St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 27, 1922, Image 1

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Community Club Notes
To the editor: At n recent
meeting o the advisory council
of the St. Johns Community
Club 'it was decided to request
the use of thelleview for bringing
before the community the worh
of the Club, its aims and its pos
sibihties. We would like to re
view what has already been ac
complished by the Club, to tell
what other clubs are doing in
Portland and elsewhere, to hui.
gest some things that may be
done in the future, and to inaugu
rate a campaign for a member
ship of at lr-ast one thousand
wiui which to start tiic year
1923. It is not the purposo of
tho Club to interfere with or su
persede any church, fraternal, so
cial or ctviu organ izatfonjj it
merely otters a place and oppor
tunity for a common meeting
point in all matters of our public
welfare. "We believe that the
Club deserves not only the ap
proval and good will of the citi
zens of St. JohtiB, but also the ac
tivo support and membership of
each one. Therefore, during the
next two months wo wish,through
the Review, to submit for earnest
consideration the work, aim and
place of the Club in the commu
nity. Respectfully submitted,
Tho Advisory Council, by W. T.
i Fletcher, Vice President.
(The Review will gladly give as
"much space as possible for this
' purpose ond we know the Review
rcadent will look forward with
much interest to these eontribu
tions. Editor).
Tho Community Club Hallow
o'en party at the Y. W. C. A. on
Tuesday evening, Oct. 31, prom
foes to be one of tho most onjoya
bio oventa in tho Club's history,
and something that should not be
passed by. R. E. Hurd is chair
man of tho entertainment com
mittee, Mrs. S. A. Mulkoy is at
tho head of tho stunt committee;
Mrs. J. M. Shaw, assisted by Mrs.
Itobertson will have charge of the
decorations, and Mrs. E. A. Blew
will bo in chargo of the refresh
ments. ' '
On October thirty-first at tho Y.
W. C A.
The St. Johns Community Club
will close tho day.
Spooks and witches, goblins and
Reduced Prices on All
Ford Cars and Trucks
Chassis Regular - $323.04
Chassis Starter - - 5394.72
Chassis Starter and Demountable Rims $420.32
Roadster Regular - - ?6H
Roadster Starter - - ?1?S'SS
Roadster Starter and Dem. Rims - $462.56
Touring Regular - - 5?23"22
Touring Starter - -
Touring Starter and Dem. Rims - $492.72
Sedan . - - $702.80
Coupe - - 5635.20
Truck - - $471.52
Truck with Starter - - $543.20
Tractor - - - $484.60
All New Models On Display
Macfarland-Robinson, Inc.
Authorized FORD Dea,er
Head of Burlington St. St. Johns
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Thomas Orice, Alanager
tfftet, Eijifi 0527 PHONES Hlghl, Empire 0299 208 N. Jersey St.
Cleaning, Pressing,
Dyeing, Repairing
and Alterations
217 Nerth Jersey Street
Telephone Empire 1399
H. A. MANNING, Prop.
Reports Many Lots Sold
Since the Frank L. McGuire
organization took over four addi
tions in the peninsula district
less than three months ago, more
than 4(H) lots have been sold
iMany of the purchasers already
iavo started the erection of
.tomes. These properties are oil
served by street ear lines and arc
near the George grammar school
and the new Roosevelt high
school, in the East St. Johns dis
trict. Many of the lots arc on
paved streets and have water and
gas connections. One of the
properties is a liquidation sale
and, according to Mr. McQuirc,
the lots are being offered at
about one-half their actual value.
"On the peninsula arc located
most of Portland's industrial
plants, which are turning out nt
the present time products of a
total value of about $125,000,000
a year, said Mr. McQuirc. "Be
cause of splendid rail and water
shipping facilities this district is
destined to become one of the
great industrial centers of the
Pacific coast. For this' reason the
peninsula district is bound to at
tract thousands of persons who
will be employed permanently
and it will build up at a rapid
rate. An investment in real es
tate in this district today, espe
chilly at the low prices now ob
turning, is bound to be sound.
During the past few months
scores of new homes have been
built in the district and many
more are being planned." Ore-
Are a portion of what tho pro
gram carries.
Music from their wierd haunts
thoy'll bring,
That the song of Hallowe'en may
ri"K5 . ..
And then to make hospitality
They'll serve pumpkin pie and
apple cider.
St. Johns Branch Library has an
Interesting exhibit of needlework
of the Arts and Crafts Society.
There is also the silver loving cup
on display awarded Marguerite
Stark, James John high school
girl, for scoring 100 in canning
at the State Fair at Salem.
517-19 N. Jersey St
Phone Empire 1277
Meats and Groceries
Trade Here and
Save Money.
We Deliver.
Boys' all wool Mackinaws
High School Notes
The class in pedngojry has or
ganized n club in order lo con
duct additional interesting work
and investigation. As olliecrs they
have eleutcd Robert Miller as
president and Gertrude Ncct as
secretary. Their first work will
Iks the study of the Palmer writ
ing method. Mr. (Jet, is faculty
advisor of the club.
Frances 13. AVillard duv wns
mnronriatelv observed on Tim in.
day under tho auspices of the
nuiatJienaeum club. Amelia
'cgenthaler gave a brief nc
count of Miss Willord's life.
Jay Kfteland gave the eulogy
read at the unveiling of the Wi'l
lard monument at Wn.shiimtoii,
D. O. Marguerite Oalvin gave a
readitiu- and Esther Wnll snnke
of Miss Wil bird's work. Albert
.S'uitJjson discussed "The Cigar
ette and the lliirh Solum) Umv."
and Fred Robertson "What Pro
hibition Has Accomplished."
On Fr'idav Hit 27tli n urnin-nin
was presented'to honor the mem
ory of Theodore Roosevelt. The
History classes gave sketches of
his life: the science ehisses tolil
of his out-of-door life in hunting
and travel; the civics classes told
of his statesmanship and the Hen
Scouts spoke of his inlluoneo in
building up tin Navy. Ellsworth
Rakes, student body president,
eulogized Roosevelt's high ideal
and urged the students to incor
porate these ideals in the charac
ter ot me new nigii school.
The June 'l2!l climx in Hiim wnnk
wearing the new high school pin
in the form of the initial R for
Roosevelt. Tho design was work
ed out 'in the arL dcmirtment niul
submitted to the liiiiiitifiietiii'iiiir
jeweler, who perfected the do
For Men, Women and Children
I Good Work Sox
10c Per Pair
Rain Hats
50c, 75c, 90c
Safety First
You'll Never Lose Them in
Rogers 50c Suspenders
For Everybody
The All Wool Kind $9.50
Por Dress Wear
$6.50, $10.00, $12.50
To Be Sure Insure.
Did You Ever Say to Yourself
"What would I do
"If my home burned today and my furniture was destroyed?
"If my home or any member of the family were robbed?
"If ray car was burned or stolen?
"If I injured some one or damaged some property with my car?
"If I was injured and disabled?
Consult Your Insurance Agent as You would Your Doctor
Peninsula Security Company
at your service
mmmmm "
HrH HIME fgM - H
Operetta a Fine Success
The operetta "Smuggleman."
presented by the children ol Yvil
Mains school at .James John high
school last Friday was a huge
success. A capacity house greet
ed the performers, both after
noon and evening. Each of the
100 children participating in the
spectacular production thtl his
part creditably. The production
was sponsored by the Williams
Parent-Teacher Association and
was for the benelit of the school
milk fund.
Williams P. T. A. wishes to ex
tend thanks to the teachers of
Williams school, to those who
made the costumes, to thu child
ren who performed so delightful
ly, to Ihe mimieians who support
ed the east, to every one who aid
ed by any service whatsoever.and
last, but not least, to the commu
nity at large who so generously
contributed to the success of the
sign and produced the pin. Kv
cry student is charmed by (he
new emblem and anticipates the
lime when he may bo privileged
to wear it. The class presented
Principal Fletcher with a dupli
cate, thus making him an honora
ary member.
On Wednesday the English VIII
cIiisk was addressed by Miss Mul
heron of the City Public (library
on the subject of selecting books
for oiio'h personal library.
Mrs. (Huns, librarian for the
high school, is this week giving
class instruction to the first, sev
enth and sixth termers on the
use of the library.
For Rent Four room house.
$1(1.00 per month ;frco water, (.'all
H'2 North Leonard street.
Work Shirts
95, $1.25, $1.35
Rain Pants
$2.25, $3.25, $3.50
Flannel Shirts
$1-75. $2.25, $2.f0 to $5.85
$1.25, $1. 5, S1.75 up
Stag Shirts
$4.85, $7.50, $8.50
For n Dripping Nose and
Chilly Toes Wear Rogers
35c Hose, 3 Pair $1.00
Will Be a Rare Treat
Friday night the friends and
members of the Community
church are to enjoy one of the
real treats of the year. Dr. .J. K.
Hrowne, who was for 2!) years a
missionary in Turkey,will be with
us. Or. lJrownc, with his inspir
ational addresses, has a way of
lifting people to where the. can
understand God. Religion will
mean more to you if you hear
him. Sunday morning Dr. O. II.
Harrison, the new superintend
ent of Congregational work in
Oregon and southern Idaho, will
preach. Kupt. Harrison is a man
you will be glad to know. In the
evening Rev. P. O. Fulgham. who
for a milliter of years has been
pastor of churches in Michigan
and Washington but who is now
a resident of St. Johns, will (111
the pulpit. Next Monday night
will be spent witli spooks and
goblins at. the church. A live pro
gram will be presented. There
will lie stunts and eats. The Pri
mary Dept. of the .Sunday school
is installed in the parish house.
with Mrs. H.Ii.Campbcll as Supt.
New members will be welcomed
into the church. On Tuesday ev
ening, Nov. 7th, there will be a
Father and Sou Mampiet. Any
man who has not a sou is urged
to bring some boy of his no-
iiuaiutance. Roosevelt said "The
church is easy to slam but hard to
replace. Kick it if you like; you
will be wiser and happier if you
back it." Reported.
Henry Ford and Rockerfeller,
Richest men we Know
The guy who makes the lliver
And the guy who makes it go.
Wiggle your Iocs
$14.95, $16.50, $18.50
$2.25, $3.50, $5.50
50c, 75c, 95c, $1.25
Work Pants
$1.95, $2.50, $3.00, $3.85
Good Ones 25c
Good Leather
Belts, Only 50c
The family Sets the Price
--Our personal service and home
like parlors extends the quiet
diguity that is due our loved
-f-Our humane methods of em
bahnitn; symbolizes the highest
respect, which is a consolation
and partial relief to every family.
Dignified Crudit Given to All
The Portland Mortuary
W. E. PeW Dewey L. Bristow
Morrison at 12th
Our Funeral Service
Aims to be
Prompt and Scientific
Dignified and Sympathetic
Economical and Responsible
Chambers Co. Inc.
248 Killingsworth Aveiue
Walnut 3306
The Burnslde Bridge
The proposed new Hurnside
bridge is to be !)0 feet wide and
having a grade of not over four
per cent and thoroughly modern
in every particular. The posi
tion of the bridge in probably the
best for the reason that thu dm
timet crossing the river is short,
tin high bank on the east .side
enables the approach to bo plac
ed over all railroad tracks and
other trnflle, and the grade will
be only four per cent. Tho bridge
will be high enough to permit all
ordinary river boats to pass tin
dor without interference.
The bridge is t be constructed
according to City Engineer
tiiiiirgaard's water front plan,
and has been approved by state,
county, and city oillcials, our
planning commission and various
clubs, civic and labor organiza
tions. The position of this bridge en
ables approaches to bo built, and
these approaches have been ar
ranged for. On the cast side of
the river an approach extends
from Couch street over the
tntchs, joining the main bridge
near the water lino, and this ap
proach will bo (50 foot in width
the full width of a street. A sim
ilar approach will probably Ik
run into Aiikony street on tho
east side, while on the west side
of the river an approach is pro
vided for Couch street, and vehi
cles can enter the bridge down
I'lirusidt along Second street and
along VivA street.
This bridge is to bo placed over
the natural and logical bridge
street of this city a strocl that
drains vast areas on the cast
side of tho river as well as the
west side, and tho only at root
running entirely oast and west
through our city. Before the
present pnrtial closing or order
restricting trallic on tho present
Murusidc bridge was placed into
oll'eet, statistics of travel were
made by tho oily every month,
and for yon in those statistics
showed that tho bridge carried
more and heavier travel than any
oilier bridge crossing I ho river.
The now bridge will fill the ur
gent need for a bridge enabling
general traflle to cross the river.
The approaches on the west side
of tho Broadway and steel bridge
are very steep, so that horse lad
en vehicles and heavy trucks liud
great dilllculty in crossing, and
tin bridgs to the south arc old
and unlikely to stand heavy traf
lle and are rapidly becoming un
lit for use.
The slate of Oregon through its
engineering deportment and tin
city of I'nrtlnud t hroiitfli ils cnifi
BraTIm IWUrTj JIT Hiffil
Why take tha trouble to rnd
your battery uutttlotti In to the
automobile editor and thtn wait
a week for your antwer?
Our automobile page Un't
printed. Ifi "tmlhtxl". And
you get tho amwer-the right
answer Jutt about 01 toon at
you've flnlthtd aiWnit the quet
tloa. And we're even better at re
pairing battetltt all khxd-
and keeping them In thape,
than at antwering quettlont.
Bring your battery In and we'll
prove It.
St. Johns Auto Electric Co,
Empire 0088 317 S. Jersey St.
Representing the
Beautiful Fluffy Ferns, all
sizes and varieties
Cut Floweri for All Occasioas
702 S. Jersey Street
Phono Empire 487 117 Philadelphia Street
Second hand Furniture Store
If you enn't find whnt you want elsewhere, come to me. If
I haven't Kot il. I will R.t it. I carry I'TRNlTURIi, CAR
RANGHS. In fact, anything you wish in the Household Line.
Will Buy, Sell or Exchange Anything
Perkins for Commissioner
Or. T. L. Perkins, candidate for
City Commissinncr. made a splen
did record as Finance Commis
sioner during bin tern! of olflce
several years ago and should re
ceive a huge vole nt the cninilijr
election. During his term lu tho
state legislature n ntnle senator
ho was the moans of gelling a
groat ninny nieritorious bills
passed that wore of great benefit
to the people C this community
and to the state. He has promis
ed to make many reforms in the
city's alfairs in case li is elected
and will advocate any measure
that is vital to the interest of this
city. Doctor I'erkins has initia
ive and is possessed of considera
ble optimism in the future tip.
building of (he city and predict
(hat witli ait honest ami economi
cal council administrating Ihe nt- 1
fairs of the city the population
of this oily would bo a Imlf mil
lion by the time tho exposition is
neering department have spout ;
considerable time and money in '
preparing plans and estimates of '
the new Murusidc bridge, and
both have gone on record Tn com
munications directed to tho com
missioners of this county to the
ell'cct (hat tin tin ee million dol
lars provided for in the bond is
sue will cover the entire cost, of
lite bridge, the condemnation of
all necessary properly and the
ciwt of all approaches necessary
and convenient.
Two years or more will clapM
before tho present proposed. .
bridges can bo constructed, and
if not approved by the voters l
the coming election, tho question,
of new bridges cannot again be
considered until the general elao-' ,
lion in November, two ytM
WHAT1 You want a pleasant
home and yood lm ml ' Well,
'.en mil Kmpire 1 1d')
Thursday and Friday, Oct. 20-27
Also "Timber Q n" No. fi.
Saturday, October L'K -HARRY
Sunday, oiilx. Oelober -Ml
To bo announood laUr.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
day, Del. Ill) ill, Nov. 1
"Nuf ceil." It's the one you
have been waiting for, Ik'
member, three dii.vs, no don't
all try lo get in the III si allow
the (iiiil night.
OflVcv lloiim: Ojwti UveniiiKt and
! A. M. lo lit M. HudKuuday
I : 1'. M. lo 5 1. M. II) Apfiuintuwnt
Kdoiiis 7 H. IVnlntiila Hank llldg.
I'lioiio Umpire ls:
Special Values In Pot Plants
l yelwneii 80c up
I'limros Wc up
lk'Kf'l"a in l ull IU'hjiii, i;lr
VhIui-i 25c up
Xiiias IVikts. Iluy Nuw ami
Watch the I'ej.ptTi Ri'fU . .96c up
Culls Milieu lii I'otd Wi up
! a hint uiul other l'luU 86c up
I'eriin, all uiiett uuil p(ice
At thukv jifict h eviryouu khoiilil
imve thu pU-aatirc of a l'loMcriug
l-lutit lu tlu lr h "iiif. Visit the r.K'i-n-houses
unl make your it 'll
Cut riowm, floral Dcilgni