St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 10, 1922, Image 1

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Thursday and Friday, Nov. 0-10
it, nmtt?a'iitr tujr.AinmMui
First National. Also 1 1 Tim
ber Queen" No. 7.
Saturday, Nov. 11th
Armistice Day open at 2:30;
Sunday and Monday, Nov. 12-13
Paramount. A very high class
production with two of the big
gest stars in iilmdom.
Tuesday and Wedncs., Nov. 14-1 fi
KD ALONE." Paramount
Thursday and Friday, Nov. 1(5-37
In "WOLF LAW"-Unlvci'.
sal. Also Timber Qii'jcu No. H. j
Saturday, Nov. 18
l'loweri brltiR beautiful bteultiK
to blttliilitji.
Sjr the Sunflower.
rrilB pretticat way of saying
"lotiir life nml linnnltieM'
h with flowers. Don't you
know of someone who celebrates
their natal day during Novem
ber? "SAY IT with nowr
1 814-816 N.KELL0GG ST.
tMWtlful Fluffy Ferns, all'l
slzAsand varieties
Cat Flowari for All Occasion
702 S. Jersey Street
Yoa'O Be Thankful
for Your Victrola'
Get it in time for Thanks
giving it will make the day
brighter! It opens your doors
to the world's greatest artists;
keeps you ia touch with all
the best music. See us to
day make a selection from
the newest records.
Currln's For Drugs
Community Club Notes
What our Community Club has
For the St. Johns Community
Club to take credit for the aclua'l
conclusion ot the many improve
ments that have been brought
about durin'g the past thrco years
would bo presumptions.
But the fact remains that the
Club has been a deciding factor
and a tremendous help in the es
tablishment of our new High
School and in the naming of it.
It has been helpful if not a large
factor in getting for our district
a Park Site that is worth while.
The Community Olub was the
inspiration for tearing down) of a
number of unsightly buildings in
the business district. The Club
put on at least two cleanup cam
paign that were decidedly effec
tive. Wo were instrumental in Bet
ting a portion of Jersey street re
surfaced and have at times pro
duced result in getting soimi
streets cleaned and crossings
brought to grade and repaired.
The Club has been a factor in
the establishment of the Y. W. C.
A. branch. It has promoted din
ners, many cm I ortuinmenta and
To Be Sure Insure,
Did You Ever Say to Yourself
"What would I do
"If my home burned today and my furniture was destroyed?
"If my home or any member of the family were robbed?
"If my car was burned or stolen?
"If I injured some one or damaged some property with my car?
"If I was injured and disabled?
Consult Your Insurance Agent as You would Your Doctor
Peninsula Security Company
at your strvlce
.. f.
GEORGE ELIOT wrote "A our thought
follow clow In the (low wak ot (hi ilwn,
we are Imprmcd with the unutual umencM
(A the human lot which ncvr alien In the main
heading! of Iti hlitory taborand hunger, Kxd tlmr
and harvest, love and death."
It It entirely fitting that a profettlon hould have
developed to care (or every detail that perplcxet
and diituibt the family when the end come to one
of Iti member.
There li a funeral director In your community
who merlti your confidence and who ha dedicated
hit life to a lympaihetic and efficient aervlce to hie
fellow being. He realltei fully the detlre of people
In time of torrow to be relieved of all necewary de
tail!, and their further desire for a character and
quality of aervice that will leave the family with
the aaturance that everything humanly poulbte
wai done for the departed.
tiny in a (tfytitkltJ lUirrfiltmol wkiik affmnJ
Im Tkt SilurJty Uunini I'eilo SlfUmtir 14, I HI.
JXIOHTIOIAHS HS-SO Kllllnjrworth Ave.
Wa.1. StMib SymkJ,
Fords, Fords, Fords
The drop in prices on Oct. 17
makes the prices on
Cars and Trucks Less than they have ever been
The Ford Roadster, Touring Car, Coupe and Sedau at these
extreme low prices and a quality product are unquestionably
the best buy on the automotive market today. Why pay more?
We will take your used Ford in as all or part payment on a
new one and you can, pay the balance in small monthly install
Car Is Right, Prices are Right, Terms are
Right, Service will be Right
Right NOW Is the time to buy. Come in and
Talk It Over. Some good buys In Used Cars
Macfarland-Robinson, Inc.
Authorized FORD
Head of Burlington St.
other social affairs.
By its meetings where invita
tions have been given to City Of
ficials it has poduced an impres
sion that makes us recognized
when! we send delegations over.
This statement is true as applied
to tho County Commissioners as
The Club furnished the funds
and caused to be made drawings
of the Fair Site.
But in tho opinion of the writer
the best thin'g the Club has done
has by it.s various dinners, meet
ings and other activities brot
the community in touch with its
contingent in a porso il way. It
has created a feeling of content
ment and has developed the dem
ocratic spirit rather unconscious
ly to a marked degree. We are
possessed of a fraternal spirit
that did not exist prior to the or
ganization. Wo simply know each other bet
ter. If we did nothing else than
cultivate that spirit our Club of
forts would be worth while. II
W. Boiiham.
First degree work will take
place at tho I. 0. 0. F. meeting
next Monday night, and accom
degree work on tho following
iMoimuy nigiit ah incmiiers are
requested to nttcifl.
C. C. C. Stpkmitr, let i.
St. Johns
W. C. T. U. Notes
A now club of high school girls
just organized hnd supper to
gether nt tho building Tuesday
evening. All I mil u delight ful
community music week pro
gram will be held nt tl o V. W. C
A. building Friday, the 10th, nt
8 o'clock p. in. Everybody in
vited; no admission.
Beginning next Sunday the Y.
W. C. A. building will be open
every Sunday aftoroon from .'1
tilt f o'clock. Something inter
esting can be heard every Suiu'ay
as well as provide a good place to
spend your time Hvory one is
welcome, especially .young peo
ple. The benefit tea for the Farm
Home last Friday was a great
success and over twen,ty dollars
was received. Over V2 ladies
were present. .Judge. Kvans spoke
for tho Farm Home, Airs. Hath
gate for the P. T. A. and Mr.
Norman Christie, general secre
tary for the Y. W. ('. A. Miss
Francos Kotx gave a delightful
reading in. her own way. Han
dolph Howard at the piano, lolni
Oliver on the violin and Mr.
Nurd on the Velio furnished
very ploasiilg music while lea was
nerved. Mrs. 0. W. Overs! root
nml Mrs. F. 1 Schultze presided
at the tea table. Others assisting
were Mrs. Fred Couch, Mrs. 10. I
Morden, Mrs. .1.0. Hailcy, Mrs.
Kennedy, Hazel Fox, Margarel
ItnhcrtHon, Ooldie 'Kcxiior and
Margarel Brandon, served.
The Parent-Teacher Assoeia
lions and other organizations are
uniting in a big musical pro
gram to be given Friday owning
the 10th of November al the St.
.lolins Branch Y. W. ('. A. at 8
o'clock. The program follows:
Mr.Sn.ecd'.s String Quartet ;Solo,
Harry Fasselt; Quarlel. Kaslorn
Star; Heading. Mrs. (loo. Hall:
l horns, (loorgo School;
Miss IjoIii .Murphy; .1. .1.
School (lloe Huh; Violin
COWMT Is a Dead One
Will sell my home nt 1015 S.
Ivnnlioc Street, near Iluchaimii,
lor SuJ.iho. Make your
Terms. 4 Kooms Modern.
All Furniture and House
hold Goods to go at your
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Tliomns Qricc, Alanngcr
Office, Empire 0527 PHONES Highi, Empire 0293
Our store will be Closed All Day Saturday, November
11th, Armistice Day do your shopping early
Men's Solid Leather Dress A
SHOES $4.95
Hats and Caps
Our populnr local citizen who
has been elected County Com
missioner by a splendid minority.
Community Church
Interest nt tho Community
church Bible school took a jump
Sunday with the introduction of
the Lincoln Highway eontosl. The
ears (including a Ford) repre
Homing tho tlill'erent classes, are
all lined up ready to make the
start next Sunday. One feature
of tho contest is that anv class
bringing a member from another
Sunday school will be penalized.
.Mrs. (.'(implicit and Mrs. Wei
more, at tho head af the Pcimucv
wept, oi mo nuiuiay school are
making things interesting for the
little tots. Tho Christian Kn
danvoc Society will meet hereaf
ter in parish house. A number
or the younger boys are planning
to attend tho Father & Son Ban
quet at tho auditorium Friday
night. Sunday will ho Father
and Son day at tho church. The
morning services will ho especi
ally in their honor, with sermon
and music in keeping with the
idea. There ro few things that
have to ho done on Sunday that
cannot be tended to before
or nftor church. Hcportod.
.John Oliver; 1'iaiio Duut, Olenna
Jones and Handnlph Howard;
ftolo, l' rank .luo; .Musical Panto
mime, Y. C. A. (lirls. Kevry
one is invited and all who lilci
music ought to enjoy this pro
gram, which will be given by
some of our host oiVorlniiicrH.
Saturday, Nov. lllh, is Armis
lice day ami will he generally
ohsorwd as a holiday through
out tho city. Hero in St. .lolius
all the business holism have
agreed !o close, giving tho day
over to the celebration of (ho -I tit
uniiivcrsnry of tho close of the
World War.
20B N, Jersey SI.
Men's Fall and Winter Weight
Tho Health Show
Tiio Health Show closing nt the
city auditorium Inst week was a
success in every respect. Many
thousands took this opportunity
to attend and learn more about
those things that go to make
healthier, happier people. The
cued of successful war airninst
disease and death is to make life
hotter, worth living. There are
many towns, cities and even
whole countries who arc livintr nt
a low physical level of well be
ing. In our own country wo have
by research and scicntillc study
of health succeeded in lengthen
ing tho average life of tho human
body by nhout ten yenrs hit the
last few generations. Tuberculo
sis, cancer and other deadly dis
eases havo been robbed of their
terrors. Infant mortality lias
been brought to tho lowest and
we arc glad lo say that Oregon is
second from the top in being able.
to reduce tho infant mortality
raio. ilea mi snows nroailen our
learning on all those things Unit
mean a healthier, sounder body,
and next year we should have an
other that should attract thou
sands where hundreds went this
The Livestock Show
The pampered cnw.thc groomed
horse, the fatted hog, the mild
eyed sheep, tho long haired goat
and tho fowls of tho barnyard
have been holding tho boards al
tho Livestock Imposition this
week. Outside tho National
Show hold in. Chicago no liner
collection of stock Is brought to-
got her anywhere in (he world as
was seen in I'orlland this week.
The average city man does not
know what tho groat livestock in
dust ry means to the Northwest
or the country as a whole unless
ho visited tho show this week and
saw tho herds of livestock that
wore collected hero from all see
Hons of the country. If you fail
ed to attend this show, lailod to
see the ten aero collection of the
lluost nniinals in tho world, you
tiro not keeping posted oi'J the
progress the grout livestock in
dustry is making in this country,
nml especially in the Northwest.
Altruistic ('luh, Pythian
wore entertained at an
all day meeting Oct. Hist with
Sister Anna Clark at her home.
IIIIU N. Ivaulioe street, when Hi
members attended ipiilting. A
ipiilt was tho work ui(d (hushing
up work for tho biiniir, which is
to bo held Deo. L The business
meeting was hold after n boun
tiful dinner was Nerved at noon,
when it was deoidod to have the
usual Christmas box opened at
the regular meeting of Dee. tilth,
place to bo deoidod later. Those
attending were Sisters Brieo,
Douglass, Hendricks, Campbell,
Maxlleld, Hoover, Treber, Berry,
rhia Jones, ICthol .lones, Book
man, Nelson, .Johnson .lucolwcn,
Woimcr, and tho IionIosn. The
next meeting will he with SiMcr
Hoover at !)U.r South Kellogg on
Nov. 1 1th, when all are expected
to bo present.--Reported.
$1.45, $1.75
$3.25, $4.85
$14.95 and up
$17.50 and up
- $6.00 up
The Election Results
The general eleetion held Tues
day throughout the nation) result
ed in a veritable landslide for
the Demoerats. It was predicted
by close observers and political
writers' generally tlmt the Demo
crats would make gains, but not
such a great revorsHl m was
shown Tuesday, especially in llto
Tho Hopublieaiw retniii control
of Congress, the lower Iioujw by a
bare majority and u reduction of
about six in tho senate. Quito a
number of tho loaders in both
parlies were vielims of tho battle
of ballots.
In our own state Pioroe, Demo
crat, has been elected governor
by a majority of over yo.000.
Congressman .MoArthur lis hern
defeated for Congress from this
district by Klton Walkiim by
aooiit a thousand vole. .Mr.
Wntkius will bo the Hint Demo
crat to go to the lower houw of
Congress from this statu in ovor
10 years.
Party liniw wore broken per
haps more in this state than any
other in the Union, due to the
bringing in of issues that com
pletely upset all parly ties.
There were local questions vot
ed upon that mean much to the
city and stale one way or tho
other. The voting to replace th
lliirusiile bridge and to build a
now bridge at Hohh Island iiihnxs
much towards Ihu .solution or the
tralllc problems in thai section of
the oily.
Tho defeat of the amendment
lo the constitution enabling this
city to levy a lax for holding an
exposition is a groat blow to this
project. It was earned by a big
majority in Ibis oily and uounty,
hut outside tho county the major
ity against overcame I lit vole in
its favor within the county.
Tho compulsory school bill vm
winner in nearly all pacta of tho
state, oaccying in this oily and
county by over H000 voloa. Whih
this hill does not become effective
until tho indications are
now it wil havo to run I ho gamut
of (lie courts before it is put into
Tho income lax meaMiiru wan do
foated overwhelmingly. Thl it
the third time Ibis ipieallon ha
been proMcnlcd to tho voter,
each time the majority agaiiiNl in
creasing, which should Iihvp the
efl'eel of finally nettling this mean
lire, osHeially in the form it linn
boon presented heretofore.
Result I;roni Poor llcnting
KxtroiuoH in heat endanger your
well being. I, nut Suitably wo via
ited a sick friend. It whs nolle.
able how hot his room wm. It
was healed by n wood stove. Oil
(he way homo wo visited a family
who were gathered about the
wood stove. Tho temperature
here was also oppressive, utmost
ill) degrees. In order to please us
they opened the window. Ah it
result one of us has u sore throat
and ovor since has doctored a ImuI
cold in tho head. This is a very
common experience in thoiiMMiuM
of homes. ,M osl people do not re.
alixo how dangerous lo their
heullh this haphaxard mode of
heating a home is. Willi a Uaaeo
furnace, controlled ly n thermo
tat, the temporal ore in the house
is kept around 70 degrees all day
long. Tho well-being of yourself
and family should doeide you to
enjoy the oven heat of a home set-i-utifically
heated by gaa. Adv.
.Mrs. (lladys 1.. Smith, wife of
I'M win I.. Smith, died ut Iter
home, 110!) Smith Princeton
street. Xoomhr 7th, )i2a. 8he
was the mother of Harold A,
Smith, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs.
hosier li. Cooper anl sister of
Imcy Cooper of Portland; Mra.C.
II. Chancy of Kerry, Ore., ami
.Mrs. II. .M. Ishaui of iilueslUie,
Wash. The funeral services wera
held yesterday afternoon at 2:30
at Kin ley's mortuary. Cotielud-
ing service at Rose City eeme
tery. The deceased was a Uiew-
her of Minerva Chapter, Order of
Kastorn Star.
Umpire 1U1 1
6SU S. Ivmiltow St.
Near V. Richmond St,
Druglcss Physician
Chronic and Acute Casos
1 to 6 I'. M.
lJvenitiKs by Appt,
OoiuulUtiou sari
Humiliation I' to
OOici-Hourk: Oimu Ivttlutft uul
U A. M. lo ' M. tul tiusdsvi
1 :30 1. M. to 5 1'. SI. Ily Appoiutawut
Hooms 7-8, I'ooliwuU IlAiik Ititjg,
Phone Umpire 11 S3