St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 07, 1922, Image 3

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Bed Room Furniture
lOcontj 5 ctat y 20 Cent
During July Only
OAmandu Bios
Ml ' W 'I l mi i " "
nninrinH Pnffnn
uiuna uuuou
Mld-Sutnmcr is here and a warm one at thnt. Tills mokes a
desire for Seasonable Drinks, Fruits, Vegetables nnd Lunch Meats,
Cheese, Etc. We aim to have a nice variety of all these on hand
at Grabotcria prices.
In Summer Drinks we have something new this year. Of
these the Lemon and Grange Squash and Lime Juice arc new and
good. Then there is the Porto to make Punch in the different
flavors. Grape Juice, Pineapple Juice and Oregon's own product,
the Logan Berry Juice can' the beaten though.
A new article this year too, is "Ccrto" to make fruit Jell.
By using it you can make even Strawberries and Raspberries Jelly
without cooking down so much or adding other fruits.
The Grabateria Grocery
"Del Monte" Canned Goods
We Will Pay for
ROYAL ANNS, lb. . 7c
BINGS, lb. . . 5c
LAMBERTS, lb. . . 5c
103 W. AtU Street or IUione Office Empire 392. Residence Col. 377
lllGuerti World
Fresh Vegetables, Fruit, Orocerles FOR LESS
The Following are some of our DAILY PRICES
No. 24 Cans STANDARD rtfi
Delmonte and Otter SWEET 1 Q
Llbby's and Delmonte Ex. SLICED f r
GRATED, Per Can 14c
Llbby's PORK and BEANS fr
Per can JzfC
Campbell's PORK and BEANS 11
Per Can 1 JLC
ALPINE MILK, Per Can 10c
5 lb. lox GRAHAM CRACKERS 77c
GINGER SNAPS, Per Pound 13c
Quarts MASON JARS, all you t- j
want, Per Dozen tj) 1 ID
Pints MASON JARS, Per Dozen 95c
Our Prices and Merchandise Satisfy
f210 North Jersey Street
UOinnlnirU) D nnnn
oiuuian 0 UC10UII
Fishers Blend Flour j
105 NORTH tJER5fcir SlKfcfct
P. II. Edlcfacn is on n trip to
tho Yellowstone National Parle.
Miss Erma Haskell is spending
the Summer at Gold Beach, Ore.
Clms. Newell of Mist came up
nnd made his family hero a visit
the first of tho week.
Doric Lodgo No. A. P. &
A M. nnd the Eastern Star are on
vacation during July and Au
gust. J. N. Edlcfacn. nnd family nnd
E. J. Whelnn spent the. week end
nnd July Fourth nt Cannon
Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor "Wnldolo
nnd Mr. Knlpli Miller are nt
Gearhart for a week enjoying the
sea breeze.
A nine pound baby boy arrived
nt the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Max Widmer Friday morning of
last week.
Christian Science: Sunday
morning services at 11:00; Wed
nesday evening at 8:00 nt -103
Smith avenue.
Hoy E. Crouchley has been
spending the past week near Mt.
Hood, where he was installing
some plumbing.
A humdinger is a fellow who,
when handed u lemon, takes it
wit It a grin and proceeds to make
cmonadc, says an exchange.
The Cliuutmtnun which closed
yesterday was well attended nt
all sessions and tho entertain
ment provided was of a high or
Tho Laurelwood Past Noble
Grand Club will meet at Sister
Dora AmriCn's Tuesday evening,
July 11th, the subject to lie,
'Good Fellowship. ' ' Hep.
Miss Florence V. Davis is
spending the Summer in Salt
hake City. She will mnko n trip
o tho lellowstouo National
Park before returning homo.
' o
Mrs. Frank Benin of If tixcl
Dell, Wash., wns n visitor to St.
Johns Wednesday. Mr. Benin re
cently exchanged their property
icro for a farm at Hazel Doll.
Services nt Pioneer M. E.
Church: Sunday at l):lf a. m.
Sunday school; morning service
nt 11 o'clock, sermon by pastor.
.veiling service at 8 o clock.
Tho Oregon Grnpo Club wilt
invo an all day pic.nio for all
members, their families and
ricmls at Columbia l'urlc on
Inly 12th. Bring your lunch and
mvo a good time. Hop.
Mrs. Cnrrio Weaver of 410 East
Chicago street was nwnrded $100
prize for best decorated private-
y owned auto in the floral pa
rnde at tho Hose Festival. This
mado tho third year in succession
that Mrs. Weaver has oapt .
this prize. She received hor $100
check at a luncheon at Chamber
of Commerco Monday.
.Sealed proposals will bo re
ceived by Chns. B. Welter, Post
office Inspector, up to and includ
ing July J5, VJ'?, Tor tho furnisli
ing of suituble Quarters for post-
office purposes at St. Johns Sta
tion, Portland, Oregon, under a
easo of live or ten years from
January 22, 1923. Blank propos-
als nnd specifications may be ob
tained from the postmaster or in
spector, and the form of tho lease
may bu secured from tho same
Itoss K. Spencer aged 21 of 027
Morrison street was drowned in
the Willamette river late Sunday
night just below Terminal No. 4,
when he went in swimming near
the towboat Sarah Dixon, on
which he worked as a logger. The
young man. and a companion
went m swimming late in tho
evening, and after lie had made
his last dive he suddenly wont un
der and did not rise to the sur
face. His companions on the
boat tried in vain to roscue him.
Tho services at the Community
clmrcl- .ast Sutirfa, wore uood.
Mr. Nourso's sermons both morn
ing and evening were entertain
ing and instructive Tho Sunday
school is holding its own. The
teachers are giving their clauses
the best they have. Mr. Nourse
has taken his family to the eool
hills beyond Corvallis where
they expect to spend the Summer.
Mr. Nourse will be in his pulpit
Sunday as usual. We are sure he
will have something extra for us.
Prescription Store
F. A. Kiee and family have been
sojourning at Eeola Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Dsn Williamson
are sojourning in the White Sal
mon Valley.
William Stevenson and family
have returned from a visit to
Warrenton and Seaside.
Joseph Toole oame up from
Southern Oregon and spent a few
days with his parents here.
William and John Killebrcw
left this week for ltayniond,
Wash., where they have good
The Pioneer Sunday School
held a successful picnic at Colum
bia City beach on the 4th of July,
85 going by auto and auto trucks
belonging to Ed Howe's lleet.
The day was spent in
ing and swimming. Every one
voted enthusiastic thanks to Mr.
Bowe, the superintendent, for
making the picnic possible.
A quiet, wedding took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
'IMini'ulfkti mi Tnilli ti'fllilfkti utt'iiiif
i tiuinivni v.i . ....wit.
Friday evening, Juile JlOth, at. 8
o'clock, when their daughter, Ve
ra, was united in wedlock with
Mr. Leslie Thompson. The bride
is well known to the people of St.
Johns, having lived here from
childhood. She graduated from
James John High School and at
tended two years at Monmouth.
Mr. Thompson who is a salesman
moved here from Spokane about
a year ago. They will make their
home in .bent tie.
A very unexpected surprise
party happened last Saturday at
the homo of Marcel Marchaud,
1107 South Ivaiihoe street. The
surprise part of the parly was ar
ranged in n very unique way.
Marcel was called home from
the Chauatiiiua with word of ill
ness in the family. When he ar
rived the boys had all assembled.
Tho evening was spent in playing
cards mid eating the delicious re
freshments served by Mrs, Mar
chain!. The surprise party was
in honor of Marcel's 18th birth
day. Those present were William
Fox, re rn i ,Mills1.Muiuiel uoiicrts,
William Huberts, Jack Martin,
Kdward Phillips, Forrest Sweet,
George Marehaud, Jack Hiefler,.
The rest of the evening was spent
in Kinging by William Fox and
Jack .Martin, accompanied on the
piano by Marcel. Reported.
Buildings under way or contem
plated in Portland: Seven new
school buildings and additions to
others contemplated: total cost
$4,000 '000. Ambassador apart
ments, noaring completion, cost
$050,000, Sovereign " aparmeut
hotel: work under wny; cost
$300.0(10.. Extension to Pittoek
dock, contemplated, cost $500,-
000. Klks Temple, under way,
cost $1,00!),000. Meier & Frank
warehouse, started, cost $1100,000.
Meier & Frank garage, started,
cost $100,000. Odd Fellows'
building, started, cost $200,000.
Hast wing ot Good Samaritan
hospital, Hearing completion, cost
$200,000. Extension of Emanuel
lospital, contemplated, cost
$.150,000. Kirkpatrick building,
Hearing eompletiou.cost $125,000,
Scottish Hit temple, proposed,
cost $1,500,000. Shrinors' hospi
tal, to be Marten shortly, cost
$250,000. Columbia Tiro corpor
ation building, started, cost $2U,
000. J. K. Gill building, under
way, cost $000,000.
Cheeks agregating many thou
sands of dollar wore sent out on
July 1st by the Portland Hailway,
Light & Power L'ompany m pay
ment of tho second quarterly div
idend on its present issue of 7
per cent Prior Preference Stock
which it has been offering to its
employes, customers and patrons
under the "customer ownership
plan since the first of the year,
Virtually all of this money is be
ing paid out to persons who have
purchased these shares here in
Portland and the other forty
communities in tho territory in
which the company operates. The
local traction company has been
making one of the finest records
in the country in the disposition
of its securities since tho cam
paign was started last January.
A total of 274G new shareholders
have been added since then.thcir
agregate purchases amounting to
$048,000. This particular issue
has proved an atraetive one for
the reason that the rates on mon
ey have been gradually receding
and this investment yields 7.8 per
e-nt to the purchaser on the pres
cut celling price of $00 per share,
par value $100. Praotiuully all
new public utility securities of
tins class now lieing put on the
market have an earning power of
less than seven per cent,
15c to $1.00
The Big Load Man, Col. 1133.
Leather Belts COc HOGEHS.
For Sale Wild blackberries in
glass jars, 80e per gallon. Em
piro 1314.
Twelve Inch Inside Mill Wood and
Planer Trimmings. Col. 1133.
Good Pants and Shirts,
"Bottcr Wood" Col. 258.
Worrnnty deed blanks nnd
contracts of sale at this offico; Go
each, or COc per dozen.
Box wood $3.50 per load ; plan
er trimmings. 403 N. Jersey St. ;
Columbia 1475. 33
Bettor Wood, Empire 1133.
White Duck Outing Pauls
$2.50 HOGEHS.
For 12 in. Block Wood Col.258.
Cord Wood, old growth, Empiro
Planor Wood ; your credit is
good; Empiro 1133.
For Sale Modern home in
good shape, ti rooms, partly furn
ished, garage, 800 capacity poul
try house. 721 Oswego St. 37
men look young.
For Salo Cheap Equity in G
room house, on good pavement.
Call 102 S. Edison. 28tf
Get GO sheets of linen noto pa
per and 25 linen envelopes nt
this ollico for two bits.
For Sale A snap for a young
couple: 5 room modern house,fur
nished complete, right in the
heart of St. Johns. Adrcss "A,"
this ollice.
Sibloco Pipeless Furnace, the
Ford of tho furnace world; satis
faction guaranteed in every 're
spect. Price $70.00 and $135 F.
O. B. Silvcrtou, Oregon. Alex.
S. Scales, Agent; Phone Empire
1225, 002 Fcsscndcu street.
Fifty shcots of linon noto pnpor
and 25 linen envelopes for 25c nt
this offico.
HOGEHS' SOX stand hard nox
15c, 2 pair for 25c.
Typewriter ribbons for snlo nt
this .office Oliver, Underwood,
Smith and Homiugtou. Each
75 cents. You can do hotter and
more presentable work with a
now ribbon.
Panama Hats $1.50 direct from
the canal H9G KltS.
Housekeeping rooms, single and
suite, at 103 S. Ivanhoo 23tf
Summor rates, Planer Wood;
Empiro 1133.
Boys' Suspondors 25e,HOOi:ilS.
Mra. Vinson dooa hemstitch
ing at 528 South Ivanhoo: phone
Columbia 1044. tf
Typewriter ribbons for salo at
this offico; 75o each.
Bathing Suits from practically
nothing up to $0.50 HOGEHS.
LostString of pearls some
where between the Multnomah
Theatre and Edison street last
week. Finder please call at H()!l
N, Edison; reward.
For Sale-Blaek Hopublioan
cherries, 4o a pound. Come and
pick them. HUH h. Crawford St
There, aro several pleased and
proud owners of a Sibloco Pipe
less Furnace in St.Johiis that can
vouch for and recommend them
as great heaters and small fuel
consumers. Now is tho time to
have 0110 installed. For particu
lars sue Alex. S. Scules, 502 Fes-
sendon streot, phono Empire
The party that took wheel from
212 Buchanan street is known
and had better return it to avoid
trouble. ndv
For Sale Dining table, parlor
set and three kitehcu chairs, all
in first class condition. Call at
012 W. Salem street.
For Hont Three room apart
ment, 401 E. Richmond, $10.50
per month, water included. Call
010 N. Jersey.
For Halo Good oil stove; ulso
gentleman's bicycle. Call 842 N.
Leonard street.
Summer sunshine and heat are
sovero upon your eyes. Bring
any vision troubles to Dr, Frank
Sandifur for proper care. Office
Bonham-Currior Bldg., phone
Empire 0379.
For Sale, at 929 Calhoun, by
owner, new modern house, living
room, bed room, built-in Dutch
kitchen, dining alcove with built-
in china closet, complete bath
room, cement walks and steps; 2
ouxiuu loot lots, icvei wuu niue
walk. A dandy place for a cou
plo wishing to keep cow or
chickens; $2200, terms. Call
Col. 10C4, or writo Mr. Hoy
Crouchley, 920 N. Central Ave.
YOU WOULD consider yourself iu possession of an ideal form g
of money if, wlicu starting on n journey, you could supply your
self with a wallet of 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollnr bills, equally good
in the United States or Foreign countries, prepared expressly for
your individual use, and redeemable in case of loss.
Unpleasant possibilities arc avoided and distinct advantage
arc gained.
You avoid the danger of loss or theft always present when
you carry substantial amount of cash.
You avoid the difficulty of passing personal checks where
you arc unknown,
You avoid the possibility of delay, annoyance and extra ex
pense iu connection with mail or telegraphic transfers of money
at points en route. lor explanations or putchasc call at our Ex
change Department.
Peninsula National Bank
Preserving Time
Timely Specials Just When You
Canning Rack, 8 Compart- KLQp
ments, Special - JZ
8 Quart Aluminum Preserv- QQ
ing Kettle, Special - ZjOKj
12 Quart Aluminum Pre- (t A 7 E
covxrino "K"offlia Qno . JJ mum J I
You Can't Afford to Pass
Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors
Vacation Trips
Cost Less This Year
Why not take advantage of this opportunity to rea
lizo big profits in transportation costs to
Tillamook County Beaches. Ncwport-by-the-Scn
Crater Lako National Park
Oregon's Forest, Lake, River, Mountain Resorts
Oregon Cavos National Park
Shasta Mountain Resorts. Yosemito National Park
Eastern Cities
On your way East stopover at
San Francisco
Los Angeles
San Diego
Three world famous and beautiful citluti. '
Visit California's National Parks urn! Churuiing Seashore Re
sorts. "Oregon Outdoor" and "Cullfornla for the TourUU," bwtlfiil
illutrntxl folder are l'KHU on rcjuet.
l'or further jkirticuUrn, nsk agents
Southern Pacific Lines
General Passenger Agent.
If you know some feller's failures
Just forget 'em cause you
That Hiuno feller's got homo good
point ;
Them's the ones you want to
hIiow ;
Cnst your loaves out on tho water
They'll eomu hnuk, h nay ing
Mnybo thoy will eomo hnok but
tered, "When homo fellor boosts for
you. Kxuhange.
Typewriter paper for sale at
this ollice.
Good Shorn ehwip KOOBRS.
for Travelers
Up These Specials, for
Mrs. M. IJ. O recti gne a poreh
luncheon Thursday, July Gth, in
honor of .Mrs. Fred hutx mid lit
tle niece, Miss Margaret Tinmi,
who are visiting from Hay City.
Mich. Mrs. lmtr. is a Bister of
Mrs, J. 13. UiHgr, Thoso present
were M8, Alido.Ltjarncd, Mrs. M.
l Sloan, Mrq. 'Dr. llartel, Mrs.
ISrauHch, Mra. M. J. Gray, Mrs.
It. Kennedy, Mrn,, Mrs.
Otin Learned, Mrs. J, K. Jliller,
Mrs, Fred hut, Mis Margarot
Timiii, Mrs. W. 11. Kvons, Mrs.
Frank Sandifur, Mrs. M. B,
Q recti. I nm Hiiro all prosont had
a delightful timo. Reported,
Don't send your printing out
of town
All are welcome, Imported.