St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 19, 1922, Image 3

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    r im
Gas Ranges
Easy Terms
New Gas Ranges
Sun Ray Gas Range with Oven aud Broiler. . . $29.50
Sun.Ray Gas Range with Oven and Droller. . . .$52.50
Occidental Gas Range with Oven and Boiler.. .$49.50
4 Burner Square Gas Ranges $10.00
4 Burner Square Gas Ranges $15.00
4 Burner Table Style Gas Ranges. "Acorn" . . . .$22.50
4 Burn-r Table Style Gas Ranges, "A. B." $30.00
4 Burner Table Style Gas Ranges, "Vulcan" . . . .$30.00
4 Burner Table Style Gas Ranges, "Vulcan'.' ... .$35.00
4 Burner Table Style Gas Rouges, "Occidental" .$37.50
COFFEE will go up very likely, but we will hold our
"Gloria" Coffee at the present price as long ns we can.
Some are paying 10 cents for the caus aud don't seem able to
get away from the habit. The "Gloria" at 35c; 3 for $1.00,
is the best buy in Coffee on the market today.
WE HAVE in some of the Plantation Syrup from New
Orleans. It is the Old Style all Cane Syrup something
pretty hard to get these days. We also have Dunbar's
Pure Sugar House Molasses, something else that has been oil
the market for several years.
old prices nt last, but clams will still be high.
iug into use in great quantities.
The Grabateria Grocery
Phone Columbia 102
"Del Monte" Canned Goods "Danish Butter"
On the briny deep
You'll sweetly Bleep in
8ix room modern house 1 block
to car, $1750, $175 down, bnl. $20
per mo.. 103 S. Jersey, Col. 755.
A complete lino of garden
tools, lawn movers and grass
seed. Ueycrle & Armstrong.
Garage for Rent, $1 per month.
Call 517 Oawcgajitrcct.
$20007 room modern house
on paved Btrcct, fruit and gar
den, street asiessments paid, easy
terms. RICE & ' TATE, Realtors,
107 N. Jersey; CoJ. 887.
Twelve acres near Vancouver
for aale or trade for St. John
property. Couch & Uurson, agts,
205V N. Jersey-street.
Lost or strayed away from
home, a number of Golden and
Silver pheasants. These birds
are tame. Will pay reward for
information aa to the wherea
bouts of same. The Oregon State
lawa do not allow you to shut
these birds up. J. S. McKinney
phone Col. 2, or 215 N. Jersey St.
. . Bargain I A- house of 4 rooms,
lot 50x100, some furniture, gar
den all planted, $1000 easy
terms. Couch & Burson, ageuts,
205 N. Jersey.
Wnr Sain Cow and calf. Hoi-
stein and Jersey, gives 6 gallons
milk daily, per cent cream;
tested for tuberculosis. Call a
K 626 N. Hudson street.
Ponltrv nettintr and fence
and spraying materials. Bey
erle & Armstrong.
Pine heavy laying Barred Ply-
mouth Rock natciung eggs ior
$1.00. 215 Burr, corner of Lom
bard street. 23
For Sale Dry short slab and
t block wood $4.50 per load ; green
u npr load : nlaner trimmings $4
per load. Transfer. Call 403 N.
Jersey; Col. 1470.
Um Vincmn rinea hemstitch
ine at628 South Ivanhoe; phone
Columbia 1044.
TTniinflrMnincr rooms, single and
suite, at 103 S. Ivanhoe 23tf
Extra fine named Cactus Dah
lia bulbs 15o to 35c; Primrose
nlanta 5 to 15fl : Perennial plants
10c and 15e; cabbage plants 10c
dozen. 215 Burr, cor. Jjomoara.
ifOinnlnirJn'f Donnn
oiuuian 0 UQuUII
$1.00 Block and Slab Wood $4.
In two lond lots. Col. 1448.
Don't forget to cat at tho GooU
Eats Cafe. Tho best for less.
Screen doors and fly screens.
Beyerlo & Armstrong.
We tow 'em in day or night.
Peninsula Garage, Empire 1218.
I'or Sale or Trade, free from Incum
brance, five choice rctldencc lot In
Sheridan, Ortjjon. What have you?
lit. W.J. uiuuap. .i'"
For home buildinir or specula
tion wo havo some raro buys in
residence lots in South St. Johns
one 50x100 on pavemont for
$550, and another 100x100 for
$700, Btreet assessment paid.
KICK & TATE. 107 N. Jersey:
Columbia 887.
Warranty deed blanks and
contracts of salo at this ofllco; 5c
each, or 50o por dozen.
For Sale Three white enamel
ed kitchen tables and one stand
table, cheap. Good Eats Res
tauraut. For Rent to responsible party,
7 rnnm Imnsn. lots of fruit, car-
den, partly furnished if desired.
fall '-'11 Leavitt street.
For Salo Cheat) Equity in 5
room house, on irood pavement.
Call 102 S. Edison. 28tf
Silver Spangled Hamburg
eons for hatchlii". imported
stock from Minnesota, $1.00 for
15. 718 North Syracuse street;
phone Columbia 1208. 30
For Rent $12. six room house
in St. Johns. Inquire 354 Ivy
street, Portland.
Al kinds of general repairing
is done by the Peninsula Garage,
212 S. Jersey street.
Votes Ask for vour votes
give them to the W. C. T. U. and
help us win the oOO cash prize
civon bv the Greater Portland
Association. We want the mon
ey to help our W. C. T. U. Farm
Home. Convenient boxes ior tne
votes are at Bonham & Currier's.
II. Simmons and Oregon Hotel
Pharmacy, Broadway and Alder.
Ask your neighbors and friends
for their votes, too. ilep.
Remember, a Bur Smoker at
ih PnrtlnndWoolen Mills Fridav
wvonmi. June 2nd. Watch next
week for further particulars;
This is going to be a real smoker.
In Today; Out Tomorrow
The Prescription Store
Christian Science: Sunday
morning services nt 11:00; Wed
nesday evening at 8:00 nt 403
Smith avenue.
This being election day tho
Peninsula National Bank will be
closed all day
Mrs. Josephine Mycr, mother
of Mrs. Berenice MeCall, has ar
rived from Chicago to make her
homo with her daughter.
The uirls of the Sunbeam class
of the Methodist church will hold
a candy sale Saturday afternoon
at Clark's Furniture store.
Miss Edith Randall, sister of
Mrs. Harley Manning, has arriv
ed from England and will make
her home here with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Lou Kennedy entertained
the Blue Bird Club nt her home
on Ivanhoe street on Tuesday af
ternoon. The time was pleasant
ly spent in making candy and
outdoor sports.
Mr. and Mrs. Chits. A. Ray have
returned to St. Johns nfter a 21
months' absence spent in Califor
nia aud some of the Eastern and
Southern states. They say there
is no place like St. Johns.
Rare and gorgeous butterflies
from Peru, South Africa, Ilondl-
nas and other countries Is an ex
hibit you wont want to miss.
rhis is a eolection loaned by Mrs.
Ladd. At the St. Johns Library
until May 30th.
Tho Gleaners' Sunday School
class of the Methodist church
was entertained at tho homo of
Mrs. S. C. Cook. 1002 Oswego
street on Friday evening. Thir
ty members were in attendance.
A social evening followed a short
business meeting and refresh
inents were served.
Dr. Edna Watt lias just return
ed from Davenport, Iowa, where
she has just taken her degrees of
Doctor of Chiropractic. Dr.
Watt will visit hero for a couple
of weeks at home of hot moth
er, Mrs. E. 1). Vinson, and after a
visit to the Puget Sound will go
to San Francisco, where she will
open oflices.
Norman Parks, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Parks, formerly a
resident of St. Johns hut now
residing at Clovordale, Oregon,
underwent an operation for ap
pendicitis at tue Good Samaritan
hospital .Saturday oi last weeic.
Ho is getting along very nicely.
Norman is the sou of Mr. and
Mrs. I). McQuarrie.
The Sitton Parent Toiiehor As
sociation will hold its regular
meeting Tuesday, May 2.)th, at
2:30 p. m. There are several
matters of business to come bo-
foro the members, also our dole-
gate will report on tho National
Convention. This is our last
meeting of tho school year, so lot
us havo a good attendance. See.
Firo which wrought $0300
damage destroyed the Burlington
hotel and also two dwellings ad
jacent early Saturday morning.
Ton men living m the hotel es
caped, although three had to
jump irom second hiory win
dows. H. C. Sloan bruised ins
hand when he landed. Dwelling
houses on both sides of the hotel
owned by Dan Brecht who also
owned the hotel, were destroyed.
Oliver J. and Earl Vankuron,
who have been at Port Angolus,
Wash., for tho past year, motor
ed to St. Johns and were guests
of their cousin, L. N. Bellinger.
They had been spending the
past year with their uncle at
Port Angeles, and L. N. Bellinger
who had been called there on ae
count of tho illness of tho uncle
and who passed away, accompan
ied them here. The two brothers
are leaving this week for their
homo in Everett, Mich.
Mrs. E. F. Monahau, Mrs. Man
ley Smith and Mrs. E. A. Blew
have returned from Taeoma
where they attended tho Nation
al Convention of Parent Teacher
Associations as delegates from
the Williams, Sitfon and Goorgo
schools. They wish to express
their appreciation of the oppor
tunity of attending this conven
tion and to thank the associa
tions from which they were sent.
They are very enthusiastic ovor
the work and have returned with
new aspirations, a new inspira
tion and a determination to re
new their energy in promoting
the work in this district. Nearly
three hundred delegates were in
attendance, from all over the
United States with many inter
esting reports from the various
states. In addition to the regu
lar work of the convention Taeo
ma people furnished many won
derful entertainments during
the week including sight seeing
trips, banquets, luncheons and a
stadium day entertainment in
which 16,000 school qhildron participated.
Don't send your printing out
of town.
Typewriter pnper for sale nt
this ofiicc.
A 500 card party will be'given
by tho W. O. W. at lHoknor Hall
Monday evening, May 22. Four
prizes given and refreshments
will ho served.
Remember, a Big Smoker at
tho PortlnndWoolon Mills Friday
evening, June 2nd. Watch next
week for further particulars;
This is going to ho a real smoker.
Mr. and Mrs, Willis D. Vinson
and young son Billie, Mrs. Rhnr
er and Jack Vinson motored up
front Salem and spent Sunday
with Mrs. Vinson on South Ivan
hoe street.
Never was good eyesight more
necessary than today. If your
vision is dim or you have pain
about your eyes, have Dr. Frank
Saiidifur examine them. Hon
ham & Currier Hldg.; Col. 37D.
May 17th the Royal Neighbor
('lull was entertained at the
homo of Neighbor Wright, 838
N. Jersey street. Tho day was
spent piecing mid t icing a quilt.
A chicken dinner was served at 1
o'clock, which every one present
enjoyed very inuoh. Those pros
out were Mcsdnmcs Pigg, Fair
child, Zimmerman, lloyd, Dear,
Horry, Reynolds. Milyou, Hen
derson, Wymoro, Wright. Visi
tors MoOinnis, Whitney, Tltyg
oson, Hooho, Spm'tip, Johnston,
Mower, Sproul. Children draco
Heche. Juno Wymoro, Mnrjorio
Sporup. Orvillo Horry. Hetty and
Elsie Mao McGiiuiis anil Ron,
Jewel and Corneal Bilyeu. Hop.
There will bo a very important
mooting Tuesday evening at 8 p.
in. at tlu Congregational ohiiroh
for parents of tho hoys of the
Whitney Chorus. This will bo.u
parents' meeting combined wilTi
the regular practice aud parents
are urgently requested to bo
there. Mr. Whitney will ho pres
ent, so como and hoar what ho
has to say. All hoys are request,
od to bo there; makes no dill'or
eneo if you have not attended
regularly. Como Tuesday and
ilnd out about thu concert Juno
27 III of 2000 hoys. Just enough
time loft to get in this largo ono
nis if you start again Tuesday.
W. E. Knight, a well known
uitixou of St. Johns, died sudden
ly the morning of May 12th. Ho
had just arrived at his work at
the Portland Manufacturing Co.
when ho was striken with heart
failure and died instantly. Ho
was horn in Harrison county, W.
Virginia, and whs aged 70 years,
1 mouth anil 21 days. He had
boon a resident T this place for
:i number of years, and was a
ood citizen. Mr. Knight is sur
vived by his widow. The funer
al services wore hold at his res
idence at !I22 East Burlington
street Sunday at 2 p. m. Inter
ment in Columbia cemetery, tho
St, Johns didoi'taking Co. in
Tho members of the Debonair
oluh gavo a birthday luncheon
Saturday at one o'clock in the
tea room of the Multnomah lin
tel in honor of Mrs. Alice Loarn
w!'k and Mrs. M.F. Sloan's birth
days. The table was beautifully
decorated. Tho club presented
each with a corsage bouquet of
nwoot peas. The Debonair club
has been organized for 15 years,
aud Mrs. Learned has always
boon their faithful president. To
Mrs. Learned they are one big
family. At the close of tho lun
cheon Mrs. Learned arose aud
looking down tho long table,
gave a few touching words of
thanks for the way wo had re
membered her on her 71th birth
day. Then Mrs. Sloan arose and
thanked the club for remember
ing her, after which Mrs, S.
Fouos, vice president of the club,
responded with a few appropri
ate remarks. Nineteen of the
twenty-two members were pres
ent. Tho members are: Mrs. Al
ice Learnud, Mrs. Otis Learned,
Mrs. Frank Saiidifur, Mrs. Myr
tle Weeks, Mrs. A. W. Markle,
Mrs. L. ('. Kennedy, Mi's. L.
Chambers, Mrs. Frank Horsman,
Mrs. W. R. Evens, Mrs. Dr. W.
E. Ilartel of Piedmont, Mrs. .I.E.
Hiller, Mrs.Dr.Fredorio Schulto,
Mr. J. N. Koeler of West More-
land, Mrs. ('. II. Derrie, Mrs. S,
J. Gray, Mrs. ('. II Boyd of Pied
moid, Mrs M. B. Green, Mrs. S,
Folios, Mrs. M. F. Sloan, Mrs. II
A. Bickuase of Piedmont, Mrs
Wm. Caldwell -and Mm. C. A
Braaseh. Mi's. Fanny Souther
land, a sister of Mrs. Learned,
was an invited guost. Rep.
(live your motor a chance to
show what it really can do by
using Hyvls, the bust lubricating
oil to bo obtained, f or salo by
Peninsula Garage, 212 S. Jersey.
The Dili Load Man, Col. 1133.
For 12 in. Block Wood Ool.258.
Best lino of fishing tackle in
town. Beyerlo & Armstrong,
Twelve Inch Inside Mill Wood and
Planer Trimmings. Col. 1133.
Panama Hats 9oc, $1.G0, $2.50.
ROGERS, of course.
Don't forget that you can get
all you can cat for 25c at Hap
py's Place, 110 Philadelphia St.
Complete line of garden
seeds in bulk. Beyerlo & Arm
strong, Hardware.
Cool Work Hats 75c.
Twelve Inch Inside Mill Wood and
Planer Trimmings. Col. 1133.
Full line of paints, varnishes
and kalsomincs. Beyerlc &
Good Pants Cheap
Por Sale Cheap aud sightly
building lots. Sec J. S. Downey at
once, 933 N, Syracuse tac
Largo load Box Wood $1 de
livered. fol. 1418.
KEDS for the KIDS
Before you build get our
prices on builders' hardware
and tools, quality kind. Beyer
lo & Armstrong.
Box wood for sale, $11.00 per
load; 403 N. Jersey street; Col.
ROGERS surely needs you
And you need ROGERS.
For 12 in. Block Wood Ool. 258.
Fifty sheets of linen note paper
and 25 linen envelopes for 25u at
this ofllco.
The Big Load Man, Col. 1133.
Start saving in ROGERS' pock-
et hooks, 25u up.
Cars overhauled aud repaired
in your garage or initio. Albert
Ruckles, r24 Tioga street, or call
Col. 1411 eveniugs.
Men's Solid Leather Dress
Shoes $-1 .95 ROGERS.
Slab wood delivered $1. Col.
FORD car for Sale 1918 mod-
e), demountable rims, Gray-Davis
starter aud other extras, live
good tires. MRS. TATE, 107 N.
Jersey; Col. bo7.
Cool Pants HOG ERS.
Sleeping rooms, hot and cold
water, hath. Call at Good Eats
Sewing of all kinds, reasonable
prices. 0!l!l E. Tyler, one block
from Fessondeu. Empire 1525.
Children's Play Suits 95e
Several diiTerent pieces of prop
erty; will take car in full or part
payment.' Bring on your trades.
Couch & Burson, agents, 20.).
N. Jersey street.
Por Sale by Owner Four room
house, shingled aud painted, near
ly new, lot 1)0x100. locnted ot 301
E. Richmond street, 1 1-2 blocks
from Lombard street and car line.
Price $1650, terms.
For Sale 5 room modern
house, lot 100x100 lino fruit and
berries, all furniture included,
$4,(M)0, $2500 cash J. F. Gill
more, 1 lii'is N. Jersey; Col. 81.
This is the host bargain you or
anybody over had: Four room
house, big corner lot, two blocks
of oar lino, four blocks to school,
over $900 worth of furniture. All
this for only $1IU)0 for quick salo.
See Amiiuh for great bargain, at
N. Jersey street.
For Sale or Trade New Ave
room bungalow, centrally locat
ed. Will consider ear and some
cash as first payment. A. M.
Warner, owner, 208 S, Jersey;
Phono Col. 91G.
For Sale N. Rod and Flem
ish Giant Does, also young rab
bits. 810 S. Ivanhoe street.
Seven room houseboat, splen
did float, electric light; also new
Evenrude motor. St. Johns,
Portland, Woolen Mill Dock, be
low Municipal Terminal No, 3.
For Sale Four room house, lot
00x120 feet, lino fruit and ber
ries, lino location, 0110 block of
ear line, $1100, $:iOU cash, bal
auee $20 and interest. Look at
this. J. F. Gillmore, 1131- N,
Jersey street ; t ol. 81.
Do you want to trade in your
ear as part payment on a pretty
5 room cottage, all large rooms,
semi-modern, lot 100x100, with
abundance of fruit; only $2550.
RICE & TATE, 107 N. Jersey;
Columbia 887.
Banking By Mail
The more remote your place of residence the greater your
appreciation will be for the excellent service we render in
Great numbers of depositors arc now in daily touch with the
Bank through this medium. Let us explain it to you;
Wc have recently issued a booklet covering this couvcuicn
service which wc shall be pleased to mail you upon request.
Peninsula National Bank
Granite Ware Sale
Consisting of Preserving Kettles,
Sauce Pans, Mixing Bowls,
10 Quart Dish Pans,
Pudding Pans
Sale starts Friday morning
Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors
to deliver to the cannery 1G0 tons of cherries; and we would like
to buy them all here iu St. Johns. All who have Koyal Aim
and l'ie Cherries please come and let us know at once. Wc
will pay you the highest price for them.
Also Raspberries all wc can get, and later wc will tnke
your prunes and pears. Anyone who has fruit to sell let us
know at once, for if wc cannot get our lounge here we must get
the balance elsewhere. For price and particulars see
lOtf W. Alta Stttct or I'huiie Oftice Umpire Uoldc nee Col. 3T7
Wo also want 75 pickers. Three weeks' work
Moose hall presented a gay I
scene on Tuesday evening when:
Minerva social club staged its
country fair. Everything from
hot dogy to the roulette wheel
was in evidence to attract thu
daintily ginghamed lassies and
the hcrtibhed up lads who eamu
from all nartH of the peninsula to
join iu the festivities The sud-(
deu appearance of a cop brought ,
to a halt tho rush of business at
the wheel operated by .1. .M.
Mlair and Koks Walker who were
placed under arrest for operating
an illegal game of chance. Mr.
lilair, as general of tho alVair,
wiih taken to tho police station
wliero .Judge lluwkins staged a
trial and promised to release Mr.
lilair on bail, which ho endeav
ored to produce, it was not un
til Mr. lilair had extracted tho
nceesary bail from friends who
had followed to the police sta
tion that Judge Hawkins relent
ed and the game was allowed to
proceed . Mrs. (1. A. Roberts and
Miss Alda Overstrect were gen
eral chairmen of the affair. In
charge of tho candy booth were
Mrs. R. Ingledue, Misses Gladys
Mredeson.Donalda McGregor and
lieulah Zimmerman. Mrs. II. A.
Simmons, Miss Nettie Johnson
and Mra.Chauncey served punch.
Mrs. I). M. Hurson, Mrs. W. A.
Carroll, Mrs. J. S. Downey and
Mrs. E. Thurston had charge of
the home cooking booth, Mrs. J.
Ivenney and Mrs. It. R. Harheim
thu grab hag, and (J. A. Roberts,
Mr. Kewell, Marion Johnston
doled out the hot dogs. Mrs.
Nettiu Mason, Mrs. W. Rail and
Mrs. A, E. Hutchinson were iu
charge of tho fancy work booth,
and laat, but not least, Miss Flor
ence Davis aud Mrs. W. R. Mor
row revealed the past, present
aud future according to the m.
tic art of palm reading. The
auto robe was donated by Row.
Walker, the blanket by J. ,M.
Hlair, a savings hank and live
dollar account by J. N. Kdlefsen.
suit pattern by J. Noeu, potted
plant by Kolph thu florist, two
hand embroidered rompers by
ltlllllllllll it ( 'lIl'IMHI'. set
- - 1
bv Misi (ilinlvs ItrMloMin. ull of
which wero rnlTlud.-Rep,
Chickens for sale at iMIIkjNorth
Hudson struct, also (piar.t jars
and fruit and jellios.
A complete lino of Chevrolet
and Ford, parts carried US' the
Peninsula Oarage, '212 S.fjrKcy.
$lfi00 1 room house ou.lot SO
xllO, 011 paved street, uir uear
Cooporage, street assemunU
paid; terms . RICE & TAWE, Re
niton, 107 N. Jersey ; ColB7.
For Rent 2 furnished hotuo
keeping rooiiu $12, also ty,o for
$10.-2011 Willauiuttu Itlvd.
Wanted Ountloiuun to uooin,
or board and room, striutly liome
cooking, in private hontu, voi
reasonable. 2M(i Willahiotto
Wanted Woman to oam for
two children during day a my
homo or yours. IM!I Kellogg St.
Call after 5 p. 111. 31
For Salo 20,young pullet's and
li hens, get 20 eggs n dayjTprice
1.2f). Norn Waldron, phone
Woodlawn 1U10.
AVautcd One or two respecta
ble gontlomen to room aiuljaoard,
close to St. Johns LumborS Co.,
01G W. West Charleston.