Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, February 14, 1890, Image 1

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    .f -
NO. 40.
r .. . . u
- re
-r - . ST. XjOXTZS
Medical and Surgical Dispensary 1
1. HENHf KES8LKB, U. 0., Manager.
101 l.coid Slrert. nssr Tn,tor, Porllind, Ortu.
on Hie llrsi flisir, Noslnlrtinciniib.
The niunt convcnicntfe arraiiKiil olllcc. In the
cily for Uiv irvatuientorall
w PrlvatB SiaoMea.
The Itoetnra iiiarantee to cure any rue of Neil
rnlKifi, H.k llcailaclie ,ml Klii'iimiulmn. All
diseases of Womcii successfully treated, tta
jruiimiilra lo cure any Cuuuh. Lung Trouble or
Jhroii DlN-aso curable. I)scliar.-e from Kan
Kiin-.i in ssnori nine, ma Burt-., noers Canon
mid hklu uncases lured.
umoi a, A7'axm.
Ami nil kin l of (ninths removal fmni any part
( tlii' i. ily. mi d, Herein- imw Ionic MntMllnir, or
iimv in i't in,-y nitty ih!.
'I In "' Is Willi the fit. Ijhi'.h Mcillra',
rHinc-taiy uui beat Snr ual NIclll 011 llic I'ucllli
Young XjacIIom. '
IWlunamui. ,'iy ..Mi(. r Willi li,e lilolchcf
mi.l I'lmplim i.l l ii rk lea on your faun, and Dial
.-i-iui.iil tnilc Khm iiiiih r your Kytn. 'nil or
ruc. will n-mnvo ilmt K-rinmiiiitly and
K'v yim ! Ik iiitllul I nlixlnn.
J ne DiH ia.rx IiimiIkIi ilm ii nllFluemirl every
Mli mi i.-.i..i!v n mile, r-.iiikiiliiiilon rrvt.
hlllcs l..in,g A. M o- M.niU'loT. M.
I". e All ! ih i iiiiiHi-ml irnuiiilv. (all and
sea in, an a liicmlly talk costs nothing.
The steamer
Taylor Street Dock, Portland.
Eighth Street Koi'k, Oregon City.
Ori-jron C'ly 7:30 a. m. mill 1 p. ru.
1'orlliilnl, 10 a. in. mill 3:.'!U p. m.
union Pacific Railway,
Train, lor Ihv Kiml leave Portland at 7:on A. M
ami li V. M. ilntly. Tii'ki'ta tn iiml (rum prini'lii.
poiutk in the ITiiIUhI Iii1i', Canada anil Europe
Free ColnulKt Klei't'luir ear. run tliroimh on ex-
Cri'KH truing to Oinalin, I'oiini'il IIIuM'h, Kininaii
I ly, Cliii'aKoiiiid )t. I.011U WITHOUT VII A A IV A'.
Clone ronnci'tiim at Portland for .San Fram-laeo
ami I'UKi't SiMiinl lnli. Knr further pariieular.
iiioiunioi any Aueni ui ine loniimiiy or
x ' - I " T. w. i-i:b.
' - ' I. A.. I'iirlliiiul. Or.
O. S. MEM.F.N. General Traffic Manager
The Celebrated French Gure,
Wnrm.twi a A DUDnniTIMiT" or moirrr
111 IIIIVVI I I II las
re f limit
la S01.I1 on A
10 eu ru an v
foi in ol nervous
dlHcute, or any
disniiler of t lie
gcnenilivc or- AFTER
gnu. id i-illier Hex vliollier uilalng from the
xceasire iihv, of Slliiiiiliiim, ToIhiito or 0ium.
ortliroiiiih youthlnl linllsi-ietlon, over Indnlg
elite, ,tc mu ll ns Liumil llrniii Tuner, Wakeful
liens, lloarliu; don 11 I'iiIiih in the llai-k, Seminal
eukne, II vNtcria, Nervous Print ration Nocliirn
al Einlnlons, Leuiorrhieii, Hlgglne., Weiilt Mem
ory, jn of I'mveriiml linpoteni'.v, ivhleli If ni.
glceled often lend lo riiniilurcold iiKvaml Insan
ity. I'l'IroJM'O 11 Uix.6 hoxes furf'i.OO Sent by
mall 011 riH-eipt ol priiu
A WMTTKN OI'AltANTKH forovery fl.00
order, to lefuiid tho money if a I'ei iiiniicift
euro In not eireeted. TliousHiids of teHtlinoulals
from olilaud yoiim;, of both sexes, iermaiieutly
cured hy Ai'iiiioiiiriSK. Circular Iron. Addrens
S.ild liy fou A 1iuls, drtictflala, solo aisente
O ruii'iu city, or
Dealer in
OIhmh, Putty, Sto.
Prescriptions carefully Compounded.
A 8 Dbhsskr. T A McBaiDt
HrltltlDK k J 15 ESS Kit,
Attorneys at Law,
Farmers' Land Company,
Office at Noblitt's Stable, near Railroad
uepot, uregon City, Or.
and Selling Farm Lands
J 11 tlMvkaiiiHH t'omitj- n 4pritlty.
Correspondence Solicited.
N. X. ROB BINS, Aftu
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable
On the Street between the Bridge and the
Double and single rlas and saddle burse, al
wavs nu hand at Ihe lowest rates, and a corral
also connected with the barn for loose .lock.
Ant Inform; -ttr.il r-giirdlng any kind of stock
nio'iuptlr stt- ml"d tn .y li-tler or pvron
llOlifcK.- HOI t.HT OR SOLO.
F. 0. MeCOWX,
Attorney at Law,
Oce- va S:rj et, OrejM City, Qrejts.
Laud Jlatteri a Specialty.
The InniH-cnco of thn Intention
liatoa nothlnir of tho inlsolilnf of the
exmnplc Thn houtliorn Star.
Not to enjoy llfti, hut to employ llfo,
otiifht to ho our aim and InHplrution.
Many a man mnkoi a good reputft
tlon on what Ih not found out ahout him.
San I'ranolaoo llullntln.
How much moro aifrotiulilo tho man
who wnnu to anil Hum tho man who
wanft to huy! Atchlaon (lloho.
Iluinun nature in so constituted Unit
all two and Jiulo tattor In tho alfairo of
other nioti than In tholr own.
Ilnppy tho brldo who does not hear
all. tho comment and vrlticlHiiis of hor
dear frlcnda who mako up the audience
at tho wedding.
RememUer, If you lot your chicken"
feed from your nelirhlmra (lower bed.
Ma pig will prohuhly gt't fat in your po
tato patch. Toxiih Siftlnifa.
Every man ought to bo a gmid a
hia word. Nothing Ih expected of those
who never have a good word for any
body. N. 1), Picayune.
Wit iHono thing and wisdom Ih an
other; when thoy unito a Krnnklln Is
formed. In Htiuh InstanceH wit makes
wisdom pleasing, and wisdom makes wit
profitable.. John Leland.
You llnd yourself refreshed by tho
presence of cheerful people; why not
make earnest effort lo confer that pleas
ure on others? You will find half tho
battle Jh gained if you novcr allow
yourself to say any thing gloomy.
Much learning and little sensemake
a very bad mixture. The man who is
thus fitted out la like an engino carry
ing a high head of steam with no one to
manago the lover, or with the lover
gone. Thoro is nothing before him but
disaster. United I'resliytoiiun.
If one can not seriously and Boborly
think of his own life, and of tho issues
thereof both hero and hereafter, with
out being miserable, ho may set it down
as a certainty that thore is some radi
cal fault in Unit life. Sad, indeed, is
tho condition of that man who can be
happy no longer than ho can be thought
less. If he were right himsolf, then to
think of himself would be a source o(
pleasure rather than of pain. Rural
Now Y'orkor.
It is not the chipping otT of the dia
mond's surfiico that polishes tho dia
mond, but it is by the wise use. of tho
diamond dust or chlpplngs, in tho hands
of a skilled lapidary, that tho diamond's
pVillsli is Anally secured. It is nut the
making of mistakes that makes a man,
but it is tho wise use of mistakes that
enables a man to bo made to become a
polished man in his best sphoro. When
ever we seo tho light and glow of a beau.
tiful character, we may know that its il
luminating power came through iU slov
polishing by its own diamond dust, ut
tbo bands of tho tltT.W Lapidary. It
Clay Trumbull, , - 1.
Ita peculiar efficacy li due
BS lliuilll 10 ine proven, mm
NOTHING) alclll In eomMiiiidlng in to
1 in. it the ingredients llienwelvea.
IT T(lke (l n (lie ,t (llle(.kl)
dlxeoHea In the outset, or If
they be advanced will provo a poteutcure.
No Hone sbDlfl lie TiiW It
It takef the Place of a
doctor and coat I y pre
scription.. All who lend
edentur.v Uvea will find
It the best preventive of
ana cure lor iniiiKei".
Con.tlpation, Ileailuclie, lllllonsne...
Files and Mental Depression. No losa
ef time, nu Interference with business
while taking. Kor children it la most in
aocent and harmlesa. No duimer from
xposure after tukliiK. Cure. Collo, 111
. arrlMea, Bowel Complaints, I'everlsll
neu and Feverish Celils. Invalids and
delicate persona will find It the mildest
Aperient and Tonlctheyean use. A liitl,
taken at night Insures refreshing sleep
and a natural evacuation of the bowels.
A little taken in the morning sharpens
the appetite, cleanses the stomach and
sweeteus the brent li.
"I have been practicing medicine for
twenty ysara and have never been able to
fail ap a vegetable compound that would,
Ik. simmon. Liver Regulator, promptly
and effectively move the Liver to action,
and attha same time aid dnslead of weak
ening) th. digestive and aiiimilativ.
power! of th. system."
L. M. HiNTON, m.d., Washington, Ark.
Marks of Genuineness! Look forth. red
Trmds-Mark on front of Wrapper, and th.
Seal and Signature of J. H.Xellin & Co., In
fast, ou the side. Take no other.
Thomas chakman,
(.'HAS. H.CiUriRI.U
Bank of Oregon City.
Paid up Capital, - - $50,000.
A general hanking business transacted. Loans
made on available security. All kinds of good
nnperdiscounted. Collections made.
Interest paid on time deposits.
IJalO F. L. KASTHAM. Manager
Finest small
arms ererr
nuoufactiired Efc
an J the flmt tlu.cef nil
experts. In calibre KJ.
W and 44-llaO. 8itula or
double action. Safety Ham-
Bprleaa aoi Taivet models,
eat tannliiv arranffht
atel. cari'fiillr InatrffLcd
for workmana.il tp and stock. Unrivaled fori
f dlah liambiltir nnd accuracy. Vom
not be decclveil ,y vhm maiUnbU it tn imitation
often aold for the freuuinn article. Ther areanrt
llahle and Uangenma. The fiMi-rn ft Vtintxm K
rnLTSM are iumit npon the ham-Is with nrm'a
name, addrenH anddatmor patenu, and are gnar
Hteesi perfect. Insist upon having them, and If
your dealer can Dot supply you, an order sent to ad
dress below will receive prompt attention. DescrUr
ttvacatoiugue ami prtreaupon appllcauon.
Kpringflold, Kaab
It tiils.llicflsium.tina and lrrlutkm, nti Istb,
eoly saraitwfeyw of Micxobi, and ewer Sua
f pricsj, 25 cents a Box.
An Account of the Happenings
of Two Hemispheres.
At Charleston, West Va , Delegate Harr
(Union Labor) teMiflod in legislative
ennrt that ho was ottered 11.800 anil the
Slate Mine Inspectorship to vote for Goff
for Governor. An Investigating commit
tee has bten appointed.
Mrs. Dickson Hoskins died at Erie,
l a. Her father served under Nelson In
the battle of the Nile. Hhe was one ol
the band ol girls who strewed flowers be
fore Lafayette when he visited this coun
try. She was a brilliant writer.
The Sixth National bank of New York
has resumed under direction of President
Leland and new Roan'.of Directors by per
mission of the Comptroller, vho wus as
sured bv the examiner that the bank's
as;ts wore all right. The Juiuibble has
The mother of Charles Stuart Parnell
is in Washington actually destitute. The
$1 ,250 raised for her recently is gone. It
seems that sue spc maws in mumm
storks. She denies that she used (he
1';0 In this way, but admits having
Governor Fleming has been Inntignr
atcd at Charleston, W. Va. The oath
was administered by Judge English of
the Supreme Court. A large ntmilter of
people were present, djnong them many
ladies. A grand inaugural ball took place
in the evening.
Bepresenlalives of all the edge tool
manufacturers met at Pittsburg and
formed a trust. The organization wi
do business under the name of the Amer
ican Ax Company, and they will regulate
the manufa tu e and sslo of 1 dge tools.
A big advance in prices will probably he
announced shortly.
Membera of the American Window
Mines Association, including representa
tives of every glass company in the
United States, met at Springfield, Mass.,
and advam-ed the price of (.'lass f tier
cert, for the next five days, at the end of
which time a new price list will lie issued,
and there will be an advance of 10 per
The bill permitting lottery companies
t operate in North Dakota has passed
the Senate by a majority of 2 to 8. It
is said the bill will have a large majority
in the House also. Governor Miller has
announced a determination to veto the
bill, but it is said the measure has enough
irieuds in both houses to pass it ever his
Keenan & Sons, live-stock commission
merchants, have commenced tlnrt-IO"ir
suits at Chi' ago against the Pennsylvania
Company for a violation of the interstate
commerc law In charging them for 2,HOO
pounds more than the published rates
authorize, ns a penalty for plaintiff' re
IhshI to furnish the company with the.
areiylit of tbeir;ahipmeut.
- The world's championship skating face
h tween Alex 1'aulsen of Minnesota and
ugh J. MrCormickof 81. Johns, N. B.,
wis decided at Kau Claire, Wis., in the
prsence of 6,0HO people. The distance
was ten miles, thirty-two laps to the mile.
The day was warm, and the track was an
inch deen with water and slusli. It was
an easy victory for McCormick.
C. f!. Walcolt is at Bismarck ia tbe in-
forest nf a b'rmii'll arUllicate. which WHnlS
to control the bard wheat of North Da
kota, lie is working on a bill lo compel
railroad companies to furnish free elevat
ors for handling wheat. II the hill should
pass, it will defeat the plans of the Eng
lish svndicate which has been buying el
evators and mills in the Northwest.
Fiompt action of the nolice in Buffalo
prevented a riot in St. Adtlbcrt s Cath
olic church. Friends of the priest, who
has ken removed, asserted that Iiib suc
cessor should not hold service in the
church, while the followers of the latter
vowed that lie sliouiu ouic.mte, even 11
blood should lie shed. The wlice pre
vented any meeting, and mass was not
A company of Minneapolis capitalists
have commenced the development of
iron mines ia Itnsca county. The mines
are twelve mites from the Mississippi
river. They are ten times lamer than
the Vermillion mines, which sold for sf8,
000,01). Spur trucks will be put in from
the LMilutn and Winnipeg raiireaa, ten
miles distant ine mines are vameu at.
The fishing schooner Newfoundland
reports having sighted, wtuie on the
. - - . - .11 ..n:
o n 01 ewiounuiauu, a uiu-riggeu einp
lritlingat the mercy of the waves. All
the n.asts were gone, and the vessel
seemed to lie rolling heavily and on the
point of einking. iliere was no sign of
life alioard. There is much speculation
among sailing mastets as to what vessel
it can lie. No vessel answering the de
scription is overdue at any Atlantic port.
The colored men's convention at Wash
ington elected ex-Senator Pinchback
President of the association. A long ad
dress to the people was adopted, setting
forth their wrongs in the South, etc. Ed
itor Mitchell of Richmond, Ind . said
that Wi negroes had been lyn bed n the
South since 817. This was corroborated
by another speaker. The name of the
colored men's permanent organization is
the American Citizens' Equal Bights As
The American Shipping League has in
dorsed the Karipiliar bill to promote
American shipping by government aid.
Additional resolutions urge Congress t"
make immediate provisio'i for seaboard
and lake def.-nse, and hail with gratifica
tion the hi ta of Congress in rebuilding
the American navy. United States mails
should lie carried by American ships un
der our flag, and the Government should
pay a just compensation for this service,
regardless of the price at which olhfr
nations are willing to provide similar
Jake Kilrain and Felii Vacquelin
fought at the West End theater, New Or
leans, for a parse of .fr.'O. Vacquelin is
a youLg Frenchman, who has bested a
number of Ida I and Southwestern pugil
istic light. Kilrain has been training
at Kichburg for the fight. There was a
large crowd present, and the police did
nothing but preserve order, though it has
been declared that no more prize fights
would be permitted. Three-ouncegloves
were usv-l.and three rounoawere fought,
at the t nd of which Vacqneli' gave op,
and the hgnt was awarded to Ki rain,
The funeral of Mrs. snd Miss Tracy at
tiit White Uoojs, though cor;Lunrxl p.-i-1
vate. was one of tli most distinguished
and largest that has taken place there in
recent years. I tie wmie jiouse naa
been converted into s temporary chapel,
a temporary pulpit being erected in the
south room near the center Directly in
front were the two caskets, completely
buried beneath floral offerings, which
were superb and of every device the
florist's art could imagine. Five thou
sand people were gathered at the house,
but inside w re army snd navy officers
lnftill unifori,- also public officials, the
entire diplomat corps, 1 eluding the
Chinese, Japanese and Corean legations,
the Pan-American Congress in a body
and at lenst 100 Senators and members
of the House of Representatives. The
pall-bearers were member, ol the Cab
Of the tliirtv-fnnr counties in Wash
ington, Columbia county stands sixth in
matter of Tvealth - The five wealthiest
ones, in the order of their wealth, are
Pierce, King, Spokane, VVbllman and
Walla Walla.
The Washington Post says : Ex-Con
gressman Markham of Los Angelas and
ex-Congressman Felton of San Mateo are
Republican candidates for Governor of
California, representing the central and
southern portions of the Stato.
The total number of vessels arriving at
Sun Francisco from domestic, Atlantic
and foreign ports for the month of Jan
uary was lorty-etght, ana the total ton
nage 67,70 i tons. There were three as
sorted cargoes from New York and one
from Philadelphia.
For the mot th past there have been
718 deaths iu San FraneK-o a far greater
mortaMtv than hai ever before occurred.
Three hundred and forty-five were occa
sioned by lung compl unw. I he death
rate last week was tbe greatest ever
k own in the history of the city. There
were 214 reported.
Representative Evans has intr duced
a hill in the Washington Legislature lo
allow counties to issue bonds to the
amount of 1 per cent, of their assessed
valuation. This will enable Tacotna to
raise $000.1 00 for a new Courthouse, and
the proposit;on to bond the county will
go before the people at a special election
Officers of the Northern Pacific have
decided to again put in etfeit reduced
rates on all building materials to Spokane
Falls. Beginning March J, the same
rates will lie put into effect that were in
operation last fall after the fire. The
rates will be in enect until June 1, and
will include lumber, lath, shingles, lime,
blinds, sash, doors, els.
Emma Miller has sued the Southern
Pacific Railroad Company at Portland to
recover 5,000 damages on account of the
death of her husband, Jake Miller, by
accident. William A. Guthrie, adminis
trator of the (state of fireman Eustue 0.
Guthrie who lost his lip in the same ac
cident, has sued for a like sum. They
lost their lives iu the July holocaust near
A many:- -
, Pan FrsncieaA1" aiivrlttoaa in
amount of money ,desirvi to buy a sis
for her new Dostotfice. Senator Ileatt
is trying to secure an appropriation!
$1 OOO.OtiO for this site. At present a
calling for the sum of (801,000 is on Up
Senate calendar, having been reoois
mouded for passage. Senator HearsfJ
however, does not. believe that amount
will be sufficient to purchase a proper
George W. Schell. the Government'i
new Chinese exclusion attorney, says the
necessity for enforcement of the bxolu-
sion Act appears to be more important
now than ever, if it be true, as reported,
that tbe law is being evaded in the im
portation of Chinese women into the
United States for immoral purposes. This
evil must be stopped, and every law and
agency provided by the Government must
be used for that purpose.
Alice Hill, a young lady from Garfield,
Wash , who is attending the Milton (Or )
Academy, attempted suicide by hanging
She was discovered by two girls. One of
them ran upstairs into the assembly
room, wringing her hands and scream
ing: ''Alice Hill is hanging herself
downstairs!" The other, with admirable
courage, seized her unfortunate sihool
mate and, lifting her with one arm, re
moved the noose and rescued her.
A Board, comprising all the Inspectors
of Bteam vessels throughout the United
Htutes, has docided in favor of a general
regulation conielling all ocean vessels to
carry life-saving apparatus, sucti as guns,
'ines and rockets. This will affect the
lines between San Francisco and Portland
and Puget Sound points and all firms
controlling life-carrying vessels plying
from thn port of Sun Francisco or along
the Pacific Coast. The order will go into
effect in July.
L E. Cole and Mamie Bucknelt eloped
from t entralia to Tacoma to get married.
Marshal Weaver of Centralia, who hap
pened to be iii Tacoma, recognized Cole
and arres'ed him, and the wedding did
cot come off.
At Westchester, Pa., Professor Alfred
Brown, a " professor of medicine," has
been convicted ot practicing medicine
withont a diploma and uiing incantations
and voodoo methods, and was sentenced
to three years imprisonment and fUJIine.
Dr. J. P. Guthrie, the young English
Mood, who so cleverly did residents of
Seattle out of sums of money aggregating
lietween $.'.1X10 and $ ,0tl0 and then made
his escape to Victoria, has been arrested
in Victoria for passing a check for I2'K)
on the Bank of New Westminster.
Larry Kelley, an opium smuggler of
PortTownsend, is suspected of having
done awav with John l.ingenfeldter, l o-
csuse Lingenfeldter pried too much into
his affai-s. Kellev too nira out lorcimy
in a skiff, so an Indian reports. As Kel
ley t turned alone, it is presnmed he
drowned or murdered Lingenleldter, who
has not since been seen.
tv a .i,..n .mind h.rv in returning
....-r- r- y- - .
indictmenu against a number of gain-
i.i.. .n..un. tlmt tho citv adminiatra-
tion failed to aaeirt in the llection of ;
evident against susrieeted p irties, and
enni-lmiea its report by saying: "It is
the opinion ol the grand jury trial gam
bling would instantly and entirely stop
in Chicago if the city administration so
desired it."
Mark M. Herr. formerly Assistant Ser-
on.nt.9t-Arm, of the United States House
of Representatives, was shot and killed
at Hn irancisco rry Jacs .aaugnum, a
man whom he fu betrrniied lor years,
;;.u-htcE has been actiof al agent for
tone of the shady insurance schemes of
that city, and the fatal quarrel occurred
over Naughton's acts in appropriating
uuiv ui vueir luuus
Edward Reed, a logger, jumped from a
Puget Sound and Columbia railroad train
at Seattle and broke both his legs. One
nan to be amputated, and it is feared he
will lose the other.
The plant of the Kansas Citv Packinir
and Preserving C mpftny.formerly owned
by Morris & Butts and recently sold to a
syndicate 01 Boston capitalists, was
burned. Loss, 1400,000; insurance,
The bark Anita was recently towed
into Valparaiso Rav. makinir bit Inches
of water per hour. She was bound for
faimoutu with a cargo of lumber. On
ine voyage the crew were attacked wilb
fevitt and an extraordinary swelling of
tlierreet. t,ght out of fourteen died.
The captain was smong those who died.
Five men on a handcar, coin? from
Oro Grande to Victor, on the Santa Fe
railroad were run into bv a freight train.
and MikevDempsey, a section boss, was
horribly mangled and instantly killed.
Lairy Ennis was tftfRWO twentv foot into
the air, and received severeSojuries, but
will recover. The other three merinwe,
A disastrous conflagration visited Ke
nosha, Wis., which at one time threat
ened the entire city. J. T. Ackey and
Oliris Bronze, two firemen, who were car
rying leather out of a burning tannery,
were kcorchsd by the fire, and were
uuugea to jump from the second-story
tindow, sustaining severe injuries. The
total loss is $.'00,000.
' A fall of rock took place in the Notting-1
him shaft of the Lehnm and Wilkeabarre I
wal company at Plymouth, Pa., which
urove the accumulated gas into the gang
nays, where ten men were at work with
naked lamps, and an explosion soon fol
lowed. All the men were more or less
striously injured and badly burned in the
uce, hands and body.
Fire broke out in the clothinir store of
Julius Smith, in a third-story tenement
hous, 201 North street, Boston. The
lire department had the blaze under con
trol intide of half an hour, hut not before
fhe persons thiee men and two women
-were burned to death and fourteen se
riously, if not fatally, injured by being
turned or by leaping from the windows.
Oue of the the most appalling calam-
ties of Washington City was the burn
ng of Secretary Tracy's house at 1734 1 1
greet. Mary, the voungest daughter,
ind Josephine', a French maid, were
mrned to death. The Secretary himself
ad a narrow escape. The scene in front
if the house was heart-rending in the
ixtreme, as the women could be seen at
fie windows in their night robes. Mrs.
Tiucy saved her husband, and then
raped to the ground, sustaining injuries
loin which she died an hour later.
Valent. Brazilian Minister at Washing
ton, has received an official communica
tion from the Mexican Ministry, stating
that the Mexican Uovernment has form
ally recoguized the Republic of Brazil.
Mine. Bakhmetff, wife of a Russian
nobleman and diplomat and the daughter
ol General and Mrs. E F. Beale of Wash
ington, will sail from Greece for this
country early next month, and will spend
the spring season with her parents.
At Lima, Peru, a Democratic assembly,
composed ot three delegates from each
department of the Republic, met and
nroclaiuied Nicolas de Pierola the party's
candidate for the Presidency. This is
the first time that an assembly of such a
nature has been organized in Pe:u.
A cable special from London says : Sir
Charles Dilke's new book, called " The
Problems of Great Britain," in two vol
la iust out. In hiswerk the author
expresses a belief that the world in the
iuture will D6 uiviueu anion 1110 Augiu
Saxon, Russian and Chinese races.
Th resignation of Senor Rebeiro of
Brazil means more than appears on the
surface, judging by the commotion it has
caused. The European residents of Rio
are leaving the country as fast as their
affaire will permit. All berths in all
steamers leaving port up to April are al
ready taken, and all confidence of busi
ness men in me provisional governuieui
appears to be ended.
Peo Perez, accompanied bya small boy,
Kurioue Bello. 7 years old, left Valparaiso,
f'hili to travel on foot to Santiago. Upon
arrival at the entrance of the railroad
tunnel Perez seized the boy and under
took to eat him alive. Amid the screams
of bov he ate the fingers of one hand,
part of one foot and bit pieces out of his
cheek. He then commenced sucking the
blood, but in the meantime the boy
fainted. An approaching guard then
frightened the vampire away.
The Committee on French Customs
proposes to substitute lor ine various ex
isting treaties of commerce and general
customs tariff a strong protective treaty,
in which the tariff will be put at the
maximum rate for virtual prohibition on
all c,mmriitiea in which rrencn mauu-
tortiiraia and dealers need protection and
at the minimum for all other articles of
international trade, lhis new treaty
will be applicable 'o all nations which
give France any commercial advantage,
The 6 per cent. bill, which has already
passed the Senate and is destined to ben
efit California by several hundreJ thou
sand dollars, will be favorably recom
mended by tbe House Committoe on
Public Lands.
Social life at the Capitol ic now in full
sway. Mrs. Senator Hearst does not yet
know when her new house will be ready
for occupancy, but Mrs. Stanford is pre-
: . L .. ,ha Mnnlatiiin ali.
F" K " -F "I "
loruia lor nospnaiiiy.
"""" ' f
In executive session of the Senate tui
mnnds called np his lesolution on the
Hamoan treaty again, but they were ta
bled. Edmunds then desired to be ex
cured from further service on the For
eij n Relations Committee.
In the Senate a resolution was reported
from tb Committee on Foreign Relations
congratulating tiu people of Brazil on the
adoption of a republican form of govern
ment. It was placed on the calendar.
It will be remembered thtt the President
formally received the new Brazilian rep-
resentaiiye several days ago.
But little record of any business trans,
actions of magnitude has leaked out dur
Inn the week for obvious reatons. Local
trade was principally confined to gum
boots, in which line it assumed abnormally
larger proportions, the market being fairly
wen supplied as far as the knees. ,Th
movement of me-chandlaa vis nf aanavft
Ing'y large proportions, m.lnly upwru
and onward, however, like Pharaoh a host
across me lied sea and a Ike emphallcalh
sutures led br the encroachlno- element.
Hut little complaint is heard, the tempo-
nsry luauruniun n'u.wimsiaiiling and tlie
brisker detiands in all line, wbb h w .
JuHtlfled In antieipating, will no douul
auwuuuiaiiy reimburse all but Ihe serious
Breaking Plow...
HroadcaHt Seeders
Minding Twine....
Dlndlna Wire
9 fa 1 H)
10 per et d i IKe
u - . lile
Grain Drills,
Gancr flow
Osborne's Mowers
" ComMwrs&Rprs " "
" Droppers.... "
" Steel-frame self-
blnd'ir Harvester.
Railroad Barrows, Iron whis fdos
Railroad Barrows, wont whla
Road Plow
Sllld ateel scraner 1vym
Steelfii'st nvxrrows ISO . HO
Spring wagonS-M. I2" 170
Su'kyPlow ."..-.. 75'SUfi
Walking plows 9rtM!6
Wagons, all makes .TS.. . .HOglOO
Bnrlaps, iO In
Burlaps, 46 Iu
burlana. 61 1 In
Gnniiies, 8x40
Potato baga, net cash
wool in.
Wool 31 lt. "
Wheat sacks, snot, net ni ah
Wheat sacks, extra, second hand .
Guatemala, 9 tbM
lava, y lb.
Mocha, f iSOtM
no. 1 Costa Kica, pid.
W! fal '8
22 fo2U
Ulo, tf lb
Salvador, If lb..
Koaated. la Hani.
Arbuckle's Ariosa, lb 25Jgi20
Cloeaet&D.'a Columbia I lb pre.... M (aDS
Costa Rica 26 3l!
Guatemala 2St(&28
Roasted Java 31) g'M
Roasted Mocha 86 (slifl
Raster Orea-am.
According to shrinkage 1014
Spring clip, 10 18
Uniooua, .
19 nun
Umpqua, lambs and fall . .
Veeretanles (Fresh),
Cabbage. S lb
- arrow, per
1 23
Uarrots, young, f aoz
t'olcry, r dox
Lettuce, s dos
Onions, " 100 lbs
t'etatoes, 1100 lbs....
Potatoes, sweets. 9 1
.. 001 00
.. 2 ma 60
.. 1 25 1 60
. ,..-e
.. ,, . .,. -M,
'.l. 'i S5
KS'tiaties, r aoa
Jliruips, , k,
Cilckens, large young, f dos. . . 4 606 00
Clickens, broilers 3 754 (
I nk-kens, old 4 6'kft 00
liueka, dos 7 00"8 50
ftM. vouiur. dos 10 OOSll 00
IuraevB. voutur. V lb 16
Grouse and Pheasants 3 00
Apples 1 60(52 00
Bananas, bunch 3 604 00
Lemons, California, bx 6 0 K68 00
Lemons, Sicily, If bx, new 6 607 00
Limes, if cwt 1 60
Quinces, If bx 1 OOOil 26
oranges, Ktversiaes a wn 00
U auges, Seedless 4 75095 00
Barley, whole, V ctl 80 90
Corn. l 100 lbs I 60
Oats, good, old, t bushel. .
uats, new,
88 a 40
l miai 25
Rye, If 100 lbs, nominal.
heat. Vallev. at 110 lbs 1 17411 20
Wheat, Eastern Oregon 1 12lgl 16
Oregon fancy creamery- 80
Choice dairy 274
Common 8 (3121
Pickled, California 18 'a 20
Eastern fancy creamery 26
California choice 22 26
Oregon full cream 16
Oregon skims t d old 10
nwiss Cheese, domestic . 10 IP I"
Young A m irica, Or. 14
Oregon, If dos 40 45
UaHiern, f dos w
Portland patent roller, If bbl 8 75
Salem patent roller 3 76
Dayton patent roller 3 66
('ascadia patent roller 8 05
Cmlntrv henda 8 50
McMlnhvllle, 8 75
Sun rllne .
2 60
8 76
White Lily...
Kje Hour
8 25
6 00
Mraas Steeda,
Timothy 0 0J
Orchard Grass U'l2
Red Top. 74(a) 0
Blue Grass , 12 6"I4
Knglish Kye Grass. 7 (8 0
Italian Kye Grans. . 41I
Australian Kye Grass. 74 9
Mesqulte 7f10
Millet J 5
II uiiarian Millet. 6 (m 6
Mixed Lawn Grass 12 (S15
Clover Meeds.
Red Clover. lOifflllJ
White Clover lOfolH.
Alayke Clover. lfa174
Alfalfa i10
Rape, California...
44(a) 5
4,(oi 8
6(a) 6)
8 0 4
Bran, f ton 17 00
Hay, f ton, taled 16 00118 00
Greund Barley, If ton. 22 6o24 00
M ill Choa k ton 18 OtKS 30 0
Oil Cake Meal, t ton 80 WaM 60
Shorts, f ton 18 00 20 00
...Per M, $10 00
12 00
1 00
18 00
18 00
18 00
20 OU
22 60
T. It (i. sheathing .
No. X flooiing
No. 2 ceiling
No. 2 rustic
Clear rough
Clear P. 4S.
No. I flooring.
22 60
No. 1 ceiling 22 60
No. 1 rustic 2 60
Cearae riae.
aX-!b bag, tun
100-ftbags. It-n
Cxowid Rock, S0-& bags, r ton.
17 00
V no
The Anglu-Naion Hne, D.mand. Alwolnt, ;
Cleanliness In Fiction.
There was a discus ilon at thn Authors'' ; ,
Club the other night on that everen
thralling topic: "The Power of the '
Young Person in Anglo-Saxon Liter- '
ature," and the usual outburst ou tbe J
part of the malcontents about thequoitr
prudery of the laws that govern Englah
lictlon, permitting free use of battle.
murder and sudden death, of ruptures of
nu me commandments save one, and
the stum prohibition of any reference to
the seventh cmmand, though It dealt
with a force that produced moredramat
IcppisoiUta than all tho rest of the pas
sIiiiih put together. There was the usual
scornful talk about purltanlsm . and '
prurient prudery. One bot-headi'd
young man declared that be would not .
chafe against tho restrictions were the .
Anglo-Saxons in deod as well as word a .
more moral people than the Frenoh or-,
the KuKeluns, but fliut be ddnlcd that ;
they were. An older man, who had been
all through the period of kicking against
the pricks and of final suhmisalon, In
sisted that Anglo-Saxon literature had
not suffered because of Its limitations, '
and on the whole was stronger and bet- '
than tho French. "A publisher lure in
New York," ho declared, "allowed me his
Ixioks the other day to prove to me that
Ihe gruater part of his fortune of some- '
thing like 8J,000,(KM) had been made by
no saie 01 sots or Dickons' works at $U,
Whatever statistics you mav iret from
librarians.' ho suld to me. 'never believe
hut that Dickons' novels anil Wine this
tinweof any man that ever lived, and to-
lay sell bi'tidr than the novels of tho
mist succes.sfiiTlwthor aHvo.' And,"
mtinui'd the speaker, "you-fan draw a
iidy's cambric handkerchief tJifoTtgh
very page Dickons ever panned, and it- -
tflll come out without a smirch upon it"
l'hls was followed by many other In- .
4tanccs, which went to prove that the
nglo-feu.xon absolutely demanded a
lean literature in fiction, and alio that
ho lost very little by 1L Thuckernv
ried outagalnst the restraint sometimes.
hut no one fools that his novels aro the
worse for it Stevenson rails in private
at tlmuH, but he manages to create the '
the strongest stories by any living au-i
inoroi to-uny wnue ignoring tho passion
of love almost altogether. Among other "
proum ui me sort was advanced the sun-'
ceas of Robert Bonner who has madp
millions out of a perfecty clean family
story paper. A friend of his told about
Uonnor's touchstone, which he applied
to all literature submitted to him, and
through the accuracy and efficacy of
which ho has made his fortune. , "Whon
f began The Ledger," said Bonner to hia
friend one day. "I imagined an old
lady up in Wcstohestor County who has
three daughters, one twenty, one fifteen
and the othor twelve. Then I saw them
come homo from prayer-meeting about
v-tv i-unesiiiiy evoning, and, not being
uutLo t'l'july Ui if, i i., l... 1 uaMBMa
ber d.iiijrhtf-rs 1 full" dntermliH-d that .
there ab.'ourr tw nothing In that story
that she would hesitate to read out loud
to those girlx wiile the father sat in the
room, and whenever a manuscript has
come to me since 1 had always tested it
by the old lady in Westchester, and if
sho thought she could road it to the girls
I usually accepted it; otherwise it was
returned promptly to the author." The
authors agreed that the success of The
Century has been due to just Buch tac
tics. And thoy also agreed that, though
certain erotio writers might have fleet
Ing success, to achieve lasting popular
ity in this oentury's fiction it is neces
sary to ignoro as far as possible any ref
erence to a certain subject. Brooklyn
On, Iturely Sees a Milrlt of Real Discon
tent Among Them.
Passing over privato servants, such as
scullery maids, washerwomen, pagos,
footmen, grooms and coachmen, we
come to two public servants, who surely
aro most useful. Tho first Is the dients-
. . ... A
mann lie is to oe louna in roa cap ana
blue blouse standing at the stroet cor
ner and waiting for patronage. Do you
want a package sent or called for, do
you want some one to gather up your
bundles in shopping as you go along, do
you want to send a bouquet, a card, a
mesBagn, here is your man. He gives
you a receipt with bis number, so that
Incase there is any fault-finding, the
chief bureau can be consulted, and tho
mistake, if possible, will be rectified.
In the country, the botonfrau answers
to much the same demands. Early in
the morning she presents herself at tbe
dilferent country houses in her section,
and then, armed with commissions of all
sorts, trudges oil to the market tow n, ro
tnrnlng later in the day with a huge
basket un bur hack.
The very national Teutonic trait of
dependence on something, be It family,
university, army, throne or what-not, as
opposed to our higher notion of com
plete independence, makes or tne Her
man servants a bettor article, so to
speak, than were they allowed too much
liberty, along with many illusive and
ilelusivedreams of speedy emancipation.
True, when long serving some ono fam
ily and this especially in tho country,
they become an integral part of that
family, as perhaps nowhore else save In
England, it Is rarely, however, even
in tho Bight of father and son, mother
and daughter in the same service, or
rather, ono family adapting itself to the
wants of another and always expecting
to continue in that service, that one
sees a spirit of real discontent. While
we may well congratulateoursclves that
in free America there Is a far greater
chance for a man to rise in the social
scale, in wealth, in reputation than
here, one may not fail to give the Ger
man servant his just due. He looks upon
his service, not as in any way a degrad
ing thing, but as an honorable calling;
tbe American, on the contrary, gener
ally but as a means to an end. E. F.
Baldwin, in Cleveland Leader.
When yon have a cold you do not
know how to cure it. All your friend
know how, and they tell you but that
does not affect the cold. N. O. Picayune.
Young men will sit for hours talking
horse where aout five minutes of his
tory pr gewgiuptiy wuttld (rQinpletely t
!!.( US,".