St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 13, 2015, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    The St. Johns Review * #23 Nov. 13, 2015 * Page 3
Email: * Mail: PO Box 83068, Port. OR 97283 * Web: * Phone: 503-283-5086
RHS announces ‘Trick or Treat so Kids
can Eat’ Food Drive was big success
The International Thespian Soci-
ety (ITS), a division of the Educa-
tional Theatre Association (EdTA),
is pleased to announce the results of
Roosevelt High School, Thespian
Troupe 7289’s participation in the
International Thespian Society’s
Trick or Treat So Kids Can Eat
program. On October 30, Thespian
troupe 7289 collected 149 pounds
of canned and dry goods for The
Oregon Food Bank.
Trick or Treat So Kids Can Eat is
a new national community service
program for ITS-member schools
to collect canned and dry goods for
local charities and food banks. Stu-
dents from Roosevelt High School
participated in the Oregon program.
Thousands of pounds of food were
collected across the state, giving
theatre students the ability to help
their local community.
Founded in 1929, the Interna-
tional Thespian Society (ITS) is
an honorary organization for high
school and middle school theatre
students located at more than 4,300
affiliated secondary schools across
the United States and abroad. The
mission of ITS is to honor student
Continued from Page 2
“Available Grants”
They invite partners with envi-
ronmental job opportunities for
teens and young adults (ages
14-24) to have a table. To ap-
ply to table at the 2nd annual
event, go to: https://www.sur-
The Connect Oregon Multi-
modal Transportation Fund
provides grants and loans to
projects that promote econom-
ic development in Oregon. In
creating the Multimodal Trans-
portation Fund, the legislature
found that local governments
and businesses often lack suf-
ficient capital and technical
capacity (i.e. engineering,
planning, labor and/or equip-
ment) to undertake multimodal
transportation projects and that
public financial assistance can
help support these long-term
economic growth and job cre-
ation projects. Apply by 4:00
PM November 20, 2015 by go-
ing to:
achievement in the theatre arts.
High school inductees are known as
“Thespians” and junior high/middle
school inductees are known as “Ju-
nior Thespians.” ITS is a division of
the Educational Theatre Association
The Educational Theatre Associ-
ation (EdTA) is a national nonprofit
organization with approximately
90,000 student and professional
members. EdTA’s mission is shap-
ing lives through theatre education
by: honoring student achievement
in theatre and enriching their theatre
education experience; supporting
teachers by providing professional
development, networking opportu-
nities, resources, and recognition;
and influencing public opinion that
theatre education is essential and
builds life skills. EdTA operates
the International Thespian Society
(ITS), an honorary organization that
has inducted more than two million
theatre students since its founding
in 1929. EdTA also publishes Dra-
matics, a monthly magazine for high
school theatre students, and Teach-
ing Theatre, a quarterly journal for
theatre education professionals.
Warming shelter moves
to worship and build affordable hous-
ing, Nielsen says, “Why can’t other
denominations do the same?” (The
Spirit moves…and so do people—
into homes, Portland Tribune, Oct.
9, 2015).
Churches are leading the Way on
houseless issues
In fact, Portland churches in-
cluding those representing AllOne
Services were the main attendees
at a Nov. 4 meeting in downtown
Portland organized by Mayor Char-
lie Hales to discuss the “Home for
Everyone” project. Hales said the
housing crisis calls for collabora-
tive efforts across local govern-
ments, agencies and departments.
“’Home for Everyone’ is acting as
one body, but that’s not so easy for
government. Working together is
challenging.” Hales is proud of the
collaboration noting, “There is a lot
of openness on all sides around this
issue.” He discussed the possibility
of using a building in Multnomah
Village as a temporary shelter for
houseless residents and noted the
work various agencies are doing to
identify funding and align funding
Continued from Page 1
pots with projects. City council will
authorize funds for operations in-
cluding mobile provider teams that
will go out to houseless campers to
connect them with housing.
“On the permanent side of hous-
ing, we are trying to move things
more swiftly on the development
pipeline.” Hales then asked those
in attendance, “What can we do to
empower and enable you to do more
to get people inside?” He said the
city is actively looking for projects.
Funding for the projects will begin
in the next fiscal year starting in
Local Need for Volunteers
Although the possibilities of real
answers to housing and houseless
issues is hopeful, those working
on the front lines such as our lo-
cal church alliance, need volun-
teer commitment now to provide a
By Barbara Quinn
shelter for local houseless over this
winter. “Staffing is still the hardest
thing for us. Relationship building
is the most important thing vol-
unteers can help with,” an AllOne
representative said at the Mayor’s
The warming shelter will be
open from 8pm to 8am and require
two volunteers for each shift from
8pm to 2am and from 2am to 8am.
Houseless men, women, couples,
children are all welcome. For those
who don’t want to leave their be-
longings, the shelter provides back-
pack beds.
To sign up for a shift or for more
information about volunteering at
the shelter, email organizer Aar-
on VanRheen at info@allonecom- Donations of coffee,
breakfast items and snacks are also