Rogarding tho Battery "Just ns good ns n new otic" ia a statement often made and seldom true. The need is for the good battery, tho standard bat tery of honest construction, but many battery fixers have fallen for the idea that thoy can build a battery as well, but a lot cheap, cr than tho manufacturer who usc3 volunio production methods and who has tho pick of the mar ket for supplies. "The rebuilt battery," says Mr. Roche, local "Willard service station man, "is olten made of parts from discard ed batteries which have just enough moro life in them to get by tho purchase date. A few new parts may bo added, a new case and a lot of new paint and then tho and refrain, "just as good." Tho car driver who wants satis factory battery operation is ad vised by Mr. llocho to go to the authorized battery service station representing a atanderd make of battury. Ho ia then getting moro than a battery, ho gala a battery with the reputation of a manu facturer who has thousands or millions of dollars invested in plant and equipment behind it. People should bo very careful that statements arc correct in Bonding news items to newspa pers. The editor does not have tho time to investigate in each iiiHtanco and must trust in largo doureo to the good faith of the contributor. It peoplo realized how strict tho law is regarding tho giving of falso information to nowspapcra they would use euro hi this regard. Publishers want all tho news items of inter out thoy can got as a rule, but tho items must bo correct. When a publisher receives an item, prints it in good faith and later finds tho information false, ho is very alow in using items from tho iiamo source in the future, if ho docs not adopt harsher meas ures. Kxehange. I'Voo lecture at Moohu Hall .Sat urday evening, July Htli. Dr. 0. J. OolTmau in his GfiOth lecture on tho following subjects: A Hiolo gicftl Fablo of Life, .Struggle for Kxixtuncc, The Unprotected Mind, Preservation of Man. This lecture is given out with all the dynamic force and uplift that has brought the speaker fame Tho lecture is not a theory but a fact. Do not miss it as it is eilu cntioual. Tho lecture commences at 8 . m.; no collections. Hep. Will build on hard surface street five room modern house, full cement basement, hard wood floor and fireplace, $:i7f(), $f00 cash, balance easy terms. Itico &. Tate, 107 N. Jersey Col. 887. l'or Sale Cheap and sightly building lots. Sec J. S. Downey at onct, 933 N, Syracuse. lac SUMMONS In Ikt Circuit Couit ol lite Malt ul Olf (eu fur th. Cog n It ul Multnomah AllL II Hltliiincli fUiiillll. v, flank T. O'Connor anil Nvi O'Connor, lilt wllr. IH tatfcl tall. To rraaa T. O'Connor ami Not O'Coiiimh, kl. wilt, lh lira niiur.t ilrlrmUiiL Uthmtmt ulllnHuit ul rrnii. )wi ami rata otyoa air hrrr br irsultr.1 u aiar In aaM cwurt ami rsuar and amwrr Itic (tnii4lHt lital Ilntt you In lh ali eullllr.l anil, oil uf lair Mornlir, Hit HthtUr l Auiutl. iwii. aalil Ulr txl.f ) wrrWIioiu III 1alr il lllit ml' llcalkio Tikis auiUM.uni.amt II you tail luai pMraadaaiwfrilet Hi'i'Ol tlll III III apply loltitrouil lor Hit icllrl narl lot la bar aoutplilal hurln, lu oil Ajutlfincnt ami itnirt lorevrr crating. Ul MlaaUvf ami ilnUllaf null ami vol.1 thai cri la tvmliart rutmii lulnon or alu( Ihr iHh air ol Match, ivn Uyaml brtwrru tar pUlulill tenia ami ill IruiUut., I'rank T O'Connor ami HofaO'Cuunor, Mbrulu I'lalHllll agirnlu arl a4 diltniliiili lu utrfir I ll vrilaln teal rirapailytllKillMilai IhaNorlli Trn(il Irrtul flm 4 Ihc twilh I'hlity (wl Irattrf kH all II) Blwk four 111 aiutli'i AiUlllon to IU.I raitlaatt atM hum wllhlu thr -Morale Itmlli ol Ik. CM? el roillaml, Oirguii Aail (uirvlu.luf ii J UiiiilnallnK all rliibl II lit auj lauml ul Ibc dcltmtiuU ami w.hol laim. la ami to taM iirimlMi In lakt ctmliatt aK-rlbcil and hricln liclor a Ml out ami IfMut ami U k.r tun ami it(.bullf inrlltl InrullCil III -4Ul Mlt.aud audi othtr and luillirr itlirl In tiir pitnlMiai to Ibt court may kw rant and lai tbi Mldrril uiuiwily to pUlutlM HulUbll Tfcla mniaioua li arricd m you ly wi.n.n lloa Ikrrcot lit ordrr ol tlx llouoiaMc H.'Uil rackcr.lmlfilthcalwic rullllrit rouit. tuadr aad fttlurd on nil day ol June. wii. hy lu. li ardir It lidirrrcdlbit Ilili onlil lc utmahrl la lb Bl. Jehu. Kf ir oner a ck lor u'l I'U laaa ill iuir ureal, llir uair w mr nix ..blkilloathritclt-rlin Juur i VI ain uw date vt lb lilt putilUatiait Uluu August II, I ill. St. Johns Grocery (Formerly C. S. Bucy's Storo) 202 South Jofsoy stroet, Corner Lcavitt Phone Col. 528 WE DELIVER FREE Trade at the Store Where Your Dollar buys the Most WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Drop in and sec Our Specials for Friday, Saturday and Alonday. Satisfaction or your money hack. Frederick T. Notz Essie II. Notz Drs. F. T. & E. H. Notz Chiropractic and Electro Therapy Hour; 10 A. 12 M 2 P.M. to 0:80 P.M., 0:30 P.M. to 8 P.M. OPPICHS: CM-GIG Dckiim Hide, HO!) N. Jersey Km.: 721 8. Jmey PHONUS! ay I Columbifi 97 Umpire 1271 St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot of Burlington St, In WMIB TIjc rieht fiiel for warm weather Pcnrl Oil, burned in n good oil cook stovo, saves thehousowifo nlot of un necessary drudgery. No conl or wood to carry no ashes to shovel out. A clean, cool kitchen, with nil the hoat concentrated directly un der the utensils, where it is needed. No trouble to operato an oil cookstovo, if you buy only Pearl Oil the clenn, . economical keroseno thnt is refined and re-refined by n special process. Sold by dealers everywhere. Order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) PEARL (K.KROSKNE) HEAT AND LIGHT OIL STANIUAO OIL COMPANY Alt.'iutv li t I'talut'il 44 0illa(r ilJf , I'BitlmJ tl Muni , Patronlzo tho homo mcrcliant. Wanttul Mrn or women to Ono hundred first class envel take orders for u'l'iiuinc LMiaraib ones with your name and ad- tcod hosiery for men, women mid droBs neatly printed on the cor eliildien, Klimiuates dnriiiiiK. ner for ono dollar nt tho Rovlow $10 a week full tune, $1 wi liour oillce. Additional 100 for 75c H'itro tune. Kxpenence iinneee.s Tho nostofllce department ad. s;ir. InterniUional Stooking vises the use of printed return Mills, Nornstown. Pa, onvolopes. A (One Week Specials! The Sunset Cash Grocery THE STORE OF QUALITY, PRICE AND SERVICE N. HALPERN, Proprietor 111 Philadelphia St. Phono Empire 1148 Free Delivery Friday, Saturday and Monday Specials Best HutUT Optalnnble, 2 U Ri'H Tomatoes, 2 4 Sue can, 2 for Best Solid Puck TonmtocM 2Si can Viticgur, 3 Bottles. Best Ulutnt:, 3 Bottles . . . 83e 25c 15c 25c 25c 8 lb Sack Snlt, 25c Seller for 15c 2 or. can Pepper 5c Calumet Baking Powder, 16 oi, can 24c Deviled Meat, 6 cans 25c Delineate Pork and Ueutis, 12 cans . . 97c Jello, all Flavors, Package. , . . , 10c 3 lbs. of our Best Coffee, ....... . , 93c 6 lbs. Good Coffee .... 95c Pure Cane StiKar, 16 lbs. $L00 Special Pure Caue and Berry Suar, 100 lb Sack,... 6 50 5 lb Box Graham Crackers 76c 7 Rolls Toilet Paper 25c Carnation or Borden's Milk, tall cans, 10 for 9Sc Walnuts, Kxtra Good, 2 lbs 85c Kcouomy Jar Caps, 1 Doz 24c Corn Flakes and Post Toasties, Pkge . 09c Prepated Mustard, Jar Large Size .... , 10c Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs. for 45c Picnic Ham. lb . , 18c 5 cans Standard Com or Peas , , . , , 60c I I To close out odd lines of seasonable merchandise we offer you these very attractive prices for one week HHaHaHimiaHHalHHHaHHal SPECIAL PRICES ON MANY DIFFERENT MATERIALS Fancy Lawn and Dimity In Light Patterns, Specially Priced 19c New Designs in Light and Dark Voiles Regularly Priced at GOc to 76c, Special 39c BATISTE Now Designs in BATISTE, 36 inches Wide 90 Special iW BLUE LINEN Lovely for that One Piece Dress, 36 inch, CQ Regular 98c, Special NOVELTY INDIAN HEAD In Check, Fast Color, 3G inches Wide, Special. .39c Men's Buster Brown Silk Plaited HOSE Heather Weave and Assorted Colors. The OQ kind you usually get for 76c, Spe u5H SILK SHIRTS Baby Broadcloth Silk Shirts in Stripe Pat- tQ OR terns, Sizes 14 to 16, Reg. $5, Special. ..fwiW White Silk Jersey, Size 14 and 15 only, Spe. $4.85 Any Straw Hat in Stock While They Last - 95c Work Hats 45c Khaki Outing Caps.... 85c TIES Cheney Silk Ties in odd lines, to Close Out at 69c Reg. Price $1.00 and $1.25 Bonham & Currier o I MISS PLASKET, Buyer Dry Goods Dept. L. E. ROSE. Mgr. Men's Dept. 212; I '3 SEE The Home Mercantile Co. for your Lime, Cement, Plaster, Brick and all kinds of Building Materials, Paints and Varnishes for your Houses. FEED of all kinds for Poultry, Horses, Cows, Etc. Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose and Sprinklers for your Lawn and Gardens: Boxes for Your Berries Call and see our stock and get prices your our The Home Mercantile Co. yo W Jlurlhiutoii Stroet A UESSON Foa AU. fO.H5 0F SENSE, VUGrH aUAUTV ) CUTS THE EXPENSfi n s w. The Only Sensible economical way to purchase meats is to buy the high est grade. By this we do not mean that at all times vou must nurchase the highest priced cut. but we do X mean that you should purchase meats that have been properly oared for. That is the only kind we sell. ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET GEO. W. 109 North Jerse) Street IMBODEN, Prop. Market Phone Columbia 21 Phillips & Leland Pulley & Zurcher Transfer and Storage Plumbing, Heating & Tinning Phone Col. 72 Office 209 S. Jersey We Repair Aluminum Ware DAILY TRIPS TO PORTLAN D I Phone CoJ. 92 307 S, Jerwy St- FUNERALS Btautlful gray or blaok adult oatkat, hanrac, box, 2 uutoa ambalmlng and rafln ad atrvloa for $75 MIM.RR TRACRY Higher priced funeral in proportion. Beautiful New I'loral (jhapel. Lady AMlitant. We manufacture caiketa. Trivate l'amlly Roomi Complete Auto Equipment MILLER & TRACEY Broadway 2801 Indapandant Funaral Dlraotara S 1844 Washington at Ella Street. Petween 20th and 21t Street, Wft Side Please Telephone your Orders Early and help us give you better service C. J. MUCK, Grocer Fancy and Staple Groceries "OUR MOTTO" Quality Price Service Phone Columbia 118 217 S. Jersey St. Phone Col. 118 WARNING! A LOAD OF WOOD According to the City Inspector can be any amount. Pay little attention to price. Watch your ticket for the measure you get for your money. St. Johns Lumber Co. ROBERT RAKES Plowing. Teaming and Ex cavating off all kinds Prices Reasonable. 616 E. CharleatonSt. Phone Col. 1393 Columbia 118 Woodlawn 9401 BROWN'S Delivery and Transfer St. Joku, Oregon . . ... Resident of St. Jofins having taxei and city liens to pay in Portland can make their payment without inconveni ence by availing themselves of our sex vice. We will pay ame anil seenre your receipt without inconvenience to yon. Fee, 25c, References; Any St. Johns Bank. Peninsula Title, Abstract and Realty Co., br II. Henderson. Manager: m North Jersay Street. ' Keep Your ortY ROGERS i O I