Ore.en City, Jan. SI, lS'.M). Bkcausk we admit hides (rue of duty, American boots and shoes are Hulil in England and Franco in successful com petition with liko articled manufactured there at what tlio protectionists call "pauper waifos," No one should fail to al(rn hi ''-' to a copy of the remonstrance against tlic county road railroad frunchlso asked from the county court bv Mess". Drake and Bar low. All tlio signatures t tlio remon strance must be placed More tlio county court next week. The court will convene In rcgulur session on Februuiy Bill. Tim democratic party of Oregon is Justly proud of two democratic ofliee holders who hare marked their olhcial career by stern integrity and strict at tention to duty. They are Governor Pen noverand United Slates Marshal John Myors. Both bolonif to the plain people. Both hold to the axiom, "A public ollice is a public trust." , II. L. Gaiihey, a bed-rock democrat, of Helena, Mont., said to a friend In Wash iiton rcccnllv: "There is one tiling sure, when Montana votes again she will roll up such a democratic majority that it will mnkM the (unn who are enitaged in tlio present conspiracy sick. 1 think the effect of this slenl of two United Suites senators will make Montana reliable democrutic state in Ihe future." Gov. Mux's last master stroke en titles him to an honorary membership of the republican national com mittve. He has selected as his nmiilh nrirnn t ho Albany Time, nwnMil nut I edited bv Thcophilns C. Calllcot, a professional betrajer of Ida own partv for years, and an ex-con-vict. Asa menilier of the New York assembly in 18M, he sold out to the re publicans for $1200, ami beinK appointed two years later by Andy Johnson inter nal revenue collector for tho third dis trict of the stale, he was in 1808 con victed in the United States district court of helm concerned with others in de frauding tlio government. His sentence was a fine of $10,000 and Imprisonment In tlio Albany penitentiary for two years. With such a vile tool Gov. Mill hopes to work his way to tho presiden tial chair. He can't do that with dem ocratic votes. At tlio treat Boston hiin(iict, Mr. Car negie, the millionaire ruilinuker.a repub lican protectionist, made a speech in which he paid cx-Presidcnl Cleveland Ihe following compliment: "There Is another suggestion thai comcsto mind. Why not run our ex president i And I, before the next time for voting comes around, may accord him my distinguished support. Whether he gets that or not, this I de light in saying, that, in any portion, or in no position, ex-President Cleveland car ries with him the genuine respect of all shades of opinion and nil parties. When I was at Lucknow I saw the grave of lis treat defender, and what were tho words inscribed on that simple stone? They were his last words: 'I havo tried to do my duty. I sav, and I am proud lossy it, I have said it behind his hack, and everywhere I havo traveled I have said It; and why cannot I sav It now, those words are (x-l'rcsldent Cleveland's, and when he dies he is rightly entitled to them ho has tried to do hU duty." A Bi'KKcii delivered in the senate by Mr. Btewart of Nevada contains the fol lowing statement of private debts in the United States, exclusive of the debs of nilswuiln i i i ii i i m.tt Debts to other banks. ... .. l,8or,,0S8,K72 Debts to insurance compa nies, capitalists, etc.... 8,000,000,000 $11,070,818,410 This is an average debt per capita for a population ot uu.WHJ.uuo or f 111-1.50. The national, stale and railroad Indebt ednoss added to this amount would raise the average to about t.'jOO per coo ita. The Illinois Bureau of Labor Sta tistics gives the private mortgage debt o( thut state as 41fi,HM),(J()n. If tho pri vnte mortgage debts of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Da kota average as much as Illinois, their combined total would reach $4,100,000 000, thus giving In ten Western states over half of Mr. Stewart's estimate of the total indebtedness of the entire United States to insurance companie and usurers. Tiik pension issue is one which the republicans in congress must meet.. The Washington correspondent of the Bur lington (Iowa) Ilnwk'jie, discussing the question whether the party can win in 1802, says: "The answer comes from nil over the country, from every (iriind Army post: 'No I not unless liberal treatment is given to the veterans of the Union ar mies. ' It is usoless to disguise this fact. Through their committee on pensions, in their national encampments, these brave fellows have again and again sug gested certain legislation, which con gress has again and aguin failed to en act. They havo never heretofore blamed the republican party for theso failures. Now, however, the republican party is in power in both houses of congress, and in the While, House, and the sol diers expect ami demand such legisla-; tion as they have heretofore recom-1 mended. Some of their leaders do not ar niiiiiiiliiul with or nn elfort niudx in nesuuie to say unit unless tiieir wisnes comply with those wishes, they will ro-1 buke the republican partv with their ballots In 18!r2." " Tho Now York Pout comments on this: "On the other hand, there are plenty of voter who are so thoroughly disgusted with the pension extravagance that U.V are sure to rebuke the piirty if il yield further to those demand." r n-.i i i .i . Dicckmrkk 2,th appeared for the first time as the day on which Chr.s ii.aa waa to be celebrated in the list of ho - day of the church in the year So4 The (.reeks, and particularly Ihe Alex- lulrians, were opposed to the selec ion nf tho iluv. In I .nulii nlmitnlti IliA fin!,, was first recognized in .'(70 and in Alex . . i o-Vi .. i :.. A i I andria in 411 ; notwithstanding great confusion existed until the middle of the sixth century. Some congregations celebrated tlio birth and baptism of Jesus on January 0th. others separate, i.e., the one on tho 2otli of December and the other on January (ith. The Em peror Justinian made nn end to the confusion. He issued an edict in the year 5-V) deciding '.hat on December 2itk the birth should be celebrated and on January (Ith the baptism. The Rus sian oiiserve Christinas also on Decem ber &th, but, as they compute their year according to the stvle of Julius Caesar, with them the feast fulls 12 day later. If President Harrison were to issue proclamations in regard to Christmas and Epiphany, we would think the world had turned back In its orbit. The time is past when the the ology of the citizens worried the author ities more than tangible interests. Boodle pensions, tsrills, subsidies ami spoil of ollice now engross the atten tion of those foremost in place and power. I VII) BKlCg BVY HIS SKA Tt Tlia New York World Is an organ of Gov. Hill and therefore naturally hostile to tlio reform wing of the democracy rep resented by such men as Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Brice, the laller tlio new sena tor from Ohio, w by llie urrguimm rel ishes the attack of tho Worlil on Sena tor Brice consequently explain itself. Those who pin their faith to the "great daily'" contention that Culvin Brice bought his senatorial seat are requesiou to peruse the following from the St. 1.0UIB lirpwilie, a paper which inccriu;!i ly a sood authority as the hand-organ of Joe Hi moil et al. : "The election of Hon. Calvin 8. Brice to the Ohio senatorship is directly due to the bitter fight made on hi in by tho enemies of Mr. Cleveland and the op ponent of luriir reform. Mr. Hrlce s prominence in the campaign fought on the line of Mr. Cleveland's reform mes- suge made liiin a natural object of re publican attack aad arrayed against him the enemies .Mr. neveiunu nau made in suppressing tha so-called 'Kan- dull wing' of the deinjcratlc party. These began to charge at once that Mr. Brice was buying the senatorship, and they have reiterated the charge for sev eral months without producing in Unit time a shred o( evidence that Mr. Brice had spent a cent In his campaign. They have not been able to make even a defi nite cliargH, and they have done nothing but ask the public to take on trust their assumption that because be has money to bribe with lie is therefore necessarily a briber. The KrnnUlie. baa been able to find less real gioiind for scandal in the Brice campaign ihan In any sena toriul canvass in Ohio since the limes of Thiiriiinn and Pendleton. It did not wish to se Mr. Brice attacked as a cur ruptionist without cause, and it was fully aware of the reason of the Aght made upon him by his leading oppo nents in New York city aHd Cincinnati. It accepts his election as an emphatic repudiution of the go-called 'protection democracy, ' and it hopes to see Mr. Brice refute by bis course in the sen ate the charge that he is 'nothing but a millionaire.' If he makes a millionaire senator he will be a failure and a clog to the democratic party, but he can show, m Samuel J. Tildeu did, that the possession of abundant means does not necessarily nuiko their possessor a plu tocrat. His work in tho senate is to jus tify the democrats in Ohio in rallying to him when he was attacked, repudiating the charge that ho is a eorruptor of poli tics and selecting him for the senator ship above his able competitors (or that high honor and ureal responsibility." A Triangular Trkde. In an article on the subject of "Our Merchant Murine," David A. Wells show how the products of our farms pay for the cotlcouiul other merchandise we buy from South America. He says: Wo buy of the Wet-t Indies, Central and South America great (inutilities of sugar, coffee, tropical fruits, India rub ber uiiil tildes, because we cannot pro duce the commodities at all, or in sulli cient quantity to meet our demands for consumption, and can buy them cheaper of our Southern neighbors than else where. Under our existing taritf, how ever, especially our tariff on crude ma- tenuis entering into our manufactures, we nre not able to sell in the way of puy' ment to the producers of sugar, coffee, fruits, rubber and hides, such products of our industries as we would like to dispose of, and which Ihe foreigner do sires and needs to have, because the lat ter can buy them cheaper in other coun tries mainly in Great Britain . Our in debtedness to. South America for our in creasing exports is, therefore, settled in itiiolheiTjiy. l'.nglaiiil pays the bill in manufucTu4:d promicts, andwe pay Eng- laini uy tne export to her or our agricul tural products, cotton, cereals, meats and the like; and as a matter of fact, tins rouniiauoiit, unnatural commerce represents what may he termed a tri angular voyage. Thus a ship loads at Kio Janeiro, for example, with coflee for ew York ; unloads there and reloads with grain for England ; unloads, there again and again reloads with English manufactures for Brazil. And us Eng lish vessels are cheaper Ihan nnv which Americans can build or have a right to own, the hnglish vessels mainly do tlud "in mm euro mi tne quoins, ami r.ug lish bankers and capitalists gather ill the commissions and accruing interest on the capital employed Or, to piitlhe case more briefly, 'our exUtimt tariff gives every foreigner every possible ail vantage (or buying !mimif;ielureil nnv ducts in every market of the world other than our own. A Patrlotio Negro. I no following extract from a letter written to the Boston Intitscriiit bv An drew J. Chambers, a colored citizen of Durham, N. Carolina, is respectfully submitted to the consideration of our re publican brethren : I may be wrong in deelariiiL' that Christianity has no more devoted ad herents on the globe Ihan are to be found amonv the while men and women of the south, and that their humaiiiiv and religion is a better basis for negro security tnan any conleinphited legis lative enactments. When I look at the number of negro homes in every south ern community, built by neuro wage earners ; their numerous churches, built in good part by southern philanthropy ; wiiiio Ri-nooi ornament every district, asylum honor every state, anil every negro sorrow has a white man's sym pathy and every negro funeral a white mourner, and then enter an unequivocal Potest against the assertion that the m''ro "U"'', '"'" specie of outlawry nl tllB bauds of the dominant race at the ?nl'"'. 't "y indicate wafer on the hmln - When every southern state is . bearing her legitimate share of national ; hiinjoii of responsibilities, with both t)l"otie and heroic pride, I may be a fool for denying that the eruptive fires I of another rebellion ure smothered in every southern homo. To plead with vml n,iriern white men to cease jeering , cvliatlon of the south, and treat lt,r, (1t pa.ro.iiingly, but patriotically, ,ay sou l.d senseless, but si' long as 'a L()I(I Hn,, .notorial attitude toward her )PHVlliHi wha, BlmrHI1.0 mve . of lit. t . . , . . . .. "eiier aui brighter era lor lor all our mini r i-oncurti among yon while men must be tho precursor of radical adjust ment in this country." LETTER LIST. The following is a list of letters re maining in the postothce at Oregon City, Jan. jo, iM'.m: Itrnwn, Kile Bnthla, Oharley linker, Duvo Barine, ( buries Cheatham, Sammie Jones, J Lawler, Bill Moore, J M Mower, William Nichols, I.nella Oslinrn.r.dna LittleOwens, Chug Queene'. J II Smith, Hugh Scott. Cha Tiller. A T Williams. J It W all, S W When called advertised. J, Standley, W W Ward. W C Williams, XV Mr Wilkenson, William for please say when M. Bacon. P. M. We have s niriv and pottlvp Cure tor I'HUrrrt. Pinhlberin. i'anki-r Mouth, and llf-ml-Arlir. Ill Sll l l.i ill s I A I A IlKII KfcMKPl . A Nual Inbftor five with each hottlp. I'm- il If yon desire hralth and aweet lin-alli. Trice 50 i-viils. Sold by K. U. CaunVld A l o. OIKMMZEl) FA K M i: I!S. Consolidation of Interests to Pluck Them Ii Uniting the Tillers of Ihe Soil Into an Alliance that will Revolution ize the Country. The origin of the widespread organi zation of tho farmers, Bays the Southern Farm, is found in the operation of three of tho most powerful and active agen cies in modern civilization, whose work Is clearly traceablo in our recent history "T. J" ,n " "', V'e "" . -railroads, middle men and banks. 1 " Jhc-lt valuable pearl in n.ai. Alter the war, n spirit of speculation I P.''''l'n- Once a man ha won for possessed the people. A territory larger I '!l"Ht' ( .t,1,l l!lBr 'I" ullu but than that of the 13 original state was'l'i"'''" ca'i destroy it; and if once a populated in half a dozen years, and I ""J11 s'liaracUT it is very dilll- ) ...., i... ., , ,ii,, .,.,,. i cult to build it no again. laid. The Southern states, a -large oor - (.. i,t uiti,.i. I.,,. I I....... ,i..vUUi.,i...i ,Mr their people left destitute, presented mil P" constant principles. Ihe work of Inviting fluid for adventure. Scheme forming a character is grudiia ; it Is not for personal and corporate guin miilti-' ?I1B net or occassional ucts that make .,l..i .l,l,.i,ia ,.,;,,.. ,,.l. !,.(, .l (it un, but our habitual walk in life. accumulated in 'unprecedented volume! Congress declared that the national Jelit should be paid in coin, unless otherwise provided in the contruct, and the government started on Ihe road to resumption : contracting the volu'mo of currency at every step, enhancing the value o money and securities, private as well as public, and lessening the .i ...I.... i,i... ..r .,7,i. i'llllC UIO vutiif i VMiiri miner hi im "in mt f iiiiir increasing the burdens of debtors and ,l,li,- HiMimiulvt.. ilu. infliieneeim.l nower of railroads ami banks one con- trolling the transportation of the coun try, the other controlling its money. IPMV TlUt K.UillKII FKI.I.. A year came and went, mn as n- vale mortgage and municipal bonds In-" m1nilsrHXj'(,rted in life with all ad creased in number, it required more vantages in Ibeir favor, have failed sim wheat, more corn, mere collop, more pv on account of lucking this, while entile, more swine, to meet maim ing others have succeeded in rpite of every obligations, a (lent coniracieu wnen wheat wa high, matured when wheat was low. To illustrate: Tne average I nice of wheat in 188-5 was lower than it mil been in 40 years. The uu'ioiial debt, August 1. 18lio, was nearly 2,H0O,(HKI,. 0o0. We have been paving the princi pal of Unit debt at the rate of f )U,(KIU,(nKI a year, beside the annual interest, which, in tho aggregate, has Minniiiiled to more than 75 per cent, of tho original sum. Still, with all that had been paid, and available cash iu the treasury be ing reckoned with but little in ire'lhiin one-third of tho original amount yet un paid, while it would have required I ,li(Xi,(H)(),0U0 bushels of wheat in An- ust, ISO-'), to pay the whole debt, it would have required nearly as much, or 1,300,1100,1100 bushels, to pay what re mained to be paid 20 years later, afier the ptincipul hud been reduced by more than one-hulf, and when, of principal und interest, a good deal more than the whole amount of the original debt had been puid. Agriculture had made substantial progress, the cultivated area had been greatly enlarged, the number of farms and their value and product hud been increased : but estimates, based on the census report of I Sou, show that during the oH years following the railroad inter est increased 1-ilSO per cent, and the banking interest IM8 per cent., while the funning interest readied only 252 per cent . Railroads hud miido profitable agri culture possible in tho new states, but they nnd the elevators and commission merchants took all the profits. They divided one haul into three parts, add ing expense at every change. For ex ample, grain or other farm produce shipped from any point in Kansas to New- York, was billed to a "Missouri river point" Kansas City, say thence to Chicago, and (nun thereto ew York ; a different freight rate ruling between his profit to.a floniimil figure. And the power of the railroads to enforce the rule ot exacting falJ. the tralhi: wil bear," win ab'8olut.TIh 1882, the mil roads charged the Kansas farmers 57 cents a bushel to haul their wheat to the Eastern': seliboard, , -ThiiT".'did not in clude elevator cliaritOM of fchiindling, nor the cost of taking the .ivheat from the fitrniM In Ivitntuw t'itv '.. - 'WhiirtfeMtfimd 'coiiijisnies carried off lurin products, mid broiiulit back sup plies, charging own rates for the service, banks.nn money changer lent money ttfhe'farinerat rales of in terest far hIkivh h-irn! rates, and loulmr kftuu any industry could afford lonufto pay 10 jiercent, 50 per cent, offei) still higher, all iiloiit' through a dozen years after the war. The monetary system oH the country, like the railroad system, hail been one-sided, one party in inter est controlling all charges for use; nnd thero was no available remedy. With the full in vulfies of products generally, the value of a dollar in debt grew cor respondingly liLdior, and salaries and public taxes increased every year. The market value of everything but dollars, bonds ami mortuages hud fallen. Muni cipal and private indebtedness, for which comities, townships, school dis tricts, and faniH were mortgaged, was incurred at a time when farm products were much higher than I hey have been since. One dollar of derbt then, is two lollars now, to the man who has to pay it with products that have depreciated oo per cent, in value, Add to these things the vast power of A combination among stock and gram dealers and meat packers, beginning al Chicago, whereby prices of farm pro ducts were regulated, and you have the principal features of the situation out o( which came the rurmer-i movement. In their life and work separated, so are they in their business affairs. Their pur chases are in small quantities usually, and nt highest retail prices ; while in business done on u largo scale, large in terests come underline management and expenses ure reduced to the minimum. Ky reason of his isolation and Ihe small- ness of his individual business, the farmer found himself paying tribute to men and corporations ho bud control of the money and the markets of the country. It was to remedy these wrongs. to obtain tbeir just proportion of the profits arising from their labor, and to restore themselves to their normal place among their fellowmen, that farmers begun and are now conducting the great est revolution ever peacefully inaugu rated. THE VEUIMCT CXANIMOVS. W. I). Suit, Druggist, Hippus, Ind., tei lilies: "I cull recommend Electric Hitters the very hot remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Kheunintism of lOyeurs' standing." Abru . hum Harp, druggist, Belleville, Ohio, af firms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is .Electric Bitters.''' Thousand of others have added llieir le-tinionv, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all discuses of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle al O. A. Harding's drugstore. Shiloh's Consimption Cure. Thin le bf-VOIld miration Hip lm,t ,. ressfut Conirli .-,Hi-(ot wt- lmrf.f-vvr,fl'a rw dosea invdrishl)- i-ure die worst en-ts of Coiijth I'roilll and H-on,-hll w hile It s wonderful IU- cesa in the cure ol Consumption Is without a parallel In Iho history of medii-im-. sim-e its nri iiiseovery K h is mi-ii sold on a K'i irnrile a trot which nootiir in,-Heine call aland. If yon have a I'oiiL'h we esi-n -tlv sk von toliv it Price lUeenls. ."sl.vnls. and II no. II vmir lines I are ore. I he.-l or lir a ami., ,... shU,,,,', iv I rous Plaster. Sold by K. U Cunivld ( u. COUKKSl'ONDKME. Good Character. Tho lolloping address was delivered before the Young People's Society of Christian Kndeavor in Beaver Creek by John S Jones, who wa president of the society during the past year. The ad dress i pithy nnd is fully worth a care ful perusal : Good character is the crown of life. It adorns every siluutioii from the poor 1.. ll,u " '"rl" KHl1 fhiiracter is to live according to constant habits based Character cannot be formed in a mo ment us a prize is drawn in a lottery, nnd it cannot be brought into perfection in a few hours "like the mushroom. Good character is of very slow growth, but nevertheless sure and solid as a rork. It is by perseverance alone we can lay hold of this valuable pearl, therefore it is of the greatest moment . t bat we nav due regain to ine impor- , . , , , - tance of forming a good character. Of what benelil are all oilier miiigs wiiii out good character? How worthless a man -is without this, lie iiiuy nave wealth. b:u this ill not furnish him ! rial enjoyment or respect if without a i.i.:. .... I, iu . . i,u,i ,.i,,u. u.r nneeivils in life. Thou noon eoiirjo i.r. . .............. ....... disadvantage by the help and Influence uf a good character. Youth Is the time to form a good character; as the child is, will be the man. A man may be poor; he may not bo learned nor talented ; still, if he bus a good character his inlluence for good wherever he turns is great. Men of good character are tho strength uf so ciety and.! he real founders o( the great ness of 'every civilized nation. The strength, industry and civilization of every kingdom depend entirely upon tlio personal character of each of its sub ject Individually. This is the founda tion upon' which the safety and success of every country rest. What constitute the good character of a country? Tho morality and religion of its inhabitants. Then if our character is good we raise the morality of the place we live in. A man's moral char ucter is Ids only real property ; and since it is of sititi importance, we should be j very careiut not to injure it. nils is tne only profisriv transferable to another world. Vhi)o we must leave every thing else behind, our character will follow us; This ia the standard by which we shall stand, approved or not approved before God amen and amen. Mr, Win. Phillips' Opinion. Clackamas, January 25, 18!)0. Editor Coi-hikk: The sentiment of nine-tenths of the people nf this part of the county seems lo be adverse to the motor line fninchUe as sought to be ob tained fruui the county, believing the county court has no right to grunt spec ial privileges to private parties on the public highway. Even if they hud, it would be a great inconvenience to pub lic travel. "The county may grant a charter to turn a common road into a toll road when nil have an equal chance. but a railroad is a special privilege and lril!nt. Vtftjdby the s pi rjt of I So, alsii, isijTBIE Ette of t our insti- of the Clack amas river comrcied. Under thut franchise none but those w ho own the franchise can flout logs down that stream without paying for the privilege, while, as 1 understand, other floating property c unes free. If the company had obtained a charter from the county to open the river for common floating or rowing purposes, from it mouth to the mountains, to be kept in good repair the year round, then they should be allowed to collect reasonable toll on all prop erty floated thereon, But these special privileges are a nuisance. (so, also, waa and is the building of the Oregon City bridge condemned. 1'tTblic travel did not call for the build ing of that bridge, without which the county court had no right to appropriate one dollar thereto. It was built, as many people in this part of the county believe, for speculative purposes, and without constitutional or other legal Wttrraiit."But ns the tendency of our government, from tho actions of c n- gress to those of a county commission ers' court, is toward centralization, the people should not hesitate to throw on the breaK ut once lest worse conditions follow. Wm. Phillips It is a fact which Mr. Phillip may Dot know that tboro is moro truVf.1 nvur ' H, K, , .... , 11.. CI... tl ,., vn j mini uui (III V other bridge in Clackamas) county. Ed.) MUUNO NOTES. Iteport of school taught at Million district No, St, for the month endiiq January 21, 1890: Number duvs school open 1!), days attendance days absence 141,'j, boys enrolled 19, girls enrolled 14, total enrolled 3-', average daily attendance 2a, number limes tardy It), number neither absent nor tardy 1, I. e. Mabel llobbs. Visitors: Mrs. Iluhbi, Mrs. Howard, Messrs. K. A. Bounds. G. F. Ball, J . Gillett. U. G. Kellogg, Vv. Fletcher, Misses Eliza .Uiilvuma. .Nora Gordon und Bertha Al bright uf Uickama county, and J. T, Francis of Washington county. ,, 85. A. HuaiiEs, Teacher. Mr. Wallace, the merchant at this place, had the misfortune to lose a cow by death hut week. Some of our citizens have the erinoe: some inn innuenza. Juhn Darhall. Jr.. has been very sick uiu is convalescent. Griimlmii iVursham was reported dan gerously ill. last Saturday morning. Deep sirow is reported in many part of Ihe state but our burg i blessed with wind and rain instead. It is the intention to have a spelling school ut the Hchoohouse on Thursday night, January 30. . Children Kitveil fnitn ftvre Sleknesa. Dr. Hidden: I notice by the papers that you arc placing your valuable Ethereal Cough Svrup liefore the public. It is a charitable ait. I have used it in my family formally years, lo my satisfaction. I believe the use of it in time, to my chil dren, has saved them from sickness. H. B. Lank. Large size $1.00, small 50 cent. For sale by G. A Murding;, druggist. JiOTICK. IIioiii.axd, January 26, '90, Notice is hereby iriven to all the peo ple of Highland, Or., thai, II tleywant ihe pos'i.llii e loiter ihan June JO, 18110, tie y must Hud lliem-elves a m-w post inasieror lii' poM. thee will be discon tinued, f,r Ihtir .. hi jK.slina7.ter ha re sigi.cd. .is I i st.ildislieii this olfiee and taken care l it 'M years. I think I mL-lil h.,.f . I Yfnr Tnilv. i W. G. Wallah. P. M 1 THE HIGHWAY RAILWAY FRANCHISE. Poland Criticism of the Scheme by a Molalla Farmer. Moi.ai.La, Or., Jan. 2T, 1800. Mil, Epitoii: As It Is not often thut I take the liberty of trespassing on your valuable space, you will perhaps overlook this encroachment. I have taken the CoiliiKii ever since it made it advent among us, and believe that it upholds the luleresls of the people iu its poll I ical views, and also In the financial u Hairs of our slide und county. I hope it will not flutter ynu if I cull It by the name lo which it Is justly eulilled a clean dcniocnitic paper, working for the interests of the laboring i las-es ul large. I am plea-eil to note Ihe II nil stand the CouiiiKK has taken for the rights of the people In regard to the frachise asked for, viz.: the right lo locale and build mil rouds and operate the same over county rouds and bridges in Clackamas county. The (Irst thought that struck me, after a careful perusul of Ihe petition Tor this right, was, "IV yoilt, ulitit thtrk!" As I am somewhat slow lo understand, I lake the lilierly to propose a few qiie-lions which I am unable to answer sittUfucto r ii y to myself, viewing them from the standpoint of the greatest good lo the greatest number. 1st. How can a one-horse railroad, like the one contemplated, hope or expect to have any net earning lo pay into Ihe Clackumus county treasury, when we con- 1 ",dt'r lci inai uiey nave a rival rouie i - or .......... ! tdr proposed route, and it a thiough ; '"e' havinu direct connecliou with the ifiisl? , .1,1 SO. lll.n l.llf,. ICIIillllb nuulU Vf.'.-n. II l us county deriva us lior share, of net earnings at a 3jj' per cent, dividend, ink ing as a basis for calculation the amount of money derived bv the stale annually from Goldsmith & Co. us its share of dividends for Ihe series of years since it so generously as-istcil in building ihe locks al Oregon City? And I willi.sk your readers if this is not a good lia-is for calculating? If our slate olllcials, with the authority of the stale of Oregon to buck llieiu, Collected the enormous sum i f perhaps $500 as her share of 10 per cent, dividend for a long series of years, how could we expect us small a corpo rate body as Clackamas county lo success fully cope with a corporation that may shortly become more powerful than Hold smith & Co. ever nil? I say more powerful than Goldsmith ii Co., and why r Is it not only possible, bin quite probable, thut such rights a arc asked for by petitioners would be transferred, perhaps, to some through line of railroad V and, then, I ask, how much revenue would Cluckumus county derive as her share of thedivyr Would it not be selling our birthright for a mess of pottage? But I cannot bring myself to believe even for u moment that our honorable county court would ever think of grant ing such a right in opposition lo public sentiment auii the wishes of neiuly nil the people whose servants they are. John Evuuii.uit. Are itones Alive? E. D. Walker, the scientist and writer, wrote on this interesting topic in 1S87: "We generally think uf minerals as dead lumps of inactive matter. But Ihey nitty truthfully be said lo be alive, creatures of vital pulsations and separated into in dividuals as distinct as the pines in a for est or tigers in a jungle. The disposi tion of cry-tulsare on diverse us those of animals. They throb with unseen cur rents of energy. They a row in size as long as they have opportunity. They can be killed, too, though not as easily as an oak or a dog. A stroilg electric current discharged through a crystal will do jjonjjjose it very rapidly if il be of soft ually disintegrate in the reverse order to Its growth, until the pour thing lies a dead, shapeless ruin. It is true the crys tal's life is unlike thai uf higher crea ture. But the differences between veg etable and animal life is no greater than that between mineral and vegetable life Linnaeus, the gre it Swedish naturalist, defined the three great kingdoms by sav ing: 'Stones grow, plants grow and feel, animals grow and foel and move.' " Grand Kemoval 8ale. Charman & Co., City Drug Store, ex pect to move into tl.o corner store of Charman Bros.' new block about Feb ruary 15th, and until that time Drugs, IVnts, Oils, Glass, Hair Brushes, Stationery, Honey Purses, Knives, Looking Glasses, Spoons and Family Keeipes, at greatly reduced rate. Call and get our pi ices. MONKT TO LKN1J. Eight per cent, and tuxes That is what all other eight per cent advertisers mean, ns you find op applying. I have tlOO.OOO available. Long loans preferred. l nave also money to lend at ten per cunt, straight, uonic and see me W. C. JollXSON BUCKLEN'S AKNICA SALVE. The Bust Salve in the world for Cuts, nruises, Sores, ulcers, salt Kheiim Fever Sores, Tetter, (-'hupped Hands, Chilblains, Corn1, and nil Skin Kriiitlnna. und positively eurei l'llea, or no puy req-ilreil. It ia iruHranteei! tn give perfect aatiafuctiun, money refunded. Price iicenli per box. For uiu by u. A. Harding. ludlapunaulplv to the Toilet, Carby's Prophylactic Fluid cures chafing, eruptions and inliammatioii of all kinds; cures inflamed or sore eyes; relieves pains from biles or stings of in sect nnd sore feet; destroys all taint of perspiration or otlcnsive smell Iroui l ie feet or any partuf the body ; cleanses and whiten the skin. Used as n dentifrice it purifies the breath ; preserves the teeth and cures toothache, sore tonus am! canker. Join L. C. Heudrlcliaou'a Wutrh club. ' A 170 watch for $U0 on payments of si per week, these wutcujsure not es pecially made tor club purposes but are from our own st-nk. He positively guitrautee them first-class in every par ticular. Fouts A Fuchs agents for Ore gon City of L. C. Ilendrichsou. Mi) Kir.-t Street, Portland. ruturbaara of the Heart. Heart disease is like an assassin. which creeps upon you in the dark and strike yon unaware. Therefore, do not overlook any uneasiness in the r. gio , of the heart or disturbance iu itn a.-lioti, but at once take l. Flint's Kemkov. Descriptive treatise with each hi, tile: or, address Mack Drug Co., X. Y. A WOMAN'S DISOOVEKY. "Another wondorful discovery ha been made and that too by a lady In thla ctuinty. Piease fastened Its clutches upon her and for v,-n Tears ahe with.to.id Us eerereM testa, but her vital organi were undermine! and death seemed Imminent. For three montha ahe i-nurdied in eeaaaally. aud ronM not aleep. She bou-ht nf na bottle of Dr. King a New Placnvery tor Consumption and waa so much relieved nn taking Drat dm thai ahe alept all night and wllh one bottle has been mlrai n'ouslr eureil. tier name Is Mrs. Luther l.uii " Thus write C. lUmrick A Co.. of Shelby. N. r ., t re trial bottle at G A. H irdins's ilnig d.-re. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. .... ,. tor Infants and Children. CiutorUiaso wolf adapted toehlldrtn that I Castaria cares Colle, Constipation, I nnwiniiH-ml it as superior to any proscription I g2,ur mch, Ulsrrhais, KrucUiilim, 111 So. Oxford 81, Urooklyo, M. T. WUfcosl Injurious medication. Tun CasTAua Compasy, 77 Murray Biota, N. 1 . c um across the oiih.h. ly rock, anil liy lift, anil runnel, by numb, and iiio hI'iw, ami uumi'd, Us wuii itli hn dniia bculclu him, and niarvelad bo tf-iiie wiia found; Till Uiu .oiikOi of tha whnto flrren gorgs, aud Iho Hitiv o'ltff u'Biimlnir oil liisll, Bung ai.d re-echoed wllh liorua and the niualoal luiiiLltis ury, And IK- lamiiilH broke out of Ihe oovor, all baying touMiiier In tniT, And Hid i,re untuns imnting before them, along up Hid Ihh'ii, i1uw-t uwii ; And a Uny nf bmklncd virylua, dove-breafted, broke fr, m the bowi-rs, With antMri- lu f nnl-eri for the hurting, and treaios liiriic ill ill fliiur: Their I p . ro-o ruihlj, dmnartud to draw their de- Ijt It niu lire, tli For ti;u' ulia-e, mill the ohrer thereof ringing, the ri'iilme i f deiiuis iloatb ; T:,uaou buf-d. euseiiy lirtod, tbe pitlleia falreyoe fUotl, The 11 wtr-f omIi ell ofte flushed flower-Uao rtaa lil) , lit b rotw uoiaiiilxoU; Inn aiiihUr f. tl fl.iiii awlltly, the alight shape) nt-hii.tf l.ke o't'its, SYhon the Tiua' iiii b-'cetes of wiuter descend oa fe'.e miiri-'o uiimd-; So C o. ,w. t along I ku mulc ; and wildered At-'A) ll 't ied Tilt ihe ho I of the uialdtu raugen was loct iu tho IcbU lig uod. A ....AVE IRISH BOY. A Story of Kentucky. Tn tho month of May, 1864, a boy of 15, with a small bundle under big arm, niiithc havo been seen walking wearily over a rough Kentucky road. Hi hair aa brown, his eyes were gray, and there w vs a good humored expression on his broad Celtic fuco, for our horo was an Irish boy, who bad gone out into the ivt: r!il to seek his forttiuo. 'Whcro will I sleep to-night?" 1 1 mo ,f h t Pat Roach , for that was bis name, ' LasL uight I slept on the ground, and UV stifr I was this morning. At this momont his eye fell upon a lin go und imposing mansion, on a little uiiincnco to the right. ' Maybe they'll let me sleep in tho burn," lie thought, "Anyhow, I'll give tin m the chance." I lo turned into the front gate and wulacd up to the front door and knocked, for there was no bell. Tne door was opened by a colored woman. " Well, child, what do you want?" she asko.l, not unkindly. " Can you let mo sleep in the barn?" asked Put. "What does the boy want, Chloe?" ivsked a young lady, who bad just entered the broad hall, " He wnnts to sloop in the barn. Miss Jennie." The young lady came forward and looked pleasantly at the boy. " What is your name ? " she asked. "Pat Roaoh, Miss." ' Where ore you going ? " " Haven't you a homo? " " Yes, MiBs, but there's more of ns 'bin fn.'hcr can keep, and I'm the oldest. So I'm goin;? out for myjelf." " Where did yon steep lust night?" " 0,i the ground." " I'h.it as a pity. You didn't enjoy it. did you?" " NTot much'answoredPnt, shrugging : i- -houl lers. "But it was oheaper." ' I suppose you haven't much mon ey ? " sai 1 the young lady; smiling. "Not a cent, Miss." " Have you had auy supper?" " Yes, Miss, I've had a cracker." " You must still be hungry ? " " Try me and see," said Pat, drolly. "I ill," said the young lady, smil in, "Chloe, take this boy into the ,.1.1'hcn und give him a good supper," ' And may I sleep in the bain after ward, Miss? ' No, but you may sleep in the house, " hv, let him occupy the little bock im nn on the second floor." Thank you, Miss," said Pat, grace fully. " It will be a fine thine: to sleen ui n rcui oeu aguiu. Chloe was well disposed to second Iho lieu- volent intentions of her young mis- . I . 3 ,f r :ie s. biie gave rat the best meal he hud i uten for montliB, and drew out the i.oy s story, winch Fat was quite ready to tell. In return she told the boy that the estate was owned by Mrs. Stanton urn iter daughter, who were left wealthy by the Into Mr. Stanton, who had died lining tho last year. Beside herself more wns a man-servant, but he was i.vmg sick with a lever. ' You'd better hire me." suggested Pat. "while he's sick." "Y in can't do a man's work, chile." " Try me and see," said Pat, "I can at a man's supper, anyhow." " You're right there, honey," said Chloe, showing her teeth. A little after 8 o'clock, Pat, being fatigued with his long tramp, went to lu-d and -waa soon taut asleep, Mrs, Stanton and her daughter sat in a room oil the second floor, one working and (lie other reading aloud, when the daughter approaching the window do scried to her alarm a company of men, ten in number, approaching: the houso. At this time it was not uncommon for small roving bands, passing themselves off as Confederute soldier, but really only robbers, intent upon plunder, to scour the country, forcing their entrance into lonely houses, nnd carrying off whatever of v duo they foujtid. The bottom has dropped out of the boom in Seattle and T.ic o n i. Prices are coming down. Oregon City Market Report. Whkat Pcrnn. use. hulk withoul aacka' Oats 3S: y busliel. with sacks Fiaivh - Holier, retail, H : cootitry, Eooa 41V.- SiTTit ffxtra, coc a mil Osions le Vral Te drvsts1 rHtcESXs-iiliiWiyoiingis a doien Ctrl' On font i',c Ml'TTOS I.-' !0 8hisL' JJ SOY ttiousaiid. Lain 10r- (s ihhiiiii. Iltnrs Green. 4c; dry, Sfi(V y rb; .inr-tliirdoff loreulled. she-p pelts. 2-Va:v Hay Timnthv. .ii: cluvcr Hi Feed Rran. tlj ai; ahorts. n 50; rhoa l Posa Siilea Hie. houldera Sff loc, haroa lloi frvsh. V , dressed Api-lks Per hnt. Potatoes Per Im. II nt) Calilai' and onions, lc KrT.i s ii'as -lo a It. Iirieu FKCrTs Krsriorsted apples 7c, plums Tr. prunes s-alia-.peiM-hea lJc Turkt-Ts l-'se a pound Chiidren Cryfo Pitcher's Castoria. ..&23.t PACIFIC COAST KCTES. A. K Cuttiti'.', Iho cuiitunkcriiils ed itor who caused so much trouble be tween the Unlled Hjule nnd Mexico, by being arrested for libel nt Kl 1'iisn a year or two ngo, i- mm in Walla Walla setting type on a paper. The following appears In tho M.icleay column nf the Silvertoii .IihW: Oscar KolT und Miss Carter (bis mother' hired girl) eloped lust week und wero married. They relumed home, and Os car is sick a bad. y ' 200 convii-ls in Ihe On-goii slate peni tentiary, employed by the Northwestern Sinve company, of Portland, manufac tured HO. (!)( sti'Vcs Ihe rmsl year. Tim company only puys (he state -10 cent per day for the mi n, nnd ninny of them are capable of eiirniiiL' from fL' to ff.'l per day (or the company. The profits on their stoves is such that it enable them tn drive oul all competition from tho lo cal foundries. Tho Mist ciirrespoioleiit of the St Helens .Vi'sf draws this peculiar picture of rustic life: "There passed this place tnilav B female headed for the source of the NeliHlem. a female tramp 1(0 day from AMoriu . She claims to lie a maid. She is over 51) veins of sue. Her cloth ing was slightly dilapidated She had in nxe on her shoulder with a small bundle hung to it . She hud a boy with Iter about 13 years old. On acronnt of the liny some' think ti e maid business rather thin. She is bunting n timber claim probably one with a mun on it would suit her iu-st." On January 27thone of thcbohlest rob beries that ever occurred happened in the Elite fsrn hank in Seattle. A stran ger entered Ihe place when a union wn in progress, bet nne dollar nnd lost. He (here reninint d cntil nil Ihe ocenpsnt had departed except the denier He then pulled n revolver on the denh r. nt the same lime iieniunoing .y.'ou iy in menacing liu nner the rVnlcr knew he was not to be tiiflid with cm! (plietly handed Ihe nn. omit asked for ; the bold in' ruder then asked for t'il'0. hut nt (hut moment throe eflicerr-entering mode the ilcsppriile biehiiiiynian retreat. At Iho same he lireil nnd moilally wounded Pick Ii'i'kards. the door keeper of the bank. He escaped and the police did not find him cnlil nrt ihiy. when he was arrested nnd placed in jail. The I In liiule ill the m ilihiuhoi.d nf Oram's Pass Is si me'hlng lirrible, the snow bc'ng -ID feet iln p in some place. Pri'plc who have lived there Ho years say tliev never saw it cipuiled. Thctrain Ihut was blockaded returns to San Finncisco, und the inoM ii"i rs im k ihe leiimer for Ui'cgnrr.-' riiirii rtrnTs-TnT fining n blir btpincss In conH-quciice of tlio snow-'. Ruin is falling copiously now nl nearly nil points nloiig Ihe road. 'The great ihimnge now is from iva-houts, w hicli nn. begin, ningto manifest their desirueihc quali. ties. Several bridges mid (resiles fur south of Ashland arc paid to lie gone, but (he exact localiiicsare not yet known. A number of small landslides have oc cuircd, hul as no trains are moving noth. ing but Ihe roadbed can he dnuiaged. Everything about the Southern Pacif. ic's pro.-peels is simply iii eeilnin. The ircnieialiiii-i downpour of ruin, augmented by Ihe inciting mow, is liable to curry out n Iresih , or precipitate a hii;tblltlc nt uuv lime. POWDER Absjlutely Pure. Thin pow ier uivr vnnes. A imirvel of pur ity, atrclinlli null wholesouienf-ss. More eeoiinm leul tliiin tlio oriliiuirv kinns, nnd i-fliinot b .Id iu e"iii)ctliii n wftli the noiiilt denf low-n-st. ahnrl-iveiirht nlain or pliosplnile powd ra. Sold 'mli in can. Uwvai. Uaking I'oh dki: Co.. lot; Wall Slreet, New York. The above bright nnd benernlent face, is Dr. A. W. Acker, of England, discoverer of the celebrated Acker's English Remedy for Con sumption and other popular pn-parationa. Dr. Acker practised in His ynun;:er daya anmiiK the middle classes of London, and waa the meaua of doing great good, but his lu-.ilt'i failed and be found himself In the- grasp of consuniption, with a wife and child dependin:; njion hi n for support. While in this condition, he di ..covered the cele brated English Remedr. sive-t'hu oru life and has since aared tne liven of Ihoiisaisla nho wi-re on tne sure road to death. Any man or xnuia who feela a ticklm- in Hie H;no,.. win coughs; espectallr in tlie iminiiu.-. whi rais.. ,nr 'una a tight feelinx a,-roi t!i chest, wlio has ahnrp shooting pains 'hiii.rh the tup or ilaHruHr in brealhing. rr tlu- that tl-ew nre thr drat tmpiumt of (nri"fiVia whi.-ii. if nssHn-te.1, are sure to result fatnllv. Iir. A.-kera English Remedv has cured nvn than one rlnwK.ind per aone who unqueifUoniihtT had c-t:,mi.,tinn nnd who were giren up by tbeir frd-nds. Ir mt-rlls IU popularity and is sold by rep itihle dnigviste in ererr city and town in America. You ml nffnrd to be without it. Fargule by t. . I'cvBel.l A r..m,MI '