Historical Sociey, ST. Johns review VOLUME 18 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1922. NUMBER 80 OBSERVATIONS (By our Unobserved Observer) St. Johns is growing more this year than in any pre-war year in its history. It seems probable that com plaining about the high cost of fuel will be one of the popular indoor diversions during the com nig winter. A careful observer has decided that many auto accidents might be avoided in Portland if drivers would always remember that it is necessary to give some atten tion to the car behind the one ahead of you. It is also import ant to watch the ear ahead of the ono behind you. Any one who regularly reads the marine news in the daily pa pers must be 'impressed with the growing importance of Portland as a seaport. The lista of vessels in port and of those arriving and departing are very satisfactory IJut the- fact 'in this connection that is of greatest importance to St. Johns is that a very largo part of the cargo carried by the many ships that como into the harbor every month is handled through icrniuiiu io. i. Ono good citizen of St. Johns has been disillusioned. N. J. Bailey has been u resident of St. JoIuih for many ycors and is the owner of a very attractive homo on bouth Ivanhoe Btrcct. In a 11 the years of his residence here he has been strictly Idyal to St. Johns and to Oregon, but like many other men who formerly lived in the middle west lie has clung to the belief that that re gion has certain attractions and advantages not to be found else where. Ho remembered tin prairies and the broad fields of grain, and he was sure he could never forget tho flavor of Michi gan apples. He hud also n natural desire to visit his old home town. And ho a couple of months ago ho decided to start on a long de layed journey. When tho train that carried him eastward reach ed the prairio region he became impatient to arrive at his destina tion. The Bcencry became less interesting; tho distance seemed A 1 l A . f . ioo long aim ine tram was too slow. But journeys in this world have nM end, and Mr. Bailey 'a journey to Michigan was no ex ception. When the train at last arrived at the little station that he had kept in fond remembrance for so many years he alighted with a joyous feeding of antici patcd pleasure. But one look at the town and surrounding conn try brought disappointment. The town looked older but not much larger or more attractive. Many of the farms and farm houses seemed to have boon neglected. In short the signs of great progress that Mr. Uailey expected to see were nowhere m evidence. Of course there' were some amonir his old time friends who through industry and prudence had accu mulated wealth, but there wero also many who had not. And when he once more tasted Michl gan apples he was completely disillusioned, for he know at once that Oregon apples are of better nuality. He enjoyed meet ing the many friends whom ho had known in earlier years and ho had a very pleasant visit, but lie was soon ready to travel west' ward again, lie longed to see the green inns and valleys Hint are made still more beautiful by the abundance of roses, in Oregon. licforc returning home he also visited in Indiana and in Kan sas, where he found conditions much the same as in Michigan. And now with tho knowledge of actual conditions in tho middle west still fresh in his mind he is more than ever before content to make Oregon his permanent home. Levy Vitally Necessary Laying its cards squarely on the table, the city council has issue! a statement pointing out that ma terial cuts in vital municipal ser vice must be made utiles the spe cial U-mill levy passes at the No vetuber election. Tho statement is not issued by way of throat but simply to point out the existing emergency in municipal uflairs. The tax is not new. It has been twice passed by voters at pre vious elections. However, th tax supervision and conservation commission last week raised a technical point regarding the levy. It became mandatory for the city council to again ask the electorate to pass the measure to protect present municipal ser vice, xno increased taxation is asked. Persona are crowding the council at present for nn provetnents and street lighting. Funds will not permit extensions. In view ot this the council points out the real emergency hovering over failure to pass tho special levy. "It would mean cuts of practically 23 per cent in the bu reaus of lire and police," Mayor Baker said. "At present these departments are under manned and under equipped. I have nev er been termed n calamity howler but a real emnrgeney exists. I rcpectfully ask voters to pass the measure in the interests of assur ing proper municipal service for the city in vital departments." A wise old minister, before parting with a young couple ho had joined in matrimony, used to slip a card into the undo s hand on which was printed the advice "When you marry him love him. After you marry him study him. If he is honest humor him. If ho Is generous appreciate him. When he is sad cheer him. When he is quarrelsome ignore him. If he is slothful spur him. If he is noble praise him. If he is confidential encourage him. If he is secretive trust him. If he is jealous cure him. If ho favors society accoin puny ji i in. when tie docs you a favor thank him. When he de serves 'it kiss him. Let him think how well you understand him; but never let liim know that you manage him." UUBKHS-ROOKHS. Hard Time Dance given by Women of Mooseheart Legion nt Moose Hall Monday, October gild. Admission, gems ;ioe, imiies ioe. Itcischmiiii's Orchestra. Wear your rags, frizes given for the best costume. His Troubles Now Over W. P. Greene has always hat t rouble with his engine in con crete mixer, as does every one who tries to run a mixer with the little cheap engine that is built for them; they are most always under power and unreliable, it is said. The Columbia Machine Works and Oarage finally talked him into mounting tue mixer on a truck and running with the truck engine, which they did to his complete satisfaction. The truck has ample room for all equipment. When ready to move ho loads wheelbarrows, cement left over.etc, gets on the seat and is gone. He also has a hoist on the mixer to elevate concrete for high walls, lie is mixing and el evating the concrete for the new building for the Home Mercan tile Co. on Jersey and Chicago streets. This is about the best equipped and most complete lit tle outfit in the city. It ran for eight hours without a stop on the tryout. The Ladies' Aid of the Commu nity church spent Wednesday af ternoon at the Community house, where they had a very entertain ing meeting. Plans were made for a bazaar and cooking sale. 'in... ..... ...in i... ...............I i i ill nun it in iji iiiiiiwiuii;ii luii'i. i'lie ladies will also meet at the ionic of Mrs. J. 0. Bailey, 1007 S. Princeton street, Friday after noon, uct. u tn, lor a silver tea and a general get together social. All nre invited. Mr. and Mrs. J. Livcrmore of Seattle have been visiting at the Nourse home at 115 S. Smith avenue. Mrs. Livcrmore is a sis ter of Mrs. Xourse. Gave Informal Party Miss Clara Cole of the Peninsula National Hank gave an informal party at her home on North Ivan hoe street Oct. fith. Music, both vocal and instrumental numbers were rendered. Delicious re freshments were served. The place cards for each guest repre sented a miniature postofliec, with Cupid as the postniiuster holding a little letter in his hand. The letter announced the sur prising news of Miss Clara Cole's engagement to Viking J. Larson. Those present were the Misses Gladys and Marie Brede son, Clara mid Grace Cole, Vir ginia Dunsmore, llildegard Dur anil, Nettie Johnston, Valltyria and Sylll Larsen, Solum Moo and Minnie Plasket; Mesdiimes Frank Cole, Hdwht Carlson. Per cy Johnston, Sam Tyoma, Jr., and i. (i. Wright. Y. VV. C. A. Notes Rally Successful Event Ktadelman terosts of some very The James John High Girl Ho serves held a social evening Sat urday evening, Oct. Hth, from :UU until later hours. The gooi time began with a "pot luck supper consisting of a variety of foods. Immediately after the supper a mock wedding was Itch which was ot interest to every one. The lovely bride was Mrs ltohcrtson and the honorabl bridegroom Charlotte lteid. The ceremony was performed by th famous priest, Mrs. Shaw, who of course tied the knot. The brid was very charming in her clabor ate dress. Members of the Gir Reserves acted as bridesmaids The wedding was followed by stunts furnished by different Hats and Caps That Fit Your Face and Pocketbook Reduced Prices on All Ford Cars and Trucks Chassis Regular - - $323.04 Chassis Starter - - $394.72 Chassis Starter and Demountable Rims $420.32 Roadster Regular Roadster Starter Roadster Starter and Dem. Rims Touring Regular Touring Starter Touring Starter and Dem. Rims Sedan - Coupe Truck Truck with Starter Tractor - - $363.76 $436.56 $462.56 $393.92 $466.72 $492.72 ,$702.80 $635.20 $471.52 $543.20 $484.60 PRICES F. O. B. ST. JOHNS All New Models On Display DEMONSTRATIONS GLADLY GIVEN Macfarland-Robinson, Inc. Authorized KO RD Dea,er Head off lurllngton St. St. Johns Good Work Sox 10c per Pair Rain Hats 50c, 75c, 90c Safety First You'll Never Lose Them Rogers 50c Suspenders Rubers For Everybody Mackinaws Tho All Wnnl Klnrl CQ G Mb 4111 HUVI IUI1U Vf ill Raincoats For Dress Wear $6.50, $10.00, $12.50 Work Shirts 95, $1.25, $1.35 Rain Pants $2.25, $3.25, $3.50 Flannel Shirts $1.75. ?2.25, $2.50 to $5.85 Underwear $1.25, $15, $1.75 up Stag Shirts $4.85, $7.50, $8.50 For n Dripping Nose and Chilly Toes Wenr Rogers 35c Hoso, 3 Pair $1.00 Overcoats $14.95, $16.50, $18.50 Slickers $2.25, $3.50, $5.50 Nekties 50c, 75c, 95c, $1.25 Work Pants $1.95, $2.50, $3.00, $3.85 Garters Good Ones 25c Good Leather Belts, Only 50c GOOD STUFF AT THE RIGHT PRICE R O G E R S THE RAINCOAT MAN St. Johns Undertaking Co. Thomas Qrlce, Manager Sffitt, Eiplrt 0527 PHOMES Might, Empire 0299 208 N. Jersey St. To Be SureInsure. Did You Ever Say to Yourself "What would I do "If my home burned today and my furniture was destroyed? "If my home or auy member of the family were robbed? "If my car was burned or stolen? "If I injured some one or damaged some property with my car? "If I was Injured and disabled ? Consult Your Insurance Agent as You would Your Doctor Peninsula Security Company at your service FUNERALS The Pamily Sets Hie Price -f-Our personal service and home like parlors extends the quiet diguity that is due our loved ones, -f-Our humane methods of etn balmitig symbolizes the highest respect, which is a consolation and partial relief to every family. Dignified Crvilit Given to All The Portland Mortuary W. E. P Dewey L. Brlstow Morrison at 12th THE 1 HOUSE Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Repairing and Alterations 217 North Jersey Street WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Telephone Empire 1399 H, A. MANNING, Prop. Lome uogan THE SHOE MAKER Has just opened up a first class Shoe Repair Shop Known as the i Blue & White Shoe Repair Co, 62 BROADWAY Between Ankeny and Oak Phone Broadway 5262 We do Repairing Just as Good as ever j I wish all my former friends to call Our Funeral Service Aims to be Prompt and Scientific Dignified and Sympathetic Economical and Responsible Chambe rs Co. Inc. 248 Killingsworth Avenue Walnut 3306 The Community cliuuoh rally was n very encouraging alYair. Tho attendance nt the morning .service was good. The evening attendance and interest was something good to see. Mr. speaking in the in the church brought good thoughts. Mr. Me. Million then spoke in the in terests of the little people in the Sunday school, and 1211a Acker man, representing the Young People, emphasized the need of a christian cooperation between all members and departments in the church. Tuesday evening some of the men of the church met for the purpose of organizing n Urotlierlioou. 1 lit cen were present and the idea was favora bly received. On Thursday even ing at (1 o'clock the Sunday seliool workers met nt the church for supper and to consider prob lems coining up in their work. The parish house is doing a good service now, having been used four times this week. The Pri mary Department will meet there next .Sunday. The tlijine for the Sunday morning setiu-n will be, "A Man's .lob;" in the evening, "Reverence.'' On Monday even ing, Oct. :10th, there will be a Hallowe'en party at the church. There will be spooks and goblins, music, refreshments and a good time generally. All friends of the work are invited. The base nient of the church is being dug out and the furnace repaired. This is to bo a year of progress if our plans work out. And why Hhoudu't they? There are plenty of opportunities and the member ship is united in the determina tion to be more than Christians in name only. If you are without church alllliations you will llnd a fellowship and a welcome at all of our services. Reported. members of the club. Dancing and volley ball was enjoyed by all, There were sixteen who took part in the social affair including the worthy chapcrones, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Robertson and Mi's. Ucid. Reported. Attention, Voters of Johns District St. National Hank has just received from the Comp troller of Currency at Washing ton, 1). C, a new charter which grants to it an extension of its charter for a period of !)!J years from July 1st, VJ'SJ. 111(1 DANCH every Saturday night. Music by Al (loodiiiau's i-piecc orchestra. Admission each. UOHUHS IIOUHRS. C. X. McArthur, our Congress man who is seeking re-election, will address the voters of the St. Johns district on Saturday, Octo ber '21, at 8 p. m. at the hall in the Masonic building. He will tell of the work of the present Congress, as well as proponed legislation, and will discus the issues of the campaign. Mr. Mc Arthur has served four tonus in Vashmgtoii and has been nomi nated for a fifth term. Ho in a tlticnt speaker and an experienc ed campaigner. During his pub li.; career in the Oregon I.cginhi ture and in Congress he has vot ed for many important nienmire of special interest to the woiiwn and they are especially invited to attend Saturday night's meet ing. St. .Johns Republican Club by W. A. Carroll. President. Iva Seobce, Department Innpcc tor V. H. C. of Hood River, Or., will pay an olHeinl visit to II. li, Conipson K. C. No. TrJ on Sat urday, Oct. '21st. All member requested to bo present. II. II. Conipson U. A. R. Xo. gg will 1m guests of V. R. C. on that day. After session refreshments will be served. Press. Cor. Did you ever hear of such s bir gaiu : (! room modern limine eon- uccted with sewer, garage, Jhwji, ever hearing strawberrTi, alma in; all for $1000, must Intve nil cash. This is for this week only. Aniizich has this bargain, MR N. Jersey street. Miss (lladys Poe, who is teneh ing al Dee, Oregon, spent the week end visiting her parent.' Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Poe of Rob erts avenue. MULTNOMAI TH I-jATH'K About Battery Life Insurance The wording of a battery life lniuran.ee policy may sound pretty good, but you can be lure It iin't a bit better than the com pany buck of It. The great strength of Willurd Dattcry Insurance Is in the repu tation of the Wlllunl Storage Dattery Company for building the tight kind of product, and then backing that product by the right kind of policies, and the right sort of an organisation. Our service is the Wlllunl Standard in every particular- and that means caring for all makes of batteries alike -and giving all owners the same prompt courteous service, St. Johns Auto Electric Co, mplrc 0088 317 S. Jersey St. Rcpreienting the Beautiful Fluffy Ferns, all sizes and varieties Cut Flowers for All Occasion! ortsi 702 S. Jersey Street I'HONH HMl'lRH mi) Thursday mid Krid.v, Oct, Wm FRANK MAYO in "AKIcAID TO l-MOIIT" -Cui-vcrsal. Krom Saturday Hveii lug Post story of the same name. Also "Timber Oiieeit" jo. I. Halm-day, October 1M---To bo aniioiiiicod ktor. Sunday and Moinlnv, Oct. HOUSE PETERS in "IICMAN 1 1 HA UTS"--Culver, sal. ('lilies rln i n it u m good as " lliini(ii esiii(!. Tuesday and Wcdiic., Oel. 125 DOROTHY PHILLIPS in "III KIMCAXH'S OAl'lm National. One of the big pip. tures of the , ear. Thursday and Friday, Oct. aU-'JT NORMA TALMADQE in "I.OVK'S IlKDKMlTlo.SV Also "Timber ijueeii" 'n. fl. Ollict Mourn: oim-ii Ku-uiiu, ui 0 A. M. 10 1U M, anil Kundtttv l:.IO I'. M. Id 5 i 51. Ily A.M)lnluient DR. B. F. HUSSON DENTISTRY Rooms 7 H, IVninmU Hank Hl.lu. riione Umpire Us:t IT " " d". . . - " V r i'i, mm Special Values In Pol Plants Cue up ouc up Cyclamen I'rlmrou-g Hc.'oniaii in l'ull illooiu. Uxtra V'nlueb 26c up Xinus IVpiwrs, lluy Now mikI Watch tlii' I'tiMwrs KltM...85c up Culla I.tlliu in i-uts..... Jttkup l'uchlus ami other I'luuu. . . . K&c up l'l-riis, nil kiiVH uutl prices At these price tvtr)'ii should hnve the pleasure of .i I'luttiriuK plunt la their h nut- Visit tin- r.n-cu houses and make ymr si-lt in u Cut flowtu, Floral Dcslgui "SAY IT XITII FLOhEHS" i beckett's greenhouses k 814-816 NJiELLOGGSTA VHONl'EMPmimOL Phone Empire 487 117 Philadelphia Street MACK'S Second hand Furni ture Store If you can't find what you wnnt elsewhere, come to me. If I haven't got it, I will gvt it. I carry FURNITURK, CAR. PUTS. DISHHS, COOKING UTI-NSII.S, STOVIiS AND RANGKS. In tact, anything you wish in the Household Line. 1 and see me. PAMUiY ItOOM L Will Buy, Sell or Exchange Anything