1 ir BED ROOM FURNITURE AT REDUCED PRICES WALNUT SUITE Colonial Style Regular Special Dressing Table $37.50 '$30.00 Dresser 40.00 32.00 Chiffonier JO.00 32 00 Bed 3750 30.00 Bench g 50 7.50 Rocker 11.50 Qi50 TOTAL S175.00 $141.00 Entire Suite or Separate pieces may be purchased on EASY TERMS OAK DRESSERS AND CHIFFONIERS Colonial Style Regular Special Oak Dresser $28.50 $22.85 Oak Chiffonier 28.50 22.85 Oak Dresser 33.75 27.25 Oak Dresser 47.00 35.00 Ook Chiffonier 3G.50 29.75 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD OAmandu Brtos "Gloria" Coffee Oregon and Washington Klbcrta Peaches nre in great abund ance this week and very cheap. If you can use any more get them and help to keep them from spoiling. While the best Dartlctt Pears are gone there are plenty of other kinds. Pruned and Plums arc coming, too and 'next week will be the time for Italian Prunes; the rain may spoil them though. It is the time of year now when otic thinks of Syrups and Hot Cakes for breakfast. Wc have so many kinds of Syrups that vre cannot enumerate them here, and Pancake Plours nre also of many kinds. They nre all good nud wc sell them nt a reasonable price. ' The new packs of canned goods nre coming in and wc will soou have plenty to say on thnt subject. :.. The Grabaferia Grocery COUCH & CURRIER, Inc. "Del Monte Products Vim Flour OOOCWOOOOOQOQCM3QOOOO OOOOOC Barileil Pears Per Box 75c 200 Boxes at this Prlco Peaches and Prunes Next Week, place your Order Now so that we can deliver them the same day we get them, then they are fresh. Wo will sell Prunes for 2c a lb. and Deliver them to you. GASSER EXPR ESS 108 V, A1U Street or Pbone Office Umpire 392. Residence Col, 377 PIGGLY All Over This is Peach Canning Week A Special Sale on Sugar 10 Pound Bag 7A PURE CANE SUGAR UC 10 Pounds CROWN and A s OLYMPIC FLOUR RJC 1 Pound ROYAL BAKING QQrt POWDER jOC Quarts Wesson Oil can be had at a low figure Saturday and Monday WESSON OIL 44c Better Come to Piggly Wiggly FIRST 210 North Jersey Street Em "Sinclair's" Bacon OOCkOWOOOC WIGGLY the World OOOOOOKXK1000000 Complete Line of School Supplies Grammar and High School Books ST.. JOHNS PHARMACY The A. D. S.. SANTOX AND DR. HOBSON REMEDIES. 106 NORTH JERSEY STREET Straw lints nro always cheap nt the wrong time of the year. Frank Whitney is constructing line residence on Decatur street. O. C. Bardwcll is erecting n fine residence nt 02(3 Buchanan street. Frank Merrill is hnvini? a mnil. crn residence erected nt 523 New orlc street. Dr. and Mrs. K. P. Borden nnd sons llusscll nnd John were re cent visitors to Seaside. ( Will Lear of Goldendale. Wnsh.. was called here by the death of his mother nnd nephew. Christian Science 2 Sundnv inorninir services nt 11:00: Wed. n csd ay evening nt 8:00 nt 403 ami tit avenue. A Chicago judge holds it is not illecnl for a man tn steal from lus wife. It is not illegal, hut it is impossible. Ex. Miss Barbara Kloster is lcavini? this week for Seattle whiiro kIio will enter the Northwest training school for nurses Tim viipi luiul ii'ni- in i.ftf is to do thoroughly whatever you do. Muster every detail of work that mils to your lot. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallsr Mef'lin. took have returned from a fishing trio in the mountains near Tolc do, Oregon, and the const. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Hydo nnd two children have boon visiting Mrs. Hyde's mother mid other relatives in Seattle and Monroe, WllKll. Mrs. Violn MeQuiro of Seattle eft Saturday for homo after v1s ting two weeks with her daugh- ors, Mrs. i. W. Snyder nnd Mrs. Jack Konig. Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis llnduaux of Wnlln Wnllu nnd Mrs. Josoph Geezer of Senttlu wero guests of Mrs. J. IJ. Campbell on Monday nnd Tuesdny. 0 Mrs. Ilnrley Mainline nnd her daughter Jonn, Mrs. W. II. Alder- sou nud daughter Muriel mikI Mrs. Iiowell Audorson Jihvo re turned from a two wooks' trip to (ooKnway. Duncan Brothers, groeorymon of Portland, have purehascd the stock nud equipment of the Sun set Cash Grocery nt 111 I'lnladel phia strcot, nnd have tnkeu pos session of the same. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. W. ItaniKden nnd daughter Leola nnd sou Wil- mr arrived recently from Chero kee, Town, nud will reside in St. Johns. They made the trip by auto nnd wero . three weeks en route Walter A. Andrews formorly with Miller & Trncey, is one of the directors of the Portland Mortuary, which recently open ed nu establishment on Morrison street. Walter hns rosidod for a number of years in St. Johns. Molvn BUsett, recent graduate of the 8th grade of the St. Johns grammar school, loft last Satur day with her brother, It. II. Bis sett, for MarysviHe, Cal., whero she will enter the high school. Mr. Bissett is vice principal of that institution. Orou Ulysses Lear, sou of D.O. .ear of Salem, and gramhnu of Samuel Lear of St. Johns, v.ith whom he made his home, died the morning of September 4th at iho 5err sanitarium of tubercular no 'hritis. Orin was born in Gold- tndale, Wash., Feb. 13, 1890, and consequently was nged 20 years, i) months and iU days at the time of his death. lie had spent the pnat seventeen years of i.is life in St. Johns, with his grandparents, ns mother having died when he was a little child. Oron whs a fine ouiig man and well liked by all who knew him. lie wn3 employ- eu by the btandaru Oil Company at the time of his death. Besides ins father and grand father, he survived by an aunt, Mary .oar, of St. Johnu. Tho Amoral services were lit id nt the Chris- inn church Tuesday after 10011 at 2 30, Kev. W. E. Kloster. pastor of tho Pioneer 31. H. chu.-ch ofiini ating. The services were at tended by Done Lodge No. 132, A. V. & A. M., of which the de ceased was a membor. His body ?as 1 repared for t.hnsiiortnti'.n jy the St. Johns Undertaking Co. and together with t'ie body of hu. grandmother, Mrs. Samuel Lear, s leaving today for Goldondale. Wash., for burial. Prescription Store DR. HESS Mrs. Irvin Gromnchey is on the .sick list. Do not neglect to send in your news items. The weather has been n little dnmp of late. The schools opened up Tuesday with 11 goodly attendance. Earl Stevenson is now assisting at the Grabateria grocery, o Fall Millinery Opening Sept. Sth nnd Dili. St. Johns Milli nery. Miss Joan Blnikic spent the week end visiting with friends in Eugene. 0 Don't send your printing out of St. Johns; bring it to this of fice instead. 4 Otis Learned and family spent the week end at Columbia City, near Seaside. Ono hundred sheets of good typewriting paper for 25 cents at this office. Stark & Gngoly nre erecting 11 lumber storage yard nt 1015 Lombard street. A Ford agency hns opened up nt the corner of Burlington and Ivnulioe streets. Mrs. Belle Barlow has returned from the St. Vincent's hospital where she had been for three weeks undergoing treatment. 11 In the South Sea Islands it costs eight spoor heads to buy a wife. In this country a single honehead often secures a fine wife. K The Oregon Grape Club will meet with Neighbor ICatheriue Glawe, 110 Oswego street, Wed- uesuay, Sept. 13th. All members requested to bo present. C. E. Newell and family autoed up from Mist last Saturday, re turning home Kuiiday. Airs. Da vid Dickson and children accom panied thorn nnd hi spending the week there. An enjoyable pienio was held by the W. C. T. U. at Peninsula Park 011 Thursday of last week. A biuinew meeting was also held with the new president, Mrs. Mad eline Hussell, presiding. All Odd Fellows belonging to Laurel Lodge ISO are requested to bo present Monday evening, Sept. 11th at I. (), O. F. hall DiiKinohH of great importance awaits you, after whiuh refresh ments will bo served. By order of N. G. Fall Millinery Opening Sept. Sth and 9th. St. Johns Milli nery, A fine line of trimmed and ready to wear hats 111 volvot Du- votyu nud felt, also foathors, (lowers and trimmings. Order work nud remodeling a specialty. Open evenings, M. E. Crane, prop. O 1 Have your children's oyas care- fully examined and fitted now at the beginning of the school yonr and mako their sehool work more pleasant. Dr. Frank Sandifur is making sjweial low rates to pu pils in school, Ullioo Uonhaiii & Currior Bldg. : Empire 0379. Mrs. Sarah Cox and Mrs. B. S. Ifanto and daughter Vera of 918 South Ivanhne street have just returned home from a very pleas ant two weeks' visit with Mr, and Mi's. Henry Schrador and family at Spokane. They wore guests at several picnic and swimming parties, and visited at Ceour-D'- Alene Lako in Idaho, also nt Lib erty, Newman, Loon, Deer and Medical Lakes in Washington, o Mrs. Sarah J. Loar, wife of Samuel Lear, died at her home, 022 North Edison streot, Wedues- ay morning, Sept. 0th, after an illness of several weeks' dura tion. Mra. Lear was born in tho Ktnte of Ohio, and for the past seventeen years had resided in St. Johns, coming here from Gol dondale, Wash. She was aged 70 years, 5 months and 13 days at the time of her death. Mrs. Lear was a flue Christian woman and was greatly liked by all who know her. Beside her hus band sho is survived by two sons .tml oiiit daughter. Th'j funeral r vices were held in the ehiipel of tho St. Johns Undertaking Co. yesterday afternoon nt 2:30, and the body is being transported togothor with that of her grand son, Orin Loar, to Goldondalo for interment today. POULTRY PANACEA, ALL SIZES PHONE COLUMBIA 138 GLOVES LARGE ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN The Big Load Man, Empire 1133. UOGHKS sells Wool Underwear cheap. Lost Vanity ease; left nt Ko nig's restaurant Sunday. Finder leave nt this office; reward. For Rent Garage, reasonable. Call oli E. Hiehmond street. Twelve inch Inside Mill Wood and Planer Trimmings. Empire 1133. Don't some of you fellows want a good Umbrella f HOG13RS. Lost Felt baby cap, made with pop corn stitch, between car line and ferry; was precious gift Call Walnut 3395; reward. Wanted By man and wife, 2 or 3 furnished rooms with pri vate garage or near one. Box 250S, St Johns, Oregon. They nil wenr HOG12HS' Tennis Shoes at the Gym. "Better Wood" Ool. 258. Boom nud board in privute fam ily, conveniently located for teachers or employed couple. Tel ephone Empire 0008. -15 Furniture for Sale Call 913 North Kellogg street. For Hunt Three room house, furnished, .$15 per mouth. Alex. S. Scales, phone Empire 1325. If you want 11 choice little farm, well located, j,ood build' ings, I have a bargain for you. Phone Empire 0930. -1 ItC For Sale On account of sick ness will sell grocery and confec tionery store at 203 N. Jersey St. For Sale Three room house with one acre or half acre, ce ment basement, sink and toilet Call Empire 0311 evenings. Also a four room modern house on ICellogg street for side. -lltf If you want to build a home, I have a lot, very choice location, thnt I will sell reasonable and give terms. Phone Kmp. 0930. For Sale or Trade An Over land touring ear for lot. Cull 022 N. Central avenue. For Sale 3 room house, purtly (uruislicu, J 1 000, terms, KlCn u TATE, 107 N. Jersey street; Em plre 0S87, Cord Wood, old growth, Empiro 1448. If you are thinking about, talk ing about or wanting a Furii.t "c installed, it will pay you to see or usk Alex. S. Settles about it. Fur uaee, price nud terms the lowest and best. Telephone Empire 1225; residence 502 Fesseuden street. By owner, two fine bungalows located In St. Johns; some terms. Inquire 111 S. Princeton. 41tf For Bout Six room house, fur nlshed; 820 N Syracuse atreet, Hmpiru 1303. Better Wood, Empire 1133. If you want to keep healthy use Extra Virgin Italian Olive Oil For salo at St. Johns Avenue Gro eery, corner North Jersey St. Fiu'iiished or unfurnished homo for sale, Whitwood Court; Umpire 1257. Fall Millinery Opening Sept, 8th and 9th. St. Johns M til i nory, Girbj' Bicycle, Remington type writer for sale, Empire 1257. For Salo by Owner four room plastered house, newly shingled and painted, near ear and pave ment. Prico $1350, terms. Will tako Ford touring as part pay ment. 515 Hartman, near Sen eca. By owifor, 40 acros 35 minutes drive from center of Portland, 30 acres in fine potatoes jsomo terms. Or will accept some trade, Inquire 111 S. Princeton St. lltf For Rent Six modern house keeping rooms, partly furnished, reasonable. 011 E. Charleston street. We lire now offering a rare bar gain in a 0 room house 011 paved street for only $1500, on easy terms. Splendid location. See Rioo & Tate, 107 N. Jersey; Em pi re 0887. High school girls wish to get a place to work for room and board and some wages. Cull E. 0732, For sale or trade for St, Johns property, a 1922 Ford touring or a 1920 Hupp touring. Call Emp. Mil evenings. For Salo Six room modern house, lot 50x100, $2750, $."()0 cash, bal. easy terms. Call 1031 S. Syracuse street; Umpire 0819, For Salo Bartlett and Cycle Pears, Petite Prunes; Golden Buntum Corn $1.QQ per sack; Dill Pickles OOu gallon; bring containers for pickles; Green and Ripe Tomatoes. Mrs. J. A. Hyde 515 Bristol street. nar Hen"oa. TEN YEARS FROM NOW Ten years from now, will you be envious of your friends or will they be envious of you ? It depends on what you do with your money NOW. If you spend all there is no chance of your getting ahead. If you save a part of what you earn, you will be in a position to greet Opportunity with a smile when It knocks at your door. It is surprising how quickly savings accumulate. Almost before you know it, you have built up a Savings account that you thought hardly possible. And you did it without any hard ship or self-denial. The interest we pay help your savings grow. If you haven't already started a Saving Account, do so without further delay. $1.00 Opens a Savings Account and obtains a Liberty Boll Bank Peninsula National Bank ' COURTESY, SERVICE, SECURITY MFIVIRFR OF FFRFRAI RFQFRVF RANK I Winchester Roller Skates $1 .98 1 Let the children skate to school I and enjoy a healthlul exercise. . Skates for Boys and Girls. St. JOHNS HARDWARE 00. THE WINCHESTER STORE HEAT The Opal Heater No. 18 Opal, wood only $17.00 No. 20 Opal, wood only $18.50 No. 22 Opal, wood only $19.80 We also carry all other Portland Made Heaters as the Palace, Ikauty. Cheerful and the Comfort, I YOUR OWN TERMS WITHIN REASON Cash or I , H. I THE FURNITURE MAN A NNO I 'N( 'KM K N T ' Tim St. Johns Transfer ('omji.in will move it oflleos and store from 10!) H. Burlington strcot to tho new huildiiiK at 210 South .lensey n trout, about Tuotday of uoxt V''-,C. v 1 1. QmmmWBmm ERS1 We have all the Leading Numbers in Mission Heaters 21 Mission A Combination $34.00 19 Mission A Combination .$30.50 21 Mission B Wood Only.... $28.40, 19 Mission B Wood Only.. $21.00 Credit F. CLARK Iiie- nir Prob ity. 1 1 r,.uui on UmixIimj font lot, vU,v in, sewer md sidew.ill -., r.u-'s . upidy ofX wood, turuit . in' . iiuoiu fOSOQW monthly ; only $55U(), terms. f. 'II.. ( i IfV X' .Mna piro