THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. Mnrkle Hdltor PtibHahed Friday of Each Week 404 N. Jersey St. Phone Col. 321 TKJ RkviKW U entered At pott office t Portland, Oregon, m mull mutter 4 tin Mcond cUm a ruler the Act of Con greM of March j, 1879. St. Johns Community Club Tho St. Johns Community Cluh partook of n delicious dinner at the High School building Wed nesday evening, which was pre pared by tho Domestic Science department. Afterward the club members and friends were enter tained in 11 delightful manner by the school orchestra, glee club, addresses and an act of the piny, "Tho Glass Slipper," which will bo presented by tho glee clubs on this, Friduy, evening. A rising vote on endorsing the daylight waving movomcnt was strongly against such movement. The can didacy of Miss Louise Jennings for tho Dryn Mitwr scholarship was endorsed and an entorlain nicut to assist in raising funds for expenses incident to such scholarship was planned, andwill bo given by tho Portland Woolen Mills at their club house, under the auspices of the Community Club on Tuesday evening, J tun urn. mum lennings made a very pleasing adress in relation to the scholarship. Upon reddest of Mr. Currin the Community Club will sponsor tlio Hweet Tea Show At t . . .1 , iiiu year, ami 11 will lie Hold 111 tho Y. W. C. A. building the ear ly part of July. Mrs. Ii. 1. Mos lems wan made chairman of tho exhibit. Prof. Fletcher, Kllsworlh Jlnkcs and school directors New ell Hhull and Thomas gave inter esting and instructive talks on matters relating to tho schools. Tho many interesting school ex mints were viewed and occasion cd much admiring comment. JOWER Children's Play Suits 95 cents - 90 cents Sizes 2 to 8 years GIRLS' PUMPS, PAIR - $3.95 Medium Tan, Calf, Rubber Heels, Broad Otic Strap, Goodyear Welt Very Specially Priced at pair $3.95 Children's Cloth Hats 50c Girl's Straw Hats 50c Mosquito Netting, yd 15c MEN'S KHAKI PANTS $1.75 Other Grades at $2.50 and $2.25 pair Friday evening. May lOth.Miss' Georgia Hich was to have presen-1 ted l ronne Smith and Marion Milne in piano recital in the Woodlawn M. E. church, but ow ing to the sudden illness of Mar ion, Beth Boomsluiter substitut ed, playing two groups of six pieces which added greatly to the pleasure of the evening. The six junior pupils .Marie iienlc, Barbara Harris, Helen Degidio, Edith Neff, Dorothy Berry and Vivian Milium played their pieces pcneetlv iii.i expressive ly. Little Vi iiini.' S uit Ii played her two groups l eleven pieces with ease, musical feeling and characteristic interpretation Miss Itich presented the inter mediate and advance students on Monday evening, May 22, in the Woodlawn M. E. church, ably assisted by Elmer Snccd, whose violin solos were greatly enjoy ed. These students played their numbers with rliythctieal feeling musical interpretation and shadings Beth Bnomsluitcr Helen Nufl, lJnmthy MacCoach, Huth Wilkins, Verna Shields, Al Coming to PO R T L AND Dr. Mellenthin Specialist In Internal Medicine for the past Eleven Years DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at BENSON HOTEL TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, June Glli and 7th. umce Hours: iu a. m. to 4 p. m. R. 'GRAHAM MoOALL, H. D. Physician and Surgeon Hours 8:30-10 A. M.; 1-5 P. M. Evenings by appointment. Peninsula Bank Building Empire 993. Res. 108 Fessenden TWO DAYS ONLY No Ohargo for Consultation BERENICE MYER McOALL Pianist and Pipo Organist Students Limited. Hours by appointment. 108 Fessenden street Repairing Has Dropped I will half sole Shoes at these prices: Men' heavy half tolei 1.25 Men's light half soles 1.00 Ladies' heavy soles 1.00 Ladles' light shoes 76 Doy's heavy soles 1.00 Boys' lleht solas 76 Girls' soles 76 5 HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KNIGHTS Or PYTHIAS Meets every Friday night at 7:30 o'clock In BICKNHR Hall, Visitors always wel come. E. K. PHILLIPS, C. C. a. CAKi. Nur.son, k. r. a PENINSULA CHAPTER No, 43 R. A, M. Stated meetings on the first Monday of each month in Ma sonic Hall. Visitors Welcome. j. n. 'I. II. I.I1MON. StcteUry. Girl's Silk Lisle Hose, pr 50c Infants Garters, pr 10c Boy's Wash Ties 15c Boy's Wash Suits, $2.25 to $1.40 The Square Deal Store 418 N. Jersey Street Fridayi Saturday and Monday Specials and cities and offers to nil who call on this trio free consiiltntion tu McGregor, Ruth Palmer, Klizu except the expense of treatment Vinson, JSIizabi-th Ugrteti, iMutlo- w"cu ucsircu. ino Miinson. Ktliel Knonf. and According to Ins method of Frieda Jiriitcl. Sixty quests treatment ho does not operate eame up on a special street ear r' chronic appendicitis, gall from .St. .Johns tu attend tho re. voiles, ulcers ot the stomach, ton JJr. Mcllcnthm is a regular iwning 15c up graduate in medicine and surg- I use the best of leather that cry and is licensed by the stnto money will buy. I have come to of Oregon, lie visits profession- stay and believe in living and let ally the more important towns you live. C. C. HOPKINS Boot and Shoe Maker 513 Columbia Blvd. Near l"illiug Station. citu!. Reported. Illnck mid Tan Oxfoids, nt. . Sl.fiO Fancy Dress Shoes G.fiO National Guard Shoe '1 85 i:n. c ei. ...... on nr. J l.l m i..... i ...... '"" ii : k "mi Work Shoe.S2 5, f 00. ? G5 all good citizens join the club mi v .1 1 A I At mm ma hi mo neiiermeni oi con ditions in this section. The di rectors attending expressed ap preciation of the club and the good work it is doing. The Woman's Homo Mission ry .Society of the .Methodist church held their annual elec tlon of olJicers at tiio home of Mrs. W. .?. (lalloway Friday af ternoon, May I'Jth, and tho fol lowing were elected: President Airs. S, h. Cook; vice president, Mm. H. A. Olsen: second vice president, Mrs. F. Uose; eorre iiponiling secretary, Mrs. K. S. Morritt; recording seerelary, jura. T. rikells; treasurer, Mrs. .1 (;. Churchill. Department .See rotarirs Hvangelism, Mrs. V Yu Kloster: Christian Htewan nhip, Mrs. W. .1. Oalloway; Mil ! f ! ..A ft I . . ft I m m nic uireeior, mm. v. n. nniHlllur, 'lemporanee, Mrs. ,1. Kerr. .Mrs. A. Foul; Perpetual Membership, Airs. ii. liatinger, Mrs. .1 Htorliug; Mite Mux, Mrs. C. Ma won, Mrs. F. Uose; .Supply, Mix, F. J. Fox, Mrs. It. I). Itoam; loting People's Work, Mrs. F. I). Hendershot, Mrs. W. H. Klos- tor; Children's Work, Mrs. II. F flhort, Mm. H. How; Portlani hcttloment Center, .Mrs. F. N Bandifur; Old People's Home, Mrn.J. Kerr. Committees Mem bership, Mrs. Myrtle Weeks. Mrs. Jl. r, Clark, Mrs. F. Woolev Projierty Mrs. H. A. Olson, Mr. W. J. Ualloway, Mrs. ,1. C. Clmr chill. Publicity-Mrs. H. I). Vinson. 3 05 Hood Work Shoes, at 2 35 11. S. Hoy's Tenuis Shoes. . 2 35 Women's Champion Oxfords 1 25 Men's Tennis Shoos, lilnck or While 175 Work Shirts (iGc 85c llig Yank Khaki Shirt 05c lions of the Itoad Hickory Shirts 1.25 lilnck Satleeii Shirts 1 00 Leather Knee Cloves 25c '.'nil viims Cloves, 15c, 2 pair 25c Dress Shirts SI 15, 135 Hoy's Dress Shirts 1.00 Athletic Underwear 85c Cotton Ribbed Union Suits. . . Hulbriggau 2 piece Suit, Car Spcclnl Prices on Men's Work Pants, Sl-50. $175, $2 15 VI 25 and Good Union Made Overalls.. Hoss of the Road and Head Light Overalls Men's Sox, 2 for Men's Dress Sox Ilig Lot of Roy's Wash Suits Reg. $2.50 for Hoy's and Girls' Union Suits. Children's Socks, . 25c, 35c, Roy's Hats and Caps,.. 35c, 50c, Girls Hats at Ladies' and Men's Outing Hats One Lot of Men's Straw Hats Pine new lot of Ladies' Underwear, including Athletic, arrived at Reasonable Prices. 1.25 15c 2.50 1.15 1.75 25c 50c 175 50c 50c 75c 05c 75c 50c just Store full of Bargains. You aro Missing Some thing if you fail to look them over. Come in and get acquainted with my Prices and Goods. J. SUBOTNICK, Proprietor. As a fitting culmination of a successful year. I lie .SI. Johns Study Club held a co-operation luncheon m the . W. C. A. bud ding on Wednesday at 1 o'clock, with the following members in attendance: .Mrs. R. 0. Hraud, president: Mrs. K. S. Hairing ton, see.-ireas. ; .Mrs. L. F. Man ning, .Mrs. Xom K. .Meyers, Mrs. J. M. .Shin.-, .Mr-. K. S Currier, Mrs. A. H. Join. Mrs.T.II. Shells, Mrs. O. H. .Nel..mcr, Mis. P. A Cletz, F. I). Jlendcrshott, Mrs. Oeorge Hall, .Mix J. (). Hailey, '"' Mrs. J' red .Menus, Mrs. K. A Hlew, MisN Pliiivii c (loitld am Miss Covington. Kleetioii of of lieers resulted m the ic-clectuni of .Mrs. Hraud n president; Mrs Harington secretary, Mrs. A. U Jones vice prcidciit, Mrs. J. O IJailey treasurer, Mrs. H. A Hlew publicity secretary. Fo lowing the luiicheini Miss Flor ence (lould read a paper on "An imal and Plant Life in Oregon it. iiruee uorseuui gave a verv interesting and instructive lee lure on birds of Oregon which he illustrated with thirty oil paintings of his own creation Tito .Study Club will resume tie livities again in September when the subject ol Authors and Ar lists of the Northwest will be ta t . . S I ucii tip. Mv mcniucrs will tie welcomed into the club ami any woman who can alio id to give one alternoon ol overy second week cannot all'ord to miss the educational and tho social feat ii res of this club. Reportei sils or adenoids. Ho has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stom null, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, lied wetting.cataarh, weak lungs rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. If you have been ailing for nny length ol tunc and do not get any better, do not fail to call, as improper measures rather than disease are very often the cause of your long stnndini: trouble. Remember above date.that con sulfation on this trip will' be free I that his treatment is differ ent. -Married women must bo ac mmpamcd or their husbands. Address :i!J(i Hoston Dloelc. .Minneapolis, .num. THE TIN HOUSE DYE WORKS Moved to 217 North Jersey, formerly occu pied by Joy, tho Tailor o Telephone Empire 1399 H, A, MANNING 5St Laurel Lodge, 1, 0, 0. F. No. IOO, SI. Johns. Orapon Meets ench Monday evening in Oddi'el lows hall at 7:3a. A cordial welcome to all visiting brothers, TIioium Thompson, N. O. KJ. Gilts, V. O. IMw. Conuaul, Kec, Wc.1 O.W.Nuttuc, Fln.Btc. It. V. Clitic. Tfc. St. Johns Camp No, 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. Wc heartily solicit the attendance ol our members at our regular meetings every 2d and 4th Thursday evening. A. S. Berry, I, R. Corbclt, Consul. Clerk. 115. W. Tyler St. 929 S. Jersey St. Woodmen Ol the World St. Johns Camp 773 (loot, lire mtttlnBi tverv Mondtr crrnln In Ukkiicr 1111, Uutllnglon ml ttny ntttl. Vliltori tlwtTl welcome. Old niemben torn. out sntl itc what a live camp you belonit to. ii. I'lti una, v; w, a ikuut, cietK. DORIC LODGE NO. U2 A. f . and A. M. Meets the first and third Weducsdayof each month hi Masonic Hall. VIM tori welcome. John M. Ulalr, W. M. A. W. Davis, Secrrtary. Ik Mfnerva Chapter No. 105, 0. E. S. Meets everv second and fourth Tuesday ol each mouth In Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome, (Usee I.. BUIr. W. U Htiile V. Port. Bee. 177 A inherit itrcct. A Bargain Four lots, five room shack house ceiled and napered, lights and water.cellar base ment, chicken house and yard, imracrc, wood shed. ifiiiitirui Icow barn, lots of fruit, irar- ucn an in, uuu, $auu down 510 per month. 1027 Oswe go street, St. Johns. Dr. V. V. Sclniltc, Ken. Col. 1131 Ollicc Col. :J79 Dr. D.S. Swnrt.Kcs. Col 2811 Olllce Col. m Tl... .. f . i, 1 tertnined nt tho Ittiino of Air. ltuth AlcCroa, Hilt OriwoKO Mroi'l, at an nil ilny swsion Wmliuw dny, May 10. Tuolcing it tMinifort and cuttinj blonkH for 11 iiiilt was tho work iicooinnlisliod, A jiot lurk Itini'lit'on wna Norvcd, it f ter ynicu tho regular Inisiuci mreuiic wan num. thono nro- ent were Mos(lunin.s Doll, Howlov. iieam, KinoneK, Motohor, l-'orsh wcller, Olnwo, .Inoolisou, Kroyor, Zella KillubrtMV, N'orris, Stuhr. 'Irout, Tccluii,' iinil Weiiuor. UueatH wero Airs. Ivriiiiiley mid little tlatiKhtor Anuii lVnrl, Airs. Fennel and little tlmiditcr Ala- rion, nira. .utry wouiihison mill Haby Ardine of Klein, Aloutiiun, Mrs. uoho ivillehrew, Aliuvella ami Carol Norriu and Alarie Trout. Tho Club will meet with ilrs. Lilian Alilller, 7L'0 S. Kdison atreet, June Mth. ltoportud. in enierKeneies you run to your local drug store for a quie! liriweriHiou. ur, 10 Iliusli a dreas before Koing on a trip, you nnu you neeu just n wee hit more cloth and ruu to the dry kooiIs atore to purchase it, Or, in mini erous other ways you lintl your local Btores eonvenient and ready to supply an urgent need. Hut if you patronize these stores only acu you noeu someiinnL' 111 a hurry if you habitually send money away to out of town con cerns the local stores cannot continue to exist. They must have your suport at all times if you want them here In time or urgent need. There nre manv ways in which local stores can aexve you and save you money. Give them a chance. Your pat rog is what they need. Tfc Klg Lm4 Man, Cel. 1183. Drs. Schultze & Swart PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 1-0 lloiilintu & Currier HMk- Phone Ray Bilyeu FOR YOUR FOUR FOOT CORD and SLAB WOOD IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Columbia 1448 I'lider the direction of Airs. (I. Y. Overs! reel, provident of the Deborah l.iviiiKstou W. I'. T. I'., Unit ort;iiiiuHtioii is Kiiniiiiif rap idly iu the eoutust now liein eontiueted tlirouirh tho lireater I'ortlnud Assoeiation. Since the I moil entered the contest late it is remarkable that it now stands lil tb place and only a few votes from lourtli plaeo. In order that noticeable nam may be made this organization must have at least la.OOO votes each week. For the purpose of stimulating inter 11 iu me contest in turn commu nity, Airs. Ovorstrect has appoin ted the following captains who will cheek tip on her particular district once each week and see (hat the votes are turned in .Mrs Knox, Airs. Mayors. Airs. .Merchant and Airs. Blow. Votes will be furnished with each cash purchase made from Currin's for Drugs, II. ,1. Simmons, Orabate- DANCE m oi. j onus Kink every Thursday and Friday by Jack and Gill Club TIRES AHHsMM 30X31 2 CORD TIRES $13.95 St. Johns Garage 216 N. Jersey Street Idle Hour Pool Hall 207 N. Jersey Street OI.OVHR & AI.I.I5N, Proprlitors T, A. Glover, Manager If You Want Real Service The Modern Klectrlc Will ing Machine has been called the greatest of it 1 1 Labor-Saving Monoy-Savlng Tlme-SavIng Appliances ever produced for the Home. We believe you will agree with this strong statement after you have seen one of these machines iu action. Drop iu any time for free demonstration. Eleclrlc Store Electric Betiding The Fraternal Boosters Meets every First and Third Wed' ncsdav iu the Odd Fellows' Hall Join and Help JJoost OftlccCol. C2C Rcsltlcncc-Col. 477 Dr. E. P. Borden DENTIST l'ntiilcsicxtrnctloti of teeth under nitrous OXldc )M I'cnlnmiU II.iiiK IIIiIr. St. Johiii, Portland, Oregon PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT A REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, MngSr 402 N. Jsrssy Strsst Abstracts of Title Preimred Titles Hxniuhicd I'honc Co'.umbl 2i5 Poff & O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Dally Trips to Portland mm Col. 308 208 N. JERSEY IT Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street Phone Col. 887 ItoUknce Col. 391 All Kinds of Truck and Team Work, Furniture Moving, Basement DIrkIiir, Sand ami Gravel: Wood for sale Cordwood $7.50; Planer iritnmings S5.50. W. S. JEANS I Col; 733 5io E.Polk St. ELMER SNEED LAWN MOWERS Violin InstructLn Sharpened and Repaired STUDIO, 216 N. Syracuse Strctt Bicycle Kepairltic. Saw Fillne. rbone Columbia 802 Wght llrazlne Work, Key Fittlim Alu.S.Stilfi ana umbrella Kepalrlne promptly done. New and Sccond'IIand Bi cycles for sale. Get new tres put on your Baby Buggies and Go-Carts Makes them inn ratlrr l'RICKS RIGHT G1VR MR A TRIAL I !iH5SL?55 A. W. ALLEN. 118 rhlladelphU Street, St. Jobui, I ronianu, urcgoti. Portland Railway Light & Power Company "BujYoui Electxic Goods al an Ddctiictt" Mrs. C. JL Uiw Scales & Blew REAL ESTATE BROKERS We Buy and Sell Agents for Sibloco I'lpeless Furnace. 402 N. Jeraey na htoro, I. ,1. .Muck (Irocorv. n;,c mvi o. r.i..i f 111 rl, 11 r? St. .lol.ns llurdwmv, .M. Tow.r'"""" tvm" """-a'Ui:. n. UULIVWCH, IY1. C. or, jowoler. Save your votes. Ration Ranch Jairy Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm The Dairy is mulor strict supervision of the City Health Department and the Cows are tested for tuberculosis every six mouths. Phone Col. 321 for orders Portland, Ore.. May 20. 1022 r.tlttor ht. .Johns Koviow Uoar Sir? I understand that you have a lireman iu St. Johns hy the name ot Krod Orchard who elaiins to ho some wrestler. Now I wish to issue a challenge to Or. chard and I will agree to throw him twice within !i0 minutes of actual wrest lint: time. 1 am willing to wrestle him any time, any place ami winner to take all. I would like to have you put tins oiiallengo 111 your napor. 1 loping you Ilnd space for same and thanking you 111 advance for tavor, 1 renin in, respectfully, mil Tumor, Woltorweight C hnmpion of Canada. READY FOR BUSINESS AT 507 JKRSR Y STRKIJT tit tf . riMr nrniinuii I All minis Ol J11UC KCfAIKINU help yoV' i have roreil hu neatly done. Our work is Brst class To tdu ' 1 UundreJ,! whr aim material is goou. uur prices Naturopath, Spinologlst iv, av mum ikj. JJoo tro Trotttmenta SPRCIAI.T1RS Stomsch trouble. Chronic dlseste and Female complaints. wo matter wtut your trouble Is I can Dr. W. J. Gilstrap Physician & Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted X ray Laboratory Peninsula Security Co. Bldg. St. Johns. are right. Russell & Colwell Teacher of Piano Consultation and examinations Free. "ray as you can.' No knife. No operations. No Incurable cue tacen. Free treatments this week, R. G. Muck Phones Col. 1284 Bast 8531 907 Fessenden Street A. A. Muck Phones Col. 118 Main 4901 PENINSULA WASHERY 1032 N. Syracuse Street Patronize Your Local Laundryrfi''n1 co"i;ctiS Sand, Gravel and Crushed Rock Members ot the Builders' Exchange Phone Columbia 977 PtHINSULA ELECTRIC CO., Inc.. ANNOUNCEMENT I hiving resigned my position with Tho Sunset Cash Grocery, I wish to announce to my friends and prospective patrons that I will Open Up a Krst Class Grocery Store, with a New, Fresh and Up-To-Date Stock, at 10S Philadelphia Street, opposite Masonic Block, on Wednesday, May 31st. 500 Balloons Will Be Given Away to the Children On OPENING DAY A visit to our now store will bo appreciated by the undersigned. W. J. FORSYTHE, Prop. I liarlos Atkinns, a not-ro 15 years old, ono of four taken into custody in connection with the killing of Mrs Kluahoth Kitch ens, 'JO ywtrs old, was hurned at the stake at Davisboro, Georgia. .May IStli 1 io lvno hiii" occur red at the seenc of tho murder and followed an alleged confes sion from the prisoner. Ho was tortured ovor a slow nrn fur 1f minutes and thou, shrinking with chestra. lake Vaucouver car to pain, was uuostioned concorniii!' Midway. Admissiou 35c and 50c his accomplices. Members f Daucitifi starts at 8 p. tu tho mob, eomprisimr nearlv 2.- Pipe Organ and Harmony MISS MARGARET NOTZ 721 S. Jersey Street. Umpire 1271 Hand Finish Work Mended and wRiG fixtures and SUPPUM uarneil a Snet ialiw. Pnm . us.i.. - ul-uc"u tpir orx ing and Wet Wash Solicited. IWSJersey Street, - Portland, Oregon Bundles Called for and DelWered. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phono Colmnbiu 2407 Piano Tuning Repairing ERNEST HAROLD Reliable Work Shop at 107 W. Park v thott S32-S4 DANCING Kvery Suuday night at Midway Hall. Music by seven piece or 000 people, then raised tho body again, tastouod it to a pine tree with trace chains and relighted tho lire. More than 200 shots were tired into the charred body following the boy's death. Cards of thanks notices are charged for at the rate of fifty cents each. Persons desirins to have such notices published should make a note of this. J. W. Herwick Phone Col. 6S2 Res. 1025 S. Jersey J. W. HERWICK & SON Wood of all Kinds BRICK, SAND AND GRAVEL Phone Columbia 874 L. R. NICHOLS St. John., Oregon Chimney Brick, Cesspool Brick. aiso contracts taken for Diggioe C. O. Herwick Cesspools. 502 N. Hdiion Street JVluhm & Brewer Ccatractors tad Builders Plans and Specifications furnished Free when we build. Repairs and Alterations. Res. Phone Col.962 Patronize the home merchant. Legal Guarantee Givero ffontJ fJCnlfm no pln-ctBUou work. am io ui-nu ru Tretoau Currin'a For D St, Johns, . Oregon I Luy or sell St. Johns Proptrty A. W. DAVIS Real Estate Fire Iniurance and Notary PuMk List your property with me if yo a uesuc to sen quickly