St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 03, 1922, Image 6

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Portland, Oregon, 41Gio North
Jersey street, Oct. 30, 1U22. To
the Editor: I will attempt to an
alyze some of statements made
at the "Williams School house, St.
Johns, last Tuesday evening by
the chief speaker, Walter Pierce.
His first effort was to ridicule or
minimize the charges being made
thut he, through chicanery, so
cured thirty thousand dollars
from the school fund when no
person was supposed to bo al
lowed to have more than five
thousand dollars. His defense is
that it was not a law but a com
mittee ruling that established the
five thousand dollar maximum
amount and as they had n largo
amount of school money on hand
which they wished to got out on
interest they took this moans to
benefit the schools. It did not
seem to occur to him, a nn'inbor
of tho board, that they might ab
rogate the committee ruling and
loan to any one an amount that
lie was able to .secure, but no! a
better way in tho estimation of
Mr. Pierce was to make a phony
nnle to relatives and friends and
cause them to perjure themselves
that he might gel the money to
oarry on his business with, as ho
would lead us to Infer, but tlio
records seem to show that ho did
it for the purpose of profiteering
off of the state and that he loaned
the largest part of it out to fann
ers at a much greater rate of in
Wc would like to ask Mr. Pie re
if he or the board iiiado it a prat
tice to advise others who ha
large holdings to do as he di
that they might procure groate
amount than live thousand do
lnrs and thereby be able to lot
out more school money, or was it
n special dispensation by the
board of which he was a member
that he alone could benefit tlier
by. If he was so solicitous fo
the welfare of tho schools wli
did he not loan school money d
rcct to the farmers who procure!
it from mm at a much gronU
ratoT They surely wore in tho
marknt for cheap money.
Mr. nerce is strictly npposct
to bonds a very good thing ti
keep away from, if y u can gel
along without thorn, but a large
part of the farmers who ho dearly
loves liavu mortgages on (hoi
nrmii and arc paying around H
per cent interest. If those farm
or or any one else who are nay
ing a high rate of interest are oh
ligntcd to raise more money that
they would nave to narrow at
high rate of interest would it not
be better to pay oil' a bond at
per cent than a mortgage at 1
per cent f In this matter Mr
IVrcc iloos not use the busiueK
ooumon that he did when he bur
rowed school money at 'i nor cent
and loaned it out at a greater
rate or interest.
Mr. Pierce speaks disnarauiui;
ly of the gasoline tax bill (one of
the nest bills wo have on our stat
uo books) and as an illustration
an to how it works ho oitos one to
Meier & Frank who use gasoline
conveyances In their Iiuhiiicnn and
says "Don't you know that the
tax they pay on gasoline is
cnnrgfci to nvcriicntl expenses
ami is paid by the consumer?
That is a very bright idea of Ins
nnd compares favorably with tho
rrst or the mink ho has Itccu giv
ing us. According to his way of
thinking if Meier & Frank woiib
deliver their goods by pack iiiulo
or push eart, although it would
coct them a groat deal more than
it does bv thoir more modern v n
it would not be taxed up to over
head. Yes, Mr. Pierce, of course
it would be taxed to tho business
and would ultimately he paid by
the commuter just as inueh so as 'a
ueveranee tax on lumber which
you advocate would bo added to
the price of lumber and would fi
nally be paid by the party who
used it.uuil ir that party is a buil
i t ...
iter uo pastes it on to the homo
lliK proposed State Income Tax
bill, if it should become a law, is
another one of his measures that
. m
is iineiy to work groat iniiir.v in
our State, It is all right for a Na
tional Income Tax, but when you
penalize an industry doing bust
ntua or wanting to do business in
your state when other states ad
joining do not havo such a law
you lofo that industry to tho oth
er states whose principles are to
encourage industry instead of
hindering it.
Mr. Pierce picks out some of
his best bills, such as tho market
road bill and holds them up as a
sample of his work, but fails to
comment on those numerous
largely spoliation ones that ho
hu sponsored or the one that lie
proposed amending tho constitu
tion, whereby no intangibles
could be taxed, thereby eliminat
ing from the tnx rolls all moneys,
credits, notes and accounts.
We all want to keep our taxes
down to the lowest possible limit
consistent with an amount neces
sary to defray the expenses of an
efficient government, but can wo
have faith in accomplishing that
object through one whoso past
acts have almost invariably been
at variance with what he now
proposes to dot
We now have a man at the
wheel of our ship of state who
has very good business judgment
and who is not uo thoroughly sur-'
St. Johns Grocery
(Formerly C. S. Bucy's Store)
202 South Jersey street, Corner Leavitt
Phone Empire 0528 WE DELIVER FREE
Trade at the Store Where Your Dollar buys the Most
Drop in and sec Our Specials for Friday, Saturday and
Monday. Satisfaction or your money back.
Ernie Phillips and Ray Bilyeu, Proprietors
Furniture Packed for Shipment,
Local and Long Distance Hauling.
209 S. Jersey St. SfSSft
Frederick T, Notz
Essie H. Notz
Drs. F. T. & E. H. Notz
Chiropractic and Electro Therapy
oniccltoiirs: 10 A. M. to 12 M 21'. M. tofiillO 1'. M., (1:30 P.M. to 8 P.M.
ni t-filC Dckiitu lltdg.
3W N. Jersey
Km.: 721 S. Jersey
Droadwny &321
Umpire 0007
Umpire 1271
charged with fanaticism that he
lulu up all the fads anil fancies
priipiiNoil by demagogues.
My advioo to my neighbors ami
frond in to Htuily tho past acts of
the two aspirauta for governor
and vote as their reason tolls
thoin is host. There is no doubt
in my iiiiml if the electorate stud
ies the two candidates thoroughly
that thoy will anchor their baric
alongNiilo of that sound, conserv
ative loader, Hon W. Olcott.
liiireii Seward.
Protect Yourself From The j
Elements J
Your feet should be your first care. Dress them in Wool Hosiery.
Our Holeproof Line will give you comfort, style and exceptional
wear. We have stocked them in several colors in Wool and Wool
and Silk Combinations. Also Silks and Silk Lisle. For Women,
Girls, Men and Boys.
Rain Capes for School wear; new patterns in Umbrellas, Silk, Silk and Linen, Sateen.
Many of the popular shades of Silk. Our prices are consistent with good Merchandise.
In Silk and Wool and in Black or Cordovan Color,
a stylish hose with warmth included
Price $2.00
Same in Plain Black with Black Persian Clock $2.00
I'Iowith lirliiKH beautiful IiIIiik
to lilrtlulny.
- Snyn the Sunflower.
TIII5 prettiest wny of saying
' "long life and happiness"
is with flowers. Don't you
know of someone who cclchrntcs
their natal day during Novem
Cleaning, Pressing,
Dyeing, Repairing
and Alterations
217 North Jersey Street
Telephone Empire 1399
H, A. MANNING, Prop.
Beautiful Fluffy Ferns, all
sizes and varieties
Cut Flowers for All Occasions
702 S. Jersey Street
Geo. W. Crockwell, M. E.
Naturopath, Spinolodist
7M, 720 Dekum Bid.
IMoetrlo Yvoixtiuont
Stomach trouble. Chronic disease and
l'cmale couitiluint.
iso mutter what your trouble is I rati
dp you. I have cured lmuilrciU! why
not ou?
Consultation a ml examination l'ice.
Pay h you can."
No knife. No operation. No lucurablc
case taken.
l'rec treattuvuU this week.
Five room modern house, $1(100.
107 N. Jersey St.; tinmire 0SS7.
Horse Sense
Let Your Money
Work For You
Htty a few shores of our
7 JH.r cent Prior Preference
Stock n lid your money will
cam you over 7 ler cent.
Dividends nrc pnynhlc
every three months.
This is n Kootl .sound in
vestment nnd our Husy
Payment Plan enables you
to e,ct 7 per cent interest on
your savings while you are
paying for your shares.
Investigate this Unusual
Opportunity Today.
Atk ny of our employes about h.
Investment Department
Portland Railway
Light & Power Company
Room 605 Electric Bldg,
Portland, Oregon
In the New Lighter Shade of Brown, also Black and
Cordovan. Price $1.65
Heather Wool Mixed
Hose in Plain Weaves.
Price $1.00.
Heather Drop Stitch.
Price $1.25 to $2.25.
Heather Drop Stitch
Silk Clocked $1.50-
Children's Heather
Hose, Drop Stitch, 80c
to $1.00. Depending
on the size.
Cashmere Hose in Heather Weave, Drop Stitch with
Silk Clockery, also Heavy English Weaves in
Wool Hose for wear with Winter Oxfords.
Usually Sold 85c to $1.00
Drop Stitch with Silk Embroidery, Green and Brown
Heather. Price $1.75
Same Hose Without Clock ' - $1.50
The one best Hose For Men. Navy, Brown and
Green Heather and a Heather Mixture 75c
Some in Silk Mixed - $1.00
Silk Plaited LIslo In Six Different
Colors, Rog. 50c
Special 37c; 3 Pair $1.00
MISS PLASKET, Buyer Dry Goods Dept.
& Currier
L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept.
Architectural and Mechanical
IVIkiiIiik. Detailing. Tracing uml I'lnti
MitkiiiKi lliuiKrtlow llullillnn Plniit, Mil
rliluery unit Parti Designed. No job too
larKC, Itstimntes reasonable.
liuijiirc 1737. 026 I, Richmond .St.
1'lioiie Umpire IKUS Wooillnwu 2111)
Bartlelt & Widenniaiin
All Order Promptly Attended
K ), Molmwk St. Portland, Ore.
Phone Empire U977
Electrical Engineers and Contractors
W1K1M1 1'IXTl'HKS AND Kl'I'l'I.I ItS
(enerul Reiulr Work
301 S. Jertey Street, Portland, Oregon
MoyH nil wool Min'kinaws
The Home. Mercantile Co.
Is Headquarters for your Coal and
Briquettes for Fuel. All kinds of
Hay, Grain and Feed for your stock.
Stock and Poultry Remedies
and Tonics.
Moulting Mash for your hens.
This is the time of year to feed
Egg Mash, for eggs are advancing
in price. We have all kinds of
Building Materials. Buy Roofing
Paper to fit your roofs. See our
stock of Doors, Windows, Etc.
Come in and get our prices.
The Home Mercantile Co.
HO It IV. JJurJritfou Street
It always pays to Shop at
The B. & C. Money Back Store
Better Merchandise For Less Money
Beautiful gray or
blaok adult oaskat,
haarte, box, 2 autoi
embalming and refin
ed service for
Higher priced funerali In proportion.
Heuttful New Ploral Chapel,
Lady Assistant.
Wc manufacture caskets.
Private 1'amlly Rooms
Complete Auto Equipment
Broadway 2091 Independent Funeral Directors O 1B44
Washington at Elfe Stmt. Ileten 20th end 2it Street, Weat Side
Please Telephone your Orders Early and help
us give you better service
C. J. MUCK, Grocer
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Phone Empire 0118
217 S. Jersey St.
Phone Entire 0118
Holeproof Hosiery
Just received a large assort
tueitt in Muck and Drown,
Silk nnd Fibre, the Pair
85c, $1.00, $1.60, $1.65
Full Fashion $2 25
Special Close Out
Ladies' Wool, Silk and Fibre
Hose, Assorted Colors, Pair
95 cents
Local Agents For
To Fit Uvery Women
Ladles' Underwear
in all weights and variety of
Women's Shoes $4 45
Cotton Sox, 2 Puir 25c
Blue and Khaki Work
Shirts 89c
Caps $1.85 and $1.45
Knitt Ties C5)c
Rain Hats 50c
Work Shoes 3.95
Dress Shirts 95c
Black Satteen Shirts. . ..$1.15
Garters 25c
l(i inch Pacs $9.45
A Complete line of Rain
Heavy Work Sox.. 35c
(3 Pair 1 00
Leather Puttees $4 45
Dress Shoes $4-45
Leather Faced Cauvas
Gloves , 25c
Rotled Udge Rubbers . 51-85
Wool Sweaters $3 45
School and Dress Shoes
1.95, $2.45. $2 85, f3.25
Stockiugs 29c
Union Suits $1.19
Felt Slippers $1.19
Night Gowns 89c
Wool Stockings 79c
Rain Capes 12-85
Rubbers 80c
First Step Shoes 95c
lufants Soft Sole Shoes,. 49c
Mackinaws -195
Vniou Suits 85c
Shoes, 9 to 13tf 12.95
Shoes, 1 to 2 3.45
Shoes, 24 to 6 $3.95
Hitop Shoes 3 45 up
Heavy Stockings 29c
Blouses, 89c
Sweaters 95c
Assortment of Ladles' Coats. Special $11.95
B.&C. Money Back Store
113 Philadelphia Street
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded,
According to the City Inspector can be
any amount.
Pay little attention to price. Watch your
, ticket for the measure you get for your money.
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Slab and block wood mixed,
$5.50 a load; dry slab and block
$6.50 load; planer wood, $5.00.
W. O. SPECK, 615 N. Hudson St.
near Fewenden.
Columbia 118 Woodlawn 3401
Delivery and Traaafar
ju . .St. Joluu, Oregon .mj,
Resident of St. John having Uzea
and city liena to pay in Portland can
make their payments without inconveni
ence by availing themselves of our ser
vice. We will pay same and secure y oar
receipt without inconvenience to you.
Fee, 25c. References: Any St. Johns
Bank. Peninsula Titte, Abstract and
Realty Co., by H. Henderson, Manaetr:
402 North Jersey Street. '