v "I a Toys, Dolls FOR CHILDREN Rain Capes, G to 14, in red and bluo $2.85 Felt Slippers, assorted styles and colors 70c to $1.20 Buster Brown Stockings in black and brown o 20c, 35 Mackinaws $4.05 For Boys' Suits, with two Pants . . . .$7.45 and $8.45 Slippers $1.15 and $1.25 B. & Opoh Evbniiiga TO OUR ' CLASSIFIED VERTISERS. AD. All olassifoid ads must bo in by 2 p. m. Thursday to imiuro in sertion. All classified ads pay able in advance except to thoso who have- monthly occouilW with the Review. Do not neglect to send in your news items. HAZEL EIGHELBERGER Teacher of Piano Pfctiie Empire 1687 Clarendon St. 1710 Near Portsmouth Ave. Member Builders ftxettange W.' P. 'Greene & Son Contractors & Builders 525 U. BUCHANAN STRUCT rottltnd, Ore. Miotic Umpire 1026 Just list to tho story Wo want to tell Of gift's largo and small, Sure to pldaso you well, " At tho Bluo Bird Bazaar You will find them all Gifts for children An'd Indies tall, Dolls wo will dress In fashions lato Pretty and neat At a reasonable rato. MRS A. J. CANRIGIIT, 311 Jersey St. Eyes examined glasses fitted. if uir t tiguii it u . nit- strap', ' Physician' and Surgeon, 1-4 Peninsula' Security Bldg. NewBarberShop 118 Philadelphia St. Hair Cuts 35c .! .4. ..................... iAUU Tint Glass Work Your Patronage Invited 'One hundred first class en Vcl epe)T"vith"your name and ad dress neatly printed on the cor nr for one dollar at the Review ohm.. Additional 100 for 75c TkfiortoWee'-de'drtnient' ad. YJtfB tntTuf or ' pnhted"return envwotfes: on ROGERS Pulley & Zurcher PjWnjfYricatiiig & Tinning we Kepatf Aluminum ware rkoae Col. X 207 S Jersey St. Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street rfciffc"87 Rea.Cmp.0398 TRArttf ER AND STdRAGE . .SaUrf arid Gravel DairJ-Trid Portland Km &wmr " m i: JERSEY ST PHMMrU'mlt IssrulcT a reiltt co H. HENDERSON, Mnimg.r , . 403 N , Jry Btroct Abstracts of Title Prepared Titles Examined rteVKmire m& IT ALWAYS THE B, & C. MONEY BACK STORE WHERE A DOLLAR DOES ITS DOTY USEFUL GIFTS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY For Women Holeproof Hosiery inSilk, black and brown.. 85c, $1.00, $1.00, $1.65, $2.25 Fancy Oartcrs 50c and 76c Fancy Bloomers 75c and $1.50 Felt Slippers in Comfy rind' Leather Soles $1.19, $1.20, $1.49, $1.59 Quitted Sateen $1.75 Box Hdkfs . . i 25o to $2.50 Box Bath Robes $4.46 Silk Umbrellas $0.45 and $0.85 Buster Brown Silk Stockings $1.25 Box of 3 pr $3.50 C. Money Back Store SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED 113 Philadelphia St. LEGEND OF THE MISTLETOE Yuletldo Doufjh Wat rtesponslutt for Death of Baldar, Son of Odin, an Old Story. 1 110 mlstlctoo bouch, ac- cording to an old Scandi navian legend, yiui respon sible for tho denth of llnldcr, tho ion of Odin, nnd tho God of Eloquence nnd I'ootry. Having Inforniod his mother, FrJgn, thnt n drenm hud warned hltn of his Imminent death she Invoked nil tho powers of earth flro, nlr, earth and water (Including all animals and plants) to como to Ids rtweuo. In tho combats of thu gods, thorcforo, he found himself uninjured. Hut lOiiko, his deadly enemy, wan doturmlnod to dltcovor tho sacrot of hla Invulnorabltlty, and by Judiciously (lnttoring Krlga, and praising tha progess of hor son, obtained from, har tho roason. Hut, oho foolishly told htm, thuru was ono fcoblo llttlo shoot sho had not thought It necessary to In voko thu mlstlotoo. Tho trenchurous Loako tmmodlately procured a branch of tho mlstlotoe, nnd onterlng thu assembly of gods pre sented un nrrow mndo from It to blind llcdn, with tho words "Haider Is be foro thee. Shoot I" Ho shot and Haider fell, plorcod and slnln. Antl countless thousands hnm sinew been "slnln" and will bo slain- for uges to como with "darts" from tho "mlstlc too hough." MYTHS OF CHRISTMAS SEASON Among Soma of Peasantry of Franos Is Belief That Brssd Remains Fresh Ten Yar. wHEQENDS and myths without Hl I numbor lisro become otso VHr elated with tho celebration of Christmas. Among somo of tho peasantry of Franco Is a strong belief that loaves of bread bnkod at Christmas will romsln fresh for ten years. It Is also believed by somo of tho simple folk that during tho whole of the Christmas holidays portion of bread should be- loft on ths table day and night because ths Holr Mothor may como to share it IV somo reason not to bo explained, thsra Is a superstition among somt Preach peasant wives that no bread must bi baked between Christmas day and ths Fe.st of the Circumcision, because an infraction of this rule will bring dis aster on tho household. There is a peasaut belief of agelong standing that If the cattlo on ths farm bo given drink immediately after the midnight mass of Christmas thtlr health will continue good throughout the year. Another belief Is that if seed of wheat be wrapped in a tablecloth which has been used for Christinas dinner, a protltable harvest will t Insured. Another strange belief is that a cold bath taken oo Christmas day w)U protect Uio bather against fevers and toothache throughout the year. 0HRI6TMA6 RIBBONS TF CHRISTMAS ribbons could express themselves they would say that people were thrifty, for somo ribbons claim to have been doing business every Christmas for many, many years. They are often pressed and made to look their best, but they're the same ones used again and again. However, If they could pbUosophlze they would rejoice that they were the means of adding gaiety, t t color and cheer to Christmas- t packages year after year I J I mM&o&m ITB D1VFEH K.VT NOW. Lady: I rup. post you wish Christmas c a. m several tlmts a yr. Willie: I tu.4 to UU I rot in csx4 to Ullll. Nutdoor. but It's different now. The Msrry Christmas. Jud Tunklns ssys that wlshln a man a merry 'Christmas and takln' patns to provide aim with a merry Christmas are two different things. m- PAYS TO SHOP AT o Xmas Suggestions WE ARB BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR XMAS SELECTIONS IIirIi Qrado Tools for Men and Boya Pocket Cutlery, Shears, Clippers, Manicure Seta Safety Razors, Hand Razors, Safety Razor Blades, Stroppers, Brushes and Soap Coaster "Wagons, Velocipedes, Bicycles, Tricycles, Hxprcss Wagons, Kiddie Cars, Tot Cars, Roller Skates Children 'a Dishes, Erector Sets Pyrex Oven Ware, Table, Silverware, Nut Bowl and Sots, Electric Percolators, Hot Point Electric Heaters, Toasters, Grills, Curlers, Hot Point and Edison Electric Irons, Beef and Qaiue Carvers, Aluminum' Cooking, Utensils, Lisk Rasters Remington Rifles and Daisy Air Rifles Foot Balls, -Boxing Gloves, Striking Bags Xmas Treo Elcotrio Lights ' FREE DELIVREY Beyerle & 420 N. Jersey It. The Lombard Lumber Co. now open for business When in need of anything in our lino call or see us. All Orders Large or Small given Prompt Attention Lombard Lumber Company 1015 Lombard St. Phone Empire 1896 SCHMIDT'S Cut Rate Grocery The Old Lavrack Store, Next to Post Office, Umpire 1437 A FEW SATURDAY SPECIALS Evaporated Milk, all kinds, can 10c Golden "West, Royal Club, De jendable Coffe 30c Pride of the Valley Maryland Corn, can 0c Shredded "Wheat, pkg 10c Post Toastictf, pkg Oo Kellog's Com Flakes, pkg 0c Large, Sea Foam, 2 for , 45c Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for 25c Pint Bottle DelMonte Catsup 21c Full Cream Cheese, lb 20o Schmidt's Best Coffee, 3 lbs. for $1.00 Sweet Potatoes, 7 lbs. for 25c Select Fresh Raisins, 3 lbs. for 43o U-ta-Na Pens, 2 cans for .,. 25c 49 lb. sack Crown Floor $1.80 "WE RESERVE AMOUNT LIMIT ON ABOVE GOODS "WE DELIVER Yours for Business A. E. SCHMIDT 1 '- ' SIM For Men Bath Robes $5.45 Comfy' Slippers $1.50 and $1.05 Leather Slippers $1.05, $2.25, $3.35 BeHa'.., 50c and 85c Knit Ties . ., 05c, 05c, $1.15, $1.25, $1.05 Silk Tics CDc, 75o Suspenders in Boxes 05c Boston Garters and Arm Bands in Fancy Boxes 75o Wool and Silk Sox, --.20c, 35c, 50c, 75o Open Evenings saw H Armstrong Empiro 0208 .Laurel Lorigo, !, 0,0, F, No. IOO. St. Johns. Oranon Meets each Monday evening In Odd I'd lows hnll nt 7:30. A cordial welcome to all visiting brothers. Hd. V. Guile. N. O. C. W. Mon. V. O. 9, J. Ihitrouglm, RetSec; O.W.Norcnf, fin. Sec. ii. i'. Litr, rreti. St. Johns Gamp No, 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the attendance of our members nt our regular meetings every 21 ami 4tn Thursday evening. A. S. Ilcrry, 1. II. Irish, Consul. Clerk. 202 K. I'olk St. 417 It. Chlcsgo St. Woodmen Of the World St. Johns Camp 773 nno.l.llre nirctlue everr MomUr erenlna In llkkiier Hall, nutlltiilon nnd JetMT atrtet. vuitnMRlniiM welcome. Old tnembtM come oil! una nee wnni live crap yon iwionc 10. R, C, UKUHKIIi C c. w. a. trout, tier, DORIC LODGC NO. 132 A. r. and A. M. Meets the first nud third Wednesday of each month in Mnsonic Hall. VUl tors welcome. John M. Dlalr, W. M. A. W. Davis, Secretary. Minerva Chapter No. 105, 0. E. S. very secc fourth Tuesday of each month In Masonic Hall, Visitors welcome. Otuce I,. DUIr, W. M Dennle V. 1'ost, See. li;7 Amlierit ttteet. Loyal Order of Moose Jnmcs Jolin Lodjro No. 1509 Meets every Thursday evening nt Moose Hnll, St. Johns. Visit Iiir members always, welcome. If. J. Willman, "Dlctstor.'' Oeo. II. Sperling, "Sec'y." HOLMES LODGC NO. 101 KNIGHTS Or PVIIIIA Meets every l'rldny night nl 17:30 o'clock In IIICKNHR w Jiall. Visitors always wel come. i. it. riiiLura. c c. A. CAR!. NIt.A0r, K. It. H PENINSULA CHAPTER No, 43 R, A, M. Stilled meetings on the first Monday of each month in Ma tonic liall, Vlillore Welcome. J. I, WltBRTItK.It.II. r. h. II. LUMON, HeCTftitr. Say "Morry Ohristniaa" with flowers. Says the Sunflower. punVKHS for your decora- tioim. KloworliiK plants mm liolly wroatlm nml mistlutoo ami poiiisottaH will lii'lp to weleonui Santa. A irift of flowers is a cheerful ( li rint niii.s (,'raotiiiK "JAY IT KITH fLOKERJ" I BECKETT'S i si"irTtsAifiir .un Eiiinu UUSUQ 814'816N.KELL0GG ST. VHOmZMPJBlWOL R. G. Muck Phones Col. 1281 HnU KC11 A. A. Muck I'houes Col. 1 IK Msin vm 007 Ireseuiltii Street Sand, Gravel and Crushed Rock Members of the Ilullilvrs' Itichauge Dr. W. J. Gilstrap Physician & Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted X ray Laboratory Peninsula Security Co. Dldg. St. Johns, NO TIME LIMIT FOR VATICAN Its Statesmen Seemingly Tsks Llttls Thouaht for ths InevlUbl Pais Ing of ths Ysars. Tlmo Is not uninsured by tho Vstl cun iicconllng to our uccejilfd forms. Wlillu we think la days usually, la moniliH not ulwuys, In yeurs yery sl ilom, und In Kci'LTntlons nearly nvvsr, the Villi cun thinks In centuries r dlnnrlly, In generations fulrly often, In ytnire only under tho pressor of unuMiul elrcuinstnucuA, In stiorter .periods never. It Is this difference In tho measure ment of tlmo which makes the Vutl-c-an such u dlfllcult subject for the secular political InTfstlgator. Thert Is no tlmu limit, In tho usually ac cepted sense, for tho Vatican's polit ical thouKht. At leust It Is not lim ited by a lifetime. The curdlnnl who at the time of writing Is ut tho head of tho Vatican's foreign nfllru segrcterln dl state Is a very old man, who for BO years has been connected with political affairs. But hi- continues to look ahead Into tho centurkfi. He, I believe, Is the only statcsmsn In KurojKi who can nnd who dss cool ly discuss tho possibility f Ilnsslan IJolsln-vlsin, under some form or an other, enduring for BO years yet. What aro M yeurs for the Vatican? Itnaclno any other Kuropenn stute man. anxious for the success of his butterfly career, talklnir In this cool way about Moscow. Vladimir Polls. ix I O ore in tho London Dally TOtgrsM i GENERAL Peninsula Hospital Now Under New Management 312 Trumbcll Street, Corner Willamette Blvd. GRADUATE NURSES IN ATTENDANCE THE HOSPITAL FOR ST. JOHNS Phone Empire 1492 ST. JOHNS AUTO EXPRESS Ernie Phillips and Ray Bilyeu, Proprietors Furniture Packed for Shipment Local and Long Distance Hauling. 209 S. Jersey St. Frederick T. Notz Drs. F. T. & E. H. Notz Chiropractic and Electro Therapy Office Hours: 10 A. M.lo 12 M 2 P. M. to 5:;f0 1 M., G:30lM.to8 P.M. Ol'VICnS: r14-r15 Uektitu llhlK. 303 N. Jersey lies.: 721 S. Jersey Geo. W. Muhm Contractor nnd Builder Plans and Specifications furnished lfrce where I build. Residence nd dross 108 Smith nve. lunpirc 0962 Office ltmpire 1822 Hcs. Itmp. 0177 Dr. E. P. Bordon DENTIST Painless extrsctlon of teeth under nitrous oxide gns PeuliisuU llnnK Uld. St. Johns, Portlnud, OrcKon THE I HOUSE Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing and Alterations 217 North Jarsey Street WE CALL F0I ANI IELIVER Telephone Empire 1397 H. A. MANNING, Prop. Choice Groceries A full line of the choicest groceries at most reasonable prices, constantly on hand. We gives. II. Green Trading Stamps with All Purchases L Simmons & Co. Quality Grocers Good uhoeB for good lioyH, not bnd for bad byu. KOCIERS. Warranty deed blanks and contracts of sale at this office; 5c each, or 50c per doten. on B Cider and Apples K)gmsi0- Pure Applt Cldr mado fresh dally from good apples, no culls or worms. Two Gallon and over Delivered, 50c Per Gallon. Fine Apples, all kinds, $1'00 to $2.00 Por Box. Place Orders Now for Christmas Cider. Durbank Potatoes. $1 Sack Winter Nellis Pears.. $1.50 Box Portsmouth Avenue and PHONE EMPIRE 1722 Office: Kmpire 0072 Res. Kmplrc 1443 Essie IT. Notz PIIONIJS! llrondwny 0324 Umpire 00&7 Umpire 1271 Horse Sense Let Your Money Work For You Buy n few shares of our 7 per cent Prior Preference Stock and your money will eatu you over 7 ler cent. Dividends arc payable every three months. This is a ;ood sound in vestment and our Hasy Payment Plan enables you to get 7 per cent interest on your savings while you arc puyinj for your shares. Investigate this Unusual Opportunity Todny. Aik isy tf ur tmiltyti about It. Investment Department Pirtland Railway Llglit & Power Company Room 6Q5 Electric Bldg, Portland, Oregon Architectural and Mechanical PMlciiltiir, ntftllhiK, Tracing sud N MskiuiCt nuimslDir IlulldlnK Plsns, Hs. clilncrjr and Psrts Designed. No Job to Urn. lUtlnmtc rciinonablc. W. HEDLIND CO. BUILDING CONTKACTORS Hmplrs 1737. C20 I. Richmond St. rhona Knplr 0977 PENINSUU ELECTRIC CO., Inc. Electrical Engineers and Contractors wikinij i'ixtuki',4 a.m surrr.ms Oencritl KcjMlr Work 301 S. Jeroy Street, Portland, Oregon Piano Tuning Repairing ERNEST HAROLD Reliable Work Jki si 107 W. rirk .' Niist 1)244 I bur or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVII5 Rcnl BUtc Fire Insurance and Notary Public Ilst your property with me If you desire to sell quickly SJ3onTon Bar6erSiop a hi.ipi i . m r ' The nlar whrre irrwirl rrwlrc ml eonrtsoni trestmtnt prevsll, Children's hair cutting receive special Attention. lOU UUnuinuTOn THttT Typawriter ribbons for sale at thU office Oliver. Underwood. Smith and Remington. Eseh 75 cents. You cun do better aid more preaentublo work with ft nerr ribbon, If you have nnythinK to sell try the Review. It brings the an swer. i 1