St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 13, 1922, Image 2

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A. W. Mnrltle Kdltor
PuMishod Friday of Each Woek
404 N. Jersey St, " Kmp ire 0321
Subscript! on prloa SI.SQ paraar.
Tns RnviRt; is entered at post office
In Portland, Oregon, m innll mntter
of she second class under the Act of Son
grct of March 3, 1879.
Community Club Notes
That n definite program will bo
outlined for the St. Johns Com
jnunity (Mul) and bo publwhcri
from time to time wiw a decision)
ranched at a mooting of tlio ad
visory board of tho (Mtib which
mot at James John high Hcbool on
Tuesday, following a noon lunch
con. In order lliaaL tho needs of
the different parts of tho district
bo more determinate, a chairmnu
from each precinct will bo ap
pointed who h)i all look after the
needs of his own particular local
ity and bring to the attention of
the Club matters pertaining to
that need. A Membership drive
will also bo launched as one of
the objectives for tho new year.
It was deemed advisable to
havo tho next meeting, which will
bo of social nature, on Oct. ills),
when a Hallo we '01 party is plan
ned, at tho Y. W. ('. A.
Member?) of the board attending
the meeting were W. T. Fletcher,
vice president, now in charge of
tho club in tlio absence of the
president; Mrs. H. u. Mow, see
rotary 5 Dr. J3. 1 Harden. R K.
Drinker, A. K. Jones, Harry Or
maudy, II. W. ltouham, Mrs. it.
0. Drand, Mrs. J. M. Shaw and
Miss Hcatrico ltundall.
Linen, yard $1.19
3G inch close-weave, excep
tionally free from uneven spots
pure linen, color white.
18 inch natural color, linen
finish cloth, for dresser scarfs
or embroidery work.
yard 35c
Outing Flannel
18c, 19c, 20c, 25c
I nfants Wool Booties
35c, 50c
Women's Wool Union
suits $2.85, $2.90, $3.00, $3.25
Plain or silk-striped wool
mixed suits. Short sleeves,
Dutch neck, nuklc length.
Women's Capcskin
$2.25, 2.50
iMrst quality capcskin gloves
with embroidered back, Drown
Tan, Gray Black.
Mens Knitted Coats
each $3.50
Boy's Wool Sweaters
$4.75, 25.90
Velveteen, Yard $1.00
20 Inch cotton back velvet
een, Black, Navy, Brown.
36 inch Chiffon Taffeta
n.75, $1.85
Luncheon Cloth
$1 50, $2.75
Made of good quality da
mask, with colored borders
and hemstitched cuds.
Sheets $1.48
81x90 seamless sheets
Crib Blankets
soft, fleecy crib blankets
with figures on colored back
ground. each $1.00
BLOOMERS Jcrsoy Cloth, Pair 35c
Sattccn $1.45 Lingotte $1.95
An elaborate program will be
presented by the Williams Parent
Teacher Association Friday af
ternoon and evening, Oct. l!0lli,
at James John high sehoo. The
operetta, "Tho Smuggleman,"
will be tho main feature. Smug
gleman, a naughty gnome, who
creeps out nightly to sue if the
children are at home, discovers
eight naughty boys who have (lis
obeyed their mothers and bo im
mediately carries them oil'. The
mothers appeal to tho fairy
queen, who sets about to rescue
tho unhappy boys. Whether she
accomplishes this or not, you will
Unci out Friday by attending the
performance. The children will
wear fancy costumes throughout.
Following the operetta will be a
drill, "Tho Milkmaids' Uevel."
Tho committee directing this en
tertainmeul is Mrs. (leorge Hall,
Miss !-. Clarke and Miss M. Mo
riarily. However tho teachers
of Williama school are assuming
entire responsibility for the sue
cess of every number by their un
stinted ell'orts. The object of all
this is to provide money for the
milk fund of Williams hcImmiI. At
the evening performance the Si.
Johns dice ( Mill) will sing. Or
chestral music will be furnished
by Mr. Itaudnlph Howard. Af
ternoon performance Friday U p.
m.; evening, Friday, H p. 111.
Dollars and Health
These arc tho things we have saved many
people of St. Johns in the short week wo have
been among you.
Good Fellowship and Smiles, things foreign
to most dental offices reign here.
Patients are our Friends and must be forever
satisfied. We want your patronage and in return
we will give you Bottcr Dentistry with No
Pain for less than can be had elsewhere.
108j South Jersey Street
Crown, midge and Nate rainless Kxtractions
15 Year Guarantco
Open Evenings
Mtntlon or the Animals Is Made Many
Timet In of the Old
October 1st Mr. Will, (latton of
f07 N. Syracuse street celebrated
his ills! birthday. His family
and friends spent the day with
him and had a Hue birthday din
ner. Those present were Mr.
Wm. Oatton, his suns (leorge and
S. 11. T. (lattou, daughter, Mrs.
A. J. MeClure and family, Mrs.
lallian (Jattou anil imiiily, Sam
uel 1iicllie, wife and family. Win.
llrooks, wife and family, Mallnry
It rooks, wife and family, Joseph
llrooks, wife and family, O. F.
Mason, wife and daughter, the
Masters Cruger and Air. John
Mon. There were three children,
ten grand children and twenty
four groat grand children. A
very pleasant time was had by
all, and they departed wishing
him tunny returns of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Hay entertained a
number of friends Wednesday
evening, Oot. -1 1 It, at their home,
625 J. Richmond street. The
honor guest of the evening was
Miss Jennie MeNiven, who left
following Saturday morning for
Kugeno to attend the I'nivcrsity
there. A delightful time was en
joyed by every one and a dainty
lunch ended tho evening. Those
preaont were Mr. and Mrs. Hall.
Mr. and Mm. 0 A. Huberts and
son Walter, Miw M. Plasket. Mum
N. Johnston, Mrs. M. Fent-m.
Miss L. h. Currier and Miss Me
Wild iinii'm are iiit'iitloiiiMl lovcrnl
(linen In tlio Olil Tctitiimcnt 5 fur 111
Mliuue, In Dntilcl ft:'.M. Itcfcrrliu; to
tint ininlHliinont Unit caniu upon KIiik
JWIiiii'limlncxwir, It l Muted "And
Im unn driven from tint sons of men;
mill IiIh Intirt was innilo llliu tint In-nstn,
iiml liln iIwi'IIIiik was with (lit) wild
iimm . , ." An itecoiiiii of dm wild
iimch In practically tlit country over
wiiU'li .NolHH'liiulmuziir ri'lKiiml, In civ
en by mi uiiciimt (Ireuk writer who Iiml
licen 11 milillur la .Mesopotamia mid
Amo'rlH. This writer Is Xenonhon, who
lived from I.HO lu JIM 11. a llu wuu tin
iilllivr with tho Greek foreo Unit Joined
(he exposition of Oynis the YouiiKer,
kliik' of Persia. When In Unit couu
try llii) otllcers of tlio (Ircok force
wore iminlered, mid IiiUIiik comnmnd of
(ho (en tlioiimnd of Ids ruuntryinrii,
.onoihoii I ml thom uurtliward through
11 InMllo country to (he plnco on (he
muck son now culled TreliUond. Ills
nccoiiut of thlM feut In culled AimIihnIs
the up-country nmrcii, mid In a Oreelc
tuxl-liook In our high schools nud
WrltliiK of the dlslrlcts of Assyria,
Xeiiophon Mutes (Imt "Of wild crcu
turn the iuom numerous were wild
untie . , .The Uiwes, when (hey were
inimieti, imvlu.' giilued ground of die
horhi'M, Mood Mill (for (hey exceeded
the home much In speed), nud when
(ho lioueiiien ciiiuo up with (hum,
(hey Hid the mime tlilnu iik'uln. no (hut
our horiiiuueii could luku them hy no
other metius hut hy dividing themselves
Into reluyn, nud vuccecdhiK 0110 unothcr
lu (ho The llesh of (hose (Imt
were taken was like (hut of rod door,
imt more tender,"
Oilier references to wild ussos In tho
Old 'loMument will bo found In Job
24 :S; Iauliih :i2;M; Joromlah H:0.
AnytliliiK Is piMtillili). How comes It, I
liownvrr, ttiut sucli utter Hlleacu litis
rolKiied since (ho your 1721 with re
pvt to Father (Irliiiulill nml Ills
iniirvolouH black ohkIoT
Coffee Mouie and Inn.
Tim corTuo house nud the for el km
mull Hcrvlco were both young thlnu
together. When coffee was (he new
oM boveriiKo nud (he I.0111I011 coffee
house (nblos wore tho regular rendex
vous of (huso who talked blK luminous
lu thu days of clipper ships, tho for
elKii mull service (o all continents
wits Just lieglniiliiK' tuul shlii's mull
pouches huiiK In ovory coffoo Inmso of
any liuporliinco.
Lottcru for fur ports, for Africa nud
(huso lonely single HolllomentH thill
wore tho outposts of the white iniin h
century or so iikh wore K'iiernlly not
sent (hruiik'h (ho niillonul postolllce,
hut carried to tho coffee house to
uwnK tho Hiillliiic of (ho tlrM ship.
Miiltors of murine Insurunce were
sotilnl over u cup of coffeo, loo, and
talk of crows nud cargoes nud eon-
nliiumouts nml cenctxislons wero heard
ut (ho Utiles, lu brief, big business
bcunu over a cup of coffee.
A Complete Change
It's what you need and you'll find it in
Sunny Southern
Motoring Mountain Climbing- Yachting Bathing
Golf Tennis Hiding-Polo Fishing Hunting
Camping Air-Planing loafing.
Through Sleeping Cars
Observations Cars and Dining Cars
AITonl every travel comfort and convenience.
'The Cnllfomln I'.xprcss" ling (hrough Pullmans, Seattle, Taconm nnd
rortinnu 10 i,o Angeles vm aacramcnto.
Slay n day or more nt San l'rancisco a delightful slopping plsce.
Southern Pacific Lines
For fares, train service, sleeping car reservations or beautiful folders,
nik agents or write
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.
I Portland Manufacturing Co.
1; Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex
celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock,
and all kinds of Veneer
gallon Ranch Qajry
Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm
The Dairy is under strict supervision of the City
Health Department and the Cows are tested
for tuberculosis every six mouths.
Phono Col. 321 for orders
108 Philadelphia St. W. J. FORSYTHE
Opposite Masonic BIdg. Phone Empire 1588
The Store of Personal Service
Turntd th Tablet.
Mr. Mux Kiihtuum slvca tlio follow
Ink' cliisslo niuvilotti lu lila "Tho Sinsi
of Humor" uu mi cxhuiuIo of "nu
llcul humor"; "Clcvru IoIIh us Iiuw IiIk
frloml NhdIcu (tvi'iitfil liluibolf upon u
Itoimiu u'lntli'iniin by thu mime of Pu
nliis. upon wlmm ho pulil n call, Ho
Imil boon InforiiuHl by (ho umlil (tint
ICnnlun wuu not nt linino; niul when It
ciiiuo utuiut Unit KnnliiM cullcil upon
mm, lie (tuck Ills lu'iul out of (he win
iluw 11 ml sulil, 'I um not nt homo.'
Whnt nro you (hIVIuk nboutT 311I1I
KnnliiH, 'Don't 1 know your voice)'
'Why, you muciil,' milil NumIcii, 'I hi
llrvoil your miilil when alio tola mo
jou wcro not nt homo, unci you won't
bflli'vo mo even when 1 tell you toy
Saturday and Monday Specials
CErrS 1 la JJ. W. Coltee - 38c
3 lbs. D. W. Coffee - $1.10
Central Blend Coffee, lb. 35c
3 Pounds - $1.00
Good Coffee, lb. - - 25c
One hundred first cIubs onvel
opea with your nnmo and ad
droBS neatly printed on tho cor
ner for one dollar at tho Roviuw
office. Additional 100 for 7fic
The postofllce doimrtmont ad.
tjctuii rxamea urimaidl It Said to
Have Cronod Historic Strip of
Wat.r In 1751.
Who wus tho llrst man to fly across
'WWW llVI'ltl VIIIUIIL tills !......
vines the use of printed return , T l c ,uw,"l,,l',
Pnvfilnnna !.. ,cvctT Wo till (hluk thut tho houor
UolonKii to lllorlot nud ho will retain It
It is almost as ousy lo nivi ad
vise ns not to tako it.
Tiy an .
Oyster Supper
at DAN'S
For Fine Chocolates
Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars
811 South Jersey Street
until tuH'nuute proof (o tho contrary la
It In now declared, however, that
this font wus nccompllshod lfW years
curlier hy u Jesuit named Orlmuldl,
who In (he summer of 17fil (lew front
Cnpe Oris Nez (o Dover, suys Im 1V(I(
1'urUlen. J'urlH. (Transhued for tho
Kunsns City Slur). Tho story goes that
(irlmaldl mtod un uiimrutus con-
tiuc(od In (ho form of u black ciikIo,
which wus euslly maneuvered ut
widely vuryliifc levels.
Borlous documents are In existence,
It Is said, Ik)(Ii In (he (lork'nuie llbrury
In Italy mid In tho llrltlsli museum,
i Cakes Pine Tar Soap 25c
1 lb. Flat Catis Salmon 20c
Others from .... 15c to 30c
Booth Sanliues, 2 cans 35c
2 cans Norwegian Sardines. . . 25c
Dtducdvo Reaionlno Failed. Other lira mis 5C aild 10c
Thno detecdves wero slmdowlnj: 9 lb Sk. Corn Meal, Y. or V. 30c
Frenehmuu ho hud pocketed some ; n.. m.... nn.
voods rrom u i.unt..p ....,1 l,nn, " i'luiwuca
suspected (o belonj; to ii Rimjc. After Br8e Bottle Catsup 25c
roundinK u comer (hey found ho wus
no loiter visible, but noon ciiiuo to u
rckttiurunt ulth (ho Inscription -"lol
on purlo fruneuls." "Ilo'll bo in Ihere,"
said (he first. "No." said the second,
"If ho (IioukIK ho wus beltiK followed
ho would uvold going whera he
ttiounlit wo should expect to 11 ml him."
Aon," said tho third, "but he would
Kuess we fchould bo smurt enough to
think of Unit, and would turn In after
till." So they went In and searched.
but without success, for tho French
Iowa Sweet Corn, 5 for 60c
Choice New Walnuts. 2 lb. . . 35c
Flour, Sack .... $1.65 and $1.85
9 lb. Sack Flour 40c
7 Rolls Toilet Paper 25c
Choice Oysters, can . . . . 15c
Choice Shrimps, 3 for... .... 50c
2 lbs. Best Rice 5C
We are enlarging our store and will be better able
to take care of our growing business. We thank you.
' E
knights or PYTHIAS
Meets cTerr 1'rlday night at
30 o'clock In BICKNBK.
all, visitors always wel
A. CARt, Kit (.SON, K. R. 9
No, 43 R. A. M.
Stutcd meetings on the first
Monday of each month In Ma
sonic Hall, Visitors Welcome.
;. v. witisTUR, k. u. r.
. 11. LliMON, StcttUrr.
Republican Nominee for
Third Oregon District
General Election, November
7th, 1922
Paid Adv.
1018 Tottriiifr, Now Top. Tires
irood. Ciin ho hiul for $05 first
pnyinuiit, hnlancu an monthly
1014 Touring, Motor Al, Good
Tirea, Ilrtsslor Shock Absorb
ors. An except ioiml liny nt
$125. Cnn ho hfltl for $15.80
down, $1(!.G0 per month for six
1010 Light Dollvory, Motor good
iCxnriiRM liii'oiiKi). sniiia until
ing goes with car; $125, terms
A good opportunity to get nit
Macfarhuid-RobbiBon, Inc.
205 W. Burlington Street,
St. Johns, Oregon
St Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Xmt Foot of Burlington St.
For Friday and Saturday
Dependable Coffee, lb, 40c
Car. Milk, 10 cans 95c
Bordsns Milk. 10 cans .. 95c
10 lb. Peacock Rolled
Oats 45c
8c School Tablets, now. .6c
Also Special on Karo Syrup
523 Columbia Blvd.
Nettie Leona Foy
Pupil of Gabrilowitsch
STUDIO-207-8 Tllford BnilillnR
rhoues IUoadway 2507. and Bast 1G80
St. Johns KeprcscntatiTcMrt.MaudSttwart
Home Studio, 401 Oswego St.
l'hone Umpire 0905
Berenice McCall
High School Credits Given
310 W. Fessenden St.
Teacher of Piano
Phone Empire 1687 Clarenden St.
1710 Hear Portsmoyth Ave.
Designer and Draftsman
Architectural and Mechanical
626 B. Richmond St, Empire 1737.
R. G. Muck
Phones Col. 12S4
Bast 8631
907 Feasenden Street
A. A. Muck
Phones Col. 118
Main 4907
Sand, Gravel and
Crushed Rock
Members of the Builders' Exchange
43&Laurel Lodge, 1. 0, 0. F.
" No. IOO, St. Johns. Oraaon
Meets each Monday evening in Odd I'd
lows hall at 7:30. A cordial welcome to
all visiting brothers.
ltd. V. Dalle, N. O, C. W. Mao, V. O.
8.J. Durroh, Rtc. fVc O.W.Nortnt, Pln.Btc
It. V. CUrk, Treu.
St. Johns Gamp No, 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily solicit the attendance of
our members nt our regular meetings
every 2d and 4th Thursday evening.
A. S. Berry, B. II. Irish,
Consul. Clerk.
202 B. Polk St. 417 B. Chicago St.
Woodmen ol the World
St. Johns Camp 773
OooJ, tle mMllnirn CTcrjr Monday evtntnc
In llkkurr Hull, nurllngton and ettf Mret.
Vl.ltoriolwaji welcomt. Old tnembwi coma
out and rc what a live camp you belong to.
It. PltTKKS, C. C. W. A. TROUT, Clerk.
A. P. and A. M.
Meets tho first and third
Wednesday of each month
In Masonic Hall. VlsL
tors welcome.
John M. Illalr, W. M.
A. W. Davis, Secretary.
Minerva Chapter Ho. 105, 0. E. S.
Meets every second and
fourth Tuesday of each
mouth in Masonic Hall.
Visitors welcome.
Grace 1,. Blair, W. U
Dnte V. Pout, Dec.
1177 AnilierilMrttt.
The Fraternal Boosters
Meets every First nnd Third Wed
ncstlay in the
Odd Fellows' Hall
Join nud Help Doost
Office Umpire 1822 Kcs. limp. 0477
Dr. E. P. dorden
Painless extraction of teeth under nitrous
oxide gas
Peninsula IlnnlC BIdg.
St. Johns, Portland, Oregon
402 N. Jariay Street
Abstracts of Title Prepared
Titles Itxamlned
Phone Umpire 0255
Poff & O'Neil
Sand and Gravel
Dally Trip to Portland
Plwe Empire 0308 208 N. JERSEY ST
Frank A. Rice
Office 107 N. Jersey Street
Phone tmp. OA87 Res. Cmp. 0391
All Kinds ol Truck and Team
Work, Furniture Moving, Basement
Diccinir, Sand nnd Gravel: Wood
for sale Cordwood $7.50; Planer
Trimmings $5.50.
Kmpire 722 510 E. Poll St.
Violin Instruction
STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street
Phoue Kuiplte 0302
Dr. W. J. Gilstrap
Physician & Surgeon
Glasses Accurately Fitted
X ray Laboratory
Penitisula Security Co. BIdg,
St. Johns,
Geo. W. Muhm
Contractor and Builder
Plans and Specifications furnished
Free where I build. Residence ad
dress 108 Smith ave. Empire 0062
iano Tuning ' Repairing
Reliable Work
Shis at 107 W. Park v Phone U2-S4
Keys Made, Lawnmowers Sharpened,
Sins riica
Expert Lock and Gutumlth
Umbrella Repairing, Locks and Guns
Repaired, Hot Water Bags Mended.
403 6. Jersey Street
Orchard for Sale Ten acres of
bearing Spttenberg and New
town apples, trees 11 years old;
new house, new packing house,
new wire fence and ether out.
buildings, some tools; on Trout
Lake road, near school and boat-
inan could not r(ad. nnd therefore had K dam; in splendid condition
noi sioppou.
I buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
Fire Insurance and Notary Public
tmtublUhlnK tlio truth of this uxtraor- ist 'our property with me if you
Ulnar)' uccoiu;iiibjneut, uesire to sell quickly
crop goes with place; 1900 boxes
Inst year; situated in White Sal
inon, Wash., valley. Price. 56500.
! Might consider trade for farm
near Portland. Call at this ofllce.
Boys' Bicycles for Sale, $15.00.
Call at this office.
Don't send your printing out
of town.
Waitranty deed blanks and
contracts of sale at this ofliee; 5o
each, oar 50a per dozen.
F01 Sale Cheap and sightly
building lots. See J, S, Downey at I
once, 933 N, Syracuse, 12c
Ono hundred sheets of good
typewriting paper for 25 cents
at this office.
Ford Specialists
We Guarantee Our Repair, Work to
give you entire Satisfaction
Ford Repair Shop
108 Mohawk Street, Corner Jersey
Towfng Sorvioo
Open Evenings Phone Empire 0472