Oregon courier. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 188?-1896, January 31, 1890, Image 4

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A Reasonable Talh In Writers of Kojectsd
Articles for the Press.
1 There U constant complaint from
new and amhitloiiswrlter that they can
nut gut a proper hoarlnir In the muga-
tines and newspaper. They send their
wures to unti market afmr another only
to have thuin rupuatcdly declined; and
out of these successive disappointments
they evolve the belief ttiut there lit a
Conspiracy against them on the part of
the editor who Hum complacently dis
pose of their pretty dream. It wi'im
impossible to tliem that there can bo
two opinion about tho value of the pro
duction to which they havo devoted
to much tlmo and thought.
Now and then, to be aura, they re
ceive nice littlo notes from tbeiui
Tailed autocrat, commending tbeir
work and regretting- that it la not avail
able, and that simply atrike them aw
.. Insult added to injury. If their manu
scripts aro really wortb praising, they
argue, why aro they not worth buying
and publishing? The Inconsistency of
the thing is palpablo, from their point
of view; and they can not understand
wby editor should take the troublo to
disclaim sincerity in such a deliberate
and conclusive way. They seo material
used by theso same editors which they
re sure does not surpass theirs In lit
erary merit l'erhaps they detect some
of tholr own idea in the accepted con
tribution; and it la difficult for them to
void the conviction that they have
somehow furnlshod fuel to boll the pots
Of lurking ana favored competitor.
In a certain sense, these industrious
- poets; essayist and novelists are not to
blame for harboring the fooling that
tome sinister Influence Is at the bottom
of their numerous disappointments.
Tbey are often right when they think
that their efforts are at least equal to
the average of those that find purchas
ers. Many of them do really good work,
and it is no wonder that they are sur
prised and chagrined when It oomos
Steadily back to them. But they do not
understand the conditions which oper
ate to tholr disadvantage. They are on
the outsldo, and the controllng facts are
on the Inside. It is not impossible for
thorn to realize the olroumstanoes
nndor which their manuscripts
re necessarily considered. They
do not know how many other people are
oapablo of doing work as admirable as
their own in every respect, and how
little out of tho abundance of such mat
ter that is offered the editors can make
place for. It is possible that the best
choico is not always made; but when
mistake of that kind are mado thoy are
not Intentional. So when editors write
complimentary notes they are actuated
by honest motive, and mean just what
they say. a hey can not furnish an ex-
plnnation in detail; but thoy do tho
next best thing, and may safoly be
taken at their word when they assure
contributors that given productions,
though meritorious, are not available.
Tho whole matter is one of demand
and supply. There is no sentiment in
it and no discrimination except on strict
business lines. The editors are not less
anxious to buy good things than con
tributors are to soil them; but they can
utilize only a stipulated amount, and
that is very small in comparison to the
quantity from which the selections are
mado. During recent years there has
been a wonderful increase of the writing
labit in this country. The time was,
and not very long ago, when the people
who could perform literary service of
reasonable merit were " exceptional,
whereas they are now plentiful in every
section. This causes over-production,
and the multiplication of manu
scripts that truly deserve praise Is
greatly In excess of the wants of the
editors. A thing of superior quality is
certain to be taken at fair prico, no
matter where it comes from. Hut liter
ary miracles aro scarce, and the editors
must accordingly purchaso what they
need out of what they find In the mar
ketnot all that meets tholr approval
but only so much of it as is essential to
, their purposes. They give preference
to writers of established reputation,
naturally enough, for roasons of
practical sort, which provall in every
business; and beyond that they do tholr
choosing with trained intelligence and
degree of impartiality that lcavos no
lust cause of complaint St. Louis
The New I'mtu-i Aqueduct at New York
and Other (.rent Tunnel.
Compared with other tunnuls, tho new
' aqueduct is easily at tho head of all
works of a like character in the world.
j ne cities oi inicago and uieveiand aro
each supplied with water through tun
nels extending out into a lake. The
first Chicago tunnel is 5 feet in dlumotor
and 10,5)17 feet long. The second tun
nol is 7 feet in diumeter and 81,490 feet
long. 'J lie Cleveland tunnel Is only S
feet in diumeter and 6,1101 feet long. All
of these tunnels were laid in compara
tively soft materials. The llaltimore
water supply Inoludos rook tunnel
twelve feet in diameter and sovon miles
long, and is lined with brick-work for
about two miles. The old lioninn anuo-
ducts wero several of them longor than
the troton Aqueduct but they wero all
very small, and were merely masonry
conduits a few foot in diameter. The
Liverpool water supply is convoyed by
an aqueduct about twice as long
as the troton Aqucduut but it is mainly
a surface aqueduct, there being only a
little tunnel-work. A portion of tho
aqueduct is mainly pipe line. The
supply is from a reservoir formed, like
that at Croton or at (Sodom, by building
dam across a narrow gorge in a valley
among the mountains in Wales. Tho
dam is larger than that at Sodom, being
1H0 feet high, while that at Sodom Is
only 78 feet Compared with the pro
posed dam It will be small, as the new
dam is to ho over two hundred feet high,
and will be the highest dam in the
world. The aqueduct tunnel, when
compared with railroad tunnels, is a
little smaller in diameter than the
three most famous tunnels, but is very
much longer. The lloosac Tunnel is
only 24,000 feet long, the Mont Cenls is
a miles long, and the St (iothard UJf
miles long, while the new Croton Aque-
duot as we have seen, is nearly SO miles
long. Charles liarnard, In Century.
' He is very weak man whom money
ean lure away from himself. Advanoe
1 nought
It may bo wise to think twice before
speaking, but It U a sign that you are
getting old,
Comparison, uiore than reality,
makes men happy, and makes them
wretched. Kcl ton.
Frankness consists in repeating all
the disagreeable things one has ever
eard about one s friends. Judge,
We are apt to become narrow-minded
and selliah when we allow ourselves
to fret and worry because we work
jn certain groove.
The Most llangeroue Anaesthetic
employed bv Medical Man.
A contributor to tho London Lartcet
states that in the medical journals for
the last ton year there are reported l'-iO
(If not more) cases of death under
chloroform. Many of these are vury im
perfectly described, but in at least forty-
nine caw tho patients were in good
general health at the time ofadmlnls-
tration, and required an natthotlo
merely for the performance of soino
minor operation; e. g., extraction of
teeth (eleven case of death), reduction
of dislocation (nlno case), eye opera
tions, fistula) and so on. In some fifty
nine case death occurred before the
commencement of the operation, and so
was clearly due to the chloroform alone.
In alioiit twenty of the case it is noted
Unit chloroform had been successfully
given on previous occasion, in one as
many as eight different times before tho
fatal administration. It 1 evident from
the foregoing that chloroform is uncer
tain In Its action; that not only do peo
ole din while under chloroform, but
,i I so from it; frequently, too, even
when it is used by skillful bands.
Of course, it Is possible to retort that
"It was not properly given," which may
bo correct This will not alter the fact
Uiat these accidents provo chloroform
to lc a powerful agent very dillloult tr
idminlster properly; indeed, sodinlcult
mil dangerous that it is scarcely suita
ble for a routine amrstlietlc, when
t rug less powerful for evil can replace it
The nauseous flavor and the sense of
suffocation from ether can bo entirely
lone away with by the use of nitrous
jxldo, and its inhalation made more
tgreeable than even that of chloroform
while tho patient quickly becomes un
xinscious wltboutthe struggling so com
mon with chloroform. The writer goes
in to say: "1 have not yet found sin-
?lo patient who has once inhaled ether
preceded by nitrous oxide complain of
suffocation, or object to tako it again on
the ground of its unpleasantness.
The readiness with wltlch chloroform
affects the heart the smallnes of a fa
lal doso, and especially the case and
suddenness with which such a dose can
lie Inhaled, almost by a couple of deep
Inspirations, will make it safe exhibi
tion always difficult task to invariably
accomplish. Having had many years
experience, I have gradually come to
believe ehloform to be less safe uiuus-
thetlc than ether,
That Inexperienced Rportsmen
Should Make Note Of.
An excelent treatment for bullet
wound is to wash the wound clean and
(jovcr with clean muslin saturated with
t solution of carbolic acid or alcohol.
The great object Is to keep the wound
jlean and protected from tho air. Do
aot foolishly prone for the bullet It
an lie better extracted after the hoal-
Ing of the wound.
To extract iish hooks from your flesh
or clothing cut tho leader free and push
he hook on through, depressing the
upper end so as to bring the point out as
near as possible to whero It went in.
Don't try to pull tho book back over the
Thirst can be abated by the eating of
acid fruits or plants. The chewing of
twigs, barks or leaves of trees and
shrubs will also afford temporary relief.
Snow and ice aggravate the thirst by
chilling and closing the salivary glands.
Learn to shoot without shutting your
jyes when you pull the trigger, ltegin-
ters will And it hard to do this, but it
anst be done.
In sighting either shotgun or rifle the
left eye should be closed, except in the
(so of left-handed persons; then the
ight eye should bo closed. Some men
tvep both eyes open, hut tho majority
f shooters and all tho crack shots close
he loft eye.
An extra pair of socks aro handy on a
me-day outing trip. Then, with your
-thoos nicely dried at any lady host's
tire, you will be in comfort for tho next
morning on your way home.
Avoid sleeping in uloso rooms. Keep
tho apartment well ventilated. Let In
fresh air, but koep out of tho draught
When out shooting carry a small
square of chamois skin saturated with
,)iire oil. Then you are prepared to well
,tuiibo your gun in case of a rain-storm.
Think Twice llcfore Writing-.
It is always difficult to mako people
appreciate tho fact which Is certainly
a fact that things said in the black-and-white
forcefulness and permanence
uf a letter aro far moro offootlvo than
ihey would have been If they had been
spoken. Tho writer mount them just as
ho would havo meant them had ho said
them, and he does not in tho least re
flect that, by tho lossof accent, look and
goslure, tho thing ho wrlteH may lie
widely different from the thing ho would
have said. There havo been countless
quarrels engendered by things written
In ali innocence, and which would have
had no such elfect hud they been deliv
ered by tho living voice. People vent
their petulance In word, and easily cor
rect tho impression by following it with
a smile of apology, a glanco thut soft
ens, or a word which modifies. All of
these things are, of course, wanting in
the case of a letter. The words tell for
their worst, and In the absenco of tho
writer there is nothing to moderate the
annoyance to which they give rise
Liverpool Courier.
How Diamonds Are Split.
The dlumond has a grade of cleavage
plune, the samo as most mineral or
crystal Ino substances, and hence it is
wslblo to split or divide ono Into two
or more parts. Sometimes a large piece
Is removed at once from a gem by split
ting, but it is a process attended with
much risk. To accomplish this mutter
the stone Is carefully studied and its
line of cleavage ascertained; it Is placed
In hardened cement in the proper posl
tion, and tho sharp edge of a steel
chisel, resembling a razor, is carefully
adjusted so that the division will be at
Ihe points desired, and a sharp rap with
a hnmmer is given It Perhaps no more
costly mow may be struck In any
mechanical work thun this, for in ma
nipulating a large diamond, if it is un-
skillfully given a gem of several thous
and dollars' value may bo swilled.
Memphis Sclmeter.
When a nwin has done n good thing.
bo sit down to rest but when he ha
done a bad thing, he lose no time in
loing another.
If your heart is larger than your
head you injure yourself, and If your
head is larger than your heart yon in
ure your nelgbUirs. Atchison (ilobo.
lie who attempts great things, mav.
t is true, fall short of hi designs; but
ertainly he who attempts but little will
not accomplish much.
Nothing is more wearing on a sensl-
ive nature than to be made sort of
tafe-deposit where people can leave
.heir secret. Milwaukee Journal
A Seroioa fur the Time Preached hf-
Her. Holiert Burdens.
(Appointed to be read in loud tone
of voice in the Church of the Holy sin
ners the first Hunday in the calendar of
Haint Dives and llfty-one Sundays after
that three time a day, before, after and
during service, and at other time when
convenient and there is a big crowd
present. To be resd In all the churches
tb-t ox poet or hope to collar the shekels
of the ungodly or rake in the scad of
the good in the year of grace lssl)).
Now there was certain rich man,
which was clothed in purplo and line
linen and fared sumptuously every day.
Klessed forever be bis memory, for
he hath this day given IM.OOO to the
church societies, and hath (4,000,000
left for himself.
Shout bl name mightily, and let it
appeal in four-line pica at the head of
the column.
Messed is the man who ean give his
check for threo figures; bis seed shall
bo mighty upon tho earth.
Hut more blessed Is be who can make
it four; his name shall be written in the
records and printed in themlnutes of the
association and graven with the pen of a
cunning scribe upon the chronicles of
tho conference. Yes, they shall call him
Mister in the synod and Doctor him In
the convention.
Hut thrice blessed is be who can make
it ton and live noughts; his born shall
be exalted with honor; bo shall be
known in tho congregation and on
'change, when he sltteth among the
elders of the land. Yea, when he goeth
forth shorn shall bo blown before Mm,
and when be glvoth I dollar a gong shall
be beaten in the sanctuary.
Lazarus shall behold him from afar
off and make ready to vacate tbo prom
Ises In Abraham s bosom.
Abraham shall hear of it and shall
greatly enlarge his bosom and have it
newiy iiirnisnna ana roupnoistoroa
throughout Selah.
The praise of our Hps shall set him on
high; if it be so that be can not read
then will we call our colleges after him
and if it be that be signeth his name
wltb a "mark, lo, then shall we endow
Chairs of Kgyptology and Sanscrit liter
ature in hi name.
(Extract from a strange manuscript
found in an obscure country church, said
to have been written by a man named
Mark, but believed by our richest schol
ars, on account of the general air of im
probability and the absurdly impractica
ble and preposterous teachings enunci
ated therein, to be the ounning invon
tion of a satirist)
"And Jesus sat over against the treas
ury, and behold now the people cast
money Info the treasury; and many that
were rich cast in much. And there came
a certain poor widow, and sho threw in
two mites, which make a farthing. And
he called unto Him His disciples, and
salth unto them: 'Verily 1 say unto you,
that this poor widow bath oast more in
than all they which have cast into the
treasury. For all thoy did cast in of
their abundance; but she of ber want
did cast In all that she had, oven all bar
living.'" Brooklyn Eagle.
It la Mora Developed in the Kervou
Th-iii In the Muaniilar Type tif Men.
In dealing with man we may roughly
divide hlra into two main types the
nervous and the muscular. Tho nervous
type would lie represented by the man
with an aetlvo, piercing eye; a face
www features exhibit all t-hechamn-teristics
of energy, intensity of thought
and feeling; a narrow chest and badly
developed muscles. In the muscular typo
we should find the man with features ex
hibiting a constant exprosslonof repose,
with powerful und woll-developed limbs
and slow of speech and movement
Good examples of the one type might
be found among our scholars and
Btudents, of the other type among our
agricultural laborers. These are ex
treme cases; in some of us the musc-lo
element predominates, in others the
nervous. Hut the Important part is thut
these types are not equally sensitive to
pain. Any medical man, relying on bis
own experience, would say that as a gen
eral rule tho nervous type was far more
sensitive than the muscular.
Niimorous examples have occurred in
the writer's own oxporlenco all pointing
in th same direction; indeed, he has
known men of tho muscular type under
go the most painful operations who have
ut the time exhibited no indications of
suffering, and have on being questioned
by him acknowledged that they did not
feel much. Hut the evidence is even
stronger in the case of uncivilized races,
tho observations of all travelers pointing
to the extreme Insensibility to pain ex
hibited by savages. A good examplo
was given In the Spectator a few months
ajfo, when a correspondent related the
fact that on the Introduction of boots
into New Zealand the vanity of the
natives was so great that when one of
thorn was happy enough to become the
possessor of a pair and found that they
were too small he not hesitate to
chop off a too or two, stanch tho bleed
ing by covering the stump with a little
hemp, and then force the feet into the
Other facta connected with diseases of
tho brain may be cited in support of this
suggestion that the more active und
wide-awake the brain is the more sensi
tive to pain does it become. In early
inflammation of tho brain, when the
amount of blood circulating through it
is lurger than usual, it becomes ex
tremely sensitive so much so that a
bright lighloi- a loud soinulivos rise to
actual pain, while at a later stage, when
the circulation is much diminished, all
these symptoms disappear, 'and the
patient becomes less sensitive than
when in health. Nineteenth I'entury.
In making soup a porcelatn-lined
soup-kettle is a great convenience; it
should have a close cover to keep in tire
steam and prevent evaporation. Cold,
soft water should always be used, and
salt should never be added until the
soup is done, as salt has a tendency
to harden water. In cool weather it is
well to keep soup stock on hand, from
which soup can be prepared in a short
Human history is the history of the
education of conscience, of the ever-in-
reaslng apprehension of the moral law.
of the widening of the circle of ethical
obligation. Selected.
All experience bath shown that
mankind are more disposed to suffer,
while evils are sutfcrable, than to right
themselves by abolishing the forms to
which they are accustomed.
It is easy in tho world to live after
the world's opinion: it is easy in soli
tude to live after our own; but the great
man is he who In the midst of the crowd
keep with perfect sweetness ,the in-
!cCloiu of sjoUtude. Lmeraoc.
from MrlUKaewn f irm mt Mas
f'raxeuro lra)me.
These testimonials are constantly com
li g to the oltlce of the proprietors of the
1 est remedy on earth TlIK (in HAT SlKHIi a
Kl INKY AND I.1VKI1 I II UK 1 111 IS DohI-
lively a purely teuutsble Ml- dlrllin I lint Is
warraii'eoio uo ine work it is aiiveni.eu
to do r or sale bv all druggists.
sierra Chemical Co., i'tlk Miwtion itreet.
tntnrlsro. Cut :
(in.vri.KJiKN: My partner and myself
inrcliat'd one dozen bottles of your
(rest tswrjn Kidney and Liver l ure. e
have takift It, and to our surprise II ml
there Is one llrsl-class remedy that act
filly docs the work it is advertised to do,
U'e Join in giving the (Ikkat Sikhha
Kiiinsy and l.iVKit I'l'UK the highest
recommendation, and wmi'd advlre all
that are debilitated In any war to give it
a trial, as we have doue. Very respect-
uiiy yours,
luU California street, Sau Francisco,
It Is an eternal and irrenaralila lima when
time i not enjoyed as it ought.
In the German reiulistau the budget
hag passed the second reading. Ti e
proposition to exempt from mi itary
service an theological students was in
jected. Propositions for mitigating the
terms of service of such students were
From Profafeor J. P. Looney, Principal
Fulton Publto Bobool. In Favor
of Drs. Uarrln.
llil, MuVim Vf'ire o .BroncA Ojficr s rnrrniio.
Kilitof Ortgonlan Dear Sik: I am not
In the habit of pulling advertising doctors,
but 1 einnot let this opportunity pass
without mention, in justice 10 the afflicted
as well a Dr. Darrin. The doctor hasuircd
me of a troublesome catarrh and bronchitis
of seven years standing, by electee iiy and
medicine. The cure Is perfect and per
manent I ilieerfully recommend his
J. P. Loonky.
Fulton, Or., January 22, 18U0
There Is something about the success
Drs. D riin ae meeting with which is
truly bard to credit, yet we have it from
persbns whose veraciiy we cannot doubt,
that their cures are remarkable. The
above cae is peculiarly striking. Pro
fessor Looney is a man of undoubted in
teoriir and well known throughout the
state ami nation, i ne aiHive cam 10 i -ret.
Darrin is poa-tive pro fof the unexampled
success which attends ineir irenmeiu. i
shows how radical as well as uneipected
are maitj cf their cures, and how chronic
itiseiuMMi of many ears' du ation are un-
a'de to resist their skill, and is but one of
the mav rases which thedocters have un
ilertaki- and is only osn o'. Ihe tcorea of
D'ltlenls lo whom tbey have lestoreil
health The auihnr of Ihe above state
merit, we have full assurance in sa inir,
wan actuated in Diibllshiiiir the same by
no other motive lhan gratitude tortus cure
and a desire to make known the means to
others as unfortunate as himself. When
weiefiftt what a (treat boon is heal 111
when we consider that without it the
sliixhtest approach to happiness is Imp
sible that It Is, in -horf, the greatest
earl lily blessing can we be otherw ie than
Immeasurably surprisen to nna anyone
who ha lost this great treasure, and yet
lies tates so follow a Dlalniy denned putn
cad nu to its recovery f lo see a sick
man or woman in gleet or refuse to visit
Drs. Da'rln. who mav do him or her some
uood, and cannot do harm, is equally as
inexnlicable a mystery. Try then at all
events, cmitnon sense would suzgest. A
consultation will cost you nothing. The
ncliirs could till this pane with rest) n
sible pertlllcates, but their fame is so wide-
xpreait is unue essary. ureyoman.
l(r. Iarrlna New Plane of Buslnean.
Drs. Darrin can he consulted free at the
Washington building, corner of Washing
ton and r'ourth streets Portland, and Hotel
undo If o. iacoma. Wash. Ullice hours
mm 10 to 4 o'clock dally; evenings. 7 to 8:
Sundays, 10 to 12. All curable chronic
diseases, loss of manhood, blood taints,
sv oh I Is. gleet, gonorrhoea, stricture,
spermatorrhoea, seminal weakness, or loss
ol desire of sexual power, in roan or wo
man, catarrh and deafness, are conUdeu
tiullv and successfully treated. Cures of
urivate diseases guaranteed, and never
nnhlished in the napers. Most cases can
receive home treatment after a visit to the
loctora oillce. Inquiries answered and
circulars sent free. (Parties writiag will
please mention this paper )
The wise man expects everything from him
self; the foot looks Ui others.
Prnhahlv no dlseaae Inflicts so much contin
uous liulu its Khcumatlsm. Over no ulns e o un
plaint has Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem
edy, of Kondoiit, N. Y won more euros than
Klii iiniatlsin. bv Its use tho siionlied patient
can once more use his llmas and freed mm past
eurs nl psln.
Mr. Frank Strslt, a well-known merchant of
ew llaintiurir. N. Y.. says: "I suffered tortures
from Si latlc Rheumatism. My ease was a very
bad one, and none of the means takeu gave mc
relief. 1 use Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remid,', of Kondout, N. Y., am entirely rid of
every s'vmptom of my trouble. (Inly three bot
tles brought alMiut this wonderful result. It has
built me un aud been of great beuellt to me in
other nays. I heartily recommend it to other
Kondont, N. Y. II; 6 for V.
Send for book, how to cure Kidney, Liver aud
Blood disorders.
The only legitimate anger Is a holy emotion
directed agsinst an unholy thlug. .Bin, not our
neighbor, must be its object.
Three things to teach truth, Industry and
Tkv Okrmka for bnakfast.
THIS FeroHte PrmrtpuoM of
i the HrlshtMt Medlol Hindi
In the werld, as aaod by tbem lo
th Hflrstsli of Lsndeajfeiis.
Rerun sod Vienna.
la I -Coras Catarrh, Hay iTsver,fioM
Cold, Catarrhal Deafueaa.
Ito. 3 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Attn-
lue, vviiiiiLupuuu. arwriBttiawiMUf,
If o. a Kbaomatlsm, Gont
Wo, 4-Iuvar UdT,Dyfrwf!a,!n.
digestion, Constipation, Uriah ta Disease.
Bo. 8 rarer and eVnUaiW Afoa,
&l.l.-l MAnHl..lA
I Wo. a ramala we
I tiaa. Whites. AOoIaeu Humedv.
I Wo. 7-A Perfect Tonlo, which give
Ileal l, orm ana r uuueea, vienr vuap
tilexinn. ftnnd lilood and lot of it.
I BTo. a-NarTOuaDebiiltyxsMOf Power
impotence, an lpcomparaoiorenieny.
- Kverf bottle cuaraf :el to eu:e
:lal aineieum aaw-a end
Mnnnant raliof ALWAYS.
lMtt-rtnUre Circntsn Mnt fre un
tpr-llrstloe. HOSPITAL rsuiDI
COMPANY, Toronto, Canada.
Ho joii want to fell or Huy a Karni I Write o
nr. Owners and Mannifers of Proeity. At
trlltioil! The POKII,ANI LANil t'O. a.i
veriiae In 4 neimer m (he I'nited rttaiea,
and are therv fore ti e people lo handle city and
addition property. It will pay loelo rom-e
pond with ns. Loans made oa Kaim and City
Mmnnl Mierallv aware that thaw die-
ma are oontsttlotu, or that they are due to tli
rreeeoeotllrliipersltsm tin llninf membrane
elthenoMand siutechlen tubes, lllcroiixjph) re
March, however, hu proved ihla to be a fact, and to
rrsult Is thst Simula remedy hu been formaleted
I .h.r.t.v Umes rilitoMlnir dbweaea are
I permanent); cured in from one to three
i Impl
iillcafJom made at horn by tli patient ono In twe
eeka A ptmr-tilet enplalnlug tbl new treatment
la sent frre on eipllratiun by A. u. uiina eon,
S7 and J.HO Wt Klag St, Toronto, Canada. ScW
One ouwnllp growiiiK hy llself will attract
more aiiiui'ioii man a wautlliil roue In a gar
uun iuii 01 non-era,
Holiday are Coming;.
Rare novelties, shapes and artistic Im
ported oleourauhlc and chromatic cards.
A large and lenntlful collection sent by
man to anyone wn wpi d thls:-Huv
b x of th genuine Dr. C McLane'a Cele
brated Liver Mils price 25ceuts, and mail
us the outside wrapper with your address,
P'ainiy wr tten, and t cents in stamp
We will then mail you th" above list with
an eiegant pacxaire or oieograpmo cards,
ttlemliig uriM., ritlsbiirirh, fa.
low we admire the man who happen to
caiou ua wnen we are uoing- a goou uoed on ti
iy. t
dure oure for blind, bleeding and Itching
Piles. One lioi ha oured the worst case ol tea
years ataumnir. No one need siimtr ten min
utes after unliig Kirk's Uorinan Phe Ointment
It absorbs minora, allava thu Itohintf. aula aa
a poultice, gives relief. l)r. Kirk's German Pile
Oiiitinuiit Is pr, pared only for I'llea audiU3hlng
01 me private pans, ana notions' eiee. nvery
oox is wa niniee
Hold hy In iuglslaand sent by mail on receipt
or price, si.uu per oox. j. j. Aiaua ox lO..
nnoieaaie Agenia, can rranoisco.
When we are vouna. we chanire 'our opinions
wwuiieii. wnen we are oia; too selfloni
Poor Humanity I
Thecominon hit Is one of sorrow say at least
the nesslmiHiB. they who look at Ihe worst aid-.
Cerlain'y wlmt would otherwise be a brlaht
eximeuce is onun snauowea py some ainnem
test overhung It like a Pall, obscuring per-
iy me radiance mat else would light tin
paili. such an ailment, and a very common
one. Is nervousness, or In olhur words, weak
lipsa of Ihe iii-rvims system, a condition only
irremediable where lueltlcieiit or Improper
menus are laaen 10 relieve iu i ne ooiioiirreni
experience of nurvoua people who have per-
sislenily used Hostellers Htomach Bilter Is,
thut It conquers e,it-ely siipernensitivencs of
the nerve, i.a well as dueases-HO callei which
arc Invlled and sustained liv the chronla weak
ness. Ah Ihs nerves g'dn stamina from the
grout Umio the trouble disappears. Use the
HIHers for mulsrls, rheumatism, bllloiiMiesa
and kidney lr;, nhles.
Menalwiy consider women unjust to them
waen uiey run to uety ineir weaknesses.
Meal IS hill Ma qnea. f 1.00 Kara t
This is a ureal olfer. Just Imaiflne the
army of ladies that will hesletre the store until
the last saoiuo is mine If the barirain la ever
ollorod. Hut how much more wonderful an
ouoortiinity Is that presented to every siilrer-
ln woman by the proprietors of Dr. 1'lerce's
Kavorite Prescriolion. This leinedv is a
yiMrnnlred cure for all those distressing ail
ments peculiar to tne weaKcr sex. it is guar
antced tha' if it does not etf -ct a euro money
will ho refunded. It is carefully compound, it
hy an experienced and skillful physician, and
adapted to woman's delicate ora-aniiatlon. It
la purely veaetahle in Us eoniuosition and oei
fectly harmless iu its effects in any condition
of the system, and is sold under a pnnitivt
limraiMe ol salisruotioii Iu every case, or
money paid for it refunded.
For Constipation or Hick Headache, nse Dr.
Pierces Pellets; Purely Vegetable. One a
The best Instruction is to practice
rhat yon
French Tanxy Wafers are the Best
Dr. Livingston's Tansy Wafers for the
restoration of suppre sed menses nbvkh
fail when the directions upon tho box are
strictly onserven.
The Tansy Wafers cannot be bought at
drugstores so don't allow yourself to he
Impos d upon hy spurn us rnd weak li I
t itions of lir. Livingston's French Tans)
Wafers, and rememlier lhat the xcnulne
can only be obtained from us, t if you do
not want to he disappointed send til In a
registered letter nr postoltice order to the
Living to i Chemical Company. Portland.
Oregon, aud a box wM be sent by return
mail, securely sealed from the eyea of in
quisitive people, to your address.
Every man stumps his value on hlmielf; the
price we cl iil'ei ge is gi en us.
Those who ue Dobbins' Klectrio Sosd
each week (and their name is legion) save
their cl tlii-s uml strength, and let t hu s-unp
do Ihe work. Did you. ever try it f If not,
o so next Monday swr. Ask your grocer
for it.
Gravity Is no more evidence of wisdom than
paper collar is of a shirt.
We recommend "TansilPt Pui- ch" Cigar.
Spent 300. In Vain,
Wakarusa, Iud., Aug. 22, 188.
I suffered all over with pain and spent
J300. on doctors without relief: two or three
applications of St. Jacobs Oil relieved me.
THE CHARLES a. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore. Md.
$'5i2T0 $250.22 MM "aSS.
preltrvel Whocun fiirnlnba hirsw and jrlve theli
WhoiH time to the tMiHtiierw. 8nare momenta may be
proUtshly employed also, A frw tracanrlea In town
Wld cities, B. JUMNHON it. CO., 1009 Muln Bt
Hlcnmonri, va-
iV b.- Please etate ace a& butineee exoerUn.
Sever mind about nndina itamp for reply, M.t
An Army Veteran,
who has probably snffered more than any
man nr woman In America to-day. Taken
siek while In the Army, he has endured
untold aifoiilef since, llescribins; his rlmt
symptoms he said: "My head ached and
niy appetite was poor. I felt a falotness at
ihe pit of the stomach, and bad taste in my
mouth, while my skin was sometimes hot
and sometimes cold. I next felt pains in
my back and around the lower portion of
ray bodv, and noticed a peculiar odor and
mliir in the water I parsed, which wss
scanty atone time and free at others. Some
times It puiiied me to void it, aud strain it
was aim. mt iniposstMe to do so at all. Fi
nally I betnn to pass clear blood accom
panied with the RTeatest st rain and agony."
Kolcssthsn SO eminent physicians at
tended Mr. Ftirbush at various times, but
Dot one of them could help bim. He wss
nearde.Mh'sdonr. Andyetnesxrs: "Ism
alive and well to-day wholly thronih the
wonderful power of Hunt's Remedy which
look me from the verpe of the STave."
This Grest Remedy ahnMnlrlf turei all
Kidney, Liver and Urinary Diseases.
For Rale by all Healers.
C. X. CRITTEXTOX, General Aceat,
US Fultoa at, X. T.
lie eoperlor cl!aoe proven In adlooe ot hones foi
LOreWiauaouaitftrat' a aantur. It in ud he she
United SlatM OnvMranuMiA Kiui.M A uu htmAm rf
the Q reel Unlrert'Uee ee the Stronrat, Purest nod Boat
Leannnu. ut. rnoe e uream net)
In. F
I Powder doee not
enntala Ammonia, Ume or Alum, sold only la
saw TORS.
It la Palatable asm.
It is throe times as efficacious at
plain Cod Liver Oil.
It Is far superior to all other so
called Emulsions.
It Is a perfect Emulsion, does not
separate or change.
"t is wonderful as a flesh producer.
It Is the best remedy for Consump
tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, wast
ing Diseases, Chronio Cough ant?
Bold by all nrutiatiM-
For January.
THIS is the season of rear we look over at ok
lo see what can be spared. WeflndUuys'
Knee Pants. Cottonsile. but bitter to wimr
than poor wool, 4 rears, 45 cts.:9and IU years,
.'0 ids.; veir few of other aises. Hoys' Corduroy
HhIH.4 to 7. ehort pants. t'-l.TS; slnu, s lo 10, at
.'1.09: and 11. 12 and I I for They are KOO'I
for the money. Mens' Ciesimcr Panls for S3
that we ouirnt to set 14 ritflit alonir. hut some.
sines are Bone and we want to close up the lot.
Then we have Cottonsde Pants, for men sa
low as 26 ots. a pair, they are not very koo ,
but atfl tol.lt we offer a ironu ne article for
everyday or common Sunday wear. Striped or
Plaid Ghevott Shirts as low as .Id cts.. and h,
40. 60 and 60 ota., aooording; to else and quality.
n (Jhtldrers Underwear, red, arey and white,
v have a arrest varietr. and at nrlces thut
would surprise snynue. fted or drey Wool half
Hofe fur men. all sisei. at 25 oents. or S'2 un one
doseu; we never had their equal before. In
something; to tat we offer dry Nectsrlues,
lialsins. Proms, Apples, plums, Urapus, I hex.
as low as A ots. a iwund. and some at less: we
would cue yon to try ineni. in unniie't Uoods
we can beat the wnrfd in nrice and nnalllv. In
Syrups hy the barrel, 211 els. trillion is the lowe-t
for a miod article. Ueiiuine Maple Suirar, a IiIk
Intat l&oU anound: we want ton to rvit.
But write for our January list; U contains
many new barnaios, and samples will be
raaiiea nee. Address, B.viri li s uaH OTOltK
418 H'lontbt, Han Frsnoisco, ( si.
Dl IIITC Therarothe
bMIl I V buHtrbonlliHtt,
moKt iro4iuctlve and yU-m loiVHHtritM.
iLiniruicutfiJuuuo witu 6U0 it iiMtifLtlnnn
ikilcd to ailT axlilrvtw UlKn nDtillrtttirm
fl iwi-kotM oiiuku llovver mmsIm, IVwuU, Paiittiiw
UuImiiiui, Ahtorn(Hwoel FeaM, Piilox, l'oppi(,oto.'
rtpwutuij. fc.a La IVIAY dt t'Ut,
rionau mwm HNIUI) sit rat; tat aunn
N. P. N. U. No. S21 8. F. N. U. No. 3 8
A sea-serpent, 103 feet long, covered with silvery, shining scales, and having
embryo wlnps on its shoulders, was seen to coil Itself up in slippery folds on the
coast of Florida lost month. Three reliable persons saw this creature distinctly.
After rolling and twisting its bulky form around on the beach for a few minutes.
It slipped oil into the water and disappeared in the east, followed by a path of
foam which could be teen for an hour afterwards.
Reader, the above is a " yarn." If people
would believe the following truthful state
ment as readily as tbey swallow sea-serpent
stories, it would be the means of savins;
thousands of lives. The statement which
we desire to make In the moat emphatic
manner, is. that Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery, if taken in time and given
a fair trial, will actually cure consumption
of the lungs, which is really scrofulous dis
ease of the lungs. If this wonderful medi
cine don't do all we recommend, when taken
as (iirecteil. we will cheerfully and promptly
return all money paid for it. Can any offer
be more generous or fair i No other medi
cine possesses sufficient power over that
fatal malady Consumption, tn warrant its
. ?,T',,!T,,? r "ATH.-Headache, obstruction of nose, discharges
falllns- Into throat, sometimes profuse, watcrv. and acrid, st others, thick
tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid : eyes weak, ringing in ears!
deafness, difficulty of clearing- throat, expectoration of offensive matter;
breath offensive; smell and taste Impaired, and penenil debility. Only a
few of these symptoms likely to be present at onoe. Thousands of cases
pwin iu iiisuiuiuim, enu enu in tne STave.
By Its mild, soothing-, antiseptic, cleansing, and healim? properties, Ttr. ftun-'s Remedy
cures the worst cases. This infallible remedy does not, like the poisonous irritating snuffs.
creams and strong caustic solutions with which the public have long been humbugged!
simply palliate for a abort time, or drive Int dtanur to (he luno. as there is danger of doing
In the use of such nostrums, but it produce perfect and permanent cure a of IhS
worsajeaaesef Chronic Catarrh, as thousands can testify. "Cold In the Head"
Jiiiii i il '"i.1-iy"""s- yaatrrauaj
rsJal U Sis
Ljetst .
Uarle Hrasaa Tebare.
Ton can't fool die chile wld your trash ta
baeky, I smoke biAL, and den t you foriret it.
Boms smokers think lhat anything that
makes smoke, is rood enouab to so Into a pipe.
They will find by a little eiuerieaea that Uiera
is a vast difference la rJmekfug Tobaocoa, Just
try "Heat, or Nokth t'Hnl.lNA."and you wlU
M the dlfferenoa between it and the imitations,
O I till fin I e A KkAI!M.flihl kaa.
Blah Pianos; BurdrttOrvans. Band Instruments.
LaiYcst stock of Hhoot uslo and llooks. Hands
supplied at Eastern Prices. M ATI' HI AH
QUAY 0. XI8 Post HtreeU baa rraaolaoo.
I preerrlba sad folly ea.
done Hlf U aa the only
eiieelAc rortheoartalocara
or this disease,
U.H.iMdllAIIAtf.af. D.,
Amsterdam, M. Y,
We bare told lilf G for
many years, and It baa
aiven toe oesi oi seus
L'kicato. lu
ll. 00. 9ol4sylUfflsla, '
ft-k lrasTidl for tnmn.l Hr-im. Id
ltdt nnaflt'i wlrt, u'tf4 with blu
rlhlMm. ThLi rw other. All iritis
In MitrlMrBril 1. pink wrapran. in
Irlaiitus) int tiarik'ulars. Irsflnnnlili it'll
Krllef Hr l.tulli, w (fffrr, bjr rt tunt
Mull. Ausir 'turf.
Ulrs-4r I Iww'l l M HadbeM g.H . hlltv, I"
3 are those put ap by
' Who are the largeit Seedsmen in the world. 1
D. M. Fsssv K Co's
f 1l,tMtratd TlMrrlnllve and Priced
(or 1890 will be mailed FKbU to mi ap i
plicanta, ana to wji kuoii ciuiomm, ,
luitik Cards t tlowr or tteta
bttat itiouid tenu lor it. Aaoroi A
Cm 11 he iiiHilrenpiy bf
mifuK Chickrim, A
U'll ('lltHlnRlie tiO'
m'rlblup; Iiiiuinitorn,
HriNHkrfl. UnMNlinir
llotlHl'S, Row a 11 d
What to FtTil, How
lii)K to keep lliom In
tho HriMHirr, Prlnkinn
mid tholr ('nn, hi fitct
more iiifcrinnttuD
tliHii in Riven lu iiuiiiy
'.'.VfH'llt IxHikK. HilU
toiiuy Mildri'M nu re
cclltt f 2(!. BtHUlp,
Wiro Nt'tMujf, lou
Mills, Himo Mi-al and
till kliiii of I'oultry
Palaluma Incubator Co. Pelaluma, Cal-
f"4 Oldest Medicine in the World it firotath
Thin artToloTH a oareiully pnipartMi ihyHielaii pre.
ciipriou. aol lia been In connluut use for ntwrly a
oeuuirv. Then? arv tfvr iliseawH to viiiich nmDklnd
ore mUject ioro 11siTft.nB than aoro cyt1. and
none, lrhapti, for whluh mre rrmedlHa havu boon
trlM without Bncoem. Foralloxtt'nial Intlaiiimatton
oiuieeyeauisan infallible remedy. If the itive-
Hon are followed It will never fill. Wo par t4oa .arty
Inrlte thenttfnf 'on of
''all bv all ilrtiihrtata.
phyMclans tn Its intrlri. For
hvulclans tn Its 1
t ca. TnoY. i. V. "if.sii-.,
U BeltUouirh Byrup. Taatesiroml. t
Ctl In time. Sold hy druia-lsts. fir
manufacturers in selling it tinder such try
ing conditions. The " Golden Medical Dis
covery" is not only the most wonderful
alterative, or blood-cleanser, known to med
ical science, but also pooiciBim superior nutri
tive and tonic, or strength-giving, properties
which assist the food to digest and become
assimilated, thus building up both strength
and flesh. For all cases of Bronchial, Throat
and Lung Diseases, accntnpaiued with lin
gering coughs, it is absolutely nnequaled as
a remedy. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of
Blood, Short lteath. Consumptive Night
sweats, and kindred affections, it surpassr
all other medicines. V UKLD's IiispensarV
Medical Associatkmi Proprietors. No. otiS
Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
' ' UI7
W Am llalV
f?- eWil Will
afaW awa -I1IJI
at .iftilaCl
f f TO t DATS. U
f Amiwm. eet
f . I eeem awleeeie. "
LJ krieel,rSat
OJi'Ji'JilUBD for an incurable case of
mmmmmmmm Cetarrh in the Heed by
the proprietors of OH. SAGE 8 CATARRH REMEDV.
aaeaaacae ia relieved and cured as if of