Email: * Mail: PO Box 83068, Port. OR 97283 * Web: * Phone: 503-283-5086 Page 2 * The St. Johns Review * #22 OCT. 30, 2015 PUBLISHER’S INFO/COMMUNITY NEWS St. Johns Bridge PICTURES Contest Rules: For each issue the editor will choose two pictures to be used as either a Masthead or as a Photo of the Week. A third pictures may also be used as space allows. At the end of 2015 (most likely in November,) the pictures will be vot- ed upon by readers for which photo reader’s liked the best. The winner will receive a $100 cash prize from the Review. Pictures must be: *Sent in high resolution (200+) and sent to reviewnewspaper@com- or in JPEG format. * Pictures may be cropped (by the Review) to fi t the paper’s perim- eters. For photos appearing in the Masthead they need to be vertical more than horizontal. Masthead pictures are 10.25” across, and 3” to 5” tall. Pictures of the Week can be vertical or horizontal and any size. * Pictures appearing in the paper must belong to taker of the picture, but the Review has the right to use them in current and future issues. * Color pictures are preferred, but outstanding black & whites might be used. * Photos used in 2013 and/or 2014 may be sent and used again. * If multiple photos are sent at one time by a photographer, the Review will use judgment for the picture (or pics) we think will print best in the paper. * Since this is a fi rst, these rules may change during the year, or more suggestions and rules added. (We’ll learn as we go.) * One vote per person. Voting begins in November where all the year’s pictures will be re-shown. Classifi ed Ads Pioneer United Methodist Church BAZAAR will be held November 13 and 14 from 9-5pm both days. Hand- made gifts, crafts, baked goods and candy. Delicious lunch served all day. Tables available. Tables avail- able. The church is located at 7528 N. Charleston. Lessons: VOICE & PIANO LESSONS: Jensen’s Voice & Piano Studio offers lessons with college credits avail- able. For an appointment or more information call Pauline at 503-286- 1168. ========================= *C LASSIFIED I NSTRUCTIONS : Classifi eds are $15 for 30 words. 15 cents each word over 30. Photos are $15 extra. No logos/graphics. Ads are on a prepaid basis only. Call the Review at: 503-283-5086 and pay with a credit card or Mail to: PO Box 83068, Portland, OR 97283 before the next deadline. Puzzle on Page 6 (Disclaimer: Pictures appearing in the paper are reformatted to tiff’s at 600 resolution for printing presses. After placement in the paper and being printed on newsprint, the photos may lose a certain amount of clarity. The Review can- not be responsible for lack of clarity or any other changes in the pictures. The Review is not responsible or liable for pictures sent in saying their author has taken them when in fact they may not have.) Contest ends October 21, 2015. Military News Air Force Air National Guard Air- man 1st Class Lisa N. Cotthoff grad- uated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, phys- ical fi tness, and basic warfare princi- ples and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Cotthoff is the granddaughter of Di- anna S. Trachsel of Saint Helens, Ore. She is a 2004 graduate of Grant High School in Portland. CORRECTION: The Masthead in the last issue (#21 Oct. 16, 2015 was actually submitted by Melissa Bartosze- wski. The Review regrets the error. UPCOMING 2015 r eVieW Issues Issue # Date Out: 23 24 25 26 Nov. 13 Nov. 27 (Thanksgiving) Dec. 11 Dec. 24 (Christmas) November 4 November 18 December 2 December 15 #1 #2 JAN 15 JAN 29 JAN 6 JAN 20 2015 2016 Holiday: #3 FEB 12 #4 FEB 26 #5 MAR 11 #6 MAR 25 #7 APR 8 *Dates are subject to change Article/Ad Deadline FEB 3 FEB 17 MAR 2 MAR 16 MAR 30 Mark your calendars!! WinterFest 2015 planning underway Holiday Events Organizers of this popular hol- iday event have announced this year it will be on Sunday, Decem- ber 6, 2015 from 2:00pm – 6:00pm in the St. Johns Plaza by the clock. The theme is Victorian/Edward- ian/Industrial and the goal is to raise funds to help install the Edge- water Lamppost in the downtown business district. This year’s tree will be dedicated to Rie Newman, and the event to Laura Woodruff who both helped create WinterFest2014, and who both died this past year. There will also be a “Rie” hat contest that will include this year’s event theme. Those who knew Rie, knows that she loved hats. Grand Marshall is Gary Boehm, long time community resident and activist, who has been instrumental in the Cathedral Park Jazz Festival and the St. Johns Boosters. Major sponsors are Plews Brews, who will be hosting a beer garden and working with Richard Colvin the Standard Keys and Pastor Josh Hawk and his Baby Grand Piano on entertainment. Annie Allerdice said, “We want to thank the St. Johns Boosters for their support last year. We have since moved the event back to its independent status so it can work with all the community organiza- tions equally without bias and al- low each organization to focus on their own goals without being con- cerned with running this event.” Mixtress Spruce, aka Becky Lar- son of Larson Biters Fame, heads our tree team, which will be head- ing for the hills on November 29, with her merry men and women to bring one of those wild free rang- ing Spruce Trees back to the Plaza. Allerdice said, “You the Commu- nity get to decorate the tree. Or- ganizers will supply the Lights. If “WinterFest 2015” Continued on Page 3 North Portland Meetings The following free listings are meetings for North Portland organizations. Updated information is the responsibility of each organizations. ====================================================================== a rBOr L Odge n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn : Meet on the 3rd Thursday each month, 6:30-8pm, Kenton Firehouse, 2209 N. Schofi eld a MeriCan L egiOn , s T . J OHns POsT #98 Meets 4th Tuesday, 11:00 AM, St Johns Community Ctr. 8427 N. Central. Contact Gerald 503-289-0855 B OY s COuT T rOOP 52 : Meets Tuesdays from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Johns Christian Church, 8044 N. Richmond. We welcome boys ages 11-17. For membership info, contact Anthony at 503-913-7085. B ridgeTOn n eigHBOrHOOd a ssOCiaTiOn : General Meeting: 3rd Mondays at 8pm, Port Yacht Club, 1241 NE Marine Dr. C uB s COuT P aCK 52: Meets Mondays at St. Johns Christian Church, 8044 N. Richmond. e asT C OLuMBia n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn : DEADLINE DATES ARE STRICT. DON’T MISS THEM! Meets the second Tuesday of each month from 7-8:30pm at the Columbia Rvr RV Park Comm. Rm, 10649 NE 13th. F riends OF C aTHedraL P arK n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn : General Meeting: odd months at BES Water Lab; 7pm. Board Meetings on even months at St Johns McMenamins, 7:30. All meetings on 2nd Tuesdays of the month. F riends OF B aLTiMOre W OOds : General meeting: 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30pm at the BES Water Lab, 6543 N. Burlington. F riends OF P ier P arK : M eeTing : Third Monday, 6:30pm at St. Johns Community Ctr., 8427 N Central H aYden i sLand n eigHBOrHOOd n eTWOrK : Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7pm, at the Oxford Suites, 1226 N. Jantzen Beach Dr., Hayden Island. K enTOn B usiness a ssn : 1st Thursday of the month, 9am at Kenton Firehouse 2nd fl . 2209 N. Schofi eld K enTOn n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn : Board Meetings: 2nd Wed., 7pm, Kenton Firehouse, 8105 N. Brandon L innTOn n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn : Meetings: 1st Wed. of odd mos; 7-9 at Linnton Comm. Ctr., 10614 NW St. Helens. n OrTH P OrTLand L and u se g rOuP : Gayla Patton, Editor $13/per year Circulation Mgr: Ginger Harris Circulation Manager: Ginger Harris; Assist Circulation Mgr: Roger Meyers. Lead writers: Gayla Patton and Barbara Quinn Contributing Writers: Jackie Larson, Jim Moulton, Michael Verbout Photos: Jim Moulton, Marshall Snyder, Jackie Larson Meets 4th Thursday of the month at Kenton Firehouse, 8105 N Brandon. 7pm n OrTH P OrTLand s OrOPTiMisT C LuB meets the 2nd Wed at 6PM at the Lung Fung Restaurant, 2025 N Lombard Street. Public welcome to attend meetings to learn more about the club. O CCuPY s T J OHns : Meets Weds. 7:00pm at Anna Bannanas, 8716 N Lombard O VerLOOK n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn .: General Meetings: 3rd Tues of each month except Aug & Dec at Kaiser Town Hall, 7-9pm. Board Meetings: 1st Tues. each month at Overlook Hse, 3839 N. Melrose Dr. P eninsuLa O PTiMisT C LuB : Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays (except holidays) at noon at Christie’s Restaurant, 5507 N. Lombard. General public is welcome to attend meetings to learn about the club. There will be a guest speaker at most meetings. Questions—contact Sharon at 503-490-2889. P OrTLand H arBOr C OMMuniTY a dVisOrY g rOuP Offers a gathering of thoughts on the Superfund. Concerns about the contamination in the Portland Harbor Superfund? Join the community to meet with the agencies in charge. Meetings include Informational presentations; Opportunity to render your opinion. Meet agency leaders in charge of clean up. 2nd Wednesday-Monthly at BES: 6543 N Burlington, beneath the St Johns Bridge 6:00 PM. www.portland- P OrTsMOuTH n eigHBOrHOOd a ssn : Board Meeting: 3rd Tues of ea mo, 6pm, Bridge Meadows, Bridge Communi- ty Room, 8502 N. Wayland P uBLiC s aFeTY a CTiOn C OMMiTTee : Meets 4th Wed. ea. mo., 7-9pm, Kenton Firehouse, 2209 N. Schofi eld. s aFeTY and L iVaBiLiTY T eaM (saLT) M eeTings are the 1st Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. at the St. Johns Main Street Offi ce, 8250 N. Lombard. s T . J OHns B OOsTers : Gen Meetings 3rd Tues at Central Hotel, 7:30-8:30. Meal provided. Board meetings:1st Tues at 7pm at Central Hotel. s T . J OHns L iOns C LuB : Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays each month at Patti’s Deli, downtown St. Johns s T . J OHns M ain s TreeT : Meets at 8250 N. Lombard. Fore more info go to: s T . J OHns n eigHBOrHOOd a ssOCiaTiOn : General Meeting is 2nd Mon. at the St. Johns Community Ctr, 8427 N. Central. u niVersiTY P arK B usiness a ssOCiaTiOn : Meets in 2014: 2/25; 4/22; 6/24; 9/23; 11/18 at 7pm at Darcy’s at the corner of Fiske/Lombard from 6-7:30pm. u niVersiTY P arK n eigHBOrHOOd a ssOCiaTiOn : Meets: Jan., Apr., July & Oct on 4th Monday 7pm at the Chiles Center at the UP, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd.