St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 26, 1922, Image 3

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    I IB
I 1- " 11 I MMM I m
Bed Room Suites
$183.25 6 Piece Walnut Suite $157.50 '
$111.00 5 Piece Grey Enamel $89.00
$111.60 5 Piece Ivory Enamel $89.00
$73.00 Walnut Dresser $58.00
$62.50 Oak Dresser $49.50
$52.25 Oak Chiffonier $38.50
Qunandu B;ios
Hfilnrin" Pnffnn
HOinnloir'n" Donnn
oiuwaii o uauuu
OUR SALKS of Gloria Coffee nrc increasing ns they
should and we are plcnscd to find the people appreciate both
qinllty and price in an article. It is not often they occur to
gcthcr in one article.
WE ARK still selling the best hill potatoes at $1.25, and
HGGS arc still reasonable, but Huttcr is still roIiir up.
Nucoa Is fine to use in place of Butter and will help to curb
the demands of the butter men.
GREEN VEGETABLES are iu fine supply now and a
little cheaper. Berries arc getting cheaper and will soon be
in from close by and cheap enough for all.
THIS REMINDS us that the Canning Senson is fast ap
proaching, and this year you should put up a plenty.
Our Fruit Jars are all iu now and you will find them cheaper
than for several years. They arc better made, too, and will
be found satisfactory. The BALL MASON is the only jar
we had no trouble with.
The Grabateria Grocery
Phone Columbia 102
"Del Monte" Canned Goods "Northern's Bear" Flour
Sir room modern house 1 block
to car, $1750, $175 down, 1ml. $20
per mo.. 403 S. Jersey, Col. 755.
A complete lino of garden
tool, lawn mowers and grass
aced. Beyerle & Armstrong.
Lost or strayed away from
home, a number of Golden and
Silver pheasants, These birds
are tame. Will pay reward for
information as to tho whcrnv
bouts of same. Tho Oregon State
laws do not allow you to shut
these birds up. J. S. McKinney
phone Col. 2, or 215 N. Jersey St.
Poultry netting and fence
and spraying materials. Bey
erle & Armstrong.
Fine heavy laying Barred Ply
mouth Rock hatching eggs for
$1.00. 215 Burr, corner of Lom
bard street. 29
For Sale Dry short slab and
block wood $4.50 per load ; green
$4 per load ; planer trimmings $-1
per load. Transfer. Call 403 N.
Jerseys Col. 1475.
Mrs. Vinson does hemstitch
ing at 628 South Ivanhoe; phone
Columbia 1044. tf
Extra fine named Cactus Dah
lia bulbs 15o to 35c ; Primrose
plants 5o to 15c ; Perennial plants
10c and 15o; cabbage plants 10c
dozen. 215 Burr, cor. Lombard.
Only $25505 room house
furnished, lot 100x100 with an
abundance of fruit. Will take
car as part payment. BICE &
TATE, Realtors; phone Col. 887.
Silver Spangled Hamburg
eggs for hatching, imported
stock from Minnesota, $1.00 for
15. 718 North Syracuse street;
phone Columbia 1208. 30
Remember, a Big Smoker at
the PortlandWoolen Mills Friday
evening, June 2nd. "Watch next
week for further particulars;
This is going to be a real smoker.
For Sale Cheap Equity in 5
room house, on good pavement.
Call 102 S. Edison. 28tf
Warranty deed blanks and
contracts of sale at this office; 5c
each, or 50c per dozen.
To Trade Business property
in St. Jolins yielding" 10 per
cent on $4500. RICE & TATE,
$1.00 Block and Slab Wood $1.
In two load lots. Col. 1448.
Don't forget to eat at tho Good
Eats Cnfo. Tho best for less.
Screen doors and fly screens.
Boyerlo & Armstrong.
Housekeeping rooms, singlo and
suite, at 103ia S. Ivanhoo 23tf
Hnvo your crank onso cleaned
and refilled with Nyvis at the
Peninsula Garago, 212 S. Jersey.
A SNAP for $2500 G room
modern house, lot 50x100, street
assessments paid; terms. mcr,
Jorsoy; Col. 887.
To Exchange Bull dog and
seven ducks for milk goat. Call
512 W. Mohawk street.
For Rent Three furnished
housekeeping rooms, $18, includ
ing light, water and phone. Col.
For Sale Three boats, two
house boats that must bo sold.
Anv reasonable offer will be ac
cepted. G. W. Cochrane, 307 N.
Jersey; Col, -Ho,
Fresh Cow for Sale. Call 814
North Ivanhoe street ; phone Col.
All the Parent Teacher Associ
ations in the city will meet in the
Arcadian Garden of the Multno
mah hotel for a noon luncheon
on Friday, Juno 2nd. A three
minute report of tho year's work
will be given from each Associa
tion. Plates will ho 75 cents
and reservations for the luncheon
must be made by Wednesday,
May 31st.' All parent teacher
members who wish to attend
from this district may phone
reservations to Mrs. E. A. Blew,
Col. 255, or evenings Col. 309.
The first regular meeting of the
Women's Benefit Association of
the Maccabees, recently organiz
ed, was held last evening in the
I. O. O. F., Portland drill team
putting on the initiatory work
for Association here. Officers
are: Mrs. Swart, commander;
Mrs. Davis, lieutenant comman
der; Mrs. Baho past commander,
Mrs. Cunningham chaplain, Mrs.
Ballew record keeper, Mrs.
Koepp, captain of guard, Miss
Kavanagh, lady at arms; Mrs.
Carmany sergeant, Miss Russell
Twink, 10c 3 for 25c
Quaker Hair Nets, cap shape, 10cr 3 for 25c $2.50 Ever Ready Razors 89c
Pocket Knives, 75c to $1.25 at 69c $5.00 Auto Strap Razors $3.00
The Prescription Store
Typewriter ribbons for sale at
this ofllce; 75c each.
Don't ho in a hurry to shed
your Winter underwenr.
Snvo the evening of June 3 for
the Y. W. C. A. entertainment.
O. E. Tooley .is returning to
Lakoview, Oregon, for tho Sum
mcr. A. 1). Moc, publisher of tho
Hood River Glacier, was a pleas
nut caller at this ofllce yesterday.
Christian Scicnco: Sunday
morning services at 11:00; Wed
nesday evening at 8:00 at 403
Smith avenue.
Mrs. George Polhill was tho
recipient of a beautiful bouquet
of roses from Mrs. S. J. Wright.
lm llfuf nf tint Ui.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cluto and
Mr. Geo. Grnv of St. Helens
spent the week end at the home
of Mr. and Mm. Ueo. s. umo ai
122 N. Fox street.
PluitnirrnnliH of lliirh School
groups of n number of years back
are on exhibit in Bonhain & Cur
rier's Men's Toggery windows.
They are interesting. Look them
over .
Tlit James John Glee Clubs will
present "The Glass Slipper" at
the James John high school nidi
torium this, Friday, evening.
If von oniov something really
good do not miss this.
MM,.. lWHimtl Manufacturing
fonmimv will erect an addition
to their "plant at the foot of Rich
inoml street. It will be a veneer
mill 00x140 feet, one story, cost
ing $5000.
A play, "A Commanding Posi
tion," by Y. W. C. A. club girls
the evening o June 3. Proceeds
I'm- unmtiint' onmmiitr. Tickets on
sale by the girls. Full program
next week.
Mm. G. II. Lynn or Hood Klvor
St. Johns visitor this week.
She recently underwent an opcr-
tion at a Portland hospital, anil
is gradually regaining her nor
mal health.
n PiwIc'm lien of ilvu won the
purple ribbon, being the second
in succession, at the Laying Con
lost of S. W. Washington for the
month of March. Tho pen of
live laid lift eggs during .March.
An interesting program on
fhlmf "Tim Last Dav of School
at Pumpkin Center" will ho giv
en by Rose Templo I'ytliian Me
ters at Biokuor Hall Juno 15th.
Admission adults 26o, children
10 cents.
Tim DoMoks Conuort Company
will be at the Community church
Friday night, June 2. Those
people live in Oregon and have
traveled all over the V. S. and
most of Europe. They give a
very higli class program, using
some twenty instruments. An
article in tho Urtgonian spoiius
very highly of a concert given in
imnthur nart of the city. The
admission will bo CO cents for
udults and 25o for all students.
fiiistav Tenner died at his home
at 21U0 Willamette boulevard on
May 23, aged 1G yearn, cancer of
tlm howols boimr tho cause of his
death. Ho was tho son of Mr.and
Mrs. Gustav Topper, brother of
I.illinn Tenner. Elsie and Willie
Ristau, all of Portland. Tho fu
neral services wero hold Wednes
day, May 21, at 2 P. M. at the
Third German liaptjsi eiiurcn.
Interment in Columbia cemotory,
Miller & Tracey in chargo of tlie
Mrs. Harriet Ida Gunsolus, the
wife of D. R. Gunsolus. died at
ier homo. 120 Fesseuden streot,
May 21, 1922, aged 70 years. She
was the mother ot .Mrs. uertrucie
Shortt and 13. B, Smith; grand
mother of William A. bliortt, sis
ter of Merrietta' Sayles, Lowell,
Mich.; daughter of Mrs. barali .J.
Andrews of Lowell, Mich. She
was a member of Shlloh (. orns.
No. 19. Ladies of tho Grand Ar-
my of the Kepaimc and ine ron
insula Park Lavender Club. The
funeral services were hold Tues
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at
the chapel of Chambers to. on
Killingsworth avenue. Inter
ment in Rivervicw cemetery.
Between rain and Sunday va
cations attendance at tho Com
munity Sunday school was cut
down. Mr. McMahon, our super
intendent, was unable to ofliciate
and Mrs. Nickorson, tho assistant
superintendent, had chargo of
the services. Krncst Vroman led
Christian Endeavor. The elec
tion dinner served by the ladies
of the church was well attended
and netted a nice balance for
the treasury. The younger boys
snent a very profitable two
4 .
hours last .Saturday at the i. .M.
('. A. siiiL'iiiL' and swimming.
They will go down again next
Saturday . There will be Memo
rial services Sunday. Sunday
school Logins at 9:4m, Our Con
gregation Sings. Reported.
Don't send your printing out
of town.
Typewriter paper for Bale nt
this oflice.
Save the evening of June !1 for
the Y. W. C. A. entertainment.
A. M. Warner is erecting a nif
ty store building on his lot. ad
joining the Peninsula Garage.
Perhaps the reason why some
folks practice cheek to cheek
dancing is that their weak heads
need propping up. I3x.
Mack, the second hand furni
ture man, lias purchased a prop
erty on South Ivanhoe street and
is making substantial additions
and alterations to same.
Mrs. C. II. Thayer, who under
went tin operation tho past week,
is getting along nicely, a fact her
numerous friends will be glad to
Your eyesight troubles will be
carefully and scientifically re
lieved if you bring them to Dr.
Frank Sandifitr. Ollicc, Bonliam
& Curler building ;plione Col.:i71.
Notice I All tho stockholders
of tho Mnxiiin Shirt & Garment
Co. are requested to meet at the
meeting of the Fraternal Boost
ers Wednesday evening, June 7.
Typewriter ribbons for sale nt
this ofllce Oliver, Underwood,
Smith and Remington. Kuuli
7f cents. You etui do better and
more prosontiiblo work with a
new ribbon.
Tlio homo of Gun C. Lueier lias
recently been rewired and other
wise improved, the work being
done by his sou Alphnnsc. (his
will add an addition to his resi
dence this Fall.
Curd of Thanks: To all the
friends who so tenderly assisted
us in our time of bereavement, to
nil those who paid floral tribute
to the memory of our loved one,
and to those who showed us their
sympathy in many ways iu the
passing of our dear husband, fa
ther aiidclM'flthi'r, we desire to
express nurgrlifl'ful appreciation
and thanks. Augio II. Hiinkius,
Colin llunkins, Ida'J. Story.
Services at tint Pioneer M. 13.
ehitreh: Sunday school. Drift. At
11 o'clock the service will con
form with the spirit of meinori
uni to the veterans of tho Civil
War, Spanish American War and
i lie great World War; subject,
What is Man?" Senior and
Intermediate League devotional
meetings at 7. At 8 o'clock Mr.
I). L. Povey will give a descrip
tive addrutM , "Religious Art in
I'hurchori at Home and Abroad."
Mrs. ICatherine Quay died on
May 18th at tho home of her
daughter, Miss Ivate (juay, 911
Central avenue. She is survived
by throe sous, Kllwood and Al
bert of Gresham, and George of
Portland; also five daughters, Mi
ll Bowe of Liuiitoii, Maggie Sauii
dors of California, Louisa Mor
irnn, Kiiima Denton and Miss
Kate (Juny of Portland. The fun
tral services woro held at tho
'Impel of the St. Johns Under
taking Co. on Sunday.
Mrs. W. 11. Armstrong gave a
surprise birthday party iu honor
of lior daughter Phyllis' ninth
birthday anniversary. After the
children had played all sorts of
games they sat down to a lovely
lunch including the euku and
uaudloti. The dining room was
nicely decorated iu pink. Those
present woro Mary Holmes, Until
Blew, Artie Russell, Dorothy
Rose, Marjorio and Dawn Hum
ming, Thulma llcsgurd, Belva
Woolley and Phyllis Armstrong.
Tho Laurolwood Past Noble
Grand Club met with Mrs. Laura
Waldele, 11 'J Mi Lombard street
last Thursday afternoon. After
Die usual routine (if businoss
was finished wu listened to arti
cles on "Mother." Beautiful
tribute, were paid to tho best
friend, in both poetry and prose.
A lovely lunch was servud and
the oako witli the word "Moth
er" was the crowning feature.
The club will meet Thursday,
Juno 1st, witli Mrs. J. F. Hen
dricks, 208 South Ivanhoe street.
The subject will bo " Memories."
Peninsula Chapter Itoyal Arch
Masons held a very interesting
communication Monday evening,
Mr. Maxwoll, a member of the
police department iu St. Johns,
and Forbes McRao, assistant su
perintendent of the Peninsula
Lumber Co., were exalted to tho
Royal Arch degree. Refresh
ments were nerved and remarks
were made by Companions, High
I'ricst John Webster, Past High
I'riost W. A. Carroll, Secretary
G. II. Lemon, Clyde Rogers, J. 0.
Bailey and others. The intolluo
tual toast was enjoyed fully as
much as tho food for the inner
man. A Member.
The Big Load Man, Cot. 1133.
For 12 in. Block Wood Gol.258.
Best lino of fishing tackle in
town. Bcycrlc & Armstrong,
Twelve Inch inside Mill Wood and
Planer Trimmings. Col. 1133.
T13NN1S SH013S for Men, Wo
men and Children ROG13RS.
Don't forgot that you can get
all you can cat for 25c at Hap
py's Place, 110 Philadelphia St.
Complete lino of garden
seeds in bulk. Boycrlc & Arm
strong, Hardware.
Seems to he an early Fall this
year. Wear ROGERS' Pants.
Twelve Inch Inside Mill Wood and
Planer Trimmings. Col. 1133.
Full line of paints, varnishes
and kalsomiues. Bcycrlc &
Men's Dress Shoos $1.1)3
For Sale Cheap and sightly
building lots. Sec J. S. Downey at
once, 933 N, Syracuse. tac
Large load Box Wood $4 de
livered. Col. 1418.
Before you build get our
prices on builders' hardware
and tools, quality kind. Bcycr
lc & Armstrong.
Box wood for mile, $11,00 per
load; 403 N. Jersey street; Col.
Men's Swell Oxfords $l.9.p.
"Better Wood" Ool. 2G8.
Fifty sheets of linen note paper
and 25 linen envelopes for 25c at
(his office.
Cars overhauled and repaired
iu your garago or mine. Albert
duckies, r24 Tioga street, or call
Col. 1441 evenings.
Safety First 1 You'll never
lose them in ROGERS' fillc Sus
penders. Slab wood delivered $4. Col.
FORI) car for Sale 1918 mod
el, demountable rims, Gray-Davis
starter and other extras, five
good tiros. MRS. TATE, 107 N.
Jersey; Col. 887.
Remember, a Big Smoker at
the PortlandWoolen Mills Friday
evening, Juno 2nd. Watch next
week for further particulars;
This is he a real smoker.
For Sale 5 room modern
house, lot 100x100 fine fruit and
berries, all furniture included,
$4,000, $2300 cash. J. F. Gill
more, llli'k N. Jersey; Col. 81.
For Sale Four room house, lot
00x120 feet, flue fruit and ber
ries, fine location, one block of
ear Hue, $1150, $!i00 cash, Iml
nuco $20 and interest. Look at
this. J. F. Gillmore, IKIfc. N.
Jorsoy street; Col. 81.
$2000 For 7 room modern
house with basement, cemented
walls and floor, pavud street,
street assessments paid, fruit,
Name your own terms. RICE &
TATE, Realtors, 107 N. Jersey;
Col. 8b7.
Four room sumi-modeni, two
big lots, fruit, burriu, garago,
nice lawn. Price $1800. Ami
zioh, !J0(l N. Jersey street.
Givo your motor a chance to
show what it really can do by
using Hyvis, tho best lubricating
oil to bo obtained. For sale by
Peninsula Garago, 212 S. Jersey.
For Rent Four room house,
modern. Call Kill E. Chicago St.
For Sale Spring roosters, 25e
and 50o. Apply Win. MaoDou
ald, end of Roberts avenue, near
Terminal No, 4.
Lost Gold Evorsharp pencil
and gold fountain pen with ini
tials L. L. T. Finder leave at
Bluebird Bazaar, 'Ml N, Jersey.
For Salo 1918 Indian Motor
ovclo, good condition, spot light,
1922 license, $100 cash. Can he
seen at 1495 Willamette blvd.
Wanted An elderly lady to
take care of children, for room
and hoard. Call at 219 North
Swensou streot.
For Salo Cow, Jorsoy and
Durham; also a horse, very rea
sonable. 219 N. Swonson St.
For Sale, at 929 Calhoun, by
owner, new modern house, living
room, bed room, huilt-iu Dutch
kitchen, dining alcove with built
in china closet, complete bath
room, cement walks and steps; 2
50x100 foot lots, level with side
walk. A dandy placo for a cou
ple wishing to keep cow or
ohiukcus; $2200, terms. Call
Col. 1004, or write Mr. Roy
Crouohloy, 920 N. Central Ave.
Save the evening of June .'i for
the Y. W. C. A. entertainment.
Forethought for Travelers S
YOU WOULD consider yourself in possesion of an ideal
form of money if, when starting on a journey, you could supply
yourself with a wallet of 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollar bills, equally
good in the United States or Forcigu countries, prepared
expressly for your individual use, and redeemable iu case, of loss.
Unpleasant possibilities arc avoided and distinct advan
tages arc gained.
You avoid the danger of loss or theft always present when
you carry substantial amount of cash.
You avoid the difficulty of passing personal checks where
you arc unknown.
You avoid the possibility of delay, annoyance and extra ex
pense in connection with mail or telegraphic transfers of money
at points en route. For explanations or purchase call at our Ex
change Department.
Peninsula National Bank
Garden Cultivators $3.75
A "Timely Special" just when you need one,
enables you to Cultivate tho garden in a fraction
of the time required with hand implements.
Completo with Moldboard, Wccdcr dQ r"7C'
and Revorslblc Shovel, Special O
5 Prong Hand Cultivator, Special
Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors
to deliver to the cannery lfiO tons of cherries; and we would liktt
to buy them all here iu St. Johns, All who have Royal Ann
oud Pie Cherries please come and let us know at once. We
will pay you the highest price for them.
Also Raspberries -all we can Ret, and later we will take
your prunes and pears. Anyone who has fruit to Mill Ut u
know nt once, for if wc cannot Ret our tonmiRc here wc iiuut Rtt
the balance elsewhere. For price uud particulars hvc
108 W. AtU Street or I'hoiic Office ltiinlr 'i'ii Resilience Qui. 'ATI
We also want 75 pickers. Three weeks' work
Have tho ovenintr of Juno !i for
tho V. W. C. A. entertainment.
Kor .Salo A homo, haruoHK and I
wagon, or trade for jjood cow. I
10 lit Mohawk Htrcut.
.$17.0 ( room house, lot o()x
100. oasv toriiiK. KICK & TATH.
Uoaltom, 107 N. .Jersey ; Coliun-!
bin 8H7. '
Uiiho ball Koasou now horo.
Look over our lino of lmU,
balln and mittH. ltoyorlu &
k . . - .A.
Hoard and rooms, bath, homo
cookiiiR and baking. iilHi N.
Willamotto boulovard.
Kor Halo (laa range, Kudd
heater and heating stove, all iu
good condition. Call Col. 1252.
WANTKD A (.'Alt im part
payment on my 5 room Iioiiki.
(Um, lightK, small ImsuinenI,
plumbing, lot .10x100, iibiiud
anco of fruit. I'rico $2300, con
tract $20 a month and intorofct.
.See RICH & TATH, Koaltors, 107
N. Jersey ; Col. H87.
I'euiiisuia Garago, 212 S. .lor
soy, carries all standard k'woh of
Thermoid brake lining.
At tho primary election held on
last Friday Dow Walker led the
ticket for County Commissioner,
with J. II. Rankin second iu the
race. Our townsman, I). C. Low
is, was another local man ifomi
natcd, being one of the thirteen
nominated for tho Legislature.
Tho race for tho Governorship
was very close, Olcott winning
out by a narrow margin.
('lias. Posh is oroetiug an auto
repair shop on his lot on I.eavitt
at tho rear of tho Masonic blook.
It will bu occupied by Messrs.
Weeks and Wright, two experi
enced auto mechanics.
.Sleeping rooms, hot and cold
water, bath. Call ut Good IbtU
W. .1. Fomytlie, formerly with
tho HiiiikoI Ciuh Grouury, w nwi
ing up a tlixt uImuk gniuury xUint
on Philadelphia kti'dt opjHMtiU
the Mhwiiu'c hlouk. 1 Iu I tux htd
cunhidoi'Mhlu oxiorifiiuu iu thy
husineMt uud Um gumed itmy
1'riemU iu St. .lohiw who will
wwh him uncos iu liis now uiulwe
taking. Tho Altruwtio Club of 1
thiau KistorM woro vory plriUMiiW'
ly uutertaiuod at Mm. IloytV
homo, 1017 Stockton street. Intit
Tuesday, May 21), with uigUiwu.
mouiher attending. The pieo
iug of quilts ocoupied the day.
Dinner wum Kiirvixl at noon. Th
next meeting will he with Mr$
Minnie .lueobwiii, fil l Id. UuviiHil
an street, .Juno (itli, when a good
attendance i desired, mk there
will be uuii'h InisiiifSh to trumpet.
Those attending wore .Mekdmuui
Campbell, Hrieo, Weinier, Nelson
Horry, Jones, Treher, Swift, Gro
maehey, Jacubseii, Maxiield,lleii
drieks, Clark, Johnson and Mrs,
I.ooiuis as a guest and the hosfc
's. Reported.
What You Discard tho Crippled'
and Handicapped Can Convert'
into Employment and Roliof.
Furniture, clothing, shoos, hat.
utensils, tools, tires, inner tubes
automobile accessories, book-s,
stoves, machinery, toys, disheti,
pictures, magaziuasNVTIIINO
tho helpless to help thomplveg.
Tho truck of tho l'ublio Welfare
Industries will call promptly tovj
what you havo discarded, if yoji '
will kindly PHONE MAIN 7051."