7 THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. Mnrkle Hdltor Published Friday of Each Week 404 N. Jersey St. Phone Col." 321 Subscription Pflo $1.60 pt yr. TUB RKVinw it entered at post office In PdrtUnd, Oregon, m mail tiiattor ei tho second class under the Act of Con (res of March 3, 1879. Y. W. C. A. Notes Owing to tho iimiiy activities in the community tho girln have not boon able to perfect their play that was to ho given Suturiluy night, Juno 3rd, no it huu been postponed to June 21. Tho play is entitled "A Commanding Posi tion" and will bo given on that dato. Tho Kninbow Club will present nn operetta, "Florindii" or "Tho Itoso and Pearl" on the evening of Juno 17th. This is u beauti ful fairy story from Grimm's Fairy Tales and consists of fairy and witch choruses and danees, fancy costumes and good singing. Keservo Juno 17th and iMth for tho Y. W. 0. A. entertainments. Proceeds for Summer camping. The girls will sell tickets. Adults 25c; nil club girls not taking part 15c; children tinder 12, 15c. Announcement Radio St. Johns is to have 0110 of the finest Kadio Clubs in Portland On Tuesday evening, June 0th, at 7 p. in. a mooting of all tho boys and girls of the St, Johns dis trict is to bo held at tho Y. V. (.. A. building for the purpose of organizing this club, firing dad and mother along, too we'll in terest them as well. Wonderful things have already been planned by tho committee. Do Hiiro and come ho wo can tell you about them. Committee The recently organized St. Johns base hall team compimud of local players, made good with a vengeance by winning its first two games on the Pier Park dia mond, defeating Irvington 12-10 on Sunday and the hVemonl Ath letic ' club 7-1 on Memorial Day. In the Unit game Irvington man Aged to amass a 10-2 lead buforo tho local boys had time to try out tho talent on hand and form a winning combination. With air tight fielding and pitching St. Johns fought an uphill game and forged to tho front in the eighth when a slugging rally drove tho Irvington hurler from tho mound. Larsuu twirled a good gamo, yielding ! hits and striking out 18 men. Ihiors in tho early innings wcro rospniiHi Mo for tho visitors' runs. "Smo ky" Mueller showed tho sami1 old stud that made him the pitch ing "Ace" 01 the Iuterseholasti Ticoguo when he let the Kreinoii Athletic club down with 2 hit And turned 20 men back via the strikeout route. He was manic of tho situation at all tiuioM am proved an uusolvablo piuxlo to tlto i'romont team. Suuli bill limit twirling was ueudod to oil' set tho elfeetive hurling of Jell Hiniin, tliu visitors' mouuilMiuau who ran "hmoky" a close see ond in pitching honors. "Snud' Surbcr broke up the gamo in the 7th inning with a double that emptied the Hacks. These two games were arranged to try out tho metal of tho local men. It is now definitely proven that the bt. Johns team is capable of holding its own with any semi pro team in tho city and is wor thy of roprpsonting tho liomt town. A gamo will bo played at nor Park Sunday next at 2:30 11 m. Tho oppoHiiiL' team is n i known hh this paper goes to proas, but a game has been book ed. Tho St. Johns team has been greatly strengthened by the ad riition of now men and will be outfitted in suits for Sunday's game, Henry Jower and Harrott will udd strength to tho intleld. aud an ex. Pacific Coast Leaiiuer is signed as battery mate to "oraoky" Mueller. A him hit ting outfielder has been secured to alTord offensive strength. - The Federated Society of the Christian churches of 'Portland anil vicinity held an all day insti tute in the St. Johns Christian church Thursday, May 21, with Mrs. C, 0. Kurtz, president, pro nidiuir. MorniiiL' devotion wiw led by St. Johns Society. After rou can ami uiscussion on Mm flion tonioti all mlimirncrf to tin. dining room where a delicious mncneon was served to more than 125 guests. Our state pres ident, Mrs. Kendall of MoMinn ville, gave a most inspiring after dinner talk on our missinnnrv work. Heginniiig the afternoon esBion a round table discussion was led by our district secretary, Mrs. Starr. Following this "a moat enthusiastic address on sacrifico and servico was given by our state secretary, Mrs. Swope. A reading by Mrs. Fow ler ftf the East Side ohureh was most thoroughly enjoyed by all. A splendid uddress on "Loyalty to the Missionary Cause,,byMrs. Kendall closed the day's pro gram. Reported. Diamond Tires are guaranteed to give YOU satisfaction. See them at Peninsula Garage, 212 S. Jersey. Watch the windows. W. JOWER OILCLOTH, Yard u 45c, 35c Women's Muslin Night Dresses $1.00 TENNIS SHOES ' $1.25, $1.40, 51.50 Women's Kid House Slippers $2.00, $2.15 Good Quality lYIUSLIN,"Yard 16c ORGANDIE, Yard 60c, 45c MIDDY TIES 85c, 50c Dress Shields, Pair 45c Women's Bolts 50c, 25c Boy's Wash Suits,Tto 6 Years $1.40, $2.25 Women's Work Gloves 69c Men's All Leather WORK SHOES $2.75 Men's Fine-OXFORPS $5.50 Boy's Dress BLOUSES 75c, 95c The Square 41a n. Jersey btrcct Fridayi Saturday anil Monday Specials-- Illnek and Tan Oxfoids, at. . $ 1,50 I'ancy Dress Shoes. ...... . . 5.50 Nntionnl Guard Shoe '1 85 lilk-Scout Shoes at $2.05 Work Shoe.$2.5, M.OO. $3 05 and . . 3 1)5 Hood Work Shoen, at 2 35 U. S. Hoy's Tenuis Shoes. . . . 2 35 Women's Champion Oxfords 1 25 Men's Tenuis Shoes, Hliick or White 1 75 Work Shirts 05c, 85c dig Yank Khaki Shirt i)5c Hots of the Road Hickory Shirts 1.25 Itlack S:ittccu Shiits 1-00 Leather Knee- Cloves 25c Canvass Gloves, 15c, 2 pair. . . ,25c Dicks Shirts $1.15, 135 Hoy's Dress Shirts 1.00 Athletic Underwear 85c l-'luc new lot of I.ndles' U arrived at Reasonable Prices. Store full of Bargains. You aro Missing Somo thing if you fall to look them over. Come in and go acquainted with my Prices and Goods. J. SUBOTNICK, Proprietor. Dr. V. P. Schultze, Hes. Col. 1131 Onice Col. 370 Drs. Schultze & Swart PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 1C, Houhniii & Currier Hldg. Phone Ray Bilyeu TOR YOUR FOUR FOOT CORD and SLAB WOOD IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Columbia 1448 Qatton Ranch Qaty Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm The Dairy is tinder strict supervision of the City Health Department and the Cows are tested for tuberculosis every six months. Phono Col. 321 for orders CENTRAL CASH GROCERY 108 Philadelphia St. W. J. FORSYTHE Opposite Masonic Building Now Open For Business A visit to our store will convince the most skeptical that our Prices and Quality are Right Deal Store Cotton Ribbed Union Suits. . . Halbrlggau 2 piece Suit, Gar Special Prices on Men's Work Pants, $1.50, 1 75, 215 pa 'ir, mid 1.2 15c 2.50 Good Union Mode Overalls.. 1 Moss of the Kond and Henri .1 Lli'bt Overalls 1. .75 Men's Sox, 2 for 25c Men s Dress box Illg Lot of Hoy's Wash Suits Keg. 2.50 for Hoy's aud Girls' Union Suits. Children's Socks, . 25e, 35c, Hoy's Huts and Caps,.. 35c, 50c. 50c 175 50c 50c 75c r.Irls Hats nt 9 5c l.iiriics' and Men's Outing Hats 75c One Lot of Men's Straw lints 50c Ilk' lot liovs' Overalls, sl.es 8 to 1.1 $1.00 to $1.35 ndcrwear, including Athletic, just Dr. I). S. Swart, Kin. Col 283 Office Col. 379 What You Discard tho Crippled and Handicapped Can Convert into Employment and Relief. Furniture, clothing, shoes, hats utensils, tools, tires, inner tubes, automobile accessories, books, stoves, machinery, toys, dishes, pictures, magazincs,ANYTIIING IN ANY CONDITION, will help tho helpless to help themselves. Tho truck of the Public Welfare Industries will call promptly for what you have discarded, if you will kindly FIION'U MAIN 7051. For Sale, at D2'J ( alhottn, by owner, now modern house, living room, bed rnnm, built-in Dutch kitchen, dining alcove with built in china elosi't, complete bath room, cemcni walks nud steps; 2 50x100 foot lots, level with side walk. A dandy place for a eou plo wishing to keep cow or chickens) $2200, terms. Call Col. 1001, or write Mr. Hoy Crouchlcy, 020 X. Central Ave. A complete line of garden tools, lawn mowers and grass seed. IJcyerlo & Armstrong. To Trade Husiiuw property in St. Johns yielding 10 per cent on $1500. RICH & TATE, Realtors. J lariat 702 S. Jersey Street I'llONlt CO!,. Ffi0 Time lo plnnt nt Gi-rmititiM, Hello. trocs, Cult it, etc, fir Im-xi, betW and boskets. AIo l'miy (.ml Tutimto IMiuil. Member IHiiM rs Kxclmtiup W. P. Greene & Son Contructors & Builders G25 It m'UUNAK STHHHT rortlnml, Ore. Miotic Col. 1025 DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars !)11 South lersey Street I'lioue Colinnliiii ,2 C. II. SEELEY Painter, Paper Manner and Kalsomincr 101 N. Olympln St. Cor. It. Charleston TIRES 30X3' a CORD TIRES $13.95 St. Johns Garage 216 N. Jersey Street Idle Hour Pool Hall 207 N. Jersey Street OI.OVHK & AM.I?N. Pronator T. A. Glover, MHihiger Cignrs, Tobacco and Soil Drinks. Geo. W. Muhm Contractor nnd Builder Plans and Specifications furnished Free where I build. Residence ad dress 108 Smith nve. Col 062. Railroad Travel Costs are Down To San Franscisco and Eastern Cities Via The Scenic Shasta Route 25 Saving to San Francisco and return Sle ilate June 3 to 13 inch Final limit July 31st Sale (lute June 15 to 20 inch Final limit July 20th Summer Tourist Fares East Through California Cost Much Less this Year You may visit San Franscisco, I.os Angeles and. San Diego, wonder cities of the Paci6c Coast; California's Charming Seashore ami Mouutain Resorts, Three National Parks anil scores of inviting pleasure places, Swing East this way and see more of the U. S. A. Round Trip Fares To Points In The Willamette Valley Are the Lowest In Years For sale dates and other particulars ask agents Plan now to make trips this summer and take advantage of great reductions iu railroad fares For fares, reservations, train schedules, transit limits, stopo.-er privileges or beautiful folders inquire of ageuts SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN M. SCOTT, Genera! Passenger Agent Coming to PORT LAND Dr. Mellenthin Specialist In Internal Medicine for the past Eleven Years DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at BENSON HOTEL TUESDAY nud WEDNESDAY, June 6th and 7th. Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. TWO DAYS ONLY No Ohargo for Consultation Dr. Mellenthin is n rcgulnr Krottttntc in medicine nnd surg ery mitt iN licensed hy tho state of Oregon, lie visits profession ally the more important towns and cities and offers to all who eall on this trip free consultation except the expenso of treatment when desired. According to his method of treatment hu does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of the stomach, ton sils or adenoids. lie has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stom ach, liver, howels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, lied wetting,cataarh, weak lungs rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. If you havo been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better, do not fail to call, as improper measures rather than disease arc very often the causo of your long standing trouble. Kcmcmbcr above date.tlint con sultation on this trip will he free and that his treatment is differ ent. Married women must be ae oiiipanie.l by their husbands. A.i.livs ;i;i(i Dostou Block, Minneapolis, .Minn. DANCE At St. Johus Rink every Thursday and Friday by Jack and Gill Glob Teacher of Piano Pipe Organ and Harmony MISS M AUG A RUT NOTZ 721 8. Jersey Street. ;. Umpire 1271 DANCING : Uviry Sunday night at Midway Hall. Music by heven piece or clatra. Take Vancouver cor to Midway Admission 35c nud 50c. Dancing starts at 8jPjiiij Piano Tuning Repairing E R N E S T II AliOLD Reliable Work Shop at 107 W. Hark v Pkont 5J7M THE I HOUSE DYE WORKS Moved to 217 North Jersey, formerly occu pied by Joy, the Tailor Telephone Empire 1399 H. A. MANNING If You Want Real Service The Modern Electric Wash ing Machine has been called the greatest of all Labor-Saving Money-Saving Tlme-Saving Appllauccs ever produced for the Home. Wc believe you will agree with this strong statement after you have seen one of these machines in action. Drop in any time for free demonstration. Electric Store Electric Building Portland Railway Light & Power Company "Buy Yoia DedncGecds at an Decisive" LAW N MOWERS Sharponcd and Repaired Uicvcle Repairing. Saw Mllng Light Brazing Work, Key Fitting aud Umbrella Repairing promptly done. New and bccoml-IIauii li cycles for sale. Get new tres put on your Uuuy isugglcs ami Uo(Jarts Makes ihcin run easier. l'RICHS RIGHT GIVU MH A TRIM A. W. ALLEN. 118 I'hllariclphla Street, St. John rortund, Oregon. "PENINSULA washery 1032 N. Syracuse Street Patronize Your Local Laundry Hnnil l'lnlih Work Metvleil and I)rnel a Specially. I'umlly W-ih- Iuk m! Wet Viuh Solicited. Uuti'llei Culled for amf Delivered. Satlifactlon Guaranteed. J'ioio Coif hiji 14(17 St. John, Oregon J. W. Hcrwlck C. O. Ilerwick 1'hone Col. r82 Ret. 1025 S. Jars ey J. W. HERW1CK & SON Wood of all Kinds BRICK. SAND AND GRAVEL Qet CO shoots of linen uoto pn per nnd 25 linen envelopes at this ofllco for two bits. HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KNIGHTS or PYTHIAS Meets every I'rlday night t 7:30 o'clock in BICKNIJR Hall. Visitors nhvitys wel come. E. E. I'll It. MPS, C.C. A. CAKL Nl'.t.SON, K. K, t PENINSULA CHAPTER No, 43 R. A, M. Stuted meetings on the first Monday of each month lu Ma sonic Hall. Visltori Welcome. j. n. vitBSTi;R.K. it. r. I. it. LHMON. BqcftUry. Laurel Lodge, 1, 0,0. F. No. loo, si. Johns, urapon Meets each Monday ovcuIiik In Oddl'cl lows hall nt 7:3o. A cordial welcome to all visititiK brothers. TliommTlionipnon, N. O. Kil. Gltti, V. O, Itdw. Connnut, Ktc. B.! O.W.Notcne. fin. Bee II. V. Clark, Trcon. St. Johns Gamp No, 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. Wc heartily solicit the attendance of our members at our regular meetings every 2d and 4th Thursday evening. A. S. Derry, E. K. Corbctt, Consul. Clerk. 116 W. Tyler St. 029 3. Jersey St. Woodmen of the World St. Johns Camp 773 Oool.Ilvr mrctltiK every Monday creutag In Ulckuer llall, llurMnstoii and Jeraer street. Vlaltorialwn; welcome. Old membara come out and aee what a lire camp you belong to. II. I'ltTltKS, C. C. W. A. THOUT, Clerk. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. P. and A. M. Meets the first nnd third WcdncsdayotcAch month in Masonic Hall. VUI tors welcome. John M. Illalr, W. M. A. W. Davis, Secretary, Minerva Chapter No, 105,0, E,S, A Meets everv second and fourth Tuesday of each ..in. fit t. rnas..li. frtl R'fiBP' Visitors welcome. nrace I.. Dlalr. W. M lleatle V. Pott, Hec. 1177 Amhcrtl street. The Fraternal Boosters Meets every First nnd Third Wed nesday iu the Odd Fellows' Hall Join and Melp Boost omccCol. 025 KcsldcnccCol. 477 Dr. E. P. Bordon DENTIST Painless extinction of teeth under nitrous x oxide gas Peninsula IlauK Hldg. ' Jbi. Portland, Oregon PENINSULA HUE ABSTRACT 4 REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Managar . 402 H, Joraay Strait Abstracts of Title l'rcjuucd Titles Kxumlued Photic Columbia 2G5 Poff & O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Dally Trips to Portland Phone Col. 30B 208 N. JERSEY ST Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street Phone Col. 887 flcaldencc Col. 39 All Kinds ot Truck and Team Work, Furniture Moving, llascuicnt Digging, Sand and Gravel; Wood for sale Cordwootl $7.50; Planer Trimmings $5.50. W. S. JEANS Col. 122 310 K. Polk- St. ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street Phone Columbia 302 Alci. S. Scales Nri. C. A. kVtw Scales & Blew REAL ESTATE BROKERS We Buy and Sell Agent for Sibloco Pineless l'urnace. Phoue Col. 255 402 N. Jersey Dr. W. J. Gilstrap Physician & Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted X ray Laboratory Peninsula Security Co. Dldg, St. Johns. R. G. Muck A. A. Muck Phones Col. 118 Main 4907 Phones Col. 123-1 Hast RK31 907 Fessenden Street Sand, Gravel and Crushed Rock Members of the Builders Exchange Fhone Columbia 977 PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO., Inc. ueciricai Engineers and Contractors WIRING FIXTURES AND Sl'l'l'UKS General Kenalr Work 109 S, Jersey Street. - Portland, Oregon Phone Columbia 874 L. R. NICHOLS Chimney Brick. Cesstool Brick. also Contracts taken for Dippinr Cesspools. 502 N. Edison Street Legal Guarantee Giveru No nttJ l ' KnUna pain continue work. Ask to m Ole-onU Pile Treatswst. C 11 rr in's 2ror Drugs St, Johns, Oregon I Luy or sell St. Johns Property M. W. UAVIb Real Estate Rre Insurance and Notarv Publk List your property with me if yon aesue to sen quickly