THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. Markle Bditor PubHshod Friday of Each Week N. Jerawr. St. Phone Col. 3gT Bncriftln Pflo SI, 60 par yr. THK RRVIRW ii entered at post la ForUtad, Oregon, m mall matter ef tho tecond elm under the Act of Con i of March j, 1879. St. Johns Community Club The St. Johns Community club will conveno at tho Y. w. C. A. building on Tuesday evening of next week. Tho meeting will be of nn interesting naturo nnd will bo dovotcd to business mut ters in which our community is interested. It behooves every ono to attend this meeting and lend their aid 111 furthering the intorcsts of St. Johns. It is es pecially urged that the members of tho building and membership committee! bo present, JCuniom- bar tho timo and place and turn out. Tho W. 1;. 1 . U. will meet on Monday, March Gth, at S!:UO 1' M. in tho Methodist church par lor. This is the business meeting of tho month. Mrs. J3. Williams will have chargo of the Bible study. The Second Dispensation w tho subject. The public is i 1 1 riled to all our meetings. Re ported. Thcro was a spirited mass mooting held tho evening of March 1st nt tho auditorium of tho Central Library under the auspices of tho Housewives' Council, relative to the recall discussion of the public service commission. About U.r from Ht. Johns wcro present. A number of interesting addresses were given. It is expected that an other mooting will ho held in the nonr future. March 1st Oregon drupe Circle initiated three, and ono transfer member. Wo had a largo attend nnco of members and visitors. Tho following Circles were rep resented: Service, Mt. Ilootl and Multnomah. Four out of town Circles were also represented, After a reading by Lilly It. Wal ker and a Virginia reel, which enjoyed greatly by all, A lunch was nerved cafeteria atylo. Reported. un account or 1110 numerous inquiries received at his ofllee, Collector Huntley is tif the npiu Ion that many taxpayers do not Know inni mo slump taxes tin legal instruments were not re pealed by tho now Revenuo Ael, Ho announces that those taxes are still in full force and e licet, and thoy apply as heretofore on promissory notes, deeds, slock cortincatcrt, powers of attorney, proxies, etc. Tho stamp (axes on surety bonds and medicinal preparations were repealed, but thrao are tho only change in the stamp taxr.1. At a meeting of the Fraternal Boosters Wednesday evening the following resolution was adopt- l: "He it resolved by tho St. Johns llooster ( lull in meeting awembled that the club herewith formally endorse A. A. Muek for the Republican nomination for County Commissioner, in the ovent that ho should decide to announce his candidacy for that odtce. The Club is impelled to take this aotion because it is firmly convinced that Mr.Muek'a mnrvico as County Commissioner entitle him to the support of all citizens who appreciate an eeo nomic administration of count v affair. Uncle Jeff Snow in tho Boil land Journal says: "Thero isn't no bounty nor bonus the bovs that went to the front will fit outer congress that will bo half what'u conuu' to 'em; but with the big railroad combine holler in' fcr more and still more mon ey, and the big augar trust get tin' ready to dip into the pork arm with hoth ham h. to nv nuthin' of tho land profiteer who U atowin' away good money like a ground nquirrel in harvest time dow wheat, why, I don't see how our young and gallant de Xendera of tho flag, with their toe atickin' out and their belts tickin' in, can have tho gall to worry the gootl and great in Taahington about any bonuses." Tuesday evenuiK Mrs. Minnie U Iiton, Worthy Grand Mat ron; Mm. Tauline ltilcv, Past Uraud Matron; Mrs. Pltocbo Guerb, Grand Marshal: l'l U U. Miller, First Grand Patron, Mm. Miller; Clyde Kvanw, Past urana ratron, and other distiu tiBtnlibed guests visited Minerva UMptcr, O. K. S. The grand of- ctr were well pleased with the progress beiDR made in the local chapter, nnder the RtiidliiK hand e Uti. J. M. Blair and her asso i -. or i . i ic ouiccrs. iteirestttucnis were WTed and the evening will always dc among pleasant memories by nil ii attendance. Watklns' Products for sale by G, K. Rathwill, G21 lliicbanan street; pkeac Kmpirc 1247. Oet vour spraying material at the St. Johns Hardware Co. Y. W. C. A. Notes The Spring millinery class will begin Tuesday, March 7th, from 1 V U o'clock P. M. Mrs. Chen ey is the instructor. Brine old hats or new materials. The S. 0. S. Girl Reserve club met at the homo of Mrs, R. 0 Brand Monday and elected the folowing officers: MurgarctMc Orcgor, president; Mary Mac Donald, secretary; Oraco Coy treasurer, and Viola Hoot, piau ist. The girls plan to take a hike at their next meeting time. Tho Juunbow Ulub surpnsct Mrs. Shaw with a regular ban iuet on Tuesday night nt the Y, v. C. A. building and handker chief shower for Virginia Doug las, who will leavo Sunday to live in Lamborn, Wash. A beau tiful calla lily was presented to Mrs. Shaw. Stories, jokes nut speeches were given at tho tnblo and an impromptu program was given nrtcrwnrd on tho Htiiiro Twenty-one girls sat together at the table with Mrs. Douglass am Mrs, Robertson. February U.'J Tho Royal Neigh bo r Club was entertained at farewell party given by Mrs Nelson at the homo of Neighbor .leid, 7IH H. Kellogg street Dainty refreshments wcro sorvct and a good timo was hud by all We regret losing Mrs. Nelson from our elub and hope to have her with us again some day Those present wore: Mcsdamea Alley, Miss Alley, Stcidelman ICryer, Kigg, Bear, Wright, Free A. Merry, V. Horry, Bilycu, Wy more. Dickie, Sttihr, Thompson liailcy, Moytl, Hoid, and Nelson children, Ktith Stcidelman, June wymore. lleorgo I'islior, C'rvi Merry, Ilea Jewel nil Cocncal Bit you. Kcportcd. Nine High School Reserves, uc coinpaiiied by Mrs. Mabel Rob ertson, enjoyed u Inko Sunday February '2l, in spito of the flur ries of snow which fell during the morning. After reaching .Miller station a camplirc was made. Itonstcd weliiles and buns tasted very good to tho hungry miters. All returned to St Johns tired but happy. Among the hikers were: Catherine Han bury, Charlotte Held, Thelma Voting, .Minnie Miller, Lauretta McCarthy, Margaret Robertson .Marian Hanbury, Velln Holier sou, Lelin Taylor ami Mabel Ro bertsoii. Iteported. .Mrs. Silas Call entertained II a I II . 'I IS, i. .I. IIIIIISOII III IIIUCII till Friday, Feb. tilth. Tho after noon was very pleasantly enjoy- eti in planning for the hast cm tnii to be taken in the near fit ture. A dainty lunch and served in the hostess' most approved M.vio was enjoyeil. I test Tub Silk Shirts mndo $7.b0.- ROGKRS. All Makes Welcome Some driver of cart not equipped with Wlllird Hattcrici think they ought to go to the xrvice nation that told the battery. Not at alll The afet rule U to go to the place that irlve you the bet at tention, hai the mott .killed workmen and xem to be mott on the Job- the place that de. enrt the title of "Battery Headquarter". That' the kind of battery ta. tlon we have ulway. run and alway eipect to run. Come In and we'll .how you how near to 100 per cent we are In .VIII, courtcty and prompt. nc. SI. Johns Auto Electric Co, Columbia 88 317 S. Jersey St. PLOWING CJOLUMIUA 72 I J. B. MARLETT 134 SWENSON White Front Grocery Col. 766 FRENCH BLOCK 523 Columbia blvd. Opportunities for Friday and Saturday Bargain ONH IIVNDRKD PKR CKNT one. I.ook this List Over. Those Pure Cane llerry Sugar, 19 lbs.$1.00 (Willi! worth ot Groceries) Carnation or Horden's Milk, can .10 Fountain Peaches, size 2J . . . .20 Sugar Hush Sweet Coru.,2 cans .25 Strained Honey, 21 or. jar SO IMicz Jam, 9 or. jar 10 Yellow Corn Meal, 9 lb. sack. . .27 Come early, We appreciate your PRKH to each child, accompanied by i'.i). the M'hCIAI, ou Sugar other Bargains. M THE BARGAIN COUNTER For Sate by Owner Plve room Mod. em Bungalow. Call 1212 S. Jersey meet. 17 Selected K, I, Red egg 11.25 a let ting of 16; Hoaanteed (lock. Large ga range $20, Call nt 1011 E. Polk street, near Bank street. For Rent One and 2 room II. K., also 1 sleeping room, clean and cheap; close to Cooperage and Woolen Mills. Riverside Hotel, 116 S. Decatur street; Col. 1127. "For Sale-Eleven full blood White Wyandotte hens at 816 N. Smith Ave, For Sale Furniture of 4 rooms; is of good quality, practically new. By the piece ff wanted; priced reasonable. 420 N. Syracuse street. FRUIT TRKHS AND BUSHP.SI I must sell them for what I enn get; must move this week. Now is your chance. Ml ti. Jersey street, corner Baltimore. Ten acres irrigated land 3 miles from Siokane, Wash,, at opportunity. Will sell on easy terms or trade for house in l. joiius. col, 4J0. Twenty acre laud close to Astoria. Will sell chcaii or trade for house equity. COI. 44b. For Sale DnvcntKirt and 4 burner 1 wlckless oil atove. Call G2S1 Columbia boulevard, French block. For Sale Cheap-Child'. oak high chair. Call at 40' 7 N. Jersey street. For Rent One and 2 room II. K.J aio 1 Hecping room, clean and .cheap; ciosc 10 looiKtage and woolen Aim. Riverside Motel, 110 S. Decatur street; coi. 11147. For Sale 7 lrapiiet9, J2.50. FcSMiideii, corner Oswego. Call 120 For Sale -Reed babv buggy, In good condition, can 71a Allegheny street. For Sale on V.nsy Term. Four room modern house; flue location. Call on owner, 2010 Willamette Blvd. For Sale Hgg for hatching. Buff Minorca, 3 and ft per setting of 15. can ui7 1.. lyier. For Sale Dry short slab and block wood per load; green 4.00 per load; planer trimming 4.00 per load. Call 403 N. Jersey; Col iim n. jersey; col. 14 470. For Sale One good Kimball oruan ami 10 Canary birds, very reasonable. Call 003 . Allegheny street. 21, Thoroughbred bheppard strain Ail cona teltltig egg f 1.50 per 1G. Stock 110m nasi. jvir. White, 1003 N. Jersey St. For Sale Harness and wrnion. Col. MV, im It. Tioga street. Wanted Ladv wishes any kind oil house work; also washing. Call at 116 S. Jersey street. Fine Plymouth Hock Hatching Itggs, 10 ior n.w. iiicuiMior lots on Hand now. Glnriloln bulbs 10 and 25c doten. Mon- Ibrctia bulbs 10c doien. Dahlia bulbs next month. 21S Burr street, corner iotnirtrii. in For Sale Chei Heed babr bmfi!v. large site. Col, CCS or H12 N. Seneca street. For Sale Four room house nnd lot 60x100, very cheap. Call at 424 Allc ghcuy sttect. 18 Wanted to Trade Indian motorcycle. valued at C0, for livcrrude engine or I smaii 1 ii tic n. lcii. 4W. For Side A neat 3 loom nlastercd housa; toilet, bath and Ik'liU. Hood lo cation, nice lot. Price f IfrOO. Hasy terms. Term belter than rent on n modern 4 room house with fruit and shrubbery. rrie. raw. Have Mine uood deals on euuities. v.aii 111 ami ici us icu you nooui mem. Scale & Blew. 402 N. Jersey treet: CO I, Zoo, I can rent your place. O. W. Cochrane. 101 Ualtiiuoro: Cob uiithia l it), l''or Sale K. I. Hod hatchintr CKh'N, bent laying strain on market. 1UI0 JiitHt roll: street. 17 Store. building, good location. encap rent. 101 Ualtiiuoro. A Suit Pressed 35c Why pay more? Why not briiiR those suits here now and let Joy put them into con- tlitlonf You wotihl Ik sur prised how much longer clothes wear when we keep tiicui tu snapc lor you. A Suit French Dry Cleaned $1.25 Store No. 4 217 N. Jersey Street 6 Stores Hxtra Hig Savitigs for Every who Shop Karlv will be Sure: -Meat (Market Specials Hoiling Deef, lb 10 and .15 Rib or T-Ronc Steak, lb 25 Pork Chops, lb 25 Pork Roasts, lb 20 Hamburger, lb 15 patronage. One Slick Candv parents. does not include auv of the MERRICK. Proo. ' ar" It. I. Red hatching eggs $1.50 for 15; also puro Tailored hatch ing eggs $1.25; others nt $1. Al so will have some 11. I. lied baby chicks. 808 S. Crawford. 18 Baby's Pi dure is Priceless YOU will never know the pleasure that will come from n scries of portraits of "baby." And how "baby" will appreciate those pictures in the years to come. Wc specialize In Ilia photography of children. Wc nwurc you the fln hed portrait wc make III reflect "baby's" de lightful personality. Now open all Day and hvenings. THE HOES STUDIO WoOdHieil Of tlie World St. Johns Cnmn 773 Oool.lWf mctllnic ticty Monday evtiihig I In Ilkkucr Hall, llutuiiKtoti and Jcricy atreet vl.linn.lw.t. wrl.iiiuc Old nicmtxr cornel out and are vrlml a live amp you Ixlonii to. II. I'HTKKH, C. C, W A TKUV I . -ICIK. DOIIIC LODGE NO. 132 A, I', and A. M. Meets the first and third Wcducsdayof each month in .MaiMjiuc nan, vui tors welcome. John M. llliilr. W. M. A. W. DavU, Secretary- Minerva Chapter No. 105, 0. E. S. y sc fourth TucMliiy of encli month in Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. msec ! Iltalr. W. M Utf l? X l'ot. Hcc. JI?tt. I'llnrvLkn .Irrrt DANCING Every Thursday Night St. Johns Skating Rink Jack Carlson's 5 piece Orchestra Committee Julius Gumbcrt, C. A. German, T, C. I'reibcrK. OlHccCol. t52C Kesi.lciicc-Col. 177 Dr. E. P. Bordon DENTIST Painless extraction of teeth under nitrons oxide km Peninsula IlnnIC HIiIk. Ht. Johns, I'ortluiul, Oregon PENINSULA HUE ABSTRACT i REALTY CO H. HENOCRSON, Mnnng'or 402 N. Jorsay Street Abtructs of Title l'lcjwired Title Hxnmineil Phone Cohimhla 265 Telephone Main 90S II. A. LONGSTAFF KepresentiiiK Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Go, Col. 265 C3 N. KelloKk' Street Pulley & Zurcher Pltimblnjr, HeatliiR & Tinning We KeHtir Altttniuuui Ware Thone Col, 12 ar? S. Jersey St. Dr. W. J. Gilstrap Physician & Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted X ray Laboratory Peninsula Security Co. Dldp;. St. Johns, R. G. Muck I'hunei Col. A. A. Muck I'honea Col. 11S Ht SMI .Main V.m 907 I'efeeiulen Street Sand, Gravel and Crushed Rock Meinher of the Ihilhlcr' Uxchanne I'hone Columbia 874 L. R. NICHOLS Chimney Brick. Cesspool Brick. also Contracts taken for Digging uess pools. 602 N, IWiion Street Phone Columbia 977 PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO.. Inc. Electrical Engineers and Contractors WIRINC. KIXTUKKS ANn SVITUKS General Repair Work 109 S. Jertey Street, Portland, Oregon St. Johns Fuel Co. 515 Columbia Boulevard Slab and Cordwood Office Wildrose Shingle Co. Phone Col. 918 DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Clears 311 South Jersey Street 4w Repairing Has Dropped I will half sole Shoes at these prices: Men's heavy half soles f 1.25 Men's light half sole 1.00 Ladies' heavy soles 1.00 Ladles' light shoes 75 Boy's heavy soles 1,00 Boys' light soles 76 Girls' soles 75 Patching 15c up I use the best of leather that mouey will buy. I have cotn'e to stay and believe in living and let you live. C. C. HOPKINS Boot and Shoe Maker 513 Columbia Blvd. Near Filling Station. St. Johns Transfer Co. When it's your move, call us. No lob too lame or too small to receive our careful attention. Dally Trips to Port land. CAREFUL FURNITURE HOVER 109 East Burlington it. Columbia 82 Columbia. 118 Woodlawn 3101 BROWN'S Dolivory and Transfer ...... .St, Johns, Oregon Alex. S. Scales Mrs. C. A. Blew Sc.ales & Blew REAL ESTATE. BROKERS Wc Buy and Sell Airctita for Slblnco l'ltirlrti Furnace. Ionc Col. 255 402 N. Jersey W. A. ALLEN llicyclo Kcpairing, Lawn Mower Sharpening, Saw Filing, Knife Grinding, etc., promptly done. Prices right; givo mo a trial. 118 Philadelphia Street. R. GRAHAM McOALL, M. D. Physician and Surgoon Hours 8 ::10-10 A. M.; 1-5 V. M. KvcuiiiKft by nppointmcnt. Peninsula Bonk Building Kmpiro !)!).'!. Hen. 108 Fowunden JAMES P. STAPLETON- Attorney nt Law 822-827 Ga.sco Huildinir .MarHhall 111 25 Portland. Ore. Itesideuco IMiono Woodlawn 2G01 WANTED " All Kinds of Oarpcntcr Work Will repair all your buildinira. roof roiiairiiiL'; Hhiuirlinir and ro- sliiiiK'lin a apeoialty. Call at 207 . .John street, or phono umpire IW) . Cliarlex Maiir. Carpemer. Selling H!j;h Haby ChicltH Siii;Io Comb RHODE ISLAND WHITES Frodorick Strain IF. Peck Phono Col. 879 711 S. CrawfordStroot BERENICE MYER McOALL Pianist and Fipo Organist Students Limited. Houra by appointment. 108 Feftsentlen atrcet The Fraternal Boosters .Meets every First and Third Wed nesday in the Odd Follows' Hall Join nnd Help Boost A BARGAIN 5 room mod ern with 100x100 for Gar den ; uootl torms. RICH & 1 ATH, 107 N. Jorsoy; Col. 887. THE FORCE UNSEEN Ready to toil at auy task you set tlte Uuseeu Force drawn down from the raiu clouds and the perpetual mountain snows, stands ever alert to the sudden deniauds of the Home, Office, Factory and Transportation. Indispensible Service as Per manent as Civilization Such are the useful and necessary facilities which this great Public Utility provides for the 330,000 people living in the tctritory in which the company operates. Millions of dollars of physical property needed to produce this service stand back of the investment we are offering you our 7 per cent Prior Preference Stock, You may buy for cash or on easy terms to net you 7,3 per ceut on your money. You may become a profit-sharing stockholder in this Company by paying $10 down and $10 a month, and your partial payments draw interest at 7 per cent till your contract is completed. Investigate this Fine Opportunity Today No stock having preference over this issue will be created without the consent of the holders of a majority of this class of stock. Portland Railway, Light and Power Company, Flnntrin Ruildinor Portland niwnn Buy Wood Now! Green Wood, Part Green and Dry Immediate Delivery St. Johns Lumber Co. Phono Empire 487 117 Philadelphia Street MACK'S Second hand If you can't find what you want elsewhere, conic to inc. If I haven't Rot it, I will get it. I carry b'URNITURIi, CAR PUTS, DISHKS, COOKING UTENSILS, STOVUS AND RANGES. Iti fact, anything you wish in the Household Line. Will Buy, Sell or Exchange Anything. ' GENERAL jjj Peninsula Hospital D. KAVANAGI1 jL 312 Trumbull St., The Hospital Special Nurses Obtainnblc For deep frying and sautcing, Mazola is unequalled. There is no waste. Use it over and over again. Car ries no flavors, even of fish and onions, from one food to an other. Used and recommended by Public bchool Domestic ScicnccTcitclicrs riviiii iiiu,i,.,,j Com IVoJutli OhiW Hook of 64 p. Wrii. Cum lnx!ui Itcfinlng Co. Pwtttttot A. Arte, UU MAZOLA Furniture Store cor. Willamette blvd. for St. Johns Phone Columbia M92 for Salads (jooiang 74