18 JOW MEN'S PANTS For Work For Better Wear $1.75, $2.50, $2.85, $3.15, $3.50, to $7.00 Bedsprondi $4.50, $3.50, $2.50 Blankets $3.20, $2.50 Quilts $3.50 36 inch Outing Flannel, Yard 25c Women's Foil and Padded Slippers. .$2.10, $1.85, $1.75, $1.65 Bathrobes $6.50, $4.50, $3.95 Child's Two-Tone Shoes, 3 to 7. $1.85, $1.95, $2.25 Women's Wool Unionsults S2.85, $3.25 Women's Cotton Fleeced Unionsults, 51. 25, $1.75 Boy's Mackinaws, All Wool 54.95 Misses' Sweater Jackets $2.80, $4.25 Women's Satteen Bloomers, Hi-Colors $1.25, $1.50, $1.95 DESIGNER PATTERNS Do your Teeth Help Or Hurt You? mimmmmmmmmmtmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm When you ohii your mouth to fipriik. is tlie listener ciiviotirt of the npfH-arutuc of your niuulli or uiuxi he fn-l Horry fur iu tiu nightly ioikIiUoii? Do you enjoy chewing your food, or I it an effort mixed with Mill, canning tin- HwallnwiiiK of lulf chewed food, putting the extra work on your Momach canning much indigestion? Don't Wait Until It h Too Late in flint claw coiidi nil ire system. Our Come in toil. iv, h.tvc yoiit inoiith put lion, 1 1 1.-1 1 uittdi tin- imiirov cult ut in otir pricm will Itc u pliiiiunl nurpriKu to you. DR. R. E. BRIGGS DR. S. B. rVJcCLlNTOCK Crown, Bridge mid Free I'ninleaa Kxlracliotta IMalc Stx-daliaui. with Crown Bridge and Open KYiga I'latv Work. B. & M. Dentists NEW CURRIER BUILDING Telephone Umpire 188U 10H': S. JctM-y St. IF s a' J Si YOU desire Quality Meats at Reasonable Pri ces you can purchase i hem iu St. Johns at the ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OUR AIMS Quality md Strvlc 10 Noith Ji rw. Stial Muikel 1'hoiu- llmpireQOSl CENTRAL GASH GROCERY 108 Philadelphia St. W. J. FORSYTME OppMttt Matonlc BIdg. Phone Empire IStf The Store of Personal Service WE DELIVER FREE THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW It I. RAY, Kdltoraml I'ubllslier Published Friday of Each Week 101 N. Jersey St. Umpire 0321 5ubscrltitl on prle S1.GQ per year, f - i iik RxviHT it ntereil nt tost office n I'ortlnnil, Oregon, as mull innttcr 9f the second gIkm under the Act o( Gon- rtu of March 3, 1879. We Lead in Naming NEW LOW PRICES Friday, Saturday and Monday Specials VALEDICTORY. Willi thin instto tlio St. Johns l. ii'W chunirm owiirunliip, 1 he iiiKlcrsijfix'd retire from the .i'tiiriiiilistia fl'ld lipre after more ili. in sixi fin year' connection with the paper. Our niiuccnmoi-. Mr. H. 1 1. Kay, lias had yearn of 1 ) w -paper experience and will 110 iioiiht mnko a fine sttcees of the p.ipi r, and n St. Johns pr '.'ii's' there in no (punt inn hut 1 11 it under Mr. Ray 'a mawiyc- nt lh Hi-view will keep pace with it. Ah we relinquish our ;.ixiti'i nn ptihliidicr of thin pa mt. ue denire to cxprraa our .iiircciatioM aim (ri'ateuiiiu'HK 10 many kind friends who have j ;)! us with their palt'onntfi .mil kind worda of clicur and en I'liiriiifctiieiu at times wnen tin1 unv was rough ami the ffoinir tin certain. We also desire espeeial l,v to cNpress our gratitude to tlii-sc lnisincsH men who week ttf i.r week and year after year 1; n their eoiitinuous and 1111 I'niliiiir adverlisiiifr patronage, iiimI it was only ihmtiuh their toy .i'i tli.'it the continued pithliea I Kill II f the Review was made pon idle. It is likely that Ihinir lnr, e heeii puldisheil that well iimrlit have hoeti left out. hut we i ,.e ecr eij leavored to keep Hit ''iiitiiiiN free from scandal am xeiM.it muni matter. We have en- jeved the years we have spent nnioinr you, ami helieve there are 110 tli(r people on earth than are found in St. Johns, Ho with the kindliest feeling toward otic am ill. we have stepped down and out as puhlbdicr of this paper We trust our siieeessor will In iu riled the same ireiicroiiN, loy- .ii treatment that the people of st. Johns have given the under nulled. A. . Jlarkle With this issue of the Review ilie ownership passes from Mr. A .Mnr 00, who has Iieen Uie pun- liher for a uuniher of yeiii. The issue this week is No. I of vol nun. Ill iiidiitnl mir tin. iiniwi- Iiiim leen i st.ihlishiHl for IS yean. In lakitiB over the Review, vi are d liiur so with 11 full reann tnui ol vnIihI a eommiiuity paper of this kind should he. It is our amhiiion to not only maintain the hiuh stavlard 011 which the paper Iuih iiccis. run Ihese many years. hut !) .iii-rove it, not only from u uicviiNiHeiii sianupoiut. nut in make it tile spokesman and earn est advocate or everylliuitf Hi'1 iroes to make tlie i'eniiisula sue- lion of our city a hiiruer ai( I hel ler city, 1 1mm ixrcat industrial ami commercial Heclioii of our ity will ever have iu us an ndvo- ale ol those lliinirs that means .row til ami development or the st opportunities that lie at our dour. We earnestly solicit the coop- ci.ili.iil of the people of this eoui- m iititi 111 helionir us to make the Heview represenl'itive and wor thy of the Hcetion it reprtsteuls. & ... in a sense it la your paper as well as oiirs, ami to accomplish those thtuics that mean, so much to our city, cooperation, on the part of all is necessary. lhaiikiiitf you for a eoutimi- iitu e ot tile Mpieiulnl supiMtrt you liaxe heeii itiviiiu the paper from hoth a uews and advert luintr -inn Ipmiit, I am, II. I.. Kay. The defeat of the amendment to the couxtitutiou enabling this city to tax itself for the purpose ol aolihiig an ctpositiou seems a death blow to that undcrtukiuir. I It is a curious anouialy of reason- fny how the voters 111 the state tiMt-hcd a concliwion why the people of this city should li pro iiitiiied ui doinir a thing dear to 1 heir hearts and which does not coM the outside voter anything. huUcolLi the voters 111 the state at large felt if an exposition was held the state would he call ed upon to participatatc and in I that event till additional tax levy would be iuevitabh. Tlu' average taxpayer through out the (jountry is not in humor to font or auy proposition, dirwt ly or iudireuth, that is likely to entail au increase iu his tuxes. We heUttve this U the main rcu soil why the otei refused to prthH tins a mend men t. mi 5 rTTf.ttm 1 laiKcr- I S(.tfryy, AArftilttwfal t 4. tJArtHrthHI fxmMi a "eTOmI tVsr an it trr CtJfryt'YtstAbcrn'Mvoii I lwfVey vtTn Uosn wwy $26.50 NATION'S DEBT TO PILGRIMS ALL WOOL SUITS AT TAILORED TO MEASURE Here is the greatest tailoring offer ever made to you. I offer you a full three piece suit, tailored to your measure, of 100 per cent All Wool Fabric, and lined with genuine Serge or Alpaca for only $26. 50. I repre sent GOODWEAR Chicago.the lar gest manufacturing tailors and wholesale distributors ot men's wear in America. By buying direct from GOODWEAR through me, you save at least $10.00 on any suit you buy. The nuit I offer you nt 20.50 is positively RUnrmitecil to fit mul pk-nsc you iu every way. You must be thoroughly satisfied 100S pleased with your purchose or your money will be promptly refunded. In million to the $20.60 suits, I hnvc oth ers nt 32.B0, 39.75, f 15 00 nil wonder fill values ns you will nj;rce when you sec tliein. Come In nnd sec this yrcnt T.lnc or drop me n card and I will tiring It to you. I will not urge you to buy. J. D. RAMSEY (Uosc City Hotel) 320 Rurlington Street St. Johns Precent Blessings Largely Made Po. Ible Through the Devotion of That Heroic Dand. Three hiindrod years nito a pilgrim hand tfivo thank for the project of a luiiiic In tlio wllilurnciM, whure thoy tiitaht worship aci'ordliiK to the dic tates of thulr conscience. Today iiillllnns of peojilu (tlvu thiuiUs for the hlewdtiKH that hnvu nccriicd throiiKh the Intervvniui; yenr.M, lilctlnKs made IkhixIIiIo hy the furtltiule of that little l-aiid. Turccnteimry celebration wore lilveti to conimciiionite their coialim unit hroiiKht to the mind vivid con InmlM of the nc In which wo live In coiiipH risen with thitxe pioneer times of fniKHllty and dniiKcr. if tK.y eotild (He thatitiH for what scciih to 11.1 mich meairer IiIomhIiiic. what a depth of j irruf lliiiln ftiliiitilil Im. ,iiiri tflin Imfii In. . lierltHl chko null ihtt moderii npimrtu nltlos liwnuno df tholr pcmeverliiK nnd ciiiiscl(iitlouM clriirt. n iiure tlie wiidcrnesH aprisxit over ilia IhikI Initfu htilldluKS and mnr velaiis cities now miiihI. Whero our fiHcfsthers plliM In tanclod IstthH and uuhliucd trallrt. tlio nlr- plane wlnas Its nwlfi way, ollmlnat Ink tliiw and distiiiicu In Its fllKht. id, with all till pnigrctM, wo hold la reverence, the tradltlotiH, eHtnb IUIiisI hy this tinnd, as wo iinnunlly repeat our "Myiini of ThnnkhKlvInt,'.' rliyslcally we vIiiiiiku. but tho heart cchoos ttslny as truly tiiu iiich Wt of love Unit has nun: down throiiKh the njen. riiynlcally the world has clnuisisl yos. Humnnly wo are the hiiiiip. Wo look forward through the montli.1 to tho day jvmh wo may stop from tho rush r iiHiiy ileaiantlt and take- time to how our love and loyalty and tip lireclallnii for I ho kUh of friend Nhlp mid freedom and family ties. We haven't forxottcii. Wo are not Inillffereai. We aro not mntratuful. So we keep i Ittt day and Its cus tmiiN and hold It In reverence, fully iinoerHiiiiiniiiK nn unit it iiiciiiih ulieo we nay "ThanksKlvlinr." Dr. D. S. Swart Physician and Surgeon Bonham & Currier BIdg. Office Empire 1883 Residence Empire 0283 ALLEN'S SHOE SHOP 403 S. Jersey St. o Just Opened Up and ready for business Satisfaction Guaranteed Prices Right. Give Me n Trial C. M. ALLENBAUGII, Prop. Home, Em. 1131 Office, Em. 0379 DR. F. P. Physician and Surgeon Room G-7-8 Bonham & Currier Building Diseases of Women Odicc Hours Children nnd Obstetrics 9-12 . M., 2-S P. M 7-8.30 P. M. WE WASH THE PENINSULAi Why Not Your Boodle? CALL L. K. von Pier. Empire 2192 1032 N. Syracuse St. Calif Service Counts- on your Winter Journey to ornia Observation Cars with comfortable chairs, wide windows nnd broad rear platfotms, Through Sleeping Cars with latest travel luxuries, ttncxellcd Djuitig Car cuisine, nnd pictureMp-e fccetiery will add to the plcosutc of your journey. Through Standard Sleeping Cars Via the Scenic Shasta Route San Francisco and Los Angeles Lines Eor Low Round Trip Fares, sleeping car reservations, train schedules or picture books, inquire of agents, or communicate with JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. Southern Pacific Annoy ticement The American Shoe Shop is NOW ready to serve the public with tho Best Shoe Repairing. We have a supply of the BEST good shoes for Men and Boys. Come and get Acquainted and got a Big Dollar's Worth F. Kass, Prop. 110 S. Jersey Street Bora Ton Millinery SALE OF 60 Trimmed Hats, Values to $10 Very Special $3.95. Choice Lot Children's Hats, Values to $2.50 SPECIAL 25 Cents Modern Thanksgiving. llggl mi-.. f p-yv-v ' -J fioeno 1 (S4 h o u nt 1) o f o r o TlmnkNRtvInK Dny Well our horo Is t h a u k t u I . (NOTU: Ho tins no wlfo mx' evon ohllilron, an' liu'n loneNonto youlr I o n o some-1 ) Itoad on. 8ena 2 (13 Iinuni, an' 6 Mm, In Hay, th' K t Hk r u r 4 I r ' wUutV o u m i n e frmi th' next room oror iho trHmT (N'utot II llvw in n rur nW)il roum. ) Socno S C3 liours, 68 Uln, boforo Thanksgiv ing) Slio'n a dc-BU-nlnt- wont a n (having vtuJlo4 ilMlfnlnir nt a o o r r csponJonco school.) She thinks our horo Is hundaome. 11a. hut Well, any how that's a compliment for tli' poor artist' DR. FRANK SANDIFUR Exclusive Care of Eyes Houham-Curricr Bldjj. Res. limp, 10SG Office Kmp. 1883 Try an Oyster Supper at DAN'S ' St. Johns Fuel Co. 515 Columbia Boulevard Slnb nnd Corthvood Office Wildrose ShitiRle Co. Phone Col. 918 PorfSand Manufacturing Co. ii .MANd'ACTe'RHRS OF o Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock, and all kinds of Veneer ; FACTORY, FOOT OF RICHA10ND STREET I Ration Ranch parry Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm The Dairy is under strict supervision of the City Health Department and the Cows are tested for tuberculosis every six months. Phone Col. 321 for orders l:i lb, puiv I'mih Sutf.ir. . . .ifrl.Od 12 can Pork tmd H'an !Wo Hiaail Nut, lb Km ( mb Uon , e-owb U'Uo :t lb. CoaUmI Ulciid ltHw .$1.00 yH e'raiu Chu sc, lb aoo ( oi-ii and l'eas, 2 cuius c Jfl'Ooiu lor id Kh.. dk uud Waftltf Flour -'5o l.urvt ,cuu Kalniuu 'jite D. lieiouN Apple, box 41.-J6 luig rolbj ToilsH Vi''r . . ,35c 1'int Jar Muatard Ife l.ni Ke pttcleagt Uirtl Sco.l JOo t Hil Dutoh I'tauiaor, for . . . 25o uii'o MhI ',uc lb., ll .... t.V !" lb. U Urnh.uu Crai'km . .7!K' IjOOI V'. ." N.-dn t l'.u'ki-:N. luX .,,5lk I 111. I'.Mimt Ittilt t bowi Mati'hi' 7 i'un i)Mt'i-, & o -j Hi. Kiln' 7 ti pi'kaic. Viw LM.kl'U ull.ir.( I 11.. 1 Wluat Houp fi.60io800 10. siu-H UOIteHl t.il!i !' lb. .s.uk Plour . . . . lb. ack Flour $1.00 il'rewium Kollvtt OtiU, pktf ,8Se Fuio or t'oar Uralium, iuiok.4S Sound mealy ttptda, aack . .$1.00 H lb. Dark Karo 65i to lb. Red Karo 7(- I 'i K'v pitohvr IfaUsle' S.vruu. .lUk' r.:::J Dr. W. J. Gilstrap "Hil 111 ;..! II i nyBiemn e: ourgeion Glasses Accurately Fitted .Vray Laboratory HldK. Pneno 4 cs houn. 67 H Mtn. tMsoro Ttuiuksgtv. lHrJ llrnt look at th' erocoiltlo tWM. Wolt ilruwn huhT- Y" gotta give th' arttst vrtxltt (no one ulti will). S' alt wrong, tho,' tho wayshe'a strlngln' htm, Jul PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT t REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Manager 403 N, Jottty Strt Abstracts of Title rrqiareil Titles Kxamlued rhotte Ktnplre 0255 St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Foot of Burlington St. Empire 0631 C 1101 R award for Cheerfulness. Always ue bright anil clioornu on Ttutukai Itiic lay no innttcr whnt jmr tnutilos unv and you will have eu to ivjolce thrlc beforo tho jour U out. IVuinauia Security Co St. Johuti. II. I. ,.n. - . - I v.""' iwwww iu. iiuir v Ul'OB -.M? I MM Noith Itmr ItiHt Kruluuof St. Jobus havini! Uixim uU coy lieu to imy in twtkiitd cu Mtr incir pavateau itaoM inouuvui- . h' .. ty hvmiiub tMttiMlvt ol onr hi- Ul Ml tfttue and atcut ar .1... i r - , . twrnpi wiuiomi wuuvcmvswc M you. Ptot, t&V. KcltiattCM; Av St. Jibiu IWally Co..bvH. Hea.UnM, Maai aud itaaaiicr; Lowest Market Prloe on Potatoes, Apples and Fresh vegetables Una hundred aaaat ol vocd t.vpcwrituij,' jiapcr for 25 ecwta Geo. W. Muh m Contractor and Builder rlaus and Slecificntions furnished Free where I build. Residence ad' dress ieS Smith ave. Umpire 0962 Odk Umpire lii Res. Kmp. 0477 Dr. E. P. Borden DENTIST Patau estnu-iiou of teeth under nitrous oxide k&s lWn.ula IU11K HMg. St. John, rortUml, Oregon Pof f cS: O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand aud Gravel Daily Trips to Portland Phone Empire 0308 206 N. JERSEY ST Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street Phone Emp. 0887 Ites. Emp. 03'JH All Kinds of Truck and Team Work, Furniture Moviug, Basement U'gKH'Ki oaud and Gravel: Wood for sale- Cordwood $7.50: Plauer TrimmiuRS $5.50. W. S. JEANS Umpire 722 510 E. Polt St. ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street IHiotte Umpire 0302 UL UKHS -JiOGEltS, MAKING HOUSEWORK EASY Clean steel knives and Miami fcctswi ENOCH HOKGAN'S SONS CO., Nw Twk, U.S. A. forks, remove stains and grease with SAPOLIO Cleans Scours Polishes Large cake No waste jjC MsBBssssssdaBB LOLA MURPHY Soprano Soloist TonahoraV Voiooawl I'ituia Studio S37 JvT. Kellogg Street rhoac Empire 0256. DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street