Jistoricnl Socicy, ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 19 ST, JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1923 NUMBER 8 O4MO'4M04 Rogers January ClearanceSale All Men's Keady-Macle r f w , SUIT S Percent And OVERCOATS REDUCTION MEN'S SOLID LEATHER DRESS gfs M m SHOES $4.95 OVERCOATS 20 Per Cent Reduction iggle Your Toes in Rogers Hose W MULTNOMAH THEATRE Thursday nnd Friday. Dec.28 29 LON OHANEY in "FLESH AND BLOOD" Also "Timber Queen" No. 14 Saturday, December HO BUCK JONES in "WEST OF CHICAGO" Fox If vou like action, see this one COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, (Only), December 31 VIOLA DANA in "THE FIVE DOLLAR BABY" Metro. Monday Now Years Day Open at 2 :tlO Continuous With a great 8-reol production, "HAIL, THE WOMAN" An all-star cast including Thco. Roberts, Tully Mnrshall, FJlor enco Vidor nnd Madgo Bellamy. Tuesday and Wednos. Jan. 2-3 WM. DESMOND in FIGHTING MAD" GOOD S TUVl A T THIS mQUI.VlUOIi ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN DON'T FORGET WE ARE CLOSING OUT 'ALL MEN'S READY MADE SUITS Thursday and Friday, Jan. -1-5 ' WM. FARNUM In "MOONSHINE VALLEY" Fox. and the end of "Timber Queen" Office Hour: Open livening nml 0 A. M. to 12 M. nml Sunday 1:30 P. M. to 5 P. M. Hy Apioinlincil DR. B. F. HUSSON DENTISTRY Hooini 7-8, I'cnlniulu Hank Hldg. Phone Umpire 1133 O Clark & Wilson Green Wood 12 nnd 10 inch dry wood. Also Express Call Empire 1175 St. Johns Undertaking Co. Thomas Grlcc, Alanngcr Office, Empire 0527 PHONES NIghl, Empire 0293 208 N. Jersey SI. Greetings At this Benson o tho year our thoughts turn gratefully to those whoso confidence and patronage have assisted in our business progress nnd prestige To nil our customers wo extend our henrtiest good wishes for happiness nnd prosperity during tho coming year. J Peninsula Security Company Everything In Insurance Everything r Why not have that Chevrolet Re paired by Experienced Chevrolet Mechanics? SPECIAL RATES FOR A LIMITED TIME Come In and talk it over Weeks & Ball Phone Empire 1590 105 W. Leavitt St. HAPPY NEW YEAR WE WISH TO THANK OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE EXTENDED US DUR ING THE PAST YEAR AND WISH FOR YOU A PROS PEROUS AND IIAPPY NEW YEAR. CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS The Lombard Lumber Co. now open for business When in need of anything in our line call or see us. All Orders Large or Small given Prompt Attention Lombard Lumber Company 1015 Lombard St. Phone Empire 1896 MOOSE NEW YEARS DANCE Good Floor, good music, good timo for old and young LET'S ALL GO MOOSE HALL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1023 AT ST. JOHNS Admission: Ladies, ....25c; Gentlemen. . . .r0o Musio hy Snood's Orchestra. NOTICE Regular business meeting Thursday, Jan. 11th. All members requested to attend. E. W. IIORTON, Dictator. O. If. SPEULINQ, Sec. Phone Empire 487 117 Philadelphia Street MACK'S Second hand Furni ture tore If you can't find what you want elsewhere, come to me. If I haven't got it, I will gt it. I carry FURNITURE, CAR PETS. DISHES, COOKING UTI NSII.S, STOVES AND RANGES. In tnct, nnytbing you wNi in the Household Line. Will Buy, Sell or Exchange Anything THERE is no sympathy w helpful to a family that is bereaved as that of true friends and no help so reassuring as that of the gocd funeral director. 1 I Acting in your stead, he understands that he must act in your spirit, performing each task with the reverence and tenderness with which your own hands would perform it if they could. Sympathy which cannot be gracefully con veyed by words is revealed through his acts of service which bring the comforting assurance that every attention has been given with thoughtfulness and skill. Ritndud by famltilon a Thi CintUntli Cofin Com tinyltomaiotyriikttdmiitauvhU af(titJ i Tk$ Saturday Kult I'citc Anl S, igzi. CHAMBERS COMPANY, Inc. MortkUn tH-y Kilhog worth Atcout m I 1 J The Community church Christ mas program) was held on Friday eve. Santa Claus was somewhat late hut. finally came with a little remembrance for each. Four now members were re ceived into the fellowship of the church at the Sunday morning service. In the evening the ser vice was quite in keeping with the season, being taken from Dickon's 'Christmas Carol." Monday morning, however, was reserved for the most inspiring and helpful meeting of tho year. riio Christian Endeavor was in charge. Though the time set for the service was 7:111, trio attend ance was good and all felt that the day had been started right. Sunday morning, the pastor s topic will bo "Pressing On ward." In the evening "Man's osolution." The Community church is not so much interested in a creed as it is in striving to learn the will of Christ. On Tuesday. December lflth. the annual Christmas party of the Altruistic I'luli, Pythian am ors, was held al the homo of Sister Lillian Walker, on Wil- ametto Boulevard. The rooms were tastefully decorated in red and green crepo paper In keep ing with the holiday spirit, and dinner "like mother used to make" was served at noon. All present wore kept busy making and filling bags for the Christ mas tree, Friday evening, Doe. 22nd. After tho rcgualr business meeting, tho Christmas packages were opened and Christmas fa vors of small bags of candy were Clarke. Heruico Gromacoy and Oihus, Mrs. Wnolloy being a guest of the day. The next meeting will be with bister Alice Woiuior, 'Ml E. Hurlington St., Innuary , l'.)2;i. All Pythian Sisters are invited. Christmas Evo was celebrated at thu homo of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thompson, 1021 8. Jersey 8t., with a Christmas tree. The room tt'iiu .1 tfi tiiiil uitli f.ntnti Iwim.lm """ '".'" ,. " "... n .: ... .. sorts. covered wmi silver wnnv iin who. it - , . , i nli -,,. also the tree. White, glisteningl UCHMi .1-. . - snow was the cover tlm InHi Tim mom M'illi rid nml I'l'i'i'll liid.ls and ' I'nP8 THE WOMEN'S PROTECTIVE DIVISION mi. ...... ........ ..... ll""'V" , V. .'. jiiKt passed, IKVJ Sisters Hendricks, Horry, .IoiivhJ vCMtiiratiiiH were Nelson, Walker, oiiiicr, liricu,jr Y'iihos have been Douglass, Gromaoey, Swirt, Tre- f)()2 ,,omeH (KI7 ,nteM bor, Jaoobsen, Hoover, Campbell, t....... vluitml Tho Women 'c Protective Divi sion is not n dectcetsve agency as JiiMiy people arc prone to boliovo but rather organized i'jr the pur posc of protection and prevention not prosecution nor persecution, although protection many times requires prosecution to more than one person, according to Mrs. Q. 1J. Nickorson, who spoke at the Y. W. C. A. regarding this department of tho city's work. This woman's department hns seen 17 years of continuous ser vice in Portland, having been re tained through the administra tion of five mayors and six chiefs of police, which speaks well for the efficiency of the department. At present there nro !) women known as operatives, all of whom are educated women tinder the civil service, but they are not po lice women as they arc some times erroneously called. For this department the city provides a suite of fivo rooms in tho Wor cester" building, not at the police station. These rooms nro kept open from 8 :',!() a. in. to midnight including Sunday and holidays and hero women nnd children may go for protection, not perse eution. Two well furnished, well heated, comfortable rooms are maintained where often mothers with children seek re fuge from n drunken husband and father, or delinquent, girls are eared for pending the time for her ease to be called. There is splendid co-operation between the police officers and the wo men of tho protective division each calls upon the other as oe- casion requires, miring tuo year important, in made and 2212 eared for, and offices Every day the women opera tives of this department nro in the police court and never 8 week passes without eases in tho cir cuit and federal courts. One operative is assigned to depart ment and office work and an other as dance inspector. Tho di vision has general supervision of IB theatres and moving picture houses, 21 parkH and piny grounds and 211 recreation re ilo g is eningl Unumj,rl,,ff inZt t i & .ftinr inmnnth urn ro ' especial interst to mis itlS department and an ad is run in . Wt ?i. iKl the papers in tho help wanted protection to Id law for girls interest to this fix, particularly . a ...I... I... ..i .l.tliauillJtllt and Mrs. Hoy Thompson, Mr. and "" ' " ' ', no w be u Mrs. Raymond Thompson, Mr. V" J " "n ge 'Z K'llleesey ''S Xo Mnj'o" S tek MrHV. 8 A,?.', it!! boH." Under the prose,, 18 will tn ti tif fjtriiie many beautiful and useful giftH - ' were on the tree. Those present ,l,pfi0 K'"H; were Mr. and Mrs Floyd Houder-1 . ' son, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Avey, J . -t u.ar A,e flicwiugniii, iuieii iiio. . , ..,.. inv Caughin, Maurico McriUighm .. " . . " .. " , ,: and Walter Thompson. '1 ho e to live as they please, go joy riding and to public danoos mix ing generally with undesirablos, nr iIikv mm uot married which experiment often ends in the di vorco courts within a few weeks. They cannot vote, however, and only under certain conditions imlil nronortv and at any time before they aro 21, married or single, if they become delinquent enn bo committed to tho state training school for girls. "Why, then, says Mrs. Nickorson, would it twit lilt llllKt to nut this "of ago" tip to 21 nnd in that way lot our girls find themsolvoK be fore they become delinquent 7 NewBarberShop 118 Philadelphia St. HUM 1 I Hair Cuts 35o Shavo 16c Firat Glass Work Your Patronage Invited Ono hundred firat clnsa envel opes with your name nnd ad dress neatly printed on the cor ner for ono dollar at tho Uoviow oflico. Additional 100 for 75c Tho poBtoffico department ad. vises the use or printed return envelopes. Colored ladies use ROGERS lfie shoe polish for face cream. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. We do it right. Dr. W J. Gil strap, Physician nnd Surgeon, 1-1 Peninsula Security iig. ST. JOHNS AUTO EXPRESS Ernie Phillips and Bay Bllyeu, Proprietors Furniture Packed (or Shipment. Local and Long Distance Hauling. 209 S. Jersey St. SMSM?2 Bcycrlc & Armstrong Extend their many thanks for your liberal patronage tho past year and wishes for you, One and All, n "Happy and Prosperous New Year." Beyerle & Armstrong 420 N. Jersey St. Empire 0208 OLD SANTA IN ST. JOHNS MHBM Santa Clnus was no respecter of persons in the St. Johns dist rict this year, for through the ef forts of tho Bachelor Club which furnished food, clothing and cheer baskets, nnd the Communi ty Club which furnished toys for every little boy and girl whoso parents wore unablo to provide for them, was visited on the night before Christmas in some cases by Santa Claim himself. Other organizations and clubs in cluding several of the girls clubs from tho Y. W. C. A. which fur nished Chrlstmns dinner for sev eral families and Iho Camp Firo girls who nintle "Puss in Hoots" amounting to $30 which they presented to the Communily Club for distribution, assisted in making this the very best Christ mas that tho St. Johns children have ever had. Churches and lodges held Christmas trees with programs and many distributed candy and nuts which also added to tho happiness. And now tho glittering trees, heavily laden wilh bright colored ornaments and candles, the joyous happy shouts of the children are mice more a memory for Christmas once more has come and gone. Y. W. O. A. NOTES The annual Christmas party will be held Saturday evening, Dee. from 7 till 10 o'clock. All Club girls and parent aro in vited. The building has boon a seeue of Christmas activities for the last week, arranging for the Girls'Club donations and dis tributing the toys furnished b the Community Club and Camp fire Girls who furnished several beautiful dolls, "Puss in Hoots," ami other supplies for a Christ mas dinner. Sewing Class will begin again on January 8th and gymnasium on the 'Ith of January. W. O. T. U. NOTES The regular business moot nig of Deborah Livingstone Union will be held in the lecture room of St. Johns library next Tues day, Jan. 2, instead of the day previous, it being New Years ay. Mcmliors ol tlie union please bear this in mind. Only the (ioldea Unlet ni Christ can bring the golden age of man. The joy of life is doing good tie cording to a plan. Wo have learned tliat il inn libitiou does not iiIwh,vn prolnl) I. neither does civilization n ways eivilixe; nor education odu elites nor Christianity Christian i.e. The fight for a clear nrain is a fight for Christianity. From Writings or r ranees Willard. (Uoported' o HEAR REV. HUNDERUP llov. August Hiinderup, slt tul by tho pastor, Hew II. II ''arn ham. are Holding hvungt i istio scrviooH at the Evangulie.il ehuroh, cor. Ivanhoe ami John St., every evening until further notice at 7 ::)( p. m. Hew Iluudorup is a proweiiur i unusual ability, a natural orator. 1 . I.. !.. U. ...!.. I .... . wen vorsou uoi tuny m oi hih' but current offoirs. Ho appeals to every one and if you hear him once, his magnnitwiii, hU atronu' and forceful sermons will oarr.. you back again and again. Don't miss him. PnONE GIRLS HAVE PARTY Onenitors of tho Empire tele phono office enjoyed a Christ mas party in tho St. John branch Y V. ('. A. on Saturday uvuiimg, Dee. 211. More than 7S pomws were in attendance. A short pro gram included a vocal mU i Mrs. (1. Silverman; piano sol". Thelain Kirlqmtriok; rending. E. M. Harris; piano duet, Mt.v E. Day and Mrs. Messenger;, vo cal solo, Mr. Uiideon, switch board man from tho main office, and a reading by Mr. Sloan, switchboard man from tho Gar field office. A four piece or ehcstn furnished music in which tho guests indulgwl following the program. Sucooss of tho pur tv i .loo largely to tho hearty co-operation and management of Miss Irene Hurko. chief opera tor of the Empire offtuo. During tho evening tho girls were pre; sentcd with two largo box ol candy, gifts of tho Peninsula Na tional Hank and each girl an in dividual box of candy from Dr. 11. F. Huiwon, St. Johns dentist, us a token of appreciation of tlm excellent survjoo obtained through this offico and to wish the girls u very Merry Christ mns. Tho Past Noble Grand Club will moot with Sistor Dora Amroin, 0211 13. Charleston St., January 4th, 1028. Hirthdajs for Dooombor and January vdl bt celobrated. A pot luok dinner will bo served at noon. All welcome. T: mm o 0