Page 4 * The St. Johns Review * #26 DEC. 25, 2015 Email: * Mail: PO Box 83068, Port. OR 97283 * Web: * Phone: 503-283-5086 Continued from Page 1: Hwy 30 fi re Even from NW Portland’s Guilds Lake area, it was evident this was a major event. Cell phone owners must fi rst sign up at (https:// 105FE2E22485). The slow and partial warning to residents about air toxics associ- ated with the emergency appears to point to a signifi cant gap in the emergency notifi cation system es- pecially considering the number of petroleum storage facilities, trucks and rail lines transporting volatile products located nearby. The po- tential for dangerous air pollution during an emergency exists and need for a faster, more compre- hensive way to notify residents of safety issues should be an essential task of city emergency managers. From the Editor : I just hap- pened to have my police scanner on when the accident occurred and heard the dispatcher report they had received a call that a semi had just crashed into a train and there was fi re and an explosion. The dis- patcher went on to say that there had been just the one call on it. (In such serious incidents, they expect many calls which I’m assuming, verifi es the actuality of it.) Just af- ter the dispatcher reported her in- formation an offi cer broke in and said he can verify something has happened because there is a huge plume of smoke in the air and he could hear several explosions. At that point you could hear police and fi re quickly responding to it. I had my TV on and sensing the possibility of this being a very serious situation, I started switch- ing from station to station of our local channels looking for some type of interruption in the morning programming, which consisted of sport shows, paid programming, and a child’s show. Nothing was ever announced by any of them. It would be at least 60 minutes later that something appeared on Twit- ter about the incident. I fi nd it frustrating that this in- cident, which could have been catastrophic, was not covered by any of our local TV channels. Es- pecially after the prior week’s cov- erage of rain, which local channels interrupted frequently every and all afternoon. (Yes some areas were seriously fl ooded and I’m not saying it shouldn’t have been covered, but how many times did we need to see the same coverage of the same fl ooded streets? It was defi nitely over-covered.) I would hope that all our local TV stations will take a serious look at their coverage, (or lack thereof,) of this type of incident and try and be the news sources they brag so much about being, and try and improve on all import- ant news reports for the future, no matter what is on TV that needs to be interrupted. There are many people that do not have internet and/or cell phones, and rely on fi nding out information from their TVs. As Barbara reported in her article, some people received re- verse 911 calls, but even this was insuffi cient. In this day and age, we need those people in the media and emergency services who have access to today’s lightening fast resources to use them to keep their audiences safe and informed. And, with certainty, before any facili- ties with the potential of having a major catastrophic event are built within any city’s borders, every and all emergency resources need to be in place and perfected. Gayla Patton Thank you to everyone that sent in their photos. Above: The smoke quickly crossed the Willamette River into St. Johns. Above: Fire crews getting the fi re under c