r W. JOWER GIFTS Men 'a Leather Billfolds Bedspreads 8Dc, $1.B0 $4.50, $3.50, $2.50 Ash Trays $1.25, $1.50 Aprons $2.25, $2.00 Women's Oapo Glovcs..$2.50 Men's Slippers $3.25, $2.50, $1.75 Beaded and Embroidered Orepo Blouses Men's Bathrobes $0.05, $0.25, $5.50 $5.50, $7.75 Women's Felt Slippers Heather Hose.. 50c, GOo, 75c $1.75, $1.05, $1.05 Silk Hoso 75c, 50c Nccktica..$1.50, 00c, 75c, 50c Boxed Handkerchiefs $1.15, $1.00, 75o, 50c Shirts Silk $4.75 Games 25o Broadcloth $3.50 Dolls 35c to $2.50 Silk Stripod . .$2.05, ,$2.25 Sulkoy $1.26 Mudrn.4 iinil Pop Guns 25c J'ercak-H .. . .$1.85, $1.50 Leather Handbags .. $2.95 Damask Tablecloth Silk Umbrellas $0.50, $7.00 $2.75, $1.50 Boudoir Caps $1.25, $2.25 New Phone Number, Emp. 1818 MO Christmas Time XmiiH time in Iiitc, hriiuring with it n fooling of good fullowHhip to all mankind, wiili thoughts mostly of others rather Hum oumoIvum, mill l in wol thai it in so; but to givo other to tho oxlunt of our own bodily ncglm't in folly indeed. Now, iiioro tliini at any other tiim. we nhoiihl be ablo to feel well in iiiiml and body but thin in an iiupoHHibilily with a mouth in an uiiHunilary condition. WHY NOT SI'UNI) I 'A I IT F THAT XMAS MONHV TO PKItl-'KCT YOUR OWN HHAII'II ! Come in toay for a FHHH KXA MI NATION. Our prioen are ho Hiirprisiiily low thnt your own iicciIm oau bo taken euro of and leavo plenty of means for the wantN of your friends. DR. It. E. BUIGGS DR. S. B.McOLINTOOK J. - 3fl I' HKH uxtkactionh . " with Crown, Bridge iff and Plato Work. Tel. Umpire 188!). MHUHB Crown, M rid go and Plato SpooialistN. Open Evonliigi. B. & M. Dentists 108'; 8, JtrwySt NEW CURRIER BUILDING PAINLESS DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES MO DuringtheStormyWeather It is not necessary to use inferior quality meats Remember Our Delivery System Guarantees you the Best of Quality and Service EMPIRE 0021 Morning Delivery Leaves at 10 o'clock Afternoon Delivery Leaves nt 2:30 ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET Tne Market of Quality Market Phono Kuipire0021 103 Noith Jersey M.cet DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE BUY YOUR OH1USIMAS GIFTS AT Square Deal Store Boya' and Women 'h Kid UuuutleiH at wholenalo prion. . ,05o Hoys' I'uioit Suits, wont piiu-i-k 05o up to $1.45 Moil's Leather Uoiuie Sliiur, eiy apodal nt ...$1,05 Lfulien' IIouko Slipper 1.25 Children 'a IIoiiho Slippora .m....05o Ladies' Colored Crepe do Chine llaiidlcorvhiofc 25o Ladies' Sill; and Wool lloier, $1.85 Ladies' llandUorohiofs, n box 50o Ladiea' Colored IliuidUorohiofci ,...15o Ladies' Sweaters $1.05 lUid ?2.U5 Ladies' Heather Hone, pr , G5o Ladies' Silk Hobo , 75o Men'H Heather llono 50o Men'H Ties 50o imd 76o Men '8 (lood Helta 60o Men'H All Wool Slip on SwoaUrs 2.05 Mcii'h Rough Nook Sweaters , $4,75 Men'H Cotton Swoators $1.50 Gold Finish Hon Knife and Chain, in liiwc 05o Hold Finish Pencil and Chain 05o Hoys' Pullover Swoaturs $1.00 Bovs' Good Corduroy Kniokurs $1.75 Hoys' Dress Knickers 1.25 and $1.60 Hoys' Shoes, all sizes $2.05 SQUARE DEAL STORE J. SUBOTNICK, Prop 418 N. Jersey Street THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW H. h. RAY, Krtttor and Publisher Published Fridayof Each Week 404 N Jersey St, Empire 0321 Subcrlqtl on pflo S1.CO pmr yoar. Tim Rkvirw Is entered nt pot office n Portland, Oregon, n ttinf I matter of the second clnss under the Act of Gon reenof Mnrch 3, 1879, CHRISTMAS SPECIALS The police department lias an nounced its intention to enforce the law against riding bicycles at night without lights. At this sea son of the year when tho streets are so often wet and oftentimes frozen it is very dangerous for bi cycle riders to go without lights. Automobile are often wrecked in trying to avoid accidents with bi cyclists who tempt fate by riding on the streets with no lights as warning. It is a good law that needs rigid enforcement. If some diseaso were to hit our country more deadly than small pox or malaria, drastic men-1 sures would bo taken to control! it. Automobiles yearly kill morei Americans than typhoid, malaria! and small pox combined. What aro wo doing to curb this great ' slaughter! It is a rare case whero punishment is meted out to any one causing such acci dents. Authorities agree that nearly all of this loss of life and limb is preventable, yet tho slaughter continues. What wo need during this coming Christmas season Is more of tho Christmas spirit and less of the Cliitimw spirits. SILVERWARE $9.00 SET COMMUNITY SILVERWARE $0.75 (C flat handle knives, 0 med. frks) $19.00 SET COMMUNITY SILVERWARE $15.00 (2(5 pieces Silverware and chest) $15.00 SET ROGERS SILVERWARE $12.75 (20 pieces Silverware and chest) 42 pe. DINNER SETS $9.00 51 pe. DINNER SETS $14.25 51 pe. DINNER SETS $15.00 51 pe. DINNER SETS $19.75 51 jie. DINNER SETS $21.00 51 pe. DINNER SETS $24.50 Cedar Chests Library Lamps Cash or Credit SI C Per Week Miscellaneous Gifts Leather Covered Footstool $2.00 Ivory Enameled Footstool $3.75 Fiber Reed Footstol $4.35 Fiber Reed Plmc Stand $5.70 Fiber Reed Doll Carts .'. .'; $5.25 Loom Wotou Doll Carts $13.83 Mantel Clooks $8.75 Ovorntuffed Rockers $17.75 to $53.50 Child's Rockers 75o to $7.25 Child's High Chairs $3.85 to $10.60 AH Wool Comforters $10.25 to $10.25 Foathor Pillows, pair t,..,$3.25 to $9.25 Complete Home Furnishers N. Jersey St. at Chicago St. 1 1 A n ri-. l-ffc -11. t Tr-t . T-nt . Adams, Earl Tormoy, Thurman Hart, Madolino Brown, Cast of James Jolui operetta. Leonard Hnrrinrton, Maxwell Margaret Holbroolc, Ruth Woiss. William Fox. Zoo doro (director). James Tormov. Curtis Robertson. The play, which is a musical com cdy, was presented last Friday and Saturday nights and proved a great success. nil uzbdotidm: The "Gypsy Rover;" a ro mantic musical comedy, present 011 Friday ami Saturday evenings ny (lie lames lohn uu'li school glee elulw whk greeted with a well filled house 11 I'riiliiy evening and a eairn- city house on Saturday evening, roving I ho iiopularny ot tho ,oiithful fdars who vied with each other for honors in pre senting the different characters. The play centers around Rob ( Earl Toriuey) lost heir to tho Sir (lilhcrt Estate, who having icon kidnapped in Ins infancy his nurse Meg (Kathryu Mo- hctiiiey) who later became the TnnnBrtnnmmio Photograph Compliments of Oregon Journal. I wire of Mur'o 11 gypsy, (Maxwell ( escaped and affairs right them 'Adams) was rearod among the inches when ho is found to bo the gypsies believiiiK Meg and Mar loM heir and claims tho hand of to to he his parents and liiniHolf 1 Ldy Constance. to be tuie of the gypsy baud, Meeting Lady Constance (Made line llniwii) ot the English no bility riding in the wood 0110 day with her fiancee, Lord Urn ven, (Leonard Harrington) tho cliariiinig gyiwy Rob falls do Other characters who added lifo to the production were Kara and Sinfo (Margaret Holbrook and Kill Fox) gypsy lovers, and Nina and Captain Jerome (Ruth Weiss and Thurman Hart) mom- hers of tho hnglish social act. f Portland Manufacturing Co. f -MANUFACTURERS OP- I Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex- $ T " " r- rf n 1 . ceisior urape doxcs, egg oase mock, and all kinds of Veneer FACTORY, FOOT OF RICHAIQND STREET Qatton Ranch Qairy Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm The Dairy is under strict supervision of the City Health Dcpartuieut ami the Cows arc tested for tuberculosis every six mouths. Phone Col. 321 fr rcUra peratcly in love with her and Sir Kraueis McCarklo and Sir they later plan to elope which Toby Lyon (Leland Moybach plan w frustrated by Lord Cra ven who reports the affair to her father, Sic Martindalo, (Fred Kohiiuion). Hob U cantured and The Lariat of thin city make its how aa a literary monthly, tho oiilv publication of the kind west of New York, devoted exclusive- y to diHciirisiou ami criticism of iterary inattern. Col. E. Hofer, newspaper man of many ears' experience, is editor. The irst number is out and has all the earmarks of a Kuooussful magaxino. Mrs. Norah MuCaim and il. J. McCann wore called to Tauoma, Wash., on account of the death of Mrs. Mary Ternes, aged 02 ,-ears, who died Sunday alter- noon at that place. She had llv- m Taeoma for almost Jo years ami for 'JO yoars was a aealous hanty workor. Death followed an illness of 10 days, which was ontraeted while working on the ommuiiity chest drive. Mrs. 'ernes was one of the originators and sponsors of St. Anuo's or phanage or Taeoma. buc was a member of tbe Catholic church and a charter member of tho atholie Women's Club of Ta oma. ami tho first of such moni tors to be lost from tho roll. tesides her husband she Ls sur- ived by six sisters, Mrs. Ldward lenebery. of Kverett, Wash., Mrs. Norah McCann of Port- and, and four sisters and two trot hers in the east. placed in prison but afterward, operetta. Mere is your gardner and laud senper; he is on tho job again, lie fcells trees, roses, vines cheap er than iy one. Amizich ha.s miule I -'H lawns in St. .Johns. Ho trims trees, vines, roses. Seo him in his office ilOli N. Jersey street and you will get just what you want. His phone Kmpiro 1562, f Men's Hathrobcs $(i.ft0 HOCKIJS. and James Tormoy) wore Lon don society mon, and Jack Van Hooter was a splendid lackoy. y.oo (lore was director of tho DR. FRANK SANDIFUR OARES FOR EYES EXCLUSIVELY I Bonkam-Ourrlor Bldg, Phone Kmp. 1883 Res. Kmp. 1086 ' SHINGLE MILL AND TIMBER LIMITS TRANSFER Hoys' Inian Moccasins $l,7fi: Men's $l,Sf, A fine Xmas gift. iOUHKS. OTTUO PLANTS AND FKHNS PLOIUL DHSIQNS Did you ever hoar of this kind of a Christmas present! 0 room modern bungalow, 1 block of car, blocks of school, all kind or fruit, berries and chicken house. All this for a Christmas present, only $2000, only $200 cash, bal auce like rent. The one coming first will get it, Sec Amlzleh, ilOli N. .Jersey street, OARD OP THANKS We wish to express to our friends our sincere thanks for sympathy shown and also for the beautiful floral tributes at the time of the loss of our beloved husband, brother and father. Mrs. (leo. W. Sollcok, Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. Selleek, Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Skells and Family. NOTICE Tho St. Johns Camp No. 773, W. 0. AY., will hold its regular meeting on New Years day. All members urged to be present. It. C. CJKEBN, C C. W. A. TROUT, Clrk. Xmas Candies THE BEST AND FRESHEST SBK (U'iT SUPPLY BEl'-OKB BUYING WATCH Ol'lt YlNDOW FOR SPECIALS LEWIS CONFECTIONERY 2161, N, Jersey St. W. T. Hartford & Sons havo purchased tho G. V, Girt Bhinglo iiiiii aim uiuoer minis ai ay gar, Oro and is known to bo the best stand of cedar in tho state clear from limbs and knots for 100 feet high. It will tako fivo years to cut it out, Mr. Hartford has a gang of men at tho mill and a family or so, Also he has had ir bunch of men cutting cord wood at his camps at North Plains since Juno and expects to have several thousand cords of old growth fir wood seasoned for next fall's market. Ho is feeding this winter 25 mouths or so and tiding them through tho winter, Auy one in tho market for 100 per cent vortical shingles leave orders at U14 Central Ave and Chicago Street, Whenover you need printing call the Iloviow office. "Wo can tako caro of your requirements and at less price than you will pny at most shops. A supply of new job typo enables us to do neater, better work than ever b of ore. Greetings The spirit of tho Xmas Season brings appreciation of the liber al patronage extended to us. To all our patrons and friends May your Christmas be merry and success attend you during tho coming year. AMERICAN SHOE SHOP 110 S. Jersey For Christmas Turkeys THIS IS THE PLACE TO BUY THEM If It Is Quality Meats yu want this Is tho market fer yu to tradt at. Wt carry a full Una mt Meat, Pish, Poultry and Oysters At all times. Came- In ansl a far yaurself. VVa open at 8 A. M., claca at I P. M. tvtry Way. Jost Quality Market 113 North Jtrsey Street Phana Empire KS2 UNION MARKET CENTRAL CASH GROCERY 108 Philadelphia St. W. J. FORSYTHI Opposite Masanlc Blate. Pttene Empire 1S88 The Stirc tf rerstitl Service WE DELIVER FREE TO OUR PATKOHI, TRUNDg AKD 1VIRY ONI, Wl WISH YOU ON AND ALL TOT OOMPLIWNTJI OP THE 8EA80N THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY flPIOIALS Calumet Baking Powder, lb...30o 6 oz. Royal Baking Powder, can ,, ,...20o 12 oz, RoyaI BakinR Powder, ean 4.0o Argo Corn and Uiom Starch, 3 f or , 25c 2Yj size can Peaches, can..,.S0o 24V oz. Pure Jelly, jar ....... S5o 9 lb. ak. Y. C. meal 30o Del Monto Flour, 49 lb. Bk..$1.05 Oranges, dozen. ,25c, 35c, 45c, GOo Choice Apples, box ......... fl.00 NUT SPECIAL 1 lb. Mixed Nuts ,25c 1 lb. Soft Shell Kuta 30o 1 lb. Brazil Nuta.,12o; 2 lb....35c 1 lb. Almonds 30c OANDY SPECIAL Plain Mixed, lb ..,-.18o Christmas Mixed, lb. ....... 20c Jelly Beans, lb ...25c Peanut Brittle, lb. ..26o French Bon Sons, lb, 30c GROCERY SPECIALS Pineapple, cau.,15, 25, 30, 35, 40c D. TT. Peas and Corn can... 20a Good Corn and Peas can.,..12e Darimade Milk can ..10e 10 lb. Swift's Pure Lard, pail ..$2.00 Swift's Jewel Compound, lb,..15o Boild Cider, pint 23c. WE DO NOT HAVE THE TURKEY BUT HAVE THE TRIMMINGS DRY FRUITS 2 pk. 38 ot. Seeded Raisins. . 35c 3 pk. 15 ox. Seedless Raisins.. 60c 1 lb. Cluster Raisins ...... 20o 1 lb. Muscat 16 1 lb. White Pigs 25c 1 lb. Black Figs 20s 1 lb. bulk Dates 16e CIGARS AND. TOBACCOS 26 or. Prince Albert in glass Ilumidor, jar ,.,$1.60 16 oz. Velvet and glass Humidor, jar $1.60 San Feliee Cigars, 25 in box .4-. ..... ....$1.76 St, Elmo Cigars, 25 in box,, $2.35 San Royal, 25 in box . , . , ;$1.85 Mildman, 25 in box ...... .$3.60 San Felice, 10 in box 75c D. & W. Special, 25 in box. .$1.16 02 S Jersey St, Phone Emp 0SC0