn.', cet Tni: most nntLmyr x.vn
W e-'ri'ilo'e V.'t-t'kly esl)opt.r Tn l.'u World.
TUB Wl U ..V KXAMINKUpriniaregillurly (evenly,
w.i imIuiii s. or eL'iit iK.ircs ol 'eu-H. Littiraturo sih!
Ocnerul I: l,rniat.i,ii; nlso a eoinpljto and rclinbl,
Cvui orelnl P 'imrtiut l.t, and 7ii cents si I puy lor Hl
montlis mitis-rltion, includai puHlao to uuy prt J
Ue Uuited HUlct, ur
0 For Oils Year,
j Te pi oj, 3-. -':ar ft 41
'.0 Jojiioa, C;i9 Yo.r - j
a;.:i'lk coi-ik; asxc fiiei;
?it":r. -j.:r: v:cc:'.-3 sr'ir'iV'.oiions,
fur thj
f 1
..vri s
Aitive.iioncst 7. TBon. r.ll over .:
cuuniry, wun or wu.ipuiicam.
JOUV V.. fc AM
t:.il Wmtier nte ,110'e h
ny lUat n I Mower tint
wrri in euhl ill 1 1. If n. i
maacyi It d. 1 1 1 mil no
tint to tkr the r.-chenrr..
John it. iiii.i;n. ,111.).
;hiitk of th Wuh r I i-i..i ln
tar niTentnl bj 111 in. " I. We h
a in' othrr day. If vim rim -I
will uhliiiMiiuiitf lutho
vUlnn lUii-rnl (rrr.i. A Hi
In lh worM rnrtiitl'iii liiho.
Lin went" tMt nuiiv
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vanes. A murvol of pur
iy, strength and ivholesoinoiicss. More eeonom
1 than the onlinnrv kinds, nnd cannot ba
. . , ;"'"ilml11" wmi 111c m u limine 01 low-
ii' , nori-weiunt nlum or iihusnhiito Iowd r.
IV ill Cat tn. KnvAt Ittuivn lniviipn fi
tC( Waif Street, New York. '
from life
Look on this picture nnd then nn tl.ot." Th
abore faces are exact reprolnctioin of photo-
graphs taken from life of J!rs. Morton D. Har
lan, who rcsi !es at fS V-.st 2T!h Street, New
Tork Pitr. The flrpt one was taken in Novem
ber. IPs;, while in tl-e In-t stnirs nf coiisnmp
tion. alani.-nel hv plivyit imm ami inounied bf
friends. The other as taken in I eeember.
l6. when comp'.-t-'Tr rs-.,v,'re:l. aid enlirelT
thmueh the use of Ir. A'-kr's FnL-liii Ri r.,edT
fi Con--iini,tion. The nhoie pii-tnres i,rewo
Cuts, hill ther lire tnl to life tiTiA lile or:'i.-ir,el
'"'"Phs. t.-lk-'n fmm lif'. can be mn at all
cotvirv.pi"ii 1 si'.Ttiv.(ii-s. mill
emizh in th m'-
mi-i: c -r--W- ktri. tbed
eHiia-. a la.-k . Ih
1 H-.ins (hi - ii! Ill oe l.idv.
i I- r eM- 'l. - " " :'
nl deen-e.I f,.
low r t-eh and
P!:e HM r.et ii-alt,
Ifer-.nte a! io--t t, ; r.-. !: -
hiih t.wt.iT- .-.-.. r-
fr Consoiimtion in a- l l t;.- -ill rr
fsts. Yvu can't oorl to f Iti"
i -I, rdf
i? Orua-
W E S3 11
;T . Iiflktlaf flR X Bi-.ti- di- ksi' mil,, 1 ;i' IE-a
,!:.-r ,iii.) in .ih m a Lut i..im:!i tha
, l,!i iit iii"niii,nil t'.al w.ll ' He U
,tr-..i'i"ie:tl,.- .o--.a-il'au.iii.'b
I cmd H.il atrnr? h.n-r, if tUt
.1. - Mi- r de ii.d Ll'n t- 1 n f-.rtt."
r, N .nnv, Iw .arii.s: - V- iA.l.t
w i-nni r. 1-r. It t- ilu 1 t mwiii i
uejuJl in i'l li'.-f r "1. U..11 j a
0 ilc-lriit. tii- :ii'i't:i-' on it Hi't-L't
111-:ni 1 ,cr 1 fill tin' lfl wnliir
'. hiil o an I mi:i, I'hj iujiv
riii' f.i' r ifllrii' ir.
V lt I II, I t HI r runt, ii.i ,1 yt.. -. i.nniu. s,-u
now d
rr rJc by i. Ci I-'
Ti' '
T If