St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 07, 1922, Image 1

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    e" So,
The Tax on Admissions
On account of an apparent mis
understanding as to the tax on
admissions, Clyde O. Huntley,
Collector of Internal Revenue,
announces that this tax is still in
effect except as to admissions of
10 cents or less. "There seems to
be sonio confusion with respect to
mo exemption from this tux, "ex.
plains Collector Huntley. "The
law provides that exemptions
irom tno tax may be granted
where tho proceeds of an enter
tainmcnt inure exclusively to tho
benefit of a religious, educationul
or chnritiiblo organization or in
stitution; to societies for the pre
vention of cruelty to children or
animals; to any nost of the Am
erican Loirintl (if Wnmim'u m.vil. . ?! .
i.-.. ..... .i p. a . i i inane
.i.. uuiu uiacuij iu uucieiies or
organizations conducted for the
solo purpose of improving any
city or town; to organizations
maintaining a cooperative or
community center moving pic
ture theater, no part of the net
earnings of which inure to the
ueucllt of any private atockhold
cr or individual, and to agricultu
ral fairs." However tho exemp
non cannot bo granted to any
caso unless an aflklavit claiming
tho same is filed with Collector
Huntley a cons dorublu time in
advauco of tho dato of tho enter
tainment so that proper invest!
gation may bo made. Where ex
cmptlon is obtained tho tickets
must show the price of udmlssion
and bear tho words "tax free" or
"no tax." "Persons or organi
eations giving entertainmonts are
required by law to collect tho tax
from those to whom tho tickets
aro sold or to obtain oxemption,
which will entitle them to sell tho
tiokota without tax," said Colloc
tor Huntley. "Tho law provides
n penalty or not to exceed $1000
for failure to comply with this
provision. "In ordor to bo enti
tled to exemption tho specified
organizations must bo regularlv
organized, having olucers and
trustees and tho usual oHscntiul
features of such on organization;
they must havo a purpose which
as put into practice Is religious or
educational or charitable, and
their funds must bo used solely
in furtherance of such purpose.
This applies rs well to municipal
improvement clubs ami to com
munity motion picture organiza
tions. "Tho ordinary fraternal
order, unless its principal objects
arc religious, charitablo or edu
cational, and its funds are used
solely for such objects, cannot
qualify for exemption." Collec
tor Huntley announces that in
many cases organizations or in
dividuals write to his ofllco after
an ontortainmont has been given
and state that upon tholr under.
A Pleasing Recital
Are All Taking a Chance
Mrs. Maude Stewart presented
a number of pupils in violin and
piano recital in the Community
el. you may be bumped into eter
nity by some fliver that is run
ning on gin instead of gnsoline,or
A prominent gentleman of , vour horse is liable to slot) riirht
platform proclivities lias recent-in front of a millinery store win-
ly denounced gambling in no un
church Wednesday evening, June certain form and insinuated that
28, und was highly enjoyed by an
appreciative audience. The pu
pils played the following pro
gram from memory in a manner
' that reflected credit to themsel
ves and teacher: Lcola "Waltz,
(lvrogmann) Jjiihan Pratt; Old
Folks at Homo (Arr. by Henry
Webber) Phyllis Armstrong; Vi
olin Solo, Song of the Sea Shell
(Krogmann) Carolyn Ramsey
Piano Solo, Annie Laurie (Arr.
by si, Watson) Aubrey Emery
Joyous Peasant (It. Schumann),
Spring Song (Mendelssohn) Ida
Schultz; Golden Wishes
(Bert Anthony), Jolly Durkics
(Karl Bechter) Alice Foss: Vio
lin 8olo, Water Lily (Paul Du
our people are rapidy becoming a
race of put-und-tukers. Perhaps
he is corect. Sometimes they are,
but even at that the man who
doen't gmble doesn't live, for
this life is a gamble nitre and
simple, sometimes pure and some
times simple. If vou go aerosN
the ocean for a pleasure jaunt in
Europe, no matter how Innocent,
you are liable to hit an iceberg.
If you stay quietly in your own
apartment out of li arm's way, u
largo piece of plaster is liable to
fall off the ceiling ana soak you
in the crumpet, or tho landlord
dow and balk while your wife
looks at the hats. If you go out
walking some footpad may tap
you gently but firmly on the
dome of thought and relievo you
of your Jngersoll and cigarette
holder. If you sit in the kitchen
the gas stove is nunie to Plow up.
If you stay in bed your folding
bed may shut up mat transform
you into a human pretzel. If you
sit ill the hull some weary way
faror may come in with tangled
whiskers obscuring his map and
.sell you a genuine Turkish rug
made in llobokeu. The lightning
may strike the house, and there
is always tne possibility ot an
is liable to call and raise your j earthquake. If the boss happens
rum. n you stand on a
not doing nnynody any
cell) Clifford WHhoii; Piano Solo, somebody is liable to coin
woodland waltz tiHctcalD Min
na Kotel ; Dance of tho "Wild
Flowers (Wcnrich) Esther Aus;
Petite Humoresko (Mrs. A. M.
Virgil) Kcrmit Kunst; Violin So-
lo, Robin's Lullaby (lvrogmann)
Clarence TooleyjPiano Solo, Mel
ody of Love (Lnglcmann) Mabel
Ualbraitli; Edelweiss Glide (Von
dorbeck) Roland Johnson; Ap
ple- Blossoms (Euglcmann) Artis
Russcl; Violin Solo, A Summer
Evening (15. V. Mclntyro) Floyd
Ketcl; Piano Solo, Meditation (C.
b. Morrison) Flossie Harris: En
dearing Young Charms, left hand
alone, (Mero), Robin's Return
(Fisher) Sybil Know cm: Violin
bolo, Salute d 'Armour (Elirar)
Donald Tooley; Preludo in 0 Mi-
nor (Cliopin),Tarentella (Heller)
Mabel Pratt.
and sell you n lead pencil that
won't write or n patent glass
ctttter that will do anything ex-
ccpt cut glass. Somebody may
come along and sell you six wor
my chestnuts for a quarter. If
you travel by train you may find, i
nitor you awake in the hospital,
that somebody has mislaid u sec
tion of the track. If you go bug
gy riding.tho safest form of trav-
to see you in the olllce he may re
member that he has been wanting
to fire you for some time. If he
doesn't see you in the olllee he
will lire you anyhow. At the
very best, you have got to take a
chance either willingly or uncon
sciously. We are gamblers all.
Leo J. Wright, with the State
Banking department at The
Dalles, spent the July Fourth va
cation with his family here.
Birthday Anniversary
In celebration of the birthday
anniversary of Mrs Grace Blair,
worthy matron of Minerva chop
ter 103, Order of the Eastern
Star, Mrs. Manly Smith.associate
matron, was hostess to the ofllcers
and their husbands at her home
on Fessenden street Thursday ev
ening of last week. The guests
were: Dr. and Mrs. D. 0 Web
ster. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Blair.Mr.
and Mrs. F. Post. Mr. and Mrs.
Carroll, Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Bord
en, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mason,
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Johnston,
Dr. and Mrs. F. P. Scliultze, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Monahan, Mr.
and Mrs. W. 11. Ball, Mr and Mrs.
A. E. Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs.
M. R. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. 15. J.
Kewell, Mr. and Mrs. I). M. Bur
son, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Over
street, Mr. and Mi's. Gabriel Pul-
1 1 ii and Miss Verda Penuish.
Mrs. W. C. Lawden of Dawson,
Alaska, has been making a short
visit with Mrs. B. G. Scott. Mrs.
Lawden had been visiting friends
in the East for some mouths and
is on her way home.
For Sale or Trade 1!0 ares un
improved at Carson, Wash,; good
black soil, spring water. F, P.
Brown, 1G07 Willamette Blvd.
Hang Your Clothes On A Hickory Limb And Don't
Go Near The Water
Bathing Suits
$3.50, $4.50, $6.50
standing that tho admissions
were exempt from tax no tax was
collected. Such orgnizations or I
individuals are liable to penalty
because the allldavit claiming ex-
fm lit inn uviu mil (lliwl mill itv.tititi.
tion obtained prior to the niaci.m t OTTTTNO PIT .OTT-TTCS "Pnv Mpit Wnrnpnnnrl nin'lrlvpn
riiilittu m utiln iitnl ilia fVkllwil '
tor is absolutely without authori
ty to waive this provision of the
law. Mr. Huntley urges everyone
n charge ol entertainments I
whoro the exemption is in order
to apply to his ofllco or to the dis
trict offices at Eugene, Pendleton.
Salem or Mcdford for tho proper
allldavit forms.
Men's Chilly Athletic UNDERWEAR -
Safety First! You'll Never Lose Them in ROGERS' 50c Suspenders
S $4.95
Men, Women, you can sell Stet
son Guaranteed Hosiery direct
from maker to wearer. Must
wear or replaced free. Experi
ence unnecessary. Pay daily.
't ravelers Hosiery Co., -wo Bhor-
wod, Spokane, Wash.
Hats and Caps
That fit your Face
and Pocketbook
I've whito pants for you when
you use tho canoe and Tennis
Shoes, too UOOEItS.
Do not speculate with your automobile insurance. Place
it with an agency having a recognized prestige one
that represents only companies of unquestioned standing.
With us you secure not only the souudest iusurauce, but
also the best of service in case of claim by loss or accident.
I Peninsula Security Company
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Thomas Grlce, Manager
Office, CoL 527 PHONES Niht, Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St.
Work Aprons, Gloves, Hosiery, Ncktlcs, Collars, Garters, Arm Bands,
Suspenders, Cuff Links, Belts
OPEN 7:30 A. M. CLOSE 8:00 1'. M. Il l N. JERSEV STREET, ST. JOHNS, U. S. A
mil li illlllj
Phont Empire 487 117 Philadelphia Str eet
Second hand Furniture Store
If you can't find what you want elsewhere, come to me. If
I haven't Rot it, I will Ret it. I carry FURNITURE, CAR
RANGES. la fact, anything you wish in the Household Line.
Will Buy, Sell or Exohange Anything.
A Home and Speculation
100x100 S. E. Corner Alta and DecaturStreets
close fe mills. Put up cheap cottage are pay for
It eut ef Rent Saved. Price $650; $58 Cash,,
Balance $15.03 a Month.
Phone Broadway 4739!
Known Service
Whets you trust your
battery to a service station
that has nothing more than
convenience to recommend
it you'ne taking a chance,
' f When you bring it into
Battery Headquarters you
know it will have the best
care and attention anybody
in the business knows how
' to provide.
V Every detail of the Krvlce we
give ho been carefully worked
out by men who make a business
of determining bow battery
user may best be served. You'll
find the Willard Standards of
Service on our wall as a declara
tion of our -policies.
St. Johns Auto Electric Co,
Columbia 88 317 S. Jersey St.
Representing: Willard
Storage Batteries
Moved to 217 North
Jersey, formerly occu
pied by Joy, tho Tailor
Telephone Umpire 1399
702 S. Jersey Street
Zinnia, Marigold and Late Aster
Plants, also Late Cabbage, Kale and
Broccoli Plants now ready. Palms anil
Rubber Plant for Sale.
COon Uon COarber jnop
The place where good service and
courteous treatment prevail, Children's
bair cutting receive special attention.
Repairing Has Dropped
I will half sole Shoes
at these prices:
. Men' heavy half Mies fl,25
' Men' llKht half soles 1.00
I.udiiV heavy soles 1,00
I.ailiet' light shoes 75
Hoy's heavy sole 1,00
Iiovs' light sol 75
Oirls' sole 75
Patching 15c up
I use the best of leather that
money will buy, I have come to
stay nntl believe in living and let
you live.
Boot and Shoe Maker
513 Columbia Hlvd.
Near lulling Station.
Phone Columbia 42
Painter, Paper Manger and
101 N. Olytupia St., Cor, I. Charleston
For Fine Chocolates
Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars
311 South Jersey Street
Dividend No. 2
Another Red Letter Day
July 1, 1922 was another
Red Letter Day for the
ownerH of our 7 Prior
Preference Stock.
Checks for thousands of
dollars were mailed out by
us to our Thrifty Customers
and Patrons in payment of
the Stcond Regular Quarterly
Dividend on their holdings
ill this sound and uttractlve
Consult our Investment
Department at once and get
on our Mailing List for the
Neil Dividend on October 1st
This Slock Yields 7.3
Investment Department
Portland Railway
Light & Power Company
Room 605 Electric Bldg,
Portland, Oregon
"Su .7t With Slower."
Extra good values in As
ters, Petunias and other
Bedding Stock, also
plenty of Tomato Plants.
Ferns and Floral Designs
814 and 816 N. Kellogg St.
Phone Umpire O101.
Bring in your news items.
What is Portland Cement
Wiint is this ilner-tlmn-flour
building material called cement
that you enn mix with vter,mnd
and Htoni', er other hard material,
and cast into all hinds of .shapes,
that become as hard and as endu
ring as solid rock? Portland ce
ment is an impalpable powder so
line that at leant 7S per cent of it
will pass through a sieve contain
ing 40,000 mcfihoH to the square
inch. It is composed principally
of lime, silica and alumina, ob
tained from (1) cement rock and
limestone; ('J) limustone or marl
and sliatu or clay; (!) blast furn
ace slag and limestone. Those
raw materials must be properly
proportioned, finely ground, and
thoroughly mixed before burn
ing. The burning must be carried
on at from 'JoOO to IKIOO degrees
Fahrenheit. ' After the burning
the resulting clinker is liucly
ground into a powder which is
known as Portland cement. Al
though natural cement was utiliz
ed by the Kgyptians in their pyr
amids and by the Greeks in their
aqueducts and temples, Portland
cement was not developed for
modern use until 1821. It was
named after a hard gray rock
found on the Isle of Portland oil'
the coast of England. Hx.
Did anybody ever du you nn
act of kindness and then keep
telling you of it every time thoy
met you? Oncu upon a time when
automobiles were scarcer than
nowadays a neighbor of the, edi
tor kept saying "I am going to
take you for a nice long ride
some day." Wo held that prom
ise in our hearts for months, and
one evening the phono rang and
lo, and behold 1 The promised
time had come I After supper the
car drove up and we got in and
we drove way over to Winchester
ton miles mid back. Wo met the
neighbor Wednesday " Wasn't
that a nice, long ride last even
ing?" Thursday " Did you en
joy the nice long ride tho other
evening?" Friday "1 did take
you that nice long ride the other
day, didn't 1?" It's going yet
and that was at least in I ill! I . If
there is another expression eon
corning "a nice long ride" we
wish wo knew it, for we are sure
ly tired ot hearing the ones with
which wo aro familiar,
a kindness, forget it. Put a seal
on your Hps, and forget what you
have done. After the kindness
has done its beautiful work go
back into the shade again and
say nothing about it. Ood will
love the kindness but he will also
love for you to forget it. If you
will forget it, the recipient will
not and that is a better thing.
Pythian (luest.
Killed Near Ferry Landing
A. M. Garrett, No 2C0 Beech
street, driver for the Log Cabin
Baking Co., was killed and his
automobile demolished when ho
was struck by an S. P. & S.switch
engine At Whitwood Court, near
tho west landing of tho St. Johns
ferry at 7 o'clock Monday morn
ing. He wan about 50 years old,
and had been a driver of delivery
wagons for the company for sev
eral years. He had been to Linn
ton and was returning to the fer
ry to cross to tho company's
plant at 2(5!) Ivy street. The
truck was twisted and torn as it
was hurled along tho track in
front of the engine. Wheels and
parts were scattered along the
right of way. Tho body of tho
driver, badly mutilated, was
found in the box, which was fin
ally torn off the truck and drop
ped on one side. Mr. Garrett wa
married and had one daughter 10
years old.
Horsmau and Rogers took a
trip to Hood ltivcr last Sunday.
Gee, it was hot! Their chilly B.
V. D.s were clinging to tlwir
Thursday and Friday, July (J-7
"HUNT Fit UK" Paramount.
Saturday, July 8th
Sunday and Monday, July Sl-10
Tuesday and Wed., July. 11-12
Paramount presents
THING" Featuring Hlliolt Duxtur, Glo
ria Swaiisou and Wallace Itoid.
PUS1IIWS" No. 2.
Don't stay away from this one
just because you happened to
complete. ou'll bo wild
about them.
Thurs. ami Friday, July lSM-l
BUSH"- Paramount.
Saturday, July l.'ith
Sweet Pea Show
JULY 12, 1922
Y. W, C. A. Building, Comer Chicago and
Leonard Streets
Radio Concert
Everybody Welcome
General Auto Repairing
Guaranteed Work and Guaranteed Prices
Free Crank Case Service, No Labor Charge.
Fill up with Waverly 100 per Cent Pure Pennsylvania.
105 West Leavitt Street
Phone Empire 1590