St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 15, 1922, Image 3

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9x12 Axmlnster Rugs $35.00
9x12 Axmlnster Rugs 36.50
9x12 Axmlnster Rugs 40.00
9x12 Axmlnster Rugs 55.00
9x12 Axmlnster Rugs 60.00
9x12 Axmlnster Rugs 61.50
9x12 Axmlnster Rugs 63.50
Pay a Little Down and a Utile Each Week
Your Credit is Good
Oimandjn Brtos
"Gloria" Coffee
"Sinclair's" Bacon
The Canuinc Season is still in full swing nnd Fruits nrc
plentiful and very cheap. Peaches arc still fine, Pears arc with
us in many kinds. Italian Prunes arc ready now. We can get
you any amount of fine Prunes at 3c per pound. The great
trouble now is to get Fruit Jars iu the various sizes and kinds.
We are preparing to move into our New Store now and
things will be more or less torn up until we get settled for good.
We arc going to move and continue business right along with as
little trouble to our customers as wc possibly can. If you will
kindly overlook a few mistakes and contusions in orders for a
few weeks, we will appreciate it very much. It will be a big task
but will be woith the trouble to all. Business is increasing
fast too as conditions get better over the country and as people
come in from the summer camping and outings and bettlc down
for the winter.
The Grabateria Grocery
"Del Monte Products
Fishers Blend Flour
AllGuertic World
Without question the most successful
Cash Grocery Store In St. Johns
Your whole hearted patronage will con
tinue our success. As we open more
stores we can better show ' our ap
preciation to you by selling you gro
ceries' at even a much less figure than
at present.
Service Is what you make It. You help
yourself at all times.
Specials for Saturday and Monday Only
Per Package 1UC
POWDER, Per Package ZZC
210 North Jersey Street
Lost Fountain pen, Crescent!
filler, between .Buchanan street
and high school. Finder leave at
this office.
For Sale 6 hole range with
coilB, also 3 burner gas plate with
stand cheap. 714 S. Crawford
street; Empire 0879.
For Sale A first class piano
player attachment with CO rolls,
price fifty dollars. John Elklns,
1331 Swift St., E. St. Johns.
Wanted Lady to keep girl five
years old while mother works
Address Mrs. W. B. S., 113M N.
Jersey street.
II. B. UouirwonW. It. C. will
meet at 2 p. m. Saturday, Sept.
16th, in I. O. O. F. Hall. All
BicHibers requested to bo pres
entPress Cor.
"Wanted To exchange 5 aero
berry ranch 3 miles from Fuy
allup, Wash,, near Tacoma and
paved road, close to school, for
St. Johns property. Address O,
this olllcc.
Have $400 equity in a lot on
New York street near Kellogg,
balance on lot $300 at $15 per
month; will sell my equity for
$250 cash. Empire 0487.
$2J01 For b beautiful new
modern bungalow, full cement
basement, laundry trays, Dutch
kitchen, buffet, 2 nice sleeping
rooms, etc; good location. A real
snap ; could not be duplicated un
der $5000. Rice & Tate, Realtors.
107 X. "Jersey; Empire 0387.
For Itent Garage, reasonable.
Call 517 E. Buchanan street.
Complete Line of School Supplies
Grammar and High School Books
The Prescription Store
Mrs. OIo Bnllcc has been visit
ing relatives at Coquillo.
Born To Dr. nnd Mrs. Is. C.
Palmer, Sept. 5th, n son.
J. A. Frcutu and wife hnvo re
turned from a very pleasant so
journ at Long Bench, Wash.
A new daughter arrived nt the
home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Muck
on Oswego street on Wednesday
of last week.
Christian Scicnco: Sunday
morning services nt 11:00; Wed
ncsday evening nt 8:00 nt 403
Smith nvenuo.
Miss Knthurine McQunrrie of
Chicago wns n recent guest nt the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 12. Koyer
on rolls street.
Dr. 11. F. Jones, while on his
vacation this month, will conduct
the midweek services ns usual at
the Chfistinn church.
Ilov. C. P. Lyons, pastor of Our
Lady of Sorrows Catholic church
of Vancouver, B. (., has returned
to St. Johns ns assistant pastor of
the Church of the Assumption.
Mr. Sam Muehniek nnd Miss
Undid Olshan were united in
marriage iu Portland last Sunday
evening. The groom Jh proprie
tor of the Peninsula Shoe Store
on South Jersey street.
Attorney Oeo. J. Perkins litis
invited the nflicoiu, directors and
oiiiI!o cm of tho Peninsula Na
tional Bank and Peninsula Secu
rity Compnny to spend Sundii)
afternoon at Ins much near
A 1 WMlllllli;,
. The Bachelor Club will uivo a
dance in the StIohns rink Thurs
day evening, Sept. 28th. Curtis'
o relics tra will furnish the music.
This will be the first of u series
of dances to be given by this
(Mub during tho coming season.
E. A. Wetherly, S. 11. ICneelnn
nnd Win. Brown of Lincoln, Me.,
were guests of I. F. Clark one
day the past week. They niiide
the trip by auto and are return
ing via California. In the 5500
miles traveled they had only two
Mrs. W. Stuessi of IvansitH City,
who spent the summer with Iter
son, Meryl btucssi, manager oi
Parrot & Co. in Tacoma, with her
son was a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
I'. A. Blew over tho week end.
Mrs. Stuessi left on Monday for
Los Angeles en route home.
The St. Johns Transfer Co. is
nicvinir lrom iviist 'jui'Iiiilmoii
street to the uuw'building at 210
South Jersey street, whero thoy
will bo glad to greet their old
patrons ns well ns now onus. The
new quarters will male.' a line of
fice fnr the puny.
Tho Women of Mooseheart Le
gion entertained tho members of
the L. O. O. M. and of the J. O.
O. 0. M.nt their hall Monday eve
ning. Supper wns served at nine
o'clock, then dancing wns enjoy,
ed for a while, after which ioo
cream nnd cako were served. All
present had a good time.
A party consisting of dancing
nnd other amusements was given
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs, I'd
Asliby last Saturday ovoning, the
occasion being Mr. Ashby 'h birth
day and the return of C. 1. Dean
after a live mouths' trip to Alas
ka. Mr. Dean wns on the salmon
shin Berlin which was lost early
iu tho season wlien within forty
miles of her destination,
Mrs. II. 11. Hydo and Mrs. W.
W. Fairbanks gave a birthday
dinner Sunday iu honor of their
mother, Mrs. Dora Key. Thoso
present were: Otto Chapman,
Weslev Woolhisur. Herbert Kuv.
Olnrence Key, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy
Oillam and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. W. V. Fairbanks, Mr. and
Mrs. II, II. Hyde nnd daughter,
and Mrs. Dora Key,
Mrs. S. E. Cook left on Satur-
day for Pendleton, wjierc she at
tended tho wedding of her noiih-
ew, Clifford Holdman to Ilenn
Hales of Pendleton. Following
the wedding on Tuosdny, Mrs.
Cook nnd her sister, Mrs. Frank
Holdmnn, left for an extended
trip throughout the middle wast
and south. They will visit in
Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Illi
nois, with a final destination of
Houston, Texas, and will roturn
via El Pasco, Texas, and Los An
geles and San Francisco.
A St. Johns High Bridge com.
mittee, consisting of Messrs, Ash
jy, Jsredeen and Gannon, to
gether with a number of other
citizens of St Johns and the Pen
insula, met with the county com
missioners Monday morning nnd
requested that the proposition of
a high bridge at St. Johns be
placed on the ballot at the com
ing November election. It was
estimated that the bridge would
cost not to exceed .$2,000,000 and
it was suggested that the East
approach be on Fessenden street
and the West approach at the ,
junction of the Oermantown and
St. Helens rond.
Miss Katherine lloyer will teach
near St. Helens this Fall.
Olnf Wiburg is having n nent
residence erected on Columbia
Misses Arlene nnd Bcrnice Shaw
returned Monday evening from n
most enjoyable trip to Alaska.
Miss Alice Bnnbury. graduate
of James John high school, left
on Saturday last for Bellinglinnt,
Wash., where nJic will enter the
A live hundred enrd party will
be given Wednesday evening,
Sept. 20th, by the Neighbors of
Woodcraft at Bickner Hall. Ev
erybody welcome. Admission Hoc.
Geo. MitcCoach, the insurance
mint, litis purchased the Swengel
property on South Ivnuhoc street
through the agency of A. W. Da
vis, the well known realty man.
The Ladies' Aid Society of tho
Community church will hold a
food snle at the Piggly Wiggly
atorc Saturday of this week. If
yo.i want HOinetLiiif good drop
Hoy Staines, day foreman of
the stave jointing department of
the "Western Cooperage, enjoyed
part 'if his week's vacation visit
ing his old friends at his former
homo iu Newborg.
The Williams School Parent
Teachers' Association will meet
Monday evening at 8 o'clock.
Reception for the teachers, enter
tainment and refreshments. All
parents urged to attend.
We wish to express our heart
felt thanks to our many friends
for their sympathy, help and
beautiful llortil tributes extended
to us during our recent bereave
ment. Mrs. .I.C. MeNiven and
Boys and girls, attention! Your
lihrary hours are from 'J to 7 p.
m. Do not come after 7 p. ui. un
less accompanied by parent. This
rule applies to all children under
the 8th grade. St. Johns llrnnch
The Shipyard Wood Co., foot of
Sheridan street, has purchased
the Peninsula Hotel building on
Willamette boulevard which was
lately damaged by lire and will
dismantle the buildings and sell
the wrecknge.
Deborah Livingston W. C. T. U.
will meet at the lihrary on Mon
day at 12 p. in, Mr. Matilda Bus-
sell, newly elected president, will
preside. Suneriiitetidcnts of the
different departments will be ap
pointed for tho new year.
Dan WilliiniiMoii has disposed of
his restaurant at the corner of
Ivauhoe and Burlington street,
nnd it is now iu elmrgo of Mrs.
Loror. Dan is enjoying himself
in whipping the waters of tho
White Salmon river for the wily
Mr. nnd Mix. It. C. Couch and
daughter, Mrs. Petorsou and
children have returned from a
very pleasant two weeks' auto
trip to .Myrtle Point. Port Or-
ford and Baiidou, visiting their
d:iu.'hter and sister, Mrs. Dr.
Hunch, mid family nt the tormer
The George School Parent
I'eaehors Association will meet at
the George school Tuesday after
noon at !i:!IO. An informal reeop-
1 A A . I. .. .1
noil to icaciicrs anil mo new
prhmipal, Mr. Tallmau, will fol
low the program. Mr J. F.
Hill, Pmidont State P. T. A.
will speak.
We dosire to express our sin-
cere thanks to the neighbors and
friends for their kindness and
sympathy and also beautiful flor
al tributes during the illness and
death of our loved ones, Mrs, Sar
ah J .Lear and Oron U. Lear, as
suring tlioia that their kindness
will over be gratefully remember
ed. Samuel Lear, Mary L. Lear,
Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Lear, Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Lear.
In every public and high school
thore are many pupils who have
poor vision. This makes their
study difliuult, so that thoy can
not do as well as they ought and
they naturally lose interest in
their studiott, It your child lias
any symptoms of eye trouble take
advantage of the specially low
rato Dr. Frank handifur offers
school pupils. Bonham & Currier
I'Idg.; phone hmpire 0.170.
A very pleasant all day social
was given by Mrs, Marchand,
1107 S. Ivauhoe street, on Wed
nesday, Sept. 8th. A very en
joyable .luncheon was served
and the afternoon was spent in
playing five hundred. Mrs. Ho
ney won find prize and Mrs. Doo
uer winning second prize. Songs
were rendered bv Mrs. Dooner.
Mrs. Honey, Mrs. Marchand and
MiH Loraine Smith at the piano.
J hose present were .Mrs Man
ning, Mrs. Mew, Mrs. Dooner,
Mrs. Honey, .Miss Loraine Smith
ml Mrs. M.rcli ' IP 1 I
The BiLoad Man, Empire 11337"
ROGERS sells Wool Underwear
If you want a bargain in thrc
room house and an acre in n l.alf
acre of ground, call Empire O'lll.
Twelve inch Inside Mill Wood and
Planer Trimming. Empire 1133.
Board and room, home cooking,
home-like place. Call at 1208
Burlington street. -18
Wiggle your toes
In BOG 15 US' Hose.
Do you have a lot to build out
I have a three room house for
sale, very best buy. See M. N.
Amizich, !U)(! N. Jersey street.
"Bottcr Wood" Col. 258.
Room and board iu private fam
ily, conveniently located for
teachers or employed couple. Tel
ephone Empire 0008. -I f
Fall Hats and Caps that lit your
face and poeketbook ROGI5RS.
Six room bungalow, all on one
lloor, for sale very cheap by Ami-
zieh, mil N. .Jersey street.
For Rent (I rooms, nicely fur
nished house, very reasonable, at
1202 15. Burr street.
for bait Three room House
witli one acre or half acre, ee
incut basement, sink and toilet
Call Empire Oil 11 evenings. Also
a four room modern house on
Kellogg street for sale. -I I tf
Wear BOG MIS' Shirts.
For Rent Six room house,
partly furnished, three-quarter
acres, fruit trees. Call 1U."0
Lombard street; Umpire l.'IDO.
For Sale Jl room house, partly
furnished, jiooo, terms, RICK &
TATE, 107 N. Jersey street; Em.
pi re 0887.
Oord Woo'd, old growth, Enipiro
If you nre thinking about, talk
ing about or wanting a Furnace
installed, it will pay you to see or
ask Alex. b. Scales about it. Fur
mice, price and terms the lowest
and best. Telephone Empire
11225: residence fit):! Fessenden
Leather Work Aprons -BOG
for hale Kinliant nre gas
heater, 10 element, used ti weeks,
111 S. Princeton street.
For Sale Piano; Kilor's Or
ehstral Upright Grand, anil HO
inusio rolls, fcWfi. !)l!) S.ICellogg.
High school girls wish to get a
place to work for room and board
and some wages. Call 15, 0732.
Bettor Wood, Empiro 1133.
Do you want a little home on a
beautiful lot for only $130,1'
Paved street, sewer nnd sidewalk
Very dosirnble location, fruit 011
lot, I rooms; will consider ear in
trade. Bieo & Tate, Renltors,
107 X. Jersey; Empire 1)887.
Flat for Rent Phone or call
evenings Empire IfiUfi. (lll! 15,
Tyler street.
Wanted Elderly, lady to do light
housework and care for sick lady.
Call Empire 0031.
Crab apples for sale, 2Kc per lb.
Call 93G N. Leonard street.
Jewel Gas Range for sale, good
condition, $15. 020 N, Central av.
Now is the time to repair your
heating stove. Mack's Second
Hand Store has the man who
knows how it's done right. 117
Philadelphia street.
Wanted School girl to work
for room and board nail $10 per
month. Phone Kmpire ()()(!(!,
For Side or Trade Overland
touring car for lot. Call G2H N.
Central avenue.
For Sale Guernsey cow, gives
10 to 11 quarts per day, $50.00,
$25 down and balaneo within one
month, I5mpirc 2150.
For Sale A very nice oak li
brary table, good as new, Call
Kmpire 1812.
For Sale Silver Persian cat, 5
months old, $10.00. Call at Dan's
Miss Lou Hortou, who has been
the guest of Miss Carol Fliiiu id'
718 E. Richmond street and other
friends of Portland, departed
for her home near Myrtle Point
last Sunday evening.
A model sailing eraft designed
and constructed by Harold Han
son is being exhibited at the St.
Johns library, Other boys who
have made a model boat are in
vited to bring them to the library
for exhibition.
In St. Tobni
Atwaler 278?
MMJjHAT you save today largely determines what
Wm you will be tomorrow Financial Indepen
mm dence is essential to Advancement.
The table herewith shows how money grows if
deposited regularly and careful pcrsual of the fol
lowing chart will strikingly emphasize to you the
value of Saving Systematically.
3 per cent Savings Compounded .Semi-annually
pay as follows:
$ 1 00
5 00
$ 52.77
$ 103.11
. .189.52
$ 280.20
$ G05.54
Peninsula National Bank
Mazda Lamps
Buy the Genuine Mazda Lamps,
Last Longer, Gives More Light
and Consumes Less Electricity
We Have Them In All Sizes
Special For This Week
Edison Electric Iron, Spe. $3.75
Get away this year
Oregon State Fair
Salem--September 25-30
Rail road .Tickets Only Cost
One Fare and a Third
Round Trip
Sale dates Sept 23 to 30 Return limit October 2nd.
Special Attractions Day and Night
$75,000 fn Premiums and Purses
Agricultural DisplayExhibits of every Kind
Greatest Horseshow in Northwest
Horse Rnclnj; Amusements Stock and Poultry Show
Southern Pacific Lines
l'or further jwitfulajs usk ajjcnts or write
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent
Wedgewooti Combination Range
Watch this Space if you are in the Market
for ONE
Cash or Credit