NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice 'is hereby given that on Monday, September 11, 1922, the Board of Equalization of Multno mah County will attend at the of fice of the County Assessor.nt the Court House in Portland, nnd publicly examine the assessment rolls for tho year 1922, and cor rect all errors in valuation, ties ciption or qualities of Innds, lots or other property, assessed by the County Assessor. And it shall be tho duty of persons interested to appear at the time and place ap pointed. If it shall uppear to such Board of Equalization that there are any lands or lol or other properly a.sRossed twice, or incorrectly assessed as to des cription or quantity, and in tho name of a person or persons not the owner thereof, or assessed tin der or beyond the actual cash val ue thereof, said Board may make proper correction of the same. If it shall appear to sueh Board that nny land, lots or other property assessable by the Assessor are not assessed, such Board shall assess the snme at the full cash value thereof. I1IKAM II. WKMU County Assessor. Portland, Oregon. Auk. C,V.U'2 CALL FOB ST. JOHNS IM PBOVEMENT BONDS In accordance with tho provis ions of Ordinance No. 'IMfiO, passed by tho Council July 2(ith, 1922, notice is hereby given that St. Johns Improvement Bonds numbered C!M to 018, dated Sep tember lflth, 191!1, are hereby called for redemption September Ifith, 1922. Tho face value with accrued interest will bo paid upon presen tation of said bonds at tho ofllee of the undersigned on the above date, tho said dato being semi annual coupon period. From and after said dato tho interest on unld bonds shall eeaso. WM. ADAMS, City Treasurer. Portland, Oregon. Dato of first publication An guntjlth, 1922. Wakefield & lledlind Builders and Designers of Modern Bungalows Riuuibli Eilimilit E26 E. Richmond SI. New Price on Diamond Tires 30x3 30x3 32x3H 31x4 32x4 33x4 Squezec Squezec Squezee Squozeo Squezec Squezec Fabric $ 9.50, 10.65, 16.30, 18.00, 21.20, 22.35, Cord $13.50 22.95 26.45 29.15 30.05 Peninsula Garage 212-214 S. Jersey St. Phone Empire 1248 i I oio Showing a Complete Array of Correct Autumn Styles in MALLORY HATS St. Johns Grocery (Formerly C. S. Bucy's Store) 202 South Jersey street, Corner Leavitt Phone Empire 0528 WE DELIVER FREE Trade at the Store Where Your Dollar buys the Most WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Drop in and sec Our Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday. Satisfaction or your money back. Frederick T. Notz Essie H. Notz Drs. F. T. & E. H. Notz Chiropractic and Electro Therapy Office Hours: 10 A. M. to 12 M 21. M. to 5:110 11. M., 0:!H) I'. SI. to 8 1'. M, OIMMCI5S: ni t Dckum iii1k- 301) .V. Jersey Km.: 721 S. Jersey 1'HONItS: lirondway M2I Umpire 0097 Umpire 1371 Dr. V. V. Sclmltzc, Res. Urn. 1131 Dr. I). S. Swnrt, Res. Km. 283 Office Km. 0379 Office Km. 0379 Drs. Schultze & Swart PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 1-0 llonlinm & Currier Illd. Special Price on Kelly-Springfield Tires For August 30x3 K-S Fabric . 30x3 K-S Fabric . 30x3 , K-S Cord . 32x3 K-S Cord . $ 9.75 $10.95 $1520 $21.60 32x4 33x4 St. K-S Cord K-S Cord Johns $27.25 $28.10 Garage 216 N. Jersey Street Phone Empire 0590 The Sunset Cash Grocery THE STORE OF QUALITY, PRICE AND SERVICE N. HALPERN, 111 Philadelphia St. Phono Empire 1148 Proprietor Free Delivery Friday, Saturday and Monday Specials Best Butter, 1 lb Tomatoes, Vi Size can, 2 for 1'ederal Milk, 5 Cans Carnation or Borden's Milk, tails, 10 caus (or Walnuts, Kxtra Hood, 2 lbs. Coru Flakes uud Post Toasties, l'kge. . . . Shredded Wheat, 2 l'kgs 5 caus Standard Coru or Peas Delmoute Pork and lieaus, I,. S., 12 caus 5 lb Box Graham Crackers ......... 34 lb Box Soda Crackers . . II. W. l'lour, Sack $ Ball Mason Jars, Quarts, Per Dozen . Ball Masou Jars, Piuts, Per Dozen, . ,.Sc 25c Mo .96c 33c 01)c .25c .(50c .95c 7Gc 50c 1 CO 1 05 S7c 3 lbs, of our Best Coffee 93c 5 lbs. Good Coffee, 95c Fresh lings, Dozen. , . , r ,25c 7 Kolls Toilet Paper 25c Full Cream Cheese, 1 lbs. for 25c Cider Vinegar, 3 Bottles 25c Fountain Gray Rubbers, 4 Dor 25c licoiiotuy Jar Caps, 1 Doz 2-lc New Potatoes, 12 lbs 25c Crown Flour, Sack $2 05 Pute Cane Sugar, M Pounds. $1 00 Fresh Tomatoes, 6 Pound, 25c Cider Vinegar, 1 Gallon .JOe 8 lb Sack Salt . . - ,15c Sea Foam Washtug Powder, 2 Pkgs 45c Don't buy a Price Tag with a Fall Hat be hind it, buy a Fall Hat with a Reputation behind it. A Hat that is cheap always looks it and gives you less wear per dollar than the Mallory Hat. Autumn Styles - $4.50 to $6-00 Autumn Caps - $1-50 to $2.75 Fall Flannel Shirts New styles in Fancy Plaids and Checks with Low Military or Polo Collars, mado for Work or Sport Wear. PRICED $2.00 TO $7.50 Special for One Week Jap Crepe in twenty new shades, Regularly Sold for 40c, Special for the Week 29c Aladdin or Twink Dye Soap, All Colors, q Special OC Bucilla Thread, Special 9c All Month Specials on Muslin Underwoar,.fill your needs at these Greatly Reduced Prices Specials for One Week Dress Aprons made of Percale or Ginghams, only a few left, all sizes In tho lot Special - 59c Children's Rompers and Dresses Made of Dark or Light Colored Gingham, Age 1 to 7 years, Special for the Week ONE-HALF PRICE Bonham & Currier i MISS PLASKET, Buyer Dry Goods Dept. L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept. OJO The Home Mercantile Co. for your Lime, Cement, Plaster, Brick and all kinds of Building Materials, Paints and Varnishes for your Houses. FEED of all kinds for your Poultry, Horses, Cows, Etc. Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose and Sprinklers for your Lawn and Gardens. Boxes for Your Berries Call and see our stock and get onir prices The Home Mercantile Co. JOO W. Jlurllnuton Stroot HERE'sTHE fMEST WNO Or'FEEftl EVERY OUNCE S i Guaranteed I 1 )TTV Aij W "V- 3 The Finest Kind of Eatables are the guaranteed meats to be purchased at this otirttA lattMir nunin to 'full rP iiiUaI AriAMn m . A. tjiivj, uviy uuiitv to xuu ui Yvuuicauiuu llU.vrilllL'IJU Onr Piisfnninrs two nlnn snr) hv Hia mnrmot m toKiM. we wait upon them and the way we keep our delivery promise. ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET GEO. W. IMBODEN, Prop. IftQ TJnrtti Turoi' itrt Vfnrl-ot Tl. rti t-I 01 ',. kw-i lUUIklk i. UUUC V.UJUIUUIB 1 Member Huilders Kxchangc ! W. P. Greene & Son Contractors & Builders 625 K M'CHANAN STRKKT Portland, Ore, I'houe Umpire 1025 Pulley & Zurcher Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Ware rhonc Col. 92 307 S, Jeacy St FUNERALS Aaast. xwkL aaaaV Baautlfut gray or blaok adult oaakst, haarae, box, 2 autoa ambalmlng and rafln d aarvloa for $75 MIIJ.HK Higher priced uneralsIn proportion. Beautiful New l'loral Chapel. IMy Assistant. aaaBBBBSwav aaa TF sa uaBBBBBBBaa BBBBBBSaBBBBBW bbbbbuL' .aaaaaaar TRACUY We nianufacture caikela. Trivate Family Rooms Complete Auto Equipment MILLER & TRACEY Broadway 2691 Indapandant Funaral Dlraotora 5 1844 Washlnxtan at Elk StntU Between 20lh and 2lt Street, West Side Please Telephone your Orders Early and help us give you better service C. J. MUCK, Grocer Fancy and Staple Groceries "OUR MOTTO" QualityPriceService Phone Empire 0118 217 S. Jersey St. Phone Emlre 0118 WARNING! .A. LO AD OF -WOOD According to the City Inspector can be auy amount. Pay little attention to price. Watch your ticket for the measure you get for your money. St. Johns Lumber Co. W. nerwick C O. Herwick Phone Col. 6S2 Res. 1025 S. Jersey J. W. HERWICK & SON Wood of all Kinds BRICK, SAND AND GRAVEL Columbia 118 Woodlawn 3401 BSOWN'8 Delivery &sd Traaifer ...8t Job&s, Orvfem Residents of St. Johns having taxes and city liens to pay in Portland can make their paymenta without inconveni ence by availing themselves oi onr ser vices. We will pay same and secure your receipt without inconvenience to you. Fee, 25c. References: Any St. Johns Bank. Peninsilla Title, Abstract and Realty Co., by II. Henderson, Manager: 402 North Jcrsay Street. E ' Keep Your 4 on ROGERS I I ft