St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 27, 1922, Image 7

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Cold Weather Comforts
$3 J5, $4.35. 17.00, $9.25
$3.25, $4.50. $0.75, 19.25 Pflir
$9.00, $13.75, $18.00, $37.50
$15.00, $23.50, $33.00
$10.50, $12 50. $14.50, $16.25
Pay a Little Down and a Little Each Week
UninrinU Pnffnn
HOinnln!r)n" Dnnnn
oiuuiau o uaouu
Tills has been a wonderful fall nml the absence of frosts lias
lengthened the season and vc still have fine Tomatoes, GrcciiCorn,
Spinach and other Vegetables.
Potatoes are very cheap and as the late ones nrc coming in
now they are better. If you make your own Kraut now is the
time to get your cabbage. A full sack of solid cabbage for 75c
Apples are coming in better all the time and you can get them
from 7Cc to $ 1.75 per box. The Sun certainly gave them a color
this year. Peaches and Pears are still on the Market but it is
Grape season now. Oranges are very poor and high but fine
Florida Grape Fruit are in.
This is the week to get the Pumpkins for the kids, let them
have a good time. Pumpkins and Squash are fine for pics now.
The Grabateria Grocery
"Del Monte Products Fishers Blend Flour
JlU Over the World
"Hsllo," Folks! This is the
grocery store that sure can help
you save at least 1 0c on every
dollar if you trade with us reg
ularly. A nice Hood River Apple for
eating and cooking, box - 75c
New Crop Brazil Nuts, lb. 1 5c -
21b. can Army Corn Beef
j Hash, per can - 24c
Jersey Corn Flakes every
s day per pkge - - 8c
Our specials for Saturday and
Monday are for your benefit;
come in and take advantage of
f210 North Jersey Street
Confidelicc is expressed by thi
1927 exposition campaign com
mittee that the state measure and
the one on winch Portland will
vote alone will both carry by
large majorities. It announces
that this will be followed by the
immediate inauguration of a pub
licity campaign which will ex.
teud to - all parts of the United
States and which will set forth in
most attractive form the advan
tages.opportunitiea and resources
of all parts of Oregon. The com
mittee believes that this will re
sult indirect good to all of Ore
gon during the period interven
ing between the vote authorizing
the exposition tax levy and the
opening of the exposition, and
that during tfiat time many thou
sands of new settlers will he at
tracted here, with the consequent
development of farm and orchard
lands, industries, etc., and that In
addition to this the exploitation
of the wonderful attractions of
the state for tourists will bring a
constantly increasing number of
this class of visitors.
Is the Republican nominee for
Stato Representative.
Earnest, Honest Service.
He says he has a plan whereby
taxes "can be reduced. No. 54 X
on the ballot. Td adv
Typewriter ribbons for sale at
this office; 75c each.
For that cough and cold Pine Tree Expectorant
50c Bottle Pine Tree Expectorant. 25c Package Cyclone Tablets
BOTH FOR - 50c
The Prescription Store
Parties desiring "White Salmon
apples leave orders at this ofiiee.
Do not fail to attend the big
smoker at tho woolen mills club
house .tonight.
Christian Science : Sunday
msruing services at 11:00; "Wed
nesday evening nt 8:00 at '103
Smith avenue.
Miss Irene McQunrric and 3Ir.
Paul Underwood, both of St.
Johns, were united in ninrrinire
nt LnGrnnde, Ore., Thursday of
Inst week.
A bouncing bnby boy arrived
nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. It. C
Knsmcyer on Snturdny evening.
Mother nnd babe nrc getting
along nioely.
Mrs, J. Sherman llodgos mid son
"Willis, who hnve been visiting
relatives In St. Johns during the
pnst month, leaves today for her
home in Seattle.
Tho Loyal Women's class of the
Christian church will hold n
homo cooked food sale Snturdny,
Oct. 28th, nt h. Simmons & Co.'
store, 501 13. Pcssenden street.
Old fashioned Hallowe'en
dunce given in Assumption Hall
Oct. 128th, Smith nveuue, between
Uuchnnau and Burr. Come In
your ginghams. Old and mod
ern dances.
J. O. Emerson, whose place is
near tho Gntton ranch, has rod
raspberries ripening on his vines
nnd others in bloom. They pre
sent n novel and pleasing up-
pou rim co nt this tiino of your.
Mr. Pierce, Democratic candi
date for Governor, addressed n
urge number in the Williams
school building Tuesday evening.
S. S. George also mado an ad-dross.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mounhnn nnd
llev. C. P. Gntes have returned
from Chicago nnd and Eastern
cities. They were delegates to
tho National Evangelistic Con
vention held in Illinois.
Hememhcr the Community Club
Hallowe'en party the evening of
October Hist at tho Y. W. C. A.
building. If you want to enjoy
yourself, attend. Go dressed in
sheet and pillow case, or fancy
costume, if desired.
Hon. E. J. Heiming, Assistant
United States Secretary of Labor
will sneak to tho people, of St.
Johns on the general condition of
tho labor situation in the United
States. Coming as ho does from
the ofllce in Washington, 1). C,
he no doubt will have a message
for you that will ho of vital in
terest to nil. Do not miss the op
portunity. Mr. Ilcnning is tin or
ator of note n man of high stan
ding. Itemcmher tho time: 8:00
o'clock Snturdny night, October
28th ; hall 'in Masonic building.
All nrc invited. W. A. Carroll.
Tho Altruistic Club, Pythian
Sisters, wns most delightfully en
tertained nt tho homo of bister
Ethel Jones Tuesday, Oct. 17th,
with an nil day session. Work
for the bazaar kept nil busy.
Dinner wns served at noon. 1 hose
present were Mesdaines Urieo,
Douglass, Treber.Ncllie .Johnson,
Swift Clark, Hendricks, .Jones
Mnxfield, licckmnu, Campbell,
Jacohsen, Phillips, Walker, Urace
Johnson, Oihus nnd tho hostoss;
the guest being Gladys lierlinm
from LaGrande. Tho jioxt meet
ing will ho with Sister Jlrico on
Tuesday, Oct. 31, when everyone
is requested to ho present. uep.
The hard time dance given by
the women of Mooscheart Legion
Monday evening, Oct. 2U, wns re
ported n hugo success. The dnnco
was the first of the season to be
given by the Legion and ever',
efi'ort was mado to givo every-
body n good time. The ninsia
vcb furnishol by tho Kois'linian
orehestrn aifJ ih; event of the
evening was thy grand march by
those who came In costuni)
was the cause of much merriment
by tho onlookers. The judge fi
nally decided that Mrs. J. Fields
was the raggedest woman, and
Mr. Hill Forsythe carried oil tho
prize for the man. Tho ladies of
tho Legion are planning a mas
querade to he given In the near
future. Hep,
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. B. Mathews
held a farewell party nt their
home, 520 Tioga street, in honor
of their daughter,Mrs.J.bherman
Hodges of Seattle, who has been
visiting them'for the past month.
Among the guests were Mr, and
Mrs. Albert Buckles and daugh
ters Alta, May and Dorothy, Mr.
and Mrs. P. II. Stephens and
laughters, Jeanne and Phyllis,
Misses Alma and Frances Kena
ga, Viola Root, Ruth Weiss and
Hessio Muthews; Messrs. Charles:
Wirth, Harry Johnson and Ches
ter Davies, Daugherty Chowning.
Light refreshments were served
and games played during the eve
ning, and a good time enjoyed by
all. Rep.
Remember the smoker nt the
woolen mills club house tonight.
The interior of tho Peninsula
National Hank is undergoing ex
tensive nlterntions.
I. J. Medved nnd wife nnd L. R.
Thorpe ami wife motored to New
berg nnd buck Inst Sunday.
The Haehelor Club tangles with
the Waterfront eleven nt Pier
Park Oct. 2!)th nt 2 rill) p. m.
Tickets 25 cents.
C.N. McArtliur nnd several oth
er speakers addressed a good siz
ed audience in tho Moose hall on
last Saturday evening.
Eyes examined, glasses fitted.'
We do it right. Dr. W. J. Gil
strap, Physician and Surgoi...
1-1 Peninsula Security Rldg.
The 1 'on insula Laundry has just
installed an uptodate steam
dryer. Folks in dillieully about
drying clothes, call up the Laun
dry. Tito Haehelor Club ball held in
the rink last Thursday evening
was a fine success. The next one
of the series is announced for the
!)th of November.
Wear a sheet and pillow ease at
tho Community Club's Hallow
e'en parly in the V. W. C. A.
building next Tuesday evening.
If you like a jolly good time, do
not fail to attend.
On Saturday at the Community
church parsonage occurred the
marriage of Mr. Samuel Colviu
and Miss Dorothy Woodidge. The
young couple will make their
home in St. Johns.
The Community Chorus meets
Friday evening, 7:15 p. m. at the
Haptist church. All members are
requested to ho there, also those
wishing to join, as we are work
ing on a concert and every re
hearsal is very important. All
children from 15 -years up can
join this chorus. Costs nothing
to join. Hep.
Tho Security Heneflt Associa
tion at its last regular weekly
meeting in the I. O. O. F. hall de
cided on its course or business
and entertainment for the Winter
months. Tho llrst oulertniumeut
will he n Hallowe'en masquerade
on Friday, Oct. 27. A four piece
orehostrn has been engaged for
the evening. A rousing good time
is promised for all. Rep.
Senator Hlnekhurn of Ken
tueky hud gone to pay a visit to a
friend in u distant oily. His
friend met the .Senator as he
alighted from the twin, "How
are you, .loot" his friend asked.
"I'm up against it," wns the re
ply. "1 lost tho best part of my
hnggago." -"Did you misplace it
or was it stolen T" his friend ask
ed. "Neither," said the Sena
tor. "The cork came out." Ex.
Tho Royal Neighbor Club mot
at the home of Neighbor Wood on
Thursday, tho lUtli. Quilting
wns tho work of the day. A pot
luck dinner was served nt noon,
which every one prwent enjoyed.
Those present were Mesdames
Tormey, Free, Fail-child, Hoyu
Campbell, Stuhr, Corbet t, Wright,
Wynioro, Horry, Ogden, Rey
nolds, Hilyeii; visitor, Mrs.
Kreehel and our hostess. The
next meeting plneo will be with
Neighbor Ogden, 20M) Willamette
boulevard, Thursday, Nov, 2nd.
All Royal Neighbors are wel
come. Reported.
Mrs. RiiknoU M. Pod' was hostoss
nt a miseellniieous surprise
shower nt her homo nt 203 E.
Burlington street Monday even
ing in honor of Mrs. Valorn Mar
tin, a bride-to-be. She received
many useful gifts. A vory plcas
unt evening was spent in conver
st ion, music and fortune telling,
after which a delicious lunch was
served. The guests included Mm.
John Martin, Mrs. Felix Thior
man, Mrs. Jesse Martin, Mrs. Or
ville Sevier, Miss Emm Haskell,
Mrs. Carl Martin, Miss Marie
Wilson, Miss Lydia Herzog, Mrs.
Leo Martin, Mrs. Glen Haskell,
Miss Valorn Martin and tho hos
tess. Reported.
The Catholic Ladios' Sewing
Circle mot at Mrs. Marchnnd's,
1107 S. Ivanhoe street, on TJiurs
day, Oct. lDth. The ladies spent
tho afternoon sewing for tho Ha
ssan r, which opens the early part
of November. The afternoon
was also spent in singing by Mrs.
Mills and Mrs. Marehand and
Miss Loraine nt the piano, also
Mr. Hill Fox and Marcclle Mar
ehand at the piano. Those pres
ent were Mesdames Hollcraft,
Durand, King, Rrooks, McAnn,
Gillis, Tooling, Pearson, C. Cann
dil, Fersehweiler. Clark, Me
(Main, Roonoy, Norris, Allen, II
Cnnnary, Grobun, C. Holmos,
Surber, Mills, Dohertv, Haudon
maror, Guosmer, J. C. Cannard,
('. E. Royer, Marehand, Miss
Smith, Hill Fox, Mareolle Mar
ehand. Reported.
The Big Load Man, Empire 1133.
Men, come in nnd Holler nt
ROGUES for a collar.
Furnished apartments to let nt
207!) Van Houten street; Empire
0803. 50
Eight foot crosscut saw for
sale. Inquire 282 W. Lombard
street, Portland, Oregon.
Cord Wood, old growth, Empiro
To Let Five room house, fur
niture for side. 1092 Willamette
Better Wood, Empiro 1133.
Light housekeeping outllt for
sale cheap and house for rent.
House rents for $8.50 per month,
including water. 805 W. Eur
lington street.
Room and board for one or two
in modern home, use of piano and
phone. Phone Empiro 12118.
House and lot for sale .$1100.00.
115 N. Ilnrtmiiu street. 51
Wool Pants nil wool but. the
buttons guaranteed to not rip,
ravel or wear down at the heels
"Bettor Wood" Ool. 258.
10 acres 10 miles from Port
laud, 30n under cultivation; sell
cheap or trade for residence or
income property; owner. Inquire
111 S. Princeton street.
Six room modern house close
to my ofllce, must be sold. Own
or needs tho money. Small pay
ment down, balance like rent. Is
now vacant. Huy and move into
this place; very cheap; garage,
lawn, connected witli sewer. All
this nt n sacrifice for .$2250. See
Ami.ich, 301! N. Jersey street.
ROGI3RS sells Shoo Oil Huy
your shoes from ROG13RS and
you won't need any.
Twelve Inch Inside Mill Wood and
Planer Trimmings. Empire 1133.
Tickle tho old man with n pair
of ROGERS' house slippers on
the bottom of the feet.
White Nnreissua 10c dozen, 215
En rr, corner Lombard St. 51
Dressmaking and tailoring nt
my home, 125 13. Mohawk street
Mrs. Fay Mills. 52
Eyes examined, glasses fitted.
We do it right. Dr. W J. Gil
strap, Physician and Surgeon,
1-1 Peninsula Security Hldg.
Wanted Girl to learn to run a
hand loom, with or without ex
perience. Apply in person. 210
Philadelphia street.
"Bettor Wood" Empiro 0258.
For Rent Five rooms, nt 301
North Central avenue. Nice and
Two bungalows for sale in St.
Johns; a bargain. Owner, 111 S.
Princeton struct.
For Sale Three milch goats for
$10 each, or the three for $22.00.
Inquire cor. Columbia boulevard
and Fnirhnveu street; C. E. Ellis.
For Snlo Five room semimod
ern house with largo lot (10x180;
also 8 room house, both on paved
street; easy terms if desired, 701
N. Seneca; phono Empire 2001.
For Sale White Leghorn hens;
also furniture, or will trade for
good trunk, Call 117 S. Sweuson
street, near Oswego.
"Bottcr Wood' Empiro 0258.
For Rent by Nov. 1st One 3
room apartment, -110 13, Rich
mond. Inquire 010 N. .Jersey St.
For Rent Modern room, close
in, very reasonable. Call at 208
E. Hurlingtou street.
Thu men who are to wrestle at
the woolen mills club house to
night are reported to ho in ttio
pink of condition for tho match.
A most interesting contest is us-sured.
Four room modern house, fur
nace, close in,good district,$3000.
107 N. Jersey St.; Empire 0387.
Speak English
Frco Public Evening School
.1 aiiics John High School
Parlano I'Ingleso
Scuoln Pubflica Senile Gratuita
Mowia po Augielsku
Hezplautnej Wieezorowej Szkoly
Fifty cents per gallon, two gal
lons and over delivered ; apples
$1,00 per box, Columbia boule
vard and Portsmouth avenue
Phone Empiro 1722.
Five room modern house, $1(300
107 . Jersey St. j Empire 0HH7.
Earning Saving Investing
Do not cling to the mistaken idea that your small earnings
leave no margin for SAVINGS.
That is the alibi used by those who desire to remain mi
The little bit left over after taking out the monthly expenses
is yours to save. It is your working capital and the proper ia
vestment of it creates n working ally which will help you through
stressful periods and maintain you in comfort in old age.
Study the following table and decide upon a course of Econ
omy which has been the means of placing tunny individuals in the
class of thu Successful.
3 per cent Savings Compounded Semi-annually
pay as follows:
$ 1.00
S 52.77
$ 1(53.11
$ 230.20
$ (105.84
Peninsula National Bank
Hot Point Electric H
Just the thing to take
the chill away from
the bathroom or bed
room tluse mornings.
Priced at
$8-50, $9-50
Headquarters for Winchester Ammunition
Are You Paying Too Much
For Your Fuel?
You are if you are using an Old
Faulty Draft, Fuel Eating Range
The Latest Improved Wedgowood Ranges are
perfect in design, workmanship and oeonomy of
Why not replace that old, worn out fuel wast
ing range with a New Money Saving Wedgewood?
We Make Terms We Guarantee the Range
Cash or Credit
l'ipelesx furnaces- i nntal 1 now.
He eomfortablo- -kuvo fuel no
frozen water nines n- ire ri.! s
Kiihv terms, low price, $')7.()(1 t-i
$115. Aie. H, SeitleK, Hmpir
Ifor Sale Modern nine rr n
house, hath, breakfast nook, fiit
place, Harare, fruit, nice lawn, lot ,
100x100, Cose in. A spleiuli I
home. Call 520 S. Ivanhoe; Km
pire 0889, J