St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 27, 1922, Image 6

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THOSE familiar with tho pomp anil
ceremony which hedged In 'I"1
former court of Austrln Ihivp n1vny
mnlntnlncd that thu trnjjle tllsnpin'iir
a&ee of Johann Salvator, nrrlidilkc of
Austria, prince of Hungary nml (jrnnd
ducnl prince of TtHcnny, cousin of
Francis Joseph nnd son of I.onpniil 11.
was due aa much to hln rndlcnl tend
encies and the fact Hint ho pcrslHtod
In airing his view In print an to hi
infatuation for I.udmllht Stulicl, thu
beautiful daughter of n Vienna nhop.
keeper. In Mrthornnro of thin opin
ion, they advance tho unniwillnhlo evi
dence that Kntsor Wllhclin linlatpil
upon tho punishment of Archdutoo
Johann when the latter urged nn Mil
nnco between HtiMln and Austrln In
order to curb the threalennl iloinl
nance of Germany In Kunmcnn poli
tics. WhatUTor the cnum the young nrch
duko'a reaction to the dlKolplliit In
flicted by hla roynl cousin wiim to re
nlgn all bis honorH, ntrli liliiiM'lf of
Ms titles, convert n large portion of
)ils estate Into cash, nnd, its the crown
ing Insult to his relatives to elope
With Ludmllln Httiliol, whom lie had
met Incognito roiiiu monllm before.
According to nil nvnllnblu reports,
thfiro was no doubt of I.udmlllii's
beauty, but h tnnrrlnge between nn
archduke of tho roynl blood and the
dnughtrr of a poor shopkeeper was
too much for the lilgh-splrlted llaps
burgs to swallow without n struggle.
Johann, however, Informed nil who
brought htm messages from bis titled
kinsmen that bo was no longer or tho
royal houso that ho bad renounced
11 Ids claims to tbn honors which
wire his by right of birth, nnd that
henceforth hn could be nothing more
thsn Johann Halvntor, a private cltl
an of tho world.
Whfn It boenmn known that hn
raally intended carrying through his
wild plan, even force wns resorted to
in order to prevent htm from contract
Ing wbst was recognlr.od as n mewilll
nnce, but bo concealed his Identity un
der thn nntiio of John Orth the inline
which hn bnd used In courting l.titl
mills Htubel nnd thn pair were has
tily married, nnd then escaped to Lon
don. Heru, still retaining his adopted
tinme. thn arrhduko chartered the linrk
Mariharltu, signed up n captain and
crew and silted for Houth A merlin.
whern the ship hnd formerly been en
(raged In the nttrntn trade.
Thu Marghnrltn'i usual course was
between Hurnns Aires nnd Valparaiso,
nnd, after mnklng several suecottsful
trips, sho finally left tho former port
on July 1.1, 1H!K ami vanished us
completely as If tho sen bnd opened
and swallowed her. Despite the most
diligent senrehes, timUirtnlien nt the In
attention of tho Austrlnn government,
nothing dellnlto was over heard of the
ship or the members of the crew,
though rumors that Archduke Jnlimm
bad been seen at many times and In
tnsny places bavn been current from
that dsy to this. Thn most credible of
these reports Is that made by nn otll
clsl Investigator of the Uruguay gov
ernment, who secured affidavits to the
effect that thn Mnrglmrlta bad put
in at a lonely place on tho coast
of that country, where thu name had
bren painted nut nnd she had then
sailed up the Uruguay river. "(Irth,"
tha report stated, bad then paid off his
crew, and with thn belt of two or three
of his Intimate cowipantons had set mill
further Inland but hero the trail was
Inst, never to be refouud,
During thn 1'hllcun war Archduko
Johsnn was reported to ho lighting on
the tld of the coiigrrsNloiuillsts, anil,
soma ten years later, tho sou of the
president of Argentina stated that he
had nisdu thu trip from lluemis Aires
to Cherbourg with n mnii who was
none other thun the former archduke
of Austria. In addition (he loM gmnd
duVa has been "located" In California,
has been Identified" na Admiral Ynnm
gsta of tha Japanese navy, and was
"recoguUed" by reputable wltucMes In
stvsral engagements of the world war.
Kvldrntly (titt emperor of Austria never
plsred full credenc In the story of
his death, for In Francis Joseph's will
wis a clause to the effect that tho
archduke's estate of some. HO.IHVi.UX)
was to be held Intact until something
dtflnlte wis Itsrntd about bis fate- a
point upon which the memoirs of the
former kaiser may eventually throw
one light. Until this the mystery of
the lost grand duke must remnln nH
one of ths unsolved riddles of history,
Holland's Way.
la ssveral lacv the Uo lu Hol
land mike their entrances to the sen
over eitensUe snud-beds, the water
bstug so shallow that large vessels
cannot sail In It, itnther than remove
the ssnd beds, which were looked upon
In oldtn tliuea as a defense, since they
then kept men of war at a illstumv
the Dutch adopt the ptnn of soiullng
out two large tint-bottomed croft to
tlit small trading teasels that
to euter the harbor. Arrived on
either side the ship, three pontoons,
as they may be railed are partlally
aunk by admlttlug water, and when
their sloping sides are well under the
hull tf the ship to be carried, the
water Is pumped out, nml they rise
buoyantly with their burdens between
thsra. Across the shallows they then
haar It In triumph, and lower It gently
Into the deeper water of the harbor
With equal rare the rvturn Journey
Im made when the merchantman Is
raady to sail away.
Legal Guarantee Givcru
tta rJ KnUt do iiIq cuallouc work.
Uk to m OUocU VtU Trratnicst.
CurWii's Jror Uvtiuf
St. Johm, - Oregon
Big Load of
Box Wood and Planer
Eapire 1475 403 N. Jersey St.
Good Wlfo Failed Altogether to Ap
preciate Whatever Point Thero
Was In Hubby's Story.
At n certain family dinner party on
tho Jfeirth sldu the son of the houso
provided somo good-natured raillery
nt his young wife's expense.
While attending a recent club
lunchoon, ho had heurd whnt bo con
sidered n "prize" story, nnd that snmo
evening Joculurly repuatcd It at his
own dinner table. The story runs
something like this:
Two old darkles stopped to look
at n circus billboard, ono of tliein
rending ntnud that this circus was
"tho biggest and best on earth," while
the other declared tlint Its claim wns
"thn biggest nnd best on enrth 'ccpt
one," nnd clinched his argument by
pointing to tho words "Sept. 1," print
ed nt tho bottom of tho poster. (How
ever, In telling tho story nil mention
of the ditto Is purposely omitted, ns
tho llstencr'H own Ingenuity Is sup
posed to fnthom tbn meaning of the
phrnse, '"cept one,")
Hut tho lltlo story Rcemed to bnvc
fallen qulto flat, as tho wlfo sat and
regarded him In stony sllenco.
"Don't quite get It, do your
queried the young husband.
"Sure I get It, but I can sen ftoth-
iiur very funny In mtughty stories, my
self," was thn exceedingly dignified
"Naughty stories," exclaimed tho n
tmiMiiNl hut-hand. "Just how do you
make Hint out?"
"Why. "cept ono mcniiB Heptcmbcr
.Morn, of course," was tho triumphant,
If somewhat Indlgnnnt, reply. Indian
apolls News.
Experiments doing On to Dstermlns
How Nitrogen la Assimiiatd
From the Atmosphere.
Thero Is reason to hope that tho
world may bo greatly enriched
iiirntiuii iho rt'Miitts of observations
nnd experiment to dctormlno Just
how certain plants manage to itssimt
Into nitrogen from the atmosphere.
II Iiiih been discovered that such
plants us pens, beans and clovers hnve
i heir riMitH Invaded by myriads of
minute organisms which may ho either
iiai terlit or parasitic rungi.
I'hesn oritniilsms In somo unknown
wny Incite thu plants to Increased ac
tivity ho that they are iidio to assimi
late free nitrogen from the atmos
phere nml thereby to supply, through own MllliseOUellt dCCIIV. till nlilin-
dance of nitrates, nitrite, niumonla
nnd other nitrogenous substances to
tint Hull.
lirfoHM liimi been tnudo to deter
mine whether some other stimulus bo-
sides that furnished by tho organisms
teferred to limy not ho supplied to
plants which will ennhlo thvm still
more ofTectuully to usslmllato nitro
gen from tho nlr for thu ultimate
enrichment of tho noil. Washington
Could Ctay on Qscond Call.
Itutli and Marjnrln wore spending
Hk afternoon with their little friend,
Jane. At llvo o'clock they Informed
their hnstertri that they must bu going.
"My dears," said Jane's mother,
"enit't you stity mid have supper with
"No. llmnk you," they both replied.
'.Mother told us to come home at 0."
Huts and wraps were brought. As
I hey were Ndug put on, Jane's mother
asked again! "Am you quite uuru
you must go before supper)"
"Yes, thnuk you; wo must go," r-
plled Itutli.
Marjerlo seemed to hnvo n different
opinion, uud said sottu voce to her
sister: "We don't hnvo to go. Mothor
said wo could stay to supper If sho
asked us twli'o," Judge,
A. J. Ilulfour said on tho Aqut
taulH :
"1 go buck homo Impressed with
)itir American quickness. You are
eertalnly thu quickest people on earth.
"An KngltMh farmer was slum tug
an Amerlctin over bis sheep fnmi one
'"How muuy ahei'p do you think
thero are In (hut Held? tho farmer
'"Kr IKX),' snld tho American.
"'ltlghtl lixactly right I' said the
farmer. 'How the douco did you
"'Why.' drawled the American, 'I
Just counted the legs and divided by
four.' "
Warm Ladlts.
The late I.llllau ltuell ou her re
cent diplomatic mission to Uuidou,
was n great success lit London society.
At n Turk lune luncheon a million
tilixi said to Miss lltiHsell:
"How Is It that womeji don't seem
to feel tho cold? If it mail turned out
lu tin etiuco or two of lnce and u yard
of georgette bo'd frcew to death."
"Well, you see," Miss Itussell ex
plained, "wouien who dress that way
tiro so ttbhauKtd of tbemsehes that
they blush continually, uiul that kwps
them warm."
Farm According to Military Ruls.
Kvery major eugsKement of the
American expeditionary forces lit tha
World war Is represented by 4rt for
mer fighters, who, disabled ttnd r
ctflvlng government training, are en
gaged lu rvchttmliig a tract of H.QOO
teres of litud near McOrutu, MlutL,
title to which bus btvn placed In the
veterans' mimes. Life ou tho tract Is
slmllur to iiriny life. Thero are bunk
und chow hulls, and the aquad ar
rangement for work.
Teacher of Piano
Phone Empire I6S7 Clarenden St.
1710 Near Podsmoatti Ave.
Typewriter ribbons for Btilo at
Uiih oftioe Oliver, Underwood,
Smith nnd Iteminiitou. Knoh
75 cents. Von unit do better nnd
more presentable work with a
TTISITOIIS to the cemetery nttnebed
v to Ht. Paul's church In Alexandria
Vn., seldom leave without exninlnlng
the Inscrlpllon upon a hundsome moir
utnent whlth Is ono of the outstanding
ploces of Interest In tho city ns well
ns ono of thu most hnlTlIng riddles of
IdeniHy which the passage of more
than a century has fulled to solve
'Dili Inscription comprises within it
few Hues nil that the world knows of
the woman In question, for It reads:
01' THH
l'i:MAt.B HTIlANOKtl
Whoso mortal surfarltiKn terminated
on the fourth day of Octoher, 1811,
aged twenty. olnht years nml eight
month, tbls stone. Is erected by her
illnconiioliito huslmiul In whose arm
alio hn-nthed out her Inst stsli, nnd
who, under Ood, did his utmost to
sooths the dull, cold car ot death.
That Is all nnd the most deter
mined efforts of the residents of
Alexandria during the first half of the
last century, fulled to throw the
slightest light upon the mystery.
The fuels In the case nre few, hut.
such ns they ore, they tiro supported
by tho unnssntlahlu evidence of u num
ber of persons who were eyewitnesses
to thu brief public nppeuraiicu of the
"female stranger." The brig Four
Sons docked nt Alexandria on July
'J5, 181(1, en rotitu from Halifax to the
West Indies. The Virginia city wns
not n port of cull on the regular route,
hut the captain stnted that one of his
pasM'tigers had been taken dangerously
III nnd Hint her hiishnnd hnd demand
ed that she he put ashore nt Alexun
ttrla, where u boat was lowered, and it
man and woman, the latter apparently
very III, were tnken ushore.
Despite (lie heat of mlil-summer. the
woman wore n heavy black veil, nnd
her husband secured the best suite In
tho Inn of the Hunch of drapes, ns
well ns the services of it well-known
physician whom hit engaged only after
pledging htm to strictest secrecy, liven
In tho presence of the doctor, however.
thn woman's face wns kept veiled, and
tho husband steadfastly refused to
hire n nurM, saying that he wns eu
tlrely capable of handling Hie case
ami that he wits utile to tin anything
that it nurse could do.
As tho weeks of scorching hot
weather progressed, however, the man
began to wilt under the constant strain
of watching beside the bed, nnd finally
ngreetl to permit two of the guests
In the Inn to help him but only nfter
they bad taken tin onth that nothing
tktiy might learn would ever be
divulged, nn oath which wus kept ns
n sacred trust.
During thn ten weeks which fol
lowed tho woman's nrrlvnl lu Alexan
dria, she grew steudlly wnrse, uud nt
Inst, lit dawn on October -I, her hus
band announced that sho had tiled.
Then, for fear that someone might see
the face which he had kept hidden
from the world, he himself prepared
the body for burial, sealed the lid of
the coffin, and, after attending the
funeral and ordering the heitiNtonu
with tho strange Inscription, dlsap
pen red.
On October -I of the following year,
Alexandria was -surprised at the sud
den uud unherulded return of thu bus
baud, who remained In the city only
long enough to place dowers on tho
grate of tho "female stranger." nnd to
see (but tho plot lu tho cemetery wus
well taken core of. Onco n year, for
twelve years, be returned. Then his
visits ceased nnd thu grave was nog
loeted until, a number of years later,
a distinguished elderly man and wom
an camn und ordered the monument
to be replaced by another and more
costly headstone bearing the same In
scrlptlon, with the addition of the
How loved, how honored ones, avails
tlit nut.
To whom related, or by whom begot;
A htiii of dust olon remains of tlirs,
'TU all thou art, and all ths proud shall
They, too, vanished taking with
them the secret of the Identity of the
woman whose history and personality
Is forever hidden from the world be
hind thrve words "The Fetunle
Novel Shooting Feat,
Ait Interesting experiment In freak
rifle shooting was described recently
by an Kngllsh ofllcer, "I have tired an
ordinary wax caudle through four
deal boards placed a foot apart," he
said. "I used six Inches of win citudle
and thirty-three grulns of powder with
the usual wads. The shot wus remitted
by cutting off the tup hulf-liich of the
case, nnd n candle weighing one uud
a quarter ounces wns Inserted. I tired
at a range of about five yards, Knelt
plank was perforated. There were
plenty of pieces ef dry wax on all the
boards, but the first. When tired
against planks placed Immediately back
to back, the cttndle went through the
first and was brought up by the solid
weight of wood of the other three,"
Major Hardcitstle added that a certain
gamekeeper won many beta by shoot
ing candles through n spade.
Thrss Times and Out.
Diner Walter, do you menu to snv
this Is the fish I ordered?
Walter Yes, sir.
"Well. It looks like the same fUh
that the gentleman at the next table
.....I . ., tt... .t.... .1.
iviiii-ii I v vhi iiurr iiiuimra lieu.
"yes, sir; we always try It three
times before we gives It up," Lon
don Answers.
Nettie Leona Foy
Pupil of Gabrilowitsch
STUD1O-207 8 Ttlford Building
Phones llroadwsy 2&07, anil Hast ltS0
St. Johns Representative, Mrt. Misd Stewart
Home Studio, 401 Oswego St.
l'hotie Umpire 09C5
For SaleWhite lVkin ducks,
nl so Flemish Giant rabbits. 51 tl
Area In British Columbia, Close to the
Yukon Border, Has Hundreds
of Hot Springs.
Discovery of tin almost tropical val
ley with rivers of boiling witter, min
eral springs, abnormal p'nnt growth
nnd abounding with game, In far
northern Ilrltlsh Columbia Is reported
by Frank I'erry, mining engineer of
Vancouver, returned nfter 17 yenrs
passed In prospecting the valley close
to tho Yukon bonier. Thu itrcn of
the terrain covered by Mr. I'erry Is
roughly 700 miles north nnd south and
TOO miles wide, lielwcrn the coastal
rnngo nnd the Lizard nnd Fort Nelson
The tmtistinl sight of a heavy fog In
t winter nttrncted him to tho vnlley.
Bxplorntion showed the vnlley to be
approximately 1100 miles long nnd
tbout -10 miles wide. Itlvors of hot
wntcr running through, were fed by
hundreds of hot springs, the steam
from these being condensed on rising,
'ormlng the fog which Terry hnd first
Treo growth In tho vnlley wns nb
normal, Mr. I'erry stnted. Ordlnnry
wild rose bushes were llko trees, nnd
so dense that It wns Impossible to
force n wny through. Some tree ,
trunks were fully one foot nnd n iinir
In tllntneter.
Important mineral deposits were dis
covered by Mr. I'erry, Including gold,
silver nnd copper. Coal, Iron nnd oil
formations were also found.
Prospective Juror Evidently Not a
Man Who Could Easily Oe Influ
enced by Trifles.
The Inst time n Jury trial wns de
manded In city court ut Jerfersonvlllo
a special venire was Issued by tho
mayor under net of the legislature,
and tho court took enrn Hint every
member should hn n mini who could ho
depended on to vole necordlng to thn
evidence ns well nt least ns tho court
could Judge, thu Indianapolis Nowm re
ports. Tho prosecutor, James L. Hot
torff, threw some light on the reason.
He ccntly, he Mild, n Jury was being tin
pnnoled to try u liquor casu nnd tho
fntesmen were being Interrogated, Ono
locnl merchant had been prncttcnlly ac
cepted when thu prosecutor nsked
whether hu had uny objections to find
ing n man guilty under the prohibition
laws. "You could not present evidence
thnt would convince mo of his guilt,"
was the answer. "I should vote for
acquittal If I knew he wits guilty."
Tho prospective Juror was permitted
to stnnd nstde. He seemed to hnve
found n sure wuy to avoid beltif
drawn for Jury service.
Ileal Golfing Hero.
Lord Itlddell, who miide many Amer
ican fiicjids ut Iho Washington con
ference, spenklng ut n recent luncheon
ut thu Crtccleth (lolf club, London, re
lated: 'Thu greatest hero In golf history
was it .Scotsman, who In thu year 1710
used to start playing nt dawn nnd end
by putting nt thu last green by ctindlo
"Mutters reached such it stage that
his wife, nit Innkeeper, applied for a
separation order. This ennbled tho
mutt to miiku one of thu most pathetic
declarations in history.
"'Let her have thu business,' ho
Mild, 'provided sho gives mo sufllclcnt
to clothe and feed myself und provide
myi.elf with gidf balls.'
"The magistrates must hnvo thought
It n very proper disposition of thu
nuirltnl property, htcttuso they do
creed accordingly, uud tho gentleman
lived to hu ninety-live nnd continued
Ida vocation."
Bermuda Permits Autos.
Ilermtida hits given wuy nnd will now
have automobile, under public con
trol. A majority of the legislative
body of Uermudit has nt lust agreed
to permit it system of inotorbusscs for
passengers und freight, l'rtvnto mo
torcars, however, will stay under the
After religiously excluding tho mo
torcar mid permitting only horses und
bicycles, llermudn has declared for the
motorcar, but only ns n public con
veyance with Its operation mid man
agement subject to strict surveillance.
Tho Nation's lluslncxs.
Saw One on tho Celling.
"Whnt's it pleslosaurtts?" nsked Mr.
"A prehistoric monster that lived n
long time ago," said Mr, Jagsby,
"Whnt did It look like?"
"Like somethlug that never wus. I
could huve given you it pretty good de
scription of a plenlosnurtis nfter my
last illnessthe one that caused me
to sign the pledge." Hlrinlnghiiin Age
Hcritld. Forgotten Qrsat Ones,
"The old Thespian who played with
Hooth nnd Harrctt has about disap
peared," it's Just ns well. If he showed up
In Hollywood he wouldn't make much
of mi Impression. The beauteous
btar, the directors and the eminent
producers probably wouldn't know
whom he was talking ttbout." Illr-
mlngham Age-Herald.
A Time for All Things.
"What sort of refre.shinents should
be served ut n radio concert?"
"Anything you happen to have In the
house," Mild Mr. nibbles.
"Would hooch tin?"
"Yes, but 1 wouldn't serve It until
after the guests huve lienrd the tutse
bull scores und the market reports.
You hive to keep your mind on tig-
utvs." ltlrmlngliuui Age-Herald.
Member lluildcrs Hxcbange
W. P. Greene & Son
Contractors & Builders
rortlaud, Ore. 1'honc Umpire 1025
Berenice McCall
High School Credits Given
Don't Surrender Your Rights!
OUR forefathers fought for their rights.
Many of them gave their lives that we
might enjoy freedom.
In the Declaration of Independence they
recorded those truths that have so safely
guided our democracy.
They have written that men are endowed
by their Creator with certain "unalienable"
rights, and "to secure these rights govern
ments are instituted among men."
And now thoso rights aro attacked. Tho School Mo
nopoly BUI (called on tho ballot Compulsory Education
Bill) proposes that wo surronder a God-given right-the
right of parental control-tho right of a parent to say In
what school his or her own child shall bo educated.
Maintain your right to control'your child through tho
education you feel it is right to give it Do not bo led astray
by fino phrases. Look into this dangerous bill You will
find tho vital principle of "unalienable" rights is at stako.
Vote 315X NO on the
School Monopoly Bill
Called on the ballot Compulsory Education Bill
This dmdiemrot Is pdd tor by ths NotvStctirUn and Protestant Schools Commlttt.
it r r m
I The Home Merchant
He knows what THIS TOWN
He knows your INDIVIDUAL
He is anxioui to please.
He wants you to call again.
He GUARANTEES his goods.
He'll exchange them if they do
not please.
! Why Not Trade I
at Home?
1 502 l'cssendeuSt. I
A Glorious Vacationland
Where dreams come true and cares of yesterday arcsoou
Sunny Southern
Sunlit skies Flowers in blossom Miles of spark
ling ocean at your feet, are just a few of life's
advantages in this vacationland for everyone
Low Round Trip Fares
San Francisco Santa BarbaraLos Angeles
San Diego and other California resort points.
"The California Impress" bss through Pullmans, Seattle, Tcotu ami
Portland to Lo Angeles via Sacramento.
Stay a day or more at San I'ranclsco a delightful stopping place,
Southern Pacific Lines
I'or (ares, train service, sleeping car reservations or beautiful folders,
ask agents or write
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.
i Portland Manufacturing Co.
Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex
celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock,
and all kinds of Veneer
Qatton Ranch
Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm
The Dairy is under strict supervision of the City
Health Department and the Cows are tested
for tuberculosis every six months.
Phone Col. 321 for orders
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Empire 0631
C 1101
t53o n D'on SBarSer SAop
lALUntLL & iUN
Thr? plac where vood service awl
courteous treatment prevail. Children's
batr cutting receive spveial attentloa.
Foot of Burlington St.
Pulley & Zurcher
Plumbing , Heating & Tinning
We Repair Aluminum Ware
rbone Col. 92
307 S. Jersey St.
now ribbon.
K. Charleston street.
310 W. Pessendeu St.