HOT ASHE-.HAD -PICTURED. Irl Wh Had Herself Paoed In Hotel Unprepared for Meetlno With I Flippant Individual. 1 The xlH had. never been paged In a hotel. Xlma after tlm ahe had heard tM bellboys o by calling out names, and always sho had envied the young women Vvho got up and followed them to the telephone. It rot'td be a positive mania with her lhls desire to be paged nnd DnaUy'ahe persuaded ono of her frlendi to telephone-her at. a hotel at a .specified time. She waited In the lobby, sitting on theuedf e f her seat la excitement, un til the. boy appeared. "Mis Drown I Miss UrOwnl" She rose excitedly. "I am Miss Brown," ahe said. "Gentleman .watting to boo you out front" She looked rather surprised; that had not been in the scheme. Dut per haps he had changed his mind. She followed the boy obediently, nnd wns led face to face with a perfect stranger. Iler face grew pink with confusion as she gazed at htm, and he, realizing the mistake, watched her In nmuse tneat 'lie was a rather loudly dressed young man with' a great air of insur ance. For-a moment they, stared ; then he poke. "Not so. good," ho said slowly, and then, as an after thought, "but not so bad, either I" , And the girl fled in embarrassment. OFFER MARK TWA'lN REFUSED APE EXPERT MONEY TESTER 6ald to De Impossible to Foot Animals 01 siam wun Any counter felt Money. The people of Slam are very fond of keeping monkeys of various kinds as pets. Owing to their close associ ation with human beings, these crea tures bpcoine very Intelligent. One of the most remurkablo things that these monkeys can do Is to test money. In Slum there Is a large amount of counterfeit monoy, perhaps more than In any other country in the world. As a consequence, the lot of tho merchant is a dintcult one. They have, however, surmounted the trou bio to a large extent by making use of npes to test tho coins. Sitting by the side of each merchant is to be seen a solemn-faced ape. Every piece of money handed to his master Is at ouco given to the ape. Tho animal tests tho coin with his teeth. If It Is good, ho throws It Into the money box; If it bo bad ho flings it to the ground. Tho strange part about tho busi ness Is that no whlto person has yet been able to discover how the apes tell the good money from tho bad. The merchants polltoly refuse to explain how tho creatures aro trained to carry out this useful ofllcc. The only suro tiling about the affair Is that Uio apes never make a mistake. RAISE BUGS TO FIGHT BUQSSEEN French Scientists Breed Insects and IN DIFFERENT LIGHTS HMaVntUddsr He' Is Reported to Havald,Thn Editorship of Humorou .Periodical. About that tlmo my wife helped mo put, another temptation behind me. Thbrwat an offer of sixteen thousand dollars a year, for flvo years, to let tay name be used as editor of a hu BJerouu periodical. I praise her for lVirnlshtng her help In resisting that temptation, for It Is her due. There' -was no temptation about It, in fact, but she would have offered her help just tho same if there had been one. I can conceive of many wfid and extravagant things when my Imagination is in good repair, but I can conceive of nothing qulto so wild and extravagant as tho Idea of my ac cepting the editorship of a humorous periodical. Z should regard that as tho saddest ef alt 'occupation. If I should under take it I should havo to add to it tho occupation of undertaker, to relieve tt in tome degree of Its checrlessness. - rrora 'Unpublished Chnptera from the -Autobiography of Mark Twain" In Harper's Uagaxlue. Where Lona Necke Are 6tyllth. In Uurme, among tho ICnrcns, a long neck is the ambition of every woman, iler mother starts thinking about this when her daughter Is a baby, and starts -to accomplish this wan-like " effect when the tots aro scarcely able to walk. The method employed Is a series of heavy brtu rings, which uro us thtck as your little linger, Thoio are put around the child's uick, und as fee 'greyrs, more rings are addod, thus ferrtag her neck to lengthen out, Mere-rings' are added year after year aa the . girt grows into womanhood. Yweatyeae )et these Mils .is tho aver age ijwera, although S3 havo been achieved. Tn Sl-rtag-cellared woman Is thought beautiful, but tho 23-ringcd kdy,Is 'considered a raving beauty adsr'tfaa Karens of Burma. Hidden Brine River, STATUES THAT HOLD SPIRITS Buddhists Firmly Believe That 8oule of Long Departed Sagee Are Present In Images. Marco .Polo, tho eel eh rated Venetian traveler, with his two uncles, was tho first European to travel in China. In tho glided statuo erected to his memory In Soo-Chow, China, the Chinese be- llovo his spirit still resides. Accord lug to Chinese superstition, a fly or plder Is tho means by which the spirits of the dead are coaxed back to earth to occupy their statues, llvo hundred similar statues, llfo sire, line the walls of a dimly lighted room in tho Iiuddhlst tcmplo of that ancient city. They contain tho spirits of tho sugrs they represent, dovout Duddhlsts believe. .V Hjilrlt Is unable to enter a statue unless another nnd freshly liberated spirit Is thero to recolvo it, say the priests. Through n door in tho back of a now statue, therefore, h spider or fly In Introduced. Tho door is then sealed nud tho Insect Is left to smother. Its spirit, fluttering about Inside the statue, In taken possession of by tho soul of the long-departed sage. Mnrco I'olo was brought back In this way, thu priests say. Worshipers burn In cense before the statue and seek com munion with tho spirit of tho alien who dwelt so long In China, und oven ruled us governor of ono of tho. provinces. Story of the High Heel. The hlgh-hcelcd shoo was Intro duced In Iho Middle ages, when both men and wditien took to 'It, ' ' Man, howover, soon found that he could not llvo a man's life -and do ti man's work wlillo wearing high heels, and so resumed his low-heeled shoos, leaving high heels to tho ladles, with whom thoy have always been popu lar. The modern high heel Is, In Its way, a triumph of art, being of wood, which 4s lighter than leather nnd keeps Its shape. Tho liool contains a spring, which adds to tho graco of Its wear er's walk. As tho Instep Is raised the figure Is thrown slightly forward, and n pronounced elegance is the result. 'Hut it most be admitted thu high heels, though Improving the appearance, do not always Improve th physique of their wearers, nnd aro frequently the cause of Ill-health. Birds That Are Enemies of Fruit Destroying Pests. There Is a quaint Institution In Men tone, in the south of France, known as the Insectnrlura, whero learned pro fessors are rearing various species of bugs and other Insects. Mentone is In the center of an im portant fruit-growing district, nnd tho object Is to discover the best means of fighting those Insect pests that prey upon plants and ruin the. fruit. Tho orchards have suffered severely through tho ravages of tho mealy bug, and the fruit growers were becoming qulto nlarmed. Then experts discov ered that three other species of bug aro tho natural enemies of the meuly. So these uro being bred and reared and turned loose In the orchards as allies of the fruit growers. The institution In also breeding cer tain species of ladybirds to destroy the cochineal, an Insect that plays havoc with orange nnd lemon trees. These ladybirds havo been brought from far Australia and California. ' Tho Institution Is nothing less than an up-to-date insect farm, consisting of a largo prlvato houso nnd un aero of ground, in tho laboratory are rows upon rows of phials and Jars, tho larvae of various insects which nru kept at a high temperature. In the gar den aro cages full of all kinds of creeping and flying pests. VAST WEALTH FROM SILVER Fortunate Spaniards Spent Millions as the Average Man Might Die pense His Dollars. In tho old Spanish days In Mexico, millionaires wcro often mado over night In the rich silver-mining sections aiound Gundalajuntu. A shrewd pros pector In tho early days, named .am brano, discovered a mine which brought him Immense wealth. Ho spent most of his time In tho cup Ituls of Kurope, living as extravagant ly us possible, squandering vast sums at tho gaming table, but managing to leuvo n snug llttlo fortune of J00.OOO,- 000. One of his whims wns to lay n silver pavement In front of his house, but this the authorities forbade. In those days silver was on u parity with gold. Tho condo do Vulenclano, who din- covered ono of thu richest mines in this section, dorived so much wealth from It that ho Is said to have, gotten rid of $100,000,000 In a few years, Another silver king sent tho king of Spain $2,000,000 as u Christmas pros cut, and asked to bo allowed to build gallorlcs und portals of silver around his mansion. This request wus re fused, tho authorities declurlng that such magntflcenco was tho prlvllcgu of royalty only. Beauties of Nature Made Varying Ap peal to the Artist and the Two "Flappers." The Woman nnd the nrtlst were sit ting on the sands tit the bench. Near them were two girls murmuring to each other. Silence felt when the nrtlst ont up oKdtedly nnd, wnvlng n thumb at the magnificent sunset, said: "(Jet that color 1" It wns one of Nature's great pictures a pile of Invendcr thunder clouds tipped pink by tho Fcttlng tin and slashed from time to time hy Maine lightning. The Inko gave hack tho glories of the sky, enhanced by Its own green wave's. Tho hobbed-hnlrcd one of the two girls spoke llrst: "Soy, Minnie, wouldn't tlint tnuko it swell negligee?" "Vou said It," replied Minnie, "hut how'tl ycr get nil thorn colors?" "Layers nnd layers nnd layers of chiffon," was the dreamy response. The nrtlst fairly exploded In the Woman's oar: "Gosh I Is that all they can think of I Now, when I get hack to tho studio I'll mIioh you" Ho fin ished with n vague gesture. The Woman said nothing, only snt hack uuil pondered on the number of things that genius might erento from one Hourco of Inspiration, Chicago Journal. IT ALWAYS PAYS TO SHOP AT The B. & C. Money Back Store Where a Dollar Does Its Duty FLEISHERS' YARNS In all desirable colors Our Special Outing Flannel, Light and Dark Colors, 19c Yard Flannel Night Gowns For the Ladies S1.39 and $1.59 WOME.T SHOES Of the newest styles in Straps and Oxfords, Black and Brown Kid, Patent Leather and Satin $3.45, $3.85, '.45, $4.95 Rain Clothes lfor tlic Working Men Gold Seal Slickers Rase City Aquapello Pnnts ntul Jackets Rubber Boots Rubber Pacs, High nnd I,ow, in lilack and White Wool Stag Shirts RUBBERS For the Kntire Family Boys' Wool Macklnaws Sizes G to 1G $4.95 Children's School Shoos Of Solid Leather that nrc Wear Rcslstcrs $1.95, $2.25, $2.45 up Big Girls' Shoes $2.85, $3.25 and $3.75 Buster Brown and Bear Brand Children's Stockings in Black and Brown 29c and 39c Complete lino of Men's Women's, & Children's Felt Slippers NO CHANGE IN PROCEDURE B.& C. Money Back Store "8ame Old Objection, Same Old Rul ing," and Judicial Proceedings Went on Their Way. A render wns overhauling his old flips of I.tfu thu other day when ho cntuo ncross a story with a distinct Cleveland Ilnvor. It concerns n onco noted member of tho local bar, nnd a wull-ktinvvti Judge, who, haiilly, Is still numhored mining tho living. Here Is thu story Just ns It appeared "0 years ngo: "A most nmuslng reply was made by Judgo Neff to nu objection made by Attorney Vernon llurke. The repluvln suit of Citpt. Joseph Dovlllu against Constable Hudson wus on healing. Mr. llurltu bud continually made ob jection to certain testimony, nnd every ono of the objections was religiously overruled by Judgo Neff. "I.nter, Ciiptnln Duvlllu wns on tho stand nnd tho same iues(lnn cnuio up again. M,I object,' cried Mr. Hurlto In a stentorian voice. "'What's your objection? nuked Judge Neff. "'Hntnu old objection,' replied the attorney. "'Hiinio old ruling,' answered tho Judgo. Trococd.' "Cleveland l'luln Denier. 113 Philadelphia Street THE STORE WITH THE YELLOW FRONT OUR MOTTO Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. OWN UVHNINOS Laurel Lodge, 1, 0. 0. F, Meets ench Monday evening I no. ioo, at. Jonm. orapon aioiulnv even tnr In Oilil lows Imll nt 7:!H). A cordis! welcome to I'd. A thousand feet beneath the town ef JfMUBd. Mich,, 'run rivers of brine ohsrgtd with calcium, sodium, magna slam, strontium, bromlno and chlorine. Forty pumping wells rlo the brine, and separative processes release from It tt.baiaf photographic emulsions, medicines, cement, tanning materials, prfMBea,preserYatives and cold-ator-aga solutions. The magnesium was bs4 for war flares, and now, com bined In a secret alloy, furnishes metal twe-thlrd the weight of aluminum, ihuUtnlng a pressure of 24,000 pounds far suare Inch, tin the form of gas &ftae pistons, after a test equivalent te that of a motor ear running 80 miles aa hour ectlauously for 85,000 miles scarcely a signret wear was discern IWfc Sdeatlflo American. Famous' Explorer. Louis Hennepin, a French Itecollet friar, missionary und traveler In North America, was born at Ath. In Flanders, about 1040. He embarked for Canada and arrived In Quebec In 1075, lie tueen that period and 1082 he ex plored the regions afterwards called Louisiana, and, returning to Kurope, published an account of his researcltea. The geographical portions of his works m.v Avvu.v, uu. yriii inuvn in terest as descriptions of the manners of tho aboriginal races which the au thor visited. He died In Utrecht about 1700, Making Burglar's Tools. The "lilack nlusvutd" nt Scotland Yard has recently acquired u tlno act of house-breaking -tools .which had been abandoned by their owner after a burglary. These Instruments show wonderful workmnnshlp. Thero Is n collapsible Jimmy that folds up In tho pocket, a rope ludder of silk that fits Into tho palm of the hand, a num ber of keys and lock-picking Intern ments, nnd a neat oxygen-acotyleno blow-lamp. Whero do burglars obtain these marvelous tools? They aro ex perts at maklug skeleton keys nud so on, but they are not capable of mak ing: the other Implements. No respect able firm manufactures such articles, and, although a small quantity Is mado secretly by employees of repu table Arms, the majority come from special factories fiigagcd in nothing else but making burglars' tools. Kuch factories aro hidden nway In back streets, and It Is almost Impossible to locate them. Costly Dlrd-Dooks. A London bookseller reports that many of tho standard works on birds nro conspicuous for their high prices. all visiting brothers. IM V Mulle. N (. C W lli.oti. V. II. H, J. Iiur ruuKlio, Krc. tVc.t n.W Norctit, I'ln.Hte. ii. nam, i rf at. St. Johns Camp No. 7546 Modern Woodmen of Amorlcn. We heartily solicit the attendance of our members nt our regular meetings every 2d nud 4th Thunwluy evening. A, 8. Ilcrry, It. H, Irish, Consul, Clerk. 202 It. Polk St. 117 U. Chicago HI, Woodmen of the World St. Johns Cnmp 773 Ono I, live Hireling trtty MomUy ln In llkkiitr 1111. Siitllimlou mill Jety lircl. VUltotnlwr welcome Ol.l tncmtm route (Hit mnl mt what n live rmiiii you belong to. K. C. 1K1!KNI(, C. C. W. A. TKOUT, Clttk. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. T. and A. M. m.iicci iiic inn uuil mini Wednesday of ench month in iuniHinic iinu, visi tors welcome. John M. Illalr. W. M. A, W, I)vl, Kecretary. St or To Minerva Chapter No. 105, 0. E. S. Hrltlsh Isles" wMi.Tlrorburii'N plates, . Meets every second and Is listed at 70. A romplelu copy of tho "Ibis" runs to f 1110, nnd thu "Cata loguu of lllrds In the Hrltlsh Musoum," to fftl. Ilcfho'H "Monograph of tho I'heiuiints'' stand nt M), nnd Hlllot's monograph of tho sumo order nt 180. If you want Dresner's "lllrds of lhi ropo" today you must pay 03, nud for Oould'H "lllrds of Kurnpo," 103. (lould's "lllrds of Austriillu" ran bo obtained for 283, nud his "Mono graph of thu Humming Illrd" for 78. Tho climax Is reached by tho "Orni thological lllblliigrnphy Itelntlng to American lllrds" that appears In the list ut 873, und by Audubon's ''lllrds of Amerlcu," which demands n shelf ns largo as mi ordinary dining tnhlo for each of lis gigantic volumes, nnd Is priced nt 000. Thus tho would-bn possessor of the eleven works mimed above must ho prepared fur an ex penditure of '.,4'.M. i Of 'Ceuree'Notl BegTfe hoarded, a traracar. After word with the, 'conductor, ho shuf 4e4 toward the door again. M Inspector, who happened to be la the.-ear, 'S!d to Ma, surely you Cea't waat to ft. oft so soonand you fcarsA't paid." - "Ah wasvt -,ter . fo ter Wbopple street,''.- said the negro, "an de con Atietah etys dan's no etch place." -Well, there Isn't," said the con elscter. "Den dah'i sure bo good la ma Kfwt&e dak." Edinburgh Scotsman. Chinese Have Fendnese for Birds. In addition to using birds and their nests as food, the Chinese keep birds aa pets. Their fondness for birds is one of the most pleasant features of their national character. Birds furnish them with much amusement. Several kinds of bird pets are taught to catch seeds thrown into the air after Jumping from perches held In the hand. Kxcept In winter, one can always see people going Into the open country early In the morning with their pets, to cutch grasshoppers to feed them, and to teach their pets new songs. Carlbs Flashing Thunder Bird. The Australian thick-headed uhrlko Is about six Inches long, rich-yellow below, with a Jet-black collar and a white throat, black head and partly black tall. It Is sometimes called thu black-breasted fly-catcher and It has also a variety of French and New Latin names. In the mythology of somo low tribes, such as tho Carlbs, Urazlltans, Harvey Islanders, Karens, Dechunus and Iiaautos, there are legends of u flapping or flashing thunder bird, which seems to translate into myth the thought of thunder and lightning descending from the upper regions of the air, the home of the eagle and the vulture. Baffin Land. a barren Insular tract ta BartttaffNevta America, lies between latttvde 61 decrees and 72 degrees serth, with Lancaster sound on the merth, BafBa bay and Davis strait on the east, the Oulf f Uothnhvand Fox efcuuMl eo4hewest and Hudson bay e the sodth. The area Is about 230 000 square miles. It Is Inhabited by u few BslilBUis but Is vlclnil oiinslou-: ally bywialers. Dr.-W; J. Gilstrap Physician & . Surgeon Gkjces Accurately Fittest X ray Ufenttry Penlasela.SecurUy Co. Bldg. St. Johns. Do not neglect to send in your Balked at Wearing Old Costumes. At 1'itacess Mury's costume bull no one could be found to represent the fashion between 1SSO and 1000, In the fashion parade. They were so ugly. that no one would wear them J Crino lines wero there, and other eccen tricities of fashion before and after that period, but that time of bustles, full and heavy trimmings, big sleeves and ridiculous hats were voted out al together; they were not eveu consid ered .funny or quaint euough to be given a place In the procession. Lou den Times. Residents!. SL lahss havlnc tarM I asu cuy ikbs 10 pay ui rartteud east Simple Life In India, la some parts of India, I discovered, clothes or the lack of them cause little concern; children up to sis or eight years old wear absolutely noth ing. All the bartering la done In the open street. Kor the most part, houses ore slm- ply built of clay, with brush thrown over the top. The better classes of natives pile Into tenement houses as people do In the congested districts of New York City, ant) their ambition seems to be to crowd as many person's into a room as possible, and to have aa many children as nature will per mltv World Traveler. In Search of Ambergris. An expedition hax left Heattlo for llerlng seu to search for ninbargrls. which Is now more precious than gold. There Is a decided shortage of this mnterlal, which Is used In perfumery, and as yet no substitute litis been evolve.d, Ambergris Is n morbid growth In the whale's Intestines nnd when eject ed Into the sen floats like thu chlllod grease on broth, until found. -It con tains a property necessary to hold various chemicals In solution. Near tho mouth of tho Yukon riv er there Is said to exist a virgin Held for ambergris. Actions of various cur rents tend to congregate all flouts Into ono gigantic whirlpool, nnd In tho hopes of tlndlng ambergris there, sev eral hardy fellows nro now en route north on tho steumer Victoria, fourth Tuemfny of ench month In Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. Orace I.. Hlslr, W. M ueuie v. i-om. iec Ii;? AinlierM Hifcl The Fraternal Boosters Meets every VliM nud Third Weil- iit-Mluy hi the Odd Follows' Hall Join nud Help Iloost Loyal Order of Moose James John Lodge No. 1500 Meets every Thursday evening nt Moose Hall, bt. Johns. Visit iiiR members nlwnys welcome. il i unit imi..i.i... i Ocn. IL Sperling, "8cc'j" HOLMES IODGC NQ. 101 kmgiiis or PVIIIU Meets every Friday night at ?7:jo o'clock in JIIUKNKK ' Hall. Vikitors always wel come, H. It. PHILLIPS. C. C. A, OAKI, NW.MIN, K. K. 8 PENINSULA CHAPTER No, 43 R. A. M. ? Stated meetings M'mduy of each I uic Hal on the first month In Ma- Visitors welcome. J I), WHtfiTKK V. II. P, ii, i.r.iii I'.MON RectrUry, Love of Nature. "What Is your favorite flowerl "Well." replied Farmer Corntossel, "I guess an orchid Is about- as satis factory as any," "Orchids are beautiful, but rare." That's why I favor 'em. There's no chance of they're gettin' a start like daisies or dandelions an' bavin' to be weeded out" Washington Star. Rug Factories In Peking. There nro sixty rug factories In Pe king, China, employing over 200 work men each and with capitals ranging about 110,000. This Is a remarkable Increuso on the figures recorded a few years ago, und Is explained by this In creasing popularity of Peking rugs In the United States. Direct buying Is now done ny muny largo American firms. In addition to this number, there are numerous small establish mentsestimated ut over a hundred which ench employ a few score work men and operate with a small capital. That 6llenced Him. Iilacbstonu Why do women always like to parade their new finery before their friends) Mrs. Blackstone I'or the same rea son, I suppose, that you men dress up like drum majors at your lodge conventions. nrwa with vnnr nnmo xmri orl. make their parweiits witbmit IsccHvfwf. I eaee bv ra(llnir th.u.l.. f .Z. U,M? mwsmj in mucu un inbwi- vices. We will iar suaeud itwcMf for 0.116 dollar at the KeVjevy receipt without inconvenience office. Additional 100 'or 75c- I T ip . n . . mi Bank.- nuuij m uy ii, iicnucrson, Manager: an,,ninr.a 402 North leriev Street. ' envelopes. One hundred first class envei- I 0 14 M II P. P H V iai with nnm unit orf. - U n iI U ft T II I pi wiusoui inconvenitBce to you. uitice. rtuuuiuiiBi ivu jur ioa- 25c. Rekreseea: Any St. Johns The postofflce department ad. iCTv Jii'f' Abltf?ct nd vises the nse of printed return; 5'hJ -"'."en.derlOD' Manager; envelonea. Sonruno Saloitit Tonohorof Volao and Jno Studio 837 N. Kellogg Street Phone Umpire 0256. What Water Does for Batteries Not too much or too little but just the right quan. tity of water ought to be kept In your battery alt the time. The water doe two tilings: it keeps the battery solution over the topi of the plates so that the whole plate surface is used; and it gives proper strength of solution. Don't hesitate to ask us for water service even if yours isn't a Wlllard Bat tery. The Willord Stand ards of Service are the same for every make. St. Johns Auto Electric Co, Empire 0088 317 S. Jersey SI. Representing the Keep Your DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Will BATfliHV Cards of. thanks notices are Qn charged for at the rate of fifty I ceii in mun. iz i nan in umi 1 1 1 u sisi a DAnPDC have such notices published 'cc Cream, Tobacco and Cigars " M lohn.ilrl mnln a nntn rT Iklii 1 Mil I-lOIim llrUV Utrfft buvuiu luaau m vi una, v j w Urarni tSOX for your feet hands at HOClKltS, ami Stove Season Here Get Your Stove Now Big Stock to Select From Heaters, Wood, Gas, Electric and Oil Stoves Just What You Want When You Want It Prlco Very Reasonable STOVES FROM $2.25 UP Beyerle & Armstrong 420 N. JBKSKY STRIiHT. GENERAL Peninsula Hospital Now Under New Management 312 Trumboll Street, Cornor Willamette Blvd. GRADUATE NURSES IN ATTENDANCE THE HOSPITAL FOR ST. JOHNS Phone Empire 1492 ST. JOHNS AUTO EXPRESS Ernie Phillips and Ray Bilyeu, Proprietors Furniture Packed for Shipment Local and Long Distance Hauling. 209 S. Jersey St. omen: Umpire 0072 Uet. Umpire HIS Frederick T. Note Essie H. Notz Drs. F. T. & E. H. Notz Chiropractic and Electro Therapy Office Hours; 10 A. M. to 12 M., 21'. M,toG:U01 M G:30P M.toBJ'.M. OPP1CUS: CH-61C Dekutn Illilt;. 309 N. Jersey Kes,;72l 8. Jersey HION15S: llrundwsr 6324 Itiujiiie 0097 Umpire 1271 Horse Sense Let Your Monoy Work For You liny a few shares of our 7 per cent Prior Preference Stock nnd your money will earn you over 7 pcf ccn'' Dividends are payable every three months. This is a good Kound in. vestment and our P'asy Payment Plan enahles you Jo get 7 per cent Interest on jour saving.1 while you are paying (or your shares. Investigate this Unusual Opportunity Today. Aik ssjr tf or c Mskyti sksut h. Investment ' Dopaitment Portland Ra Iway Light & Power Company Rood 6Q5 Eltilrlc Bldg. Pertland, Oregon Architectural and Mechanical DeniKiiinK. Detailing, Tracltif; am! I'lsii Making, HuiidsIow llullillng I'lans, Ms. clilnrry ami Parts Designed, No job too lare. I'.stimates reaionable, W. HEDLIND CO. Ill 1I.DING CONTRACTORS Kmplre 1737. 020 1'.. Richmond St. 1'Kona Emiiiie 0977 PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO., Inc. Eltctrical Engineers md Contractors WIRING riXTURKS AND StTiI.tUB General Repair Work 301 S. Jeuey Street, Portland, Oregon Piano Tuning Repairing ERNEST HAROLD Reliable Work Shop si 107 W, Csrk . phone 5311 I buy or sell St. John Property A. W. DAVIS Real Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property with ice if you desire to sell quickly So otiJon SoarS arber kji CALDWELL & SON op The place where Rood service and courteous trcatuivut prevail. Children's hair cutting receive special attention. 109 BURLINGTON STREET lCUUMHS HOQliHS. I