St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 21, 1922, Image 2

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A. W. Msrklc Kill tor
Published FTiday of Each Wuck
404 N. Jersey St. Pkoue Col. 321
Subscript! on prloa $1.60 par year.
TrtK RnviEW Is entered at post office
In Portland, Oregon, m tnnil mntter
ol the second class nnder the Act of Con
rtreu of March 3, 1879.
Y. VV. C. A. Notes
All club girls who nrc planning
to go to Y. W. C. A. Camp during
August must report at the local
building I'Vidny, July 128th, at 2
p. 111. Don't fail to do this as it
is very necessary in order to
make complete arrangements.
Mrs. Shaw, Sec.
Simple precautions would avert
most of the railroad crossing hor
rors. Hero are a few rules which
if followed woulil save many
lives: Never approach railroad
tracks that must be crossed at
grade without this thought:
"Here is the place where I must
play safe!" Have your ear 1111
der control, then you will be pre
pared for any emergency oil
know the importance of having
good brakes on your car. I.,mi(
them over from time to time.
Probably nine out of ten times
there will not be a train near
enough to check your progress
over the tracks. Make no effort
to go across until, by careful use
of both eyes and caw, you have
sized up the situation. All must
agree that a little time spent in
trying t protect life and limb
is a good investment. We use
up some time hunting bargains
in stores, Hotter plan to hold
onto the life you possess. No bar
gain counter has another to of
fer you. When your end comes,
you wilt be a long time dead.
Maybe, when you get near the
railroad tracks, you see a train
coming, and the thought comes in
to your mind, "I can beat it
across I" That thought is a mere
whim. Your judgment is not
xpeaking. In Htich a ease, wait
for your sober second thought.
Itcmcmhcr that a fast train can
run the quarter mile from the
whistling post, to the erossin-; in
fifteen seconds. Do you Itmnv
just exactly how far you can
make your ear go in niie-foiirtS
of a miuutcT Most of us fait I
our best in an emergency. Do
you admire a man who tries to
beat a train over a erossing.when
ho has his family or friends in
the ear with him, depending up
on him for protection f If mnIi a
man were to run his business so
carelessly as that we greatly fear
that the balance would show up
on the wrong side of his ledger.
Most of us are very weary of
reading newspaper accounts of
death and destruction. Let's be
rooiers lor sarely at (lie cross
ings. S. I Hureau of News.
Women's Long Silk Gloves ... .$1.50
Crepe Bloomers 65c, 50c
Hosiery- Colors Black, Brown, White, pr..25c
Middy Ties 85c, 50c
Women's Vests 50c, 35c, 28c, 25c
Children's Knit Waists 45c
Terry Towels, Large Size 25c
Women's Dress Pumps $3.95
Brassieres and Bandcauxs 50c, 35c
Chemise $1.15, $1.00
Boy's Unionsuits 75c
Men's Extra Pants $3.15
Men's Balbriggan Unionsuits $1.50, $1.25
Men's Dress Shoes $3.95
Work Shoes $3.25, $2.95, $2.40
Immortal Line Composed by Robert
Uurni an Indication of Protest
Agalrut Worldly Inequality.
Today T. J. Moiiahau, superiu
tendent of the St. Johns poMtof-
lice, completes his twelfth year ml
(lie olllcc here ami in all that tune
he has conducted it iu a highl
satisfactory maimer.
Mrs. T. A. (irceiihalgh and
daughter, Mrs. !. Snow of Salt
Lake and Miss Mabel (Ireeuhalgb
of Spokane are spending a eoiinle
of weeks with thui daughter and
aister, Mrs, Kasmeyer.
"Mini's liilniinniilty to mini makes
cminlhsi tlmiiHtiiHlii mourn."
Hubert Huron ( 17f.ll- 171H1), the
fiiiuiMiM .Scottish poet, Is the nutlior of
Hie line ami (ho niimu of the puem
it ".Mini Wiim Millie to Miinrn; A
MW." AceonlliiK to Oliiirlu Kent,
lluriiH riniKlit llm iiutlnii of the title
from tliu rofrnln of nn old mini: on
"The Life ami Akd of Mini," mimed
by mm In utiu nf Ids letters to Mrs.
liinloi, ii refrain running, "Ah, mini
was mime to moiiti," Mr. Kent xnyn
Unit "(lie mi filter nlliitlrd to In ln
0i'iiliiK lilies was a rertiiln Jiiiiii-m An
drew, it miller nf Miiurhllne. Iui
meillstuly licforo their i-hancu line line
the MH', n niiHwer to the iiinl of
a hiilf'tllxtriii'ietl mother, hud net forth,
In the dffjieuliiK twilight, iilnui; the
hunks nf lliu river, In M'nnli of u
lustdo miiuetl Kate Kemp, who, im well
"St a cow wlileli luid been In her chaw.
nun iiiKiiiutireil, Ah farmer uml mil
ler t'liiilliiued their ijnest toKfther In
the kIiuiiiiIiik, the former, tiiruliiK sud
denly tticltum, i'oiuioNi'il tlio verhfM."
J. (I. Lockhurt, In IiIh "IMv of Hums."
renuirks: "The Imllpintlou with which
Uurni IbroUKb life eonteuiilutH the
lneiiiullly or hiimuii t'oiidliloii, ami
INirtleiilurly (ami who lmll miy wllh
nhsotutu Justice?) ihecoiilriiNt between
his own felt liilcllirtiml atrviiKlh and
hi worldly rlrciiiiislniici'M, were never
mure bitterly nor more loftily ex
IUinuohI limn in tMuiiu of tliobi! hIiiiiziih:
See, yonder, iHir. o'er-laboritl wlKbt,
tile.' "
A committee from the Comiuii
nity Club together with property
owners arc planning to meet witii
Commissioner Harbor next week
in connection with proposed im
jirovemcnt of Jersey street. It is
hoped that some arrangement be
made whereby this street ma, be
placed iu proper condition, lit iu
prtviimt condition it is a disgrace
to the community.
Don't Burn Your Shoe.
"l'eoiltp iH'rnl.t In buriiliiK their
shots," sst.l the fobhlor, ncconlliiK to
the Hoot mud Hhof lltvonl.'r. "I ilmt'i
M how It la. kts'p li-lllui: them not
to put thrlr wet shoes tin the hIchih
radiator or on tbo Kitchen Move to
dry. Hot tht-jr ktvji on iIuIiik It. So
the Icitbrr grta burned, ami I e't h
lot of shops Hith fluirrt'd sole to
"Of course, (bp slnifH iu not bum to
ehM. If they did, then llm wasteful
bsblt udfbt be oded. for noonlo wouhl
plslnljr tr for themselves Hint their
shoss itfi burnetl whi-n put on the
stmt or radiator. Tin- Miles, In the
beat, Jut crts". suini'lhlim like u piece
of baron, and when worn they crum
ble sway. So I get a lot of idiot to
be mended.
"Of course, It help my huilniws
soros. llut 1 wlali people, wouldn't
do It, became It la wasteful. And
wane, yon know, U the Brcut Ainerl
ran habll that Keeps the coat of liv
ing hlb.'
Two Adventurer Said to Have Die-
covered Carefully Guarded Meth.
od of Ita Manufacture.
There la a htiK" consumption of ao-
euiictl "Joss-sticks" la all countries
whom lluddhUt worship Is cclchrutcri.
These ceremonial candles, whoso use.
corresponds very nearly to that of the
wax caudles unci! In the ceremonies of
thu Catholic church, are lluhttsl on
klmllar occasions, ceremonies of fwt
(llly, or moiiruliiK, pruyer or (hunks
KlvliiK to divinities, etc. Jus sticks
are at once cnmlles and Incense, sluce,
like Die latter, they burn without up-
parent Hume.
llio picparHtlou of Jossstlcks Im
shrouded In some mystery, and the
process Is still practically unknown,
those who carry It on beliiK chosen
from u special i-Iiim ami kept In rlk''
urous Keclindon. IWker mid llurrier,
duriut; u sojourn In ludo China uud
(Milua, succeeded, however, In tllscov
erliiK the esseutltil points of iiiunufiio
4 Miuiirvu siroi or nuiuiioo or vary
Iiik leiiKth and thickness, accordhiK to
the size of the Jm stick thut Is to be
made, Is skillfully rolled on an In
cllned Mirfuce, Iu a mixture of odorlf
eious powilers UKKlutluated by rcsln.
uinile viscous by slight elevHtlou of
lemperttture. One of the ends Is left
as It Is, to serve as a Imndle. In some
euses the bamboo Is replaced with a
llevtble rod which euuhles the Jos-
hi lew to bo rolled lu spiral form.
Ralnetorm Drlnge Thorn Out, but Idea
That They Fall With It It a
Mlitaken One.
It bus never been known of fnirs
fnllliiK with thu rain In n ralusturui.
This Is an old superstition which prob
ably anise from the fact Hint frees
were seen movlnc about In hi rye nuiii-
hers after a storm. It Is possible that
cyclone (Hint run lift houses and
whirl them about like straws) may nt
some time or other havu Kiithered up
Humility of fruits and lauded them
somewhere else, not much the worse
for wear. On the whole, however, we
Minimi miy that It Is Impossible for
the sky to ruin frons In spite of the
expression "ralnltiK cats and doKs,"uml
"ralnlut: pitchforks." Fi-ok are am-
phlblous creatures, siicndlni; half their
lives In wuler and half on land, but
they huvo n stronir preference for the
wuler, and for molsturu Kenerully.
When the earth Is hot and dry, froi;s
hide themselves nway In cool, moist
places, slid when, after that, there has
been n blic eunuch storm to drive
worms and other varieties of Insects
(frogs' nuturiil food) to the earth's sur
face, frees also make their appearance
In Rrcnt (uantltles, causInK people tn
wonder where they came front.
ftoie to the Occailon.
The doctor had left Ids Instruction
suitlelcnt to carry on durliiK his ab
sence throiiKh Him afterniMin. All went
well till the phone rani; and n sweet
feminine voice Imjulrcd: "Is the doe
lor In 7 May I speuk to him)" The
nsalstant. per Instmctlons. explained
the doctor's absence and Inquired If I
he would he of any use. The lady
callers voice, was worried ns she went
tn. "Oh. I sin so sorry. I am phon
ing for Mrs, lltsnk. nml It Is very Im
portant. Tell the doctor Immediately
on Ids return that Mrs. Illnnk Is Imv
Iiir n cymkbnnu romlne on, and she
wonders If he could do anything for
It." The imlMunt made a hurried
note and reassured tho colter. "I'll
tell tho doctor as soon as he returns,
And meanwhile tell her to put a iiius-
turd poultice on It and renew It
every two hours."
Origin ef Flavor.
Aaoof the most reruarkuble
iiinpti into bidden cornrra of uu
tore (bat scientific adtuuee bus af
forded are the frequent dlscoverltw
f mlrro-orfsnlsma lu unexpecttsl
Slaree, where they produce phenomena
keretofore suppoted to rise from oth
er cauiee. tor Initsncv, a sclcnilst
lu Uptata, Sweden, nacertnlmtl that
la preparatlout nf meat and Dull con
talalnr, for purioi of precrvnilon.
alt to the amount of 16 er cent, ml
rro-orfanliins trow luxuriantly, and
ke conclude that the tlavor and
4o that are peculiar to various
alt coeservet are due to the mlcro-
ortBl3i with which they are crowd.
4. KxcsiQfe.
Wail-Paper Collecting.
lho hobby of ctillcctliiK wull paper
had u illstliiKulhlitH) pioneer In Sir
Waller Scott, uho In one of his tel
lers imrrules his tlellKht In u gift
imiicii came 10 nun wiieu lot wus
adoniliiK Abbolford. lie was tn a
iiuaudary us to un apireprlate wull
decoration for his "with ilruwlnu
riMun," which, wllh the llbrury, wus
to be the moM distinguished chuinber
In the muusleo. Tapestry run to
too great n prbe, and hs fur ordlnury
oelKiits wnll-iMtpors, they were lack
lug In distinction. Hut a friend who
bud sojourned for long In the Kust,
ami nan brought home a collection
of oriental objects, found among them
h number of rolls of gilt Chinese pa
per, adorned with dragons and other
reptiles of the Imiiglnullon. Ho of
fered the rolls to Sir Waller, who
saw In the design the very thing that
suited. The paper Mauds today si
lliest as frehh as when It was ptit up
In the "WUard's" baronlul hull.
Typographical Error Cot Life.
A typographical error once cost a
woman her life. Shortly after the In
ventlon of printing, n (leriuan printer
working on an edition of the lllble
entrusted to his wife the setting up of
the type for a portion of the Hook of
Genesis, There Is a sentence In Oene
sl. describing Kve's duty to Adnm,
which runs "Ho shall be thy Lord."
The Ocriuun word for Lord Is "Herr"
und thut for fool Is "Nurr," The
printer's wife changed the "e" to "a"
and, In the crude typ of that period,
the capital "It" looked exactly like un
"N." The sentence consequently read
"He shall bu thy fool."
Many copies of the book got Into
circulation before the error was dis
covered. The ecclesiastical authori
ties were so enraged at what they con
sldereil the woman's Impiety that they
condemned her to the stake.
regard tnn doctor's orders, however
friendly their motives him y he.
"I'm having the hardest lime," she
wnlled, according to the New York
Hun, "keeping to my diet. Woll-mcmi-tug
friends Invite me to lunch ami to
dinner and then are olTemled If I don't
sample everything on the menu. .Itisl
once won't hurt you," they argue or.
'well, I've planned this dinner for you
nml you've got to cut It.' The re
suit in you generally ulwuys do cut II
with subsequent regrets. The only
remedy Is to stay home for all meals
and that takes more will power t tut n
It does to diet."
In the Kitchen
A Big Time and Money Saver
When you bake with
Calumet you know
there will be no loss or
failures. That's why it
is far less expensive
than some other brands
selling for less.
Don't be led into takingQuantityforQuality
Calumet proved best by test in millions of
Bake-Day contests. Largest selling brand
in the world. Contains only such ingredi
ents as have been approved by U. S. Pure
Food Authorities.
The World's Greatest Baking Powder
OT Mltc IT A Mill!
lauifi. v
i Portland Manufacturing Co.
M A N L' V A C T U K I ? K S O V -
Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex
celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock,
and all kinds of Veneer
Qatton Ranch Qairy
Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm
The Dairy is under strict supervision of the City
Health Department and the Cows are tested
for tuberculosis every six months.
Phono Col. 321 for orders
R. G. Muck
l'lionct Col. 1284
Iat 8M1
007 I'csscndcn Street
A. A. Muck
Phones Col. 118
Alain 4001
Sand, Gravel and
Crushed Rock
Members of the Ilulltlcri' Exchange!
Meets every 1'rldny night at
clcin DICKNKR.
Visitors always wel
?yo o'clock
Hi. 43 S. A. M. .
Stated meetings on the Grit
Monday of each month la Ma
sonic Hall, Visitor WcJcorc
J. D. It. t.
0. 11. LltMON, BtcrtUry.
jQht. Laurel Lodge, 1, 0. 0, F,
. No. IOO, St. Johns. Oregon
Meets each Monday evening in Odd Pel
lows hall at 7:3o. A cordial welcome to
all visiting brothers.
Thoraa Thurapioo, N. O. Rj. Oittt, V. O.
i'Aw, Coonaul, Kec Btc.! O.W.Noteot, Fid.Btc.
II. V. CUrk, Tttm.
St. Johns Gamp No, 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily solicit the attendance of
our members at our regular meetings
every 2d and 4th Thursday evening.
A. S. Berry, K. R, Corbett,
Consul, Clerk.
202 K. Polk St. 029 S. Jersey St.
Woodmen of the World
St. Johns Camp 773
(tool, live tucttlnvi very Mondif creulac
In Olckstr Hall, nutllnglon and letter ttrect.
Vliltorl war wclramc. Old memtr com.
ou nd .re whit lire camp you belong to.
II. rUTKRB, & C. W. A. TROUT, Cltrk.
A. r. and A. M.
Meets the first and third
Wcducsdavof each month
in Masonic Hall. VisU
tors welcome.
John M. Blslr, W. M.
A. W. Davis, Secretary.
The Fraternal Boosters
Mcctn every First and Third Wed
nesday iu the
Odd Fellows' Hall
Join and Help Boost
Onicc-Col. C25 Kesldcncc-'Col. 477
Dr. E. P. Borden
Painless extraction of teeth under nitrous
oxide gns
Pcnluiula IlanK llldg.
St. Johns, Portland, Oregon
402 N.Jsrssy Strait
Abstracts of Title Prepared
Titles Hxamined
Phone Columbln 26C
Poff & O'Neil
Phono Columbia 977
Electrical Engineer and Contractors
General Kcnalr Work
109 S. Jertey Street, Portland, Oregon
Legal Guarantee Given
vV." "B"rB,ps,0eatlnuwBik,
Atk to s OL-o-nU rilo Trtatacat.
Currin'H Ifor Dnitts
St. Johns, . Oregon
Sand and Gravel
Dally Trips to Portland
Ptwa Col. 308 206 H. JERSEY ST
Frank A. Rice
Office 107 N. Jersey Street
Phone Col. 887 Residence Col. 391
Dr. I''
l Schultze, Res. Col. 1131
Office Col. S79
Dr. D. S. Swart, Res. Col 283
Office Col. 379
Geo. W. Muhm
Contractor and Builder
Plans ond Specifications furnished
Free where I build. Residence ad-
dress ioS Smith ave. Col. 062.
Drs. Schultze & Swart
l'G Honhain & Currier llldg.
108 Philadelphia St. W. J. FORSYTHE
Opposite Masonic Bldg. Phone Empire 1588
The Store of Personal Service
I buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
Hre Insurance and Notary Public
List your property with roe if you
desire to sell quickly
Slab and block wood mixed.
$5 per load; four foot slab, $-1.50
I cord : pinner wood. $4.50 load.
W. 0. SPEOK, 015 N. Hudson 8t.
uear Fe&scnden.
All Kinds of Truck and Team
Work, Purnlture Moving, Basement
DlgRlnR, Saud and Gravel; Wood
for sale Cordwood $7.50; Planer
TrlmmlnRS $5.50.
Col. 7aa 310 K. Polk St.
Violin Instruction
STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street
Phone Columbia 302
Dr. W. J. Gilstrap
Physician & Surgeon
Glasses Accurately Fitted
X ray Laboratory
Peninsula Security Co. Bldg.
St. Johns.
Cniiipb''l'K Soups pir can ,
iiUMtp, largo uotiif .... !in.
Citrus, lni'ge piii'hwc L'5c
Postuin Coroiil, pttckntfu 20o
Dnriinadi Milk, :l t'iii'n , 26c
Ifo.l Alaska Salimiii, talis, a unit 'Jb'o
Most Shrimp, It t'.ns for 50c
(lood IVai'ht's, en, por imn 10c
Pol Mi'iite Pork und lUwns. onus 25c
lUmlon's Milk, lulls. 10 cans for !)So
t hoiot' Walnuts, 2 lbs , 35c
Central Hlcnd folToo, 21 lbs 9Ju
lio.val Whito Soup, 25 bur $1.00
Jersey Corn Flakes, pnokngo 10c
.Suiiinaiil Suodml liaisins, 5 packages, 15 oz $1.00
C'lorax, for taking out stains, bottle 20c
(5tod I'olVoe, per pound 20a
Hard Wheat Flour, 40 lb. suck $.1.75
Brooms 35c, GOo, 75e, $1.00
We earry a full line of Tobaeoos at the right price.
"Ones Won't Hurt You."
All tin' troubles of the vniilil-tf
illumr untu't ilue to luck of will turner
A woiutiu li) wrlslit suys frlomls ure
roiH)iislbli for Inducing one to ills-
Lacking In Consldtratlon.
As lont; ns the grass tn a CtileutM
liuhllc I'hiW Is heslthy and crecn
tliu cltltens Btt'in to look noon It as
some sort of Karden and keep off of It,
us tne signs command ttieui. W hen
It begins to die out, however, their in
spect for It Instantly vanishes.
A limn In d hurry blurted one day to
cut across a yellow
upper vark, but whs
"What difference does It maker de-
umndod the eltlien. "Vte grass Is hulf
dead nln'uil.v."
"inure," said the Indignant ollleer.
"If ye had sick friend, would ye be
walklu' on his stomschl" UuriK-r's
Cards of thanks notices are
charged for at the rate of fifty
cents each. Persons desiring to
have such notices publishod
should make a note of this.
Wanted Men or women to
take orders for genuine guaran
teed hosiery for men, women and
ehildrou. Eliminates darning.
$40 a week full time, $1 an hour
sparo time. Experience unneces
sary. International Stocking
Mills, Norristowu, Pa,.
Typewriter paper for sale at
this ofiiee. Price 2oc per hun
dred sheets.or 500 sheets for one
For Sale, at 929 Calhoun, by
owner, new modern house, living
room lit! rnnm llntnli
patch In the kitchen, iliitimr nlnnvit with linilt.
omce. Additional 100 for 75e
stopped by a hn ohin.i ini!a ,.mW i,u. The postoflice department ad.
room, cement walks and steps; 2 vises the use of printed return
50x100 foot lots, level with side-; envelopes.
walk. A dandy place for a cou- j
pie wishing to keep cow or I'or Sale Cheap and sightly
chickens; $2200, terms. Call oui,d,uK Iots See J. S, Downey at
Col. 10G4, or write Mr. Boy ouce 933 Syracuse. iac
Crouchley, 920 N. Central Ave. Patronize the home merchant
One hundred first class envel
opes with your name and ad
dress neatly printed on the cor
ner for one dollar at the Review
Vacation Trips
Cost Less This Year
Why not take advantage of this opportunity to rea
lize big profits in transportation costs to
Tillamook County Beaches.' Newport-by-the-Sea
Crater Lake National Park
Oregon's Forest, Lake, River, Mountain Resorts
Oregon Caves National Park
Shasta Mountain Resorts. YoseaiHe NitiMil prk
or j
Eastern Cities
On your way East stopover at
San Francisco
Los Angeles-
San Diego . V
Three world famous and beautiful cities. r
Visit California's National Parks and Charming Seashore Re
sorts. . "Oregon Outdoors" and "California for the Tourists," beautiful
Illustrated folders are FRBB on request. ,
For further particulars, ask sgents
Southern Pacific Lines ;
General Passenger Agent.,