Email: * Mail: PO Box 83068, Port. OR 97283 * Web: * Phone: 503-283-5086 Page 2 * The St. Johns Review * #24 Nov. 27, 2015 PUBLISHER’S INFO/COMMUNITY NEWS Inclusive housing project holds visioning meeting Letters To The Editor Clarifi cation Dear Editor, I wanted to thank you for fea- turing the warming shelter in the latest addition of the Review. It’s always a great help for volunteer recruitment when you all feature our work, and the fi ne story is much appreciated. I do want to clarify a bit of mis- information that is really import- ant. The article mentions that the shelter is open to all men, women and families, and then later men, women, couples and children, and unfortunately that is not true. The shelter is an adult shelter only, as we are not set up to shelter chil- dren at this time. That would re- quire that all volunteers undergo background checks for liability purposes, and we don’t have the resources to make that happen at this time. When families with children come to us, we are forced to re-direct them to other shelters that cater to families. Anyway, I just wanted to give you that heads up, in addition to Produce for People Johns Garden donates large By Allison Combs For our fi rst year participating in this program, the Johns Garden do- nated 519.5 lbs. from July 20 until November 2. This is tremendous! The majority of all the food dona- tions were to Golden Harvesters, Inc. located at 8100 N Lombard St, only about six blocks from the gar- den. Golden Harvesters is a 501(c) (3) nonprofi t, 100% volunteer-run organization that has been provid- ing food to low-income residents of Portland and the surrounding area for 25 years. Each week, (at times twice weekly,) Produce for People volunteers from the Johns Garden made deliveries of fresh, organic vegetables to the smiling, telling you now much we appreci- ate the coverage. Feel free to give me a call or shoot me a reply email if you have any follow-up ques- tions. Meanwhile, keep up the good work! Grace and peace, Andy Goebel Pastor of St. Johns Community (formerly Covenant) Church Surprised Dear Editor, Something surprising happened when we enjoyed the Halloween afternoon stroll through St. Johns. I knew we were going to get wet and I expected a fun crowd, but I was surprised by how much of St. Johns I saw. I don’t know if it was the open doors with store man- agers handing out candy or more windows with the shades pulled back, but we saw into more St. Johns businesses than we’ve ever seen before. Even the dark bars seemed bright and cheery. Maybe we can keep that spirit alive on more occasions. Corky Collier ======================== Letters To The Editor are wel- come and encouraged. They must contain an author as anonymous or unsigned letters are not read or printed. They may be edited for space or grammar. Please send to: ======================== helpful, and thankful workers at Golden Harvesters. Donations came from a dedicated PFP plot and also from the generosity of gardeners in the Johns Garden. Volunteers with the Johns Gar- den Produce for People helped by transporting donations each week, maintaining records of donations, weeding and watering the PFP plot through the scorching hot summer, planting new seedlings and starts, harvesting and putting the plot to rest, and spreading the word of our efforts to our fellow gardeners. By Barbara Quinn A half-acre site at 8522 and 8506 N. Edison near N. Burlington has been purchased from Augie Calgano by a non-profi t organization called Community Vision Inc. in partnership with Our Home, Inclusive Communi- ty Collaborative, a Benefi t Corpora- tion LLC whose mission is to provide home ownership opportunities for a diverse combination of families, sin- gles and couples of all ages, abilities, and economic status. Our Home led by Alicia DeLashmutt, a Founding Neighbor, and Community Vision Inc. held a visioning session at the BES Water Lab on Saturday, November 14, to gather feedback, and recruit volun- teers and prospective participants. The session was “about hearing from all of the parties involved” she said. The aim of the project is to create a sense of community among home- owners rather than simply offer housing. Neighbors could offer mu- tual assistance while still maintain- ing their privacy and independence. “Our goal is to create a diverse pocket neighborhood community consisting of families who have the opportunity for home-ownership and include indi- viduals often seen as ‘at-risk’ (elders, people who experience disability and people below median income). This community will be based on strengths, interests and shared values…” (inclu- The two properties that make up the development site are zoned for multi-family housing and currently hold three single family houses. Our Home plans is to replace them with 15 to 18 dwellings potentially ranging in size from 700 to 1700 square feet that will offer home ownership opportuni- ties to participants. “We want to keep as close to [that number of units] as possible…[and] we are looking at a condo project that will probably have several buildings with 2 to 4 units and 2 to 3 stories high,” said Alicia. The development project is in early stag- es. “We just selected the architect last week, so we don’t have the design or layouts yet.” The group hopes to address not only the lack of housing, but other major challenges such as the problem of isolation among elders, inclusiveness in communities, the need for support systems and relationship building and opportunities for people at risk to have choices in their living situation. Ac- cording to their website, “We envision a cluster of new and/or rehabilitated buildings surrounded by gardens and accessible outdoor spaces that are ef- fi cient, sustainable, accessible, afford- able, aesthetically pleasing, welcom- ing and a neighborhood asset.” The development is ideally sited next to the Johns Community Garden, where an existing community of gardeners exists. The Our Home development will offer homes at market rate, but subsi- dies will be available for a number of families or individuals that qualify. If you would like to learn more about the project or join the Founders Table to help shape the community, contact Alicia at aliciadelashmutt.icc@gmail. com. North Portland Meetings The following free listings are meetings for North Portland organizations. Updated information is the responsibility of each organizations. ====================================================================== a rBOr L Odge n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn : Meet on the 3rd Thursday each month, 6:30-8pm, Kenton Firehouse, 2209 N. Schofi eld a MeriCan L egiOn , s T . J OHns POsT #98 Meets 4th Tuesday, 11:00 AM, St Johns Community Ctr. 8427 N. Central. Contact Gerald 503-289-0855 B OY s COuT T rOOP 52 : Meets Tuesdays from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Johns Christian Church, 8044 N. Richmond. We welcome boys ages 11-17. For membership info, contact Anthony at 503-913-7085. B ridgeTOn n eigHBOrHOOd a ssOCiaTiOn : General Meeting: 3rd Mondays at 8pm, Port Yacht Club, 1241 NE Marine Dr. C uB s COuT P aCK 52: Meets Mondays at St. Johns Christian Church, 8044 N. Richmond. e asT C OLuMBia n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn : Meets the second Tuesday of each month from 7-8:30pm at the Columbia Rvr RV Park Comm. Rm, 10649 NE 13th. F riends OF C aTHedraL P arK n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn : General Meeting: odd months at BES Water Lab; 7pm. Board Meetings on even months at St Johns McMenamins, 7:30. All meetings on 2nd Tuesdays of the month. F riends OF B aLTiMOre W OOds : General meeting: 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30pm at the BES Water Lab, 6543 N. Burlington. F riends OF P ier P arK : M eeTing : Third Monday, 6:30pm at St. Johns Community Ctr., 8427 N Central H aYden i sLand n eigHBOrHOOd n eTWOrK : Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7pm, at the Oxford Suites, 1226 N. Jantzen Beach Dr., Hayden Island. K enTOn B usiness a ssn : 1st Thursday of the month, 9am at Kenton Firehouse 2nd fl . 2209 N. Schofi eld K enTOn n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn : Board Meetings: 2nd Wed., 7pm, Kenton Firehouse, 8105 N. Brandon L innTOn n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn : Meetings: 1st Wed. of odd mos; 7-9 at Linnton Comm. Ctr., 10614 NW St. Helens. n OrTH P OrTLand L and u se g rOuP : Gayla Patton, Editor $13/per year Circulation Mgr: Ginger Harris Circulation Manager: Ginger Harris; Assist Circulation Mgr: Roger Meyers. Lead writers: Gayla Patton and Barbara Quinn Contributing Writers: Jackie Larson, Jim Moulton, Michael Verbout Photos: Jim Moulton, Marshall Snyder, Jackie Larson Meets 4th Thursday of the month at Kenton Firehouse, 8105 N Brandon. 7pm n OrTH P OrTLand s OrOPTiMisT C LuB meets the 2nd Wed at 6PM at the Lung Fung Restaurant, 2025 N Lombard Street. Public welcome to attend meetings to learn more about the club. O CCuPY s T J OHns : Meets Weds. 7:00pm at Anna Bannanas, 8716 N Lombard O VerLOOK n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn .: General Meetings: 3rd Tues of each month except Aug & Dec at Kaiser Town Hall, 7-9pm. Board Meetings: 1st Tues. each month at Overlook Hse, 3839 N. Melrose Dr. P eninsuLa O PTiMisT C LuB : Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays (except holidays) at noon at Christie’s Restaurant, 5507 N. Lombard. General public is welcome to attend meetings to learn about the club. There will be a guest speaker at most meetings. Questions—contact Sharon at 503-490-2889. P OrTLand H arBOr C OMMuniTY a dVisOrY g rOuP Offers a gathering of thoughts on the Superfund. Concerns about the contamination in the Portland Harbor Superfund? Join the community to meet with the agencies in charge. Meetings include Informational presentations; Opportunity to render your opinion. Meet agency leaders in charge of clean up. 2nd Wednesday-Monthly at BES: 6543 N Burlington, beneath the St Johns Bridge 6:00 PM. www.portland- P OrTsMOuTH n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn : Board Meeting: 3rd Tues of ea mo, 6pm, Bridge Meadows, Bridge Communi- ty Room, 8502 N. Wayland P uBLiC s aFeTY a CTiOn C OMMiTTee : Meets 4th Wed. ea. mo., 7-9pm, Kenton Firehouse, 2209 N. Schofi eld. s aFeTY and L iVaBiLiTY T eaM (saLT) M eeTings are the 1st Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. at the St. Johns Main Street Offi ce, 8250 N. Lombard. s T . J OHns B OOsTers : Gen Meetings 3rd Tues at Central Hotel, 7:30-8:30. Meal provided. Board meetings:1st Tues at 7pm at Central Hotel. s T . J OHns L iOns C LuB : Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays each month at Patti’s Deli, downtown St. Johns s T . J OHns M ain s TreeT : Meets at 8250 N. Lombard. Fore more info go to: s T . J OHns n eigHBOrHOOd a ssOCiaTiOn : General Meeting is 2nd Mon. at the St. Johns Community Ctr, 8427 N. Central. u niVersiTY P arK B usiness a ssOCiaTiOn : Meets in 2014: 2/25; 4/22; 6/24; 9/23; 11/18 at 7pm at Darcy’s at the corner of Fiske/Lombard from 6-7:30pm. u niVersiTY P arK n eigHBOrHOOd a ssOCiaTiOn : Meets: Jan., Apr., July & Oct on 4th Monday 7pm at the Chiles Center at the UP, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd.