THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. VV. Markle Editor Published Friday of Each Week 404 N. Jersey St. Phone Col. 32 Subaerlptl en arloe 81.00 AUft i- In Portland, Oregon, aa null mutter oi me eccona Ciw nsun mu an vt wu- ,(re of March J, 1879, Swee t Pea Show Wednesday, July 12th Next Wednesday, July 12th, i Rtvnnt Pirn Dnv in St. .TohiiH. Til Bhow will be hold in tho Y. W. C A. buildinc under tho auspices of tho St. JohiiH Community Club Prizes will bo awnrded and it ox doc ted that tho exhibition w ho oiio of tho flnowt over hold Considerable interest has been aroused in the show and many beautiful exhibits will be on di play. Nowhere do sweet pens grow in more beautiful coloring or greater variety and abundance than in St. Johns. A free radio concert will be given in the evening. Uncle Eph and the Rabbit Copjrritht. Mil. WmUmi Nwpr Union "I'vo heart folka mir Ifa all feollah ncfl.1 to anr you can't kill a frarejrard rnbblt; but I got jit t see one- dat'n been kilt. Dey hadUoedajr dat Harry JnckRon kilt oiioj but 'twtu all a tale, llnrrr Iia4 kilt a. plain eta common rabbit; en when to ttibers hoard 'lijMit It, ome of 'em dmpped In to llnrry 'bout dw en dat Jar tr dtannr, Hurry uu en tot' 'am 'twux a rave ynrd rabbit; en day strapped back out wldout waltln' tec dhsser. "01' Bph Wdlow aay when ha wus young, ho lot de wblta folka talk hlta Into Ii'IIotIb' dat in could kill Krnveyard raabltj aa dajr nfora llinnkudvla' ha tack enrn hla doubl bnr'l' muxile loatar, aa went atter n rnblilt what folks aeela' In a eer lulu grriToyard. "Well, air, net lea arter ha get to (le Rrnreyurd ea wa a-etta' 'fin it a troo wntchln' do leTe in de win' lip n rabbit Jumped, m boroed on top of a tombstone, c crtn&4 at Kpu. Din Kpli, bein' esijry far Thanks Ktvln dinner euter rabbit stew, tuck Kood ntm, mi Uaatd alooew. Da rnb bit Jumped an. a lac aa load puna nndir hlta. Wld dat Sth teott road aim aeln, m lamsv away wld da udclnr bar!'. Ai'ln 4a rabbit Jamped up, fin let da load pm aadar him. Dvn while Er wia aaartef at da rabbit. d rabbit tuck aa 4acad aa da tomb toil, ea tnrat a wsereet ar two. "lira loek Ilka It ehaajre tU mil.', en cot naa. it lumped dawn on ktckod up Its bakla' Ut twel leave wuk fallln' all aror da araTerard. Dun It imorrod at Bpk. Vina turk and ahot nut Ita eye, rea oat Ite aaaa. an out Hi mouf; en It ka unlta' at Kpli; en ar' ttma It amerted 4a blaaa would raach plan tm Ifeh. Matt aa ka whirl 'rauu' to e, a Mn. eat (all. lit smack an top a grata; an aamp'a In do air growl' turtle at kin. Da I5ph iid ana jump; aa wetat plum nrrr de graraard rente, cn landfd In de middle er da big raad. lie bounce' back rum de green' like a rub- brr ball aboetln' off a brick wall; ra wliru he lit agla, uo ha beuacwd agin; en aa an, 'twal da fo'ce ar da fu boonre had tare4 oat. 8an ea ha could, ha lit out. "Well, air; da path ha tnck wni e full er creka, aa dltcliM, ra lagK, dat It look like he had te jump all da war neiae atidder runotn' It dalr. A war ke west; 'Karbllcketr blunkl blunkety bllckl bllckaty blunkl' nakln1 time dat 'ad ar ntada It Utere4UV fer any rabbit. "lie bad to pan by a yau' whar da bull-frota wut tbtcker'n learaa ki win tar. Wheu dry haard da wta' a ra'lo', en de grnnu' a ruaiblla', day leaked out m d a eight dey aia' aarer aaem to forirot, Dalr waa a bum HkMkayla' along like a rck ikljU 'ra water, on ylt a mlnln' all 4e baatpa aa lca rS In,, .7 j "D. Rabbit Teak m4 n aa Temfcetraa," iam ea ef ha had aim trr de It. It wua a caae af a kutaaa crtetax beatln' da bulNfrog at da hall-freg'a awn buit ni'bwa da whlatlla' ar da wta' done died out, dam frafe hatted a racket Voun' dat pan', wkitk Mak, at heae Id bed under hirer, awe waa da grave yard rabbit hallerU', Mala' ar tn-en . fer hla paaala' dal ptaca attarward, en sealn' da 'dtaataat he raiaed Wnjti' dam fro ii ba'd a bHara4 H w-oi da graveyard rabbit tall ylt. "Heap r folka daa kllere hla tale, noway, 'cauae dey aay dat Bex day aome boya fouu' Kph'a gun la de grave yard, laanln' 'gal&al a toubatone, an a whlaky bottle raamad cark end donm'arda tu de muaala, aa ef Bh had been tryln' ta load up hla ran wtd de wrong machine. Day aay ha wua drunk dead drunk a dat tu aU dey wui to Two girls wish to do light house work or cure for children. Call 400 Oswego street. W. JOWER MEN'S OXFORDS BROWN $5.50 BLACK Linen Finish Table Damask, yd. - 90c 81 in. Bleached Shooting, yd. - 59c, 55c Crash, yd. 22c, 20c Denim Playsults - - $1.19, 95c, 90c Infant Rubber Crib Shoots - - 75c Men's Work Shirts - - $1.00, 85c, 69c Misses Knit Unlonsuits, 2 to 16 yrs. - 50c Misses Sleeveless Vests - - - 25c Women's Silk Waists - $5.00, $3.95, $4.75 Women's Silk Hosiery Wo carry a largo assortment of womon's quality silk hosiery and offer them at prices that will bring you back again. Women's Comfort Slippers of Vici-Kid - $2.15 Mon's Dress Shirts with Collar Attached $2.50, $1.95 Y. W. C. A. Notes l,O43,0S2.2O Tho Oirln' Clubs enjoyed 11 plu me last Thui-Hilny at Columbia Parle, ieo cold punch wan Horvotl with tlio lunch. CJamoM and raous wore featuroH of tho afternoon. 1'iVcry 0110 in talking about tho Camp. Tho Y. W. C. A. building will bo cloned to tho olulm during July an tho Hocrotariui aro having a vacation. On August M, 10th and lfith moans of transportation will ho provided to take all tho girls who want to go to tho Camp, l' register in timo for tho day you want to go, no that adequate transportation facilities may bo provided. Clutter No. 10103. Reserve Dlt. No. 12 RcKirt of condition ol the PENINSULA NATIONAL BANK AT rOKTI.ANI) In the State of On-Kii, nt the clone of builncM June .10, 1U22. IlltSUURCICS, Imi and ll count, iuclml ltiK redla.,20 Ovenlrufta. unsecured (I. S. (lovcriuueiit aecurttiea ov neti; Demslteil to ccurc circiilutWu (U. b. ImmU i-ir vnhic) . 200,000,00 All other U. H. (iovcriiiuent Secutltlra lU:i,27G.r3 Toul 303.270.53 Oilier bomU, atocka, accurU tiea, etc.. '74,'lUD.UU I'uinitiire anil lixturra 12.r00.00 Utlier rcl ratate of ueil IG.HGSU-l Lawful Hetetve with l'edetal Krtervo lUttk y.',471.04 Cadi In vault nml amount due from iinlloiml Imuka 331.H74.92 Amount due from tate bauka, bAiikera ami tnut comimi. tilea In the United tiUtea fotlier than iucltuleil In I...... u 11 in 1 nit r.t (IIIH.U, tfl V, ...a,..,.... KxcluiiKca lor vlcadni: lioiue,. Uvn.d. Total item U, 10, 11. IS, 13 a:M,7y.'.07 MikCclUiicoiu cmli itema Kettemptloiifiiiiil with U. S. Treasurer ami uueirom u. S. Tteajuier 10.000JX) Other acu Inleteit entneil but not collect.! ll.K30.00 ToUl 2,188,421.91 LlAUlLiriHS. Capital atock txtiil In 2OO,OO0.OO Surnlua fund 40,000.00 Uudlvldrd profits. . . D.GlO.tW L,m current f x- ieiura. iuterr.t ;mi ui ivtid .. ity,3i y .472. tui ClroulatiiiK noteaouttlaudtuK. 200,000.00 Amount due to uationul bauka. . . 031,14 Certified checka outitmliut:....l,lo',00 Caib er'a check ouUtamtiui: 34,613.77 Total of Item 21,22, 23, 24 and 2f 30,019.91 Demand deiHitita; Individual deualts aub- ect to cliwk 7i7.034.40 Ceitincatra of iiexit due tu Icmi thau SO day 2,078.26 ate. county, or other mu nicipal tlexita srcuifd by Pledge of tuteta of tills bank 225.445. C9 Dividciula untwM 8,060.00 Total of ilciu.nul ilcK).u 1,022,008.35 Time l)epoita: CcttlficateK of ileixjlt 91 .S82 90 Other time dvpoitta 6.11,191.67 1'Oilal Saving Depoaita 3,269.78 Total of time depotita aulv. ject to Kcnerve Uiicomit collected but not earued 2.90711 Total f2.188.421.91 It hi wisu to learn early in life that tho ono way not to havo any thing you nay como back to you is not to say it. Jt is easy to ho reckless talker; hard to escape consoiiuencos. If you must talk mako two rules. Never say any thing that would hurt you if re pcated, and cultivate the habit of keeping disagreeable gossi) to yourself. It only the thing w said eamo back as wo said it, life would bo easier, but when w hear it again it has grown-liko lack's beanstalk. Do not even tell a good joko if it has a sting to it. Ho sure tho sting sticks long after tho wit is lost, am when tho object of tho story hears it, it is labelud a joke. If . -t-., ..., . . i a gin win not put a gtiani on hit tongue because it is kind, sli should do it to save herself un pleasant hours. Kspccially when there is excitement rife in the community, hold your tongue The timo is ripe lor scandal : ev cry ono talks, equally every one repeals, and the simplest remark is distorted nut of all semblance of truth. All this should mako a woman wary. If you cannot say a kind word, say nothing. If you hear an ugly truth, it helps no one and harms your character to puss it on. Kxehange. rhonc Col. 348 Woodlawn 2119 Bartleit & Widenmann WOOD SAWING All Ordera Promptly Attended r29 !. Mohak St. l'ortliiml, Ore 9.71 ss State of Oiexon, Countv ol Multnomah, t l 11 Uiiw.rH Pa.WIrr nf till- above named Ittuk, do solemnly awcar that the abore atiitemeut i ttue to the brat of my knowledge and belief, C, 11. Ruisell, Cashier. Subacnbcd and aworn to before me Uili 6th day ol July, 1022. Multnomah county, Otc. Correct Attest: C. 11. Carter, 1', 1 Drinker, J. N. Hdleften, Dlrcctom, Hair Iiobbing aud Curling. We are now omuppeu to uo an Ituuls of Hair Hobbing and Curl- t ..a i i t ing. i'Too curls witu oiuiurun s Jutoh Hob. K. U. Tripp, no i. Jersey street. M-1 4 PASTE THIS IN Y! T Exery dollar tpent out of tows J TAKES THAT DOLLAR from circulation here. The dollar ipent vith the HOME UER0HANTS go to :: PAY RENT, TAXES aad WAOES in till town. I The Home Merchants !: Need You. : : You Need the Home Merchants. f GIVE THEM YOUR I TRADE riTTTTTTTTTTTTl Hair Work: switches made to order. Mrs. Hill, 015 K. Tyler St, Typewriter paper for sale at this oflice. Price 25c per hun dred 8heets,or500 sheets for one dollar. Cars overhauled and repaired in vonr crnrai;o or niino. Albert Buckles, 624 Tioga street, or call Col. 1441 evenings. Cards of thanks notices are charged for at tho rate of fifty cents each. Persons desiring to have such notices published should make a note of this. Don't be Penny Wise and Pound Foolish Don't think because you can get a big can of Baking Powder for little money that you are saving anything. There's Only One Way to Save on Bake - Day USE CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER It cbsts only a fraction of a cent for each baking. You use less because it con tains more than the ordi nary leavening strength. mm U coNTSMraiia BEST BY TEST The World's Greatest Powder ttataaaaaaattt Portland Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURERS OIf Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock, and all kinds of Veneer FACTORY, FOOT OF RICHAIOND STREET gatton Ranch Qairy Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm The Dairy is under strict .supervision of the City Health Dejmrtitient and the Cows arc tested for tuberculosis every six mouths. Phono Col. 321 for orders Dr. l- P. Schullze, Ren. Col. 1131 Dr. D. S. Swart, Red. Col 283 Office Col. 379 Office Col. 379 Drs. Schultze & Swart PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 10 Iloiiliain & Currier llMg. CENTRAL CASH GROCERY 108 Philadelphia St. W. J. FORSYTHE Opposite Masonic Bldg. Phone Empire 1588 The Store of Personal Service WE DELIVER FREE Solid Pack Tomatoes, 2,4 Me, enn 16c Hxtrn Choice Walnuts, lb 20c Central Hlend CofTee 35c lb , 3 lbs 93c Folners Golden Gate CofTee. 3 lbs., $1.00 Deviled Meat (5 cans ., 25c 11 cans Darinmde .Milk 98c 3 Hottles pure Cider Vinegar , , 25c 7 Pks. I.unch Paper (or 25c 1 Hot. Clortx, will take out Mains of all kinds, our price, bot..20c Hkk Maker '-$2.55 19 lb j,k. Hard wheat lf $1.75 15 oi pk. Sun Maid Stedless Raisins pk ,23c 5 cans Good Standard Corn, , 60c Yellow Cling Peaches. 2li sue. can 20c We carry a full hue of Fresh Fruits, aud Vegetables Sec Our Demonstration of JERSEY CORN FLAKES ON FRIDAY FROM NOON SPECIAL 15c Package and One FREE!! With Each Package During Demonstration SEND THE CHILDREN Remember the Sweet Pea Show at the Y. W. C. A. Building Wed nesday, July 12th. Choice Groceries A full line of the choicest groceries at most reasonable prices, constantly on hand. . We dive 5. & II. Green Trading Mamps Willi All Purchases L. Simmons & Co. Quality Grocers Geo. W. Crockwell, H. E Naturopath, Splnologist 794,720 DtkumBldJ. lllaotrio Tronttnonta Sl'l'.CIALTinS Stomach trouble, Chronic disease anil I'etualc complaints. No matter what your trouble ia I can help you: I have cured hundreds! why noi your Consultation ana examinations rree ray aa you can," No knife. No operations. No incurable case taken. I'ree treatments tbls week. St. Johns Transfer Co. For Your JMnhy Chiolctt Baby chick starter, Little chick scratch Good time to lav In vonr Wlntrr'i supply of wood, CAREfUL FUBNITUiE MOVES, IN luit Isriialten St, CoIbbsIi 82 HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KNIGHTS or, PYTHIAS Meets every Friday night at 7:30 o'clock in BICKNBR Hall. Visitors always wet. come. ft. n. rjiiLLira, c. c. A. CARL NHtSON, K. R. 8 PENINSULA CHAPTER No, 43 R. . M. Stated meetings on the first Monday of each month in Ma sonic Hall. Visitors Welcome. D. it. F. II. LKMONi i Secretary. igg&Laurel Lodge, 1. 0, 0. F, No. 168, St. John. Orepon Meets each Monday ovenlug In Odd l'cb lows hall at 7:3a. A cordial welcome to all viaitlntr brothers. Thomas Tboropwa, N. O. IM. Cltci, V. O. IWw. connant, Rce. Sc! O.W.Nortat, Vla.Bec II. r. cutK, Treu. St. Johns Gamp No, 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the Attendance of our members at our regular meetings every 2d and 4th Thursday evening. A. S. Berry, K. R. Corbctt, Consul. Clerk. 202 It. rolk St. 929 3. Jersey St. Woodmen ol the World St. Johns Camp 773 Oooi, Hit meeting! every Monday ere nine In nickner Hall, aurllngtoii and Jeney rtreet. VUIlotlw.y welcome. Old tnctnberrs come out and Me what a live camp you belong to. It, PltTURS, C. C. W. A. TROUT, Ctetk. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. f. and A. M. Meets the first and third Wcdnesdayof each month lu Ainsonic nan, visi tors welcome. John M. Blair, W. M. A. W. Davis, Secretary. St. Johns Fuel Co. 515 Columbia Boulevard Slab and Cordwood Office Wildrose Shinsle Co. Phone Col. 918 PENINSULA WASHERY 1032 N. Syracuse Street Patronize Your Local Laundry Hand Finish Work Mended and Darned a Specialty. Fatally Wash ing and Wet Wash Solicited. Brnvlles Called for and Delivered. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Plione Columbtu 1407 St. Johns, Oregon . W. Herwick C. O. Herwick Phone Col. 682 Res. 1026 a Jersey J. W. HERWICK & SON Wood of all Kinds BRICK. SAND AND GRAVEI, Piann TnninrY i Donairinrr iuiiu tuning iiDuaimig ERNEST HAROLD Reliable Work Iaa at 197 W. Fark rkaac U2-S4 Member Builders Exchange W. P. Greene & Son Contractors & Builders 625 B. BUCHANAN STREET Portland, Ore. Phoac Col. 1086 The Fraternal Boosters Meets. every First nnd Third Wed nesday In the Odd Fellows' Hall Join and Help Boost Office-Col. 626 Residence-Cot. 477 Dr. E. P. Borden DENTIST I'atulcsa extraction of teeth under ultroua oxide gas Peninsula DauK Bldg. StcjMfJPortland, Oregon PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT & REALTT CO H. HENDERSON, Manager 403 N. J.ra.y Abstracts of Title Prepared Titles Examined Phone Columbia 266 Poff & O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Dally Trips to Portland Plwi Col. 308 206 N. JERSET ST Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street Phone Col. 887 Residence Col. 391 All Kinds ol Truck and Team Work, Furniture Moving;, Basement Digging, sand and Gravel; Wood for sale Cordwood $7.50; Planer Trimmings $5.50. W. S. JEANS Col. 722 5to K. Pollr St. ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street Phone Columbia 302 I buy or sell St. Johns Property M. W. UAVIa Real Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property with me If yon desire to sell quickly Dr. W. J. Gilstrap Physician & Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted X ray Laboratory Peninsula Security Co. Bldg,' St. Johns. R. G. Muck Phones Col, 1234 East 8631 907 Peascnden Street A. A. Muck Phones Col. 118 Main 4901 Sand, Gravel and' Crushed Rock Members of the Builders' Exchange Phone Columbia 977 PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO., Inc. ciectrKai engineers md Contract on WIRING FIXTURES AND SUPPMSS . flcnrral Rriulr U'ntt 109 S. Jeraey Street, Portland, Oregon Phone Columbia 874 L. R. NICHOLS Chimney Brick, Cesspool Brick, also Contracts taken for Dieeine Cesspools. 502 N. Edieon Street Legal Guarantee Givero? lf nd f KnU do ptln coatlan wui. Ask to aee Hals 1 ruVTrcatoiaU Currin'a For Druga St Jobna, Oregon Geo. W. Muhm Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications furnished Free where I build. Residence ad dress 108 Smith ave. Col. 062. ; OLAKK-WILSON WOOD ( Slab and block wood mixed. $5 per load ; four foot slab, $4.50 cord: planer wood. $4.50 load. W. 0. 8PI0K, 615 N. Hudjon gt, 1 .. Bear r awwaam.