St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 17, 1922, Image 3

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    In a class by itself
This Cooking Range Meets
Your Every Demand
Expert Kodak Finishing
The Prescription Store
Better than you ever thought was possible
in nny range. The COLONIAL meets your de
It's procclaiu enameled surfaces may he kc t
as clean as a China Di li. Its highly polished
cooking top needs no blacking, it is mndc of the
hest mutcrials, including the famous AKMCO
Ingot Iron. It's cooking qualities arc a joy for
In Black,
White or
Grey, Por
celain En
Let us show you why the COLONIAL is the range for you.
Del Monte Canned Goods
Wheat is going up in all the World Markets avid Flour
has already followed. Flour will likely go higher. Fresh
Vegetables arc in Poor Variety now and hard to get. We
will have to depend upon Canned Goods for a long time this
year. It is the time of the yeor to use DRIIU) FRUITS,
of which wc have a Nice Variety. Dried Apricots and
'Prunes are the Best of All.
Syrups arc in General Use at this time of the year and
this year they arc Cheap. Canned Soups arc Reasonable
in Price, and a bowl of Soup isn't bad these cold days.
Potatoes arc better now and VKRY CIIIvAP. As usual,
we have a Hig Stock of Cnndy at our Kvcry Day Prices. It
is to Your Advantage to buy it by the. Pound. It
you to come into the store once a day and sec what wc have.
The Grabateria Grocery
Phone Columbia 102
Dr. V, P. Schultze, Res. Col. 1131
Office Col. 379
Drs. Schultze & Swart
1-6 Bonham & Currier Bldg.
ji Portland Manufacturing Co.
I Panels, Berry Boxes,
celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock,
and all kinds of Veneer
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Expert service, reasonable charges. Re
pair work and replacement of lenses promptly
taken care of.
Office, Bonham & Currier Building
Sinclair's Bacon
Dr. D. S. Swart, Res. Col 283
Office Col. 379
Coffee Drums, Ex
Foot of Burlington St. :
Something difffcrcnt at tlio
Comunity church Sunday night t
A blotter nbsorbs every tiling
and gives out nothing. Don't bo
n blotter.
W. P. Greene & Son nro erect
ing n fine residence on Richmond
street for E. 13. Twoinbley.
Mr. nnd Mrs. "V. C. Irvine ot
Willamette boulevard spent Sun
day with friends in Vancouver.
Three chnrncters in a story of
prayer will bo portrayed by the
pastor at the Community church
Sunday evening.
Christian Sciences Sunday
morning services at 11; Wednes
day evening at 8:00. 103 Smith
Frank A. ltice, Geo. "W. Imbo-
den Percy A. Douglass arc spend
ing a fev days at Shepard's Hot
We have had about enough of
Old Winter, and will be well sat
failed if it does not linger longer
in the lap ol spring.
W. A. Allen has opened up a
bicycle repair, lawn mower
sharpening, saw llling, knife
grinding, etc., establishment at
118 Philadelphia street.
The hardest thing about dis
proving the Darwin theory aris
es from the fact that it is so
plausible in so many cases.
Miss Xclda Mulkey returned
to the Willamette University at
Salem Sunday, after upending
the week end with her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Mulkey.
Mrs Netttio Hoppe of Sprinir-
Held, Oregon, came down last
week for a visit with her sinters,
Mrs. Iloldeman and Mrs. Thom
as, at olfi rriuccton street.
Misses Mabel Heed and Ruth
Gordon left on Thursday evening
for halem as delegates from the
Community Christian Endeavor
to the Mate C. H. Convention.
The Sitton Parent Teachers'
Association has postponed the
February meeting until Thurs
day afternoon, Feb. 2!l. All
patrons of school please take no
tice of change and meet with us
on that dato. Reported.
Every married person living
with husband or wife, in order to
claim tho income tax exemption
of $2r00 and $100 for each depen
dent, must make a return, altho
is iKtuitl net incoiuo for 1D1M
may have been only $2000.
Tho Woman's Missionary Sooi-1
ety oi the hvangclical church
will give a delightful program
Sunday evening, Feb. 19th. Rev.
Goodo of Portland will deliver
tho address. All are cordially
invited to attend.
In a short time tho daisies
will bo blooming along your
pathway; the songs of beautiful
birds will bo heard; you will bo
feasting on young onions, rad
ishes and lettucu frosb from the
garden. Then you wlil forget
tho mean things ytm said about
Mrs. Clara Young and her as-
sistant, Dertha Young, gavu the
primary class of tho Evangelical
church a Valentino party Satur
day afternoon. Twenty children
wero present to enjoy tho games
und refreshments. Tho class has
an avcrago attendance of 22,
Tho Sans Dieu Itiena class of
tho Evangelical church had a
preliminary meeting at the
homo of Miss Charlotte Heed on
Tuesday evening, when arrange-
mentH wero completed for a Val
entine social to bo held at tho
homo of Mws Vesta Dibble, !I22
W. Polk street, Saturday even
ing. .Miss need served delicious
punch and Valentine pastry.
In order to induce moro homes
to uso envelopes with name and
address printed on ,tho corner
a special prico of 100 envelopes
printed and furnished will be
made at this office on next Mon
day only. Tho regular price is
one dollar, but on orders receiv
ed on that day a price of 7nc
will prevail. Every homo should
Jiavc addressed envelopes. Place
your order on Monday and save
u per cent.
February 15th was Mrs. W. E.
Ashby's birthday and a number
of her friends surprised her at
her home, bringing well filled
baskets and a bountiful lunch
was served, after which music
and games were enjoyed until
late in tho afternoon. Those
present were : Mrs. F. W. Gard
ner and son William, Mrs. W. J,
Ward, Mrs. M. C. Soule, Mrs. C.
A. Fox, Mrs. A. J. Freum, Mrs.
C. C. Gaiion and daughter June,
Mrs. h. A. Garrison, Mrs. Alice
Waldon, Mrs. Ituth Green and
daughter Oleta, Mm. D. S.
Southmayd, Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Bachelor Buttons for married
men, 10c box ROGERS.
Character portrayals in a sto
ry of prayer, Sunday evening at
the Community church.
Don't forget the Hard Time
danco Monday night, Feb. 20th
Moose Hall; 3 piece orchestra.
Admission, gents iific, ladies 20c.
Given by Security Benefit Asso
ciation. Mrs. Thomas of Bellingham,
Wash., who has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. Holdemnn, left for
her homo on Monday of this
week, stopping otf at Seattle for
a short visit.
A number of our people atten
ded the concert presented by
tho men's glee club of Willam
ette University at the Centenary
Wilbur church Tuesday evening,
lack Vinson is a member of the
glee club .
Joseph Miller of Chicago was
fined $5 and costs for swatting
on the nose his painted and
short skirted flapper daughter.
The wrong place, Joe; the wrong
place! Eugeno Kcgistcr.
Tho first vessel to steam np
the new North Portland channel
is the Japanese steamship Tsur
usliima Marti, which is at the
Monarch mill loading 050,000
feet of railroad ties for tho
Orient. Tho vessel negotiated
the channel without difficulty
with the aid of a towboat.
February 21st is the dato of
the regular meeting of the Altru
istic Club, Pythian Sisters, when
they will meet with Sister Con
mint, 1015 S. Ivanhoe street,
liuch member is to bring out a
new member. Everyone is ex
pected to try to make this meet
ing one of the best for 11)22.
A line Pythian home will bo
built in Vancouver as a result
of the meeting of the committee
composed of five grand lodge of
ficers from both Oregon and
Washington. Tho site contains
moro than thirteen acres and ex
tends through to Washington
street where there is a street car
lino and it is but a few blocks
from both grammar grade and
high schools.
St. Johns United Evangelical
church, J. Iloldeman, pastor.
Increased attendance last Sun
day. Regular services next Sun
day morning; K. h', C. E, meet
ing in tho evening at 0:110. Tho
Woman's Homo and Foreign
Missionary society will hold
their annual thank offering meet
ing at 7 :!). Rev. Goodo will
give an address in connection
with tho program, which is be
ing prepared by tho members of
the society. A cordial invitation
is extended to the publiu to at
te.nd the services. Reported.
Wednesday evening Oregon
Grape Circle No. 511, Neighbors
of Wootleraft gave a card party
which was successfully conduct
ed by the following committee:
Josephine Bell and Effio Beam,
chairmen; Kate Kreuger, Mrs.
Corbet t, and Ethel Armstrong.
Mr. Ilamburgo won gentleman's
first prize, and Mrs. Ilamburgo
won lady's first prize. Mr,
Kroyer and Oscar MoKiuuoy cut
ting for consolation prizo, Mr.
Kroyer winning. Mrs. Manning
won lady's consolation prize.
Tho Woodcraft ladies expect to
givo auotlior card party soon.
Conrad P. Olson, president of
tho Stato Bank of Portland, an
nounced Thursday that the bank
would close and be placed under
tho charge, of O. B. Robertson.
state bank examiner, pending re
organization of its finances. Ho
further announced that all finan
ces are in good shape and that a
reopening of the bank was ox
iiected shortly. Deposits aro $2,.
700,000 nnd loans $1,000,000 with
reserves in good shape. Tho
Stato Bank of Portland was not
a member of The Federal Re-
servo System. Formerly it oper
ated under the name of tucKcan
diiiaviau American Bank, which
name was later changed to tho
present one. Recently the Peo
files Bank of Portland consoli
dated with them.
In honor of tho seventieth
birthday of Mrs. J. P. Foues
who has been president of tho La
dies' Aid Society of Pioneer M.
E. church for a number of years,
a luncheon was given on Wednes
day at 1 :!10 in tho community
hall of tho church. Members of
the Aid Society and also mem
bers of the Debonair club were
included in the guests. Mrs. Al
ice Learned was toastmistrcss
and presented Mrs. Fones with
two potted plants as well as a
huge' birthday cake. An im
promptu program included a
speech by Mrs. Sarah Kemp, solo
by Mrs. F. N. Sandifur and odo
to Mrs, Fones written and read
by Mrs. B. A. Olson,
For Sale Gcnnctts.
Fair Storo Belling out. odv
ROGERS has not started for
Mussel Shoals yet.
The Big Load Man, Col. 1133.
Got your battery recharged at
the St. Johns Garage. uuv
Gcnnctts Records for Febru
ary 75c.
Men's Suite, Shaving Soap and
Hair Combs ROGERS.
Twelve inch Inside Mill Wood and
Planer Trimmings. Col. 1133.
Store your enr this Winter on
n nnved atreet. Fire-proof gar
ago; unexcelled service, $5 per
month. 212 a. Jersey street.
Phono Col. G56. ltf
Men pant for KOOERS' trou
sera. Twelve inch Inside Mill Wood and
Planer Trimmings. Col. 1133.
$2500"Scvcu room house on paved
street; plumbing, lights nnd unite
incut; sewer, sidewalks nnd paving
nil paid. Terms. -KICK & TATE,
107 N. Jersey. Phone Col. 887.
Ladies' Overalls 85e.-.ROG-ERS.
Wanted Moro listings. G.
W. Cochrane, 10 1 Baltimore.
For Sale Three Room house,
pnutry, closet, woodshed. Call 620
K. Polk street. 13
Como to Kasmeyer'rt Variety
store for all the latest and most
popular songs.
Hear our new Gcnnctts.
. For Sale Cheap nnd sightly
building lots. Sec J. S. Downey nt
once, 933 N, Syracuse. 12c
Ladles' leather palm Gloves
5()o. ROOERS.
St. Johns acre nnd 3 room house
for $2000. Knsy terms, or )4 acre
nnd same house for $1500. RICK
&TATK, 107 N. Jersey street.
Col. 887.
Prayer in a bad mnu.'a lifo on
Sunday evening, in a story form
at tho Community church.
Half business block in Hart
land, N. D trade for roadster
or home in Portland; will take or
assume. 101 Baltimore.
If you want to sell your prop,
erty, list witlt us. If you want
to buy, come and see us. Couch
& Burson, Realtors, 205j N.
Jersey street.
TKADK for acreage six room
modern house, lot 07x150, fruit,
South St. Johns, $1000. RICE &
TATE, 107 N. Jersey, Col. 887.
Mrs. Vinson docs hemstitch
ing at 528 South Ivanhoe; phono
Columbia 1014. tf
Have exceptional lot of good
buys in St. Johns homes. Call nt
my new office, 211 1-2 S. Jersey
street. A. W. Davis.
50o Glove you ever had on your
A BARGAIN 5 room mod
ern house with 100x100 for gar
den; good terms. RICE &
TATE, 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887.
Wanted Woman to do family
washing. Call at 528 E. Mo
hawk street Saturday afternoon
or Sunday.
Farm, stock, implements,
Write for particulars. Will
take bouse in St. Johns. Ad
dross B, this office.
Como to Kasmeyer's Variety
storo for all the latest nnd most
populur songs.
Will tho porson taking red
silk umbrella from St. Johns lav
atory last Monday night please
return to police station T
The Big Load Man, Col. 1133.
For Sale Confectionery and
light grocery, fixtures Included, in
St. Johns. Call Col. 1475, or 403
North Jersey street.
Fair Store selling out. adr
room house, fitted for housekeep
ing rooms, income sixty-two dol
lars monthly; prico $2800, good
terms. RICE & TATE, 107 N.
Jersey, Col. 887.
To Exchange 7 acres near Tu
alatin, nearly all cleared, half
strawberries, 1700 raspberry, lo
gau and blackberry bushes, fam
ily orchard, house, chicken
coops and jiaru; to exchange for
hotiKo and lot in St, Johns. See
Couch & Burson, Realtors, 2051j
North Jersey street.
Good Foods Properly Prepared
Means Good health
an s
Masonic Building
Under Govarnment Supervision
A Member of the Federal Reserve System, under
the direct management of ,a Board of Directors nnd Officers
elected for their Thorough nnd Sound Uttshicss Judgment in
Financial Affairs. Such Is the Foundation upon which this
Rank is Organized.
Selected ns a Custodian for Government, State, County,
City, School and Private Funds, bespeaks the Confidence In
vested In this Institution by its Thousands of Patrons.
Peninsula National Bank
Aluminum Ware
Sale Starts
Friday Morning
Wo have selected five pieces of Aluminum Ware
to go on sale Friday morning. Remember wo have
only a limited number of each at a price cheaper
than enamel waro. .
14 qt. Pure Aluminum Dish Pan, special $1.98
3 pt. Octagon Aluminum Percolator $1.39
4 quart Heavy Aluminum Sauco Pan
10 In. Round Aluminum Roaster
3 quart Coverotl Aluminum Kettlo
Our regular stock. Every piece guaranteed.
White Front Grocery
Col. 766 FRENCH BLOCK 523 Columbia blvd.
Genuine Bargains in Groceries arc offered for FRIDAY AND
SATURDAY of this week. We aim to Rive the Public a chance to
save and NOW IS THIt TIMR. Our Stock is Selected and Clean,
aud all who wish to take advantage of this sate will Greatly Profit by
doing so. Quality, Prices, Courtesy and Service Shown.
Pure Cane Kerry Sugar, 19 lbs f 1.00 1
(With 11.00 worth ot Groceries)
Carnation or Borden's Milk, 6 cans
(With a 60c purchase of groceries)
Van Camp'a Pork and lleana No.,3
Libby's Pork ami Beam No. 2...,
Assorted Jellies, 6 01. el..,,,,.
I'hei Blackberry Jam, 9 ot jar....
Campbell's Soups
I'ouutaln Uysters, can..,,.,., ...
White Navr II, am, 4 lbs
ICellogg's Cornflakes or Post Tout.
its, pkr, limited
Bhredde J Wheat, pkg
Cream 01 Wncal, pic ... .
Golden West Coffee, lb. can
U. J. U. Cotlee. 10, call... .
Dependable Colfee 39
Royal Club Coffee, lb. can 40
(One Large .Stick Candy Prce)
Peabury's Hulk Coffee, Keg, 35c lb. .29
(8 lbs. 85c)
We have just completed our PASTRY WINDOW, which will enable us to
carry a Large Assortment of Pastry l'resh Daily. Cull and Investigate,
l'resh Vegetables Daily. M. MERRICK, Prop.
The Bargains on Sugar ami Milk will be CASH PURCHASES and wilt not
include any of the other Bargains, but can be obtained Separately,
Good Grade Coffee, Reg. 2c lb. . , ,
(5 lbs. fl.00)
White I'ront llleud, lb. 36c, 3 lbs,.
Royal White Soap, 25 bars
I.ava Soap, 3 bars ,
Crystal White Soap, 5 bars
I, ux. 2 pkgs. .,
l'airy Soap, 2 bars ,
Meat Market Specials
Pork Roasts, lb 20 and .25
Beef Pot Roasts, lb 15 and .18
Hoillng Ileef, lb 12, 14 and .15
Tea Bone Steak, lb 25
Round Steak, lb 20
Hamburger, lb , 15
Dacou Hacks, lb 29
Strip llacou, lb ,25
llreakfast Bacon, lb ,40
Strictly l'resh Hggs, dor 31
Strulucd Honey, 24 oz. jar 30