H BLIND TO GREAT INVENTION Franch Emperor Missed Opportunity Whan Ha "Turned Down" Ericsson's ( Offer to Dulld Monitor. March 8, 1802 ; August, 1921. Tliese date comprise the history of Ironclad monitors, the first of which, Invented by John Ericsson, met nnd defeated the Mcrrlmac at Hampton Hondo on the dato first named. The last of the British monitors, ufter swing minor service In the World war, was con signed to tho scrap heap by the ad mlralty last August. The history of tho monitors goes back to the days of Napoleon 111, when Great llrltaln was In n ferment, appro hemline Invasion from across the channel. Hrlcsson, n Swedish cngl necr, urged tho Iftench emperor In 1834 to build, according to his design armored vessels of low freeboard, with big guns In revolving shotproof cupolas, placed centrally on the decks. Much a type of armor-clad ship, ho de clared, would revolutionize niival war fare. The Idea was not carried out. and (treat llrltaln'a wooden shlpft never had to faco the ordeal of the Mcrrlmuc. Hut Krlcsson prevailed on tliu Union leaders of tho American Civil war to glvo his Idea a trial, In lix) day his ship was built, armed and equipped, and It soon fulfilled the In vontorfl hopo that It would serve an a "monitor," or lesson, to the Confed eracy. Kv.cn beforo this, however, thu llrlt l;h admiralty had taken up tho Idea and .had built a vessel of n similar type.. At the tlmo of the armistice the Drltlsh navy had .'17 of them. Wo can hoII you n lot and nr rniiRo for n Imililiiitf to suit your own Inste. SoiiIuh & Mow. If You Want Real Service The Modern Klcctrlc Wash ing Machine has been called the greatest 0( u Labor-Snvlng Monoy-Saving Tlmc-Snving Appllnucert ever produced for the Home. Wc believe you will agree with this .strong statement after you have Mien one of these machines in action. Drop in any time for ftee demonstration. Eltclric Slore Electric Building St. Johns Grocery (Formerly C. S. Bucy's Store) 202 South Jersey street, Corner Lcavitt Phone Col. 528 WE DELIVER FREE Trade at the Store Where Your Dollar buys the Most WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Drop in and sco Our Specials for Friday, Saturday and Alonday. Satisfaction or your money back. I I I Christian Minister Chiroprntic Physician Herbert F. Jones, D. C. Hours: 1:30 to 5:30 P. M. oiwick 809 North Jersey Street Columbia 07 HOMIi 410 North Kellogg Street Columbia 090 Portland Railway Light & Power Company "Bry YotK Uectnc Coeds at an Llectf icIoi e" an American product, y ! there arc no import duties. Ma 1 n tf 1 zo'a costs OI)iy about half as ! jfltfjfj i 1 i much as imported olive oil. As W I i i it,kecps indefinitely, it can be i f ' , j i J used to the very last drop. ' ) j ! 1 i 1 i French Prating i . ' I I flt.M.iponniMtiol KUittxvonS.lt 1 C 1 i I Jlihltipoont Lemon Julc. or Vlnmr J I i 1 I J1 I 1 le.ipoon 3u.f X tc.ipoun I'jptika V I i 1 I i 1 i , Mli dry Injr.Jltnti. Ad J M.tnloiwl 1 DP i I . I I 1 l.mun julc. or vlnts.r .ml bl until I m I i I i 1 aW. ctt.rnr. Tlilt Jr.ttlni iniy mad I 1 i i I X InlaracrguaniliiiaanilliapilnalMMila I C 1 1 i 1 i X and ili.krn uid, (torn, add a daib P i i I u( lautt.rd ur wnrc.iunUj. Spring Fashions and Fabrics The colors and styles that suit you best The loveliest new fabrics have just come in. Our counters arc piled with brilliant ginghams and linens, the charming new printed cottons, dotted Swiss, crepes of cotton and of si'k, in every summery color, crisp organdies, delicnta voiles. Come in today nnd sec them. Select materials in interesting color combinations fot your Sprint frocks. Five hundred designs for the new Spring season arc at the pattern counter You can make any one of these becoming new drmes like n pro fesslonnl, for every new Iltlttcrlck pnttern has a Dcltor encloied. The Dcltor give you of n expert, the tlctt putting together of ii erect (initmaker, and the cl Jvcr finishing touch; tli.it spell Paris. It Is n'l thtra In pictures nnd cleat directions. With It you enn mnWe liken professional dresses you never dared at tempt before. Btutcrick Patterns with the Dcltor C4f ykli i jjj ill .rr I DctlifiiMII A II Hxyt ixJtftnJtHl iYV tliut ll.iil.tJ ittnii m.l iMt riti tipttUII lnltriilin. Dttlfin 3676 Th tifl Jrtil It ilmtil 4 mm. lilt Ihti Sprint, tni lh tm It tifiiUllj my it mit aim , hittlkt Oilier It tUi i. i ill n The Name MALLORY The Spring Hats As always reflect the good taste of the wearer. Only the assured and au thorative forms and colors find their place among men. No areater values o can be offered than those we I an r w are ottering at $4.50 and $5 00 CAPS An assortment of CAPS that would give credit to a much larger store will be found here. Imported and Domestic Tweeds. Priced $1.50 to $2.50 T7T) T?T7 IWaullfuIlr Itlutlr.ll JL IV tZt JU Com I'roJuclt Cook Hook of 64 pagaa. Wrila Com l'roJ wit lUCnlos Co.. Utp(. A. Ano, III. o I Bonham & Currier MAZOLA :- MISS PLASKET, Buyer Dry Goods Dept. L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept. Uaoil lijr LeaJIng Hotala, Exclualr Clubs and Raitaurmnt The Sunset Cash Grocery THE STORE OF QUALITY, SERVICE AND PRICE N. HALPERN, Prop. Ill Phlladolshla St. Phono Col. 1148 Free Delivery Friday, Saturday and Monday Specials We wish to announce to our friends and patrons that we have purchased the Simon's Store at 111 Philadelphia Street, and have put in a full line of First Class Groceries, Fruit and Vegetables. Our aim is to give you the Lowest Prices: Quality is our Watchword. You can be assured that we shall al ways strive to give you the best kind of service and we want you to make our store your headquarters. The Home Mercantile Co. is Headquarters for your Lime, Cement, Plaster, Brick and all kinds of Building Material. Our Spring Stock of Paints, Brushes and Varnishes are in. Our stock of Hay, Grain and all kinds of Feed are marked the Lowest First Class Grades can soli for. Wc will have all kinds of Bulk and Package Seeds, Onion Sets, Seed Potatoes, Grass Seeds and Fertilizers. Buy Our Coal and Briquettes for Your Fuel FUNERALS jBi25Js s8skTIe4L(I sHVkafPaSSY Baautlful gray or blaok adult, oaikat, haarse, box, 2 autoa ambalmlng nnd rofln d aarvlca for $75 sssssssssssV " r " .assssssWA MII,l,UR Higher priced funerals In jiroportlon. nutlful New Floral Chapel. Laily Assistant. TRACIJY We manufacture caskets. l'rlvate Family Rooms Complete Auto Equipment MILLER & TRACEY Broadway 2681 Indapandant Funaral Dlraotora 6 1844 Wasiilnf ton at CKa Strtct, Between 20lh and 2tsl Street, West Side Strictly Frosh Eggs, Guaran teed, 2 Dozen for, Jersey Belle Butter, 38c lb. 2 lb. for Vim Flour, a St. Johns Pro--i Qfl duct, 49 lb. Sack f I.5IU Crown or Olympic Flour, 4 flfi 49 lb. Sack stiUU Good Sound Moaly Spuds 1 4(1 100 lb. Sack yl.AU Standard Peas Good Quality c a can ILKj Campbell's Assorted Soups, can 10c Extra Fancy Picnic Hams, lb.. 22c Full Cream Cheese, 2 lb 55c 25c Darimald or Federal Milk, 3 Tall cans for Tru Blu No. 5 Soda Crackers Special Box 50c Unwrapped Bread, 2 for Mazola or Wesson Oil, 1 Quart 49c Nucoa Oleomargarine, 2 lb. for Curve Cut Macaroni, 4 lbs. for Tru Blu Graham Crackers, 5 lb. Box Carnation or Bordons Milk, 10 cans for West Coast Pink Salmon, tall cans, a can Sunset Special Coffee, 3 lb 98c Del Monte Pork and Beans, OJT AVC 90c 98c 10c The Home Mercantile Go, 'JOO VT. ItitrUnuton Stroet 2 ttttttt6tt9ttm4t9t9.W9t 1 lb. size, 3 for. Royal Club, Dependable, lb. Folgcrs, Golden West, M.J. B. J An .fWU m - - - WE SEND YOVH. meats home Right awav e'RE auCK as UfirtTNINGr- So FOWS SAY J Please Telephone your Orders Early and help us give you better service C. J. MUCK, Grocer Fancy and Staple Groceries "OUR MOTTO" Quality Price Service Phone Columbia 118 217 S. Jersey St. Portland, Oregon Del Monto Seeded or Seedless 40 Raisins, 15 oz., Package. . . .LLh Full Cream Rolled Oats, 9 lb. CAn Sack 3UC Bulk Cocoa, Pound 10c Bulk Chocolate, Pound 20c 7 Large Rolls Toilet Paper 25c Walnuts, Special Pound 20c Kinsford Gloss Starch, 6 lb. fiAr VVL Quick as a Flash! That's the way we deliver meats. Phone your order in or come in and select it, and we deliver it right away, Ma'am. This shop has made a lot of frieuds that way. When you are hungry think of us. Box, only. 1 Gallon 96c 13c Gallon $1.83 55c : 25s ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET GEO. W. IMBODEN, Prop. 109 North Jersey Street Market Phone Columbia 21 Buy Wood Now! Green Wood, Part Green and Dry Immediate Delivery St Johns Lumber Co. Phillips & Lelandl Pulley & Zurcher transfer ana Morage Phone Col. 72 Office 209 S. Jersey liMvvMaYaisvWftteMcQS'DAIIaY TRIPS TO PORTLAND Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Ware Phone Col. 92 207 S. Jersey SU j I