Edmond s Foot Filter SHOE -H In a Modified fVI unson Last For Soml-drosa, Comfort and Wear combined in this Shoo. Mado in Dark Brown Oalf with Rubber Hcola. PRICE - - $7.00 Other Stylos at $7.00 and $7.50 SOLD BY Bonham & Currier "filnrli" Ctffn "Sinclair's" Bacon Bettor lay in Flour and Potatoes whilo they ard ohoap. Flour hta gono up three times sinco wo bought and it. ia only quoation of timo until wo aro forced to buy again. A good tiff frooro would Band tho Potatoes up and a heavy snow would mako thm c&rco as not many havo boon dug. Thoy are good now and will keep. Apples art still ohoap and many kinds to chooso from. Remember that wo carry a big supply of candy and still it is vtrj cheap. The best Plain Mixed is only lDc per lb. and Oommersial OhocolatM at 25o. Wo also havo tho highor grades at very, littlo moro. TfcV Dromedary People havo a packago of sliced peel that is fonvenient. It contains Citron, Lemon and Orancro in ' separate rolls. We havo Knights' Minco Moat this year, 20o a pound. We have' Heinz', LibbyB' and Mrs. Porter's Plum Puddings this year. Hie Grabateria Grocery COUCH & CURRIER, Inc. "Del Hunle Products Gold Medal Flour PIGGLY WIGGLY Jill Goer tic World the Just Think of All Good Cats that will'bo spread over the neatly arranged tables in St. Johns this coming Thursday Thanksgiving and let us supply your needs this week-ond. Wo havo it. We are thankful for tho wonderful patronage and friends we have made in and around St. Johns. i ' Our ambition is to make oach customer thank ful for our being in your neighborhood. -WE HAVE- A Special Price ON A NUMBER OF ARTICLES Saturday and Monday only . A special price on Cranberries, Baldwin and De licious Apples Friday and Saturday. 210 North Jersey Strtat R Mm Emplrt 487 Second hand 117 Philadelphia Street MACK'S Furniture Store If yoa can't find what you want elsewhere, come to me. If I haven't Kot it, I will get it. I carry FURNITURE, CAR PETS, DISHES. COOKING UTFNSILS, STOVES AND RANGES. In fact, anything you wish in the Household Line. Will Bjy, Sell or Exchange AnythJag l ISO (BaitL9B!MS I For the Next 10 Days FREE A 50c Tube of Chlore-E-Dix Tooth Paste With Each Tub Purchased. We accept any Store Add Coupons at our store. ST. JOHNS PHARMACY The Prescription Store A. D- 3., SRNTOX AND DR. HOBSOH REMEDIES. DR. HESS POULTRY PANACEA, ALL SIZES 105 NORTH JERSEY STREET PHONE COLUMBIA 138 Miss Clnrn Nelson utteiuTed the home coming in Eugene last week " O 1 Mr. ami Mrs. Asn Eye are the parents of a daughter who arrived on Saturday morning at their home on Willamette lilvu frinmll 1111(1 llClirllborH of Afrd. I. Ij. Gromnckcv arc ulnnspil to know she is coiivales cent after being confined to her bed for 12 weeks. Mti Altiin Taylor is recovor i wn fmm n Rovoro attack of crinno. Hen friends and neigh bora hope for a speedy recovery Tim nmnv friends of Mrs. II C. Avery regret she is very ill with pneumonia and wish for her a speedy recovery. The dedication of tho new Pi oncer Methodist church lias been nostnoncd until Sunday. Dec. 10th. on account of failure to get t in church seated ucioro uiai dato. Tim Pvthinn Sisters Altruistic . . . - . . . Club will hold a cooked food sale mid fancv work bazaar at the Piggly Wiggly store December 2. Proceeds to go for tho Py thian Homo Fund. ' u Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Molitor of Eend, Oregon, are visiting Mrs. O. Olson and other roia tives hero. Mrs. Molitor is re mcmembcrcd as Miss Opal Olson . . . . n . ; Qt this City ucioro ner inurriugc to Mr. Molitor. o Mrs. La T eric, lialf owner and manairer of Dan's llentnurnnt, was culled to San Diego, Tuck lay morning on account of the serious illness ol her mistiaim. Tho restaurant will bo closed during her absence and changes !.. !.... inano ior iih mpim iiiui-vhmuk jusiness. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Smith and son of Salem wcro tho guests of Mrs. Smith's father and mothor, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Covey, 1009 S. Syractiso street for a few lavs last week. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Jiavo just returned from an extended motor trip through California. Tho inereaso of capital stock of that enterprising ilrm, Hoiiham & Currier, is only one oi the many straws showing tho growth of St. Johns' industries. This pioneer firm is only keeping step ii i ...... . a a 1. ..a! wuu me progress oi mis kuuuou and is to bo congratulated upon its growth and service to this community. O ' Tho Entro Nous Club met nt Mrs. "V. M. Smith's rcsidonco, 108 West Mohawk street, Friday, Nov, 17th. Tho day was spent doing fancy work. A nico lunch was served by' Mrs. Smith. Tiioso present wero Mrs. Eoney, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. South, Mrs. Marchand, Miss Lorraine, Mrs. Kurtz, Misses Ganetto and Eva- !ync South, Mr. Paul Clark, and Mrs .Smith. o Plans for an old fashioned members of tho Semper Pidclis class of Piorieor Methodist Sunday school which will be giv en in tho Community Hall of the church in tho near future On the committeo in charge of the affair aro Graco Catto, Ruby Walker and Selma Moe, program ; Mrs. W. E.JOoster, Ruth Mar cy. and Dorothy Walker, refresh- mcnts; Amanda Noce, Leola Ramsden and Graco Foultz. so cial. a A double-heuder foot ball game will bo played at River ?ark Sunday, November 25, at 00 p. m. Tho Bachelor Club will play the Waterfront Grid iron in the main attraction and the Bachelor Club Juniors will oppose Oswego in tho prelimin ary game. Let's go. The Altruistic Club Pythian Sisters were entertained at the lomo of Sister Iloover, 925 S. ECellogg street, November 14th, at an all day session. A Pot luck dinner was served at noon. Work for the bazaar kept all busy f or the day. The business meeting was held in the afternoon with resident Eva Jones presiding. Those present were: Boyd, Brice, Barry, Beckman, Campbell, Clark, Douglass, Nelson, Treoer, Oihus, Jones, Maxfield, Weimer, Jacobson, Johnson. The guests were Mrs. Monday of North owder, and Mrs. Whitney and the hostess. The next meeting will be with Sister Treber, 423 Bristol street, Nov. 28, when a good attendance is desired as sewing for a needy family will be on hand at this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brand and Mr. and Mrs. Q. Abbott motored to Eugene on Friday and spent Saturday and Sunday with Itoiuaync Brand and Sara Abbott who aro attending Uni versity of Oregon. Tho Gleaners Sunday school class of Pioneer Sunday school will entertain with a book social in the Community Hall of thu church on Friday evening, Dec. 1st. A special musical program is being prepared. Each one Ls requested to dress in costume to represent a book. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson of New Richmond, Wis., are the guests of Mrs. Anderson's sister, Mrs .W. E. Kloster, Mill Vin cent street. Mr. and Mrs. An dcrson aro making an extended tour of the north and west, hav ing visited in Canadn and Wash ington before coming toOregon. They will return via California, o Zelmii Bean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bean, 1HU Olym- pm street, was tho smallest child to win a prize in the recent "Ma gic Wish" contest conducted by the J. Iv. Gill company Tor Good Book week. Xclma, who is ten years old, and a pupil of thu fifth grade at George school, hose for her subject, "Tom Sawyer. " A $2.00 book was tho prize winch elnia received at the Main Library on Saturday night. u Services at Pioneer M. E. church, corner E. Charleston and Leonard streets. Sunday school at 11:15, Edward Bowe, supuriii tendent. Morning sermon: "Thu Fact and the Character of God.' Intermediate and Epworth Lea gnu, 0:!!0 p. in. Evening scr vice 7 :!!(). Sermon, "Guard Your Ilirthright. " Tho now church is drawing rapidly towards com plction. If you do not worship ulsowhero eomo and worship with us. W. E. Kloster, Pastor. Tho 2nd annual birthday din ner of tho Topaz. (Hub was cole I) rated at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Maxfield on Charles ton trect, Saturday, Nov. 18. Tho house was artistically decor ated with autumn flowers -and foliage, while tho table decora tions consisted of red carnations and ferns. A large bell was suspended over the middle of the table with streamers to harmon ize leading to the dainty Thanks giving place-cards. Tho dinner was served in eight courses. Tho louor guests for the evening wero: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pul- oy, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zurehor, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hornbook, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, and an undo of Mr. Maxfield, Mr. Tipton Maxfield of Kings Valley, Ore. Cards and games wore enjoyed until a lato hour. The Ladies of tho church of tho Assumption of St. Johns held a bazaar in tho Community Hall of the school on Thursday, Fri- lay and baturday which notted them moro than $900. Dinner was served on one evening. In charge of the various booths wure Mrs, C. L. Holmes, Mrs. James Haynes unl Mrs. Albert White in the parish booth; Mrs. Wt Surber and Mrs. Fay Mills in the candy booth; Mrs. Dan Iogan in tho apron booth:-Miss nna Gilzow in tho fish pond: and Nick NibhJer in tho country store. Mrs. Gcorgo Dougherty and Mrs. Mat Irringer wore in charge of tho lunches. Mrs. J, Murchand in charge of a hope chest which will bo awarded the person holding tho lucky number about Xmas time. GLOVES LARGE ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN The Big Load Man, Empire 1133. Next week, Thanksgiving, get your news and ad copy in one day earlier. Thank you. Experienced bookkeeper and typist wishes position in St. Johns. Address H, care Review. o The Bon Ton Bakery for your Thanksgiving cako. 40c per pound. Tho St. Johns study club met in tho library on Wednesday af ternoon with 18 members in at tendance and a visitor, Mrs. Cheney, Mrs. A. E. Jones poke briefly on tho community chest. Tho club voiced the, ap proval of heavy sentences being imposed on reckless drivers of automobiles and voted to send a etter to Judge hkwell. Ar rangements were mado to visit tho art museum on Friday to lew the Oregon exhibit there for the month only. Mrs. J. O. Bailey read a very interesting paper on "Alaska Trails and Bailrouds" which was followed y discussion. The next meet ing of the club will bo on Dee. 13 and will be in form of a Christ mas social with reminiscences of other days by some older friends of the club members. Christian Seience: Sunday marning services at 11:00; Wed nesday evening at 8:00 at 403 Smith avenue. "Better Wood" Ool. 258. Old furniture and junk bought, highest prices paid. Dry kind ling wood for sale. Singlo loads $1.25. Win. Preston , .1290 Loin bard street. Drop card. FOR SALE CHEAP Over land Touring Car. Good condi tion, $(55.00. Also Davonpor! bed, $15.00. Call at 40 1 S. Cen tral Ave, near Tyler. ' Board and room close in. Reasonable. Call Empire 2244. For Sale 7 room modern house. Fruit and 'nut trues bearing. A very desirable place for ono wanting a real home. $500 down and exceptional terms. Inquire B Nuws office. u Massage treatment at your home or by appointment. Em piro 1257. t A BARGAIN 2 lots on paved street $100 each. Empire 0887, 107 No. Jersey street. For Bent 3 partly furnished housekeeping rooms. Adults only. 025 Kast Tyler. Bolter Wood, Empiro 1133. For Runt 2 room furnished a partmoiit, eloso in with sewing inaehiiiu and electric iron. Cull Empire 2244. Cord Wood, old growth, Empiro 1440. Radiant fire, 7 burner to trade tor rabbits, poultry or ducks. Ill N. Ivombard St. For Salo Odd pieces of house hold furniture. Call at 301 11. Fossenden, corner Central. t Tailoring and Dressmaking done at my home, 425!) E. Mo hawk. 12-2- Northern Spyo Apples at 75e box, bring containers. 315 East John St. Homo made candies for Thanksgiving. Our Toffies nood no advertising. Bon Ton Bak ery. "Bettor Wood" Empiro 02B8. Wanted $1000.00 8 per cent 1st mtg. Inquire 1352 So. Fuss euden. 24-3t 1352 Whoro Woman will caro for your children, Vfc day, 50o; also iron ing, hr. 30u; plain sowing, small children under 8 yrs., fiOu a gar ment. 1015 E. Osewgo St., St. Johns. Why 1352. You can buy drugs,, candy and ico cream at 1352 So, Foss enden St. 24-31 I To those desiring a real Thanksgiving dinner, less the work, wo wish to invito you to our "ITomo Cook" food salo at the St. Johns Trans, office, 20 S. Jersey St., Nov. 29th. The Loyal Womon's Class of the Christian church. Pipeless furnaces install now, Be comfortable save fuel no frozen water pipes no Ire risks. Easy terms, low price, $79.00 to $135. Alex. 8. Scalai; Empire 1225. For Rent Furnished 2 room apartment and kitchenette, fur nace and heat, also 2 sleeping rooms. Empire 2049 . 303 N. Smith St. 3t Tho new Superior Chevrolet has all the good features of the older models and in addition many new ones which must be seen to be appreciated. Penin sula Garage, 212 8. Jersey St. Lost A ladies'' dark blue silk umbrella, left at the corner of Jersey & Fcssenden streets Saturday morning. Reward. Empiro 207C, 803 N. Edison St. What number on Fcssenden street has 5 13s in itf Pumpkin Pies with tho homey flavor at Bon Ton Bukcry. Twelve Inch Inside Mill Wood and Planer Trimmings. Erap 1133 WET are educated in many things by others but the lesson of thrift is one which We must teach ourselves without it future suc cess is impossible. Study the following table and become addicted to a habit which will reward you well for the mod erate economy it requires to practice it. 3 per cent Savings Compounded Semi-annually pay as follows: Weekly Savings $ 100 3.00 5 00 10.00 One Year $ 52.77 1G8.34 203.90 527.83 Three Years $ 163.11 4S9.52 815.88 1G31.83 Pivc Years $ 2S0.20 841.02 1401.74 2803.57 TtM Ycira $ 305.64 1817.14 30118.98 0087.18. Peninsula National Bank Yoa cm Bank Dy Mail with us. Write for descriptive booklet MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANK Wear-Ever Ro At Reduced Prices 1 Mft. 1 For roasting, canning or preparing entire meal at one time n delicious ronat, baked potntoon, mnenroni and a denarii audi as rice pud dim; or linked unplcN. You can do it mid onvcthe lime, work and fuel necessary to prepmo ouch a meal in the ordmnry way, if you have a "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Roaster Ltl ut tAowyou haul thtt uttntll run hi ma J to tan ((ma on J (utl ftr you EVCKY da Sj)UOWl iwicM MALI. MSB $4.35 MBniUM an $5.45 LAHOK UX $6.55 Note! AH ri. t'r" ulwistf mH iwretmfl Nat mi Round Aluminum Roaster, Special Oval Grey Enamel Roaster, Special St. JOHNS HARDWARE GO. $1.29 $2.98 Buy and Save at Square Deal Store Boy's Pullovor Sweaters, Size to 34, Reg. $2.25, at Boy's and Girls' Woolen Gloves, all Colors Men's Heavy Wool Pullovers, Regular $7.50, Now Officers Dress Shoe All Kinds Army Shoes $2.35 to $4.65 Boy's Good Shoes, Size 1 to 5, Now Heavy Flanuol Thlrts $2.00 Coveralls, Overalls and Pants Reasonable Prices Satisfaction or Your Monoy Back I Square Deal Store $1.90 ..50c $4.75 $4.85 o S4.6S $2.95 J. SUBOTNICK, Prop. 418 N. Jersey Street I! lu 1 El