St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 01, 1922, Image 5

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    Edmond's Fool Filler
are Real Leather and True to their
Name Foot fitters.
Made of Soft Pliable Calf Skin in
JBlack or Cordovan.
title Mm? with the nnntilon D;
...... IV pupuiui riitc - p.UU
Police Special - - $7.50
Bonham & Currier
The Grabateria Grocery
JtllQvcrtAe World
Think of All
Good Eats
that will be spread orer the neatly arranged tables in
St. Johns this eoming Thursday Thanksgiving and
let no snpply yonr needs this week-end. "VTe hnvo it.
"We .are thankful for the wonderful patronago
and friends we hare made in and around St. Johns.
Oar ambition Is to make eaek customer thank-
ful for our being in your neighborhood.
A Special Price
k a imam of abtiolm
Saturday and Monday only
A special price on Cranberries, Baldwin and De
licious Apples Friday and Saturday.
210 Narth Jaraay Straat
Phene Empire 487
117 Philadelphia Street
Sod hand Furniture Store
If yea can't find what you want elsewhere, come to me. If
I haven't ct it, I will it. I carry FURNITURE, CAR
RANGES. In tact, anything you wish in the Household Line.
WM1 Bay, Sell er Exchaajgc Aaythiaf
Friday and Saturday Special
100 Hot Water Bottles, Each. .79c 100 Fountain Syringes, Ea.. . .79c
The Prescription Store
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Rose
hnvo moved into their new bun
galow on Willamette Blvd.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Homer
A. Bloom, 409 West Pierce St.,
n 1 pound daughter on Nov.
Friends of Mrs. C. H. Boy
will regret to henr that she is ser
ously ill nt her home on Iloducy
Ave. and unable to receive vis
Tho Kndiator Sunday schoo
class of l'ioncor Methodist oliurc
met at the home of Mrs. J. Tel
mnn on oyracuso street on
Tliursday for election of officers
Mrs. Henrietta Mocono has
just returned from Modesto, Cal
after spending several weeks
with her daughter, Mrs. Preston
Glenn, who is now able to b
around after having had n seri
ous surgical operation.
Mrs. Mary Eddings and son
Jack, returned to their home in
uongo, Washington, hut Sattir
day after visiting three jnontlm
with Mrs. Eddings' father, J.
U. Wissenbaclc, o 02-1 V& 13.
Richmond street.
Pood Prieea aro going up in a rapid mannor but it is no
time te bepn to bny in a foolish way oh that will only on
cnuraffo a furthor in orcry thing. Sugor, Flour ond
Canned Fruita and Vegetables will go higher and it might bo
well to buy moderately on thco.
Potatoes and most Vegetables are yory cheap still.
Frcah Eggs and Buttor will soon start downwards.
Cheese has not changed in prico and wo still havo mild
fresh Cream Chew in tho Brookfiold. Wo also havo tho
Tillamook Checso in tho Lnnghorns.
Itemembor that wo carry Wheat, Scratch Food, Cracked
Corn and Egg Mash for the Uhiokons. r
All the new paek of Dried Fruit is in now. Sovcral vari
eties o Kaisins, Currants, Whito and Black Figs. Apricotw,
Peaehw and Pears. Tho new Cluster Raisins aro hotter than
orer this year.
Tho Entro Nous Club met nt
Mrs. Clarke's, 1029 South Tavn
hoe, Friday, 21th. A nieo dm
nor was served by Mrs. Clarice.
Tho committee decided to meet
ovory two weeks until tho holi
dnys aro past;.
J.E. Blumborg, G10 Ivanhoc
street, purchased this week a new
Superior Chevrolet from Jlay-
1 mond ij'wher, local Chevrolet
dealer. Mr. Blumborg had his
now ear equipped witli nil the
Iittlo nditional accessories which
add to tho comfort of the driver.
Represent your favorito book
nt tho Cleaners Sunday school
class party given in tho commiin
ity hall of tho Pioneer Methoist
church this (Friday) ovening.
Members of tho class will enter
tain their husbands and friends.
A program will bo followed by
refreshments and games and
guessing tho book which you rep
resent. You arc welcome
A novel entertainment spon
sored by Deborah Livingston W.
0. T. U. will bo given in tho Y.
W. U. A. weunesuny evening
December u, beginning at 7:45.
A fcaturo of tho entertainment
will bo tho old woman with the
hundred pockets from which gifts
may uo purchased for 2oc encli.
A prizo will also bo given for
guessing tho identity of tho old
woman. A musical program and
a speaker on narcotics will bo in
Mrs. II. E. Cannon, 1C5G
Fisko street, was hostess on Sat
urday to past worthy matrons of
Minerva chapter No. 105 (J. J5,
b. at ono o'clock luncheon.
Mrs. Marion Johnston, Mrs. E.
R. Ingleduo, Mrs. E. S. Har
rington, Mrs. Myrtle Weeks,
Mrs. 13. F. Day, Mrs. JI.
Stevens, Mrs. Alta Ovcrstreet,
Mrs. W, A. Carroll past matron
of an Eastern chapter, and Mrs.
J. M, Blair, present matron of
Minerva, woro the guests.
A delightful birthday surprise
party was given in honor of Mrs.
Charles Foss nt her homo, 410 E,
Richmond street, Saturday even
ing, Nov. 25. Tho evening was
spent in games and music, after
which light refreshments were
served. Mrs. Foss received
many useful gifts. Thoso pres
ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Foss, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence
Foss, Mr. and Mrs. nnrvey New
ell, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fairchilds,
Mr. and Mrs. n. Moore, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Berry, Alice Foss, Hu
bert Reba, Lillian Moore, Ocorgc
and Charles NewcU, Dorothy and
Orville Berry, Eloise and Wini
fred Fairchilds.
Mrs. F. N. Sondifur, 405
Leavett street, with Mrs. Otis
Learned as assistant hostess en
tertained with a ono o'clock
luncheon on Thursday, members
of he Debonair club honoring
Mrs. A, W. Marklo who is leav
ing this week for California
Mrs. Markle has been a member
of the club for more than 13
years. As a little remembrance
from the club she was presented
with a gold thimble. The guests
were Mrs. W. E. Hartell, Mrs.
Biekness, Mrs. M. F. Sloan,
Caldwell, Mrs J. niller, Mrs.
M. B. Green, Mrs. Braasch,
Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Alice
Learned, Mrs. Otis Learned,
Mrs. Myrtle Weeks and Mrs. W.
A. Markle.
C. J. Cole has been very ill at
his homo on Willamette Blvd.
After spending nearly two
years in China, J. V. Scott is
visiting friends in St. Johns,
Mrs. Uriel McBrido entertained
her mother, whose home is in
Vancouver, a few days last wouk.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Metcalf of
Vancouver came over to attend
Mr. Bclicu's funeral.
Roy Leitz of GOG S. Hudson
street left Peninsula hospi'al
Tiiursauy loiiowiug an opera
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. E. Hanson,
214 S. Hartmau street, aro the
parents of n son born Nov. 14
at Peninsula hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Qcorgo Thorpe
of Vnncouvcr spent several days
last week at tho homo of Mrs.
Thorpo's brother, C. J. Cole, on
Willametto Blvd.
A. AC. Bcliou, wifo and daugh
ter havo returned to Seaside after
spending several days with rela
tives and attending his father s
Another arrival nt Peninsula
hospital is a son born to Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Atchison of 21(5 W.
Burr street on Nov. 28. Tho
young gentleman weighed 0-h
Mr. 0. K. Duncan and family
who havo been living on the west
side are moving into our section
an are now located at 707 N.
ivannoe street. air. Duncan is
ono of the proprietors of Duncan
IJros. Uro. Co.
Tho Sitton Parent Teachers
association will hold a reception
for the faculty and retiring of
ficers in the school assembly
Tuesday evening, December 5, at
8 . m. There will bo a short
program. Parents and friends
cordially invited.
A meeting of tho Community
Club will bo hold Tuesday night
nt Y. W. C. A. for election of
officers. Short program and re
Dr. J. Vinton Scott nrrived
the latter part of last woek from
Shanghai, China, on a business
trip whioli will keep him hero
about six weeks. Dr. Scott is
well known in St. Johns where
to spent most of his life prior to
going to (Jliina with his wife nnd
daughter four years ago. Fol-
owing his graduation from North
Pacific dental collego ho prac
ticed dentistry hero for several
While Dr. Scott is glad of the
opportunity to visit tho United
States nnd feels particularly at
lonio in St. .Johns, although he
can sco many changes in tho Inst
four yonrs, ho says that neither
10 nor Jus wife has a desire to re
turn to the U. S. to live, at least
not yet. There is n fascination
about tho lifo in Shangni, whoro
you meet so many interesting
pcoplo and where tho common
drudgery 'h dono by servants ob
tamed at small cost. Even in
lis work as a dentist, Dr. Scott
says ho is able to hire coolie boys
who assist witJi tJio laboratory
work making it much easier for
Thoro aro, of course, somo dis
advantages among whioli, ho
says, is tlio necessity of liaving
to cook all fruits and vegetables
before they can bo eaten on ac
count of the system of fcrtiliza-
ion used by tho Chinese. The
summers uro intensely Jiot and
mosquitoes nro quite plentiful
not tho lnrgo variety, however,
ut tho small ones from which
even mosquito netting does not
always protect you.
In the foreign settlement, he
says, there is every known con
venience. They have motor cars
of American make, he. himself.
laving n Dodgo in which they
tuko somo beautiful drives.
There arc also privuto schools for
the foreign children while the
Chinese children have but little
advantage in educational facilities.
Children seven years of age
conisider it a privilege to work in
le silk mills for twelve hours a
ay, receiving only a few pennies
as wages. The foundries also
employ many children of this
age, who swing heavy hammers
for twelve hours.
The native school houses are
easily discerned by the noise
Inch comes from the children
studying aloud tho louder he
studies, the more tho education.
Dr. and Mrs. Scott are tho
parents of twin hoys who arrived
ut their home in Shanghai about
five months ago. The boys aro
William Howard and J. Vinton.
The Big Load Man, Empire 1133.
Better Wood, Empiro 1133.
For Rent Furnished 2 room
apartment and kitchenette, fur
nace and heat, nlso 2 sleeping
rooms. Empire 2019. 303 N.
Smith St. 3t
Oord Wood, old growth, Empire
4 J A n
You can buy drugs., candy
and ice cream at 13f2 So. Foss
enden St. 21-3t
"Bottor Wood" Empiro 0258.
Wanted $1000.00 8 per cent
1st mtg. Inquiro 1352 So. Foss
widen. 24-3 1
Mnssago treatment nt your
homo or by appointment. Em
piro 1257.
Old furniture and junk bought,
highest prices paid. Dry kind
ling wood for sale. Singlo loads
Win. Preston , 1"'JG Lom
bard strcot. Drop card.
Dry wood Empiro 1C07.
Christian Soionco: Sunday
morning sorvicoa nt 11:00: Wed
nesday evening nt 8:00 nt 403
Smith nvenuo.
"Bottor Wood" Ool. 2D8.
Last chance to get a lot on
such easy terms, $10 cash, $'t per
mouth, 5 per cent. Just a few
loft. Come quick, nil will he
gono in one week. Seo J. F.
Gillmorc, 113j N. Jersey St.
Empire 0031.
If you want trees, roues or any
hushes Ammch has them very
cheap. 110(5 N. Jersey.
Dry wood Empiro 1007.
Want to buy used cook stovo.
Empiro 2191.
Radinnt fire, 7 burner to trmlo
for rabbits, poultry or ducks.
11 N. Leonard Ht.
Now houso for rent closo in, 2
blocks of car. Call nt G27. N.
Tailoring and dressakiug
done nt 1113' homo. Mrs. Fay
.Mil In, 121) 15. Mohawk. 4t
Twolvo Inch Insldo Mill Wood
and Planor Trimmings. Emp 1133
If you hnvo anything to rout,
houses or rooms, seo Amiieh, 3()(!
N. Joraoy. ifr.Tm
Havo Chovrolef enr for first
payment on small homo. Sen
Amizieli, 30G N. Jersey Ht.
Hero is a bargain for you. 5
room house, electric lights, half
block car, 4 blocks business dist
rict. All for $1200, only $S0
cash, $15 por month and intorest.
300 N. Jorsoy.
Havo first class 30 ft. steam
tow "boat for ono third prico.
Must ho sold nt once, boo my
agent, Amixich, 300 N. Jorsoy.
For rent two or throo room
apartment furnished, with heat,
light nnd wntor. Call Empiro
1779 or 213 W. Charleston St.
Just list to the story
Wo want to tell
Of gifts large nnd small,
Suro to please you well,
At the Bluo Bird Bazaar
You will find thorn all
Gifts for children
And ladies tall,
Dolls wo will dress
In fashions lato
Protty and noat
At a reusouahle rate.
311 Jersey St.
3 room furnished houso for
sale.. Gas and electric lights 138
N. Hnrtman St.
Leaving town, my piano, gold
011 oak- buffet, mahogany bed
room suite, A. B. gas range,
many other articles for salo.
House for rent. 933 So. Jersoy
For Rent 2 rooms, 112 S.
Purse at Review office found
at cor. of Fessenden nnd Jersey.
Owner can havo same by describ
ing and paying for this ad.
Porty that took tricyclo from
112 S. Fessenden is known; re
turn at once and avoid trouble.
Engine, frame, wheels and oth
er purts of 1919 Maxwell for sale.
Any reasonable offer will bo con
sidered. Call Sunday and Mon-
dny at 208 So. Jersey St.
Seo E. A. Blew for your now
C'hovrolet at Peninsula Garage or
phono Empiro 1218.
Warranty deed blanks and
contracts of sale at this office; 5c
each, or 50c per dozen.
llfr arc educated in many things by others
gM but the lesson of thrift is one which we
m w must teach ourselveswithout it future suc
cess is impossible.
Study the following table and become addicted
to a habit which will reward you well for the mod
era to economy it requires to practice it.
3 per cent Savings Compounded Semi-annually
pay as follows:
$ 1.00
5 00
S 52.77
$ 1G3.11
$ 280.20
$ t
Peninsula National Bank
You can Bank By Mall with us. Write for descriptive booklet
i.Ji tJMP, Mil BMP 1 1 ilMT'S. 4
f l
fa I
m t;1 :
tf'K f . - ' ft
. 1
A real Winchester 2-cell
Flashlight, gun metal
finish, complete with the
famous Winchester Bat
tery. Worth twice the
price. This would make
an ideal Christmas gift.
Special 85
Buv and Save at V
Square Deal Store
Boy's Pullover Sweaters, Size to 34,
Reg. $2.25, at
Boy's and Girls' Woolen Gloves nnd
SMIttons, all Cslers
Boy's Corduroy Knickors, Special Prices
51.25, in better grade $1.75
Leather Leggings, 3 Days Only S4.35
SfcE.D $4.85
All Kinds Army Shoos $2.35 to $4.65
Boy's Good Shoe, Size 1 to 5,
Heavy Flannel Shlrt$ $2.00
Coveralls, Overa!l6(and Pants Reasonable Prices
J Satisfaction or Your Money Back
I Square Deal Store i
ra 1 . nn
j. buuuiNiuK, prop. 2
ft 418 N. Jersey Street 1