St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 13, 1922, Image 1

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Johns review
I mm. I i " ' "" " ... - -i ii -i i .,, , 1 ' ' iiiii i ..,.. , i
jonn rnimps Wagner
Un Monday afternoon nt the
l ortland Sanitarium occurred
the death of John Phillips Wag
ner. Mr. Wagner was born in
wuio ivugiuc j, ami was
united in marriage to Angclinc
a. wnson uctober a, 1877. The
family moved to tho West a num
ber of yearn ago. Mr. Wagner
had been in poor health for three
years and was called upon to
give up his wife in February of
this year. Eleven children were
born to Mr. and MrH. Wagner,
Hcvcn of whom survive them:
S. E. Wagner, DesMoincs, Iowa ;
Mrs. A. Brandon, Portland; II.
K. Wagner, Vancouver, Wash.;'
U. W. Wagner, Portland; Mrs. 0.
C. Smith, Portland; E. E. Wag
nor, Los Angeles, and II. J. Wag
ner of Portland. Funeral services
were held at 10 a. in. Wednesday
from Miller & Tracey's chapel.
Burial at Hose Park cemetery,
Hov. v. IS. Noursc olllciating.
Tho Rally Day program at th
Community Sunday school was
well attended and the little
folks provided an hour's in
struction and entertainment that
was worth while. Next Sunday
will be Rally Day for tho church.
In the morning the pastor will
Pleasantly Entertained
Good Football Game
speak on The Ideal Church. In
the evening lay members will
speak on "Things I would lilt
to see done in this church thw
year." Those who will sjienk are
It. A. McMnhon, 0. II. Stadel
man and Ella Ackcrman. Some
of last Sunday's visitors spoke
very niglily of the Hinging of the
congregation. If you arc with
out a church home and would lip
prociatc a comfortable church
where thero is a friendly spirit
and people who sing, you will
find these and a welcome at any
of tho services. Reported.
Tho Williams Parent-Teachers'
Association wiut delightfully en
tertained by the pupils of the
kindergarten Monday afternoon.
Tho program was charmingly ar
ranged by Miss Cascbere. Mrs.
Blumaur explained briefly tho
purpose of the dental clinic. Af
ter tho program a short business
session was held. Tho attend
nnco was exceptionally large.
About fifty mothers, teachers
and friends of the Sitton P.T.A
met together Tuesday afternoon
in the school assembly. Tho open
ing number of the program was a
reading by Miss Marguerite Gal
vin, a student of J. J. and pupil
of Mrs. Drury-aeott. Miss Kath
ernie Jiau, mho of .J. sang
unc i' leeluig Hour. ' Tins was
followed by a very interesting
demonstration of Kindergarten
Work by Miss Cusebcrc, kinder
garten teacher of tho Williams
school, with her assistant and
several of the little ones. Mks
Stevens, principal of Sitton
school, and Mrs. Arthur Morcy
represent our P. T. A. nt the
State Convention to be held in
Eugene Oct. 25-27. Our Circle
wishes to thank tho St. Johns
1 ill n 1 1 it t Cr . 4 lift IV f ntnni4 tin f V
Uyorlc A: Armstrong, Ormandy
Bros., Roy Wilcox and several
patrons of tho school who assist
ed m furnishing the material and
ereetng a shelter for use of the
teachers when waiting for a car
at tho corner of Fessenden and
Smith avenue. Secretary.
Fifteen candidates are in the
race for the two vacancies on the
city commission to be filled on
November 7th. The candidates
who arc in the race include City
Commissioner Higelow.who seeks
re-election ; Dr. T. h. Perkins and
Dan Kelliher, former members of
the city commission; George It.
Cellars, former member of the
council during the couucilmauic
form of government; Mrs. Josep
hine M. Othus, president of the
housewives' council; S. S. Pier,
son of City Commissioner Pier,
who is now connected with Mar
shall, Wells & Co.; Fred R.Rash,
engineer-examiner for tho public
service commission ; George B.
Thomas, member of the school
board; Otto D. Drain, member of
the lire bureau; W. P. Wagnon, a
saw filer; Alva Leo bteplieus
president of the Columbia River
Coal Cnmpay; Dr. J. D. Duback,
optometrist; Cluw. A. Hacker,
butcher, and John W, van Home
a member of the policu bureau.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schaublin
of Lima, Ohio, hnvo moved into
tho Vernon residence on Willam
ette boulevard for the Winter.
Fords, Fords, Fords I
mmmmmmmmmamtmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmm I
A Ford Sedan, Coupe, Touring Car,
Runabout, Business Car or
Truck is the best buy in
the Automotive Mar
ket today
You can buy a New Ford by paying one third
down and the rest In monthly Installments.
Pay while you ride. Come In and look
them over.
All New Models On Display
Macfarland-Robinson, Inc.
Authorized FORD Dea,er
205 W. Burlington St. St. Johns
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Thomas Grice, Alanager
Offlct, Enptrt 0527 PHONES Hlghl, Empire 0299
208 H. Jersey St.
Cleaning, Pressing,
Dyeing, Repairing
and Alterations
217 North Jersey Street
Telephone Empire 1399
H. A. MANNING, Prop.
Louie Cogan
Has just opened up a first class
Shoe Repair Shop
Kuowu as the
Blue & White Shoe Repair Co,
Between Anlceny and Oak
Phone Broadway 5262
We do Repairing Just as Good as
I wish all my former friends to call
and see me,
The Bachelor Club Jr.s opened
thcii; league Sunday by t icing the
Highland eleven 7-7. Doth teams
ployed igood ball, but the Jun
iors threatened to score .several
times. ' 'Shorty" Milton put the
ball over for the Juniors in the
first tiarter after they had held
the Highland team for downs
Highland was held by the Juniors
until the last quarter when, help
ed by a 15 yard penalty given
the Juniors, the Highland team
put it over and kieked goal.
Five forward passes were com
pleted by the Juniors and both
teams tried a dron kick. The
lineup for the Juniors was: 1.
13., "Grit" Limit It. T llert An-
derson. K. 0.. "Suds" Oroh- .
Theo Heanj h. G., "Pad" Shaw;
h. T AV. Fallen: L. R. "Tie"
liean; lt.II., "Twist" '-Yanks; 1,
"Shorty" Milton: h, II
hind: ()., 11 Honk" Oihus; sub
stitutes, Perry Davis for "Suds"
Groh, and delimit! for "Pad"
.Shaw. The Juniors' weight av
eraged 1112 pounds, and the High
lands was given as 110 pounds.
iv gooa crowd witnessed lite
Want Better Car Service
"Wlgglo your toes in ItOGKUS'
ltesidents of the Peninsula dis
trict are becoming more active in
lltcir determination to obtain bet
ter street ear service from the
Portland Kailway, Light & Power
company. At a meeting of the
University Park Community
club last week, u committee was
delegated to take up the matter
with the St. Johns Community
elttl) mid other organizations on
the peninsula toward improved
service. J. O. IJailoy told the
meeting what the St. Johns (Vim-
mttnity club is doing in the direr
turn of obtaining a ten minute
ear schedule in place of the twen
ty minute service now provided
with antiquated cars. Home
seekers hesitate to move into tile
Peninsula district because of in
adequate ear service.declared the
ltev. John I), ltiee. He concurred
"Hat"; in the statement of Hailcy that
the district's growth is retarded
by reason of the inferior trans
portation service. Telegram.
The Itoyitl Neighbors will meet
with Mrs. Wnndwood, 521 Hueh
anaii street, Oct. l!)lh. All Itoyal
'p.);.tt; A'niqp.MM 0.111
Pot luck dinner will be served.
W. C. T. U. Notes
The Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union will hold their
Ht'llKUS -HOG KltS.
regular business meeting at the
St. Johns Library next Monday,
Uet. jotli, beginning at - p. 111.
Hvery member should be there
lo hear the reports from the
State Convention which will be
held at McMinuvillc the 11 th and
l'Jth of this month. Mr. .G V.
Ovcrstrcct, Mrs. Madeline Rus
sell and Mrs. Kdim Callisou are
delegates to the Convention.
The social meeting held at Mrs.
(1. W. Overs! reel's Oct. 1st was a
decided success. About fifty
members and friends were pres
ent. Mrs. Adah Wallace Unruh,
campaign manager of the Child
ren's Farm Home, was present
and gave a splendid talk concern
ing some of the things that have
been done and the work that
must be done in regard to the
Home. Mrs. I'nruh deserves
much praise for the work she has'
icconiplished 111 the last year,
Some of these reports will be
given later, and in the meantime
keep a lookout for The old worn
an Willi a hundred pockets
She tf coming Itopnrled.
ItOGKItS is the boy that puts
the Hub in HUHHKK.
What We Love Is Ours
llteiiir raster
The Proposed Ross Island Brldgo
Men's Fall
$1.50, S1.75
$2.50, $3.25
$4.50, $6.00
MEN'S W-OL PANTS $3.75, $4.85, $7.50
$2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $2.95, $3.25, $4.50
For a Dripping Nose untl Chilly Toes, Wear ROG KKS Worm 35c HOSE, 3 Pair $l,Hettcr ones 50c I
That Fit Your Face
and Pocketbook
Hats and Caps
SHOES $4.95
NOMINALLY, the Insurance Agent sells In
surancePledges to reimburse you in the
event of loss. But actually, he sells something
of far greater Importance than that. He sells
peace of mind contentment. He guarantees
that the property you enjoy today also will be
yours tomorrow.
Peninsula Security Company
at your service
The Family Sets the Price
-f-Our personal service and home
like parlors extends the quiet
diguity that is due our loved
-f-Our humane methods of em
balming symbolizes the highest
respect, which is a consolation
and partial relief to every family.
Dignified Crdit Given to All
The Portland Mortuary
W. E. Peg4 Dewey L Bristow
Morrison at 12th
Our Funeral Service
Aims to be
Prompt and Scientific
Dignified and Sympathetic
Economical and Responsible
rs Co. Inc.
248 Killings worth Avenue
Walnut 3306
This Ls a world o beauty, not
ho much to them who have means
to pluck and wear its roses n.s to
them who have souls Kunsitizod
to the sweet odors. With love of
the beautiful in mankind and in
nature no one enn be poor; with
out none can bo rich. Happiness
is not carried in tho pocket, but
in the heart. Tho millionaire may
make his thousand acre park in
tho rich valley and by n fiction of
the law cull il his own, 'nit it all
is the front yard of tho poorest
sijiiatter in the rudest cabin on
the rugged hillside. He who has
paid for it owns it? Noi It is
most truly possessed by him who
most enjoys it. What can a beau
tiful park mean to one whose
Heart is Hiuottiered in a money
biii: J And to 0110 who loves the
trees, tlie brooks, the hills. tho shy
what matters it who holds the
title! Why, Adam nnd Kvo nov.
or had a deed to Eden! Descun
dents of theirs today hold deeds,
but not possession. It was not
tho land itself which wius taken
away, but tho power to enjoy it.
What we lovo is ours, and there
all real possession ends. The
Kerns in tho tine lady's hair and
at her throat sparkle not for her
eye.s, but for the eyes of. others.
She owns only some costly atones
never tho priceless limit that
dances in them. This precious
treasure is only for them who
love it, and for them it is unalter
ed broadcast at their feet in
countless myriads of frost Hakes
on the brown Winter earth and
in the morning dewdrops in the
.Summer gntss. Wo can really
possess nothing that wo sacrifice
to our own purposes. Il is only
to the one who is poor that
wealth steadily glow like a
bright star in the night. Tho law
of recompense always is in
force. It is only when darkness
shrouds our world that wo can
see tho lights of a million others.
Did wo not learn 111 boyhood
that tho bubble is brilliant only
until wo grasp itf What wo love
become a part of our very selves.
If our loves bo greed and lust,
then these vile serpents of vice
will creep into the heart and
make it their abode. Hut to Iho
soul whoso loves are pure all in
tho world that is good and sweet
flies straight and swift as hom
ing doves. Yes, what wo lovo is
ours, and in the same degree as
we love, wo own. All (hat is
good in the world wo may own
if we will. hx.
An Uptodate Store
Messrs. Couch and Curijior are
now nicely located with their
Orahateriu grocery in their new
quarters at 108 South Jersey
street. The new home is ideal in
every respect. It is light, roomy
and most conveniently arranged.
The building presents a highly
attractive appearance on the ex
terior, and the handome oftlco
rooms above and tho splendid
grocery establishment bolow
makes it a valuable addition to
the business structures of St.
Johns. Thu proprietors may well
feel proud of their new business
home, which is not excelled in
the entire city.
The llachelor Club announces
the second dance of the series to
be given in the coming month.
It will be held 111 the rink on tile
evening of October lilth. The
(lrat ball, given last month, was a
splendid success, and thero is no
doubt that the succeeding ones
will bo just as delightful ami as
well attended as was the initial
one. The Haehelor Club bnlls
are ever looked forward to by
lovers of dancing with u great
deal of pleasure.
The Laurelwood Social Club
wfll meet with Sister I'earl Hek-
man, .mj YV Tyler street, Wednes
Oct. 18th.
wiil be served.
welcome. Hep.
I'ot Inch dinner
All Itebekahs
Thursday and Kriday, Oct. 112-13
"THIS LOADKI) 1)0011" Un
iversal. Also "Timber Queen"
No. .'I.
I. A. Sawyer is having a neat
residence erected on nuciiaiiau
Guess Work
on Batteries
Don't Go!
The man who gueMes
what'a the mutter with bat
teries doesn't last Ionic hi
the battery business.
Sooner or later he guestes
wrong and there's a bat
tery owner who'll never
come back!
We take the trouble to
find exAofjy what's the
matter and our expe
rience tells us the best
WUUM euzvUrd of Service
Are Impartial ctly the Mm
forvery mVof UtUry. Come
la aad lit u hor you I
St. Johns Auto Electric Co,
Empire 0088 317 S. Jersey St.
Rvprtitntlng th
Beautiful Fluffy Ferns, all
sizes and varieties
Cut Flowm for AH Occation
702 S. Jersey Street
I'HONl? KMl'lRU 08CO
Saturday. Oct. M
Sunday ami Monday, Oct. lo-Kl
"DON'T SIIOOT"-rniveial,
and harry Semon in "A Pair of
Kings" -a Miow you'll like
from start to finish.
Tuesday and Wednes., Oct. J7-1H
"Nanook Of The North"
I 'nllie. Showing the real life
of tho real ICsipiiinaux. Tho
greatest picture of its kind ov
er liliucd. Don't let the child
dreu inws it.
Thursday and Kriday, Oct. lU-'Jl)
versal. From Saturday Hven
ing 1'oKt story of the samu
name. Also "Timber Queen"
No. ..
Saturday, October li I
To bo announcod later.
Ollice Iloun: Ojkiii HviiIiij; noil
0 A.M. lo 12 M. umlSumlnyii
1:30 1'. M. to 5 l M. lly AjKjiHiuont
Koom7-8, Pcnlniulu Hank llMi;.
Dioiic Hmj.lrc I IB.'!
Special Values In Pot Plants
Cyclmncu. f,0o up
I'rlmrojea fiOc U
Hernial in l'u II llloom, Hum
Values 2c up
Xuiai Peppers, lluy Now itml
Wntch the I'eppers Ripen. . .Site up
Calla l.illiu in i'ots USctip
l'uchiu and othur rjsuts 26c up
Perns, nil sites ami prices
At these prices everyone should
Intro the pleasure of a I'lowvrlug
plant hi their home. thu Often,
houses ami make your (.election,
Cut Flowers, Floral Designs
k 814-816 N.KELLOGG ST.
Phone Empire 487 117 Philadelphia Street
If you can't find what you want elsewhere, come to me. If
I haven't got it, I will U it. I carry FURNITURE, CAR
RANGES. Iu tact, anything you wish in the Household Line.
Will Buy, Sell or Exchange Anything