In a Class by Itself- This Cooking Range Meets Your Every Demand Duplex Range In Blue, White or Gray Porcelain Enamel Wood or Coal BBTTKR than you eycr thought wns tXMilble In miv ranc. ilin rntflNIII meet! your demand. IU porcelnln enameled surfaces uiny be kept as clean as a china dish; Its hfuhly tKiIlihcd cooking top needs no blnckW. It is made of tbe best materials, lnctuil UK the famous ARMCO Introt Iron. Its cooking qualtles are perfection and a joy forever. Let Us Show You Why (he COLONIAL is the Range for You OaiticuuUi Baos i "Gloria" Coffee "Sinclair's" Bacon Sugar will stay up until the fruit season is over and you will need at least one more sack to finish your canning. Wc arc still selling 304 a sack less than the wholesale price quoted by the jobbers. Apricots are over and Peaches arc coming iu. Wc ex pect the latter to be good and very reasonable tills year. ' l'lums, Prunes and Pears will also be on before long. Remember we have Pruit Jars at fair prices for all the best makes. We sell the Pints iu the Glass Top Ideal Jars for $1.00. Jelly Glasses are only 40c per Gloria Coffee is gaining us new customers every day, at 35c per pound, 8 pound for $1.00, it Is by far the best coffee on the market. We still have some of those New Brazil Nuts left and are the remainder of our 1921. No. 1 California Walnuts for 35c per pouud. The Grabateria Grocery COUCH & CURRIER, Inc. "Del Monte Products Fishers Blend Hour PEARS We are now taking Pears for the Cannery, will take all Pears from 2)4 inches up that are free from scale or worm holes, we want them now. We have choice apples for sale now, also Loganberry Juice in quarts and gallons, we deliver any place. Any one who owes us money please come and pay us, as we need money and need it bad, we must have it to pay our Bills From now on oil our business, will be strictly cash. We buy fruit for cash and will have to sell it for cash. GASS E R EXPRESS 108 W. Alt Street or Phone Office Umpire 392, Residence Col. 377 PIGGLY WIGGLY All Over the World You are Specially Invited to Vikit Our Store Saturday A Special Price on the Following Articles for Saturday Only: 10 Pound CANE SUGAR. 70c 1 Pund Can OaC ROYAL CLUB COFFEE. 3UC LUX WASHING POWDER 2 Pound Can SNOW DRIFT... 09c 42c Yaur Savings at PIggly will Pay Your Electric Light Bill 210 North Jersey Street EXPERT KODAK FINISHING AND ENLARGING FOR QUICK SERVICE TAKE YOUR FILMS TO ST. JOHNS PHARMACY The Prescription Store REMEDIES. DR. HESS POULTRY PANACEA, ALL SIZES A. D. S., SANTOX AND DR. HOBSON 105 NORTH JERSEY STREET PHONE COLUMBIA 138 Lycll A. Whitney is erecting residence oti Charleston street. Mrs. D. S. Swart has returned from a month's visit at Seattle. o Dr. P. N. Snndifur and family hnve returned from a visit to Aberdeen. Mrs. A. Rowland of Indianapo lis, Ind., is a guest of her sister, Mrs. I. Baldwin. Mrs.L. Kennedy and sister, Miss Ornco Futz, are spending the week end iuScasidc. o Mrs. Wesley Wrinkle and Miss Alice Wrinkle are sojourning at Seaside for a fortnight. Miss I). Kavauagh of the Pen insula Hospital left Sunday lor a visit to Vancouver, H.C. Miss Kathryn Scales of Centra- lin, Wash., is visiting her cousins, Wilina and Edna Scales. Miss M. E. Covington, libra rinn, has been spending her vaca tiou with her mother iu Idaho. Keep advertising and advertis ing will keep you. o One hundred sheets of high grade bond note paper for 25c at this otlice. i i, Miss Virginia Dunsmorc of the Peninsula National her vacation. Hunk is on A bouncing eight pound baby boy arrived at tliu home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Kehman August 1-tli. o Mr. Qlickiuan has sold his dry goods store on Hurliugtou street to Messrs. llloomunthol & Cat) lan. I'd ward Connaut has sold his shoo repair shop on South Jersey street to Fred Kass of Alberta, Canada. Misses Minnie and Clara Nelson are on a three weeks' vacation in Vancouver, II. C, and Washing ton points. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Chnrle Smothers, 1011 S. Olympia street, August !)th, a daughter, unmet! Juunita Mae. Christian Science : Sunday morning sorvicca nt 11:00; Wed nesday evening at 8:00 at -103 Smith avenue. o D. II. Knowles of the Peninsula Security Co. has returned from .w vacation spent iu various parts of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. C. Call ob served their golden wedding Wed nesday, having been married in Dresden, Maine, fifty years ago, Willis Vincent, wife and child of the University of Oregon vis- ted several days at the homo ot his mother the past week. o Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barrett and family havo been entertaining Gussio and Alico Truott of Kosse, Texas, for the past fow weeks. W. S, Ormandy and family re cently returned from a vaoutiou in Washington state, and Harry Ormandy is now touring the nor thern port of that stoto. Miss Florence Gould, children's librarian of the St. Johns branch library, has returned from her vacation spent at Nea-Kah-Nie nud at Hood River. o Hon. E. A, Baker, a prominout attorney of the city, and layman of First M. E. church, will speak nt the Pioneer M. E. church .Sun day morning eial music. nt 11 o'clock. Spe- Mr.and Mrs, narry Cook.neph- ew and niece of Mrs. Sarah Cook, spent a few days in this city tho past week. They motored hero from Kansas City and are return ing by way of California. o The W. C. T. U. will meet at tho home of Mrs. B. A. Olson, 502 W. Richmond street, Monday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. The annual election of officers will be held. A full attendance Is desired. o Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barrett and family are rejoicing over tho re turn of their son and brother who has retumed from Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, where he has been ser ving with the U. S. Marines. Mr. and Mrs. L. Dudek and two daughters motored from Rivor side, Wyoming, this week and are now visiting at the home of Mrs. G.E. Allen, 102G S. Syracuse street. They expect to make St. Johns their future home. The Cochran Construction Co. began excavating this week for the hard surfacing of Tenino av enue from East 15th to 10th Btreet. The roadway will be of concrete pavement No, 3 style and the contract price Is $7,111, 70. Sellwood Bee. P. II. Kdlefsen has returned from u trip to tho Yellowstone National Park. o Mrs. Alico Learned and Mrs. Mary Wrinkle returned Monday from a trip to the beach. Dr. S. A. Mulkey and family havo returned from a pleasant sojourn in Southern Oregon. t Mis. F. P. Drinker and son Rus sell and party of friends have re turned from a sojourn at New port. Mrs. Jennie V. Nelson and Mrs. C. A. Taylor of Greeley, Colora do, have been the guests of their sou and brother, A. Carl Nelson, i) It seems a terrible waste of time to teach our daughters pia no playing, when ttlayer pianos are so inexpensive aud'seem to do it so very much better. Ux. Rose Temple No. -lit, Pythian Sisk'i's, will hold their home cooked and baked food sale Aug. ... ,i. . i. i . . nr. i. ... . isuii ui mo nggiy wiggiy .More on . .lersey street in place of the Grabateria, as was nnnouue ed iu the last week's issue. So don't forget the date and place. Those who hue home cooking and baking, come early. Press Cor. Wo desire to express our sin cere tlmnlis to the neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy during tho death ami burial of our beloved husband and stepfather; also to the W. O. W., M. W. of A., liaurelwood and Rebekah Lodges, Past Noble Grand Club and the employes of Peninsula Lumber Co. Mary E. Simmons and son, Dean Elliott. The Altruistic Club. Pythian Sisters, spent a most enjoyable day with Sister Swift at 1023 Os wego street Tuesday, August 8. Dinner was served at noon which was enjoyed by all present. The business meeting was held when it was voted to meet August 22(1 at bOU N. Edison street with Sis- ter Nelson, when it is ospeeially desired to have a full attendance. Reported. n Ye Merrio Tymers fostered a delightful dancing party last Fri day evening. Tho "Swan" was chartered for a trip down tho river. Tho guests wore provided witli colorful pirate garbs which gave a very unique appearance, Patrons and patronesses were: Mi's. Virginia Hrudetiou, Mm. A. B. Duusmore, .Mr. and Mrs. E. Mounhan, Mr. and Mrs, John Noco, and Mr, und Mrs, L, J. Wright. The priest was remonstrating with one of his flock in an otl'ort to make him give up drink. "I tell you, Pat," ho said, "you should give it up. Whiskoy is your worst enemy." ''Me ene my, is it, Fathort" said Pat with a twinkle; "and it was yor Riv ereuee's self that told us only last Sunday that wo should love our enemies." "so 1 did, Tat." retorted tho priest, "but I didn't say yon should swallow them." Houtzdalc Citizen. What you give in charity in this world you take with you after death. Tho object of the Com munity church is to be of service to the whole town. We fool suro that is why tho Interest is keen ing up so well during the Sum mer. Last Sunday the services wore all well attended and iu the evening tho young people did credit to themselves. The ad drosses by Geo. Gordon and Hugh lusler were a line example of what our yo mg men can do. Next Sunday wo will have tho privilege of hearing Dr. Borden. o are always pleased to have him with us, and iu the evening .Mr. M. B. Croon will try to enter tain us music. Nourse will be baok from his vu cation und ready to tako up the work. Plans are under way for very interesting program for the coming year. On the tail of perseverance is tied Success. Reported. 'Plw urill 1 i (rkfwinl The next Sunday Rev. WILL RENT TO RESPONSI- BLE PARTY now 5 room bunga- ow, hardwood floor, builtius and fireplace, on Lombard, near high school, 102G N, Leonard street after ft p. m. GLOVES LARGE ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN The Big Load Man, Empire 11337" Wiggle your toes In ROGERS' HOSE. iweive men inside Mill Wood and Planer Irlmmlngs. Empire 1133. I'lomish Giant rabbits for sale, Also have two White Leghorn roosters. sua o. Crawford St. Empire OtiiS. .13 "Better Wood" Ool. 258. For Sale AViekor babv buggy very cheap. Call 71(1 East Bu- eh .iitm street. Planer Wood : your credit is good; Empiro 1133. ROGERS' PANTS Will fit your slants. Summer rntcs, Planer Wood; anipiro aiaa. My chilly B. V. Dj are cut olV at the knees. In them you'll 1 A ...... - - sureiy ireeze UUUISHS. For Sale On account of sick ness will sell grocery and confee tionery Btorc at 203 N. Jersey St. If you want to build a home, I nave a lot, very choice location, that I will sell reasonable and give terms. Phone Emp. ()!)30. Bottcr Wood, Empiro 1133, ror na io i iv owner, verv e lean. ..... - . . ' oranii new i room nuiigalow, at corner Chicago and Smith uve into. Inquire at 210 Smith Ave nue. .( l The conservative thinking man mat knows is always found iu -ROGERS' CLOTIIKS. Couch & Bursou handles first class Cord Wood. Will ho glad to quote you. II For Sale 3 room house, furn ished, on hard surface street, 250 j terms. Rice & Talc, 107 N. Jersey street; phone Em. 08S7. Cord Wood, old growth, Empire 1448. anted A good respectable Home in a private family for a I I year girl; must be a Protestant family that see to it that she goes to church. Call Kill Decatur St., or Empire 1127. J. C. Owens. For Salo (J room somi-iiiodern house, lot 50x100, cheap for cash. Call at 1701 Willamette boulevard. Men's Solid Leather Di ss Shoos $1.95 and up ItOGKItK, By owner, !() acres 35 minutes drive from center of Portland; 30 aeras iu fine potatoes ;some terms. Inquire III S. Princeton St. lltf Wanted Two rooms iu private family where child of (! years can bo taken earo of during (lie day time, as both parents are work ing. Address "Y" this ofilee. Desirable (i room house, excel lent location, corner 100x100, va. riety of fruit, berries and grapes. Owner leaving 202 E, Burr St, Here is a business and home for a good shoemaker. Best loca tion iu tho city of Portland and cheapest rent. Must sell at once on account of siekurHS; 12 years iu business here. See Amizich, 30(5 N. Jersey street: nhono Em pire 1502. If you want a ohoieo little farm, well located, good build ings, I have a bargain for you. Phono Empire 01)30. Who has the Biggest Little Store on Earth between the picture show and undertaking porlors! For Rent Housekeeping rooms; also gas range iu good condition for sale, price $15. (-'all 510 South Jersey; phone Empire 1517. By owner, two fine bungalows located in St. Johns; ijomo terms. Inquire 111 S. Princeton. -lltf For Sale Throe room house boat, wood house and wood on hand, 4 blocks north of ship- yard, .price $225. .Mrs. Laflamo. $310 equity iu Irvington lot to trade for Ford touring ear. Call 515 Philadelphia street. For Sale Tho log house prop erty on Smith avenue; all kinds of fruit, an acre of ground, ce ment sidewalks, acre covered with fir, cedar and dogwood trees; easy down payment and final payments to suit purchaser. M. G. Urban, 727 Smith avenue. Orchard for Sale -Ten acres of hearing Spitzenberg and New town apples, trees 11 years old; now house, new packing house, new wire fence and other out buildings, some tools; on Trout Lake road, near school and boat ing dam; in splendid condition; crop goes with place; 1900 boxes last year; situated iu White Sal mon, Wash., valley. Price $0500 Might consider trade for farm near Portland. Call at this office. For Rent Nino room furnished hoi-e Cnll at ?0S E Buri;i"''n itrsio M Jr?HAT you savo today largely determines what ww 'you will be tomorrow p manual Indepen dence is essential to Advancement. The table herewith shows how money grows if deposited regularly and careful persual of the fol lowing chart will strikingly emphasize to you the value of Saving Systematically. 3 per cent Savings Compounded Semi-annually pay as follows: Weekly Savings $ 1 00 3.00 5 00 10.00 One Year $ 52.77 158.31 203.90 527.83 Three Years $ 1G3.11 189.52 815.88 1631.83 Five Years $ 280.20 841.02 1401.74 2803.57 Ten Years S G05.R1 1317.14 3028.93 G057.18 Peninsula National Bank COURTESY, SERVICE, SECURITY MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANK I Are You Prepared Deer, Grouse or Native Pheasant Season Opens August 2(ltli to September 20th Now Is tho tlmo to get your New Shot Gun Fresh Stock of Winchester Ammunition I I SI. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. THE WINCHESTER STORE ANOTHER Wedgewootl Combination Sold MR. S. G. ROPER, 672 Drew Strcot nt Portsmouth is the new owner Cash or Credit H. F. CLARK THE FURNITURE MAN a li I! II Mil GABBER'S EXPRESS BUSI NESS FOR SALE. Can guarantee uuy one plenty of hiiHitiess. We have too iiiuuh fruit to handle so wc must let go of our transfer business. llujr eau have ofllco here with ut, 1 I A . . merony muic ug e neap rem auui. , : eheap phone. Consists of 1020 ! ft-&us I,wve cu" "H"JwUI a i i . rii. r i i . . luu mica wuu HiniiLuru uuuv Geo. W. Crockvvell, M. E. Naturopath, Sninologist 706. 720 OckumBIJg. liluotvln Tvuittmoutt Sl'HCUlnHS Stomach trouble, Chrom. .1im:m(hh4 1'fiimlc c()iiilaliiU. Mi mutter wimt your trouble to I tn eau and ton. find other troods i 'ray us you can. Cuiisultutloii nml exHiuiuatUMi l'HB. "I'JV fl. Mil. 11 No lucurltv llifit ur ltWli T(I1 4 n In. i 10 k .....v jw ...... imniiiuoii ii ... ..... tAkCI) louring ear in excuane. duo um Vtvt treatment tliU week. fit IIIM W Altn ul ..,.( 'i. no will. .V WW . 4.fcl. i.WV. 4. ..till sonahle. If you want to keep healthy use Kxtra Virgin Italian Olive Oil r'or salo at St. Johns Avenue Gr eery, corner North Jersey St. For Salo by Owner Five room moduru home on (,'ood street, eloso in. 721 Oswego streot. I- Wanted Four room house, un furnished or partly furnished. Call 211 K. Richmond after 5 p. m, For Sale Nino hens and one rooster, thoroughbred O. A. (.'. Harred Rooks. Call 71G South Kdisou street. 2t New house for salo on Oswego street; double constructed, live rooms, modern; easy terms j $500 down, $'25 per month. Price &J, 500. Call at 701) .Mohawk. 'Jt Two choice lots on Leonard St., sidewalks iu and paid, at about half price. See Couch & Hurson W.K. ' Jorsov sire t ! Piano Tuning Repairing ! ERNEST II A ROLD Reliable Work 1 Shop at 107 W. Park -.' Phone 532-S4 LOLA MURPHY Sotntio Soloist 'Vvitohvi'tti' 'ouu and I'limo Sttulio-837 N. Kellogg Strwst l'litfiic Umpire 0266. rhoue Umpire 03 IS Woo.lhwu 'li Bartlelt & Widenmann WOOD SAWING All Orders Promptly AttencKil 629 V .Mohawk St, Portland, Ore. Big Load of Box Wood and Planer Wood . Empire 1475 m N Jersey t.